Fruit in the greenhouse. Year-round growing of berries and fruits. What should be the soil

Since most regions in terms of climatic conditions are not favorable for good development and growth in the open field of most heat-loving crops, it is increasingly practiced among amateur gardeners and farmers to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse. This ensures a high, quality and guaranteed yield. It is not at all difficult to equip a small film greenhouse in a summer cottage. However, you should know and take into account certain nuances, such as the scheme for planting cucumbers and further care for plants.

What should be the soil

Before planting cucumbers, it is necessary to determine the area on which the greenhouse will be located and prepare the soil in advance. To do this, they dig it deeply, remove the roots of perennial plants and at least 5-7 cm of the upper layer of the soil, since pathogens and viruses of various diseases that can infect young plants accumulate in it. After harvesting plant residues, it is possible to disinfect the soil using a 7% solution copper sulfate... The soil must be necessarily enriched and fertile, with good absorption and throughput, neutral or low acidity.

The soil mixture is prepared 20-30 days after processing the site. As practice has shown, it is better to plant cucumbers in a substrate of sod soil and fresh humus. For its preparation, 45-55% of peat, 25-35% of humus or compost, 15-25% of fertile soil and 10-15% of wood sawdust scalded with boiling water are used. 10-15 g of superphosphate and urea, 250-280 g of sifted ash are added to a bucket of such a mixture, nitrogen fertilizers are not applied.

When growing cucumber in greenhouse conditions, only the seedling method is used. Since this plant does not tolerate transplanting well, so as not to waste time on adaptation and survival, it is advisable to sow seeds for seedlings directly into peat cups, pots or bags. It is recommended to plant seedlings 25-27 days old with 4-5 leaves. The time for planting it varies depending on the region, size and type of greenhouse.

Landing scheme

The most optimal conditions for fruit growth are provided by a two-line scheme for planting cucumbers in a greenhouse on the ridges and ridges, measuring 95-110 cm wide and 22-28 cm high. To increase yields, steam beds or ridges are used. To do this, dig holes 35-45 cm deep.A layer of hot manure is placed on the bottom and covered with soil 14-18 cm thick.

Depending on the width of the greenhouse, the ridges are placed along or across. If its width is 2-2.5 m, then a path is made in the center, and one row is planted on the left and right. If the width of the greenhouse is 3.5-4.5 m, make 2 tracks and 4-5 rows of planting, placing one on the sides and 2-3 in the center. The distance between the bushes in a row is 35-40 cm, since with a thicker planting, the illumination of the plant significantly worsens. Wire trellises are pulled over the ridges, to which cucumbers are subsequently tied with a thread or twine. Sometimes lettuce, Chinese cabbage or low-growing greens are planted in the aisles.

As soon as the weather is warm and the soil and soil warms up enough, you can plant seedlings. Immediately before planting, the prepared wells are watered with a warm solution of potassium permanganate, and then just water. Cucumbers from pots are planted in such a way that the earthen lump remains 1.5-2.5 cm above the soil level. The root collar should not touch the ground, since water flowing down during watering and pathogens can provoke infection and death of the plant.

What cucumbers to plant?

Today there are a very large number of hybrids and varieties specially designed for growing in greenhouse conditions. They are characterized by high and stable fruiting, compactness of bushes, and resistance to major diseases. When choosing a variety, preference should be given not only to high-yielding varieties with low lighting requirements, but to self-pollinated cucumbers that do not need pinching.

Some of the most popular are late-ripening, high-yielding hybrids White Angel F1, Athlete F1, Hercules F1. They are resistant to many diseases and pests. Fruits are medium-large, weighing 160-190 g, with high taste, versatile in processing. However, they require artificial pollination, or planting a number of pollinator varieties. For this, the high-yielding hybrid Emelya F1 is often used.

Especially popular are such mid-season varieties as Relay, Iva, Moskovsky hothouse, Regatta, Spotrezisting and hybrids Annushka F1, Dynamite F1, Pyzhik F1. They are self-pollinated, not demanding to care for. Fruits are medium, weighing 100-125 g, with a good watery-sweet taste, firm, crunchy.

Care features

Just like the cucumber grown in the open field, greenhouse plants require feeding, timely watering and the formation of a bush.

Bush formation

In greenhouse conditions, the cucumber is formed into one stem. 5-7 days after planting, the seedlings are tied to the installed trellis. As it grows, through each internode, the plant stem is twisted around the twine. When the stem outgrows the trellis, pinch the top. The lower sinuses are dazzling - they remove male and female flowers, as well as lateral shoots. Since the lower ovaries grow very slowly, they often do not ripen and inhibit the vegetative growth of the entire bush, drawing off nutrients. The next 4-6 branches are formed at the bottom of the stem. Pinch over the first leaf, leaving no more than 1-2 fruits for each shoot. Shoots, in the middle of the stem, are pinched over the second leaf.

Then they only make sure that the branches do not go beyond the aisles. To do this, pinch their tops as necessary and direct them into the ridge. If bee-pollinated varieties are grown in the greenhouse, then insects should be provided with access to plants. It should be borne in mind that in hot, summer time, bees are reluctant to fly into the greenhouse. As a rule, they are lured with sugar syrup, which is infused on the corolla of male flowers.


The soil must always be kept moist, waterlogging or waterlogging is not allowed. Disastrous for planting and a sharp fluctuation in moisture, this can provoke not only root rot, deformation of the fruit, death of leaves and dropping of ovaries, but also the death of the entire plant.

In early spring, in relatively cold weather, cucumbers are watered only with warm water, regardless of the time of day. In hot weather, watering is preferably carried out in the morning, consuming 5-8 liters of water for each square meter. To accelerate fruiting, short-term weak drying of the soil is used at the end of flowering. Since the film does not allow water vapor to pass through, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse daily, avoiding air stagnation. To prevent the soil from compaction, it is advisable to loosen it shallowly after each watering. And as the roots appear on the surface, add fresh nutrient mixture with a layer of 1.5-2 cm.

Top dressing

An infusion of chicken manure, mullein, humus and rotted foliage is used as fertilizer. Cucumbers can't stand high concentration soil solution. Therefore, 150-200 g of organic matter is added to a bucket of water. Leave for 1-2 days for the contents to ferment, then adding 150-250g wood ash and 30-50 g of superphosphate. From mineral fertilizers, preparations are used for pumpkin crops. Throughout the season, cucumbers are fed no more than 4-5 times.

It should be noted that the excess of organic and mineral substances also negatively affects the yield. Plants begin to fatten, grow vigorously, and budding and flowering are delayed.

Video "Planting cucumbers in the greenhouse"

This video tells how to plant seedlings so as not to damage the roots, how to feed the plants in order to get maximum yield.

i want to plant fruit trees and put up a greenhouse on my plot

Vladimir Bendrikov

I can advise you to plant trees so that in the future they do not shade the site, leave open space and a sunny side for undersized plants. Dig up, remove weeds, fertilize if necessary, this is a must, and then you will see for yourself what and how to plant, so that it does not interfere with you and the plants.

Evgeny Sheiko

eVERYTHING can be grown in greenhouses!


Fruit trees are best planted in early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed, or in autumn - now you are already a little late. Dig a hole with a diameter of 40-50 cm and the same depth or more, depending on the seedling, fill it with fertilized soil, plant.


Correct desire. Saplings of fruit trees are planted either in spring or autumn, after leaf fall. You can really grow anything in greenhouses, but different plants prefer different conditions (temperature, humidity). therefore the best way have (at least) two greenhouses.


Dervies and shrubs with a closed root system can be important at any time of positive temperatures. If you go to my world, there are photos and comments to them about greenhouses and gardens. Everything is described in great detail, including varieties and agricultural techniques. As for digging holes and planting in a greenhouse - this has already been discussed in detail here - there were many interesting recommendations. Go to these discussions through my office in the answers and you will find all our discussions on these issues. Leave the office on the page of questions and learn a lot of different opinions, you will see a lot of practical advice. It's just that the topic is vast, interesting and cannot be told in a nutshell.


First of all, trees: apple, cherry, plum, pear. well and a bush. Rhododendrons for beauty.


first of all, from the layout of the site, which is something, and then transplanting from place to place does not bring any benefit, the installation of a greenhouse also requires a choice of place. and you can plant everything that grows in your region ...
apple, pear, currant, honeysuckle, mountain ash, mulberry, nuts, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, blackthorn, irga, barberry, chokeberry
gooseberries, blueberries, etc.)) planting is better done in the spring - more

casimir diamonds

The garden is laid on the northern side of the site so that the shadow from the trees does not fall on the beds and shrubs. You put the greenhouse from north to south, also for reasons of illumination. Well, you plant everything that will turn out. Taste one seed at a time, including even strawberries, watermelon and potatoes


trees and shrubs at my discretion and depending on the region (apple, cherry, currant, plum, honeysuckle, etc.) and preferably in early spring and better on the eastern side of the garden, and in the greenhouse I grow cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and this year I planted flowers there for seedlings in April, it's very convenient, you don't need to plant and suffer at home, but you can sell too much, and some plant watermelons and melons, I don't know whether they grow there or not, I don't plant, it's easier to buy

where to plant fruit trees?


Here is a good article -\u003d31
In any case, do not plant closer than 4-5 meters from paths and buildings. Better 6-8 meters. Try to keep the grown tree from shading the greenhouse.


in your case, apple trees are only columnar, otherwise adult apple trees, apples, I will break your greenhouse


Plant so that when the tree grows it does not shade the greenhouse And the shadow does not interfere with the house

Zmey Gorynych

don't forget that the tree will grow

Vladimir Petrov

Plant where it is convenient for you, but do not plant at least 3 meters next to each other between apple trees

Lyudmila Klochkova

trees are tall and short. when you plant, imagine that the tree is already mature and will fit into the space.

Planting seedlings "Fruit garden" How to create your beautiful garden

Preparation of planting holes and mounds, planting seedlings

When preparing the soil for the garden, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied in an increased dose over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site. The calculation of mineral fertilizers is described in the article "Fertilization of a new site". Organic fertilizers are applied at least 10 kg per square meter of the site. After that, digging the soil to a depth of two shovel bayonets or plantation plowing to a depth of 40-60 cm is carried out. But often fruit and berry plants have to be planted in areas where the cultivation process has not yet been completed or has not yet been carried out. Then a nutritious soil is prepared for planting pits.

Preparation of nutrient soil for planting pits and mounds

For the preparation of nutrient soil, peat, sand, turf soil are used; they offer gardeners both imported black soil and manure humus. Peat is the preferred organic substrate, it has a high moisture capacity and is practically free from plant pathogens. However, if the peat is sour, it should be neutralized with lime. Well rotted compost or manure humus can and should be used. Fresh or semi-decomposed manure should not be used; it is better to cover it with a film and leave it for 1-2 years to heat up. Sand usually use clean, river. But to lighten the heavy clay soil, it is introduced not separately, but only in a mixture with peat, otherwise a "brick" is formed. Chernozem taken from fields from under agricultural crops is extremely undesirable to use because of its usually strong infection with soil pathogens of plant diseases. The same applies to the land from greenhouses, which is periodically replaced, and the old can be sold to gardeners. Sod land (overburden) - this is the top fertile 20-40 cm layer of soil, which builders remove in preparation for the construction of buildings. Sod land is usually slightly infested with plant pathogens and is well suited for preparing nutrient soil.

For clay and loamy soils:For the preparation of nutrient soil, peat, humus, sand are used. The peat-sand mixture is mixed in half with the top layer of clay soil removed from the pit.

for a planting hole in dense clay soil, the nutrient soil must be mixed in half with clay and after planting compacted to reduce the flooding of the planting hole with water and the subsidence of the nutrient soil

The addition of clay to the mixture is necessary in order to prevent the roots from sticking in the planting pits on heavy clay and to reduce the settling of nutrient soil in it and pulling the seedling down. If holes in dense clay are filled with only a light nutritious soil, then rain or flood waters will fill the holes, the roots will lock up and the plants may die.

For sandy and sandy loam soils:For the preparation of nutrient soil, peat, humus and sod (loamy) soil are used. To reduce the washing of the nutrient soil, it is laid in pits in layers and compacted. In addition to the recommended mineral fertilizers, magnesium-containing fertilizers, such as magnesium sulfate and potassium magnesium, are used for sandy soils. For example, instead of the required amount of potassium chloride or potassium sulfate, you can use twice the amount of potassium magnesium.

For peaty soils:For the preparation of nutrient soil, peat, humus, sod (loamy) soil and sand are used. In addition to the recommended mineral fertilizers, magnesium-containing fertilizers are used, as for sandy soils.

Stone fruits do not tolerate acidic soils, therefore, when preparing nutrient soil for cherries, plums, cherries, it is well neutralized with lime.

Preparation of planting holes

For planting apple trees and pears in a non-chernozem zone with the usual poor sandy loam and loamy soil and a groundwater depth below 2 m, sufficiently large planting pits are prepared. For tall trees (apple trees, pears), the width of the planting pit is 1.0-1.5 m, the depth is 70-80 cm and deeper, in order to remove a very dense gley layer impervious to roots. For planting cherries, cherries, plums, sea buckthorn, the width of the planting pit is 70-80 cm, but such a depth that a dense gley layer is removed. For currants and gooseberries, the width of the planting pit is 40-50 cm.

Planting cherries and cherries on heavy clay soils of the non-chernozem strip has some differences: a hole is dug wider 1.3-1.5 m so that the tree “does not climb into the clay”. Conifers also do not like clay, they can make the same hole as a stone one. A drainage layer can be placed on the bottom of the pit, which, in combination with the drainage system of the site, will reduce the risk of flooding the pit and entangling the roots.

On sandy soils in the planting pits of fruit trees, 2-3 screens can be made from a mixture of clay with manure with a layer of several cm every 20 cm.

table 1.Landing pit sizes


In addition to the popular tomatoes and cucumbers, there are other crops that thrive. And if you want to diversify your table or organize a mini-business, then you can combine several very different cultures in one greenhouse. This is possible: varieties of vegetables, herbs and berries can "get along" in the same space, the main thing is that they have similar preferences for the level of humidity, light and type of soil.

Here are some ideas for those who are thinking - what else to plant in their own besides tomatoes and cucumbers.

Greenhouse vegetables

Next to tomatoes, other nightshades bear fruit perfectly - these are sweet bell peppers (do not combine with spicy ones in order to avoid cross-pollination) and eggplants. In the company of cucumbers, you can add other pumpkin crops - squash and zucchini. You can also plant different varieties of cabbage, and potatoes - a good idea for those who want to eat young potatoes all year round.

The experience of growing melons and gourds in a greenhouse - watermelons and melons - deserves special attention. In an ideal greenhouse microclimate, you can easily get juicy and ripe fruits.


Between the beds, in small unoccupied areas, it is convenient to plant greens - a source of useful trace elements. Be sure to add onions on feathers, parsley, spinach, dill to the standard plantings, different types lettuce, basil. These crops will enrich your table and can sell well in the market.


The smartest way to occupy a greenhouse space for lovers of fresh berries is to plant strawberries and strawberries. Here, these berries are guaranteed to ripen and give a bountiful harvest without the risk of spoilage by numerous pests that lie in wait for them in the open air. In addition, you will harvest not once, but two or even three times. The best varieties of greenhouse strawberries are "Marmalade", "Zefir", "Pineapple". You can also try growing sweet raspberries - unpretentious varieties "Ruby Necklace", "Hercules", "Orange Miracle" are specially bred for greenhouses. Especially enthusiastic gardeners have long grown blueberries and blueberries in a greenhouse.


Those who like to experiment with exotic crops have already had a successful experience of growing lemons, passion fruit and even bananas. You can plant figs, peaches, grapes - the main thing is to choose dwarf crops, for which the limited space of the greenhouse will be enough.


The greenhouse business is especially common among flower growers. Roses, tulips, peonies, even orchids and lilies bloom profusely under the protection of polycarbonate. You can plant bushes for the subsequent sale of blossoming buds, or you can start selling seedlings. You can also effectively propagate different types of flowers for planting in your own flower beds.

Plant different types of crops in different areas of the greenhouse. For example, place cucumbers and pumpkin seeds in the far corner, where there are no vents - they do not like drafts and temperature changes. Fertilize with organic matter. And tomatoes and nightshades, on the contrary, are closer to the source of fresh air (mineral fertilizers are better for them).

For melons and tall crops, it is necessary to provide structures that allow you to tie up vines. So you save space on the ridge and provide the fruits with ideal conditions for development.

If you tackle rare and exotic crops, be prepared to provide additional lighting and heating. This will also allow for cultivation in the winter.

For ease of work, use the vent lifters for automatic ventilation and automatic irrigation systems.

The benefits of modern food products call into question the usefulness of their consumption. The thing is that when growing most crops, chemical fertilizerscreated to obtain the largest amount of harvest in a short period of time. In order to rid themselves of the negative effects of chemistry on the body, more and more consumers prefer environmentally friendly products.

The main advantage of organic fruits and vegetables is that they retain useful trace elements and vitamins that are so necessary for the human body. It is possible to grow such products without applying special efforts... You just need to know a few rules for caring for certain crops.

The profitability of a greenhouse is influenced not only by the conditions created in it, but also by the varieties of vegetables and fruits grown. It is necessary to give preference to those crops that are popular regardless of the season, namely: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, strawberries and watermelons.

The best varieties of cucumbers and tomatoes for the greenhouse

Tomatoes. One of the most thermophilic crops. To obtain the maximum yield, in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 19 degrees, while ensuring sufficient moisture supply to the soil. But do not overdo it, abundant irrigation and oversaturation with water is fraught with root rot. Today, there are several unpretentious, but good varieties of tomato for greenhouses.

Russian happiness. One of the most popular varieties of tomato for Siberia in the greenhouse. They have a rounded shape, flattened at the top and bottom. After full ripening, they acquire a pink color, have a rather strong stem. Kept pretty long timeresistant to disease.
- Octopus. This species will take time to grow. It will take at least one and a half years to grow a "tomato tree". The crown of the tree has a wide diameter. This allows for impressive harvests in one season. Fruits are small, rounded, bright red
- Spring of the North.
They are unpretentious to care for, have a dense texture, making them easy to transport. Pink varieties have large fruits, have a high percentage of disease resistance.

Cucumbers. Indoor culture. Arriving in such conditions brings a large amount of harvest. In winter, the price of this vegetable increases significantly, but demand does not fall. Even in a harsh climate, providing decent conditions for a given crop is not a difficult task, so the farmer can only decide and choose the most optimal option.

Dynamite. Early grade. One of the most popular varieties of greenhouse cucumbers. Resistant to diseases, does not require pollination, there is no bitterness in the fruits. With the right care it is possible to harvest an impressive amount of crops from one garden bed.
- Annushka.Early maturing bee-pollinated hybrid. The variety is unpretentious, the fruits are good for consumption both fresh and in conservation.
- Emelya.The fastest ripening variety. Feels great in indoor conditions. It has a high yield and can be stored for a long time.

Growing good tomatoes and cucumbers in a greenhouse is easy and profitable. This is the most successful option for increasing the profitability of the business.

Which pepper to plant

Bell peppers are a culture that is widespread throughout the world and is widely used in cooking. In addition to the fact that pepper is very useful and has many useful properties, it is unpretentious in indoor conditions. Growing this crop in a greenhouse is one of the most profitable options for farmers. If in the summer the prices for peppers are low, then in the winter period of the year the vegetable rises in price several times.

Cardinal. Tall plant. Fruits are dark purple in color, sweet and juicy, early maturing variety. It is immune to tobacco mosaic virus.
- Atlant.It is rightfully considered one of the best varieties for greenhouses in Siberia. As it ripens, it takes on a deep red color. It is famous for its incomparable taste and lasts for a long time due to its texture.
- Hercules.Fully justifies its name, ripe fruits reach a weight of up to 350 g, resistant to diseases. This variety is most often grown for its further sale to markets and shops.

Growing strawberries and watermelons in a greenhouse

Strawberry. The berry is capricious, but only when grown outdoors, this is associated with certain risks due to the negative impact environment... In greenhouse conditions, strawberries will delight you with an excellent harvest without much loss. For comfortable conditions, strawberries should provide sufficient moisture supply to the soil; an automated drip irrigation system will be the best option.

Crown. The variety is resistant to cold air temperatures. The first crop consists of large berries, the subsequent ones - from the smaller crop. The berries are juicy, fleshy.
- San Andreas.The fruits have a high density, well tolerate transportation. Begins to bear fruit in early May, ends in early October.
- Brighton.Possesses high resistance to diseases and pests. Representative of semi-renovated varieties. The berries are medium in size and have a light pineapple flavor.

Watermelons. Until recently, it was believed that growing watermelons with your own hands was an impossible task. But growing a berry at home has become a feasible task even for novice farmers.

Siberian. It is famous for its high taste, it is not afraid of cool temperatures, the berries are juicy and sweet. The variety is early maturing, picky.
- Gift to the North.It ripens only at the beginning of September, has good fruitfulness. The berries are sweet, sugar, deep red pulp. The fruits are large compared to other varieties.

Today, more and more farmers are striving to grow berries in greenhouses. Practice shows that by choosing the right varieties, growing a clubnicks and watermelons in Siberia will not bring any trouble. Most varieties are not afraid of the cold, while they have fantastic taste and resistance to diseases.

Allows you to create optimal climatic conditions for growing hundreds of agricultural crops. These can be vegetables, flowers, herbs and even fruits. It is the fruit that becomes the subject for the experiments of gardeners, and they grow bananas, grapes, tangerines. This is possible if you create a tropical microclimate in the greenhouse and maintain it all year round.

Conventional greenhouses under the film will not work for this. Something more solid is needed here. It can be either a polycarbonate greenhouse on a good foundation or a capital greenhouse built of brick. But even the most durable and airtight greenhouse will not cope with Russian cold snaps, therefore, to grow exotic plants, it must be additionally equipped with special equipment.

What should be a greenhouse for exotic crops

In order to protect heat-loving plants from coolness and temperature changes, it is better to choose greenhouses with a reinforced frame, covered with durable polycarbonate. Such models easily withstand the entire load of snow deposits.

For this purpose, greenhouses are built with solid walls up to the middle of the height, and the remaining part and the ceiling are sheathed with polycarbonate - so that there is enough natural sunlight inside. This is the most expensive, but also the most durable and reliable option.

Inside, it will be necessary to create a heating and lighting system so that the plants receive light and heat around the clock. Then exotic fruits can ripen in our latitude.

As a heating system, you can choose one of several options. Craftsmen even install stoves with a chimney or supply heating pipes in their greenhouses. A more expensive, but convenient, option is infrared electric heating or a system like a warm water floor. You can also hang small air heaters that will heat the air. Special lamps are suitable to provide sufficient lighting.

What can be grown from exotic varieties

Quite often, summer residents try to grow citrus fruits first. Growing Meyer's lemons will be successful as a first experiment. They are quite unpretentious and give a good harvest in an ordinary greenhouse.

If you make a stock on a low-growing tree, then in a greenhouse you can grow a crop of peaches or nectarines. A stable temperature of 13 degrees is enough for them. These fruits are unsurpassed in juiciness and taste, and are not cheap, so learning how to grow them at home is a great opportunity to provide family vitamins.

The subtropical fruit fig is also successfully grown in Russia using polycarbonate greenhouses. In winter, he needs at least 3 degrees of heat, and in summer 13 ° C is enough. The most popular and unpretentious variety is Brown Teki.

You might want to try something completely unusual and rare. Then you have the option to grow passion fruit. This exotic fruit is grown from seeds, it grows on a lush-growing liana, which will need to be regularly shaped with pruners.

If you are fond of growing non-standard plants, in our company you can purchase suitable greenhouses with a reinforced frame so that your hobby will bear good fruit.

Growing in greenhouses as a business is a profitable venture in many countries. If you are skilled in gardening, you can produce berries and fruits for sale. But before starting an activity, it is necessary to create a planning for a greenhouse business - to determine which crops will be grown, how much investment will be required to buy or lease land, install equipment, supply electricity and water, purchase fertilizers, and hire personnel. In the absence of experience in running a greenhouse business, it is advisable to start work in small areas. Good fruit and berries for growing in greenhouses are raspberries, strawberries, lemons, grapes.

Growing berries in greenhouses as a business

It's easier to start a berry growing business in countryside, in the garden area, or on your own plot of land. Fruit and berry plants do not require particularly difficult care, and they are perfectly sold on the market at a decent price. The initial investment amount depends on the area land plot, business plan scale. Over the weekend, you can plant 2 hectares of bushes, and after 2-3 months you can harvest the first crop. In the first year, it is recommended to remove the berry ovaries to form a strong and healthy bush.

It will be possible to grow shrub thickets from berries all year round in an optimally equipped greenhouse with heated earthen soil. If the temperature regime is not regulated, it is recommended to plant bushes in late spring. Before planting, the seedlings are soaked for 2 days in warm water, 30 liters of water are poured into the hole and compost is added (half the hole). After that, the seedlings are watered again.

Clients of the "berry" farmer become retail buyers, catering, shops, pastry shops and bakeries, manufacturers of lactic acid products, manufacturers of syrups and jams, cosmetics manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers.

Calculation of investments for growing berry bushes in a greenhouse:

  • Construction of a greenhouse on a leased or purchased land plot;
  • Purchase and installation of lighting, heating, air conditioning, irrigation systems;
  • Installation of places for maton;
  • Purchase of berry bushes;
  • Purchase of fertilizers;
  • Hiring staff;
  • Taxes;
  • Registration legal entity (of necessity).

The minimum amount of financial investments in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness is 15,000 rubles (for planting 50-100 seedlings on your site with a greenhouse). Large-scale cultivation of berries will require 300,000 - 500,000 rubles. The profitability of the enterprise is 70-200%, the payback period is 2-3 years.

Growing strawberries as a business idea, video:

Raspberries - growing in a greenhouse as a business

The berry is not particularly picky about the quality of the soil, it can grow on any soil (except for salt marshes). The optimal conditions for growing raspberries in a greenhouse are sandy soil with mulching (a surface ball of peat and humus), stable lighting, and a moderate level of humidity. Before planting raspberries, it is important to consider the profitability of a particular variety in local conditions. The most popular variety in the CIS countries - remontant raspberry.

Continuous fruiting of raspberries is ensured by conveyor planting. In January, shrubs are planted for the first time, after about 2 months they begin to bear fruit. The next raspberry seedlings are planted in March. Plants that have finished fruiting are pruned and left alone. For continuous yields, stable feeding and frequent replacement of bushes are necessary. The greenhouse starts heating from September to early October, without round-the-clock lighting. The ideal greenhouse regime is at temperatures of 20-22 degrees during the daytime, and 13-15 degrees at night.

It is better to harvest raspberries in the morning, 24 hours before picking berries, the bushes are not watered. It is recommended to leave raspberries in a cold place so that the juice does not come out of it, and it has time to reach the point of sale. The wholesale price for 20 kg of raspberries is 350 rubles. With successful business development, the average income from the sale of berries is 140,000 rubles.

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse as a business

Strawberries are one of the favorite berries, both in their own form and in the food industry. The strawberry business is profitable all year round and has a low market competition. If you plan to grow berries in a greenhouse, a remontant variety is ideal, it does not require pollination. Both early and mid-season varieties are planted indoors.

For commercial cultivation, choose varieties with dense berries that can tolerate transportation well.

Popular strawberry varieties:

  • Daryonka;
  • Alba;
  • Sonata;
  • Octave;
  • Honey;
  • Rusanovskaya.

The grown seedlings are planted in the greenhouse. If the bush is planted in soil, then each is placed in rows at a distance of 30-45 cm. Filling of seedlings is not allowed. Due to stagnant water, the plant forms gray rot, which can destroy the yield. It is also important to ventilate the greenhouse every day.

If 1 square meter of a greenhouse gives 5 kg of berries, then from a greenhouse with an area of \u200b\u200b80 sq.m. you can harvest 400 kg of strawberries. Wholesale price per kg - 600 rubles. One greenhouse can generate a monthly income of 250 thousand rubles. In winter, the price for these berries increases by one and a half to two times.

Greenhouse business - growing grapes

Grapes have been considered an attribute of fertility since ancient times. It is used in the manufacture of sweets, juices, wine, salads. Different grape varieties are grown under the conditions of the greenhouse, but table species, not wine ones, are “greenhouse” ones. In turn, table varieties can be of early or very early ripening period. The most successful varieties of grapes for greenhouse cultivation:

  • White Miracle (Song);
  • Queen of Paris (Bulgaria resilient);
  • Laura;
  • Transparent;
  • Arcadia;
  • Moscow sustainable;
  • Michurinsky;
  • Early northern.

It is recommended to build a greenhouse with an arched structure, with a height of 2.5 to 3 m. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room depends on the goals and scale of cultivation. For starters, you can equip a small area of \u200b\u200b20-30 sq.m. Acceptable types of grape greenhouses are polycarbonate and film.

If the grapes in the greenhouse do not bear fruit, the reasons may be: incorrect pruning technology, a lack of minerals, an excess of fertilizers.

The cost of one grape seedling is about 600 rubles. 1 square meter of land gives 5 kg of fruit. The cost of a wholesale purchase is from 60 to 120 rubles per 1 kg. 100 sq.m. greenhouse complex brings a total income of 50 thousand rubles (with a 500 kg crop).

Growing lemons in a greenhouse as a business

If you grow lemon in a greenhouse of 10 acres, you can harvest 1000 kg of harvest per year. The cost of this project will cost 1,200,000 rubles, the payback period is 5-6 years. The benefits of a business idea are obvious - in the last 4 years, prices for fresh lemon have increased by 60%. Citrus growers prefer Chinese dwarf and Meyer lemons. The latter bears fruit in the second year.

The yield depends on the volume and composition of the soil. The growth rate of a young lemon is high, during this period the root and leaf mass of the tree doubles, which requires regular feeding. The minimum temperature for lemon in a greenhouse is at least 7 degrees. They prefer good ventilation, heating, protection from drafts, and not waterlogged soil.

For a beginner entrepreneur, it is permissible to install a greenhouse for 500 lemon trees (the volume of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is 2.5 by 9 m). Installation will cost 20,000 rubles. With successful cultivation and demand, ripe lemon is sold at a wholesale price of 90 rubles per 1 kg. Net profit from trading - from 100,000 rubles per month.


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