Customer centric experience of companies. Customer focus as one of the main logistics strategies of RZD. Holding values: Customer focus, mutually beneficial long-term partnership with clients, continuous development of the product portfolio and

Traditionally, a lot of attention is paid to improving customer service on the South-Eastern Railway. At the present time, in the conditions of an unstable economic situation and tough competition in the field of transportation, the issue of improving the quality of services provided in railway transport is most acute. Today it is important for us not only to maintain, but also to strengthen our positions in all segments of transport services. Success in this business is possible only through the implementation of a customer-oriented system in the work, from planning to the direct implementation of transportation.

Anatoly Ivanovich Volodko,head of the South-Eastern Railway

As you know, the implementation of the customer focus strategy in our company is based on the main principle - an individual approach to each client, the ability to assess the degree of loyalty and satisfaction of service consumers. What tools do we use to make this principle work at the road level? First of all, these are regional coordination councils held on an ongoing basis on the development of joint programs of constructive cooperation. Their role can hardly be overestimated.
In 2016, two meetings of the regional coordinating council were held on the road - one, with the participation of key shippers, in February in Stary Oskol, the other took place in June in a video conference mode between the Moscow and South-Eastern railways. Clients also took part in it.
Such events allow shippers to get to know more about the activities and services provided by the railway, directly express their wishes. For us, it is an opportunity to correctly assess how satisfied customers are with joint work, to promptly identify and eliminate the problem, to outline further ways of mutually beneficial cooperation. Taking into account the positive experience of this kind of interaction with consumers of railway services, we plan to continue holding working meetings at the sites of the coordination councils.
In conditions market economy a very important criterion for choosing a carrier company for a shipper is the current tariff system, on which transportation costs depend. Currently, shippers often prefer transportation by road because of its mobility, accessibility for some remote regions, and the ease with which shipping documents are issued.
At the service area of \u200b\u200bthe South-Eastern Mainline, rail transport accounts for 75% of the total traffic, while 25% of cargo is transported by cars. In order to ensure the competitiveness of rail transportation, as well as to attract additional cargo volumes to the road, the management of Russian Railways decided to provide reduction factors within the tariff corridors for major partners that ensure loading at or higher than last year.

At the moment, a reduction factor of 0.882 applies to the transport of ferrous metals for export It was adopted for Q1 2016 and extended until the end of the year. As a result, over 5 months there was an increase in the loading of ferrous metals by 161 thousand tons or 2.4% compared to the same period last year.
The implementation of a customer-oriented policy within the framework of Russian Railways also implies continuous interaction between business units and subdivisions within the road. It is achieved through the organization of end-to-end service delivery from planning to completion. The business model, defined by the Development Strategy of the Russian Railways Holding until 2030, provides for the transformation of the company from a transportation company to a transportation and logistics one.
In this regard, on the railway, customers are provided with a new transport product - the organization of the movement of freight trains on a schedule with a fixed time of departure and arrival, which increases the reliability and efficiency of transportation, and corresponds to the working conditions of railway transport in the market environment. Departure of trains on schedule guarantees the client the delivery of goods on time, significantly improves the reliability of delivery of goods.
In order to develop customer focus, reduce administrative barriers and improve the provision of services in the field of freight rail transportation, the Conditions of Transport Services of JSC Russian Railways were approved and put into effect. Today it is enough for the client to sign and submit to any TTSFTO (Territorial Center for Corporate Transport Services) the original application for familiarization and full agreement with the terms and cost of the provision of services posted on the Russian Railways website in order to receive the required service.
Since March 1, 2016, the South-Eastern Directorate for the management of the terminal and warehouse complex has put into effect the Price List for works and services, in which the contractual rates are determined in accordance with the flexible pricing methodology for given view services. This makes it possible to make the tariffs of the directorate more competitive and attractive, allows maintaining customer loyalty, reacting to the actions of competitors, while ensuring economic efficiency of activities.
On the railway, close attention is paid to improving the quality of passenger service, introducing new types of services into practice. At stations, stopping points, the “Passenger's Day” campaigns are systematically held, providing “feedback” with the passenger and allowing to take prompt measures to eliminate deficiencies in work.
In order to preserve the volume of suburban traffic, improve transport services for the population, in cooperation with auto enterprises, regional administrations, work is being carried out to develop multimodal communications ("train + bus") in passenger and suburban transportation.

Since February 2016, the opportunity to pay for services has been implemented cellular communication through ticket printing machines at 24 points of sale. In September 2016, payment for Internet providers will be introduced at the stations Voronezh-1, Belgorod, Michurinsk Uralsky, Liski, o.p. Mashmet.
At the stations Voronezh-1, Liski, Michurinsk-Uralsky, Belgorod, the possibility of non-cash payment for travel on a suburban train with a bank card has been opened.
The Voronezh station complex hosts the InPost POSTAMAT, the installation of which has become a convenient element of the station infrastructure and has increased the attractiveness of the station complex as a whole.
At the Voronezh and Liski railway stations, interactive kiosks have been installed, which make it possible to inform the consumer in a convenient and accessible form about the services (of the station complex and other city organizations), sights and routes of the city.
In order to support the national program to promote reading among citizens, a number of stations have implemented the Bookcrossing for Passengers project, which in turn is an additional free service.
In April 2016, the “Library on Wheels” project was launched for passengers of suburban trains of JSC PPK Chernozemye.
For the convenience of cyclists, bicycle parking has appeared at the Voronezh, Liski, Povorino, Uglyanets stations.
The suburban passenger company, together with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is working on the appointment of new routes for suburban trains on the road range and the development of intracity transportation. Currently, the Voronezh Region administration is considering the issue of returning the train that ran in April-May of this year on the direct route Pridacha-Rossosh.
In the fall of 2015, the City Train project was launched in the city of Tambov, designed to increase throughput the main streets of the regional center, freeing them from traffic jams during rush hours, reduce the burden on the environment, improve the investment attractiveness and social situation in the region. A similar project is planned for the Voronezh Region.
Until the end of 2016, much remains to be done to improve the quality of service for commuters. This is the transfer of season tickets to plastic media; development of online sales of travel documents, development of an interactive map on the site of the "Chernozemye" company with detailed information about railway stations, stopping points, stations, socially significant objects and much more.
In order to increase the attractiveness of long-distance rail passenger transportation, since July 31, 2015, the train No. 45/46 Moscow-Voronezh has been replaced by a two-story train with seating, which is in great demand among passengers. During the period of increased demand (from May to mid-September), the double-decker train runs in an increased composition of up to 15 cars, during the period of decrease in passenger traffic - 7 cars daily.
In July 2016, the replacement of wagons on train No. 69/70 Voronezh-Moscow with double-deck carriages was organized.

To meet the demand for passenger transportation to the Black Sea coast resorts, the South-Eastern branch of FPK JSC assigned an additional train No. 403/404 Moscow-Adler.
Since January 14, 2016, the "Dynamic Pricing" implementation site, which, along with others, includes the South-Eastern Railways routes - Voronezh-Moscow, Voronezh-St. Petersburg, Belgorod-Moscow, Tambov-Moscow and Lipetsk-Moscow - has been replenished with Stary Oskol directions -Moscow and Belgorod-Novosibirsk.
"Dynamic pricing" of trains traveling in the above directions is used in Lux, SV and compartment wagons.
The program allows the passenger to plan their trip in advance and purchase a ticket at the lowest price. The earlier a ticket is purchased, the cheaper it is.
Since July 1, 2016, passengers traveling in compartment cars of branded trains formed by the South-Eastern branch have the opportunity to choose a diet from the proposed menu when purchasing a travel document.
The implementation of all these measures will make it possible to improve passenger service, increase the level of customer focus, and contribute to strengthening the image of Russian Railways.
In a competitive environment, staying afloat and continuing to dominate your industry requires being responsive to changing market conditions. Therefore, we intend to continue to work on creating an effective system for selling services, providing users with new transport and logistics products.

At present, the focus on customer needs is becoming a cornerstone for the further development of Russian Railways. The carrier's turn to the consumer is connected with the solution of two fundamental questions: what criteria are most important for the customer and how to meet them?

Carrier: keeping up with the times

During the dialogue between national carriers and shippers, held within the framework of the X International Business Forum "Strategic Partnership 1520" in Sochi, market participants stated that the impact of the economic crisis on the railway complex can be considered twofold, since a decrease in loading volumes is accompanied by the market entering a new high-quality step. Against this background, putting the topic of customer focus on the foreground looks absolutely logical. Vadim Morozov, First Vice President of Russian Railways, notes that a systematic approach to this area is quite new for the holding, and it had to start with developing a single concept. “We defined customer focus as the ability to generate an additional stream of customers by fully meeting their needs,” he explains.

“The first and foremost thing for us is how customer-oriented the company is. And only the client himself can decide this and never - her management. Second, customer orientation should be accompanied by the effect of increasing Russian Railways revenues, while the company will support the interests of key customers. The concept of “client” is not limited to consumers of services, it is also necessary to form an internal customer focus, that is, to ensure the well-coordinated work of business units responsible for infrastructure and freight transportation, provision of transport and logistics services and the development of passenger transportation. The coordination of these directions is key point customer focus policy ”.

Customer orientation is one of the elements of crisis management and gives the carrier new opportunities that are especially valuable in the context of a recession in transportation. What are the specific steps? At the end of December 2014, a department for business development and customer focus was formed at Russian Railways. “The structure was created by optimizing resources without increasing the staff, - emphasizes V. Morozov, - its mission is to create a corporate policy of internal and external customer focus, provided for by the Holding Development Strategy until 2030”. The stages of its implementation were also determined: first, the development of a unified policy, then the creation of a concept (including detailed options for each type of business), implementation tools, as well as assessment methods and implementation programs. The list of current tasks includes the formation of an optimal package of services, excluding intercompany competition, and the creation of a unified catalog of services. “Organization of end-to-end processes from the moment of planning a service to its implementation implies the integration of actions on a network scale, and by the end of the year we will form this vertical,” V. Morozov promises.

Thus, the vector of the holding's development has been set. Roman Baskin, head of the business development and customer focus department of Russian Railways, claims that the tasks set for the new division are not easy, so the staff sought to recruit creative people with experience not only within Russian Railways, but also outside the company. “This is very important for the development of a methodology and concept of customer focus, that is, documents that are common for the holding, as well as for solving current problems, for example, for creating a customer questionnaire system,” concludes R. Baskin.

“Long-term pricing is important for a shipper in the current environment. We have moved away from this model and now we make decisions manually, but returning to it is also a serious tool for increasing customer focus. In addition, we believe that the company needs to go into logistics: better work with the port infrastructure, create service chains. Pricing tools are good, but they are not a panacea, but improving customer relations technologies is the right path to quality. "

Integration in Kazakh

The current tasks of JSC Russian Railways are well known to JSC NC Kazakstan Temir Zholy, a national carrier that has assumed the role of an integrator of the republic's transport assets, including port infrastructure and the TLC network. How is this task accomplished? Kanat Alpysbayev, Vice-President for Logistics of NC "KTZ", notes that efforts are directed primarily at the development of regions. “We have a positive experience of joint implementation of investment projects with clients with a subsequent return on investment on certain terms,” he notes.

In addition, KTZ has created an integrated planning unit dealing with transportation, tariff setting and marketing. “The task of the new structure is to remove unnecessary processes and speed up customer service,” K. Alpysbaev emphasizes. Changes are taking place at all levels: for example, the post of deputy chief for logistics has appeared in the road departments. Basically, this is an account manager who works with clients on a daily basis.

The railway complex of Kazakhstan (as well as the RF) is characterized by a high degree of regulation. According to K. Alpysbaev, it complicates the introduction of new services, but KTZ is trying to solve this problem. “The first thing we want is to remove from the regulation of the antimonopoly services of Kazakhstan railway transportation on those routes where there is competition with other modes of transport, in particular with road,” says K. Alpysbayev. The second issue is related to the unification of various shipping documents for the purpose of their use in multimodal transportation. “For example, we have to negotiate with the customs authorities for a long time so that when transporting cargo to the airport there are no delays due to transit invoices,” he clarifies. Another problem lies in the lack of a full-fledged regulatory framework for container shipping. Now they intend to do this very seriously in order to be in tandem with the times.

KTZ considers the creation of a single window to be one of the key tasks related to customer focus. “We want to connect all the assets under our management to its solution,” says K. Alpysbaev. “Moreover, UTLC already has experience in creating a unified platform for managing the rolling stock and sales of services, and it should be developed, including when implementing other joint projects.”

Non-zero-sum game

As you can see, the experience of national carriers testifies to the relevance of a customer-oriented policy. How do those for whom it is intended evaluate it? Deputy general director OJSC MC Kuzbassrazrezugol Irina Olkhovskaya believes that the efforts of OJSC Russian Railways are beneficial to the coal industry. “We see a fairly steady growth in exports, the positions of our coal miners in the world markets are preserved,” she says. - These results are achieved thanks to working together". It is about building up infrastructure and technological development transportation, including at the Eastern range, a noticeable reduction in the time of delivery of goods to the port compared to 2013–2014. and most importantly, the convergence of the positions of the transport business participants. “The confirmation of the last thesis was the adjustment of the tariff corridor of the Russian Railways in early 2015 in favor of the shippers of the coal industry, - says I. Olkhovskaya. "We were treated with understanding."

Of course, the cost of services is a very important criterion for the shipper for assessing the level of customer focus of the carrier, but not the only one. Denis Ilatovsky, Deputy General Director for Logistics of OJSC SUEK, believes that price disputes are akin to a zero-sum game, while there are many other parameters that the carrier and the client can jointly improve, gaining mutual benefit. For example, in 2013, the technology for managing the fleet of various operators on the approach to the ports of Murmansk and Vanino was improved, which led to an increase in the speed of coal delivery, and back side the acceleration was the decrease in SUEK's demand for cars “In 2012–2013. we attracted 52–55 thousand cars, now 45 thousand is enough, because due to the acceleration of the rolling stock turnover the demand for it has decreased, ”explains D. Ilatovsky.

Another important parameter for the cargo owner is the routing of cargo transportation. Together with Russian Railways in SUEK, its level was brought to 70%, but the partners are not going to stop there. Another topic is increasing the carrying capacity of network sections. SUEK analyzed traffic on the Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Vanino stretch: after the Kuznetsovsky tunnel was commissioned, the train length was increased, but due to problems with traction, it returned to the previous 53–55 cars, while the volume of traffic still increased due to the increase in train weight consisting entirely of innovative rolling stock.

How to beat the highway?

The carrier's retail customers using wagon shipments are increasingly finding alternative solutions to rail transport on the market, transferring cargo to the road transport segment. Konstantin Zasov, member of the board of directors of CJSC Rusagrotrans, cites disappointing statistics: the share of motor transport in grain transportation has grown by 10% since 2009 (up to 65%), and by 2020 it may reach 80%, for finished metallurgical products the same indicator since 2005 increased by 49% (up to 69%), for scrap - by 45% (up to 50%) by 2013, although in 2014 due to tariffs freezing it decreased to 38%. According to the expert, there is real competition here, and the situation requires a solution, which should be sought together with Russian Railways.

Of particular concern is the inability to compete with vehicles at distances of up to 1,000 km. According to K. Zasov, the situation can be changed only by simplifying the mechanism for applying the tariff corridor of the Russian Railways or by abolishing the regulation of the railway tariff in such segments. “The possibility of regulating the infrastructure component depending on the type of cargo would also help,” he said.

To ensure equal conditions for competition with road transport, it is proposed to amend the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in terms of changing the base for levying transport tax, differentiating rates depending on the mass and number of vehicle axles, as well as to tighten remote control over compliance with regulatory parameters, including weight standards for cars. on highways of federal and regional subordination. In addition, Rusagrotrans considers it necessary to license road cargo transportation and introduce restrictions in the field of technical regulation - similar to how it works on railway transport, with amendments to the technical regulations Customs Union... “The state needs to formulate a clear position,” sums up K. Zasov. "Otherwise, we will fight for equal conditions endlessly."

German experience

According to industry experts, the experience of Deutsche Bahn is very interesting, since before the transformation the company faced many problems associated with customer focus. One of them was the underdevelopment of the business culture: the management thought within the framework of separate business blocks and did not take into account general goals, respectively, the approach to sales was carried out with an emphasis on the revenue of one division. Another disadvantage was the scattered operational planning of the movement by numerous departments located in different regions and even countries, which led to inefficient use of assets.

Lack of uniform commercial terms when selling the same products, the person responsible for loading the assets, and overall strategy The development of the network, implying the formation of transport corridors, was complicated by many inter-functional conflicts, since the organizational structure of Deutsche Bahn was rather complex, there were insurmountable barriers in communication between divisions. Taken together, all these shortcomings led to a loss of focus on the interests of the client.

According to the partner and managing director of BCG in Russia Andrey Timofeev, the organization of the transport and logistics business of Russian Railways was influenced by both the remnants of the Soviet economy and the partial liberalization of the railway industry. The result is the duplication of functions within the holding. In general, a situation has arisen when the production service prevails over the commercial one, and the latter does not have the tools to influence the production process. The processes of sales support and commercial work with clients also require improvement.

“It is obvious that two key decisions could correct the situation,” A. Timofeev believes. - First of all, we are talking about the formation of a service offer, integrated with both sales and operations. Second, it is about industry-level one-stop-shop customer service. ”

Andrey Timofeev,
Partner and Managing Director of BCG Russia

“Undoubtedly, customer focus on railway transport should develop against the background of fair competition: if we do not establish equal conditions, we will not be able to attract cargo. Our task is to look at the volumes that are transported in alternative routes, and compete for them together with the carrier. Today, fluctuations in road transport rates during the year reach from 50 to 250%, while the railway tariff remains unchanged. Thus, we have practically no tools to fight for cargo. In addition, with the existing system of tariff setting, it is impossible to beat vehicles at distances of up to 1,000 km; special solutions are needed here, which must be developed together with the Federal Tariff Service, "- Konstantin Zasov, member of the board of directors of CJSC Rusagrotrans.

Thus, price regulation and technology improvements represent two options for increasing the level of customer focus. However, the possibilities of increasing tariffs are limited, and it is difficult for the carrier to form an investment program at the expense of the client. So there is only one tool left to increase revenue - work with the client.

Marina Ermolenko

Today everyone transport companies, including JSC Russian Railways, strive to be customer-oriented. In due time with the members of the Management Board, we discussed in detail the topic of the best way to assess the efficiency and quality of the company's work. Naturally, there is a whole range of financial, technological and other indicators for this kind of assessment, but since Russian Railways is essentially a service company, we considered that the main criterion that is fair for us is customer satisfaction. And these are not just words, but the current trend and priority of the company's development for the coming years. How is this expressed? In part freight traffic - attracting additional cargo to the railway from other types of transport (road, aviation, water). To do this, shippers need ease of interaction with Russian Railways in terms of submitting applications and placing orders, the ability to obtain information about the location of goods online, delivery of goods strictly on schedule, formation of route traffic, etc. I have given a far from complete list of what we are currently implementing, but these are exactly the things on which the main emphasis is placed. Customer focus for us also means interaction with potential customers - manufacturers of products who depend on the supply of raw materials and components, and in the future - on the transportation of the final product to the sales markets. This means offering them special tariff conditions when it comes to opening new enterprises that create an additional cargo base for Russian Railways and highly profitable cargo for transportation.

Customer focus in terms of passenger transportation is, first of all, the availability of railway transport for citizens. What is being done in this direction? We have offered differentiated ticket prices and a system of discounts that allow passengers to save from 10% to 50% of the base fare. A full-scale passenger loyalty program has been introduced and is operating in the long-distance segment. The possibility of purchasing railway tickets in electronic form is expanding - last year a quarter of all tickets purchased were ordered via the Internet. We plan to further develop this technology, as well as offer passengers other modern services, improve comfort and speed. passenger trains... As fresh examples, I can name the launch of Lastochka on the St. Petersburg - Petrozavodsk route, the Moscow - Yaroslavl day train, modern electric trains that began to run in the Moscow Region and a number of other regions. Yesterday we launched double-decker night trains between Moscow and St. Petersburg. This means not only an increased level of comfort, but also a 30% reduction in the cost of a ticket in a compartment. As for the train speed (on average, it is 90 km / h), the situation here is somewhat more complicated - we can increase it only if we invest in infrastructure accordingly. I believe that the improvements that are now being carried out on the infrastructure between Moscow and St. Petersburg as part of the current investment program of Russian Railways will gradually reduce the travel time between the two capitals to 3.5 hours. The design of the VSD, which has already begun in our country, will increase the mobility of the population by an order of magnitude.

In this context, it is appropriate to say about the current pricing policy of Russian Railways, which is formed taking into account the interests of customers. Against the background of a general rise in prices for goods and services, we plan to increase ticket prices in the unregulated segment of railway transportation (compartment and SV) by no more than 5%. In the regulated segment, the increase will be 10% (this is the figure by which the state has indexed our tariff for the current year), which is even lower than the inflation rate, which in 2014 was 11.4%. With regard to international passenger transportation, here the payment of the tariff for the use of the infrastructure is presented to us western countries in Swiss francs, and this can significantly affect the increase in the ruble price of tickets. Nevertheless, we are working to optimize tariffs with foreign partner companies interested in developing tourist cooperation with Russian Railways. Recently, we solemnly celebrated the anniversary of the launch of the Moscow-Nice train, which turned out to be a very popular service, including for citizens of the European Union. For 5 years, this train has transported more than 40 thousand passengers. For the anniversary, we have completely renewed the train that runs between Moscow and Nice, with new RIC-size cars co-produced by Tver Carriage Works and Siemens. This is also customer focus, and we are well aware that without such events, sometimes very costly, we cannot win in competitive struggle per passenger.


Figure: 4. Graphs of theoretical and experimental values \u200b\u200bof C 2: - theoretical values \u200b\u200bof C 2; - experimental values \u200b\u200bof С 2 for the rail model; - experimental values \u200b\u200bof C2 for the cylinder model


The discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical results was less than 5%, which indicates the high accuracy of the proposed stress separation technique when solving spatial problems using the three-exposure method of holographic photoelasticity.


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6. Bryukhovetskaya E.V., Konischeva O.V., Kudryavtsev I.V. Holographic Interferometer of Universal Type. Proceedings of the 1st International Sciences Congress "Fundamental and Applied Studies in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans countries". International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education and Science. Japan, Tokyo, 2014. Vol.2. R. 295-297.

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UDC 338.47: 656.2 Surkov Leonid Petrovich,

to. e. Sci., Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in Railway Transport,

Irkutsk State Transport University, tel. 638-336, e-mail: [email protected]



Annotation. The article discusses the problems of the formation of the concept comprehensive service client. It is shown that the vagueness of the current concept of complex service is reflected in the variety of ways by which various companies describe their tasks in this field of activity. It is noted that comprehensive customer service is the basis new concept management of JSC "Russian Railways" - a customer focus management system, which is becoming a trend and priority for the company's development in the coming years. The problematic tasks, a number of fundamental approaches and principles have been identified, with the help of which it is possible to resolve these problems and form a corporate management system for the client focus of the Russian Railways holding.

Key words: comprehensive service system, quality of service, client and customer focus of the Russian Railways holding, transport market and shipper, business structure.

Abstract. The article discusses problems of the full customer service concept formation. It is shown that the vagueness of the concept of today "s complex ways is reflected in the variety of which different companies describe their problems in this field. It is noted that a comprehensive customer service is the foundation of the new JSC" Russian Railways "management concept -" customer-oriented "management system, which is becoming a trend and the company" s development priorities for the coming years. The article defines problems, a number offundamental approaches and principles by which the possible solution of these problems and formation of the "Russian Railways" clientfocus govemance system.

Keywords: full-service system, quality of service, Russian Railways holding client and client focus, transport market and shipper, business structure.

Currently, the railway transport is increasingly adopting the concept of integrated services for consumers of transport services.

If in the 70s of the last century production issues were the main among business structures, and in the 80s the issues of quality became the main ones, then in the 90s the comprehensive customer service came to the fore.

However, the very concept of "one-stop service" is rather vague. This is a multifaceted idea that means much more than simply organizing the efficient operation of the system that was previously the hallmark of the concept of "customer service".

The vagueness of today's concept of comprehensive services is reflected in the variety of ways in which various companies describe their tasks in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. Some define this concept as "complete customer satisfaction" and "total control" or "partnership with the customer", others - as "technological service" or "full customer support".

Equally often, this concept implies a more responsible and thoughtful approach to organizing specific activities. Thus, often "comprehensive service" means the involvement of the customer in the development process of the supplier of new types of products or services.

In all cases under consideration, the notion of "comprehensive service" includes the establishment of closer relationships with customers of products and services.

Ensuring high quality is the first step towards a comprehensive customer service solution. But, on the one hand, the concept of quality includes clear standards and absolute measurable indicators. On the other hand, measuring or assessing the level of service is only possible using concepts that express specific customer requirements.

Thus, the activity of the business structure is fundamentally different from that which is necessary to ensure measurable indicators of the quality standard.

The manufacturer is obliged to evaluate its activities with the expectations and wishes of the customer, and this, not to mention their complete satisfaction, is an extremely difficult task. Moreover, these expectations and claims increase with each new

improvement of the service level. The ideal approach is to view the customer as a partner. However, the problem in such partnerships is usually the difficulty of establishing mutual understanding. In this relationship, partners must fully understand the capabilities of each of the parties.

Some companies have had a one-stop service ideology for years. For others it is completely new idea, which they are just starting to implement in practice. Developing an effective one-stop service program and implementing it successfully is a strategically important business area.

Since the beginning of the economic downturn in the 90s, the market has finally turned into a “buyer's market” (with a predominance of demand over supply), and since that time, the attitude of all manufacturers to service issues has changed radically. Under the new conditions, the usual tools stopped working. The laws of the market, oversaturated with goods and services, have led to the fact that the quality and even the price of the product fade into the background, giving way to service. Whoever does not ensure the realization of values \u200b\u200bthat are attractive to consumers, he recedes into the background.

In assessing the relationship between railroad workers and shippers, a new relationship criterion has emerged. The railway company began to pay special attention the study and use of new approaches to maintain their competitive position, which lie outside the traditional approaches in the implementation of transport services. If necessary, they began to use a number of ways to meet the needs of shippers, which are not related to the price of the service. For example, one of them is fast and timely delivery of products.

Only by meeting the wishes of the client, railroad workers are able to tie them to themselves. But it is worth letting the customer down, depriving him of the opportunity to get into a free "niche" in the market, and the customer will no longer turn to this service provider.

In modern conditions, establishing close cooperation with shippers forms the basis of the concept of comprehensive customer service. But whatever the name is used, we are talking about a new management concept that will save railway workers from many problems.


In the current crisis conditions, Russian Railways has prepared an action plan to increase revenues, increase the efficiency of production and technological processes based on a customer focus strategy. Customer-centricity, in fact, is also one of the elements of the concept of comprehensive customer service. It gives the holding additional opportunities, especially in the context of a decline in traffic volumes, when it is necessary to fight for a client in the transport market.

It is not the first year that Russian Railways has been working on the development of customer focus. In 2010, the concept of “customer focus” was enshrined in the 5K + L Model of Corporate Competencies of JSC Russian Railways as one of the core values \u200b\u200bof the company's brand.

The development strategy of the holding until 2030 also defines that one of the company's key values \u200b\u200bis customer focus, mutually beneficial long-term partnership with customers, continuous development a portfolio of products and services for the benefit of consumers.

Customer focus in the broadest sense means the ability to stay ahead of others in achieving the set goals in the course of the struggle to strengthen positions in the domestic and foreign markets.

Having analyzed in detail various approaches to customer focus, the industry determined the interpretation of this concept that is closest to the operating conditions of the Russian Railways holding as “the company's ability to create an additional flow of customers and additional profit through a deep understanding and satisfaction of their needs.”

For a holding company that has more than 30 types of business in its portfolio - from freight and passenger transportation to logistics, construction, design, 1T and even healthcare services, a radical turn of all resources and processes towards the client is a unique task, covering all processes from planning to direct transportation and its resource support.

In the course of developing the practice of customer focus in the railway industry, it is necessary to identify problematic tasks, to formulate a number of approaches and principles with the help of which it is possible to solve these problems. Among the priority areas of this work are a number of serious and complex tasks:

1. In modern conditions, the possibility of tariff growth is limited, since tariffs for electricity

the overwhelming majority of Russian Railways' services are regulated by the state, with the imposition of obligations to carry out not always commercially efficient, but socially significant transportation. It is difficult for a carrier to form an investment program at the expense of a client.

At the same time, for the formation of non-price competitive advantages of the company, the development and implementation of a strategy in the field of improving the quality of services provided and the level of customer service, only one tool remains - work with the client.

The results of the work of the Russian Railways holding directly depend on the willingness of customers to use its services in the future. Today many clients are ready to pay for high quality transportation and additional services... At the same time, another part of clients is ready to use by rail only on the terms of low base rates with a standard set of services.

Therefore, it is in the interests of both Russian Railways and its clients to diversify the portfolio of services provided so that it meets the market demands as much as possible and is closer to the individual needs of the client.

Thus, meeting the needs of customers in the quality and availability of services is a trend and priority for the company's development in the coming years.

2. The concept of "client" is not limited end consumers product or service. If the client of the company is put at the forefront of its life, then its entire coordinate system changes. And for the system to work, the adopted standard must apply to all employees, without exception.

Customer focus includes not only this component, but also the equally important interests of internal customers - effective interaction between business units and divisions of the company. It is achieved thanks to the internal turnover of services, the organization of end-to-end processes from the beginning of planning to the end of the provision of services.

To realize the principles of customer focus, you need to act as a united front, and not only defend your own interests. Links between departments at the horizontal level should be closer. When a client comes, he needs help, if necessary, direct him to the next door, and not say that he has come to the wrong address.

In practice, in such situations, the cargo owner, without receiving good advice, leaves for motor vehicles. Often it is a break in internal communications that provokes potential client go to competitors.

In this regard, the introduction of a customer-oriented approach is a complex and large-scale task of all "internal" divisions of the company, covering all processes: from planning to the direct implementation of transportation and its resource support.

3. The development strategy of the Russian Railways holding until 2030 has defined a new business model, which provides for the transformation of the company from a transportation company into a transport and logistics one, providing a full range of services with an expansion of their range and the formation of end-to-end supply targets.

Today, as you know, Russian railroad workers have rather modest performance in the provision of services with high added value. In the coming years, there will be an increase in the segment of such services, which will lead to a complication of supply chains and an increase in the share of logistics services. It is the integrated products that allow you to effectively manage supplies and orders, determine the optimal route and storage conditions, organize forwarding and a range of related services. The need to develop new transport and logistics solutions, including those based on individual customer requests, comes to the fore.

Similar work is being carried out experimentally at the regional level. Thus, the first Unified Customer Center on the Russian railways network was opened on the East Siberian Railway.

The center will concentrate technologies and services provided not only by the East Siberian Center for Corporate Transport Services, but also by TransContainer, RZD-Logistics, and the Directorate for Terminal and Warehouse Complex Management.

In modern conditions, service is perceived by the client as an integral feature of the service. The client evaluates not a separate service, but a single service-service complex. Obviously, there is a close relationship between the level of service a company provides and the demand for its services in the future. Because of this, the implementation of measures to improve service has become a necessary part of the strategy to increase the company's competitiveness.

4. Creation of an effective corporate system of internal and external customer focus, the formation of a comprehensive service on the basis of an integrated approach with both sales and operations, it is possible with the widespread application of the principle of "one window at the industry level" involving all levels of management and divisions of the company. The position of workers, who still perform only their highly specialized tasks in isolation from other areas of functioning, is not effective.

For this, the principles production system should be embedded in the corporate competency model, where each employee of the company finds a place to participate in improving the company's performance.

Customer focus serves as a guide for selection and implementation modern methods organization production processes, especially when it is necessary to reorient in a short time in accordance with the target tasks of the business. Modern system management, aimed at satisfying customer preferences, at the quality of services and services, culminated in a new business organization model - process approach... A “process” refers to any activity that uses the resources of an enterprise to create a service that is valuable to the consumer or adds value-added consumer characteristics to the final service. At the same time, when building a production system, it is necessary to focus on the organizational mechanisms of transformation and improvement of the production system.

5. According to the leaders of Russian Railways, the main principle of customer focus is that only the customer himself can assess its level, but not the owner of the service.

At present, the mechanism of customer loyalty and their willingness to use the recommended services of Russian Railways is being worked out. Based on world practice, a number of railways are already working on adapting the generally accepted methods to the characteristics of the holding according to the key factors of loyalty (the quality of the wagons supplied for loading, ensuring the export of goods, the quality of customer service, the complexity of transport services and the safety of the transported cargo).

The opinions of the respondents are collected by questioning about 100 client companies. The newspaper "Gudok" and the magazine "RZD-Partner" monthly conduct research to assess the


consumers of the quality of products and services, pricing policy, additional services and special offers on the railroad freight market using our own method.

Along with this, the company is at the very beginning of the journey, and there is a lot of work to develop and implement tools for assessing the quality of the services provided by the holding and the level of satisfaction and loyalty of customers in both freight and passenger traffic.

6. The experience of many foreign firms shows that successful activity in the conditions of the openness of the world economy and tougher competition is sometimes impossible while maintaining the stereotypes of corporate strategy and tactics. Sometimes the key to success is breaking traditions.

When creating a competitive service system, developing an idea new service is the starting point of work and largely determines the further fate of the service at all subsequent stages of the transport process.

Transport service must find a client capable of organizing its effective application. This will require the manufacturer to radically revise the catalog of services, a new approach to the selection of partners, a fundamental change organizational structures managing this process.

The company is working on creating a catalog of services, there are a number of regulatory documents and quality standards. At the same time, today there is a need to create a single catalog of services of the Russian Railways holding, which forms and systematizes all types of the holding's services and determines the criteria for their quality.

To solve the problem of developing customer focus of the Russian Railways holding, of course, it is necessary

measures of a strategic nature are needed, and today they are seen in the formation of the corporate system of internal and external customer orientation of Russian Railways, which is proposed to be carried out in several stages.

Along with this, given the decisive role of the Russian Railways holding in the country's economy, the public status of the company, the instruments of state regulation applied to it and the huge social responsibility, for the application of these principles, formulated for classical business systems, their serious adaptation to the conditions of railway transport is required.


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