MES PROFESSION Description for children. Profession rescuer. Personal qualities of the Profession of the Ministry of Emergency Situations


For friends!


They cannot be supplied in the absence of courage and dedication. They come to the rescue to those who are extremely needed. Such people are called rescuers.

The profession of lifeguard is considered pretty young, earlier in extreme situations the victims helped or representatives of related areas of activity or volunteers. Now there are entire rescue brigades that include firefighters and divers, and climbers, and doctors.

Salvation service works in places affected by natural disasters, environmental disasters, emergencies, accidents, fires. These specialists become needed even in ordinary situations. For example, they are hardly the only hope of the owners of the apartment, the door of which she slammedly slammed, or a kitten who climbed into such a close place that he could not get out of there.

Description of activity

Rescuers are important to quickly respond to the telephone call and arrive at the time where their help is needed. Right at the scene, a competent specialist can estimate the scale of losses and determine the methods that need to be guided. In case of disasters, they are looking for victims, provide them with first aid, carry out evacuation, eliminate negative consequences. Regardless of the scale of what happened to their main task - care for the health and life of each of the participants, as well as the warning of all possible risks During the operation of salvation.


middle in Russia:middle in Moscow:middle in St. Petersburg:

Labor duties

A good rescuer is a professional with universal skills of work. He must be able to navigate the terrain, provide first medical care, stew fires, find a psychological approach to victims and prevent the spread of panic. He needs to own adaptations and equipment for rescue operations. At the time of their duties, he often needs skills to work with search animals, sowing and extracting people from the focus of defeat.

Features of career growth

Rescuers can work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and various supervision services. But despite the danger of professional activities, the level wages These specialists are not very high. If desired, achieving career growth and become, for example, the commander of the rescue brigade, the employee will need higher education.

Today we suggest you to consider all the features of the professional activities of rescuers, as well as find out where you can get this profession and what personal qualities should have a person who dreams of devoting his life to help others.

Work of rescuers Not similar to any of the specialties presented in the labor market. At the same time, it combines the specifics of a number of professions that are of great importance to ensure the safety of people. In other words, the specifics of the rescuers involves the accumulation of various skills, as well as an irresistible desire to help humanity, contrary to the danger and their own fears.

Note that many children are dreaming to become a lifeguard who are confident that this work consists exclusively of heroic actions. However, even adults are weakly imagine, how there are weekdays of rescuers, with which they have to face and what qualities they should have. What to talk about children who are generally understood in the professional skills of different specialties.

Today we invite you to consider all the features of roffessional rescuer activitiesAnd also find out where you can get this profession and what personal qualities a person should have a dream to devote his life to help to others.

Who is a rescuer?

On the domestic space, the profession of the rescuer was highlighted in a separate specialty not so long ago. 25 years ago, their responsibilities were performed by fire, doctors or civilian squads, and the rescuers were made to call narrow specialization of scuba and climbers. Such a state of affairs required the attraction of a large number labor resources To eliminate the consequences of the catastrophe, and not as efficient as possible.

Due to an increase in the risks of large-scale disasters, and, consequently, the need to search human resources To eliminate their consequences, the government of the country decided to create universal brigades that will possess all the necessary skills to combat the life and health of people in extreme situations. Decree on the creation Ministry of Emergency Situations (Ministry of Emergency Situations), to the state of which rescuers are attributed, was issued in 1990. At that time, the agency did not have a large number of employees, necessary equipment and technology that has complicated activities, but over the years the situation has changed.

To date, the Ministry of Emergency Situations are the most demanded employees who perform a complex and dangerous work for the benefit of society and the country. A significant part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is concentrated in the regions of increased danger, where, depending on the season, the risks of fire, floods, avalanche convergence and other critical situations increase.

In addition to the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there are other salvation services that have their own specifics and more narrow specialization:

  • private rescue agencies, whose activity is certified and systematically checked by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a rule, in addition to other operations, rescue work on water is performed, especially in the summer;
  • non-standard emergency Rescue Educationconfident in forest fires;
  • territorial and municipal rescue services;
  • profile services working with hazardous production;
  • fire teams of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Regardless of affiliation to a particular service professional activity Rescuers are inextricably linked with a number of rescue events, including:

  • elimination of threats to others;
  • extracting people from the dawns;
  • evacuation of the population;
  • first aid;
  • search work;
  • use special equipment and technology.

What personal qualities should the rescuer have?

Work specifics face employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations With severe trials, so they should have excellent physical training. In addition, this profession involves the presence of a candidate of high moral qualities that will help him cope with their duties and ensure the safety of the population: a sense of responsibility for the lives of people and love for humanity is one of the most valuable qualities that will be useful in the profession.

Key indicators that distinguish a good rescuer are

  • physical endurance, which will give the opportunity to overcome many tasks to save people,
  • stable psyche, since it is she who helps to overcome frequent stressful situations, focus on finding the easiest solution to the problem, and to provide the necessary support for victims.

Everyone salvation service worker It is part of the team, from the coherence of the actions of which the outcome of the situation depends. Therefore, it is very important for the rescuer to be able to not only find a common language with others, but also to comply with discipline. To equally important qualities necessary in the work belongs:

  • determination,
  • performance,
  • attentiveness
  • the desire to achieve the goal.
  • courage and courage,
  • kindness and responsiveness,
  • readiness for daily training,
  • the desire for systematic improvement of professional skills,
  • the ability to excellently navigate the terrain.

Advantages of the profession rescuer

For rescuers who work in a vocation profession, an indisputable advantage is recognition and respect from the Company. Everyone knows how difficult and dangerous work is performed. employees of rescue servicesTherefore, very distinguished, become real heroes of the whole country.

The undoubted advantage of the profession can be called a special status of rescuers. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are something among the military and civilian, which allows them to combine the benefits of life of each side. They are not obliged to comply with the barren position, and have fewer restrictions and conditions of service. At the same time, they are socially protected and can count on an early and quite good pension, as well as various benefits for themselves and family members. In addition, rescuers have the right to preferential real estate.

Opportunity to work in private rescue agencies It can also be considered as the advantage of this profession. The rescuers of these services receive a higher salary compared to the rescuers of the Ministry (and average salary The Ministry of Emergency Situations is about 50-60 thousand rubles per month), while their activities are usually not associated with high risks for life. Often a position in a private agency receive former employees Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is a good addition to the pension, and also allows you to continue to engage in your loved one.

The profession is quite in demand in the labor market and, since labor resources in this area are very often lacking, the rescue can become almost everyone, while ensuring that not only the workplace, but also the prospects for career growth. Of course, promotion will not be rapid and will require overcoming a difficult path, but will it be able to stop a person who clerks with many tests?

Dispassions of the profession

Often during the elimination of the consequences of the disaster employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations It is necessary to deal with human victims, which negatively affects the mental state of a person and can cause his depression. In addition, choosing this profession, it is necessary to understand that the hazard arising can lead to a fatal outcome of not only affected by the catastrophe, but also the rescue itself.

The disadvantages of the profession can also include heavy physical work and an abnormal working schedule. Rescuers are ready to go to the place of events at any time, which excludes the possibility of leisure planning and forces constantly to be within accessibility. Another disadvantage of the profession is the need to perform work in difficult conditions - the rescuer must be ready to work in the rain and in the snow, and in the cold and in the heat, and in the mountains and underground, and in the desert and water, etc.

Where can I get a profession rescuer?

According to the law, enter service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations Maybe any citizen who has achieved majority has passed the appropriate training and filed all required documents. However, in practice, rescuers are predominantly men aged 25-40 years old, having at least a certificate of full secondary education and good health. At the same time, it is quite natural that the citizens who passed army training are given greater preference.

Each candidate corresponding to the selection criteria must undergo special training in the program prepared by the rescue service specialists and master the skills necessary for performing official duties. Such courses can be passed into any educational organizationin which the military department is represented and there is a necessary equipment.

Despite the fact that higher education is not at all necessary for working as a lifeguard, getting a diploma of one of Universities at the Ministry of Emergency Situations It is necessary to advance the career staircase. Higher educational establishmentscarrying out training in this area:

  • Academy of Firefire Service Emergencies Ministry of Russia;
  • Academy of Civil Protection of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia;
  • Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of GPS EMERCOM of Russia;
  • St. Petersburg University of GPS Emergencies Ministry of Russia;
  • Ural Institute of GPS EMERCOM of Russia.

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The work of the student of 6 A class, the same Karina Islamna

Rescuer is a heroic profession.

He visited everywhere, he did not drink, did not give up.
He is the same as everything, but a little different.
If somewhere with the human misfortune met,
He will not be able to quietly go through the side.
He is a rescuer, and this is such a job -
This is the risk and anxiety of sleepless nights.
This is an experience gained by blood and then
This is the lives of saved people.

In the life of each person the moment comes when you have to decide where to continue the education or where to work. Nowadays, the list of professions is very large and varied. There are many professions, however, choose your favorite difficult.

Profession rescuer it is unlikely to be discovered in the list of prestigious and popular. After all, the profession of lifeguard is not just important, it is necessary in our lives. It was the lifeguard that could prevent the death of a person, to save him from an imminent death in any emergency, to help on time. The profession of the rescuer, without thinking, can be called noble and put in one row with such professions as a doctor or teacher. In this profession, people are with a good and strong heart, who are not indifferent to the trouble and pain of other people. The rescuer saves people from the ruins of houses, from rivers and fires. The smallest salvation is the salvation of a cat with a tree. Rescuers operate on the site of the earthquakes. They are looking for people under the collapse of the wrapped houses and, risking their lives, get them from there. Specially trained dogs help rescuers in finding people. Fortunately, in our daily life, natural disasters, floods, fires, accidents, environmental disasters and emergencies are not so often, but work for the rescuer is always there. Enthusiasm, courage, endurance, decisiveness, ingenuity, courage - these are the qualities of the character that should be inherent in the present rescue.

This profession deserves immense respect, because every day people owning this craft risk their lives for the sake of salvation of others. AND ordinary people Rescuers are difficult to call. On the shoulders of rescuers there are a huge responsibility for us, for people who often become victims of their own carelessness and negligence, careless handling of fire.

Most often, rescuers are a whole team working in difficult situations consistently and quickly. The lifeguard profession is no less dangerous than a military or policeman. One is awarded the Order in Life, and other posthumously.

The rescuer is a profession that includes a complex of specialties (firefighters, driver). For our country, the profession of rescuer is relatively young, her story has a little more than twelve years. Despite the fact that the profession of rescuer was washed with romance of difficult heroic everyday life, not every person is suitable for the rescue. These are people with special thinking, as they constantly give part of themselves to others. After all, each departure to any accident means the need to help the rescuer. No one will force a person to risk his health, and perhaps life, if there is no deep inner belief that you not only can save, but also know exactly how to do with the minimum risk. Consequently, the rescuer today needs to learn a lot and live a lot. It is necessary to know the technique well, have knowledge in physics, chemistry, hydraulics, architecture. The fireman as his five fingers should know that the fighting machine accommodates 2000 liters of water, she has 7 fire hoses and 3 types of stairs. However, the most difficult thing is to enter the state of readiness every time. At any time of the day, the rescuer must be ready to fly to any point of the Earth.

When the trouble happens, each time rescuers come to the aid to the victims - desperate, fearless, courageous, devoted to their profession people. Rescuers are amazing people, courageous and strong inserts, who, without thinking, are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of salvation of one human life.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of the Honored Rescuer of Russia E. Leogor: "The main quality of the rescuer is consciousness, rationality, understanding that human life depends on your actions. The most important thing in our profession is not to worsen the situation. The rescuer does not have the right to allow the situation in which it will have to help him. That is why he must have special skills, knowledge, to be educated, and, of course, physically healthy. "

In childhood, every boy without hesitation answered that in the future he dreams of becoming a cosmonaut, a pilot or fireman. Time is going and life makes its own adjustments, but many young guys associate their lives with one of the most dangerous, courageous and truly male professions - the rescuer.

They risk their lives and health daily, exhausting people from the paws of natural disasters, fires and other incidents. No one will turn the language to reproach rescuers in the absence of courage and dedication in their work.

The profession is a rescuer relatively young, previously its functions were performed by representatives of related specialties. Today, a special ministry has been created for the entire complex of tasks.

Emergency services performs functions to eliminate accidents, fires, natural disasters, environmental disasters and their consequences. It provides for help and in banal situations, for example, an Emergencies Ministry employee will help to open the slave door.

The operational response to the call is one of the fundamental functions of emergency services.

Employees in place are assessed by the coming scale and make a decision on the use of funds for its liquidation. If a person turned out to be a man, the rescuer will always come to his aid, evacuates in a safe place and start eliminating disaster.

Tasks and responsibilities

By its nature, the profession is the rescuer universal. In addition to the ability to physically eliminate the coming, the employee must have the skills of providing first medical care, to be a psychologist (to prevent panic), to navigate the terrain. Also needing excellent knowledge and experience of ownership of means for rescue operations.

Personal qualities of the rescuer:

  • bravery;
  • endurance;
  • good physical training;
  • determination;
  • fast acceptance of rational solutions in extreme situations.

Profession The rescuer involves working in a team. The coherent work of the team often becomes the key to the success of the operation.

Professional growth is possible in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To achieve higher steps career staircase It is necessary to get a higher education. Studies of the labor market have shown that the highest salaries are ready to offer employers of the Irkutsk region:

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Pros and Cons Profit Rescuer

Benefits :

  • socially important and heroic profession;
  • the ability to express yourself in an extreme situation.

disadvantages :

  • dangerous work;
  • high level of stress, as in fireman;
  • daily tension on battle duty.

The following educational institutions offer to master the profession:

  • Russian Rescue Training Center (RCPS) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;
  • Educational and Methodical Center for Civil Code and Emergencies RK;
  • Moscow the educational center Federal Fire Service.

Human life is a gift that cannot be overestimated. Unfortunately, sometimes emerging situations, life-threatening: natural disasters, fires, accidents, terrorist attacks. And at such moments, you need one who can help, protect against the threat arising and ensure further safety. That is why the world is extremely necessary one profession - the rescuer.

People of this specialty are like ancient titans from stone and steel. They are not afraid of danger, weather trial, and are always ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Everyone knows about their exploits, accomplishments and merits, but few know how to become rescuers. Therefore, it is worth considering all those features and secrets in more detail that this profession is in itself - the rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Who is a rescuer?

IN soviet time There was no such specialty as a rescuer MES. The elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe and ordinary doctors, civilian troops or the same firefighters. Rescuers also existed, but they had a narrow specialization, such as scuba and climbing. But with universal specialists, whose knowledge and skills covered all spheres of this profession, were obvious problems.

But over the years, the power of the country concluded that qualified specialists will be able to fulfill their debt much more efficient. Therefore, a decree was issued on the creation of specialized brigades of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which included divers, climbers, kinologists, doctors and firefighters. And now, in the event of any danger to the life of people, prepared guys come to the place of events, capable of cope with any task.

What should be a good rescuer

A series of events related to risk for life - this is inevitably faces man this profession. The MES Rescuer is a person who should be able to suppress his fear and always have a sober head. After all, it is worth it to give a small slack, and the payback will follow immediately.

Also, all candidates must have excellent health and endurance, because physical exertion in this matter is the usual norm. Immediately before entering work, the applicant must pass the standards established by law. And only after that it can be credited to courses for qualifying.

Another important point. The future lifeguard must all soul to love his work, otherwise no salary will be able to keep it in this position. After all, the job is a lifeguard - difficult work, during which it regularly has to deal with the human grief, and this is a very hard burden.

Where they are learning

Preparatory courses are carried out in collections with as well as in military and fire universities. The main condition is the availability of the necessary database for learning: polygon, simulators and qualified teachers.

As the description of the profession, designated by law, enter the training courses can aged 18 to 35 years old. Although the advantage is still given to the young men who served in the army. As for the previous education, there are no special requirements here, the main thing is that there was a certificate indicating the end of 11 classes.

Girls in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

It should be noted that, first of all, this profession is intended for men. The rescuer must have a great strength and endurance. However, for weak gender there is a place.

First of all, girls are in demand for the post of dispatcher. And let it at first glance it may seem that in this specialty there is nothing complicated, in reality everything is quite the opposite. The Ministry of Emergency Situer should be able to adequately respond to all calls from the victims, and also to know what to advise the person while he expects the arrival of the rescuers.

Still women with joy take economic departments, or they can represent the interests of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at various conferences. But also there are cases when weak gender does not lag behind men, working at large altitudes or with aqualung.

Profession Description: What is part of the Rescuer duties

The trouble always comes unexpectedly, and at the same time can have hundreds of various accumulations. For example, today it can be a huge fire, and tomorrow it is already an earthquake. Therefore, the profession "Rescuer" obliges to the fact that a person who mastered it should be ready for everything.

That is why the midst of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is always staffed at the highest category. There are scuba, climbing equipment, metal cutting tool, inflatable boat etc. At the same time, each rescuer should be able to use all these items. To do this, command regularly conducts teachings, so that the fighters not only did not forget the accumulated skills, but also improved them.

Considering the fact that rescuers often have to literally pull out people from the world, the study of the azes of medical care here above all. In addition, in each brigade there is its own paramedic, capable of impeccably fulfill its duty even in

Labor Exchange Situation

IN modern world This profession is very relevant. Rescuer - it is this role that very many are chosen for themselves. Every year, in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, not one hundred volunteers are gaining. But not everyone can master it, and even more so tie all his life with her. And nevertheless, rescuer courses are always open.

As regards, everything is here at the proper level, because the person of this profession puts on its life. The amount of wages will always depend on the country's specific area, because in addition to the established law, there is also a regional allowance, which is decisive in this matter.

You can find the vacancies of the rescuer through the labor exchange or by reference directly to the personnel department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In the presence of free places and the necessary preparation of the candidate, will be accomplished immediately after it passes the medical examination and passes all the necessary documents.


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