How to start a farming business. Farms: financing, government assistance, prospects ... What is needed to open a farm in Belarus

In addition, bird breeding does not require too much investment and area. The payback can be approximately 2-4 years. Crop production is a kind of seasonal business. However, this does not apply, for example, to cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, strawberries. They can be grown year round in greenhouses. Such business will be especially profitable in winter, when the price of fresh vegetables increases significantly. Business payback 12-18 months. Farming: where to start, or Developing a business plan Once a niche has been identified, you need to create a business plan. This point is very important, because on its basis it is possible to calculate the costs of creating a farm, the payback period and profitability.

Farming business plan

If the products farms meets the requirements, then its sale can be carried out by self-sale in food markets (both retail and wholesale). Costs and payback periods The amount of costs associated with the organization of a peasant farm depends largely on the initial business conditions.

For example, if a peasant farm is created on the basis of an existing household, then the size of the start-up investment will be much smaller, since there will already be land and outbuildings at our disposal. The situation is different if the farm is created from scratch.

At the same time, the size of the start-up capital may also differ depending on the chosen direction of business development, the cost of renting a plot, the purchase price of animals or plants, and others.

How to create a farm in Belarus?


You need to be always ready for unplanned spending, keeping part of the funds received in the appropriate fund. Some aspiring entrepreneurs strive to make their business plan the most optimistic and assess possible production only in ideal utopian conditions.


Receiving a farm area and collecting required documents Unlike the personal subsidiary farm, the KPH (large subsidiary farm) has a number of privileges for the sale of products, but for this it is subject to mandatory control by the sanitary and epidemiological services.

Business plan: download an example for free

Milk has become a "brazen political tool." This is how President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko described the next wave of "milk wars" in early March. Minsk has been exporting its products to Russia for a long time, but in 2018 the Russian side did not like it.

04/14/2018 11:57 How to harvest more crops in the same area? How to increase labor productivity, minimize costs and predict the result? There is an answer, and it is in this publication. 04/14/2018 11:25 AM In California and Texas, the HLB virus was discovered in 2012. It has become a major problem for many American manufacturers.
04/14/2018 08:31 AM High-performance potato varieties developed by the specialists of the Scientific and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences for Potato and Horticulture - Rubin, Palace, Pershatsvet and Carson - are being tested. 04/14/2018 08:27 This is not the first joint sweet project with an Orthodox church.

Farm business plan

To officially obtain the status of a farm with the ability to sell products, you must go through the following stages:

  1. Payment of state fees in government bodies.
  2. Certification of an application for registration with a notary.
  3. Submission of documents to the tax authority.
  4. Collection of registration documents.
  5. Registration in the respective funds.
  6. Obtaining statistics codes in the state statistics service.
  7. Opening a current account.

During the registration process, at different stages, you will need the following documents:

  • passport (original document and several notarized copies);
  • documents confirming registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC (application for state.

Sample business plan for a peasant farm

You need to find out exactly who owns certain plots of land. Land can be administered by the village council or by a local agricultural organization.
Depending on this, there is an initial agreement with the village council or with the collective farm about the possibility of providing these lands for farming. The village council must within two weeks give an answer to a citizen or legal entity about the possibility of providing this land.
4. An application for confirmation of the possibility of locating a farm is submitted to the local District Executive Committee (see sample). A business plan and a decision of the Village Council are attached to it.

The regional executive committee is obliged to consider this application within one month. Persons who live in the area and have experience in agricultural work have the advantage to register a farm.

How to open a farm in Belarus?

If we take average figures, then in total it will take about 5-6 million rubles to open a farm. The payback of a business also depends on which direction of the farm's activity was chosen.

For example, if the farm is planned to be developed in the field of pig breeding, then the initial investment will pay off in about 4-5 years. If the peasant farm will work in the direction of breeding chickens, then the business will begin to make a profit after 8 months due to the high demand for products.

Thus, when planning to open a farm, first of all, it is necessary to determine the direction for its development, to find out the features of farming in this area and draw up a structured business plan that determines the entire further organization of the business, taking into account the maximum reduction in the likelihood of risks.

Start a farming business in Belarus

At the same time, it is important to determine the directions of searching for sales channels, they can be:

  • Catering organizations - cafes, restaurants, canteens at factories and industrial enterprises, places catering at educational, office and other organizations.
  • Organizations directly involved in the food industry - meat and bakery plants, enterprises for the production of pasta and cereals, organizations for the production of confectionery products, etc.
  • Wholesale and retail trade enterprises.

It should be remembered that one of the most important conditions for a successful search for distribution channels is the competitiveness of the farm's products, as well as the appropriate level of quality at reasonable prices.

How to organize a farm from scratch: the nuances of starting an agribusiness.

The living conditions of animals depend, first of all, on their growth and, as a result, productivity (the amount of milk, meat or wool for large cattle, eggs for chickens, honey for bees or fluff for rabbits). The second important factor that is directly dependent on the living conditions is the reproductive function of livestock. The better the animals feel, the healthier they are and, accordingly, the more and more often the farmer's livestock increases. In addition, nutrition, microclimatic conditions and care have a direct impact on the well-being of each animal.

Livestock feeding should be as balanced as possible. Currently, there are two types of feed: dry and wet.

Most farms prefer the former. This is not only more profitable from a financial point of view, but also due to sanitary and hygienic standards. A herd of 300 heads will require about 35 tons of feed.

How to open a peasant farm (kfh) from scratch?

Investing in agriculture is very popular nowadays. A few years ago, such a business was considered not very profitable. But thanks to new technologies, farming has become simple and enough profitable business... Any beginning entrepreneur can open such a business. On our website you can download for free ready example farm business plan.

  1. General information about the company;
  2. Description of production;
  3. Environmental issues;
  4. Marketing plan;
  5. Number of workers and wages;
  6. Taxes;
  7. Manufacturing process;
  8. Organizational matters;
  9. Financial viability of the project;
  10. Risk assessment;
  11. Warranty;
  12. Conclusions.

The proposed sample business plan with calculations is approximate.

In Belarus, farms do not develop, but survive, says economist, ex-adviser to the minister agriculture and food Kazimir Romanovsky. He stated this BelaPAN , commenting on the data of Belstat, published in the collection "On the activities of peasants (farms) in the Republic of Belarus (2010-2016)".

Thus, according to official statistics, the number of registered farms is growing annually, albeit slightly: from 3,017 in 2015 to 3,066 in 2016. The number of workers in such farms also increased slightly - from 9,200 to 9,346.

Net profit increased from 518.9 billion non-denominated rubles to 64.1 million denominated. The return on sales fell from 18.1% to 17.8%. The volume of production increased in 2016 by 14.6% against 3.3% in the agro-industrial complex as a whole. Investments decreased from 56.2 million rubles to 42 million. The number of unprofitable enterprises amounted to 11.7%.

In the structure of products, growing potatoes and vegetables takes 56%, cereals - 11.6%, industrial crops - 3.9%, fruits and berries - 7.4%, other crop products - 10.3%, cattle and poultry - 7 , 2%, milk production - 3%, eggs - 0.1%, other livestock products - 0.5%.

According to Romanovsky, there is no trend towards an increase in the number of farms. “Some farms appear, some die. They increased slightly, but one cannot say that this is a development trend and that they are playing important role in the country's agriculture. Their share in our economy is at the level of statistical error, and the state has no relation to this industry ", - the expert considers.

Regarding the decline in investment, he noted that this is due to the high cost of credit resources and the small amount working capital from farmers. State support for the private sector of agriculture is also insignificant.

“If we judge by the share of 1.9% in gross agricultural production, it means that there are few farmers and almost no one needs this industry. If we talk about profitability of 18-20%, then it shows: peasant farms do not develop, but survive ", - says Romanovsky.

At the same time, he believes that the imbalance in development is causing the majority of farmers, due to the need to survive, to grow potatoes and vegetables, which brings a quick payback.

“We did not have and do not have a system of support for farming and personal subsidiary plots. There are large farms that are pulling the entire industry. Farmers do not want to go into animal husbandry because it is, in principle, unprofitable and does not survive without state support "- said the economist.

He gave an example: in 2000 in subsidiary plots kept 630 thousand cows, and farmers - 2400, at the beginning of 2017 there were about 100 thousand left.

When asked what niche farmers could occupy in the country's agriculture, the expert answered: “Today there is an opportunity for development due to the high level of unemployment in the countryside. People, based on the needs of the market, could start breeding interesting breeds birds (turkey, geese, ducks), goats, sheep, rabbits. It is also worth developing beekeeping. 3.4 thousand beehives on farms are not enough. In Belarus, honey is popular among the population, but, unfortunately, about 80% of honey imported from abroad is counterfeit. In the Gomel and Brest regions, you can grow melons and gourds. Also develop gardening and growing seedlings for farmsteads and summer cottages. We do not grow enough berries (currants, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries and others). You can also occupy a niche in floriculture. It's time for us to finish feeding the flower mafia. Grow aromatic and medicinal herbs for food Industry and pharmacy. Under the supervision of scientific organizations, to produce seeds of vegetables, berries and flowers for the population. it big businessand it is worth pushing Dutch seeds out of the market ".

“Farming has a future. But the state must start working out programs for its development. A farmer, a peasant must know what the country needs today, and this must be included in the program. We must give them loans for development, and at 2%, and not at 30-40%. Support in every way ", - summed up the expert.

Own agricultural business. What is it? A desire to make money or devote yourself to the realization of some special goal, dream and love for the land, as well as those works that are associated with agriculture? Both are possible! And that is why it increasingly becomes topical issue how become a farmer in Belarus?
Surprisingly, if you ask novice farmers what motivated them when they opened their farm, then just the second part of the question, i.e. love for the earth will be their main answer! New farms are registered annually and, accordingly, newly-baked farmers plunge headlong into hard daily work! However, already at the beginning of the journey, many of the farmers are faced with a mass of difficulties that literally pile on the new farmer, dragging him into the network of non-payments, lack of material and human resources... As a result, some farmers stop their activities, disillusioned with their failed business, and some continue to work, increasing their debts and already becoming debtors of other economic entities, which adversely affects their image. But all the same, the question is relevant for many novice agricultural businessmen.
But how can a newly minted farmer not get into those troubles and financial troubles that lead to the closure of his agricultural business? Everything is very simple! Starting your own business on earth just because you "love" or "like" such work is financially dangerous! And it is precisely such farmers who incur losses, subsequently abandoning their business. Do you like messing around on the ground? You are welcome! Buy six hundred square meters and do gardening as much as you like! There are no risks, and your own agrarian mental impulses will find their way out through a hoe with a shovel! But if the decision to open your own farm is made, then before starting a business, you should definitely calculate very accurately possible risks, in any case, those risks that are visible to the "naked" eye. Those. farming should be treated as a well-planned business, which is what farming is! Give advice on how how to become a farmer in Belarus, step by step sorting out what and how, this publication is not planned. The purpose of the article is differently - to convey to novice farmers the idea that farming is a very serious resource-intensive and financially costly business! At the same time, the choice of your niche and the production of any product must necessarily be correlated with the demand of the population, the ease and speed of selling the manufactured products, the region of doing business, accounting climatic conditions and other factors.
Surprisingly, often novice farmers prepare business plans considering only a small part of the possible risks, which very quickly leads to negative results of their activities. However, not everything is so gloomy! And this is confirmed by the farms that are registered in our

Honestly, I've been thinking for a year now whether I could be a farmer or not. What would you do? Most likely, fruit growing: I would grow table grapes and strawberries in greenhouses. I think that I am not the only one dreaming of my large allotment of land.

In 1991, when the Law "On Peasant (Farm) Economy" was just adopted, 8-9 percent of the surveyed peasants dreamed of becoming landlords. That is, if they all made their dream come true, there would be at least 60,000 farms in Belarus today. And so on January 1, there were 2,469. And all in all, over these 22 years, 6,800 farms were created. The reasons for leaving this path are different for everyone - they could not, could not, earned the necessary amount - and off the ground ...

Farming is a relatively new area of \u200b\u200bactivity in the agricultural sector. Its start looked optimistic: the new form of management seemed promising. In 1995, the maximum number of such farms was registered - 3.030. And then there was a steady trend towards their elimination. But those who remained afloat were actively enlarging. If in 1996 one average farm had 20 hectares of land, now more than 60 hectares. There are farms with more than one and a half thousand hectares. Profitability is also growing. Note that it is significantly higher than that of large competing enterprises. Last year, compared to 1991, the production of vegetables by farmers increased 525 (!) Times. They began to grow potatoes 43 times more.

An indicator such as annual output per employee speaks volumes. In some farms, it was $ 47,000 last year.

But beginners do not always have their own money for the arrangement and purchase of the most necessary things. And one cannot do without the help of the state. She is. These are the figures announced by the deputy head of the reform department, orders state property and development of small businesses of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Alexander Kazakevich. In 2011 - 2012, 221.3 billion rubles were allocated for the development of farms. If we recalculate the farmland, then last year there was an average of 115 dollars of state support per hectare of land. The figure certainly fluctuates by region. Its highest indicator is in the Brest region - $ 205 per hectare, and in the Mogilev region, for example, - only $ 28. In addition to targeted financing from the republican budget, there are other areas of support for farms. Among them - the provision of agricultural machinery to farmers on long-term leasing terms and preferential loans.

For four years (from 2008 to 2012), farms received about 7% of the equipment leased to all organizations in the agricultural sector. In recent years, it has been more actively provided to farmers for rent and real estate.

If so good, what is holding back farming? First, the lack of land. Yes, yes, land. No matter how paradoxical it may sound. But what about without her, wet nurse? To date, 6.5% of farms still have not received land. Hence the fluidity. Then a natural question arises: why did you register the farm? Along with the documents, it would be necessary to provide the allotment.

Unfortunately, in many regions the reserve land fund has been exhausted. Land plots have to be withdrawn from agricultural enterprises. But this does not always work out. Farms and private farms here cannot exist on equal terms yet. Although, in my opinion, whoever works best has priority in providing land. The availability (or rather, inaccessibility) of credit resources, the problematic nature of crop insurance, and the lack of sales markets sometimes become a serious stumbling block. finished products... These questions are still open.

It's a pity. Farms with proper support from the state are able to provide the country with both fruits and early vegetables - everything that we import today. And in considerable volumes.

You need to choose a niche. Let's talk about animal husbandry. Firstly, the cost of meat in stores is very high, and secondly, the percentage of vegetarians in our country is small. All this guarantees profitability and stable demand for products. Of course, this type of farming requires a lot of investment, especially when it comes to raising cattle.

But the net profit of an average farm starts at 100 thousand rubles per month. With the right approach, the payback period will not exceed six years. Starting a pig business will be cheaper, and the event will pay off in 2-5 years. At the same time, the demand for this product in our country is higher due to a more democratic cost than for beef. Another option is poultry farming. Eggs and chicken are products that are always in the refrigerator of any of our compatriots. In addition, bird breeding does not require too much investment and area.

The payback can be about 2-4 years. Crop production is a kind of seasonal business. However, this does not apply, for example, to cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, strawberries. They can be grown year round in greenhouses. Such business will be especially profitable in winter, when the price of fresh vegetables increases significantly. Business payback 12-18 months. Farming: where to start, or Developing a business plan Once a niche has been identified, you need to create a business plan. This point is very important, because on its basis it is possible to calculate the costs of creating a farm, the payback period and profitability. To assess the prospects of the project, the following points must be indicated in the business plan: funds (will it be own or borrowed, which is necessary start-up capital); plot (you can get it for free, buy or rent); the cost of purchasing animals or crops; the cost of building structures (this is a cattle barn or a greenhouse for growing vegetables); equipment costs (for example, manure removal system, milk pipelines, heating systems); personnel costs (even a relatively small farm will need it); costs for utilities, taxes; marketing costs; product sales markets; net profit. All these points will help you calculate the profitability of your future business.

In general young entrepreneur it is necessary to draw up a business plan according to the following scheme: resume ( short description future activities, farm and goals to which the farmer strives); a detailed description of the farm (the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, the availability of infrastructure, communications, structures, equipment, etc., these resources are rented or owned); summary of financial and performance indicators (salary of employees and their number, the planned amount of manufactured and sold products, profit); financial section (sources of financing for the economy, costs, plans for the development of the economy and their financial support, payback, profit calculation); risk analysis (forecasting risks and describing measures to eliminate them). Why does a business plan need to be drawn up according to a certain scheme and approach the event responsibly? Because he is kind business card future farmer: it is necessary to receive subsidies from the state, when looking for investors and other sources of funding. If the profitability of the business exceeds the possible risks, and this is clearly seen from the business plan, then the future farmer will be able to count on material support. Choosing a form of ownership: LLC or individual entrepreneur? The choice of the form of ownership is also an equally important stage. If a businessman decides to open a small farm, then registering as an individual entrepreneur will be quite enough. The undoubted advantages of this form of ownership: simplified taxation system; there is no obligation to keep accounting; cash accounting is carried out according to a simplified system; it is not necessary to register a branch (if one is planned); no need to report on the origin of equipment; no need to log decisions. On initial stage The SP is definitely convenient. While there is not a large number of clients, while the business is just gaining momentum, you can use the privileges that an entrepreneur registered as an individual entrepreneur receives. However, this form also has disadvantages. The most significant of them is the difficulty in attracting investments and obtaining loans. If additional funds are needed to start a business, then such a deficiency can play a key role. If you plan to open a large farm or the business has begun to gain momentum, it is worth considering the option of registering an LLC. This form of ownership is taken more seriously on the market. There are no obstacles to obtaining investment funds. But you will have to maintain a more extensive document flow and pay taxes on common system taxation. At the same time, if the reporting can be made by a hired employee, then you can generally make a profit from taxes. For example, receive VAT deductions. In addition, being a payer of such a tax, the farm will be able to attract large partners to cooperation who are also interested in receiving deductions.


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