What to do if the Internet slows down through a router. What to do if the Internet slows down on an android: on a phone or tablet. Hyper-threading what is it

In the already epic times, people only dreamed that the Internet would appear in their apartment. Now they dream of high speeds. Is it possible to speed up the Internet on Windows 7 without changing the tariff? Is it possible that the speed is limited by something other than the amount of money?

How to check internet speed?

First you need to make sure that the speed itself is exactly the one that is supposed to be for you according to the tariff plan. Let's test the internet speed.

Online services

There are many web pages on the Internet that check your online connection speed. One of the most popular is Speedtest.net by Ookla.

Visit the website to check the speed. On the geographic map, select which server to connect through (by default, the closest is selected), and click the transparent green button "Start check". After a few seconds, you will see the results. The reception speed, transmission speed and ping of the connection will be shown.

Initially, ping is a program that checks the quality of a connection. A data packet is constantly going from user to server and back. Ping checks the integrity of packets. Precisely integrity. But later the meaning of the word changed somewhat. Now "ping" is the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the computer to the server and back (in this value it is also defined in speedtest.net). This happened, apparently, because the quality of the connection is increasingly called its speed, and not integrity.

The very name of Ping is interesting. Officially, it is an acronym for Packet InterNet Grouper. But the word also denotes the first part of the name of the game ping-pong ( table tennis). The process of transferring data between computers is very similar to just this game.

Internet speed testing software

You can check the speed of the Internet using programs. For example, NetWorx.

The program will check your internet speed, but these are not all of its functions. It can be minimized to the system tray, and there it will always show you the current and used speed. It can also be useful for analyzing speed, as it saves statistics and presents it in the form of a graph that can be viewed at any time.

Using gadgets

Windows 7 inherited from Windows Vista the ability to decorate the desktop with gadgets (similar to widgets in Android mobile operating systems). Some gadgets have not only aesthetic functions, but also quite applied ones. For example, there are gadgets that will show you the connection speed in real time.... They all have similar capabilities and differ mainly in their appearance.

To install a gadget on your desktop, simply download, unzip the zip archive and open the .Gadget format file. And the gadget, without any additional settings, will appear on the desktop and brighten up the boring Windows 7 with its appearance.

What to do if the internet speed does not match the tariff plan?

If the figure given by tests like speedtest.net or NetWorx is much lower than stated in the description tariff plan, then you should call the telecom operator and find out what is wrong.

Note that deviations of 100-200 kbps are normal; test several times; do not confuse bytes and bits: 1 byte \u003d 8 bits and 5 Mbps \u003d 625 KB / s.

It is possible that you or the provider have confused the tariff plan, which is why you pay more, while receiving less traffic. Or is it some kind of server glitch. Or some other mistakes. Don't get lost in marketing gimmicks: "up to 100 Mbps" can mean 99 or 1 Mbps. This is especially true for mobile Internet users, where the speed is highly dependent on weather conditions and geographic location.

Internet speed is normal, but it is still slow

The overall connection speed is okay, but you still feel like the pages are opening too slowly? Or was it even better before?

Indeed, it is possible that the speed of the Internet is limited by some kind of artificial obstacles in the computer itself. Let's talk about possible reasons.

Programs eat up all traffic

After a year or two of use, the computer accumulates the darkness of all kinds of programs, useful and not very useful. Some of them use the Internet for their own needs (updating, downloading new databases, or just a permanent connection). One of the main ones is, of course, antiviruses. They update their databases every day. But if antivirus is forgivable, then excuses for Adobe Flash Player is not enough. And it can be updated without the knowledge of the user, if it is configured so.

You need to see which programs and in what quantities are using traffic. Poking your finger at the sky is too long, so let's use NetLimiter.

NetLimiter not only detects the overall speed of the Internet, but also recognizes which program is using and how much traffic. Well, the most useful thing is the ability to prevent programs from accessing the Internet. Therefore, all negligent applications can chop off the entire data flow if they update every five minutes and do not allow you to surf the Internet.

And for important and necessary programs (for example, antivirus programs), you can simply limit the speed. Then they will continue to download their databases, but will only take away a strictly defined piece of the Internet.

And now about how to do it all. First download the program itself. Official website: https://www.netlimiter.com/products/nl4. It costs $ 29.95 and has a 30-day trial version.

Install and run the program. Almost the entire program window is occupied by a list of active processes. Almost like in the task manager, only the network speed is still shown. To restrict access to a gluttonous process, select it and look at a part of the window. There will be a Rules section. Click Add Rule.

Rule type - Limit. In the Direction field - In or Out, depending on whether the incoming or outgoing traffic needs to be limited. In the Value field, enter the value in kBit / s. Click OK.

To completely disable access, enter 0 in the Value field.

Browser issue

If the pages are loading slowly, the problem might be in the browser. Extra extensions, junk and junk, unclean history and cache. It is possible that the matter is not even in the speed of downloading data from the Internet, but simply the browser itself does not have time to reproduce the information received.

Try visiting the same sites from a different browser and compare. If the browser is really dumb, your best bet is to simply reinstall it. You can, of course, delete all extensions, clear cache and history. But who knows if it was because of this, or because of a deeper problem?

Wi-Fi router problem

If you are using a router, check if everything is in order with it. It can hang and transmit a signal with a delay. Try restarting it. It happens that it helps, but for a short time. If possible, try to test the operation of the Internet cable without a router by connecting it directly to the computer.

If in this case the problem disappears, take the router for repair. Or maybe it's worth buying a new one. Fortunately, they are not so expensive.

Interference from neighboring Wi-Fi routers

In apartment buildings, you may notice that the Internet always works at least a little worse in the evening than, for example, in the early morning. And the thing is that the neighbors turn on all their devices and create interference. Think for yourself, about ten electromagnetic waves go to your Wi-Fi adapter at once. And among them he must accept only one. And this one, by the way, still needs to be identified.

You can deal with this as follows: in the settings of the router, you need to change the channel number. Generally, good routers look for a free channel automatically, but bad ones also have the AUTO parameter, but it just doesn't work. We won't be able to figure out if it works, so it's worth trying to do everything manually.

Download the inSSIDer program: http://www.metageek.com/products/inssider. It allows you to analyze the available channels and find the most free (with the best bandwidth). Install it and run it.

You will see a list of available Wi-Fi signals. Pay attention to the Channel field, which indicates the channel number. In total, there are 13 communication channels in Russia, the most common: 1, 6 and 11. It is best to choose from these three. Go through the entire list of signals and mark for yourself the one with the least number of access points registered.

Now, to change the channel on your router, go to its web interface. Usually, you need to go to the IP address from the browser for this. For example, (for D-Link routers). Read the instructions for the router, in extreme cases, contact the manufacturer's support service.

In the interface, open "Settings" and find the item "Channel". And choose the one that you found for yourself in the previous paragraph. Now restart your router and check your connection speed. It should get even a little better.

Poor performance

Information needs not only to be downloaded, but also to be processed. Computer resources go to this. And if the computer itself slows down, then the pages will load for a long time... Increasing PC performance is a topic for another long article. But if in general terms:

  1. Clean the hard drive if it is overloaded. Clean up temporary (and unnecessary) files in the C: \\ Windows \\ Temp and C: \\ TEMP folders. Get rid of all the trash you have.
  2. Clean the Windows registry. Use special programs for this. For example CCleaner. Perform the cleaning several times, since due to certain subtleties, it is impossible to clean empty and broken registry entries at one time.
  3. Defragment your hard drive. Don't confuse it with formatting - defragmentation doesn't destroy data, it just puts it in order. Fragmentation of information leads to a strong drop in performance.
  4. Check if the CPU is overheating during operation. Use the AIDA64 program. Clean the system unit from dust: it burns. And there is nothing good about it.
  5. If you have too little RAM, buy an additional module. In extreme cases, increase the paging file or use the Windows ReadyBoost feature, which optimizes performance at the expense of flash memory.
  6. If you have too many programs running in the background along with the system, disable them. To do this, open the "Startup" list (Win + R, enter msconfig in the field, open the "Startup" tab in the window). Remove unnecessary programs from the list so that they do not get in the way and do not waste processor resources.

Video: how to increase the performance of a computer or laptop


Malware not only limits performance, but also wastes internet traffic for its own needs... Almost all Trojans use your internet, which greatly slows down the real connection speed. The solution is NetLimiter, which will block unnecessary programs from accessing your Internet. But it's best to download (or even buy) a good antivirus program and scan your computer thoroughly. You can get Kaspersky, ESET Nod 32, or the free Avast Security.

Remove all viruses and the Internet will work much faster.

How to speed up your internet connection?

Switch to another tariff

The obvious way is to pay your ISP more to speed up the internet. But it's worth noting that you don't always have to pay. You can choose a tariff that suits you more for the same price. For example, if you have a cable TV + Internet tariff, and you only watch the main federal channels, you can refuse additional television programs in favor of increasing the connection speed.

In addition, service plans are updated frequently. And new tariffs can be cheaper and more profitable, so it is useful to keep track of new products. Especially it concerns mobile communication... Very cheap in Russia mobile Internet (relative to other countries), and it naturally becomes even cheaper.

Change carrier

For the most part, it concerns users of USB modems. In such things, the speed is limited not so much by the tariff as by the quality of communication in your area. Look online for maps with coverage different operators... Read on the forums of residents of your and neighboring houses, which operator's network is more stable and faster here. Perhaps changing the SIM card of the modem will significantly increase the speed of the Internet.

Use a proxy server

Proxies are servers that act as an intermediary in computer networks. Typically, the computer directly contacts the remote server and receives a direct response. And using a proxy, the computer first addresses it, and that server already addresses the requested one. It would seem that the intermediary lengthens the chain and should, on the contrary, slow down the data flow, but this is not the case.

Because the proxy server itself can be geographically very close to you, so the data from you to it will go pretty quickly. And on proxy servers it costs very powerful internetwhich downloads the information you need in the shortest possible time. Therefore, most of the time will be spent on transmission between your computer and the proxy server.

Another useful thing about proxies is that they hide your true IP. If, for example, the sites you need are blocked in Russia, you can use a proxy server in another country to open them. It turns out that the site is accessed by the IP of that particular country, and you receive data from this proxy server, so everything is "clean". This will help, for example, the residents of Crimea, who, due to the sanctions, cannot work with the services of Google, Apple, Steam and many other American companies.

How to set up a proxy server

You can configure the proxy both through the browser settings and through the Windows control panel. In browsers, this is done like this (for example, Google Chrome, in all others it is done in a similar way):

  1. Open "Settings". Then scroll to the very bottom of the page and click Show Advanced Settings.
  2. Find the "Network" section. There will be a phrase like "Google Chrome uses a proxy server ...". Next to it there will be a button "Change proxy server settings".
  3. A window with the name "Properties: Internet" will open. In the paragraph "Setting parameters local network"Will be a small paragraph of text. And next to it is a button. Click on it.
  4. Now another window will open. And in the window there will be an item "Proxy server". Check the "Use a proxy server ..." checkbox and fill in the parameters such as the IP address and port of the server you have selected.

Control Panel:

  1. Open "Control Panel" -\u003e "Internet Options".
  2. The Internet Properties window opens. Next, do the same as in points 3, 4 of the previous list.

Many free proxy servers can be found on the Internet. But it is very difficult to find among them a really high quality one, and even more so the one that is closer to you. To find one, look for detailed information about a specific server, including the physical address. Pick and try a few. Only from personal experience can you understand which one really accelerates page loading.

Note that some proxy servers can, on the contrary, slow down the Internet, not speed up. But it only depends on the specific proxy.

Third party DNS server

DNS (aka Domain Name Server) is an Internet address book. The computer, due to its peculiarities, does not understand the symbolic designation of web page addresses (such as, for example, yandex.ru or google.com), but it is perfectly possible to find the required server by its IP address (for example, ... So, when you type an address into the address bar, this address is sent to the DNS server, which looks for an equivalent IP address and sends it to the computer. By default, the DNS server of your ISP is used, which may not be very fast, may be far from you, and so on.

So you can try setting up third-party DNS servers instead of the standard ones. For example, free public DNS from Yandex (https://dns.yandex.ru/) or Google (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Public_DNS). They tend to work more stable, faster and better. Such servers can not only speed up the Internet, but also make it secure. Their DNS servers will prevent you from accidentally entering a viral or fraudulent site. There is also a function "Parental Control" to deny access to non-child resources.

How to set up DNS

  1. Open "Control Panel" -\u003e "Network and Internet" -\u003e "View Network Status and Tasks". Find the name of your internet connection and left-click on it. In the new window, click on the "Properties" button.
  2. Another window will open. In the list, click on "Internet Protocol TCP / IPv4" and click "Properties".
  3. A window will open. In the DNS servers section, check "Use ... DNS ...". And it will enter the address of the selected DNS server ( - IP for Google DNS, - for Yandex).
  4. Apply the changes and reconnect.

Use browser capabilities to speed up the Internet

Many browsers have a feature that "lightens" web pages. For example, a flash video is covered with a gray square and does not load at all until you click on it. Photos can be blocked in the same way so that users do not waste their traffic on what they do not need (and if necessary, they will click and the element will be loaded).

This is how, for example, Turbo mode works in Yandex Browser.

Video: a quick way to speed up the Internet

What does NOT help improve internet speed

Configuring Computer Settings

Earlier versions of Windows may have had such a problem that the Internet was slowing down due to incorrect settings. But not now. Do you believe that programmers from some small companies can be smarter than a bunch of top-level engineers from Microsoft, who get $ 2,500 a month for such a "parameter setting", and they also know the structure of the OS itself very well? Although, of course, there are unique ones, but so far not a single such program has turned the world upside down. If there is a speed gain, then it is insignificant.

Additional antennas for modems

There is a legend that homemade wire-handicraft antennas (or, even worse, bought for a lot of money), if connected to a modem, improve the quality of communication. Even a special connector for antennas on modems feeds this legend.

Only now modern antennas embedded in USB modems have much more outstanding properties than wire. Speed \u200b\u200boptimization does occur, but it is limited to 100-200 kbps. And in any city where there is 3G, this is perhaps a drop in the ocean. This dubious input for external antennas was invented for long trips, in order to catch at least some kind of Internet away from cell towers. Even in villages now this is almost no longer necessary. So don't waste time and money on this nonsense.

So, we have analyzed how you can fix problems with slow internet and speed it up. Of course, it is impossible to increase the speed many times without paying extra to the provider, but some nice little things are still feasible. The main thing is not to waste time on empty promises to increase speed several times with the help of programs from unknown developers.

Today, almost no apartment or private house not without home internetproviding unlimited internet access from all connected devices. Unfortunately, not every user can boast of high-speed and stable internet. Below we will talk about several simple tips, which will slightly improve the quality of the Internet.

Most likely, the tips given in the article will seem quite commonplace for many users. But in the event that it is not possible to increase the quality of the Internet by switching to a more expensive tariff or to another provider, then such recommendations may become the only way out of the situation.

Users who complain about the low speed of the Internet often do not take into account the number of running network programs on different computers (devices).

For example, if torrent clients are used on computers connected to the network, which are currently "downloading" files, then it should come as no surprise that sometimes even a web page in the browser cannot load normally. If possible, to check if software the reason for the slow internet speed, close all network programs on devices connected to the home network.

There is a large selection of programs available to track programs that consume internet traffic, such as NetLimiter. If necessary, in this program you can create a limit on the amount of traffic consumed by programs, although, as a rule, when it comes to programs with an increased appetite for traffic, they have built-in tools for limiting the speed.

If a problem with the brakes during web surfing is observed, for example, on a computer, but everything works quite correctly on other devices, you should suspect viral activity, which in most cases affects the network.

First, check your computer for threats using the scan function of your anti-virus or, for example, using the free Dr.Web CureIt utility.

Additionally, you should check hosts file - and if changes are found in it, you will need to return it to its previous appearance. More details about this are described on the official Microsoft website.

Again, such a problem should only be observed in relation to the computer on which the antivirus is installed, and not to all devices connected to the network in general.

Any antivirus includes various tools that allow you to check and protect different aspects of the operating system. In particular, antivirus can perform network scanning aimed at ensuring security while surfing the web, but as many users note, it is the antivirus that can lead to slowdowns on the Internet.

To check if your antivirus is the culprit for the current situation, try to disable its work for a while, and then check the Internet health. If it really has improved, you should open the antivirus settings, in particular, if you are interested in the network scanning functions, and disable these tools.

Many users, for example, those who have independently made a home Internet connection, are faced with the problem of low Internet speed, which can arise due to cable damage.

If you know that the Internet cable has fractures, twists, kinks or other damage, you should definitely call a wizard from your provider who can test throughput your cable and, if necessary, replace it.

Often, users have been using old equipment for years, but at the same time they continue to be surprised that they are the owners of one of the low Internet speeds in the city.

First, check your current tariff and connection speed. For example, if in your case an ADSL connection is used, then you should not count on a speed higher than 11 Mbps.

If the speed of the Internet coincides (or is close) to the one declared by the provider in your tariff, then you should pay attention to the fresh tariffs: often the provider provides high-speed Internet at a much lower cost and provides the necessary equipment for free.

If in your case the Internet connection is carried out exclusively by wire, then this is not your case.

At the same time, if you suspect that your wireless network uninvited guests connect, especially when you have an obvious password for the wireless network or you do not have one at all, you should try to change the password from your Wi-Fi. If you don't know how this task carried out for your router, try search query with an indication of the model of your router - for sure instructions on how to correctly change the password from Wi-Fi are already available on the Internet.

When faced with a problem with the Internet, you should not take all the headache on yourself - this problem also applies to your provider. Having trouble understanding what caused the decrease in Internet speed and the appearance of brakes, you should not postpone the call to the provider.

Many of the inexperienced users face such a problem as low Internet speed and do not know what to do in this situation. In this article I would like to talk about the reasons and answer the question: "Why does the Internet slow down?"

The reasons can be different, from bad weather (if you have a 3G modem), to problems with the connection with the provider.

First, you need to make sure that the speed is low only for you, and not for all the customers of your Internet provider. Ask friends, family, or someone else. The main thing is that they have exactly the same Internet. Ask them if they are complaining about the speed and if it is very different from the one stated by the provider.

If everything is fine for the rest, and the Internet slows down only for you, then you need to look for the problem on your computer. Failures on the line connecting to the provider are also possible.

Solution of the question "why the Internet slows down": step 1

First you need to find out the real speed. More precisely, what is the possible speed, and how much of this you can use. You will need to scan traffic on your computer. For example, "NetWorx" or something else. There are plenty of such utilities.

After you install it, run it. Then you will need to right-click on the tray icon and click on the "show graph" item. You will see a window with a speed change graph. Please note, not displayed maximum speed, and the one that is currently in use.

And now you need to do the following. Do nothing and watch the changes on the monitor. That is, do not use a browser, some kind of correspondence programs, Skype, etc. Quit all programs that use the Internet.

If suddenly the graph shows that you are online, and some data is being downloaded to your computer, then, most likely, the Internet slows down because of this. You are not doing anything, and the internet is already in use. That is, you yourself have less speed as a percentage.

Solution of the question "why the Internet slows down": step 2

It is necessary to determine what exactly the world wide web is using at this moment. In general, this is quite easy to do if you have Nod 32 antivirus installed. If not, then look for some utility for this on the Internet.

If Nod, then right click on the tray icon and click show network connections.

You will see all programs that are connected to the Internet. Disable them. Close access to them. Most likely, these are some kind of viruses or "updaters" of some programs. For example, Adobe.

If there are viruses, then you need to scan your computer for their presence.

To configure Internet access for each program, you need to slightly tweak your firewall. Open the window with the antivirus and go to the settings, where we set the interactive filtering mode. Now, if some program wants to go online, the antivirus will ask you if it can be connected to it or not. The rules can be specified both for time and forever. If you have saved forever, then at any time you can reconfigure.

Solution of the question "why the Internet slows down": step 3

If you do not have such problems, and only you use access to the World Wide Web, then the problem is something else.

If you have a 3G modem, then check the antenna level. Perhaps you have bad connection and that is why the speed is very low. You do not need to connect the modem to the back of the system unit and place it close to the wall. It is necessary to do so that the antenna can freely receive the signal. If this is not possible, then connect the device through an extension cord.

If not 3G, then try updating the drivers for the network card. If that doesn't help, check all cables. Due to breakage or oxidation of wires, the quality of data transmission can be significantly lower than it should be.

In other words, you need to look for problems in the connection between you and the provider or with the PBX.

We all often use the Web: download, watch, communicate, download, and so on. When the Internet does not work well, not everyone knows what to do. It is interesting to find out the most common reasons due to which the communication speed not only suffers, but can even disappear altogether.

High speed Internet connections are such a joy that only recently became available to “mere mortals”. TO good man always gets used to it pretty quickly and therefore the slightest disruption in convenience causes extremely negative emotions. Sooner or later the moment comes when the Internet slows down against our will. What to do with this "happiness" and how to regain the joy of fast connection? And everything is actually extremely simple.

Problems can be roughly divided into two main categories: those that depend on you and those to which you have no direct relationship. Often, an unscrupulous provider does not in principle admit his guilt in the drop in speed and blames the client for everything. As a result, the debugging wizards are sent to you and for a certain amount You are restored to the privilege of fast data transfer. How fair is this? Let's try to figure it out.

You didn't seem to change or do anything, but for some reason the Internet slows down. What if you are not very computer savvy? First of all, check the system for viruses. Perhaps your anti-virus database is out of date - update it and run a full scan of your computer. The second reason for the drop in speed can be the antivirus itself or the firewall. Many antiviruses launch a firewall by default. It processes all incoming information in real time. Turn off the screen for a while and try measuring your speed. If you notice changes in better side, then you have a difficult choice: Internet speed versus protection. What's more important, it's up to you to decide. Networking programs also greatly affect speed. One shakes, the other "chatters", the third requests every minute, for example, the wind speed. Disable it all. Now check it out. Checked out. The Internet is still buggy. What to do in this case? It is not uncommon for unlicensed assemblies - loers, beasts, and others to fail. Such systems are installed on many computers and often unstable conditions are created due to which the Internet does not work well. What to do? Just reinstall the OS. Helps. Checked!

Special attention should be paid to the competent configuration of equipment, in particular, wireless. Hacking a neighbor's Wi-Fi doesn't take much mind. Any schoolboy-enthusiast without unique abilities will "sit down" on your access point. it won't save you much from trouble, but filtering by MAC address is a direct road to peace of mind.

You have checked everything, you have configured everything, but the problem is the same - the Internet slows down. What to do then? The worst thing is when the details of the computer are to blame for the glitches. This is a direct road to the specialty store. Therefore, check the health of your network card.

Often, a problem with the network or telephone cable is the cause of the loss of the Internet. Unfortunately, the rules for its installation are rarely taken with due attention. As a result, it is either frayed or broken. It doesn't hurt to check the connectors on the line. They often come out of the connectors in the splitter (when ADSL is connected).

Here are how many possible reasons exist that remove all responsibility from the provider for the quality of communication. If you have checked all of the above, and the problem persists and the Internet still slows down, what to do then? Feel free to call your provider. Now he will need to figure out why you pay for one tariff, but get something completely incomprehensible. Good luck and high speed!

Long site opening, freezing, low download speed, problems in online games, failures in video communication via Skype - these and similar things have to be faced with a slow Internet connection.

In this regard, users often have a question: why the low speed of the Internet? How can this problem be solved in individual cases?

The reasons that may result from a drop in Internet speed, we will consider the following plan:

Note that a slow computer that "slows down" and a slow Internet are different things and are not directly related to each other.

1. Peak hours

Slowing down is a natural process during peak hours, when a huge number of users connect to the provider's network. As a rule, this happens by 6-7 pm on weekdays.

This moment completely depends on the provider: the more users it has, the more load falls on the network equipment, therefore, the slower the Internet connection will be.

The same situation is with the Wi-Fi zone in public places.

And if you go to a cafe specifically for surfing the web, it is better to look for an uncrowded place.

2. Provider equipment

The reason for the low speed of the Internet may be the exhausted resource of the provider's network equipment. Even changing the tariff plan to a more expensive one will not help. After the replacement of the equipment by the provider, the Internet speed, accordingly, increases dramatically.

The reason can also be a failure on any part of the path from the Internet provider to the network card in the user's computer. The failure can be in the apartment, in the hallway on the stairs, in the basement of the house, or in the attic where the provider's equipment is located.

When someone cut off a piece of cable in our apartment building (possibly due to renovation of the apartment), the provider had to replace 80 meters of cable. But according to my subjective feelings after that, the Internet just began to "fly".

In both the first and second cases, little depends on the user. True, you can contact your provider with constant complaints.

But if in settlement there are several companies operating on the Internet access market, why not get acquainted with the capabilities of other providers. You can return to the first one at any time if the Internet speed of other providers also does not satisfy.

3. Router

The router may be causing the slow internet speed. A router, regardless of the specific model and manufacturer, is itself a weak link in the chain of devices for high-speed data transfer in the network.

The situation is aggravated in the case of budget models of routers, which have weak specifications... Those are more capable of reducing the data transfer rate due to constant freezes.

When complaining about the slow Internet speed in the support service, the provider's employees first of all ask if the connection is going through the router, and if so, then the standard recommendation would be to turn off the router and then turn it on after 5 minutes.

When the router is restarted, the buffer is cleared of cached data that accumulates in the process of checking and assembling network packets.

Before purchasing a router, you should check with your ISP. Its experts will tell you which models have proven themselves best in operation.

4. Number of Wi-Fi users

As powerful as the hardware that provides a Wi-Fi hotspot in a home or public place is, there is a limit to the devices that can be connected.

And the closer the number of users is to the maximum value of possible clients for such equipment, the lower the Internet speed each of them can count on.

Routers do not always distribute the speed of the Internet connection evenly between all devices. It also happens that when one user downloads a large file from the Internet, the second has to wait a long time even for the elementary opening of a web page.

So that none of the home people are deprived of the speed of the Internet, you can purchase a router with a traffic distribution function.

An alternative option is to configure the file download speed limit in the software file loaders (download managers, torrent clients).

And, of course, you need a password-protected access to Wi-Fi. For in apartment buildings the Wi-Fi signal of the router is available to neighbors, as well as to all those who come to visit them.

5. Wi-Fi coverage

Each router is designed for a certain radius of the Wi-Fi zone.

In some cases, if the need for a larger range arose later than the purchase of a certain router model designed for a smaller radius, you can try to solve the problem using a wireless amplifier. This device is placed between the router and the computer device and serves to enhance the Wi-Fi signal.

Metal barriers and water containers located between the router and a mobile or computer device that receives a Wi-Fi signal can reduce Internet speed. There may be interference from the neighbors' router, from overheating of your router, from a failure in the router software.

It is advisable to place the router on an uncluttered surface and higher.

You can try bringing your laptop as close to the router as possible to see if the internet speed increases.

6. Device processor

Most of the internet connection depends on the network equipment, but sometimes the reason for the slow internet speed can be the weak processor of the computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

On the one hand, high-speed Internet is no longer a rarity. On the other hand, there are many devices for accessing the Internet with "lightweight", budget processors: netbooks, etc. Such a processor, alas, sometimes does not cope with a large data stream (for example, torrents).

If you want to check the load on your processor, press three keys simultaneously: "Ctrl", "Alt" and "Del". In the window that appears after this, click on the option "Open Task Manager".

Figure: 1 Check the processor load in the Windows Task Manager

If in a similar window as in Fig. 1 You will see the download at 100%, then the reason for the low Internet speed is not in the provider, but exclusively in your computer and in those programs on it with which it is so busy.

7. Programs

A decrease in Internet speed can be caused by the activity of applications on the computer that work with the network.

These are programs that run in the background. For example, in the "background" can be launched

  • Skype,
  • WebMoney,
  • other messengers,
  • software torrent clients,
  • programs for saving Internet traffic, for analyzing it, etc.,
  • any applications that support data synchronization (Yandex.Disk, Cloud Mail ru),
  • browser extensions,
  • antivirus update,
  • windows updates
  • music from some site is playing,
  • online toy launched
  • and you never know what else is running?

Unused applications should be closed, and it is best to remove them from startup together with the start of the operating system.

Rarely used browser extensions do not need to be removed, but disabled and activated only if necessary.

8. Malicious software

Viruses and spyware can be the cause of slow Internet speeds.

Malicious software (software) runs in the background and uses the Internet connection without the user's knowledge to send spam, to download junk files to the user's computer, and sometimes it can even block the Internet access.

It is good if the virus ends up only inside the computer and does not interfere with the launch of anti-virus tools. Since if the virus gets inside the router's firmware, you will have to do a factory reset and re-configure it.

9. Internet provider tariff

There are such tariffs with providers that when the user reaches a certain threshold (which is probably specified in the contract with the provider), the Internet speed is sharply reduced. And so it can continue until the beginning of next month, for example.

At the beginning of the month, the Internet speed will be high again, then, as soon as the permissible threshold has been crossed, the speed again sharply decreases. Here you need to either change the tariff, or the provider, or "stretch your legs over your clothes", that is, live with the current tariff.

10. The site or server is overloaded

Internet speed can drop dramatically if you try to navigate to a site in your browser that its owner has imposed an appropriate speed limit. Although the site may take a long time to load due to other problems on the site or on it.

If you and many, many other users at the same time start downloading files from some server or from some site, then it may well happen that the server or site "crashes" and becomes unavailable.

11. Dust in the computer

The reason is rare, but everything happens in life. Sometimes an almost "new" computer manages to collect a huge layer of dust from animal hair, from using a laptop "on a pillow", etc.

It is clear that this amount of dust must be removed.

How to measure internet speed

There are many sites that are created specifically to measure your Internet speed. Below I offer you two options for this purpose: a special site and a Yandex service.

1. Website for measuring speed:

To start measuring, you need to go to the above site and then click on the "BEGIN TEST" button:

Figure: 2 Special program for measuring Internet speed speedtest.net
  • All programs on the computer are closed, all windows are closed, only one site is working for measuring Internet speed.
  • It is better to take measurements not once, but several times and at different times of the day.

2. Internet meter from Yandex:

Figure: 3 We measure the speed using Yandex Internetometer

If you measure the speed of the Internet on your computer and compare it with the speed indicated in your agreement with the provider, then it is important to pay attention not only to numbers, but also to units of measurement.

  1. Megabits per second - these units are specified in the provider's tariff.
  2. Megabytes per second - this is how a program measures the speed.

One byte contains 8 bits, so the difference between megabytes and megabytes differs by 8 (eight) times. Keep this in mind before calling your provider and accusing him of the fact that your Internet speed is 8 times slower than that specified in the contract.

And the last thing. In the agreement with the provider you have indicated the highest possible speed of the Internet, I would call it "ideal". It can vary depending on the time of day, and often it is less than stated in the contract.

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