How to make money on sale and breeding aquarium fish. Business plan for breeding freshwater aquarium fish How to hand over adulth fish in pet shop

Did you think that the breeding of fish for sale brings good income, and the aquarium will be a profitable hobby? Aside wide scope We will purchase sales depends on you and the realities of the local market.

I will tell about the highlights that you need to pay attention to the decision to make earnings on sales of fish.

First step, evaluate the capacity of the local or regional market for sales of aquariums and equipment for them. Talk to the owners of pet stores to clarify. No one will prevent layouts on the scenery, so you have to "work the liver" or unzipped the wallet.

The finding will be a word-shy chatty seller who can learn about the mooring of the pet store and the needs of buyers for the purchase of mine fish for aquarium.

Network pet stores work with national suppliers and rarely turn to private owners, preferring the proven to well-known lovers - breed breeders.

The more information about the local market you will collect, the lower the price of risks and cash spending.

How to breed fish for sale

Do you plan to breed fish in a dozen aquariums or can you breed in equipped pools? This question is of great importance, because the selling price of fish and the cost of breeding is connected with it.

If you know how to breed fish at home that are in great demand, then I congratulate you. I am practically confident that there is another businessman in the region that supplies or breeds fish by pools. If there is no big player, then this reason to seriously think about the question "Why"? Regional players can be located in warm regions, which affects the cost of breeding. Cost will be lower compared to cold regions.

Decide which fish you will breed and become a breeding expert. If you wake you in the middle of the night, then you must tell how the fish are bred, what they eat and how to quickly grow fry. Viliable fish are bred independently, but for breeding of icometowns, conditions create conditions for the spawning of caviar. Icru needed to be preserved, preventing feeding by manufacturers and damage to fungal infections.

After hanging the larvae from the iconic, the question arises to the stage of the fry. It will take feed, like living dust or specialized food for fry or larvae. The culture of the first is difficult to maintain, and the second roads, which will affect the cost of fish. Expert knowledge will be required not only in the field of breeding, but also in the field of feeding.

How to sell fish

Popular fish in pet stores stand within 50-200 rubles and when buying a party in 20-30 fish shops provide a decent discount. Rare fish, like discussions, cost about 2000 rubles. But discusses are difficult to breed, but even more difficult to sell them. The rare aquarium owner will buy fish worth 700-1000 rubles for a couple for a home aquarium. Right fish sales market. The market volume is determined by the cost of fish, which depends on the complexity of breeding.

Determine the cost of dilution aquarium fishBased on the conditions, and compare it with the wholesale and retail price. This will make it possible to understand the level of income from the sale of one fish, relative to the complexity of breeding.

You will need many manufacturers, for in breeding from one pair, do not earn. Get regular reproduction of fish. Decide to which sizes you need to raise fish before the commercial condition. Find a pet shop, which is ready to participate in the implementation and carefully consider for what time how many fish will be sold.

How to sell fish wholesale

If the pet store will sell 10 fish in a week, the market for this type of fish and the store will be 30-50 fish per month. Such a rude calculation will allow to understand how well fish are sold, and whether it is worth negotiating the greater sales volume through the pet store. If the starting party of the fish is sold month, then admit that it will not work out, because the market is absent or small.

On the Internet, full of well-written articles, tempting recipes and words about how light and good income brings the sale of aquarium fish. If you think it is so, then it is better not to overcome.

Fish breeding for earnings on follow-up is a heavy risky job. The success of this work depends on the knowledge and skills, which does not exclude the influence negative factors, like an outbreak of infection in aquariums with young.

About the business in resalefish, as well as the number of desired aquarium equipment for breeding, I will not talk to not miss the message of the article. If necessary, you will easily calculate yourself using the specified reference points.

Aquariums with original and exotic fish recently are increasingly decorated not only by private offices, but also hols and cabins of large enterprises.

This is not surprising, because they give a certain atmosphere of calm and equilibrium to any room. Do not forget about private lovers of this kind of interior decoration. In this regard, the business on aquarium fish now looks very attractive and promising.

What you need to know

For successful implementation Such a business idea requires certain knowledge. At a minimum, it is necessary to distinguish between predatory and herbivores, as well as the subtleties of the right care. Like the breeding of homemade fish, the cultivation of them for sale should occur when good lightingcorresponding to the natural level.

Among other things, aquarium must be placed in aquarium. The main thing at the same time, so that they were familiar to the fish of this or that kind. Another important nuance that should be remembered is the presence of carbon dioxide dispenser.

Water in the aquarium must have a stable temperature. As for the fish, they (especially tropical varieties) need not only in the stern, but also in the constant adding of various mineral feeding.

Installation of aquariums

Breeding aquarium fish needs to be started with the organization of habitats for them. As practice shows, the installation of the rack will be very appropriate. It can consist of both two and three tiers. Here will be installed the aquariums themselves. The main requirements for the shelving are its high reliability and strength, because in each container is placed several hundred liters of water.

On the upper shelf, it is recommended to place an aquarium intended for manufacturers, on average - spawning, and on the lower - exigration. Such accommodation will greatly facilitate care. The fact is that in this case it is possible to pour water from the top aquarium to the lower - this affects the biological state inside the tank, as well as on the younger fry.

From which fish it is better to start

As practice shows, the business on aquarium fish is best to start with the breeding of the simplest and at the same time with the demand of species. In addition, it is necessary to take into account some of these nuances as peacefulness, omniviness, as well as the development rate. All this will allow to gain certain skills and experience, which will help to significantly expand the range of the enterprise in the future.

Choosing fish for business

A very important issue in this form of business is to understand the novice entrepreneur of what kind of breeds of aquarium fish it will breed. It all depends on the purely from the initial financial investment. In the event that, besides tens of thousands of rubles, there is an opportunity to give all of its time, you can take the dilution of expensive breeds worth up to 500 US dollars per person. Explicit advantage Here is that in the aquarium such fish will be a bit.

However, there is another side of the medal. We are talking about that such varieties require special care, and their habitat conditions must be perfect. In this regard, there is every reason to assume that businessmen who are just starting such a kind business activities, it is better to give preference to growing simple and at the same time unpretentious rocks.

Simple species of fish

As already noted above, unpretentious fish are bred much easier. However, it does not mean at all that it is impossible to earn. Rather, even on the contrary. The most common ordinary rocks, which do not require too much from their owner, are Betta, roepers, as well as guruurs.

The first of the specified varieties is popular on the entire planet and is a rather peaceful fish. The only disadvantage is that it is impossible to be allowed in one aquarium more than one male.

Roofing is the most popular breed. Their key feature except beautiful external viewIs that they quickly and independently breed. Moreover, for this you do not need to create any special conditions.

As for the gurors, only timely cleaning of the aquarium and the change of water is required for their dilution. The cost of one separate individual of each of the mentioned rocks of unpretentious fish is in the range from thirty to seventy rubles.

Food and its varieties

Fish breeding as a business is impossible without the use of feed. There are two types of their varieties: alive and artificial. The first type allows you to provide much better results compared even with the most high-quality and modern artificial feeds.

As for the second variety, one of the best is considered a beef heart. It should simply be cleaned from the film, then cut into small pieces and freeze. Later, such a forage is a fir and bring in small portions. An important feature is that water under its action is practically not spoiled.

Necessary investment

The lion's share of the whole initial budget is discharged to the purchase of aquarium. It can be either one large, or somewhat small. As the entrepreneurial experience shows, it is most advisable to purchase two or three aquarium for the start, the total volume of which is about three hundred liters. The cost of this pleasure is approximately 60 thousand rubles.

In addition to this money, approximately 15 thousand rubles are necessary for the purchase of fry and another 5 thousand - on the means of care. With all this, you should not forget about the stern and various specialized literature. So on initial stage Business development Breeding aquarium fish will cost in an amount constituting about 100 thousand rubles. It should be noted that in the future certain types of feed can be grown independently, which will significantly save.

Realization of fish

Even until recently, entrepreneurs in this area faced such a problem as selling fish. Now everything is much easier with this, because there are many pet stores, markets and the Internet, which is used increasingly from year to year.

It should be noted that the implementation through aquarium fish can only be carried out if there is an appropriate permission issued by the veterinary service. When selling on the market it will be necessary to make a permit for trade. Both in the first and in the second case, certain financial costs are required.

There are two ways to sell fish. With the first of them, they are sold in adolescence. In this case, the cost of one individual will be on average 10 rubles. When using the second method, more adult fish are implemented. Then you can upload up to 100 rubles per one.

It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that, no matter how the sales is made, the starting investments will pay off earlier than five to six months. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the fact that if the business on aquarium fish is organized and carried out effectively, you can earn at least 25 thousand rubles per month.

Water plants as a way to increase profits

If the entrepreneur is actively engaged in breeding aquarium fish, it is quite appropriate to grow and aquatic plants. The fact is that they enjoy high demand on the bird markets. Moreover, for some of them you can rescue solid money. A prime confirmation is echinodorus, the cost of which is an average of $ 17 in the domestic equivalent. However, for most plants from the client, you can take about $ 2.

Anyway, growing aquatic plants, as well as breeding fish, is produced in the aquarium. At its bottom, the nutritious soil should be put, and on top - install the lamp. After that, you can start planting plants. A very important condition in this case is to ensure the proper level of humidity within the aquarium. This can be achieved if it is completely covered with a layer of soil with water. Another mandatory requirement is the covering of the capacity above the glass.

Plant care for sale

Before planting aquarium plants, intended for further implementation, they must be rinsed with clean water room temperature. In addition, it is desirable to give preference to young seedlings, since there is a high probability that a major view does not take care. It is also recommended to pre-perform disinfection by placing them into a two-percent manganese solution for up to ten minutes.

We must not forget that the aquarium plants do not like tightness. In this regard, it is recommended to observe the distance between the seedlings. As for the soil, it should be loose, which will provide a comfortable and permanent water flow. To avoid the pallor of aquatic plants, you can use special additives containing iron and other nutrient useful elements.

Diseases of fish

The main problem with which a person faces, who organized a business on aquarium fish, is the emergence of various diseases. Most often, they appear due to the weakening of immunity, which is due, as a rule, with the lack of due quantity of living feed.


Summing up, it should be noted that aquarium fish as a business look very attractive. In favor of this type of business, he says him high profitability and stable income. Moreover, in the future it can be expanded by increasing the range by similar goods - varieties of fish, aquatic plants, feed and so on.

Business on aquarium fish is profitable, but only if the owner of the enterprise will choose a popular "living creature".

It is not so difficult to organize a point: first the conditions necessary for the normal life of aquarium fish are created, after the pets themselves are purchased, the fes are grown to the commodity condition and are implemented.

This business has a number of features:

  1. Nowadays in Russia there are no entrepreneurs involved in breeding fish in large volumes.
  2. Business does not require huge initial investments. All necessary equipment is available to everyone.
  3. Special competition in our country is not observed.
  4. This type of activity does not require a separate room, the costs associated with the construction or rental of the premises are excluded, fish can be diluted at home.
  5. The case is available to everyone, you do not need to have a degree in order to competently carry out pets, specialized literature - in free access.
  6. The sale of fish is occurring in various ways: selling pet stores, on bird markets, growing fish for individuals.
  7. In parallel, this business can still be implemented by concomitant products (algae, for example).
  8. Over time, if things are good, you can.

What fish make most profitable fish?

When buying, follow the following advice:

  1. Spend an analysis of offers and demand in pet stores and in the markets of your region, look at the private ads on the sale / sale of fish. Mark both the most popular varieties and those that are not found in local stores.
  2. It is better to abandon the selection of well-known fish species. Yes, they are easier to breed, but it is almost impossible to sell, the same goldfish is available in each zoo.
  3. Refuse from little learned pets.
  4. It is unwanted to buy imported species (for example, those, the habitat of which are coastal saltwater waters of Australia, India, Asia), it is difficult to obtain offspring from them, almost impossible.

As the owners say this business, now it makes sense to breed the following types:

  1. Low reproductive ability at Barbus Denisoni, its cost is 500-1500 rubles.
  2. The average ability - at the Sindrontis Petrikola, its cost is from 200 to 500 rubles.
  3. Knife-read can be implemented for 800 rubles.
  4. If you want to give preference after all the most popular varieties, then try to grow all the same goldfish. Not bad option - Cikhlida parrot.

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Dilution and implementation

It is best to establish comprehensive activities that would consist of two main directions:

  1. The first way is to sell private traders. The main thing in this matter is to conquer authority, the result will be practically instant, the srangian radio has never failed anyone.
  2. The second way is the sale of fish dealers and pet stores. The approach implies the breeding of fry on a large scale and market at a small price.

We list the equipment that you need (the most chassis brands):

  1. The Biodizen Reef Aquarium is suitable for the content of fish inhabitants in freshwater water. The cost of units is about 9 thousand rubles. Ideally - to purchase 9-12 pieces.
  2. Nine-twelve compressors "Eheim Air Pump", they are needed for aeration. Cost - 1500 rubles.
  3. Filter "SOBO WP-1900F". Price - about a thousand rubles.
  4. Lamp "T8 Life-GLO II", imitating daylight, costs about 500 rubles.
  5. The "SOBO HG" thermostat that heated water will cost you 480 rubles.
  6. Autocorry "TRIXIE". Cost - 1170 rubles.
  7. Thermometer. Price - 50 rubles.

The choice of equipment is carried out taking into account the varieties of fish (each type requires its care).At first, universal aquariums will be purchased, the volume of which is 200-250 liters, and equipment being attached to them; These details of the life of the aquatic inhabitant can be adapted to the vital activity of different fish.

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Premises and technical and economic indicators

Breeding freshwater fish in the apartment is desirable to lead in a separate room, it must be darkened, daylight - artificial (it will be imitated by a pre-acquired lamp). Aquariums place away from the heating system, to the extreme case, turn off the devices at the time of fish breeding. Another point - all the floors in the room must be durable.

An important quantitative indicator in the business is a tonnage of water in the aquarium, it must be at least 2 tons for income (for this, and a solid flooring is necessary). It is worth noting that the aquariums are strictly forbidden to have several tiers. If you bought 12 aquariums, then in five adjust adult individuals at the ratio of males to females 2 to 6; In seven - fry.

Online store Aqua-Shop offers a huge selection - on our site you will find a single catalog of aquarium fish and other lively goods of the largest aquarial wholesale base and Aqua Logo supermarkets.

The Aqua-Shop online store supplier is officially registered by the Aquari Logo Aquarial Complex by the Aquarial Complex, in the special quarantine separation of which fish are adapting to habitat in the aquariums of amateurs and professionals. For more than 20 years, we care that you can buy aquarium fish of the highest quality!

This section presents aquarium fish for freshwater aquarium. We can find both ordinary and exotic rocks that will be interested in beginners and experienced aquaries. All famous guppy and mallons, bombuses, a lot of types of gold, haracinic and cichlid, discs, freshwater butterflies (pantodones), exclusive archers, rods - today in stock 531 names of freshwater fish. Also in our range of 567 species of marine fish.

You can not decide what fish for aquarium need? Find your option among popular species with other aquarists using our selection assistant. Take advantage of the filter in which you can choose fish for price, type of food, temperature of content or habitat, find suitable fish for aquarium with alive plants or fishery-sanitary facilities (which will help in the fight against algae or pests).

Breeding aquarium fish for many has become a favorite hobby. If you also decided to do this case, familiarize yourself with the laws of the underwater world, learn more about its inhabitants and learn about them to take care. Our section "Articles" is regularly replenished with reviews of various fish fish, in each of which you will find information on breeding, content and feeding conditions, compatibility in aquarium.

How to choose and buy fish in the online store

You can buy fish for aquarium through the site in our retail storesAt the same time choose them personally and pick it yourself, having received a detailed advice on site. Just place an order through the basket in a convenient "Aqua Logo" supermarket.

In Moscow and the nearest Moscow region, our online store delivers home or office at a pre-agreed time (select "Online Store" in the basket).

Do not deny yourself the pleasure and be sure of the fish from Aqua-Shop will certainly decorate your aquarium.

Business at the breeding of aquarium fish is to sell rare their species and related materials, that is, food, plants and necessary equipment. You can also offer customers service and cleaning their aquariums - home or office.

Advantages of this business idea

  • Small competition.
  • Minimum costs, which allows you to start the case from scratch.
  • Ability to breed fish at home.
  • Easy to implement.
  • Do not have a special education. There is a lot of literature on this topic, which is enough to learn independently.

How to choose aquarium fish?

  1. Examine demand and offer by visiting specialized stores.
  2. Explore the photo, the names of the species and the conditions for breeding those fish you are ready to breed at home.
  3. Do not buy cheap and common fish, it is almost impossible to sell them, as people pass such fish even for free to get rid of them.
  4. Do not buy fish that are not enough information about.
  5. Do not buy fish that are delivered from India, Australia and Asia. They are not suitable for breeding, since they do not produce offspring.
  6. For aquarium business, such fish such as cichlids, notopartic, synodontones, bombuses, gold are suitable for aquarium business.

Breeding aquarium fish as a business

Like any case, the business at the breeding of fish begins with the study of the necessary information. Deciding with the view, it is necessary to explore everything that concerns its reproduction and rules of care. Then buy equipment, namely:

  • aquariums with a volume of 200 - 250 liters;
  • compressors;
  • water filters;
  • daylight lamps;
  • thermostators for water heating;
  • autocoruses.

To begin with, you can do with one aquarium, and then increase the quantity.

  • A room in which aquarium fish will live, protect against sunlight, that is, sharpened. The required light they will get from the lamps.
  • Do not have aquariums near the heating devices.
  • In order to save the aquariums in one row. Three or two-storey construction can collapse, it is also difficult to maintain it.

Aquariums are distributed in this way: if the entrepreneur is 12, then five aquariums for adult fish, for example, six females and two male in each. Seven aquariums for growing fry.

For sale aquarium fish

The first profit of the fish will be brought only after six months, if everything is done correctly, namely, adolescents began to produce offspring. Realize fish simply. There are three ways to sell aquarium fish. First. Get acquainted with fans lovers. Over time, their number in the list will grow, thanks to the operation of the sarafined radio. Second. Pet Shop. Although the price of fish and small, but it is stable and reliable. You can even conclude a supply contract. The third. Submit information on the Internet. Most often, this option works very well. It happens that a person is looking for exactly the fish that is not in the store, and refers to private ads. So you can work permanent customersTrue, a little. When implementing fish, both age groups must be taken into account. Sell \u200b\u200band fry, and teenagers. In addition to the main income, you can get an additional revenue on the sales of live food, algae and so on. Business at the breeding of fish will make a profit of about 44 thousand rubles per month if there are 12 aquariums and right organization. Investigation to start their own business will be about 230 thousand rubles, which will pay off in six months.


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