Who is the conductor of a passenger carriage. Train conductors told how they work on the railway, and revealed some secrets of their profession. Requirements for applicants

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The conductor's profession causes dual feelings. On the one hand, she is sheepdown by Fler Romance: you can travel a lot and communicate with different people. On the other hand, a complex schedule, insomnia, execution of a sales plan and fines for the slightest deviation from the rules.

We are in websitehe studied many interviews and several blogs of conductors who write about their weekdays, and decided to collect as much details as possible from their lives.

How it is to work the conductor

  • It is mistaken to assume that the conductor is more a female profession. In fact, among employees, about robust men and women.
  • The number of output depends on the route, but, as a rule, the conductor rests as much as it was on the way.
  • In the summer, it is not welcome to take a vacation, as a personnel deficit is usually observed, so resting employees most often in no-season.
  • Among the workers there is such a saying: "Not that conductor who worked for a year, and the one who survived the winter". The fact is that winter has to work often physically, which is very difficult. It is necessary to purify the wagons from snow, to clean the ice scrap from the ventilation equipment, maintain a comfortable temperature, so that the passengers do not froze, and the plan for economy of electricity was performed. Moreover, if the equipment or the car breaks the old one, then it will have to be dried by carbon. Yes, all wagons are still equipped with coal boilers.
  • Usually, before the employees of the railways do not need to choose, meet or not to meet New Year at work. There is a clear schedule and schedule. True, many say that there is nothing terrible to meet a holiday at work. However, on New Year's Eve will have to do without familiar Bengal lights. They are strictly prohibited in the train according to the rules fire safetySince according to the teachings, the car burns in 8 minutes.

Tricks and Conductor Chips

  • Each conductor is issued to tea products, the so-called seagull: coffee, tea, snacks, chocolates, etc. All this is brought in large garbage bags that an employee should disassemble, recalculate the contents, check the shelf life. If something loses its commodity view, for example, break cookies or melts chocolate, explorer must indemnify damage.
  • On any product you buy on the train must be a special holographic sticker. However, often conductors sell the products that have not issued to them, but their own, purchased in the nearest stores. Thus, all the proceeds money go to his pocket. But, of course, this happens not often, and there are just unfair employees. By the way, to the left of the conductor's coupe must be a printe with all assortment and prices..
  • If you were given wet, marked underwear and there was no card in the package about when and by whom it was packaged, then, most likely, someone had already slept on it. On slang conductor, such a kit is called "Chinese", that is, underwear, which is used again. For example, the passenger has already descended from the train, and after it remained a clean sheet and almost unsucked towel. These things are postponed, and then one of them is going to be a complete "set", which, with the help of any heated metal object, is sealing into cellophane and is issued for fresh. Of course, such frauds are strictly hampered by the leadership, and in the case of the slightest suspicions, the passenger can call the hot Russian Railways line, where he will surely help him.
  • By the way, if you not bought The set of linen, you will not be able to use the mattress and the pillow in the train, even if it took a bed with you. If the test comes and finds that the passenger lies on the mattress without the "government" bed linen, the conductor is flying.
  • Since the conductors carry material responsibility for everything, they must be very carefully make sure that nothing disappears from the car, otherwise you have to compensate everything from your pocket. Therefore, before accepting a car, the conductor must be carefully checked - from the cup holders to the blankets. Some conductors even tie the toilet brushes.

Many people do not quite correctly imagine the profession of the conductor passenger Vagon.. Officer's official duties are not reduced to checking tickets, distribution of bed linen, tea spreading. The specialist should have a number of skills to provide a comfortable trip to the passengers, with all the safety regulations, reduce the risks of creating emergency situations. To work on railway transport it is necessary to obtain a specialized education.

Few people know that the representatives of the profession have a number of attractive benefits, earn good, have a chance of career growth.

The modern conductor of the passenger car must perform a variety of activities in the workplace. His work day begins long before the departure of the composition. The specialist should visit the planes and instructors, check the situation in the car entrusted to him or in the train, check availability supplies, in time update stocks. Sometimes an employee is required to examine the wagon for troubleshooting, call the brigade to eliminate them.

Exemplary job instructions for Russian Railways for the movement of the composition looks like this:

  • checking tickets, passenger accommodation in accordance with places;
  • providing people with bed linen, water, tea, other things laid by them;
  • organization of landing landing clients at intermediate stations, reporting information to passengers about approaching the desired station, parking time;
  • ensuring uninterrupted operation of electricity, toilet, heating, communication with a driver or police;
  • providing first medical care if necessary;
  • ensuring the purity of the car, wet or dry cleaning;
  • organization training interns, advanced training experienced employees;
  • international follow-up conductor has additional duties - securing passengers customs declarations or roadmakes, assisting in filling them.

Through the carriers of the wagons, the connection between passengers and the police or by the driver. The employee of the railway must follow the order in his car, if necessary, settle the incident or conflicts, explain to customers the causes of the deviation of the graph on the schedule.

Requirements for knowledge, personal qualities

Profile specialists warn - little to learn on the conductor, still need to understand the specifics of work, aware of the level of responsibility. To start a career, it is necessary to get a specialized education, pass internship under the control of an experienced employee. Thereafter young specialist Admit to independent work.

The conductor of passenger cars must have such qualities:

  • punctuality, organization, accuracy;
  • the ability to communicate correctly with people, to quickly find a common language with them;
  • skills work in a team and self-fulfillment of tasks without anyone's control;
  • physical endurance, lack of health problems;
  • the ability to respond quickly to changed conditions, make adequate solutions, process new information;
  • stress resistance - during trips you have to work with different people, solve unexpected problems.

Certified wagon conductor corresponding to these requirements can count on a good position in Russian Railways, commercial or state structures, Metropolitan. If there are ambitions, it is able to quickly achieve raising, take a responsible position, go to work in a prestigious company or the ministry.

Pros and Cons Direction

In Russia, the railway network is well developed, which is the key to the demand of the conductors. A graduate of an educational institution without difficulty will find work in the specialty. If desire, a young or experienced employee is able to move on career stairs, but wage The employee largely depends on it itself.

Here are some more reasons to relieve the conductor:

  • there are no special requirements for the age of the employee if he has good health;
  • the profession of the conductor is taught in secondary special educational institutions, on courses, in specialized schools - this significantly reduces the timing of vocational training;
  • if there is experience, it is possible to start fulfilling international flights - this is a completely different level of remuneration, foreign trips, career prospects;
  • train conductor with impressive work experience can count on various benefits, bonuses, pension increase;
  • it is possible to independently form a labor schedule.

The main minus the directions are considered negative influence on human health. During travel, it is necessary to communicate with a mass of people, which is fraught with infectious diseases, stress. Finding in a constantly vibrating composition also affects the body not the most favorable way. Not to all people like the system of forming the wages of conductors. The income level depends on the number of flights, so there is a lot of ride.

How to become a conductor

Obtaining basic education in the direction of the "conductor of passenger trains" is only The first step towards the development of the profession. This follows internship under the control of experienced employees. When the employee begins to work independently, he originally falls on servicing local flights. As experience or advanced training, the conductor can count on a place in long-distance trains, branded or international compositions. People with higher education in the direction of management over time are able to qualify for the post of head of the train, senior shift, director of the station.

Where and how much to learn

You can get to receive a profession after the 9th or 11th grade. In the first case, this will take no more than 4 years, in the second - less than 3 years. These goals should be included in profile technical schools, colleges, colleges. Russian railways offer courses on this direction, seminars for advanced training. If a person has higher education, it suffices to undergo special professional retraining.

Employee salary and prospects

However, there are several factors and conductors to receive conductors: a few factors are affected: work experience, level of education, number of flights completed, place of service, features of working conditions. Employers can offer their employees additional ways to encourage labor so that their employees earn more. Special conditions Provide different options for indexing the salary or pension.

Specifications of salary accrual

Holding the salary of the conductor, take into account the number of hours spent them. There is a limit of indicators below which cannot be descended. There is also an upper strap, the excess of which is undesirable, so it can lead to an insufficient number of time from an employee for rest. Some refuse profession when they find out how much a novice specialist receives up to 25 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that after 1-2 years these figures are capable of growing twice due to the experience, qualifications, placement of place of work.

Most of the company's conductors and those serving international flights receive. The latter employers nominate additional requirements, but the level of their earnings is able to be from 80 thousand rubles. Much depends on the company's strategy. For example, Russian Railways provides regular premium payments for the year, five-year plan and so on.

Bonuses and benefits

Applicants of the profession are worth considering the fullness and features of the social package. It provides for free medical services for advanced programs, an increase in the retirement retirement, free travel options by the country. For employees of Russian Railways, metro and other large companies There are vouchers in the sanatorium, camp for children, educational programs.

The conductor of the passenger car is an interesting, promising, demanded profession. It can be a pledge of financial stability or start career growth. It is only necessary to correctly understand the specifics of the direction, adequately evaluate its own capabilities.

My name is Suslin Aksinya. I am 20 years old and I study in the DVTU in the specialty " Social work". Actively engage in public activities, I love to take pictures, mount the video (but it is more for myself). In the first year he heard from familiar, that there are student detachments, where in summer, in his free time, you can work the conductor. It was my children's The dream that I wanted to implement.

Some may seem that there is nothing difficult in the work of the conductor: you simply check the tickets, give bed linen, helping the passengers from landing. But this is only at first glance. It seems to me that any work is associated with stress, but working with people is especially.

For 15 days following you come across absolutely different people: Blind grandmothers, schoolchildren groups, touring musicians and, of course, demobel, hurrying home. I can say that during my trips, I spent quite a few nerves, trying to settle conflict situations and the requirements of passengers, which sometimes reached the absurdity.

I perceived such cases as a chance to experience myself if I could take the situation under control and quickly find a solution. Of course, I had night shifts. As practice has shown, no matter how much you sleep during the day, at night I still clone to sleep. But the night shifts had a certain plus - they are calmer, passengers are not so much, everyone is sleeping, which means there are less problems.

It is harder in the night shifts was to force themselves not to fall asleep on large distillations. Then an interesting book or scandards saved me. There were, of course, other difficulties, for example, at some stations there are almost no lighting, and you often can't understand: "Where is the peer? Which way to open the door? Is it a tree or running passenger? "

I worked in the direction of Vladivostok-Moscow-Vladivostok. Unfortunately, I did not have time at all to look good in the cities in which we stayed. It is safe to take a walk only in Moscow, and then everything back home. But I still got a job, not to travel.

According to the stories of acquaintances, there were cases that the conductors had to prepare chicken legs in the kettle, but there was no such thing. The car-restaurant, of course, makes a discount to workers and you can eat inexpensively, but almost all the conductors are preparing themselves. It is not so difficult, as it seems: you just need to take a couple of jackets of stews with me on a trip, rice with buckwheat or potatoes, and most importantly - a comfortable microwave container. If there is no microwave, you can always go to the next car. I cooked and soups, and porridge, also made salads from vegetables purchased on some station.

If you start talking funny stories About the work of the conductor, it will probably get a small book. Starting from forgotten suitcases, dentures and panties, to randomly thrown into the garbage of documents. People are very funny, just do not notice this.

Of course, while I am still a student, then it turns out only in the summer. It is terrible to imagine how hard it works in the winter trains. Will I continue to work in Russian Railways in the future, it is still difficult to say, because it is not known how my life will turn. But while I study, then, of course, I will work. After all, the work of the conductor is a very interesting and memorable experience, as well as a good opportunity to earn in the summer.

From this article you will learn:

The conductor of long-distance trains is not easy, but at the same time an incredibly exciting profession! By the number of impressions received every day, it can be compared unless the job by the flight attendant of domestic and international flights. New cities and countries, magnificent landscapes outside the window, constant communication with interesting people - is it not a dream of any office workers absorbed by the daily routine?

Those who are tired of seating in one place, who craves fresh discoveries and wants the next business day to be similar to the previous one, welcome to the profession of train conductor, to master which is not even required to have a special education!

How to become a conductor

With a great desire to become a conductor of passenger cars, anyone who has reached the age of majority. To do this, it is enough for him to contact the nearest railway depot, from where it will be directed to three-month courses. After their completion, subject to successful overcoming all examination tests, which include both theoretical and practical part, a graduate receives a certificate with the category of employee who serves passenger cars assigned to it. Total categories 4: The first two have cleaners, the third is assigned to all the guides immediately after the courses ending with them, and they can earn the fourth in the process of work after the advanced level of qualification. As a rule, only work in simple trains is entrusted to the third category, and the maintenance of passengers of branded compositions is trusted.

Further prospects

Having passed all the qualifying steps of the position of the conductor, taking experience and proven themselves from best side, you can count on a raise to the brigadier (train chief). True, it still has to get higher education Or graduate from specialized courses. The second to seniority in the passenger composition is a mechanic, but only men can claim this position.

Working conditions

The schedule of any conductor depends on the route of the train to which it is attached. All flights are conventionally divided into local (travel time for no more than a day) and long-term (over this time). Serving the local direction, the conductor works on the schedule 10 workers shifting / 10 days off. And for long-range flight staff, an individual mode is established in accordance with how many days their composition is on the way (" work week"It is exactly so many days as required to get to the destination and back, and the same days of the service personnel can spend at home).

The wage of the conductor directly depends on how many hours he "rolled" for the month. In addition to the wreck part, it may be accrued some surcharges in accordance with district coefficient, premium and other bonuses.

Among other things, conductors, like other employees railway transporthave good benefits provided by the native enterprise. For example, they are paid to the depot to the station to the place of residence, 1 time per year, together with two minors, they can get at the expense of the employer to reach any point covered by the railway network, and back and 1 times a year alone to make a free trip "there -Ind "inside your department of the railway.

Preferential passage is not the only privilege that conductors can take advantage. From the trade union, they annually allocate free or partially paid vouchers to health facilities and preferential trips to summer camps For their children. They can be served in medical institutions intended only for employees of railway transport, and in the event of an acute need for an employer, the employer has the costs of treating an employee in need.

For the loyalty of the profession once every 5 years, the conductors are encouraged by a prize in the amount of 3-4 salaries, and for pensioners who gave railway Over 20 years of your life, the right to the annual free trip "There-reverse" is retained and the possibility of free travel in suburban trains is within 150 km from the place of residence station.

Responsibilities of the conductor

If you still want to become a train conductor, you should know that official duties The conductor can be conditionally divided into 2 groups. The first is associated with the direct service of passengers: assistance to them when landing and disembarking from a car, checking travel and personal documents, supplying bedding, distribution of printed and food products, etc. By the way, on the last "commercial" charges of conductors I would like to stay a little more . Do not think that offering purchasing drinks, snacks or press, working in passenger cars, personnel is trying to "sculp"! And even very obsessive attempts to sell products should not be taken as the desire to "weld" at the expense of passengers who are bored in the path - all this is not at all! Doing the sale of conductors forcing the authorities, and non-fulfillment of the established revenue plan even punishes the ruble!

The second part of the functions of the conductor comes down to ensuring purity and order in the wagons, uninterrupted work of all technical means and comfortable conditions for passengers. We are talking about such duties as:

  • regular cleaning of interior premises;
  • maintaining a certain temperature and light mode in the carriage;
  • taking out the trash;
  • caring for passengers;
  • etc.

In addition, the conductor carries material responsibility for the safety of the entire property trusted. Tea and bedding, internal equipment of cars placed in it technical devices - In case of breakdowns of any of the objects belonging to the railway, the conductor reimburses the cost of its repair from his wallet.

Yes, the work of the conductor of passenger cars "and is dangerous, and difficult, and at first glance as if not visible"! However, if these patient workers, the services of the railway would use only those for whom it is not possible to get to the destination in a different way. Friendly glance and elementary thanks for the assistance rendered - this is the reward that will be immensely glad any conductor! Do not forget about it when you leave the train car next time, - scream the gray everyday life of a person spent away from home and family a third of their lives!


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