Industrial timber harvesting. Final felling. How is a logging company organized? Who and what tool is engaged in logging

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Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S. M. Kirov

Department of Forestry


In the discipline "Forestry"

Irina Nefedova's students

Saint Petersburg 2013

Question 1. What are the tasks of final felling (RGP) and the conditions that must be met during their implementation

Final felling is carried out in mature and over-mature stands and has basically two goals: harvesting wood to meet the needs of various sectors of the national economy and replacing old stands with young, more productive ones. Compliance with these principles ensures timely restoration of felled areas, continuous sustainable forest management and an increase in the environmental protection role of forest ecosystems.

Final felling (RGP). Cuttings, with the help of which industrial timber harvesting takes place in mature and over-mature stands, the main purpose of which is precisely timber harvesting (which formally distinguishes RGP from intermediate felling). Currently, there is no clear boundary between final and intermediate felling in terms of organizational and technical characteristics. Three main systems of final felling are used: continuous, gradual, selective.

Final felling is the main component of one of the types of use. They are carried out in accordance with the regional Rules for final felling, which are regulatory document and they are based on the forest fund Russian Federation as a natural and economic object of federal property. These fellings are carried out in all forms of farming: high-stemmed (plantations of predominantly seed origin, intended for growing large-sized timber), medium-stemmed (plantations that combine the features of high-stem and low-stemmed economy of mixed seed and vegetative origin), low-stem (plantings of vegetative origin, intended for growing relatively small assortments of wood).

Clear (clear-cut) felling is a felling in which stands that have reached the cutting age (maturity) are cut in one step, after which a treeless area remains - felling (sometimes with preserved undergrowth). There are regional Rules that determine silvicultural standards and methods of cutting, taking into account the peculiarities of local forest growing conditions (Age of felling, Age of forest maturity, Forest conditions)

Clearcuts are the main method of final felling in Russia, they are used in forests of groups II and III. When carrying out clear felling, all trees with a diameter at a chest height of 8 or 12 cm are cut down in a felling area, and in cedar stands - from 28 cm, leaving valuable seed trees at the felling site. For clearcuts the following features are characteristic:

1) ripe or overmature stands are cut down in one step, which can last up to 1 year;

2) after felling, a stand of the same age or conditionally of the same age appears on the area, provided that undergrowth is preserved during cutting;

3) artificial forest restoration gives absolutely the same age stands;

4) the use of mechanisms is the most productive, and the cost of harvested timber is the cheapest.

Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe cutting area and its parameters, clearcuts are subdivided into narrow-cut, broad-cut, concentrated, interlaced-gradual and conditionally-continuous.

Gradual felling - final felling, in which the stand is cut down in several stages during 1-2 age classes. Distinguish between uniformly gradual felling (at each method, a uniform thinning of the stand occurs), group-gradual (at each method, groups of trees are cut down, occupying an area of \u200b\u200b0.005 - 0.03 ha), hollow (at each method, groups of trees are cut down, occupying an area of \u200b\u200b0.03 - 1 ha, and ), strip-gradual (at each step, parallel strips are cut down, separated by multiple strips of them in width), long-gradual (two-step felling, carried out in stands of different ages with felling at the first step of trees that have reached the operational size, and in the second - left trees).

Selective felling - final felling, in which a part of trees of a certain age, size, quality or condition (usually all or part of trees that have reached operational size) are cut down. There are voluntary selective felling (uniform selective felling, in which first of all faut, overmature, ripe with slow growth trees are cut down), group selective felling, in which large tree clumps are cut down, forced selective felling (selective felling, when which is the felling of all trees that have reached the size and quality required by the logger). Servants are not currently formally applied. In reality, practically all selective final felling, carried out in the forest fund of Russia, are involuntary selective.

Question 2. What are the environmental consequences of clearcuts

Clearcutting is when the stand is completely cut down in one step. In certain cases, after felling, an insignificant part of the stand remains, in particular, the small size.

Clearcutting causes changes in forest growth conditions: the light and thermal regimes change dramatically, there are noticeable hydrological changes, in connection with which the ground and soil conditions, the composition of the arising after forest felling (species change) can change greatly. Clearcuts differ in the size and shape of the areas to be felled, as well as in the intensity of felling.

The serious disadvantages that entail environmental consequences include a strong change in the forest growing environment. Concentrated felling, breaking complex multifactorial relationships and interactions of the components of the plant community, in any type of forest leads to a catastrophic change in the forest phytocenosis. In the process of felling, not only the structural part of the phytocenosis (tree stand) is removed, but also significantly disturbed. At the same time, self-seeding and undergrowth are almost completely destroyed, litter is stripped off over a large area and mixed with the upper soil horizon. In practice, new forest conditions are being created, the ecological impact of the former forest is being lost. The zoocenosis (its composition) also changes greatly, because protective factors disappear and sometimes new resources become. Complete removal of the stand, processing of nanorelief and soil, disturbance of forest litter, living ground cover, undergrowth, undergrowth, etc. lead to significant dynamics of the most important soil-forming processes, ammonification, nitrification, another destruction of cellulose, decomposition of soil humus is observed. The structural part of the biocenosis, the climate (atmosphere), also changes. There are sharp changes in the temperature and humidity of the air, its movement and composition. Such cuttings make significant changes in the nature of the forest, especially in the ecological situation. They lead to a simplification of the natural environment, a decrease in plant mass, and a violation of the ecology in general. Such felling contributes to the formation of unproductive types of felling areas, approaching herbaceous, lichen, and moss biocenoses, performing poorly ecological functions.

With the removal of the parent canopy, the conditions in the clearings change dramatically: the inflow of solar radiation and illumination increase up to 20 times, the relative humidity of the air decreases, the wind speed increases, significant temperature drops and changes in the moisture content of the root layer of soil are noted in clearings. A sharp change in the ecological situation leads to the fact that the process of natural reforestation sometimes stretches for many years, and the felling area for this period not only loses its protective functions, but is also withdrawn from the growing process. Concentrated felling in the forests of the southern zone can lead to turfing and even steppe formation of felling areas, and in the forests of the northern zone - to waterlogging. On such clearings, there is a great danger of the formation of foci of harmful insects, especially the May beetle, and with insufficient cleaning of cutting areas, a sharp increase in fire danger is characteristic.

Concentrated felling in stands of different ages is especially harmful. inherently do not correspond to the nature of such plantings. On forest plots, where the unfavorable water-air regime (ruts, depressions), first settle the moisture-loving sphagnum, cuckoo flax, cotton grass, sometimes - shrub willows. There is no regeneration by tree species in the 1st decade after felling. Their settlement takes place only in the inter-track space and along the roadsides. In connection with high density In the first years after the settlement of tree species, a lag in growth is observed in the soil and in the poverty of nutrients in areas with destroyed soil cover. The roots of settled woody plants are not able to penetrate the compacted soil, and self-seeding dies when washed out by precipitation and squeezed out by frost.

The negative impact of concentrated felling was exacerbated by the mechanization of logging.

Such felling in most types of forests necessitates expensive silvicultural works. Such felling contributes to the formation of unproductive types of felling, lose protective functions, slow down the aging process of natural reforestation. However, with strict observance of silvicultural requirements for the technology of cutting operations on gentle slopes, felling does not cause erosion processes.

Question 3. Give the rationale and characteristics of group-gradual felling. In what stands should they be used

Group selective felling is carried out in all groups of forests from group stands of different ages, while mainly group harvesting of overmature and mature trees is carried out in accordance with their distribution over the area. Cutting rates for intensity and frequency are the same as for voluntary selective cuttings. Group-gradual and hollow felling, in which the stand is cut down in groups (hollows) in several steps in places where there are clumps of undergrowth, during two age classes, are carried out in stands of the same age with group placement of undergrowth over the area of \u200b\u200bthe forest area. Felling of a ripe stand is carried out gradually around groups of undergrowth in areas of 0.005-0.030 hectares and up to 1.0 hectares (depressions) in 3-5 steps, carried out over 30-40 years.

They are carried out in all groups of forests, but mainly in forests of the first and second groups.

In accordance with the peculiarities of the structure of the stands, the nature of the displacement of rocks and the distribution of the young stock under the canopy over the area, group-gradual ones are carried out.

Depending on the completeness and composition of the stand, the presence of trees of the second layer and undergrowth under its canopy, their conditions are mainly used two- or three-, less often four-stage gradual felling.

All types of gradual felling are carried out under the condition of ensuring the stability of the thinned stands in groups of forest types on sufficiently deep drained soils.

Question 4. Tell us about measures to promote natural reforestation after clear felling

felling forest solid ecological

Measures to promote natural reforestation include all activities aimed at creating favorable conditions for successful reforestation. They can be carried out before or after felling, as well as simultaneously with its implementation. In some cases, such activities may have purposes other than felling.

All measures to promote natural reforestation can be grouped into the following seven groups:

1) technologies of logging with preservation of undergrowth;

2) thinning of stands and undergrowth;

3) leaving seed sources;

4) mechanical impact on litter and soil;

5) roasting - controlled fire in clearings;

6) clearing clearings;

7) rational organization of cattle grazing.

All these activities can be carried out both separately and in combination with each other. To enhance the reforestation effect of assistance measures, several measures should be applied simultaneously, which organically complement each other. So, for example, thinning of stands and undergrowth, along with an increase in the flow of light into the crowns (increased seed production) and under the canopy (improvement of light conditions for undergrowth) should be supplemented by impact on the litter and soil (mineralization). Leaving seed sources should be accompanied by mechanical or fire action on the litter and soil.

1. The use of logging technologies with the preservation of undergrowth is a highly effective measure with the obligatory observance of technological discipline. According to G.F. Morozov, any felling of a forest should be synonymous with renewal. This means that after felling, at the place where the mature forest is harvested, young growth of economically valuable species should remain. This can only be achieved if a reliable pregeneration undergrowth is preserved. The forester should take care of the accumulation of this undergrowth in advance, providing favorable conditions for reforestation under the canopy of the stand, which should go into felling.

2. Thinning of stand and undergrowth. It is used for reforestation felling - gradual and selective according to the degree of intensity (very low intensity - the volume of cut wood reaches 10 percent of its total stock, low intensity - 11 ... 20 percent, moderate intensity - 21 ... 30 percent, moderately high intensity - 31 ... 40 percent, high intensity - 41 ... 50 percent; very high intensity - 51 ... 70 percent)

3. Abandonment of seed sources. In the clearcutting areas of mature, over-mature forest stands, with the assistance of natural reforestation, the sources of seeding identified during the allocation of felling areas, which include single seed plants, seed groups, clumps, strips, as well as forest walls, if they contain seed trees, are preserved.

The number of single seed plants left must be at least 20 per hectare. The distance between groups of testes should not exceed 100 m.

Seed groups of 3 ... 5 trees are left in case of increased danger of windblow of pine, spruce and increased seed germination of larch (cross pollination is required). The abandonment of seed groups should be carried out primarily at the expense of areas of middle-aged and maturing stands of the main species.

Separate testes should be selected in the stand on the basis of external signs that characterize their wind resistance: trunk tapering in the presence of an extended symmetrical crown. single seed trees and groups of pine trees left behind in clear-cut areas.

Individual trees (selected without taking into account their wind resistance) have residual deformation of their trunks due to strong wind load

Sources of seeding in the form of clumps and stripes are left, as a rule, from species that are weakly resistant to wind (spruce, fir), and in areas with moist, weakly drained soils. Seed clumps can cover an area of \u200b\u200b0.01 ha to 1.0 ha. The width of the seed strips must be at least 30 m to maintain stability.

4. Mechanical impact on litter and soil - mineralization of the soil surface is carried out by various tillage implements, which must correspond to soil and soil conditions. Microhighs should be created on soils with excessive moisture. For heavy or light soils with a different state of the living ground cover, various tools are used - from anchor cutters to cutters, cultivators, plows.

5. Roasting - controlled fire. This measure is one of the most effective, however, and unsafe. With appropriate measures, it is carried out in the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In Russia, the measure is not applied for fear of letting the fire out of control. "Fire is a bad master, but a good apprentice." Nevertheless, since 1998, in the forests of Siberia, VNIIPOMleskhoz has been introducing the burning of litter and combustible materials under the forest canopy to reduce forest fire. This is a relatively inexpensive, but quite effective technology for reducing forest fires, which consists in regulating the stocks of forest combustible materials using controlled preventive strip burns.

This technology does not contradict the current Rules fire safety in the forests of the Russian Federation, which allow controlled burning in order to prevent forest fires, including on unforested lands of the forest fund, on fire barriers in early spring, as well as for burning off the ground cover between two mineralized strips.

The research results of VNIIPOMleskhoz showed that strip burning is effective in forest and meteorological conditions, providing optimal parameters of forest litter combustion, destruction of the main combustion conductors and other small ground-based combustible materials without causing damage to plantations.

Burning out of combustible materials in strips of the required width under the canopy of plantings is carried out before the onset of a high fire hazard. Areal burning should be carried out within closed blocks from existing or newly created barriers to the spread of combustion over ground-based combustible materials. The most effective and inexpensive way to create such obstacles is to use high expansion foam strips.

Studies have shown that a relatively low intensity controlled fire does not cause significant harm to the forest stand, completely or significantly destroys litter, shrubs and deciduous undergrowth. At the same time, pine is able to withstand a weak fire without significant damage even in a middle-aged stand due to its thick heat-insulating bark.

Since 1998, scientists in the Krasnoyarsk Territory have successfully implemented the technology of burning. The accumulated experience of using controlled fire has confirmed the effectiveness of the technology of preventive strip burning under the forest canopy and the wide interest of forestry enterprises in practical application her. The widespread introduction of controlled fire under the forest canopy to reduce the risk of fires can be successfully used as a measure to promote natural pine regeneration. 6. Clearing clearings is a measure that helps to retain moisture on dry soils: crushed felling residues are evenly scattered, shading the soil.

On fresh soils, they are collected in heaps and either burned or left to rot. In waterlogged areas, felling residues are collected in small heaps. Rotting, they create micro-elevations, on which a water-air regime of the root-inhabited horizon is favorable for the existence of seedlings, self-seeding and undergrowth.

7. Rational organization of cattle grazing. The grazing of livestock can reduce the competitive influence of the living ground cover by disturbing the turfing of the soil and prepare it for receiving seeds. So, grazing of pigs in oak forests in productive years gives high efficiency as a measure of assistance. At the beginning of the fall of acorns (mostly sick acorns), pigs are grazed, which not only prepare the soil, but also eat sick acorns. This measure was widely used in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. American and Canadian foresters adopted this experience.

Unfortunately, as A.K. Denisov, the promotion of renewal, especially through soil mineralization, has received little attention, both by designers and performers. The opinion about the futility of this measure has taken root. It really does not give results, if not to be guided by the laws of life and forest development, and in spite of them to carry out assistance for the "tick". The fact is that mineralization is carried out without observing elementary rules: phenological observations of seed production are not systematically carried out, the years of work are not in all cases linked to the seed years, the choice of tools is not differentiated by forest type, the time of work is not consistent with the timing of seed loss, leaf fall and shedding of needles. As a result, the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe event is discredited, which in the past, when observing silvicultural requirements, gave positive results. The use of controlled fire, which has an excellent effect in the Scandinavian countries, is still not widely used in our country. Forest management often unreasonably (stereotyped) outlines artificial reforestation. Whereas an in-depth analysis of natural reforestation by region would provide a basis for recommendations on the use of this process, excluding the change of species. In addition, it would save labor and financial resources. Two decades later, the situation on this issue has not changed, but on the contrary, it has only worsened. Perhaps only the coming world economic crisis will help to change attitudes towards this effective reforestation measure.

This situation cannot suit creatively working foresters. What are the reasons for the lack of undergrowth under the canopy in ripening, ripe and overmature stands? There are many factors affecting the absence of undergrowth. They are both objective (natural) and subjective (economic and personal) in nature. Most often, this is the absence of a silvicultural management system designed to use the biological potential of plantations and preserve their biological diversity. Excessive widespread enthusiasm for forest crops is a costly technology for reforestation. Optimization is required here. Only a detailed analysis of the situation and the subsequent adjustment of forestry management can lead to the formation of productive and sustainable forests, give real savings in money and labor costs for reforestation.

Question 5. What are the rules for selecting trees when caring for a forest

Allocation of cutting areas for maintenance felling is carried out with the selection of trees intended for felling, their branding, counting, with the laying of test plots in young stands.

In deciduous forest plantations, the allotment of cutting areas is carried out during the growing season, and in coniferous forests - throughout the year.

Adjacent forest inventory units, forest plantations of which require the same type of felling, with the same main species and uniform forest growing conditions, but differing in composition, completeness and age, are combined into one cutting area.

When the boundaries of forest areas are not expressed, assigned for felling of forests, the cutting of boundary sighting devices, goniometric surveying and sounding of boundary lines, determination of the area are carried out.

When allotting felling areas for thinning and passage felling, trees assigned for felling with a diameter of 1.3 meters 8 centimeters or more are marked with gouges and branded at the root neck.

The stock of cut wood is determined on the basis of a continuous count of trees assigned to felling. The stock of trees to be cut down with a diameter thinner than 8 centimeters is determined in storage measures on specially laid trial plots.

When counting, trees cut down to accommodate technological corridors and loading points are counted separately

Question 6. What are the Morozov principles (foundations) of forestry

1.Forest creed, forestry policy for the specialist;

2. The idea of \u200b\u200brenewal in the process of forest use;

3. The idea of \u200b\u200bconstant use of the forest should be closely related to the idea of \u200b\u200brenewal - this is the “holy of holies” of our forestry;

4. The basis of economic activity in the forest should be: your compass, your steering wheel, your symbol of faith;

5. Adaptation of their activities to the environment and, finally, 6. Possible lesser weakening of the resilience of forest communities. Revising the remaining handwritten notes and sketches by G.F. Morozov, G.N. Vysotsky was amazed at how deeply and comprehensively Georgiy Fedorovich thought, how deeply and widely he embraced the essence of various phenomena. The mental warehouse of Georgy Fedorovich reached the highest maturity, the highest clarity, the highest point of outlook and strengthened a number of the most valuable scientific papers not only in the narrow field of forestry, but also in the field of social biology, geography and even philosophy. Georgy Fedorovich was a unique person!

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In the manufacture of furniture and other timber structures, the stages of timber harvesting are preceded. They include the preparation of a forest site for felling, direct felling, transportation and storage. Subsequently, the tree goes through the stages of sawing, drying and special processing, after which it is shipped to the consumer.

The cycle of production of wood-based materials consists of interrelated activities for cutting down plantings and their processing. The safety of timber during the intermediate stages also affects its shipping price.

Harvesting wood by hand:

Cutting down trees

This stage is carried out directly on plots or cutting areas. It is preceded by preparatory work, in which the trunks to be cut down are marked. Trees are marked only if they meet the harvesting criteria, including an assessment of age and size.

During the preliminary preparation of the cutting areas, a road is laid along which the fallen tree trunks will be removed, and temporary dwellings for the loggers are built. Buildings are often prepared from scrap materials - tree trunks suitable sizes... The trunk of a felled tree is called a whip.


It can be done immediately after the felling of the tree or before breaking up the whip into longitudinal strips (boards). Bucking is a cross-cut of tree trunks, after which logs of a given length remain. Bucking is usually done by hand using chainsaws.

When bucking, you must not only be careful but also be skilled in handling heavy timber logs. Rushing to work can damage the saw or cause injury.

Bucking should be started at the thickest and heaviest end of the log, and very long logs should be cut in two beforehand to facilitate further work.


Felled tree-lengths after delimbing are subjected to skidding - transportation to temporary warehouses, from where they are shipped further along the chain. Do not confuse skidding and transportation, which can be done over virtually unlimited distances. Skidding is carried out only within the limited areas of felling and adjacent areas.

When skidding, usually tractors equipped with a grab gripper system are used. The ability to fix several logs at a time allows you to work with high productivity and allocate a minimum number of workers for skidding. Suspended roads are sometimes used instead of tractors if the plot is located above the storage area.

The process of skidding logs with a specially equipped tractor


For intermediate processing of wood, a stabilization process can be used - deep impregnation with various reagents. Such processing improves the safety of the material during storage, therefore this process is also called conservation. Processing is carried out with natural oils (most often linseed), varnishes, paints, synthetic polymer compounds and resins.

The following methods are used during impregnation:

  • cold impregnation - soaking wood blanks of small thickness in an impregnating solution;
  • hot impregnation - holding thicker boards and beams in a hot mixture. A decrease in viscosity with increasing temperature increases the tendency of the solution to penetrate deep into the material;
  • vacuum impregnation - saturation of the tree with a solution is preceded by the creation of a deep vacuum in a sealed chamber, which helps to remove air from the material. After holding the wood for a certain time, which differs for boards of different thicknesses, densities and types of wood, an impregnating agent is fed into the chamber. It fills the pores more effectively, as it is drawn into them by the remaining vacuum residues;
  • pressure impregnation - can be combined with vacuum impregnation and consists in high pressure injection over the impregnating solution. This improves the penetration of liquid into the depth of the material and contributes to its faster saturation.

Only hot and cold impregnation methods can be reproduced independently at home. Before using them, the tree must be well dried. To do this, you need to use not natural drying, but with heating, which reduces the moisture content of the final material.

Timber transportation

Transportation of tree-lengths to the place of further processing and storage can be carried out by water, rail or road transport.

  • Water transport is the cheapest and slowest way to transport large quantities of wood. It is used only in the presence of large shipping lanes nearby, so the most significant logging is usually located near large freshwater arteries.
  • Railway transport is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to transport large quantities of wood. The increased price of energy carriers and the inability to use power lines in remote areas make this method of transportation more expensive than water transportation. An additional bonus when using this type of transport is the network railways, which is much more developed than the river navigation system.
  • Road transport - applies only to limited quantities of logging (mainly for valuable wood species). Most often, the transportation of logs by trucks is carried out by the end consumer, who is not interested in further processing of the tree. The high cost of transportation significantly increases the cost of a cubic meter of material.

How timber is transported

By water transport By rail By road By road

Features of wood storage

Most performance depends on the way of storing lumber. The swelling of wood, which occurs during improper storage, leads to warping (deformation) of the wood, and causes shrinkage.

  • the material is stacked in stacks - this allows you to compactly store large stocks of boards and prevents them from bending;
  • a canopy should be placed over the stack or covered with plastic wrap. This prevents swelling caused by moisture absorption and rapid tool wear when cutting frozen wood in winter;
  • it is necessary to leave a distance from the floor to the boards, which will facilitate ventilation. The same distances should remain between the laid layers. To do this, it is necessary to build a stack by laying the boards across or along, leaving small wooden stops at their ends.

Proper procurement and storage is the key to obtaining high-quality material for construction and decorative use. You should not delve deeply into the details of storing small batches of wood, but you must follow the basic rules.

Impregnation (stabilization) of lumber helps to improve workability and, as well as extend its life. It is worth noting that now the process of obtaining wood can be significantly simplified through the use of specialized equipment.

How is it going you can watch the automated preparation in the video:

20.05.2016 12:18


The Russian Federation is the world leader in terms of forest reserves, it owns twenty-two percent of the world's forest reserves. Wood reserves in our country are more than eighty billion cubic meters, more than forty billion cubic meters are suitable for use.

Timber industry of the Russian Federation

The industrial sector, the enterprises of which are engaged in the harvesting and processing of wood, is called the forest industry or forestry complex. It is one of the oldest industrial sectors and has a complex structure. Each part of this structure is responsible for one of the stages in the processing of raw materials from wood.

The structure of the timber industry is as follows:

  1. The logging industry, which includes timber harvesting, cutting of timber (extraction of resin and harvesting of pneumatic resin), rafting of logs, the transfer of timber from one type of transport to another, the use of non-valuable wood species and waste (sawmill, sawing sleepers, making chips, boards containers). It is the largest timber processing industry.
  2. Woodworking industry.
  3. The pulp and paper industry processes wood raw materials mechanically and chemically.
  4. The wood-chemical industry processes raw materials from wood in a dry way, engages in charcoal, the creation of rosin and turpentine. This industry includes the manufacture of varnish, ether, plastic, unnatural fibers, hydrolysis (the creation of ethyl, tar, turpentine from waste in the manufacture of pulp and paper products).

The timber and woodworking industry in Russia is conventionally divided into the following groups:

  1. creation of lumber and furniture (mechanical processing);
  2. wood chemical industry and the creation of pulp and paper products (chemical processing).

Industrial enterprises related to the forest and woodworking industry are engaged in:

  1. harvesting wood material;
  2. processing of wood material;
  3. wood chemical industrial processing of forest raw materials;
  4. the release of pulp and paper products.

These factories and plants produce round timber, boards, various wooden items, wood chemical products and paper.

Conditions for the distribution of enterprises that belong to the timber industry

To host businesses related to the forestry industry, the following conditions should be considered:

  1. so that the raw material base is located close;
  2. there must be power supply sources and water sources near the enterprise;
  3. transport and transport roads are required;
  4. it is better to create forest products in close proximity to their consumers;
  5. create jobs.

On the territory of our state, conifers predominate; they are more valuable for industry than trees with leaves. Our forests are geographically uneven. Most of the forests are in several regions: in the Northern, Ural, Volgo-Vyatka, Far Eastern and Siberian regions.

This industry consumes a lot of wood raw materials and a large volume of waste remains. Twenty percent of the waste comes from the timber harvesting stage, and between forty percent and seventy percent of the waste remains as a result of processing wood raw materials.

The most important placement condition industrial enterprises for wood processing is the availability of raw materials from wood. Therefore, all processes for the harvesting and subsequent processing of "business" wood are carried out in those regions of Russia where there are many natural forests. The northern, Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern territories of the country provide four-fifths of all industrial timber.

Sawmills and other wood processing (production of parts for construction needs, plywood, matches, pieces of furniture) can be located both in those places where timber is harvested, and in places where there are no forests (already cut trees are brought there). Most of the enterprises for sawing wood and its processing are located near rivers (lower reaches and estuaries) and places where rivers, along which logs are rafted, cross railways.

Most sawn timber is produced in Siberia (its eastern and western parts, namely: in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Tomsk Region and Tyumen Region), the North (in the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk Region), the Urals (in the Udmurt Republic, Sverdlovsk region, Perm region), the Far East (Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory), in the Kirov region, in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Woodworking industry of the Russian Federation

This industrial branch performs mechanical, chemical-mechanical processing of wood.

It includes several productions:

  1. sawmill (creation of sleepers and lumber);
  2. production of houses from wood;
  3. manufacturing of wooden parts for construction;
  4. production of wood-based boards (blocks for doors and windows, parquet boards, wood fiber boards, wood shavings boards, joinery);
  5. manufacturing of containers from wood;
  6. production of plywood, including parts that are glued and bent, as well as veneer;
  7. making matches;
  8. furniture manufacturing;
  9. manufacturing of other wood products (wood flour, skis, frames for greenhouses).

Timber industry problems

There is a crisis in the timber industry today. Although Russia is the first in the world in terms of forest resources, the woodworking, forestry and pulp and paper industries account for only slightly more than three percent of the total production. This is due to a decrease in demand for such products in the domestic market of Russia. The market of the Commonwealth of Independent States is also in decline, due to which the purchases of forest materials and pulp and paper products in the Russian Federation have decreased. This branch of Russian industry has become dependent on the external market. But in recent years, we began to export more "business" wood, cardboard, paper, plywood to other countries. Seventy one percent of the Russian forest products are exported.

Forest reserves are affected by excessive economic activity people and emergencies (fires). Unauthorized felling of trees is the main problem for the development of the forest industry in our country. There is currently no clear forest policy. To prevent such felling, it is necessary to eliminate the social disorder of the inhabitants of the regions where they are engaged in harvesting and processing wood (increasing the number of jobs, opening new businesses, using alternative energy sources).

Another challenge was to reduce the loss of raw materials during harvesting and processing of wood. Wood raw materials should be used rationally (to reduce wood waste and losses due to untimely or improper transportation, effectively use wood waste).

Remember that woodworking plants and factories pollute environment... Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to protect the environment (use sewage treatment plants, improve production technology and upgrade equipment).

Directions in which you need to develop the forest industry

To save raw materials from wood and increase forest reserves, the forest industry must develop in several directions:

  1. use waste-free technologies;
  2. to reduce the loss of raw materials from wood during harvesting and alloying;
  3. to reduce the consumption of wood for the manufacture of sleepers by replacing them with reinforced concrete sleepers and increasing the service life of wood sleepers;
  4. replace wooden containers with plastic containers;
  5. use coniferous raw materials exclusively for their intended purpose;
  6. restore forest land;
  7. to protect the forest from fires and unauthorized logging;
  8. develop an optimal model for managing wood resources;
  9. improve legislation for the protection of forest lands.

Thus, we can conclude that in the Russian Federation the forest and woodworking industry is mainly concentrated in Siberia, the Urals, the North and Far East... We independently provide ourselves with sawmill materials, cardboard, paper and plywood. And in order to continue to meet our needs for products from wood raw materials, we need to restore forests and minimize environmental pollution from wood processing.

A collection of different production processes on logging with the end result, that is, obtaining timber, is called technological process logging.

In Russia, the process of transporting timber harvested during logging is not widely used. This is because assorted timber is not used in large quantities in Russia, they prefer to buy goods from China, which use cheaper timber.

Mainly several existing harvesting technologies are applied. The distinctive features between them are different techniques, or ways, of skidding. Method one: the trees are felled, branches are cut off, the logs are loaded with the help of special equipment and taken out, then they are packed in bundles. The latter, from logging, are taken to the road, where they are loaded onto cars.

The second method is the transportation of wood obtained during logging, that is, with the "whiplash technology". Trees tremble to the road along which they carry the forest. The branches are cut off.

The third is to harvest wood with assortments. They felled the forest, cut off branches and at the end the trees are divided into whips of a certain size.

The process of logging, even with different methods, is carried out sequentially: felling trees, delimbing, removing bark, skidding, sawing, sorting, stacking and lastly loading and transporting, if necessary.

During logging, the work area is divided into three parts: the felling area, the part of the forest between the felling and the road, and the logging station.

When logging, it is taken into account what species of trees are being felled on a given site. Knowing the properties of rocks, they are used in different ways. Hardwood hardwoods are used more widely than softwoods. For example, oak. Oak wood is used in the manufacture of furniture, tannins are extracted from the bark and logging waste, which are supplied to the tanning industry. Furniture, plywood, parquet are made of beech wood. Willow wood is used in weaving furniture, bark is used in pharmaceuticals and medicine. Poplar wood and waste for the manufacture of shavings, matches and shredding. Shrapnel is an important raw material in the manufacture of pulp and paper.

Conifers that are harvested from logging have some disadvantages. This is their causticity and resinousness. Therefore, conifers are used mainly for carpentry work. And a common disadvantage in all species used in logging is high sensitivity to moisture, swelling. Considering this and the fact that most of the wood is exported by water, the wood is dried in the sun. But this drying is very long, so it is carried out in special drying chambers.

The term "forest use" or "forest use" means the use of all forest resources, all types of forest resources.

The main forest management is engaged in the harvesting and use of wood products: the main one is wood, the secondary one is live bait, bark, chips, stumps, bast. In Russia, this also includes the harvesting of birch bark, spruce, fir and pine legs. The main forest use is called industrial due to the large scale of work and their setting on an industrial basis. The incidental forest use uses non-timber products, and according to its features it is close to commercial forest use. A distinctive feature of the two types of nature management is that industrial forest use is characterized by a wide range of environmental problems, and for the secondary one, problems associated with an excess of visits to forest areas and excessive withdrawal of biological forest resources are especially significant.

Industrial forestry. The main direction of industrial forestry is timber harvesting. This is associated with the emergence of environmental problems in areas of massive logging. One of the main consequences of timber harvesting is the replacement of primary forests with secondary ones, as a rule, less valuable and often less productive. But this is only the first step. Logging triggers the mechanisms of profound economic changes in the region of deforestation. These changes affect all areas. The intensity of changes depends on the intensity of felling, and they, in turn, depend on a number of factors: the need for wood, transport accessibility of the harvesting area, the equipment of work in the cutting area. The composition of the species and the age of forests also affect the intensity of felling. Unfavorable consequences are especially manifested in cases when overcutting of wood is observed (more is cut down than it grows in a year). When felling lags behind in terms of timber growth, undercutting is observed, which leads to aging of the forest, a decrease in its productivity, and diseases of old trees. Consequently, overcutting leads to depletion of forest resources in some areas, and undercutting leads to their underutilization in others. And in fact, and in another case, we are dealing with irrational use of natural resources. Therefore, foresters advocate the concept of continuous forest management, based on the balance of deforestation and renewal of forests and timber reserves. However, for the time being, overcutting of forests prevails on the planet.

The emergence of environmental problems is associated not only with the scale of forest felling, but also with the methods of felling. Comparison of positive and negative consequences indicates that selective felling is a more costly form and is characterized by less environmental damage. Forest resources are renewable resources, but this process takes 80-100 years. This period is lengthened in those cases when lands are strongly degraded after deforestation. Therefore, along with the problems of reforestation, which can be carried out through self-restoration of forest plantations and, for acceleration, through the creation of forest plantations, the problem of careful use of harvested wood arises. But deforestation - a destructive anthropogenic process - is opposed by stabilizing anthropogenic activity - the desire to full use wood, to the use of sparing methods of forest felling, as well as constructive activity - reforestation.


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