Dairy farm business plan perspective. We are considering a business plan for such a business as a dairy farm. Analysis of possible risks

Currently, the organization of business in the field agriculture is a promising and profitable business. There are a number of prerequisites for this. First is governmental support in the form of an opportunity to arrange subsidies and soft loans. Secondly, it is the growth in consumption of dairy products within the country. Thirdly, it is the policy of import substitution in agriculture. As a result, the payback period of the project is 20 months, the break-even point of the project falls on 2 months after the start of work.

To organize a dairy farm, you will need to purchase 120 heads of large cattle (hereinafter - KRS). It is also necessary to hire 16 employees. When starting a business, you will need a land plot, which must be purchased for ownership. The minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe plot is 3,200 m2, the hangar (barn) - 2,000 m2.

The farm has a monthly production capacity of 60,000 liters of milk. It is necessary to purchase already adult cattle, which will give milk immediately. IN this business there is no pronounced seasonality, since milk is consumed daily. However, in winter, the cost of milk is higher. Farm products are classified as perishable. The wholesale selling price of milk is 32 rubles per liter. Thus financial performance project are as follows:

Initial investment amount - 16 930 000 rubles;

Average monthly profit - 900 000 rubles;

Payback period - 20 months;

Breakeven point - 2 months;

Return on sales - 130% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

Today, more and more people want to consume fresh milk and dairy products. At the same time, it is desirable that these products be of domestic production. Also, many people like to buy products directly from farmers. All this testifies to the great prospects for the development of this business.

The main product of the dairy farm is raw milk. Also, as the business develops, you can open a workshop for the production of dairy products.

The farm will require a land plot of 3,000 m2 to operate. On the territory of the site should be located:

  • hangar / cowshed
  • summer paddock
  • warehouse for storing inventory and equipment
  • feed base

It should be borne in mind that the hangar should be located next to the pasture. In case of opening a farm in winter, it is necessary to purchase hay for livestock once. The farm will then be able to provide hay for the animals itself. In addition to hay, animals need to be provided with special nutrients in the form of feed. Feed must be purchased once a year.

The next step is to build and prepare a hangar / barn for the placement of cattle. You can build a barn using different materials. The flooring can be either wood or concrete. Equipment in the barn will require:

  • Storage tank
  • Engineering Communication
  • Stable places
  • Milking unit with milk pipe
  • Fences and partitions
  • Additional equipment for animal feeding

Besides technological equipment, for making hay and other tasks you will need:

  • Tractor
  • Gazelle
  • Mower
  • Rake-tedders

Also, for the successful functioning of the farm, you will need to choose one of the following milk production technologies:

  • loose
  • tethered with milking in a stall
  • tethered with milking in a special area

Tethered milking in a stall was used for this business plan, and automated system collecting milk.

In addition to purchasing equipment, purchasing land plot and the construction of the hangar, the farmer will need to obtain permission to commission the hangar from the fire inspection and permission from the veterinary service. You will also need to go through checks for compliance with the quality of the products and receive an appropriate certificate.

To obtain high results based on the results of the audit, it is necessary to study the following regulatory framework:

  • GOSTs (e.g. 3625-84, 51451-99 and others)
  • Federal Law No. 8 "Technical regulations for milk and dairy products"
  • Federal Law No. 184 "On technical regulation"
  • Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation

As a result of compliance with all requirements and producing high quality products, your company will be able to successfully develop and bring constant profit.

3. Description of the sales market

For a dairy farm, the main factors of success are both the quality of the product and the speed of its sale, since this product is classified as perishable.

The main consumers of raw milk are dairy factories, processing plants, retail outlets and federal networks. Sales to these customers account for the largest share of the farm's revenue. Also, residents of neighboring houses and villages can purchase your dairy products.

As production develops, you can purchase an additional installation for the production of dairy products, as well as carry out packaging of products on your own.

Most effective way load production capacity is the conclusion of long-term contracts with enterprises. This will avoid downtime and product damage.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To open a dairy farm, you will need the following:

  • Register entity - SP
  • Choose a land plot
  • Purchase a land plot in ownership
  • Build a hangar / cowshed and carry out communications
  • Purchase equipment and machinery
  • Find staff
  • Carry out commissioning works
  • Buy cattle
  • Start working and selling products

Stage / duration, weeks

IP registration

Land selection

Buying memory

Hangar construction and communications

Equipment purchase

Staff recruitment

Commissioning works

Purchase of cattle

Beginning of work

The first step is to register an individual entrepreneur (OKVED - 01.21 "Breeding cattle"). Taxation system - Unified agricultural tax. After registration, you will need to open a bank account, since most large customers will pay by bank transfer.

The next step is to select a land plot and purchase it as property.

After purchasing the site, you can start building a hangar and carrying out engineering communications. Next, you need to purchase and start up the equipment. The next step is to start recruiting personnel and preparing equipment for work together. Next, buy livestock and get started.

6. Organizational structure

For the successful operation of a dairy farm, the following personnel are required:

  • Manager
  • Administrator (2 people)
  • Milkmaids (3 persons)
  • Handyman (2 persons)
  • Tractor driver (1 person)
  • Sales manager (2 persons)
  • Veterinarian
  • Security guard (3 people)
  • Technologist

The total number of personnel is 16 people. The manager can be either a business owner or a hired employee. The main tasks of the manager include the strategic development of the company, working with government agencies, meeting with clients and working with a company that provides promotion services.

The administrator is responsible for the operational management of the enterprise and controls the shipment of products to customers. Milkmaids and handymen are responsible for milk production. The tractor driver works as a driver in winter, and in summer he is also responsible for harvesting and collecting hay from the field.

Sales managers work with potential clients and process incoming requests, as well as arrange meetings for the company manager.

The veterinarian is responsible for the health of the livestock. The technologist is responsible for the normal functioning of the equipment and its service maintenance... The guards work on a day / three basis.

Tab. Wage fund, rub.

Fixed costs


The number of employees


Average salary per month per employee




Tractor driver

At present, agriculture, of course, is not at the peak of its development, but at least at the beginning of its recovery. This is facilitated, in particular, by the increased attention of the state, which has promised to provide farmers with lifting billions of rubles. And, of course, no matter what crisis breaks out, people will always want to eat, which means agriculture - profitable business regardless of external conditions. And farming as a business idea will always be relevant.

It is logical that in this regard, many Russians have recently paid attention to the village and to those associated with it. Someone decided to sow wheat, someone decided to provide the country with domestic vegetables and potatoes, and still others started breeding cattle. It is the last type of business that is developing most intensively today. Suffice it to recall that in dozens of regions new mini-farms are constantly opening and the state strongly supports their owners. Exactly about how to open dairy mini-farm, we will tell you, and experts of the Agromoltekhnika company, which is a leading supplier of agricultural equipment, will help us in this.

Dairy equipment from the catalog

What kind of beast?

First, let's figure out what a mini-farm is and how it differs from the usual one.

Firstly, the mini-farm is much smaller than the classic one, as the name suggests. In our case, this is not only the area of \u200b\u200bthe farm, but also the number of heads of cattle (cattle).

Secondly, to maintain a mini-farm, as a rule, additional personnel are not required. Usually, all work is carried out by the efforts of one family, which owns the farm.

Thirdly, the cost of opening a mini-farm is much lower than the usual one. Moreover, she is a springboard in big business... Judge for yourself: on such a farm, you can test all technologies with minimal risk, so that by the time you enter another level of business for you there were no blind spots in the industry.

What and how much?

So what does it take to open a mini farm? This is, of course, a desire. In addition, you need a plot of land of sufficient area, preferably with utilities. And, of course, you need money. We'll tell you how much later.

For more detail and clarity, consider the project of a mini-farm for 50 heads, which offers to implement agromoltekhnika company... For the construction of such an object, a land plot of at least a thousand square meters will be required. It is necessary to build a large hangar on it, where the animals will be kept. If desired, several additional administrative and utility buildings can be built next to the hangar, although such premises are provided inside the hangar.

If we talk about the exact dimensions of the hangar in which the animals and all equipment will be placed, then it is 15 meters wide, 65 meters long, the step between the frame arcs is three meters. The height of this structure, in accordance with the project of the Agromoltekhnika company, is six meters, the floor area is 975 square meters.

Importantly, the entire dairy mini-farm is essentially located in this hangar. This is a feed section, sections for calves of various ages, a section of dry cows, a milking parlor and a service building. The cost of such a hangar-farm, supplied by Agromoltekhnika on a turn-key basis, is 5,800,000 rubles, including the foundation and floor.

Naturally, business is not limited to one hangar. After all, you will not let the cows into empty premises! Therefore, in addition, the farmer needs to purchase a lot of special equipment. These are stalls, rubber carpets, drinkers, various fences, brushes, ventilation curtains, a milk cooler, a maternity ward and so on.

Fortunately, the Agromoltekhnika company has all this. Therefore, when opening a mini-farm, you do not need to run around several suppliers, ordering necessary equipment in different places. After all, everything can be taken in one place, while at very affordable prices and with a guarantee.

As a result, a complete set of equipment for opening a dairy mini-farm will cost 5,400,000 rubles. Together with the hangar, the cost of launching a dairy mini-farm is 11,200,000 rubles.

The amount, of course, is rather big. But it's worth it. And now it will become clear why.

We count the profit

So, on average, one cow gives 5,000 liters of milk per year. However, in the leading farms, the annual milk yield per cow is 9,000 liters of milk per year. Thus, it turns out that on average 50 cows will produce 250,000 liters of milk per year. Naturally, if the owner shows himself well and reaches a higher level of productivity, the volumes will grow, but we will focus on the average.

On average, a Russian farmer delivers milk to wholesalers at a price of 14 rubles, but this figure varies depending on the region and season. But even if we take the "average temperature in the hospital", then we get the annual revenue of the dairy mini-farm in no way less than 3,500,000 rubles.

The cost of the annual maintenance of one cow in Russia in 2010 was 15,000 rubles. If we take the mini-farm we are describing, then its owner will spend 750,000 rubles a year on keeping animals.

Through simple mathematical calculations, we find that a mini dairy farm will pay off in four years. But it must be borne in mind that the owner of such an enterprise can not only deliver milk to factories, but also process it himself, sell and produce other dairy products, the production of which does not require large costs. In this case, the enterprise will pay off faster.

As you can see, opening a dairy mini-farm is a very attractive and interesting business, even if it requires significant initial investments. But keep in mind that not all companies with similar start-up capital boast a 4-year payback period, and do not forget about the support that the owners of mini-farms receive from the state everywhere.

Dear readers, this article was written and published in 2011. The information provided in it may be out of date

A mini cow farm will help provide a stable income. Initially, you can purchase a small livestock. The business will gradually increase, the number of gobies and cows in the herd will increase. The proposed recommendations will help you organize and arrange everything correctly.

A mini cow farm will help provide a stable income

If you are planning to organize a farm, you need to think carefully and calculate everything. An approximate business plan for a dairy farm for 20 heads includes the main points of the organization of the process and financial issues.

The highlights include:

  • choosing a place for a future mini-farm;
  • rent or purchase of a land plot (if it is not available);
  • purchase of inventory;
  • purchase of initial livestock - bulls and cows;
  • organization of proper care for each individual;
  • maintaining cleanliness;
  • cleaning of waste products - manure.

Financial matters include expense items and ways to generate income on the farm. The required investments determine the amount of initial capital required to organize a business.

The main consumption items are as follows:

  • purchase of building materials;
  • construction of a mini-farm;
  • purchase and delivery of livestock;
  • salary for hired personnel;
  • preparation of feed;
  • payment for veterinary services.

In fact, the productivity of these animals is extremely high.

A mini-farm for 10 cows will pay off very quickly. Such an enterprise can generate income in several ways. This could be:

  • sale of milk and dairy products;
  • sale of varietal beef and / or meat offal;
  • sale of skins;
  • sale of bulls and heifers, i.e. young animals;
  • implementation of manure as;
  • paid provision of breeding individuals for mating (mating) to owners of other farms.

In addition, it is possible to arrange for the sale of hay and / or silage. Of course, subject to the availability of appropriate land plots.

Farm from scratch (video)

Choosing the right place

To make it easy, you need to choose the right piece of land. It should be a flat and well-trodden area. The presence of a small forest belt near the mini-farm will protect animals from drafts and / or strong winds.

Natural bodies of water and / or sources drinking water by legal regulations the relevant laws of the Russian Federation must be at least 30 m away from the places of detention of mass livestock, otherwise the owner may be fined a large sum. In this case, the mini-farm will have to be moved to another site.

An equally important point - the absence of residential and / or other buildings near the place where a mini-farm, cattle will be built - is an inevitable unpleasant smell. You should not create discomfort for residents of nearby settlements... On its own site, a mini-farm for cows settles down closer to the planting site of fruit and vegetable crops. This will make it easier to use manure to fertilize the soil. A modern farm should be located 15 meters or more from a residential building. Additionally, the main wind direction in the region should be taken into account.

To build a farm for cows without any problems, you need to choose the right piece of land

Saving money

It is better for a novice farmer to rent land to keep, for example, ten or twenty heads. It will be much cheaper than buying. You can pick up a site with ready-made buildings, which, after a small renovation, will ensure proper conditions for keeping cattle. A leased plot and / or a barn for 50 cows has such a significant plus as the ability to terminate the contract without any problems. For example, if a more suitable option was found.

The farm design and initial estimate should be based on recycled material. Used bricks, timber, etc., can be purchased much cheaper. The main thing is to check the quality of the goods - the degree of wear, safety, etc.

Sawdust is used for bedding in the barn. You can make them yourself. To do this, you can buy old wood - frames, boards, lumber, not usable.

Preparation for construction

A farm layout, which must be prepared in advance, will help ensure proper housing and / or care of the cows. You can do it yourself or find a suitable mini-farm project from friends and acquaintances.

Markings must be made on the jobsite. At the same time, a place for storing building materials and tools must be prepared.

Self-construction of a farm for cattle requires significant labor and time. You can speed up the process by inviting assistants. Hiring construction crew will be very expensive.

Tools and materials

Before building a farm, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and materials. For work you will need:

  • dry concrete mix or cement and sand;
  • brick, wood or blocks;
  • slate;
  • roofing material;
  • insulation;
  • fasteners;
  • bars and / or beams.

The set of tools must include:

  • shovels - shovel and bayonet;
  • construction tape;
  • plumb line and level;
  • technical knife;
  • hammer drill or electric drill;
  • construction mixer or concrete mixer;
  • solution containers;
  • saw and / or hacksaw;
  • mason's tool;
  • wire cutters and / or pliers;
  • hammers and sledgehammers;
  • overalls;
  • rags.

To store a stock of materials and working tools, you can equip a small barrack or a fenced area with a canopy.

Mini farm (video)

Barn dimensions

The health of cattle directly depends on the conditions of the herd. In order for the animals to feel comfortable, the following barn dimensions must be planned:

  • main area - 500 m² for 50 heads (at the rate of 6 m² for 1 adult or 10 m² for queens with offspring);
  • additional area for storing feed, inventory and equipment;
  • wall height - from 2.5 to 3 m;
  • height to the ridge of the roof - not less than 3.5 m.

Experienced breeders advise against building very large barns for a wide range of livestock. In small rooms for 10 or 20 animals, animals feel more comfortable. At the same time, the cows on the farm are healthy and produce good milk yield. In the event of infection of one or more individuals, the main livestock will be easier to protect from the disease. In addition, it is easier to keep a barn for 20 heads clean and tidy to obtain quality milk and / or meat.

Self-construction of a farm for cattle requires significant labor and time

Barn construction

The selected version of the mini-farm and barn project needs to be studied and, if necessary, slightly modified. This will help tailor the proposed projects to specific conditions.

A cattle brick structure must be built on a solid foundation. A lightweight version can be made for frame, wooden or block walls. The roof is 2-pitched with a high ridge. A hayloft and a storage system for the necessary inventory, equipment, etc. are arranged on top. Another option is a modern hangar-type cowshed with an arched roof. The profile for it is gradually built up to the required size.

The ceiling of a cattle house is usually made of thick planks. For colder regions, double decking is required. Sealing of joints is done with clay. To preserve heat, sand or sawdust must be poured. Layer thickness - at least 10 cm.

The best barn floor is concrete. It is bred and poured using conventional technology. The concrete floor is durable, animal and service friendly. Maintaining cleanliness does not require significant effort and time.

Plank flooring is cheaper. However, you will have to cover the joint seams with clay. The obligatory slope for the floor in the barn is no more than 2 cm per 1 m. It is safe for cows and convenient for removing manure.

Inside the barn, it is necessary to equip stalls measuring 170 x 110 cm.For the manufacture of partitions, you can use the following materials:

  • board;
  • reinforcing rod;
  • log;
  • timber;
  • metal pipe.

The floor is covered with dry chopped straw or sawdust. Wood flooring can be made. A wide aisle for farm personnel should be left in the center of the room.

A canal or gutter is installed at the back for the drainage of manure. It is imperative to make a slope towards the container for collecting liquid manure. The gutter is led out through a special hole (opening) in the wall. It requires a valve.

Drinking bowls and feeders are easy to make with your own hands. They are placed in front of the stalls. The bottom width is 40 cm. From the bottom up, the feeder expands to 70 cm. The height of the outer side is 70 cm. The inner side facing the animal is no higher than 30 cm.

Conditions of detention and sanitary standards

The microclimate is very important for cattle. Therefore, in the barn of a farm for 50 heads, windows are needed for ventilation. They are located at a height of 120-150 cm above floor level. The ventilation system and heating device (if necessary) will help to ensure the temperature regime and air circulation.

The area of \u200b\u200bthermal neutrality, that is, the optimal temperature regime, is provided in the barn, depending on the breed of animals. Usually it is required from +4 to +20 ° С. Warmth is especially important for young bulls and heifers. For large rooms, artificial lighting is required. The electrical wiring must be installed by a specialist during the construction period.


  1. Essence of the project

    Product description

    Market analysis

    Production plan

    Financial plan

    Marketing plan


List of sources used



Planning is inherent in all enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership. The planning mechanism includes: principles, defining priority goals, ensuring the relationship between indicators, taking into account factors and market conditions, monitoring the implementation of plans. The planning process is based on knowledge and use of objective economic laws, laws of commodity production (law of value), laws of a market economy.

The planning process in an organization begins with a clear understanding of what needs to be done for its effective development and functioning. The success of any plan depends on:

    The quality of goal-setting in the main key issues of the organization's development based on a review of its past, present and future development and the success of its response to changes in the environment;

    The quality of the preliminary analysis of the activities of the organization itself and its pricing policy, market, competitors, commodity distribution, etc .;

    Correct assessment of the competitiveness of the organization;

    Choosing and implementing a development strategy , which will increase the competitiveness of the organization.

The main content of planning as a management function of the organization consists in a reasonable definition of the main activities and its further development, taking into account material sources and market demand.

Organization Planning provides for the development of a set of measures that determine the sequence of achieving specific goals, taking into account the possibilities of the most effective use of the resources of each department and the entire organization as a whole.

The aim of the course project is to develop a project plan for a dairy farm, which can provide milk to the Bakhchisarai district, as well as preserve the health of the population.

When developing the project, the following tasks were set:

    Justify the reason for the construction;

    To substantiate its economic efficiency and the payback period of the project.


The project involves the construction of a dairy farm in the city of Bakhchisaray. At the first stage, the farm will have about 200 heads; in the future, the herd will expand to 400-600 heads. According to the project implementation plan, it is planned to obtain high quality milk with its subsequent implementation by school and preschool institutions (Appendix 5) and the Stroyindustriya plant. The initiator of the project should be an investor or the state, since the cost of building the enterprise is 146 million rubles.

The enterprise will have 684 hectares of land to be leased from the Aromatno and Skalistovsky village councils.

The production plan showed that the cost of milk production is 9.9 million rubles per year, and the planned milk production at the first stages is about 1 million kg. Add depreciation to the production costs and get the cost of milk 13.6 rubles, we also add a profit of 53% and get 20 rubles for 1 liter of milk. But when calculating the break-even point, it is necessary to produce 2,322,464 liters of milk per year.

The financial plan shows that milk production will be uneven as cows cannot be milked all year round. But financial performance indicators should improve as milk production will increase. In the third year, it is planned to receive about 13.5 million in net profit.

At this stage, there are no analogues in the Bakhchisarai region. The main competitors will be personal subsidiary plots and producers from other areas. The project will be social, environmental and economically viable.

    The essence of the project

Milk, as you know, is a product of animal origin, a nutritious liquid produced by female mammals for feeding their young. At the moment, we will talk about the milk of farm animals, which is one of the important products in the human diet.

    Milk strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on almost all human systems and organs.

    It is a good tool to combat colds.

    According to scientific studies, daily milk consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 15-20%. Milk helps reduce pressure, reduces swelling.

    In addition, milk reduces the likelihood of cancer - bowel cancer and breast cancer.

    Milk has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers acidity, helps to cope with heartburn, is useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. To milk better absorbed, it must be drunk slowly, in small sips.

    Milk reduces the negative effects of salty and acidic foods on the body.

    Reduces the risk of diabetes.

    Milk is very useful for children, so it provides the body with almost all the useful substances necessary for the growth and development of the child, and, of course, is the main source of calcium.

    Milk has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia. A glass of warm milk with a spoonful of medaz an hour before bedtime is the most popular folk remedy for insomnia.

    Milk is an important product in the diet of people suffering from osteoporosis, as well as a good preventive measure for this disease.

    People who want to get rid of extra pounds, experts recommend including milk in their diet. Milk significantly reduces hunger. Calcium (according to research by American scientists) significantly reduces the amount of fat in the body, and conjugated linoleic acids (KLH) contained in milk and dairy products block the formation of new fat deposits.

Milk, as a product, is split into all segments of the population from young to elderly residents. Of course, in rural areas, the demand for milk is not as great as in urban areas, but in order to supply milk to schools and kindergartens - such volumes family farms cannot provide.

The construction of a dairy farm and the sale of products will take place in the Bakhchisarai region in the vicinity of the city of Bakhchisarai. Basically, it is planned to supply products to local kindergartens and schools: in total, there are 24 kindergartens in the district, where the number of children is 3088 and 28 secondary schools (8,816 people), rest houses and sanatoriums.

According to estimates as of January 1, 2013, the population of our region amounted to 91.0 thousand people, compared with last year, the number increased by 306 people, this is due to migration growth.

Of the total population, men - 41.9 thousand people, women - 49.1 thousand people. 32.8 thousand people live in urban settlements (Bakhchisaray - 26.4 thousand people; urban village Kuibyshevo - 2.4 thousand people; urban Scientific - 0.8 thousand people; urban Postal - 3.2 thousand people) in the countryside - 58.2 thousand people.

The farm is planned to be located on the territory of the Bakhchisarai region, not far from the city of Bakhchisarai.

The choice settled here in this area as there are no analogues of such an enterprise. The area can be attributed to the area of \u200b\u200bintegrated tourism, that is, there are prerequisites for the development of almost all types of tourism.

The region specializes in horticulture (apple, pear, sweet cherry, peach, cherry, quince, apricot) and viticulture. Essential oil crops (lavender, sage, rose), walnuts, almonds are grown. The main areas of animal husbandry: pig breeding, sheep breeding, beekeeping, poultry farming; auxiliary areas: fur farming (raising rabbits, arctic foxes, black-brown foxes), horse breeding. The largest industrial enterprises: the Bakhchisarai plant "Stroyindustriya", a woodworking plant, "Dorindustriya", an essential oil enterprise, canneries, a wool spinning factory, Alminsky plant of building materials (mining of limestone).

The location of the enterprise is due to the fact that there is a sales market nearby (the Stroyindustriya plant, Bakhchisaray, the western resort area, where sanatoriums and rest homes are located), as well as a labor force (Aromatnoye village, Glubokiy Yar village, Bakhchisaray city). The lands where fodder crops can be grown are also well located.

The land for construction will be leased, it belongs to the Aromatnensky village council. Where crops will be grown - to the Skalistovskiy village council. Land will be rented.

There is an asphalted road to the site where the farm will be built, further along it you can get to the Simferopol - Sevastopol highway. There is also a railway line nearby, which can be used to deliver cargo, building materials and transporting cows.

The nearest sales market is the Stroyindustriya plant. Now about a thousand people work there. Since there are harmful working conditions, the worker is supposed to give out 0.5 liters of milk per day free of charge. The city is also not far away.

As mentioned above, one of the points of sale of milk is the Bakhchisarai plant "Stroyindustriya" where the number of workers is more than a thousand people. because of harmful conditions labor, the worker should be given 0.5 liters of milk per day.

Also, the supply of milk to kindergartens and schools. There are 28 comprehensive schools and 24 preschool institutions in the district, where the daily norm of milk consumption in kindergarten up to 300 ml per day, and in school up to 500 ml. per day.

Milk production technologies for tied cow housing and milking in stalls in portable milking buckets or in a milk pipe. The cows are kept on a leash in stalls, where each of them is provided with a specific place with a feeder and drinker. Serving a group of cows with one milkmaid, an individual approach to each, the presence of a constant place of feeding, watering, resting, milking contribute to the maximum use of the potential capabilities of cows. On a dairy farm with 400 cows, in addition to the 6 main milking machine operators, there are 4 cattlemen on duty. 2-3 machine operators for the distribution of feed, milk receiver. 2 locksmiths on duty, an inseminator technician, that is, the number of auxiliary workers is 2-3 times higher than the number of milking machine operators. A further real increase in labor productivity in dairy (farms can be achieved by reducing the number of support staff).

The disadvantages of this milk production technology include high labor costs for tying and tying cows, for manual cleaning of stalls from manure, individual dosing of concentrates, and preparation of the udder.

Due to the proximity of the farm to the villages of Aromatnoye and Gluboky Yar, there is the possibility of using local labor. Villagers are more familiar with raising and caring for cows. You can also find workers in the city itself, since some families for their own family contain or kept 1-3 heads of cows. There is also a vocational school in the city that trains specialists in the construction industry.

The feed base for cows will be created on leased land. Sowing of such crops as corn, alfalfa, oats, peas, fodder root crops, barley is supposed.

    Product Description

The product of the Bakhchisarai dairy farm is milk.

Milk - this is the first thing that a person tastes. Growing up, the child gets used to other foods and may well refuse it, as the young of all mammals do. However, a person has a more complex attitude to milk. Many peoples don’t know the milk of animals at all: it is not familiar either to the Indo-Chinese inhabitants, or to the black inhabitants of Africa, or to the Indians and Eskimos - the indigenous population of America ... At the same time, where in ancient times they learned to milk animals, they hardly think of a kitchen without milk, because it has everything that a person needs for normal growth and development. People milk cows and mares, goats and sheep, camels and deer, buffaloes and donkeys, female yaks and zebu. And once they even appreciated the milk of pigs, which is now practically out of use.

Milk contains everything that a person needs for normal growth and development: water (87.2%), fats, proteins (casein, albumin, globulin), vitamins and minerals (the most important of them are calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the formation, development and restoration of bone tissue).

The quality and taste of milk is largely determined by its fat content: the more fat, the tastier and more nutritious it is. When the milk “settles”, the fat floats up, forming a layer of cream on the surface. Lactose, i.e. milk sugar, gives milk a specific sweet taste.

Attention! Cow protein allergy is the most common type of allergy in babies. According to statistics, 2–7% of children are born with it, and the curve is steadily creeping up (not the healthiest pregnancy, artificial feeding).

Allergy to cow protein (most often found in milk casein, but in rare cases, and on its other components) is not as scary as it might seem, especially since in 50% of cases it passes in the first year of life, and in almost all the others - in 2-3 years, and only very few stays for a long time. Its absence in the diet can be compensated by rice, soy, oat, coconut and, above all, goat milk.

    Market analysis

According to a report prepared by the analytical center of the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko) according to preliminary data from Rosstat, in 2015, farms of all categories of Crimea produced agricultural products worth 63.3 billion rubles, which is 13.6% less than in 2014 ( at actual prices). The decline in livestock production contributed to the negative trend. Although in the total volume of agricultural products it accounts for only 39.6% (24.8 billion rubles), while 60.4% is crop production (38.5 billion rubles). So, for the year in the Crimean farms, the production of livestock products decreased by 19.1%, to 115 thousand tons (54% - in agricultural organizations, 46% - in household farms), eggs - by 10.2%, to 505.3 million . PCS. Milk production also continued to decline, despite the growth in livestock, and amounted to 230 thousand tons (-21% compared to 2014).

Fig. 1 Milk production in the Crimean Federal District

Table 4.1

The number of cattle in the Crimean Federal District, thousand heads

Change in 2015 (+ -%) to

Including cows

In the structure of agricultural production, 34.5% is provided by agricultural organizations, 60.6% - by households, 4.9% - by K (F) X and individual entrepreneurs. Note that livestock farming in the region is practically not developed, their share in livestock production is about 0.5% (in crop production - about 7.7%). At the end of 2015, households produced 91% of milk (in 1990 this figure did not exceed 1%) and 61% of eggs (in 1990 - 21%). A similar shift in production to this category of farms is accompanied by a decrease in its intensification. The households of the population, as a rule, do not have the financial ability to modernize and develop production, and the level of marketability (the share of products sold in the total volume of manufactured products) is quite low here, which aggravates the problem of food security. In 2014, the marketability of milk in the farms of the Crimean population was 52.6%. The main achievement of the region's crop growing sub-industry in 2015 was an increase in the gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops by 14.5% compared to 2014, up to 1,263.1 thousand tons in weight after revision. Sunflower crop increased to 113.3 thousand tons (+ 7.9%), which was facilitated by the expansion of sown areas. Note that the main feature of the Crimean agricultural complex is its price volatility due to the fact that the market is focused on providing agricultural products to the sanatorium and tourist complexes. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the low level of exports, the lack of modern infrastructure, ineffective use of irrigated land, as well as problems in the field of regulatory and legal regulation, as a result of which there are difficulties with the development of state support funds.

    Production plan

Planning is one of the management functions, which is the process of choosing the organization's goals and ways to achieve them. It is through planning that the leadership of the organization seeks to establish guidelines for effort and decision-making that will ensure unity of purpose for all its members. In management, planning takes the main place, embodying the organizing principle of the whole process of implementing the organization's goals.

In the broad sense of the word, planning is the setting of goals for any system or subsystem. The importance of planning the activities of an enterprise is expressed in the well-known aphorism: "Plan or be planned", that is, an enterprise that does not know how or does not consider it necessary to plan its activities itself becomes an object of planning, a means of achieving other people's goals. Planning as an economic category can be viewed from a general economic and managerial position.

From a general economic position, planning is one of the methods of regulating the proportions of production. For many years, central planning has been the main regulatory mechanism in the economy of our country. However, under the conditions of market relations, the law of value appears. Today, in different countries, depending on the specific economic situation, the use of the planning mechanism to regulate the economy is carried out in different ways. On the scale of the enterprise, planning was and remains the main mechanism for regulating the proportions of production, since its divisions enter into relations with each other not as independent producers, but as participants in a single production process.

The coursework includes three planning sections: a production plan, a financial plan, and a marketing plan.

A production plan is an integral part of any business plan, which should describe all the production or other work processes of the company. Here it is necessary to consider all issues related to production facilities, their location, equipment and personnel, as well as pay attention to the planned involvement of subcontractors. It should be briefly explained how the system for issuing goods (providing services) is organized and how control over production processes is carried out. Attention should also be paid to the location of production facilities and the placement of tools, equipment and jobs. This section should indicate delivery times and list the main suppliers; describes how quickly the firm can increase or decrease the output of goods or the provision of services. An important element of the production plan is also a description of the company's requirements for quality control at all stages of the production process.

As previously reported, the site for the construction of the farm was chosen in the vicinity of the city of Bakhchisarai (Appendix 1), the total area of \u200b\u200bcrops will be 686.3 hectares. Next, you need to select suppliers and contractors for the construction of the building, the acquisition of equipment and the purchase of cattle. At the initial stages, it is planned to purchase 200 heads, in the future, to expand the livestock population to 400-600 heads.

The list of equipment that will be used on the farm will be purchased and presented in the table below.

Milk pipeline Unimilk 400 will be supplied from the Russian Federation by Standard Milk LLC, the company also provides delivery and installation services. The milk pipe is of high quality, does not affect the product, which allows it to preserve its taste.

The manure removal system will be built by the main builder company - PE "Monolith". PE Monolith was recommended by the Union of Builders. Local firm that will keep part money and will leave the budget in Crimea

The milk cooling tank will be purchased from GEA Farm Technologies. This company is engaged in the sale of equipment for farms.

Appendix 2 shows the schedule of the project, where the main actions for the implementation of the project are scheduled monthly. The construction and launch of the farm is designed for 2 years, as the farm will be built "from scratch".

Table 5.1

The list of equipment use at the Bakhchisarai dairy farm.

Name of equipment

The price of equipment per unit in rubles.

Delivery price in rub.

Unit price in rubles.

Stall equipment with a 400-level level drinking system. Type of anti-corrosion coating, powder coatings.

1,300,000.00 rub.

RUB 1,550,000.00

Milk pipe Unimilk 400

RUB 1,500,000.00

RUB 1,650,000.00

Manure removal system

Rod and scraper conveyor

Drive station

RUB 1,210,620.00

Rod with scrapers 400 mm

RUB 1,540,440.00

Cross conveyor screw

Drive station

Screw conveyor

Pump fecal NZhN-200A-1

Cow Blowers

Milk cooler TCool comp 3 ~ 400V 7000 4 B II

RUB 1,678,838.00

1 828 838,00 rub.

Mixer mixer wagon Mix & Drive H 1700

2 816 550,00 rub.

2 816 550,00 rub.

Loader Front-end 2008 Bobcat S250, USA


2 675 580,00 rub.

refrigerator HT-050 II (roof)

Tractor MTZ Belarus-1021

RUB 2,805,000.00

Agricultural Trailer T711 / 2 - 10T

RUB 1,770,000.00

Gas boiler De Dietrich C230-210 Eco

Calculations are relevant for 2019

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Business plan

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The dairy farm business plan, calculated by professionals, will help you deal with the difficulties that may arise in establishing such a business. Milk is a popular food product, it is invaluable for children, and adults cannot do without this useful product for a long time. Therefore, the production of milk, with a competent approach, will definitely allow you to remove dividends from this profitable undertaking.

Having studied the information on the organization of milk production, you will gain the opportunity to receive and process this product for the production of kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and other vital food dairy products. Milk processing is often the first priority for the farm, and you should carefully consider the selection of livestock, prevent kinship crossbreeding and follow the rules of this type of farm.

This information on the organization of the dairy is intended for entrepreneurs who are not afraid of undertakings and will be able to organize a profitable business, providing the population with fresh, environmentally friendly milk and dairy products, gradually increasing milk production. Milking machines, high-quality drinkers, balanced feed and acceptable living conditions for livestock will increase the profitability of the dairy production venture.

The presented sample document on the organization of dairy production will increase your chances of success in the agricultural segment of dairy farming (cattle). You will be able to clearly orient yourself when making organizational, financial, and administrative decisions. The specificity of this agricultural enterprise requires the cost of a careful selection of qualified personnel, but it is necessary in modern conditions and will certainly bring you additional profit.

As the analysis of the domestic dairy market shows, the share of goods from the Russian manufacturer is gradually increasing, but still remains insufficient. Meanwhile, opportunities for entrepreneurs who decide to invest in the development of the agricultural sector are expanding. There are also risks that sometimes turn the occupation of dairy farming into a kind of lottery.

Today, an entrepreneur planning to build a dairy business has two main ways to start a business: build a dairy farm from scratch, or buy out an old livestock complex and bring it to mind. The second option is preferable in terms of the timing of obtaining the necessary documentation.

The fact is that when building a farm from scratch, the paperwork can take a year or even more. Reconstruction of the existing complex simplifies the process of obtaining permits, as a result, this can be done in 2-3 months. This suggests that in this case it is more profitable to buy an old farm and make repairs in it than to get involved with the construction of a new barn.

Domestic farmers are given certain state subsidies for business development. Nevertheless, one should rely primarily on one's own strengths. Usually opening dairy business requires large-scale investment. Specific figures depend on what funds will be required for the reconstruction of the livestock complex, land lease and the purchase of pedigree livestock. You can start with a herd of 200-300 goals, as the business develops, increasing production volumes.

As a rule, most entrepreneurs are engaged in milk processing at the same time as milk production. Pasteurized milk from farmers is in high demand, and such products can be actively supplied to nearby regions. The ROI of a mini dairy is usually quite high, provided you can negotiate with local traders. The rural milk delivery business can bring very good profits, since the quality of such products largely satisfies the demand of the domestic consumer.

When planning to open their own business - a dairy plant - entrepreneurs have to solve another important question: what breed of cows to breed on their farm. Most farmers prefer the Holstein breed. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that such cows are more demanding in terms of keeping and feeding, in contrast to locally bred cattle. In any case, a high-quality food base is one of the key elements of the complex's functioning. It is best to harvest most of the feed yourself, which will significantly reduce the cost of dairy products.

When organizing the business of production, processing and delivery of dairy products, do not forget about the need to use a document such as professional example dairy farm business plan with ready-made calculations. A competent business project is designed for a dairy farm of 200-300 heads, but based on the available data, you can easily adapt this document to your personal needs, regardless of the size of the herd.


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