Test What do you say facial expressions and gestures. Psychological test "What do Mimica and gestures tell you?" How do you greet with very good friends

1. You think that Mimica and gestures are:

a) a spontaneous expression of a person's condition at this particular point;

b) addition to speech;

c) "treacherous" manifestation of our subconscious.

2. Do you think that women have the language of the Mimici and gestures more expressive than men?

c) I do not know;

3. How do you greet with good friends?

a) you joyfully shout "Hi!";

b) cardiac handshake;

c) slightly hug each other;

d) welcome their restrained hand movement;

e) kiss each other on the cheek.

4. What are the facial expressions and what gestures, in your opinion, mean the same thing all over the world? Give three answers:

a) when they swing heads;

b) when they nod your head;

c) when the nose is frozen;

d) when the forehead is blicking;

d) when winking;

e) when smiling.

5. What part of the body is expressive?

a) feet;

6. What part of your person is the most expressive, in your opinion? Give two answers:

e) Corners of the mouth.

7. When you pass by the storefronts of the store, in which your reflection is visible, what do you think in yourself in the first place?

a) how clothes are sitting on you;

b) on the hairstyle;

c) for gait;

d) on posture;

d) No.

8. If someone, talking or laughing, often covers his mouth with his hand, in your view it means that:

a) he has something to hide;

b) he has ugly teeth;

c) he is ashamed of something.

9. What do you first pay attention to your interlocutor?

a) on the eyes;

b) on the mouth;

c) in hand;

d) on the pose.

10. If your interlocutor, talking to you, takes the eyes, this is a sign for you:

a) dishonesty;

b) insecurity;

c) collens.

11. Is it possible appearance find out a typical criminal?

b) I do not know.

12. A man speaks with a woman. He does it because:

a) the first step always makes men;

b) the woman unconsciously makes it clear that she would like to speak with her;

c) he is quite courageous in order to take a chance to get a turn from the gate.

13. You have made the impression that the words of a person do not correspond to the "signals" that can be caught from his facial expressions and gestures. What do you like more?

a) words;

b) "signals";

c) he will generally call you suspicion.

14. Pop stars represent the public "gestures", having an unequivocally erotic nature. What do you think it lies?

a) just physical;

b) they "roll" the public;

c) this is the expression of their own mood.

15. You are looking alone a terrible detective film. What happens to you?

a) I look completely calm;

b) I react to what is happening by each cell of its being;

c) I close your eyes with especially scary scenes.

16. Is it possible to control your facial expressions?

c) only separate items.

17. With an intense flirt, you "express" mainly:

a) eyes;

b) hands;

c) words.

18. Do you think that most of our gestures ...

a) "peeped" from someone and learned;

b) are transmitted from generation to generation;

c) laid in us from nature.

19. If a man has a beard, for you this is a sign:

a) masculinity;

b) what a person wants to hide the features of his face;

c) that this type is too lazy to shave.

20. Many people argue that the right and left side of their individuals differ from each other. Do you agree with this?

c) only in the elderly.


1. A - 2, B - 4, B - 3

6. A -1, B - 3, B - 0

7. A - 4, B - 4, B - 3, G - 2, D - 4

8. A - 0, B - 0, B - 1, G - 1, D - 0, E - 1

9. A - 1, B - 2, B - 3, G - 4, D - 2

10. A - 2, B - 1, B - 3, G - 2, D - 3, E - 2

11. A - 1, B - 3, B - 3, G - 2, D - 0

12. A - 3, b - 1, in - 1

13. A - 3, B - 2, B - 2, G - 1

14. A - 3, B - 2, B - 1

15. A - 0, B - 3, B - 1

16. A - 1, B - 4, B - 2

17. A - 0, B - 4, B - 3

18. A - 4, B - 2, B - 0

19. A - 4, B - 0, B - 1

20. A - 0, b - 2, in - 1

21. A - 3, B - 4, B - 1

22. A - 2, B - 4, B - 0

23. A - 3, b - 2, in - 1

24. A - 4, B - 0, B - 2

77-56 points - You have excellent intuition, you have the ability to understand other people, you have observation and flair. But you rely too much in your judgments for these qualities, words are for you a secondary meaning. Your "sentences" are too hasty, and the danger lies in it. Do on this amendment, and you have every chance to learn to understand perfectly in humans. But this is important at work, and in personal life, agree?

55-34 points "You deliver a certain pleasure to watch other people, and you are not bad interpreting their facial expressions and gestures." But you still do not know how to use this information in real life, for example, in order to properly build your relationship with others. You are inclined to literally perceive the words we have said and follow them.

33-11 points - The language of the Mimici and gestures for you - Chinese diploma. It is extremely difficult for you to correctly evaluate people. And not because you are not capable of it, you just do not give this value. Try to intentionally fix on the gestures of people around you, train observation.

Test 2.

1. Physiognomy is:

a) science about the structure of a person's face;

b) the science of communication features a person with a psyche of man;

c) Science of communication between the physique and the psyche.

(Select one answer.)

2. F.M.Dostoevsky said: "Beauty will save the world." What are the grounds for such a statement?

a) the beautiful pleasant look, and the feeling of pleasant is positive emotions that prolong life;

b) because it is beautiful in a person what contributes to his better adaptation to the world around;

c) this statement is only a metaphor, in fact the existence of the world is not related to the wrong person or ugly;

d) it would be better to say not "the beauty will save the world," and "Beauty in man will save humanity from extinction."

(Select two answers.)

3. Classically beautiful in a woman are considered:

a) dense hair;

b) thin fingers;

c) long legs;

d) strong hands.

(Exclude the wrong answer.)

4. Classically beautiful in men are considered:

a) long eyelashes;

b) muscular hands;

c) slightly flashed back of the nose;

d) muscular neck;

e) Powerful chin.

(Exclude the wrong answer.)

5. Classically beautiful in any person what:

a) nice to look;

b) appropriate (or there);

c) attracts to man;

d) is considered beautiful;

e) everyone has their own understanding of "beautiful."

(Select one answer.)

6. Why do women paint lips red (or close to red) lipstick?

a) to be beautiful;

b) to attract men;

c) lips - the most sensitive part of the face;

d) to show your health;

e) to like others;

e) because it is so accepted.

7. Why what was considered to be appropriate (for example, thick eyelashes), and now this expediency has lost, yet relates to the concept of "classically beautiful"?

a) the inertia of the thinking of people is manifested in this;

b) the usual result of long-term consolidation in the reflector subconscious;

c) the psyche of man is so arranged;

d) due to conservatism of people.

(Select the most accurate answer.)


1 - in; 2 - b, g; 3 - g; 4 - in; 5 B; 6 - g; 7 - B.

Test 3.

1. Which of the two actors would make a film director, most likely, for the role of a hero of a dynamic, active, moving, "smart"?

a) actors of very high growth;

b) the actor is growing below average.

2. Why are the audience (in most) there is an installation on the relationship of human growth with such a feature of his psyche, like mobility?

a) because this connection reflects reality;

b) this connection has no real base, but is transmitted from generation to generation as some kind of myth;

c) Because they feel this in their own experience.

(Select one answer.)

3. Why, when guests come, small children and "climb on the eyes"?

a) the installation for self-affirmation is being implemented;

b) because children are not sufficiently pupil;

c) in order to get some gift from guests;

d) because all children love noisy companies, although they are always aware;

e) Because they are small and fear that they will not be noticed (not aware of this).

(Select two answers.)

4. Why tall people are less mobile than small growth people?

a) fear someone to hurt;

b) they lack space indoors, which is always less for them than for other people;

c) they are weaker than the need for self-affirmation;

d) To establish yourself, it is necessary to notice, and they have no problem with the last.

(Select one answer.)

5. How to evaluate the concept " small man»Consciousness and subconscious?

a) in the consciousness "Little Man" means: only vertically challenged;

b) in the subconscious "Little Man" means: only small growth;

c) in the mind "Little Man" means: only social status;

d) in the subconscious "Little Man" means: only socially low status;

e) in the consciousness "Little Man" means: this person is at the same time and small growth, and "small" in social Plan (Consciousness does not breed these concepts);

e) In the subconscious "Little Man" means: this person is at the same time a little growth, and "small" socially (the subconsciousness does not produce these concepts).

(Select one answer.)

6. What is most likely to expect a little growth from the visitor?

a) what he will speak very quickly;

b) that he is most likely not very smart;

c) that he may seek to dominate;

d) that, most likely, it will have to stimulate to activity;

e) What, most likely, he will speak expressively and louder than most people.

(Exclude two incorrect answers.)

7. No connection between human growth and its social status. This thought:

a) Rather, in the minds of people, and not in their subconscious;

b) most likely, in the subconscious of people, and not in their consciousness;

c) equally represented as in the consciousness of people and in their subconscious.

(Select one answer.)

8. Why is the expression "thin man" has two meanings: "thin" and "bad"?

a) A very "thin person" literally - more often the patient than healthy. Hence the second meaning - "bad" ("patient");

b) Such is the psychology of people;

c) so accepted in Russian;

d) sluggish chronic diseases are usually accompanied by weight loss and irritability;

e) One of the "thin" values \u200b\u200bis "holey".

(Select two answers.)

9. You have a visitor at the reception - a very thin person (they say about this: "One skin yes bone"). Does your tactic talking with him?

a) active, energetic;

b) caring, gentle;

c) like with ordinary people;

d) careful;

e) cheerful (more humor, jokes).

(Select two answers.)

10. Is it possible to change any words in the constitution (physique) of a person among the words (suggestion)?

11. Is it possible to change any physical exercises anything in a person's psyche (some of its installations, etc.)?

12. Why a soldier construction preparation, because to fight (the main task of a soldier) and marching beautifully not the same thing?

a) Building preparation in the modern army is the result of thoughtless transfer into modern conditions of Musters from past centuries;

b) the construction of the warrior, a sense of self-confidence, and so on;

c) the construction preparation changes the psyche, forming an installation for invincibility;

d) the body preparation is strengthened by the muscles of the body, which makes the warrior hardy.

(Select two answers.)

13. You had to talk to the "sutural back." Your tactic?

a) be patient, because from such a person it is often possible to expect aggression;

b) show your attention to this visitor;

c) behave like with ordinary people;

d) be the most energetic, active;

e) tactics of polishing, goodwill;

e) domination tactics.

(Select two answers.)

14. The housing of your interlocutor is deployed to you. For you, it is most likely:

a) "plus reaction";

b) "minus reaction";

(Select one answer.)

15. The housing of your interlocutor is somewhat turned away from you. For you, it is most likely:

a) "plus reaction";

b) "minus reaction";

c) or "plus" or "minus" - depending on other signs.

(Select one answer.)


1 B. 9 b, g
2 A. 10 A.
3 A, D 11 A.
4 g 12 b, in
5 E. 13 b, d
6 b, g 14 B.
7 A. 15 B.
8 a, g

Test 4.

1. "Eyes is an organ of sight." Is it fully fully in this statement reflected the function of this sense body?

2. When do we squint your eyes, making them small?

a) only when we wish to consider something;

b) only when we look at a person with contempt;

c) when we look with contempt or we wish to consider something;

d) always when explained in love;

e) always when we look at something with interest.

(Select one answer.)

3. Why are the deeply planted eyes adversely perceived?

a) because deep socies are characteristic of exhausted people, that is, for patients;

b) because such people are always negatively configured to others;

c) the same explanation as the explanation of the coupling "bad - bad";

d) because with this look goes as if from under the eyebrows.

(Exclude the wrong answer.)

4. If your interlocutor, when conversing with you, hardly looks at you, it means:

a) you are pretty him;

b) it is negatively configured to you;

c) he is indifferent to you;

d) you are interested in it.

(Exclude the wrong answer.)

5. If you rarely catch the look of your interlocutor, that is, the basis of regarding it, that is, the basis of regarding it.

a) "plus reaction";

b) "minus reaction";

(Select one answer.)

6. If your interlocutor is an ordinary, who does not require a large intellectual effort to conversation throughout the whole time, almost slowly looks at you, there is a reason to regard it as:

a) "plus reaction";

b) "minus reaction";

c) or "plus" or "minus" - depending on other signs.

(Select one answer.)

7. In the course business conversation You noticed that for some reason your interlocutor stopped watching you. This is caused by:

a) he solves some difficult task;

b) he hardly recycle your information;

c) he lost interest in you (to your idea);

d) he is passionate about your idea;

e) he began to experience negative emotions towards you;

e) he is feeling guilt.

(Exclude an unlikely answer.)

8. Partner's interest to you - is it always a "plus reaction"?

9. In the usual conversation that does not require much effort, your partner will more often direct your view at you when:

a) he will talk, and you - listen;

b) he will listen, and you say;

c) depending on that. That he is still easier in this dialogue - to speak or listen.

(Select one answer.)

10. Why is the view of the sparkle perceived negatively?

a) because it testifies to the insincerity of the speaking at the moment;

b) because there is a dissonance between the direction of the view and the direction of the head;

c) Because it looks like a squint.

(Select one answer.)

11. When do people exchange look more often?

a) with a serious conversation;

b) with a slight conversation.


1 B. 7 g
2 B. 8 B.
3 B. 9 B.
4 B. 10 B.
5 B 11 B.
6 B.

Test 5.

1. Psychologists argue that in any report there are two types of information - text (what is intentionally transmitted) and personalized (about the author, about his personality). Does this approval have power in relation to written speech?

2. The hand is usually considered either as "part of the body" or as an "instrument of labor." Are there any other functions?

3. Why is it difficult to perform (or talking standing) with lowered down (freely hanging) hands?

a) because it contradicts the "grasp" function of the hands;

b) because it contradicts the anatomical features of the muscles of the hands;

c) Because it contradicts the rooted habit of people to keep something in their hands.

(Select one answer.)

4. When a person who is talking to anyone, lowered down hands will not cause a sense of discomfort, a sense of awkwardness:

a) when it will be very passionate about the conversation;

b) When it is absolutely unadless to this conversation.

5. Why should not be required by children so that they keep their hands on the seams when they perform?

a) because it will correspond to the unnatural position of the hands;

b) because it is not an army;

c) Because at all should not limit the mobility of children.

(Select one answer.)

6. The man spread his hands to the sides. Is it always a sign of aggression, dominance, seizure of the territory?

7. Someone, stretching you towards your hand, says he is glad to see you. You drew attention to the position of his palms at the same time - they were turned a little book. So you concluded:

a) this gesture is confined with his words and should believe that he is really glad to see me;

b) This gesture contradicts him and should be refrained from confidence in these words.

8. A sluggish handshake is likely to say:

a) indifference;

b) insincerity;

c) carelessness;

d) inner weakness;

hidden aggressiveness.

(Select two answers.)

9. Your colleague extended your hand for a handshake. You looked and discovered: the palm of the book. For you it:

a) "plus reaction";

b) "minus reaction";

d) nothing means.

(Select one answer.)

10. Your colleague extended your hand to your handshake. You looked and discovered: the palm of the book. For you it:

a) "plus reaction";

b) "minus reaction";

c) or "plus" or "minus" - depending on other signs;

d) nothing means.

(Select one answer.)

11. Your head extended you for a handshake hand. You looked and found that the palm is vertically. For you it:

a) "plus reaction";

b) "minus reaction";

c) or "plus" or "minus" - depending on other signs;

d) nothing means.

(Select one answer.)

12. Why is it considered indecent, talking to the interlocutor, keep hands in his pockets?

a) because they do the hooligans so;

b) so as not to demonstrate its independence, invulnerability;

c) because it is prohibited by a diplomatic protocol;

d) because they might think that you are a non-public person.

(Select one answer.)

13. "Front Big Castle" - is it?

a) the sign of alienation from the situation;

b) a sign of defense.

14. If your partner during the conversation translated his hands to the "Front Big Castle", that is, the probability that:

a) I did not like something;

b) he is just all tired;

c) he does not work as he conceived;

d) He decided to show aggression.

15.Roki involuntarily switched to "Rear Castle". This is most likely indicating:

a) self-confidence;

b) a sense of guilt;

c) the need for "Solominka";

d) energetic.

(Exclude the wrong hypothesis.)

16. At the interlocutor foot leg and in your direction. There is every reason to believe that for you it:

a) "plus reaction";

b) "minus reaction";

c) or "plus" or "minus" - depending on other signs;

d) nothing means.

(Select one answer.)


I and my colleague on the workshop Lyudmila Sanzharovskaya, already wrote to you earlier about gestures and how to interpret them. And yet this science is easily understandable not to everyone. I bring to your attention an entertaining test by passing which you can understand for yourself, whether you really understand the facial expressions and gesticulation of your interlocutor.

Immediately I apologize to the readers, unfortunately I did not manage to reach the author of the compilation of the tests of "testme", so they will have to be manually counting, with a handle and leaves. I contacted the author through various resources for a long time, but everything is in vain. He either changed the contacts, or does not want to earn money ... But this is his right, I don't judge him.

So, here is my test:

(Only one answer can be selected for each question. After each answer, the score is specified. Make to the end, fold the scores, and learn the result.)

  1. You think that Mimica and gestures are:
  • spontaneous expression of a person's condition at this particular point - 2;
  • addition to speech - 4;
  • the treacherous manifestation of our subconscious is 3.
  1. Do you think that women have the language of facial expressions and gestures more expressive than men?
  • yes 1;
  • no - 3;
  • i do not know - 0.
  1. How do you greet good friends?
  • joyfully shout "Hi!" - four;
  • cardiac handshake - 4;
  • you are slightly hugging each other - 3;
  • welcome to their restrained hand movement - 2;
  • kiss each other on the cheek - 4.
  1. What are the facial expressions and what gestures, in your opinion, mean all over the world the same? (Give three answers).
  • when the head is swing - 0;
  • when the head is nod - 0;
  • when the nose is frozen - 1;
  • when the forehead is frozen - 1;
  • when wink - 0;
  • when smiling - 1.
  1. What part of the body is "expressive"?
  • feet - 1;
  • legs - 2;
  • hands - 3;
  • hand brushes - 4;
  • shoulders - 2.
  1. What part of your face is most expressive, in your opinion? (Give two answers).
  • forehead - 2;
  • eyebrows - 1;
  • eyes - 3;
  • nose - 2;
  • lips - 3;
  • corners of mouth - 2.
  1. When you pass by the storefronts of the store, in which your reflection is visible, what do you see attention to first?
  • on how clothes are sitting on you - 1;
  • on hairstyle - 3;
  • on gait - 3;
  • on posture - 2;
  • nothing - 0.
  1. If someone, talking or laughing, often covers his mouth with hand, in your presentation it means that:
  • he has something to hide - 3;
  • he has ugly teeth - 1;
  • he is ashamed of something - 1.
  1. What do you first pay attention to your interlocutor?
  • on the eyes - 3;
  • on the mouth - 2;
  • on hand - 2;
  • on the post - 1.
  1. If your interlocutor talking to you, takes the eyes, this is a sign for you ...
  • dishonesty - 3;
  • insecurity - 2;
  • collections - 1.
  1. Is it possible to learn a typical criminal in appearance?
  • yes - 0;
  • no - 3;
  • i do not know - 1.
  1. A man speaks with a woman. He does it because ...
  • the first step always makes men - 1;
  • the woman unconsciously makes it clear that I would like to speak - 4 with her;
  • he is quite courageous in order to take a chance to get a turn from the gate - 2.
  1. You have created the impression that the words of a person do not correspond to the "signals" that can be caught from his facial expressions and gestures. What do you like more?
  • words - 0;
  • "Signals" - 4;
  • he will generally call you suspicion - 3.
  1. Pop stars like Madonna or Prince represent the public "gestures", having an unequivocally erotic character. What do you think it lies?
  • just Frames - 4;
  • they "give birth" to the public - 2;
  • this is the expression of their own mood - 0.
  1. You are looking alone a terrible detective film. What happens to you?
  • i look completely calm - 4;
  • i react to what is happening by each mesh of its being - 0;
  • i close my eyes at extremely scary scenes - 1.
  1. Is it possible to control your facial expressions?
  • yes - 0;
  • no - 2;
  • only individual elements - 1.
  1. With intense flirt, you "express out" mainly ...
  • eyes - 3;
  • hands - 4;
  • words - 1.
  1. Do you think that most of our gestures ...
  • "We are peeped" from someone and donated - 2;
  • transmitted from generation to generation - 4;
  • located in us from nature - 0.
  1. If a man has a beard, for you this is a sign ...
  • masculinity - 3;
  • that person wants to hide the features of his face - 2;
  • that this type is too lazy to shave - 1.
  1. Many people argue that the right and left side of their face differ from each other. Do you agree with this?
  • yes - 4;
  • no - 0;
  • only in the elderly - 2.

Let's sum up:

Your result from 56 to 77 points:

Bravo! You have excellent intuition, you have the ability to understand other people, you have observation and flair. But you rely too much in your judgments for these qualities, words are for you a secondary meaning. If you smiled, you are ready to believe that you are explained in love. Your "sentences" are too hasty, and in this the danger lies, you can get a finger into the sky! Do on this amendment, and you have every chance to learn to understand perfectly in humans. And this is important at work, and in personal life, isn't it?


Your result from 34 to 55 points:

You deliver a certain pleasure to watch other people, and you are not bad interpreting their facial expressions and gestures. But you still do not know how to use this information in real life, for example, in order to properly build your relationship with others. You tend to literally to perceive the words that have said to you and follow them. For example, someone will tell you: "I am not boring with you," while making a sour mine, but you believe the words, not the expression of the face, although it is very eloquent. Develop intuition, rely more on sensations!


Your result from 11 to 33 points:

Alas, the language of the Mimici and gestures for you - Chinese diploma. It is extremely difficult for you to correctly evaluate people. And the point is not that you are not capable of it, just, you do not give this value, and very in vain! Try to intentionally fix on small gestures of people around you, train observation. Remember the proverb: The body is a glove for the soul. A little understand the soul of another - the faithful remedy himself does not get into the trap of loneliness.

Ecology of life. Psychology: This publication is devoted to the language of gestures and facial expressions, which is assigned a significant role in the study of human psychology.

This publication is devoted to the language of gestures and facial expressions, which is a significant role in the study of human psychology.

Psychology of facial expressions and gestures

As you know, in human society, people cannot live without communicating with each other. With the development of civilization, the form of communication is also developing, improved, change. But there are among them those that existed and exist at all stages of human life from the most ancient at the time of its origin - until now. This form of communication includes the language of the Mimici and gestures.

It turns out that the psychology of the facial expressions and gestures are so wide and diverse, which can tell us about a person much more than it seems at first glance. Tongue of gestures and facial expressions, open or closed pose or, for example, beautiful smile Sometimes much more information is transmitted than directly by the speech. In addition, there are the smallest details of the language of the Mimici and psychology of gestures, which simply impossible to compare with speech communication. All this suggests that studying the psychology of a person, it makes sense to pay special attention On this method of communication and transfer of emotions, which largely reflects the psychological portrait of the person.

Sign language

Language of gestures and facial expressions of a person, that is, then, thanks to which we can understand each other without words, is called non-verbal (short-sighted, neustal) communication. In psychology to such a type of communication refers to the expression of the face, the movement of the hands, the position of the body, the gait, etc. The analysis of all these components of the language of gestures and their values \u200b\u200bwill give us a description of the nature of a person, his mood, its main features. At the same time, some elements reflect the momentum characteristics, such as gestures and facial expressions of lies, and some correspond to a certain type of temperament or more personal identity properties (for example, a careless walking of the shoulder scholar speaks about a self-breathable and selfish nature).

A special role in the psychology of gestures is played by the facial and eyes, as well as the movement of the head.

Head position

Raised head speaks of self-confidence, willingness to communicate and openness to the world around.

The highly raised head is emphasized testifies to arrogance and self-employment.

The headproof head is a challenge to others, readiness for active actions.

The inclined head of the head is ready to compromise, refusal of leadership, consent to the role of subordinate.

Walking down the head is weakness, bravery.

Facial and eyes

Fully open eyes correspond to the nature of character, good person susceptibility.

The covered eyes are either a strong fatigue, or a sign of inertia, indifference, passivity.

A pretable look means either close attention, or cunning, insidious plans, evil intent.

A straight look facing the interlocutor shows interest, trust, openness, willingness to cooperate.

View from the side of the eyes of the eye shows a skeptical mood, distrust, expresses doubts.

The view from the bottom with the proclaimed head testifies to some aggression, which can be powered.

The view from the bottom during the bent back means humility, help.

Top view down in gesture psychology is always a feeling of superiority and arrogance, demonstrating a contemptuous attitude to a partner.

If in the Fairics of the interlocutor you will catch an evade view, then most likely it is insecurity, a timidity or a sense of guilt.

Omitted down the corners of the mouth in the language of the Mimici means a negative attitude to life, pessimism.

Raised corners of the mouth are a symbol of positive, live and funny character.

Sign Language: Hands

In the psychology of gestures, the hands are given very important. And this is due to the fact that he abutting his hands, a person transmits many of those feelings and emotions that can not convey words.

Palm, open up, is a symbol of explanation, beliefs.

Hands hanging along the body - passivity, brushlessness.

Hands laid down by the back - unwillingness to action, timidity, shyness, doubt.

Hands hidden in pockets is an attempt to hide, uncertainty.

Hand compressed in a fist is a concentration of attention, self-affirmation.

Rottening hands in psychology means a tide of positive emotions and satisfaction.

The movement of hands, closing eyes or face, is the desire to hide something, to get away from the conversation.

Sign Language: Shoulders

Highly raised shoulders and a sutula back in gestures mean indecision, helplessness, nervousness. There are other examples related to the gesture group of insecurity that a person involuntarily demonstrates if it doubts the decision to make a choice if something is worried about or disturbing.

Shoulders, falling forward, is a sign of weakness and depression, a symbol of an inferiority complex.

Free movement shoulders - self-confidence, internal freedom.

Wristbands back - in psychology of gestures and facial expressions, this is the desire to act.

The pending chest means overestimated self-esteem, vital activity.

Wpapane chest is a sign of closetness and oppression.


According to psychologists, the nature of man and his personal qualities Reflected on the posture of man, his gait and his favorite poses. Let's look at these moments in more detail.

Fast gait with swinging hands corresponds to such qualities as purposefulness, confidence, activity.

The gait with hands in pockets and "drawing of the legs" indicates a hidden character and the oppressed state of the Spirit.

Wide steps when walking mean clarity of goals, enterprise, energy.

Short steps - a sign of restraint, caution, calculation.

The rhythmic gait with a pronounced motion bleder gives a self-confident and narcissist person.

In a man, scaring legs, psychology notes lethargy, tape and slowness.

The angular "wooden" gait is a sign of a self-sufficient and positive person.

Psychology: Gestures and Mimic

In psychology there are still a huge number of elements of the language of gestures and their features that can tell a lot about a person. We will not consider the entire set of this list here.

We only note in the conclusion that the psychology of gestures is very diverse and allows you to identify very thin and intimately caught characteristics of human nature. And, maybe that is why the language of the Mimici and gestures, despite the fact that it usually does not specifically study, so familiar with us from early childhood.published

Join us in

a) the uncontrolled expression of the mental state of a person at a particular point;

b) addition to speech;

c) treacherous manifestation of your subconscious.

  1. Do you think that women have the language of facial expressions and gestures more expressive than men?
a) yes;

b) no;

b) I do not know.

  1. How do you greet with very good friends?
a) joyfully shout "Hi!";

b) cardiac handshake;

c) you always hug each other;

d) welcome their restrained hand movement;

e) kiss each other on the cheek.

  1. What facial expression and what gestures, in your opinion, mean the same thing in the world (give three answers)?
a) when they swing heads;

b) when they nod your head;

c) when the nose is frozen;

d) when the forehead is blicking;

d) when winking;

e) when smiling.

  1. What part of the body is "expressive"?
a) feet;

b) legs;

c) hands;

d) hand brushes;

d) shoulders.

  1. What part of your own person is the most expressive, in your opinion (give two answers)?
a) forehead;

d) nose;

e) lips;

e) Mouth corners.

  1. When you pass by the storefronts of the store, in which your reflection is visible, what do you think in yourself first?
a) on how clothes are sitting on you;

b) on the hairstyle;

c) for gait;

d) on posture;

d) No.

  1. If someone, talking or laughing, often covers his mouth with hand, in your presentation it means that:
a) he has something to hide;

c) he is ashamed of something.

  1. What do you first pay attention to your interlocutor?
a) on the eyes;

b) on the mouth;

c) in hand;

d) on the pose.

  1. If your interlocutor talking to you, takes the eyes, for you it is a sign ...
a) dishonesty;

b) insecurity;

c) collens.

  1. Is it possible to learn a typical criminal in appearance?
a) yes;

b) no;

b) I do not know.

  1. A man speaks with a woman. He does it because ...
a) the first step always makes a man;

b) the woman unconsciously makes it clear that she would like to speak with her;

c) He is very courageous in order to risk getting a lapse.

  1. You have the impression that the words of a person do not correspond to the "signals" that can be caught from his facial expressions and gestures. What do you like more?
a) words;

b) "signals";

c) he will generally call you suspicion.

  1. Pop stars like Madonna guide the public "Signals", having an unequivocally erotic character. What do you think it lies?
a) just physical;

b) they "roll" the public;

  1. You are looking alone detective terrible film. What happens to you?
a) I look completely calm;

b) react to what is happening by each cell of its being;

c) I close your eyes with especially scary scenes.

  1. Is it possible to control your facial expressions?
a) yes;

b) no;

c) only separate items.

  1. When you want to like, you "express" mainly ...
a) eyes;

b) hands;

c) words.

18. Do you think that most of our gestures ...

a) "peeped" from someone and learned;

c) laid in us from nature.

  1. If a man has a beard, for you this is a sign ...
a) masculinity;

b) what a person wants to hide the features of his face;

c) that this type is too lazy to shave.

  1. Many people argue that the right and left side of their faces are different from each other. Do you agree with this?
a) yes;

b) no;

c) only in the elderly.

Rodionov, V.A. Development of skills business communication. Training classes for high school students. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2005. - 144c.

Calculate the number of points



















































































































































56 -77 points.You have excellent intuition, you have the ability to understand other people, you have observation and flair. But in his judgments you rely too much on these qualities, words have for you a secondary meaning. If you smiled, you are ready to believe in the best feelings. Your "sentences" are too hasty, and for you it lies in danger. Do on this amendment, and you have every chance to learn to understand perfectly in humans.
34-55 points.You deliver a certain pleasure to watch other people, and you are not bad interpreting their facial expressions and gestures. But you still do not know how to use this information in real life, for example, in order to properly build relationships with others. You tend to literally to perceive the words that have said to you and follow them. Develop intuition, rely more on sensations!
11 - 33 points.The language of the Mimici and gestures are very difficult for you. It is extremely difficult for you to correctly evaluate people. And the point is not that you are not capable of it, you just do not give this value. Try to intentionally fix on small gestures of people around you, train observation.

What do Mimica and gestures tell us? Choose the most right, from your point of view, options for the following statements:

1. Do you think that Mimica and gestures are - ... a) spontaneous expression
human mental state at this particular moment; b) addition to
speech; c) treacherous manifestation of our self-consciousness; d) imprint
culture and origin that is difficult to hide; e) all the answers are true; E) everyone
answers are incorrect.
2. In women compared to men, the language of the Mimici and gestures ... a)
more expressive; b) less expressive; c) more complicated; d) more
multivarid; e) more individual; e) all the answers are true; g) all answers
3. What a fairy and what gestures around the world mean the same thing: a)
swing head from side to side; b) nod head up-down; c) when
furious nose; d) when the index finger is raised; d) when frowning
forehead; e) when winking; g) when smiling; h) answers are true; and) all answers
4. What part of the body "expressive" in total: a) legs; b) hands; c) fingers;
d) shoulders; e) hand brushes; e) feet; g) all the answers are true; h) all the answers are incorrect.
5. What part of the human person is the most "informative": a) forehead;
b) eyes; On the lips; d) eyebrows; e) nose; e) corners of the mouth; g) all the answers are true; h) everyone
answers are incorrect.
6. When people see a person for the first time, they turn to
first of all on ... a) clothes; b) gait; c) appearance; d) posture; e)
manners; e) speech; g) activity; h) all the answers are true; And) all incorrect.
7. If the interlocutor, speaking with you, takes the eyes, then you are conclusion
about his ... a) dishonesty; b) insecurity; c) complex of inferiority;
d) concentration; e) schizoid accentuation; e) all the answers are true; g) everything
answers are incorrect.
8. The criminal is always easy to find out in appearance, since
him ... a) evil look; b) the look of improber; c) low forehead; d) running eyes;
e) cynical smirk; e) lumpy skull; g) hands with squals; h) shape
head; and) all the answers are true; K) All the answers are incorrect.
9. The man deems the female behavior of the invoke and erotic,
if a woman ... a) will rock a shill on his leg; b) shove hands in
front pockets closely flying her jeans; c) will suck
handles of their points; d) grabbing himself with both hands; e) will shake
hair; e) worst his chin hacked with your fingers; g) sit down, pick up one leg
for themselves; h) will turn bracelets on the wrist and rings on the fingers; and) all
replies are true; K) All the answers are incorrect.
10. Most of the gestures used and poses ... a) are transmitted from
generation to generation; b) learned from childhood from parents; c) spied at
others and learned; d) laid in a person from nature; e) have a national
cultural specificity; e) all the answers are true; g) all the answers are not true.


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