New Year's fairy tale teremok redone. The scenario of the New Year's holiday "Teremok in the Winter Forest" in a new way (for older preschool children). The plot about the teremok in a new way for a fun company

The script for the play-fairy tale.


(on new way)


Mouse - a fashionista, takes great care of herself, is dressed in a bright suit, always carries a cosmetic bag with her.

Hare - spoiled, young, dressed very fashionably, always holding a cell phone in his hands, headphones on his ears, constantly chewing something.

Bear - elderly, in an old fur coat, offended by modern youth.

Mosquito- an adventure seeker without a special place of residence. Dressed in the latest fashion.

Frog - very rich, dressed in all green, dollars are visible from her pockets, in her hands she has bags of money

Fox - is no longer young, but very fashionable person, in high-heeled shoes, natural fur coat, brightly painted.

The action takes place under New Year in the forest.

Act 1

Mosquito. How boring! (stretches) I'll fly across the world. Hang out somewhere. I’ll find a glue hut for myself, as I’ll live. (Flies, sees the teremok) This is class! Hata that you need! (looks out the window) There is no one here! Super! Now I will live here. (Enters the teremok)

Act 2

A small room with a mirror and a soft chair.

Mouse. (Sits in front of the mirror, paints her nails) Oh, how tired of everything! I'm so cool, beautiful! And there is no home. (crying) I live in a hole. (stops crying, puts varnish in a cosmetic bag) I'll go around the world, maybe I'll find a decent house. (walks, sees the teremok) This is class! The house is a dream! I would like that!

Mosquito. (runs out of the building) Get out of here! I live here, cool mosquito.

Mouse. Don't be angry, cool mosquito. I am a cool mouse, I lived in a hole, I have been waiting for you all my life. Let's live together - let's not grieve.

Mosquito. What more!

Mouse... Don't be angry. You and I will arrange such a cool party that everyone in the forest will die of envy!

Mosquito. Will they die of envy? Well, that's another matter. Come in!

(Both enter the teremok)

3 act.

Small room. A chair, a table, money, wallets, bags of money are everywhere.

Frog. (counts dollars) My little greens! (kisses the bill, puts it in the bag) There is no one in the world richer than me! (thinks) What if there is? (Confusion and fear. Hugs bags of money) No! It cannot be. There is no one richer than me in the world! What is there to think about. I will ride around the world, see how others live. And I'll find a house cooler than my swamp - I'll buy it! (Jumps, sees the teremok) Yes! Super! This is a teremok for me! I don’t mind any money. (Knocks on the window)

A mosquito and a mouse come out.

Mosquito... Why are you breaking? Can't you see that we live here?

Mouse. Let's get out of here! We’ll call the security!

Frog. What is your security to me! I'm a super rich frog! I have so many bucks that you never dreamed of. I want to buy your little house.

Mouse and Mosquito (together). It is not for sale.

Frog. Everything in this world is for sale! I'll give you five sacks of bucks.

Mouse. Class! (Reaches for money).

Mosquito. (pushes her away). Well, I do not! You better stay with us. You will feed us, water us, we will live on your grandmother. There is enough room for everyone. (They go into the teremok).

A hare appears.

Hare. (On the phone) Hello! I'm jumping through the woods. I am looking for a place to relax and have fun. (Goes to the house) Wow! I'll call you back. (Turns off the phone, looks out the window).

Everyone runs out of the building.

Mouse.What do you want, big-eared?

Frog. I don't need freeloaders for my bucks!

Mosquito. Get out! And then we will do it.

Hare. Have you not heard of me? I am a super DJ hare. I have the coolest hangouts in the forest.

Mouse. And we didn't recognize you right away. Come in. We will live together - we will not grieve.

4 act.

A small room, a mirror chair on the wall, next to a portrait of a fox.

Fox. (powders in front of the mirror). Oh, I'm a beauty! Natural fur coat from Versace, shoes - from Limonti. It is a pity that no one sees my beauty. I will go across the world. Maybe I'll meet someone.

It goes. Sees the teremok.

Wow! This is a teremok! Just a lovely sight! I have such a ba. (closes his eyes, dreaming).

Everyone runs out of the building.

Mouse... Who are you?

Fox. I am a fox, slim as a match. I live in the forest. I wear a natural fur coat.

Mosquito. Do you have any money?

Fox. Sure!

Frog. We need such friends, otherwise my bags are empty.

Hare. Yes, and my ancestors do not send money. Stay with us - let's not grieve.

Wolf: popular, very famous, fashionable stylist. Wearing sunglasses. Dressed in a nice, fashionable suit.

The wolf appears. Goes and argues:

Wolf: I almost dressed the whole world in fashionable clothes, I came up with a cool image for everyone. Who else would you like? (sees the tower) Oh, what a beautiful tower. Exactly for me! (knocking)

Everyone runs out of the building

Mosquito: Hey, who are you?

Hare: Didn't you recognize? This is a super super cool stylist!

Wolf: Yes, I am a Wolf - I know a lot about fashion! Want to pick up an outfit for all of you?

Frog: Would that be cool?

Mouse: Come in, we need you like you. If you live with us, you will not grieve!

They go into the teremok, music is playing loudly from the window. A bear appears near the tower.

Bear.What a life! Music is everywhere. There is nowhere to rest! What kind of young people have gone! Well, I'll show them! (Knocks on the window). Well, a pot-bellied trifle, free the teremok. I will live here.

Everyone runs out of the building.

Mouse.Mishenka, don't be angry! Better have fun with us.

Hare. This is so cool!

Fox. You'll like it.

Mosquito. After all, today is New Year! Everyone is having fun.

Bear. Well, okay, persuaded. Turn on karaoke - we will sing.

Music sounds. The bear is singing.

I don't remember when I arrived.

I was the coolest in the forest.

My address is not a house or a street.

My address today is:

W teremok

SPB point ru.

W teremok

SPB point ru.

Mosquito and Mouse. (singing)

When we found this tower

(there is no registration),

We began to live very calmly

Our address today is:

VVV teremok

SPB point ru.

VVV teremok

SPB point ru.

Frog, hare and fox. (singing)

We always have bucks in our pockets.

They dreamed of such a life.

Our address is not a house or a street.

Our address today is:

VVV teremok

SPB point ru.

VVV teremok

SPB point ru.


We are in a hurry to wish you a Happy New Year

And we want to wish you happiness.

We ask friends of Santa Claus

Send gifts to the site.

VVV teremok

SPB point ru.

VVV teremok

SPB point ru.

Here is another scenario of Russian folk tale from the talented poetess Olga Mirko. This script was written in 2007 for the ecological holiday, which took place at the school where Olya studied.

Scenario of a fairy tale in a new way "Teremok"

Author: The forest is dense, there is an edge in the forest ...
A mouse-mouse was walking through the forest.
Mouse: I would like a country house
Build here and besides,
So that the rich was not small
Arrange a ball for the guests.
Author: She hired beavers -
The best craftsmen.
Took nimble beavers
Saws, axes,
Made just in time
A wonderful tower - a tower.

Very soon to this forest
A Mercedes arrives.
A frog is driving.

Frog: Wow, whose hut is this?
Someone who lives in the little house?
Mouse: I live here, little mouse.
Frog: Hello, old friend!
Mouse: Oh, hello! Enter the house.
We will live together with you.

Author: Only everything around has calmed down,
The roar came from the motorcycle.
A jumping bunny is going.
The bunny thinks: "Give me,
I'll look into the teremok ",
And to the window jump-jump.
Hare: Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I live here, mouse butushka,
And the frog is with me.
Come in for housewarming
There will be a mountain feast, fun!
Hare: I am very pleased with these words,
I'll drop by to visit you.
Author: Once a fox was walking by,
She had a habit
Sniff everything out, find out ...
Fox: The house is gorgeous, I match,
Silver and gilding.
To live in this and I want to.
Knock-Knock. Who lives here?
Author: The mouse came out of the gate.
Mouse: I am a mistress, a mouse,
And a frog lives with me
Gray bunny-bunny.
Fox: May I come to you, hostess?
Mouse: Come on in. In a week
We'll have a disco.
Author: Teremok beckons with light
Smoke comes from the chimney.
Jars, candy wrappers, bottles
They fly over the threshold ...
A gray wolf walked through the forest.
Wolf: I don’t understand something,
Who could build in the forest
This rich little house?
Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?
The people left the house.
Mouse: I live here, little mouse,
A frog is visiting me.
A chanterelle came to us in the tower,
Here is a scythe,
And we will settle you here,
Come to us - you will be yours!
Author: The days are running fast,
The people live in the house ...
Mouse: Before we part
Incendiary dance
Yes, I want fun here,
Let the music play.

The animals are dancing. A bear appears, the music stops.

Author: Here to them from the forest waddle,
Taking a big stick
An evil, mean bear came out
And let's roar at everyone.
Bear: Who dared in my forest
To spoil the wondrous beauty ?!
I'm a policeman here
And such bad manners
I have not seen when I was born
Diluted dirt everywhere!
In front of the house in the meadow
Broken bottles, cans!
It's already late hour in the yard,
But you started dancing.
Eh, you neighbors, neighbors,
You have no conscience !!!
Author: Gave the bear to the fox and the wolf
In the paws of the bucket and the whisk.
Bear: Mouse, frog, but what about you
Rake - take out all the trash.
Author: The animals immediately got down to business,
And the work began to boil.
They sweep the dirt and debris
Clean-clean will be here.
Our bear in a short time
I could put things in order
It will be clean from now on all the time
Where is the teremok built.
Let it be many - many years
Every forest lives without troubles
And the beasts in him are unreasonable
Never will, no !!!

Olga Mirko

Do you like the script for a fairy tale in a new way "Teremok"? Be sure to share it with your friends on social networks or leave your comment.

New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! It is eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by adults who also want to believe in miracles!

Present your colleagues with a real funny winter fairy tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only give your work friends the opportunity to have fun, but also show all their talents and abilities! This funny script for fun company, with musical accompaniment, artistic transformations, with gags will turn into a real unforgettable event.

Cool converted fairy tales for a corporate party for the New Year for adults, here you can download it for free. Enjoy your participation! An unforgettable experience awaits you!

New Year's Tale "Teremok in a New Way"

Props and decorations:

  1. The designation "teremka" is necessary to make a square with the size: 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.
  2. A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.
  3. Additional props: a mop, a plate with a spoon, a centimeter (measuring).
  4. Recording of light instrumental music (for the background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing to us).
  5. A bag with cards, in which roles and moods, emotions are described:

1 card:

Who! - Mouse.

Which one? - Nervous, hysterical. Always loudly shouts his "pee-pee!"

What is he doing in Teremka? - Washes the floors

2 card:

Who! - Frog.

Which one? - Severe, stubborn, unhurried. Your "Kva-kva!" pronounces like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeds lunch.

3 card:

Who! - Bunny.

Which one? - Cheerful, nimble, mischievous. After each jump - wags its tail!

What is he doing in Teremka? - Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card:

Who! - Chanterelle.

Which one? - Sexy, flirtatious. Sex * flax hums: "Urrr!"

What is he doing in Teremka? - Flirts, seduces.

5 card:

Who! - Gray wolf.

Which one? - Self-confident, impudent, sort of "decided", came to the "showdown". Coughs, as if kukuet: Khe-khe! Khe-khe!

What is he doing in Teremka? - All the time he runs into everyone, threatens!

6 card:

Who! - Bear.

Which one? - Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! His "RRRRR" speaks as if he were saying "Catch up! I'll catch up! "

What is he doing in Teremka? - Climbs to hug and kiss.


  • Presenter (folder with script);

In order to somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, only a few elements in clothes are enough.

  • Mouse (rim with ears and tail, apron);
  • Frog (green jabot (collar) put on clothes, you can also green gloves, chef's apron and cap);
  • Bunny (headband with long ears, small tail);
  • Chanterelle (coquette, red collar and fox tail);
  • Gray wolf (dressed like a hooligan, an unbuttoned shirt, a gold chain around the neck, a purse (as in the 90s) on the side, a cap, a cigarette in his teeth);
  • Bear (a hat with round ears on his head, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes).

Scene 1

Host: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale "Teremok"?

Guests answer: Long time ago!

Host: Do you remember. What was going on there?

All in unison: Yes!

Host: If I were you, I would not be so sure! Do you want to check? Or let's remember all together?

All in chorus:

Host: I need six volunteers!

He chooses the most colorful from the hall: the tallest, the lowest, the thinnest, the fattest, etc.

Host: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale?

Participants assume.

Host: Well, that would be the ideal, but we have miracles at the New Year's fabulous corporate party everywhere and everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull, from the bag, who will be who!

Participants pull out, without looking, cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when you yourself big man will get, for example, the role of the Mouse! Or to the most frail - the role of the bandit Wolf or Bear!

They are taken away, assistants dress up in elements. The participant who will play the Mouse is given a mop, the Frog is given a plate and spoon, and the Bunny is given a tailor's centimeter.

The disguised artists go to the Host, who tells the task.

Host: So, in our cool reworked fairy tale, only I speak! You are all known and possible ways portray your hero. The bunny jumps to Teremok, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make sounds of your character, demonstrate his behavior and manners.

All this is done taking into account the emotion and mood that is written in your card. And one more thing: once in Teremochek, if you suddenly hear just such dance music (refrain of the song "New Year" by the group "Disco Crash"), you must, taking into account, again your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated in your cards!

It is desirable for viewers. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

The participants agree. Leave.

Scene # 2

Light instrumental music sounds in the background. As soon as a new hero appears in Teremka, dance music turns on for a short time, to which they will perform their every action.

Host: So, dear friends, sit back and comfortably! Now you will hear and at the same time see a completely new fairy tale called "Teremok".

In one of the very pretty dacha cooperatives someone took and built a very neat Teremok!

(The assistants take out a cardboard frame, signifying Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they put a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Host: Past, on her important affairs, the Mouse-Norushka was running (“Mouse” runs out, hysterically yelling “PI-PI-PI!”).

The Mouse was surprised that such a treasure is worth, and no one lives there! Three times she ran around Teremok (the Mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she settled in it! (The mouse steps over and immediately starts cleaning the floors).

The Croak Frog jumped the same way, the same way! (A participant representing the Frog jumps, singing in an operatic "Kva-kva!"

As Teremok saw, she could not restrain herself! She came closer and asked Mouse if it was possible to live there with her?

- Come in! It will be more fun together! - She answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, and she washes the floors under her feet.

Host: From afar, the bunny-bunny heard the smell of delicious lunch! (Bunny gallops) And when he came to him - he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? - asked the Bunny.

- Can! - waved the inviting Mouse and Frog and launched a new tenant in Teremok.

Dance music turns on: the Mouse has to wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog has to feed each one in turn, and the Bunny has to take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Host: The main party girl, Fox, has also pulled herself up for fun! (With a sexy gait, rumbling, the participant comes out in this image) Well, who doesn't like this kind of entertainment? Of course, she asked to live in Teremochka! And the owners were not against it!

Dance music turns on: Mouse washes under the Frog, Bunny, Chanterelle, Frog feeds everyone in turn from a spoon, Bunny measures everyone, and Chanterelle dances sexy in front of everyone.

Host: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: having heard the noise and din, smelling the delicious smells spreading from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (Impressively, coughing, the Wolf comes out. Approaches Teremochka). Well, and how it, again, happens in life, he didn't ask too much! He opened the door with his foot and entered!

Dance music turns on: everyone does his own thing, and the wolf "runs into" everyone in turn.

Host: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let's feed it! And he - "run over"! It is not known how it would have ended, but here the Bear walked by.

(Smiling and playfully snarling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Host: The Bear came up to Teremochka and looked at how the animals were having fun there! How they wash cleanly, how they feed from a spoon, how they measure joyfully, how they dance sexually! Even the Wolf with his arrivals Mishka immediately fell in love with! I entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To the dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone, and the Bear hugs and kisses on the cheeks, everyone!

Host: You ask why he didn't ask the tenants for permission to live? What for? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built for himself! And when I saw such a cheerful company, I immediately decided to live here and leave them all!

Dance music sounds. All heroes interact with each other, constantly changing partners.

Corporate New Year's fairy tale "Kolobok in a New Way"

Props and decorations:

  • To stage the fairy tale "Kolobok", it is necessary to make the facade of a Russian hut from plywood or thick cardboard with opening shutters of the window.
  • The house needs to be beautifully painted in the old Russian style.
  • Forest elements: decorative shrubs, tree stumps, etc.
  • Recording "backing tracks" of music different nations: for a scene in the house of grandfather and grandmother - an old Russian melody, for a scene with a hare - a rap beat, for a scene with a wolf - Georgian tunes, for a scene with a fox - Chinese, for a scene with a bear - playing an accordion.


  1. Storyteller (dressed in a Russian sundress and kokoshnik);
  2. Gingerbread man-Italian (on the head a hat with a pompom and a long bright scarf);
  3. Hare - American (rapper cap);
  4. Wolf - Caucasian (bushy mustache, cap-airfield);
  5. Fox - Chinese (kimono, fan, corresponding make-up);
  6. Bear - Russian (hat with earflaps, accordion).

Scene 1

In the middle of the stage is the frame of the hut on props. There is a chair in the back. Old Russian music sounds. The storyteller appears in the window.


In one house, on the edge
Once upon a time there was a grandfather with his old woman.
Grandma and grandfather in that hut
Suddenly they baked a bun.

The most beautiful gingerbread man
Round, round, and ruddy.
He jumped off the stove at once,
He rushed into the forest in the night.

I ran away from my grandmother
I ran away from my grandfather.
Both cry, here's a hint
That is the beginning of our tale.

Sit down, guests, more comfortable,
Listen to the story in more detail.

Scene # 2

Install the elements of the forest. A bun comes out, dances. Rap-style music sounds.


Our gingerbread man is not simple,
He is not Russian, not native.
Look, he's dressed like a gloss!
Because it is Italian.
Humming independently
Something like "bravissimo!"

(A hare appears on the scene.)

And a hare met him,
He looks like an American.

The hare reads a rap:
Hello, kolobok, where have you come?
Whom did you seek and whom did you find?
I know you ran away from your grandfather and grandmother.
You came to me, I was waiting for you!

(Music turns off)


The bun rolled
Along the path, through the woods!
And further on in our tale
It turns out gray wolf
Caucasian nationality!

(Georgian tunes sound, Wolf comes out)

Serious man like that
With gray, rough, prickly bristles.

Gray ox:

Uh-uh, buddy, where are we going?
I won't let it go until we support the feast together!
Not accepted in our area
Stay hungry at a party!


The table is set, guests are sitting,
To the left, to the right, toasts sound more beautiful!
“For the hare! For the grandmother! For grandfather! "
And we won't let you go until lunchtime.
Do not be offended, he says, you're on the Maine!
You will be a snack on our table!

Our bun was pondering.
And slipped away on the sly!
(Music turns off)

He walks and is sad a little,
Suddenly he hears, an accordion sounds!
(The play of an accordion sounds)
He sees that there is neither far nor near,
A club-footed bear comes out to him!
Plays music, plays
And the kolobok is already eating from a distance.

(The bear comes out.)


He came closer and smiled.
He swallowed saliva and licked his lips.


Well, that's it, the bun, rolled!
And it turned into my lunch.
Shut up, I won't listen!
How I want to eat!


The gingerbread man was not a joke scared!
Turned around, dodged and rushed!
Rolled as fast as they could!
So the branches beat me in the face, beat me!

(Music turns off)

And then he ran out of strength,
And the terrible moments ended.
The bun smiled and dusted himself off.
He turned over his ruddy side.
Here he goes on slowly
And suddenly a beauty - a fox - met!

(A Chinese melody sounds, Fox comes out to it)

Our bun was stunned by beauty!
Lost speech, sat down on the ground.
This could only happen to him,
Only he could fall in love with a fox!


Come closer to me
Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!
I want to consider, my friend,
Your rosy, bread barrel.
I want to know you!
Or rather, rather, gobble up!


The fox jumped on the bun,
Clawed at the sides!
And let's torment him
And at the same time hum.


Stupid, stupid bun,
Round your head
Who needs you as a friend?
Everyone needs you as food!

(Music turns off)


This would be the end of the fairy tale,
But here's another tip of mine:
He rolled through the forest for so long.
That his barrel is already hardened!

And when the fox attacked him,
She just broke off her teeth!
On business for you, evil predator!
Appreciate those who have great love for you.

Everything is clear now without further ado,
In life, evil conquers great and universal love!
End: to the applause, all the heroes bow out.

Gingerbread man returned home,
Kohl remained alive in our fairy tale!

Valentina Pysova
Scenario new year holiday "Teremok in the Winter Forest" in a new way (for older children preschool age)

To the song "ZAMELA METELITSA" children enter the hall, dance. They stop in a semicircle.


Winter holiday is coming,

The old year is leaving us,

The people are gathering

Knocking on the door New Year.

What from year New

Do we wait every time?

We are waiting for them to come true

We have all the dreams.

We are waiting for joyful gifts

Kind news,

And sunny smiles

From your friends.

Let with a blizzard and powder

He will bring all the good:

Peace, friendship, jokes, affection,

To make life like in a fairy tale!

In multi-colored, new year

Light holiday lights,

Congratulations today

All the gathered friends.

Open the door wider

You meet our guest,

After all, on holiday itself

Snow-white winter.


Winter is winter. Glad to see you friends.

Children: Hello, Winter-winter.

Leading. We know a song about Winter,

Together we start together.


1. From far - far away

So fluffy and light

On the grass and at home

Winter came to us.

Winter has a lot to do

I put on a snow cap,

To the crown of the sleepy forest

And climbed into the snowdrifts to sleep.

CHORUS: Winter, winter is a beauty,

You will like it with us

Snow creaks under the boot

We walk along the river on foot.

Winter, winter is a beauty

It is famous for its frost,

Flies from the mountain - will take your breath away,

The sled overturned - Wow!

2. Frost weaves lace,

The blizzard sweeps the street

Snow flies on your head

Smoke puffs from the chimney

And everywhere here and there,

Snowy mountains grow

Everything around has turned white

As if poured with milk.

Winter is winter. I am a winter - a beauty

Children: Winter, we really like it,

Winter is winter. Children, there is no time to be bored

Let's dance together.

COMMON DANCE "ICE CEILING", the children sit down.

Leading. IN New Year under the Christmas tree,

Every miracle awaits

Without a doubt with us,

The fairy tale will come to life.


Leading. IN Teremkeat the edge

The little animals are gathering

They will sing and dance

Together Celebrate the new year.


Music sounds. (The mouse covers festive table with treats)

- Party at home - New Year!

There will be songs, a round dance

There are already cookies and sweets on the table.

Only there are no guests yet.

I'll cover the table as soon as possible

I am for dear guests.


I walked in forest, walked

And I saw the hut.

I still can't sleep

I see the light is on in the window

Hey who in teremke lives?

What's delicious chewing there ?.

It smells like honey and jam

I'll ask for a treat.

Hey mistress, open up

And welcome the guests as soon as possible.

Hello bear, come in

But wait a little.

I'm waiting for New Year guests,

I'll collect all my friends.

Help me set the table.

I need to wash the fruit.

(The mouse takes the fruit basket and leaves)

(The bear enters and sits down at the table, lounging.)

Well, why cover?

You can learn everything anyway,

I will not help her.

He will also ask to wash the dishes.

I don't like this,

And I can't stand order (He starts eating honey in a barrel, eats up and leaves, goes to bed on the carpet)

(A mouse comes running with a vase, fruit in the vase.)

Oh! I ruined the whole table

Spilled tea on the tablecloth!

How will I greet the guests?

What will I treat them with?

(The mouse sits and cries)

FROG EXITS. (hands in a basket with green soap in it, a towel)

Hello, kind hostess!

Here's a gift, guess what,

What will I give you?

You know - I love water!

(The mouse takes a gift out of the basket.)

Oh, how beautiful it is, evidently very expensive!

This is your favorite color - there is no better gift from you!

What were you crying, tell me?

You, girlfriend, do not grieve.

The Bear stomped on me here, ate all the honey and ran away.

I'll go wash, maybe calm down. (leaves)

I'll help my friend, I'll clean everything on the table.

The bear wakes up.

Hello green frog, what are you doing here, Frog?

- New the year has come to meet, sing and dance songs.

I brought a gift to Mouse, she already took it away -

There is soap and a towel from everything - from the whole heart!

Why does she need soap?

Wash your face!

Here's why try -

I wash my paw

Friends will laugh at you!

You leave here, put yourself in order!

And how will you be good-looking - then you will come and visit!

(The bear goes to bed again.)

(The mouse returns.)

Sit down at the table, dear friend!

Here's a green mug

Pour tea, take some cookies

And strawberry jam!

(Frog and Mouse are drinking tea.)

Squirrels come out.

Squirrel Who came to you, guess

And meet the guests soon

We live in a hollow in winter

We gnaw nuts and mushrooms,

Fur coats are like warmers for us

Answer who we are….

All children: Proteins

Squirrel Jump and jump, jump and jump,

Rides from branch to branch

A squirrel gallops briskly,

Mischievous girl.

Squirrel Squirrels - girls love nuts,

These mischievous girls are all sweet tooth,

Tassels are worn on the ears in fashion,

Squirrels are always dressed for the weather

A fur coat for the summer, a fur coat for the winter,

Charming, incomprehensible.

Squirrel I am a red-haired squirrel,

I am a little girl,

I have a fluffy ponytail

And they carry me on the arms,

I collect nuts

And I walk under the tree

I'm really looking forward to New Year,

He will bring surprises!

Hello girlfriends!

Mouse, congratulations!

Health and fun

We wish you! (Inspect teremok.)

What a glorious teremok!

Clean - every corner!

Table for holiday is covered,

Every guest here will be full!

Take gifts mouse! (Gives the mouse an audio CD.)

Well, turn on the disc soon!

We will dance here -

Together Celebrate the new year!

Squirrel dance.

(Bear tosses and turns, wakes up)

What's that noise? Jumping and dancing?

I do not like this shaking!

I would lie under a bush.

You will be with a fat belly!

It is necessary, bear, not to be lazy

Dance and have fun!

No, I'd rather lie down, and generally I leave.


Hello! I met a Bear -

It's a shame to look at him!

He does not look after himself -

Very untidy look!

(Examines everyone.)

You are very good - have fun!

Hello, gossip Fox!

IN holiday - you need to have fun!

FROM New Year, expensive!

And you, my dear!

Brought you presents:

Here is a fashionable, bright handkerchief,

Mirror, perfume, comb -

You will be with a fashionable hairstyle!

FROM Happy New Year.

I invite everyone to the table!

(Everyone sits at the table and drinks tea.)


Who is there in tereme lives?

What's delicious chewing?

Hey, mistress, open - ka,

Take the Wolf to visit.

(Knocks on the house, all the animals are hiding behind chairs.)

Oh, I'm afraid why I was calling!



We need to call the Hedgehog, we will teach the Wolf. (Fox calls on mobile phone Hedgehog.)

Come quickly, friend!

An ignoramus came to us - the Wolf!

He knocks on the door with his fist,

And he threatens us!

Hurry up.

Wolf banging on the door:

Hey mistress, answer me! (The wolf is knocking, there is a bear.)

Something, mouse, won't let you!

Yes, it happens.

Give - gray, I will help. (They start knocking together.)


I'm already running, running. (Sees Wolf and Bear.)

What is this business?

Who's the brave one here?

What kind of bully - almost get into a fight?

Who comes to visit like that?

Where does so much anger come from?

You scared everyone here - you almost became bandits. (He threatens them with a finger.)

I really want to celebration!

Hedgehog. Well, bear, you and a prankster!

And I was in a hurry, but I was late ...

All in teremke - scared ...


What should we do and how should we be?

You need to wash yourself

Become polite, orderly.

Come with nice gifts

So that on New year with friends

Rejoice. Be guests! (Wolf and Bear leave.)

Open teremok, the Bear and the Wolf are gone!

Hello Hedgehog!

Hello sister! - (Gives a gift - a samovar)

Here, it will come in handy on the farm!

Together we will drink tea all for festive table!

(A neat knock on the door of Dressy Bear and Wolf.)

Bear and Wolf:

Who, who in teremochka lives?

Who, who lives in the low?

Who drinks tea with refreshments?

Who is waiting for their friends to visit?


I am a Mouse - butu!

I'm a frog - frog!

We are girlfriends squirrels!

I am a Fox - a beauty!

I am a Hedgehog - good at everything, and who are you?


I am a Bear - I can sing….

I am a Wolf - I know a lot about fashion….

Let us go to celebration! (say the phrase together)

I'm not a prankster anymore!

And I washed, combed my hair, dressed up - tried!

I will not eat with my paw,

I will listen to the hedgehog!

I will not be lazy anymore.

And I won't get angry anymore.

Come in, I'm glad to see you! We need such guests!

It's very important to be friends with everyone

Bring joy to each other!

All bears sleep in winter

Well, I can't sleep

New Year's fault,

How not to have fun.

I'm not a simple bear,

Gummy and funny

Let's dance

Together Celebrate the new year!


Leading. Children like New Year,

Santa Claus will come to us.

After all, for children's joy,

He will bring sweets!

CANDIES come out.

We're candy girls

We have fun

And in new Year's holiday

We dance and sing.

Beautiful candy wrapper new

Candy outfit

Fun frills

Quietly rustle

Toffee bars

Dragee and marmalade

Delicious sweets

Every child is happy!

We are not simple sweets

All wrappers are golden

Look at us

We will dance for you now!


Christmas tree new Year's in the room

And, shining with toys, he talks to us.

Remembers the Christmas tree with sadness winter forest,

Full of sonorous songs, fairy tales and miracles.

Christmas tree new year, do not be sad in vain, -

We are your funny, faithful friends.

So sparkle with a rainbow festive for us,

Be happy, herringbone, as we are now!

Children take candle lanterns.

The lights go out, the Christmas tree sparkles, the children sing with flashlights in their hands.


Leading. The tree shines with lights

And says goodbye to friends

Now the kids

It's time to take the gifts apart.


1. In the snowy forest,

Cheerful Santa Claus,

He cooks for us

A whole load of gifts

Today he is in a hurry

After all, time does not wait

Sings a song

She sings a magic one.

Chorus: New year dreams

All come true

Their good words

Are not forgotten.

Christmas lights

Light up,

Friends near the tree

Are going.

2. And now on New Year,

Santa Claus came to us,

Gifts to us

On he brought a holiday,

Merry round dance

We lead together

And we sing a song


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