The production divisions of Russian Steel are switching to a motivation system based on lean indicators. Lean manufacturing and waste. Defects Ftt indicator calculation accepted from the first presentation

We would like to thank Severstal's Internal Communications and Corporate Media Department for providing this material.

From January 1, 2015, coke and blast-furnace, steel-smelting and pipe and flat products production (except for the shop for roll-formed sections and Sheksna TPZ - they are waiting for changes from March), the production of pipe products will start working on new system motivation.

This means that the main production streams will be focused primarily on customer needs and order fulfillment, and not on volumes.

Variety distributors have been working on the system of lean indicators for a year, showing good results

Customer Market

Competition in the steel market is constantly escalating, moving into the area of ​​product supply, - explains Egor Rybin, senior manager of the Business System Development Center. - A manufacturer that produces high-quality metal and delivers it just in time has every chance of winning the fight for a client.

Now part of the divisions of Russian Steel is still working according to a system based on the principles of "pushing out". Each shop has a production plan, and often the client is not satisfied, because the focus is more on volume, and not on order fulfillment.

Wages of employees will directly depend on the implementation of lean indicators. The better they are, the higher the salary. At the same time, colleagues in the redistribution will fulfill the agreed goals, which will make the work truly team work.

The new goal-setting system implies a clear focus on fulfilling orders for the client. During the work of the team, indicators such as OTIF (timely shipment), Lead-time (average time from accepting an order to transferring it to the client) and FTT (fit from the first time) will be evaluated.

Several departments have already worked out a year on the system of lean indicators. The pioneer in this project was the production of long products, which showed good results in 2014. For example, the FTT rate ranged from 93 to 95 percent.

Efficient chain

At the same time, it is very important to establish production without losses - to build a chain so that no time and resources are wasted on any of the links. Only in this case, the cost of production at each stage will be minimal, which means that the benefit from its sale will increase. In this case, the FTT indicator will help control deviations.

It is important to implement end-to-end flow control so that the chain links work as a whole, - explains Egor Nikolayevich. - It will meet the requirements of customers.

For example, if the company promises the customer a specific date for the delivery of products, then this will become a competitive advantage in the domestic market. Reduced order lead time will make it possible to work out additional requests, which means expanding the geography of sales.

Anastasia Chikisheva

In lean manufacturing, there is a term that is called. These are losses.

The founder of lean manufacturing, Taiichi Ohno, once said, “All we do is look at the time period from the moment the customer gives us their order to the point at which we receive the money. And we are reducing that time period by removing non-value-adding waste.”

In general, we can say that this is the clearest definition of what happens when applying the whole set of methods and technologies of lean manufacturing. The only purpose of their application is to reduce the period of time from receipt of an order to receipt of money.

In different areas of activity, such a period of time can begin and end at different times, for example, in contract manufacturing, sometimes a client immediately gives money and then waits long and unhappily for his order to be ready, and then you need to analyze the “reverse” time period - from receiving money before the finished product is handed over to the client, in other cases this period includes the replenishment of reduced inventory, which the client took and immediately paid for, and so on.

But whatever the chain of actions that leads to the fact that the client gets what he needs, there is always a loss in it.

"Normal" loss rate for modern production is such that, compared with it, the efficiency of an internal combustion engine looks like an ideal result.

For traditional productions, the proportion of time during which the product is processed is a fraction of a percent of the total lead time. It can be 0.5% or 0.003%. Sometimes, during initial assessments, values ​​\u200b\u200bare obtained in the range of 15-40%%, but during the analysis it almost always turns out that this is another case of self-deception.

What happens the rest of the time?

Taiichi Ohno has compiled a list of 7 types of losses, which will be discussed next. There are other types of waste, but you definitely won't see them in the way Ohno described - in the process "from order to receipt of money."

So what are these losses?

  1. Defects
  2. Stocks
  3. people movement
  4. Moving materials
  5. expectations
  6. Overprocessing
  7. Overproduction

Each type of loss is interconnected with the others—inventory often leads to expectations, the movement of materials is accompanied by the movement of people, and so on. Different industries are characterized by their own "layouts" - which losses are more and which are less.

The most interesting thing is that some losses outside the logic of lean manufacturing are considered as “useful”, and even sometimes presented to the consumer as a competitive advantage. Let's try to figure out if this is really the case.


For a long time I have used this definition:

"Production of low-quality products, the presence of marriage, incorrect information, reworking products at the production stage, inspection of defects.»

It is important to understand that when it comes to marriage or defects, we are usually talking about two types of defects - correctable and irreparable. The second type of defect, once discovered, results in you simply throwing away the defective part, component, material, or product. Or dispose of, or send to the recycling of raw materials. The first type of shortcomings leads to the fact that a whole cycle of “refinement” is launched - additional work that allows you to eliminate or reduce the shortcomings to an “acceptable minimum”.

In terms of marriage rework, there is something in common between "Defects" and "Overprocessing", but for now I will omit this topic - it is important not what type this or that loss belongs to, but that we can identify it as a loss.

In this sense, there are a large number of actions that are related to defects, but are often not perceived by the participants in the process as losses, i.e. as activities that do not create value.

I'll start with a simple one - processing low-quality raw materials.

Typically, these processes require either additional effort from workers (straighten the bent, sort out the good, and so on), or additional energy resources (cleaning from impurities, additional refinement to a qualitative state), or reducing the processing speed (reducing the speed lathe due to poor surface finish).

In production, people may not perceive these actions as losses, because they allow them to "squeeze the maximum" from the available raw materials, even if they are bad and "good for nothing." But if you look at the value stream from a point where you can see not only production working with the raw materials that he got, but also the procurement block, then you can see that low-quality raw materials appeared not just like that, but because someone did not did a quality job. It could be a purchasing manager who did not find quality raw materials, or a manager who decided to buy obviously low-quality raw materials, “we will recycle anyway”, or a supplier evaluator who did not appreciate the dangers of buying raw materials from an untested (or poorly tested) supplier.

In general, in any case, there was a failure in the process, which eventually led to the processing of low-quality raw materials, which (recycling) at a lower level may seem not at all a loss, but very useful work.

The second, more confused from the point of view of the "ordinary point of view", the case is quality control.

All quality control efforts are waste.

We are told that the client does not want to receive defective products, so we must carefully check everything.

Not true. The client doesn't "don't want to receive defective products", he doesn't want us to make them at all.

But the situation is hopeless. If a company, through its processes, is not able to achieve the required level of quality for the client, it is forced to create quality control processes to ensure that the client does not receive the product, the quality of which does not suit him.

“But it would be better if you did everything right the first time and you didn’t have to check the quality.”

The problem is that this point of view "casts a shadow" on all employees involved in quality control - from controllers to the director of quality. All of them, from the point of view of lean production, do work that is useless for the client.

No, don't get me wrong: quality control is a very important job for a manufacturing company. But it is also a loss from the point of view of the client.

Each controller is important for the manufacturer and useless from the point of view of the client.

But the manufacturer, who considers his controllers to be very important participants in the process, often shifts his point of view to the client, and gets used to thinking that the controllers are also very necessary for the client.

In this case, an advertisement appears in which they show a food product and as an “additional feature” they say: “We have quality control carried out as many as five times!” As if it is so cool that you need to talk about it as competitive advantage- they say, no competitor has such a thing!

I think the first of the competitors who guesses to launch an advertisement like “we don’t have a single quality controller and we will pay a million rubles for any defect you find” will choke on a surge in demand for their products.

There are many other subtleties in classifying individual processes as defects, but these two - processing of low-quality raw materials and quality control - in my experience are most often misrepresented as "value-creating activities."

How to measure the number of defects

For the “final marriage”, the indicator is known - divide the number of good products by the total number of products made (both good and bad) - and you get an indicator called the “share of quality products”.

If we divide the number of defective products by the total number of products made, we get the “rejection rate”.

But if the control system at the enterprise is very “pumped”, and most of the defects can be improved, then the “defective rate” will be negligible even if half of the enterprise is engaged in the processing of defects. Therefore, the "defective rate" does not always reflect the actual state of affairs with defects.

A more objective indicator is that in the English-language literature they call FTT - first time tрrough, and in Russian they call it a little clumsily “pass from the first time”, or “pass from the first presentation” (which is also not very cool, because it implies "presentation" ... To whom? To the OTC controller of course!). This indicator is calculated as the ratio of products, the first time recognized as quality, to the total number of manufactured products. That is, for example, a product that has received a correctable defect is considered unusable when calculating FTT, although later it may be finalized and sent to the client in a suitable form.

What does FTT show? What share of products is actually manufactured in accordance with the technology with high quality, without deviations, and, accordingly, to which traditional cost calculation methods can somehow be applied. If the reject rate is 0.5%, and the FTT does not exceed 65%, this means that every third product has been modified in one way or another, i.e. during its production, additional (other than planned) resources were applied - materials, time of a person or equipment, human efforts or additional energy resources. That is, everything is bad. Although in appearance - everything is quite decent, only half a percent of the marriage.

The difference between the “share of quality products” and FTT just shows the extent of “hidden problems”, which means that if you aim to improve the quality of the process (and its result, as a result), then you need to move from calculating the percentage of defects to calculating FTT. It is necessary to identify the causes of correctable deviations and eliminate them. The involvement of additional controllers, of course, will keep the defect rate at a low level, but at the same time, the enterprise will still spend a lot of extra resources on reworking products.

Defect Elimination Consequence

Deming was one of the first to discover that high-quality products can cost less than low-quality products. And the reason for this phenomenon is that the cost of rework and the cost of the control system are included in the price of low-quality products. If you don't scrap, you don't need to keep extra inspectors (or any inspectors at all), and you don't have to spend additional resources reworking defective products. This means that the cost of products that are produced with high quality the first time and without any exceptions will be obviously lower than the cost of products in the production of which the presence of "internal defects" is allowed.

Here is such an interesting consequence that follows from the struggle for one hundred percent product quality.

Many people think that it is impossible to achieve 100% quality. It's right. But it is quite possible to achieve such a level of quality that will be accepted by the client as suitable in 100% of cases. Examples of this can be found.

In conclusion

I would like to hear other examples of "defects" losses, which for various reasons are considered "useful", if you have any - leave a comment on the note.

Other types of losses will be devoted to their notes.

Rice. 3. Paretto chart for primary returns of the coil.

As a result of a joint brainstorming session, an Ishikawa diagram was built on the problem of “Returning parts for revision after “Debugging” operations (Fig. 3), and an analysis was made of the state of the finishing process, the reasons for returns for revision by roughness, and the control scheme.

FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

Rice. 4 Ishikawa diagram on the problem "Return of parts for revision after the operation" Finishing ""

The Ishikawa diagram (Fig. 4) clearly shows that the most problems were identified in the “Personnel” section, namely

- the position on the remuneration of locksmiths is drawn up in such a way that the contractor has no motivation to hand over the details from the first presentation. Each employee strives to complete the details "just in time" and, as observations have shown, is in a hurry and transfers part of the responsibility for monitoring the details to the QCD employees. As a result of the analysis of the rear documentation, it was recorded that there were 2 returns from the optical fiber winding section due to a mismatch in roughness and 2 research protocols, where a manufacturing defect was recognized as the cause of fiber breakage due to a mismatch of the roughness of the coil with the requirements of the design documentation. Including because of these circumstances, the QCD employees, feeling increased responsibility, when


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

control, tried to play it safe. And at the slightest doubt that the surface roughness did not meet the requirements of the design documentation, the coil was returned for revision. Due to the lack of control samples and the impossibility of measuring hard-to-reach surfaces using a profilograph, returns occurred at the level of subjective sensations “like - dislike”, and not on the basis of “corresponds to the design documentation - does not correspond to the design documentation”, which gave rise to heated disputes between performers and controllers.

4. Planning and implementation

After analyzing the causes of problems, the following directions were outlined to eliminate these inconsistencies:

1. Minimization of the subjective assessment of roughness by the QCD staff.

2. Development of alternative technological methods formation of the necessary roughness.

3. Development and testing of new methods of motivating performers aimed at improving the quality of products.

All activities were planned and planned

works in the Gantt chart (Fig. 5).

Fig.5 Action plan in the Gantt chart

4.1 To minimize the subjective approach to control operations, according to the work schedule, a


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

together with representatives of the consumer shop, designers, technologists and representatives of the quality control department. The result of this event was the certificate of certification of the control sample and the adjustment of the design and technological documentation, since during the project excessive requirements for the roughness of individual coil surfaces in the design documentation were revealed.

4.2 The next direction in optimizing the “finishing” operation was the search for alternative technological methods for the formation of surface roughness. Due to the inaccessibility for machine polishing, the current technological process uses manual polishing, which takes more than 25% of the total coil manufacturing time. To optimize this direction of solving the problem, technologists proposed to carry out vibration tumbling of several test samples instead of manual polishing. The result of these activities was one coil, the finishing of which was obtained by vibrating dry tumbling. Checking the coil for compliance with the design documentation gave a positive assessment, and it was decided to include this equipment in the procurement plan for the next year and study the implementation of this cooperation operation, before purchasing this equipment according to the procurement plan. From the point of view of increasing productivity, this method of surface formation, in comparison with the current technological process, is more than 5 times more profitable and, if this operation is introduced into the technological process, will reduce the production time of one coil by about 20%.

4.3 To motivate employees, aimed at the delivery of products from the first presentation, it was decided to link the variable part wages from


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

quality indicators, in our case, with an individual key indicator "acceptance at first presentation", or "FTT". Motivation of employees on the basis key indicators, in contrast to the base salary, is focused on achieving the long-term and short-term goals of the company, "motivating to fulfill official duties» the employee himself. And the salary is a fixed monthly salary. The system for forming the variable part of the cash

remuneration based on key performance indicators stimulates the employee to achieve high individual results, as well as to increase his contribution to collective results and achievements, to the achievement of the company's strategic goals. At the same time, KPI indicators in the system for forming the variable part of wages based on KPI should be quite simple and understandable to employees, and the size of the variable part of the compensation package should be economically justified. According to Porter-Lawler's complex process theory of motivation, "the level of effort exerted is determined by the value of the reward and the degree of confidence that a given level of effort will in fact entail a certain level of reward."

Based on the above requirements for simplicity and efficiency of calculation, an indicator was determined - acceptance from the first presentation. The purpose of this metric is to monitor whether the contractor is producing products right the first time. Some tend to think of this metric as a measure of quality, as it tracks scrap, scrap, rework, and repairs. But B. Maskell proposes to consider it as an indicator of the efficiency of the standardized work of the cell: “FTT shows the percentage of products made in the cell without the need for refinement, repair or rejection. If the requirements of standardized work are observed,


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

the product will be made correctly the first time, and the FTT will be 100%” . By reducing FTT, we not only improve product quality, but also reduce losses within the process.

FTT is calculated using the following formula:

The data needed to calculate FTT is collected based on the marks in the worker's quality passport. According to the regulation “on quality passports”, each employee, presenting a product for a control operation along with accompanying documentation, is obliged to provide a quality passport. If the QCD employee has identified defects, then a corresponding entry is made, and the part is returned, if the part complies with the technical documentation, the entry “Surrendered at first presentation” is made. On a monthly basis, the site manager collects these data and, based on them, calculates an additional monetary reward, which is determined by the following formula:

At the pilot site for the implementation of this initiative, it was decided that this additional premium will be paid on top of all other parts of the salary, in fact this was a salary increase, but with a small limitation - the bonus is not paid if the FTT is less than 70%.

5. Results of implementation

Thus, due to the implemented measures in mechanical production, it was possible to “open up” the bottleneck (control section): the number of parts awaiting control decreased by 90%, and a further downward trend was outlined, the FTT parameter for the coil by


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

locksmith shop became equal to 95%. Optimal spending of the fund of working time of QCD employees gave an increase in labor productivity equal to 31% (see Fig. 6). First of all, this became possible due to the manufacture of a control coil, which minimized subjectivity during control operations. It was also decided to manufacture control samples for other parts, where there was a question about the impossibility of using objective control methods to assess roughness.

Fig. 6 Photo of the working time of the QCD employee "After"

But the most important thing in this project is that one of the main metrics of Lean Accounting, the “Standardized Performance Evaluation”, or FTT, has been tested and implemented. The formula for calculating this indicator has been adapted to the specifics


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

technological process associated with long cycles of manufacturing parts. The part is presented for the control operation, and is taken into account in the FTT indicator by operation, and not just at the end production cycle.

Fig. 7 FTT chart by months after the implementation of the additional bonus provision.

Most companies start lean by setting up lean pilot cells. This, according to the American lean accounting practitioner B. Bagalli, is the first step towards lean production. At this early stage of thrift, it is required, first of all, to make a number of changes in the systems of accounting, control and measurement. These include new performance metrics for Lean Cells.


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

In the process of the implemented project, it is too early to talk about cardinal changes in indicators in such a short time, but as the statistics in Fig. 7 show, there has been a significant trend towards improving quality and reducing such losses as the cost of marriage or the cost of correcting the marriage. For experienced workers, this indicator has become a source of pride, and for less qualified workers, it has become a direction for improvement in the labor field.


1. Elia M. Goldrat, Jeff Cox Purpose. The process of continuous improvement. Publisher: "Popuri" 2009 500s.

2. Klochkov A.I. KPI and staff motivation. Complete collection practical tools. [Electronic resource] content/uploads/2012/11/KPI-%D0%B8-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%D 1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F- %D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80 %D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BD%D 0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0.pdf(accessed 30.10.2015)

3. Theories of motivation [Electronic resource

(accessed 30.10.2015)

4. Maskell B., Baggali B. The practice of economical accounting: managerial, financial accounting and reporting system at economical enterprises. / Per. from English. − M.: Institute of complex strategic research, 2013. - 384 p.

5. Paretto V., Coursd'Economie Politique. Droz, Geneva, 1896

6. FOURTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works. Proceedings of the IV international scientific conference on the organization of production. Moscow, December 5-6, 2014 - M .: NP "Association of Controllers"; high school engineering business, 2014. - 460s


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works


K.S. Artemiev


OOO Bravo Motors, Astrakhan [email protected]

IN The article describes the existing methods of numerical and hardware control of the efficiency of equipment and employees in the enterprise and proposes a new method based on hardware-software control and analysis of equipment operating cycles, which does not require a stop or modification of equipment for its implementation.

Key words: lean manufacturing, hardware and software systems, production control, employee control.


CEO of Bravo Motors, LLC

[email protected]

The existing ways of numerical and hardware control of equipment and employees overall performance at the enterprise are described


Quality Loop 1 Quality and Technical Regulation Conference Quality Loops Self-control of the worker in positions up to the Quality Gate Scope of control: 100% -Make a quality truck (build in quality) -Make a quality vehicle the first time control: 100% Quality Loop2 Control in the Quality Gate area Auditing The scope of control depends on the dynamics of the quality level of the product Quality Loop3 Quality Loop4 Goal: 0 detected defects after Loop 1 Audit with t. consumer - APA Inspection quality control of the product (APA) - Check the quality of the unit / node before sending to the next. position - Regularly check problems/defects on the Problem Tracking Board (for foremen, foremen) - Perform work in accordance with the QMS - Track all problems - Interact with production when a problem/defect is detected - Follow the "Procedure for the interaction of the controller and production personnel (chain of assistance) » Scope of control every shift October 1st / 2011

Conference "Quality and Technical Regulation" Quality Loop 1 SELF CONTROL Quality Loop 2 QUALITY GATES Operator High-quality performance of the assembly operation Quality confirmation: a stamp in the KKS about the operation performed Reliability of the declared quality. Don't do, send, receive! 1.Checking the quality of the operation performed 2.Fixing defects on the quality board Fault detector Eliminating the defect on the VC Master Comments on the causes of defects and measures to solve them Inspector 1.Detect defects 2. Turn on the signal beacon, inform the defector 3. Record the defect on the quality board 4. Stop the conveyor (if necessary) 5. Start the conveyor after the defect has been eliminated or after the decision has been made to Eliminate the defect: -At the QUALITY GATE -At the conveyor -At the next positions ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF THE DEFECT October / 2011

Every-shift quality control of cars on behalf of the "Consumer" - APA indicator APA quality indicator (audit post assemly) - an indicator that evaluates the ratio of the number of identified non-conformities (defects) of products during inspection, taking into account criticality, to the number of tested products. The source of information on the APA indicator is the results of daily inspection checks of the DC. Independent inspection quality control finished products Once a WEEK Mon. Mon. VT. SR. Thu. Fri. Independent inspection control of the quality of finished products 1 time per shift No detection of defects Recurrence of problems A large number of defects Defective cars go to the consumer Sustainable and stable quality control processes Reduction in the number of improvements Localization of problems within the plant Reduction in the number of complaints and related costs Conference "Quality and technical regulation » October/ 2011

APA post layout layout Meeting venue Vehicle inspection area Workplace October / 2011 Conference "Quality and technical regulation"

Carrying out an audit of finished products (ARA) Carrying out quality control of the assembly and configuration of the selected vehicle Selection and transfer to the ARA site of the vehicle for inspection control Placement of a list of identified problems (defects) with photographs on the AVZ FTP server ftp: // / Departments / QCD ASP / AUDIT OF THE CAR October / 2011 Conference "Quality and technical regulation"

Carrying out an audit of finished products (ARA) AUDIT OF THE VEHICLE Date Date of departure from the GSK Defects detected ARA current ARA Distribution by departments Number of defects / ARA AVZPRZKD Defects AR A current ARAARA Defects found 98.9 15 6.46, Apr 4 15.895.8 73.9 1.77 8.88.8 0.50.5 2.52.5 6.36.3 Graphic image indicator "ARA" at the stand of finished products "ARA" Moving the car to the site of the reservation (for review, analysis of defects ARA - AVZ ARA - PRZ ARA - STC and technical regulation” October/ 2011

Conducting a finished product audit (ARA) Completing and sending out a “problem tracking sheet” (defect) for a detailed description of the defect AUDIT OF THE VEHICLE Actions Detailed description of the problem (defect) Place of inspectionDescription of the problem Sketch / photo 1. AVZ Oil leak from under the oil pan mounting bolts Date of inspectionSpecialist DK Ivanov Time of inspection Conference "Quality and technical regulation" October / 2011

Carrying out an audit of the finished product (ARA) Development and adoption of prompt measures to localize and contain the problem (defect) AUDIT OF THE VEHICLE Actions Operational measures to localize and contain Measures to eliminate the causes of the problem (defect) Measures Deadline Measures Deadline Fill in! Time Responsible Responsible Sidorov CRITICAL, DEVIATIONS from TS - within 3 hours SIGNIFICANT, MINOR - within 24 hours "Issue Tracking Sheet" October/ 2011 Conference "Quality and Technical Regulation"

Conducting a finished product audit (ARA) AUDIT OF THE VEHICLE Tracking the effectiveness of the developed operational and corrective measures Consideration of the operational and corrective measures taken on identified problems (defects) Monitoring the effectiveness of operational measures on identified problems (defects) Monitoring the effectiveness of corrective measures on identified problems (defects) Conference « Quality and technical regulation” October/ 2011

Stand ANDON Conference "Quality and technical regulation" October / 2011

Carrying out an audit of finished products (ARA) AUDIT OF THE CAR Distribution of responsibility based on the results of work with problems (defects) identified during the inspection control "ARA" Consideration of the effectiveness of operational and corrective measures for identified problems (defects) Daily monitoring of quality indicators Based on data According to the results of inspection control, TOR5 was determined taking into account the criticality of defects. Conference "Quality and technical regulation" October/ 2011

2. Quality indicator FTT (first time through) - an indicator that evaluates the level of production of products from the first time (i.e. products that did not require additional refinement outside the technological process). The source of information for this indicator is SAP AvZ. The indicator is calculated daily according to the data for the day and from the beginning of the year: Conference "Quality and technical regulation" October / 2011

September/ 2011 Quality indicator DPV (defects per vehicle) - an indicator that evaluates the ratio of the number of non-conformities (defects) of cars identified during the production to the number of cars assembled for reporting period. Conference "Quality and technical regulation"

Inspection control of the quality of finished products AVZ Engine plant Press and frame plant Conference "Quality and technical regulation" October / 2011

Areas for the Inspection Control of Cabin Frames and Frames (IRZ) Conference “Quality and Technical Regulation” Cabin Frame Inspection Area Auditor’s Workplace Frame Inspection Area October/ 2011

Inspection control area of ​​the engine, gearbox Engine inspection area Gearbox inspection area Auditor's workplace Conference "Quality and technical regulation" October/ 2011

Inspection control areas for cabins, bridges Workplace for auditors Conference "Quality and technical regulation" October/ 2011 Cabin inspection area Bridge inspection area

2.8. How to evaluate how frugal you are?

Diomidov Ilya Georgievich, Head of Quality Systems Department, RusPromAvto LLC

The conditions of post-war devastation in Japan presented the leaders of enterprises with the task of rebuilding social, political and economic life. A similar task is now facing the heads of Russian enterprises. Russia is increasingly lagging behind the rest of the world in terms of production efficiency and labor productivity, lagging behind in the ability to manage costs and quality. Russian industrial goods and Russian machine-building enterprises every year become less and less competitive in the foreign and domestic markets. You can look for (and find) the reasons for this in the impact on domestic business of unfavorable external conditions and factors, for example:

  • features of the national character;
  • low purchasing power of the population;
  • unfavorable situation in the world market;
  • etc.

The influence of such factors is significant, but most companies and their leaders are not able to change these conditions and influence these factors - just as we are not able to influence the weather and global climate change.

Let's try to look "inside" the business and try to find ways to increase its competitiveness based on world experience. The traditional approach is based on the belief that competitiveness is worth big money. Typically, business leaders believe that in order to improve quality and increase production efficiency, it is necessary, first of all, to spend a lot of money on the purchase of the latest equipment, technologies and computer systems and all these costs, one way or another, will lead to an increase in the cost of production. But today's customer wants better quality at a lower price. More than 30 years ago, Japanese managers discovered that the best quality and lower cost are compatible. If you improve quality of work at every stage of the product life cycle, from product concept development, through design, pre-production, production, sales, marketing and after-sales service, cost can be significantly reduced while improving quality. Improving performance means making better use of resources and achieving better efficiency.

Invaluable assistance to the head of the enterprise on the way to improve production efficiency can be provided by the philosophy of Lean manufacturing (“Leanmanufacturing”). Lean manufacturing is a manufacturing philosophy that shortens the time between a customer placing an order and shipping a finished product, and eliminates waste along the value chain. The most complete philosophy and principles of Lean production in the Russian-language literature are set forth in the works and. A. Baranov in the article gives the most typical results of applying the principles of Lean production in practice:

  • 35% performance increase
  • Increase equipment efficiency by 25%
  • Free up production area by 35%
  • Release manual labor by 25%
  • Reducing work in progress by 50%
  • Reduction of waste by 45%
  • Reducing the production cycle by 50%
  • 45% reduction in transport costs
  • 70% reduction in changeover times
  • Reduction of non-manufacturing costs by 35%

The basic principles of Lean manufacturing that form the business development strategy are:

  • Elimination of Waste
  • Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
  • Orientation to the consumer (Customerfocus)

Losses (Waste, Muda) in Lean production are usually understood as:

  • overproduction of products,
  • Inventories (stocks of raw materials, stocks of finished products, work in progress),
  • Production of defective products, the cost of eliminating defects and correcting errors,
  • Extra (unnecessary) work, (work that does not add value to the product),
  • Unnecessary movement of materials, personnel and vehicles,
  • Inefficiencies in production operations (for example, unnecessary movements of workers during operations)
  • Downtime and waiting, delivery delays, or early delivery.

Losses are a consequence of a certain organization of work at the enterprise and the “tuning” of the processes implemented at the enterprise. Whatever the reasons for the losses (irregularity of deliveries, change in the type of product, equipment failure, etc.), they are always the result of imperfection and instability (variability) of processes. Significant process variability increases the likelihood of producing defective products. To eliminate (or reduce, if it is impossible to eliminate) waste, it is necessary to improve processes. Thus, when mastering the methods of lean manufacturing, all the tools are in demand. modern methods quality management, based, as is well known, on process approach(TQM ideology, ISO 9000:2000) and the desire to reduce the variability of processes (the "6 Sigma" concept).

If the management of the enterprise has decided to follow the path of transformation of the enterprise based on the principles of Lean production, then it is interested in ensuring the effectiveness of the transformation process at its enterprise. The indicators used by management at all stages of the transformation to assess the current state of the enterprise, when setting goals and making decisions can help in solving this problem. management decisions. Indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of transformations must be developed and put into practice before the start of full-scale work to transform the organization. These metrics will help ensure that top management gets the attention and visible support for change and change needed to consolidate success in managing the transformation process across the entire business organization through key indicators and policies. Anand Sharma (Anand Sharma) recommends developing seven to ten easy-to-understand performance measures in the book operating activities enterprises and implement them systematically, starting with sites (divisions) that are pioneers in the transformation of the organization. The new indicators complement and replace the old ones that were used before the start of the transformation process to assess the performance of departments and individual managers. The new indicators used as criteria for evaluating performance should be simple and understandable to both lower and middle managers and financial managers of the enterprise.

The indicators used by Western enterprises can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • Integral (complex indicators) that allow you to assess the general condition production system enterprises and the impact of the ongoing transformations on the operation of the enterprise or company "as a whole";
  • Specialized indicators to assess the impact of specific improvement actions on specific production processes.

Integral (complex) indicators:

Integral indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of transformations include such generally accepted indicators of production efficiency as inventory turnover, the volume of work in progress in monetary terms, output per employee or labor productivity. Since these indicators are well known, let's dwell in more detail on the lesser known indicators:

Ability to produce products right the first timeFTTFirst-Time-Throughcapability).

Shows what proportion of all manufactured products was produced immediately in accordance with the requirements of the consumer. A consumer can be considered both an external consumer (customer, buyer) and an internal consumer (the next production site, warehouse in the chain).

N in. \u003d number of products entered for processing in the production line (launched into production at the production site).

N br. = number of finally rejected items

N rep. = number of items reprocessed

N retry = number of products subjected to repeated (additional) tests

Nrem = number of repaired products (out of those put into production)

Usually, a working shift, or a working day, is chosen as the observation period.

FTT Target = 100%

Total efficiency of production equipment (OEE-overallEquipmenteffectiveness)

Shows how efficiently a certain equipment (or a group of equipment, such as a production line) is used in the production of a certain type of product, or group of products.

Tpol = total equipment operation time (total equipment operation time per shift)

Tcm = total working time (shift duration)

Tc.calc. = estimated cycle time of processing (manufacturing) of one product.

Nout = number of manufactured products

Ndef = number of detected defective products

Typically, the work shift is chosen as the observation period.

OEE Target = 100%

Total lead time (DTD-Dock-to-Docktime).

The total time between the unloading of materials and components to the warehouse and the shipment of finished products to the consumer. The indicator can be used both to assess the enterprise as a whole, and for individual production lines or for individual product groups. Used to evaluate the efficiency and flexibility of a production system.

T zap.mts - the volume of stocks of raw materials and components in warehouses of logistics in days, which can be calculated as:

Using natural or monetary indicators to determine the stock in the warehouse and the average daily requirement production line or businesses.

T pr.ts \u003d total time of the production cycle, that is, the time between the beginning of the first and the end of the last operation production process above the product, taking into account the equipment changeover time and the time of interoperational movement (storage) of the product. In English literature, the abbreviation MCT (ManufacturingCycleTime) is used to denote the total time of the production cycle.

T - Stock of finished products in stock in days. Can be defined as:

Using physical or monetary indicators to determine stocks of finished goods and the average daily productivity of a production line or enterprise.

Specific DTD values ​​depend on the type of product and the manufacturing processes used.

The goal of lean transformation is to radically reduce the value of DTD

Plan completion rate (btsBuild-to-schedule)

Shows the ability of the enterprise (production process) to meet the requirements of consumers in terms of volume, range and sequence of output.

BTS \u003d Ksht x Ksort x K last x 100

Klast =

The observation period depends on the duration of the production cycle, but usually it is a shift, a working day or a week.

BTS Target = 100%

specialized metrics.

Obviously, many widely used and well-known indicators can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of transformation processes, for example: total downtime, labor productivity on the site, rejection losses, percentage of product returns from consumers, etc. Nevertheless, the following indicators, are noteworthy:

Area occupied by a production site or production line(area of ​​the production cell).

It is calculated as the sum of the areas occupied by production equipment, storage areas, areas used for equipment maintenance.

The goal is to reduce the area occupied by the production site while increasing (or maintaining) the level of productivity. Reducing the area occupied by the production site leads to a decrease in losses associated with unnecessary movements of workers, semi-finished products and products.

Way of transporting the product- The total path (in meters or kilometers) that the product takes from the beginning to the end of the production process

Monitoring is carried out before and after the implementation of improvement measures.

The goal is to shorten the way of transportation of the product.

Machine downtime due to changeovers - time from the moment the equipment stops for changeover (the last good product leaves before the start of changeover) to the release of the first good (serial) product after changeover (in minutes or hours)

monitoring – every changeover.

The goal is to reduce downtime by reducing changeover waiting times, reducing actual changeover times, and reducing wastage of materials used in changeovers.

Work in progress turnover(in days) - the amount of materials, raw materials and components that are constantly in the production process, referred to the average daily requirement of the production process for materials and components.

The advantage of such an indicator for determining inventory turnover is its independence from changes in prices for products and materials used in its production.

Monitoring is carried out before and after the implementation of improvement measures.

The goal is to reduce the turnover period of work in progress.

Full production cycle time(MST - Manufacturing Cycle Time) - total time from the beginning of the first operation to the end of the last operation of the production process to create products. Includes time for processing, moving, changeover of equipment, etc.

Monitoring is carried out before and after the implementation of improvement measures.

The goal is to reduce the total time of the production cycle (and as a result - to reduce the value of the DTD indicator).

I hope that this material will help the heads of Russian enterprises to choose a tool for the practical use of the principles of Lean Production in practice, because the current conditions for the existence of business in Russia are no worse than those that were in post-war Japan. It took more than 30 years for Toyota to move to a lean manufacturing system, modern researchers argue that the transformation of the organization and the transition to the principles of lean manufacturing can now be completed faster - in 4 ... 6 years, . We can use the experience of the world's best companies accumulated over the past decades in the field of mastering the principles of Lean Manufacturing. Japanese companies paved the way to the future, you just need to be able to walk on it. The ideas and methods of Lean Production can and should play a decisive role in increasing the competitiveness of Russian industry. The transition to the principles of Lean production often does not require serious investments. Often, you can do without the purchase of new expensive equipment, new expensive materials and technologies - there is no need to rapidly automate production and introduce expensive computer systems, but you need to change the culture of production, change the system of relationships between different levels and departments of the enterprise, change the system of value orientation of managers and ordinary employees of the enterprise, sometimes it is more difficult than buying, installing and launching new expensive equipment....


  1. Monden Y., Shibikawa R., Takayanagi S. Nagao T., How Japanese businesses operate. - Abbr. per. from English. - Ed. D.N. Bobrysheva - M.: Economics - 1989.
  2. Womack James P., Jones Daniel T., Lean: How to get rid of losses and achieve prosperity for your company / Per. from English. – M.: Alpina Business Books - 2004.
  3. A. V. Baranov, Principles and practice of Lean. A system of simple solutions to increase the competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise. -
  4. Anand Sharma, Patricia E. Moody., The perfect engine. How to Win in the New Demand Economy by Building to Order with Fewer Resources - Ney York, The Free Press - 2001.
  5. Michael H. McGivern and Alex Stiber, Lean Manufacturing Techniques -


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