How to remove magic from the head. Rituals to get your enemy fired from his job. What is needed for the ritual

There is a type of managers who create unbearable working conditions for employees of the enterprise or are initially biased towards specific employee, trying to punish him on occasion, and even dismiss him. It is natural that the personnel of the enterprise have a desire to change their management.

Some workers, in their desire to remove a leader from office, resort to such exotic and dubious methods as conspiracies and rituals. So, let's look at real ways to fire your boss from work.

Become a company owner

The easiest way, but at the same time the most fantastic and difficult to implement, is to become the owner of the enterprise where you work. Indeed, the change of the owner of the enterprise is a sufficient reason for removing the director from the post, even if there are no other weighty reasons.

Truth new owner firms are obliged to immediately offer any other post former leader company, and only in case of his refusal should follow the dismissal.

It should be noted that it is much easier to dismiss the head of an enterprise at the request of the owner than an ordinary employee, since the director is less protected from job loss by law. There have already been precedents in Russian court proceedings when the groundless dismissal of company executives by their owners was not regarded as a violation of the rights of company directors.

The lower legislative protection of heads of organizations from dismissal is associated with the specifics of the functions they perform.

However, it should be noted that it is unlikely that an ordinary employee of the company will have the finances to buy it from the owner, but even if they do, it is unlikely that he will do it on purpose to fire his boss from work.

But there is such an option as the redemption by several employees of the enterprise from its owner. In case it means small firm, this is a very feasible task.

Collect dirt

But still, the boss is not necessarily the director of the company, he can be relative to his subordinates and the head of the department. In this regard, not only the owner of the company, but the director of the enterprise (naturally, if he himself is not one) can dismiss the boss from his job.

The following method is probably the most common option for dismissing your manager. It consists in collecting compromising evidence on him, and compromising evidence can be either directly related to professional activity boss, and personal life.

You can dispose of the collected compromising evidence in different ways, depending on its content and your goals. The main ways to use compromising evidence in order to dismiss the boss from work are as follows:

  • go to the boss and declare that if he does not write a letter of resignation for own will, then the compromising evidence will be transferred to the top management, law enforcement agencies, or simply indulge in disclosure;
  • transfer the available information to the prosecutor's office, police authorities or other state structures;
  • immediately transfer the existing compromising evidence to a higher manager or owner of the company;

The first option is the simplest, since if successful, the desired result will follow almost instantly, but also the most dangerous, since your actions can be perceived as blackmail, and this is already a criminal article against the employee himself, who wants to remove the boss.

It is especially likely that your plan will fail if the collected material is not of critical importance to the leader. In this case, it is quite likely that your actions will turn against you.

The second variant of applying to law enforcement and regulatory authorities seems quite correct and legal. But only he can harm not only your immediate boss, but the company as a whole. And for this leadership, of course, no one will be patted on the head.

The boss is likely to be fired, but with a high degree of probability it can be said that the next in line for dismissal will be the employee who transferred important information to government agencies.

The third option with the transfer of information to the top management of the company seems to be the safest and most correct. No matter how things turn out in the future, in the eyes of the director or owner of the company, you will earn an additional bonus, and if your information reveals the fraudulent schemes of the boss, then the goal of firing him will probably be achieved.

But here it is worth considering one more scenario, that the owner of the company and your boss can be linked in fraud. In this case, an attempt to denigrate the leader in the eyes of the owner will again hit you.


If not only you, but also other employees of the company or department are dissatisfied with the actions of the boss, then there is a real opportunity to use such an effective tool as sabotage against him. Sabotage can be carried out in both covert and open forms.

In the first case, this will be expressed in regular disregard for the orders of the chief while creating the appearance of their execution and in the disruption of the tasks assigned to him.

In general, the main goal is to create an environment in which either the boss himself will write a letter of resignation of his own free will, realizing the impossibility of managing a team hostile to him, or he will be removed from his post by senior management, seeing that as a leader he cannot cope with his immediate responsibilities.

This form of sabotage is called the Italian strike.

It is also possible to carry out sabotage in an open form in the form of a boycott and outright disobedience to the orders of the boss. With this form of protest, the top management of the enterprise in the form of an ultimatum is given a condition to dismiss the manager who did not get along with his subordinates.

Of course, sabotage is a strong enough remedy against a picky boss, but during the boycott, the main thing is to show the cohesion and unity of the team on the way to the goal, otherwise not the leader will be fired, but those few employees who dared to oppose him.

So carrying out sabotage or an open boycott requires a long preliminary preparation, and in the strictest secrecy, so that all your undertakings do not turn against you and you are not left without work before your boss.

We started with the least likely option for dismissing the boss and will end up the same way. You can fire your boss by standing on career ladder above him.

Of course, this is a rather long way, and also difficult to implement, since rarely do subordinates rise above their recent boss. The more likely option is that the boss will be fired or promoted, and you will begin to lead instead of him.

But even if you manage to jump over the head of your immediate supervisor, then in this case the meaning of his dismissal may disappear by itself. His dismissal may simply be of no interest to you, since now he will not decide what to do and determine your future professional destiny.

If, during his leadership, the boss has annoyed his former subordinate so much that the thirst for revenge has not quenched, then it will be much more pleasant to see this person in his former role, forcing him to experience everything you have experienced before, than just dismiss him.

But in any case, when implementing this plan, you will kill two birds with one stone: get rid of the nitpicking and demands of an annoying boss and significantly increase your professional status.

What do we have

Of course, there are a lot of ways to fire a boss who treats you badly, both completely legal and not very. Only some of them have been listed here. But before putting your plan into action, think carefully about whether it will turn against you? Maybe you can still find a common language with your boss by making mutual concessions?

Or is it possible that what seems like unnecessary nit-picking on the part of management is actually quite legitimate demands on subordinates? You should also think about the option of changing jobs yourself, and not looking for an opportunity to fire your boss.

The most detailed description: how to remove a conspiracy or prayer from a bad person's work - for our readers and subscribers.

If you need a person to be fired from work - strong conspiracies from our ancestors

There are work colleagues with whom it is impossible to get along in the same office. They interfere with you, create a bunch of unpleasant situations, so why not get rid of them forever? Now you will learn how to make a person fired from work - conspiracies for this have existed for a long time.

Quarrels in work collective undermine our health, but you can quickly get rid of a harmful employee. Remove the enemy with an occult rite. So do many sorcerers with secret knowledge. We will start by identifying the one who is "hooking up" you.

Learning to identify enemies at work

Before applying the conspiracy to dismiss, you need to determine the target for the strike. There is a special rite to calculate the enemy. Procedure:

  1. Find the nearest Christian holiday on the calendar.
  2. In the evening (on the eve of the holiday), read the plot to identify the enemy.
  3. Go to bed.
  4. Look closely at your visions this night - they will be prophetic.

The image of an ill-wisher can flash sporadically, so be extremely careful. Don't fire someone from a job without a good reason. The one you dreamed about will later have to be punished. Conspiracy text:

“I look around the rows, looking for a bad worker. I see Saint Samson, I call on him to open my eyes, to send a prophetic dream. I want to see the one who plots me. The Holy Trinity will show the way, and I will be able to remove the accursed adversary. Give me an enemy, Christ, I will give you eternal praise. Amen".

Types of magical rituals associated with dismissal

There are many rituals associated with the dismissal of someone who interferes with your work in peace. Some cast spells on salt, others on paper. In the second case, you will have to stock up on a black pen and a white sheet. Action algorithm:

  1. Openly quarrel with the enemy (hook him harder, let him throw out his rage).
  2. In the middle of an argument, turn around abruptly and leave the office.
  3. Mentally cast a spell (“I stand in front of an empty place, fie three times on you”).
  4. Go to your workplace, sit down at the table, put a blank sheet in front of you.
  5. Sketch out your enemy and cross out his image with a cross.
  6. Now start sketching the picture angrily, repeating the main part of the spell three times.
  7. Go to the toilet with a sheet, tear up the paper and flush it down the toilet.
  8. As you do this, say, "From now on, your place is here."

After reading the plot, a colleague will begin to make irreparable mistakes. Watch for his missteps, point them out to superiors. Conspiracy text:

"Go away from here, new job find yourself. Leave this job to me, don't you dare think about it again. Amen".

Rite with land taken at the crossroads

To perform this rite, go late in the evening to the intersection, which has not yet had time to asphalt. Gather some land there, whisper a spell: "I take the land without ambition for the sake of justice." Now go home (it is forbidden to communicate with passers-by or look back). Further procedure:

  1. Wait for the waning moon.
  2. Spread a black cloth on the kitchen table.
  3. Pour the collected earth on the matter.
  4. Draw three inverted crosses with a ritual knife (right on the ground).
  5. Read the second part of the spell.
  6. Write information about the enemy on a piece of paper (name, surname, place of work, etc.).
  7. Burn the information paper.

To fire your opponent with a guarantee, mix the ashes with the charmed earth. If there is a photograph of the enemy in the arsenal, we remove the paper and set the photo on fire. The text of the second plot:

“Dark forces, otherworldly spirits, fall on my adversary (colleague's name), let him want to quit. Torment him, frighten him, force me to make a decision that is beneficial to me. Live from this world and from this world. Days and nights do not feel sorry for him until he goes to write a statement. My word is strong."

poppy and salt

There is a solution on how to make a person quit his job - a conspiracy to salt. Take a package of salt and poppy seeds, select three handfuls of each substance, place in a bowl. Mix everything with a knife, orienting counterclockwise. After that, you need to bend over the container and say the spell seven times. The rite is going on with a flawed moon - this is an important point.

The charmed mixture must be dragged into your opponent's office and scattered in four corners. Throw grains on the threshold, in the drawers of the desk, on the bookshelves. The rest of the mixture is scattered on the opposite side of the office. Conspiracy text:

“I overcome thresholds and barriers, I penetrate you like a black snake. I bring quarrels, sorrows and the collapse of all plans. Salt will be your grief, poppy - combustible tears. I knead the trouble, I mix it, I send it to the servant of God (the name is called). So that you are kicked out of work, and good people do not shake hands. I close my mouth to the lock, I throw the key into the blue ocean. No one can interrupt my plans. May it be so".

Ritual with a black candle

For witchcraft, you will need an empty jar, a white sheet, nettle with vinegar, black woolen thread, and a pen. The rod in the pen must be black. You also need to stock up on a black (not church) candle. Procedure:

  1. Write the name of the enemy collaborator seven times on a piece of paper.
  2. Draw crosswise (also 7 times) the phrase "go away."
  3. Sprinkle a handful of dried nettle on a leaf.
  4. Make a bundle and fasten it with woolen thread.
  5. Place the bundle in a jar, fill with vinegar.
  6. Screw the jar with a lid, place a black candle on top.
  7. Say the plot many times (the candle must burn out completely).

Spell text: “Blaze, my candle, drive away evil people from me, drive my enemy away. Let him bypass my life. Let him leave this place forever and never return. Amen".

Dismissing by photo

This rite, like the previous ones, belongs to the sphere of black magic. Therefore, get down to business when the usual means of struggle have been exhausted. You will need:

  • scissors;
  • photo of an angry colleague;
  • water;
  • threads;
  • thick white candle.

Pass a burning candle over the picture (this is done three times counterclockwise). Cut two threads from the spool, put them in a cross over the photo. Arm yourself with a ritual knife, draw an imaginary cross three times over the image of the enemy. Say a spell:

“In your face (the name of the employee) I drive with a candle, I seal it with a cross and a knife. You don’t go around here anymore, don’t plot intrigues, don’t interfere with me. Goodbye forever, leave this job, leave me alone. Amen".

How to get rid of the boss

The most difficult situation is when your manager needs to be kicked out of the office. In reality, this is difficult to do, but here dark magic comes to the rescue. Go to the crossroads of paths (the nearest park will do) and get some land there. Taking three handfuls, go home and after sunset proceed to the ritual itself. Here's what needs to be done:

  1. Pour the earth onto a black cloth (a similar ritual was described above).
  2. Draw inverted crosses with a ritual knife.
  3. Burn the picture of the boss.
  4. Mix the ash with the soil.
  5. Read the conspiracy.

Magical text: “Horse and foot people wander through forest crossroads, they don’t know the way, they stray and get lost. So my boss (name), let him go astray, start making mistakes. You will leave the service, you will not be able to avoid losses. The road to work is disgusting, you want to step over the threshold. I close your way back, I seal it with crosses. Amen".

The last rite is considered the most powerful - soon the boss will leave his familiar place. Remember that black magic is fraught with various bad consequences. Visit temples, periodically atone for sins.

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Conspiracies against enemies in the workplace

If you have moved to a new place of work or already in a real team you feel the hostility of the team, then you can apply magical rituals. In this case, a conspiracy is needed from enemies at work. Such a conspiracy will provide you with energy protection, you can feel calm.

Conspiracy from enemies at work

How does a conspiracy work?

A conspiracy from ill-wishers at work is a text where there is a special energy. By reading it, a person clears his energy field from the negative that an outsider can bring.

What does an unfriendly attitude at work from colleagues mean, it means that you are envied. Envy is a pretty destructive feeling. It is like a bullet makes holes in the energy of the one who is envied. As a result, this affects the psychological and physical well-being of a person. He feels worse, often catches himself that he is in a bad mood.

I must say that envy destroys not only the one to whom it is directed, but also this feeling is destructive for the one who experiences it. Therefore, if you notice behind yourself that you like to envy people, then it is better to perform a magical ritual against envy on yourself.

How to read a conspiracy from envy?

In order for conspiracies from enemies at work to work especially well, it is necessary to read, do them, observing the following rules:

  1. It will be better to remove envy against you if you perform this ritual during the period when the moon is waning. Thus, the moon, along with itself, will take the negative consequences of envy to the dark side. All bad things will decrease along with the heavenly body.
  2. If you yourself decide to read the conspiracy from envy at work, from enemies, then it is important to understand every word that is written in the conspiracy. The more consciously you will treat the text that you will read, the more likely it will work one hundred percent. If a word in the text is not clear, then be sure to figure out its meaning, otherwise the energy protection will work much less.
  3. Before reading the plot directly, you can read prayers. Prayers will help you get rid of the negativity that you received during envy. This means that during the pronunciation of the conspiracy you will be more pure, the vibrations will be higher, which means that the sentence will work much better. Prayers are very good way improve the action of the conspiracy. Prayers especially help when you want the ritual to work forever from envious people.
  4. Even if a person experiences very unkind feelings towards ill-wishers and envious people, you need to read the text with bright feelings. Protection will work even better if you just try to get rid of envy, but not send new evil to your ill-wishers. By the way, it will be even more effective to get rid of them.

In what situations is a conspiracy from envious people used?

A person himself clearly feels when he is envied, but sometimes people are naive and do not understand that protection in the form of a conspiracy will help here. Here is a list of such situations:

  • A strong conspiracy, protection can be applied if a person is promoted. Alas, in such a situation there will always be people who will be against you. You may not know about it, but you need to protect yourself from them.
  • If you work in a women's team, and lately your personal life has been very successful, then you must also apply protection in the form of a conspiracy from enemies. Surrounding women will envy personal happiness, this is obvious. Sometimes the envy of women is so strong that you find out that a person quit because of a bad attitude of the team. Here, a conspiracy at work will help you feel more confident.
  • Perhaps in real life do not notice that you are envied. But I have a dream, more than once, that something bad is happening at work. This means that the subconscious mind throws up information that not everything is fine at work. In this case, for prevention, you can also perform a magical ritual for protection.
  • If you are behind on work, but this cannot be connected with external reasons, that is, you are working in the same mode, then you may have been damaged. Here, too, a magical ritual from enemies is suitable.

Ritual from envious people for salt

It is very easy to carry out conspiracies to protect t enemies at your work for salt. This substance absorbs information remarkably. For salt, you can even make not a whole big conspiracy with a ritual, but just a small whisper. If you say a whisper vigorously, with the right feelings, then it will sometimes bring even more results than if you do a big ritual.

In order to do this ritual, you need a new pack of salt, a church candle. It is necessary to carry out this magical ritual at home, be sure to choose a day when the moon will be waning.

Stay alone in the evening. In the room where you will speak the salt, it is necessary that no one else be there. No people, not even pets. It is also important to turn off all electrical appliances that are in this room.

Light a candle. Just look at the burning candle for two or three minutes. This will help you calm your mind, you will come to your senses. When the thoughts in the head subside, the soul becomes calm, which means that the time has come to begin the ritual.

Sprinkle some salt on a saucer. Close your eyes, now you need to remember your enemies and envious people. It is important that now the feeling that you experience when you are envied returns. When the soul is filled with these feelings, open your eyes and say the following text:

“Whoever has salt in the eyes, salt on the soul. To return, all that they wanted. Leave, step back, take away, carry away.

Sit in a relaxed position for a few more minutes. After that, the salt that you spoke should be poured into a linen bag, it should be tight.

The next day you need to come and sprinkle this salt at work. Of course so that it was hidden from the eyes of strangers. You can even pour it in the toilet to clean the energy in the entire office at once. After this ritual, people will be much less likely to gossip in such an office. There are real cases when, after such a conspiracy, the envious themselves repented and asked for forgiveness from those to whom they did nasty things. If they did, of course.

A conspiracy from envy on a red thread

A conspiracy from ill-wishers at work, how to read? Another strong and effective method to get rid of envious people is to conduct a ritual against enemies on a red thread. The ritual is strong, but very easy to perform.

You will need a new red thread. This magical ritual against ill-wishers is carried out immediately at work, nothing needs to be done somewhere before that. Therein lies its convenience.

The most difficult task of this ritual is that you need to be at work before all the employees. Lay out with a new red thread a circle around your workplace. Sit in the middle yourself and say the following words:

“Where there is a thread, there is a circle, where there is no envy, there is no grief, everything bad, everything bad is repulsed from the round circle. It beats back up high or low, as it never falls. Nothing was returned to anyone, protection for everyone, the circle protects everyone, especially me.

With the help of such a circle, you will protect yourself first of all, but together with yourself you will make the space of the entire office much cleaner and better at once. Now the power of gossip and conspiracies will definitely not work on you. But I must say that after this ritual, such envious energy will, in principle, become less in this workspace.

Consequences of the ritual against enemies

They cannot but rejoice at the consequences of the ritual against enemies. After it, relationships with people become simpler and more understandable. It becomes much easier for people in a clean space to show sincerity, love, and care.

Strong video prayer from enemies and evil people at work

Prayer from enemies at work and in case of difficulties in business,

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If before the ritual a person would unconsciously and quickly do something bad to another person, now he will do something completely different. After a conspiracy, people first of all learn to track negative emotions, they do it better. Here a person feels that he is beginning to envy, but instead of stupidly expressing his envy, he simply feels it in himself. That is, the number of negative actions on his part is noticeably reduced. So, this is an incredibly strong conspiracy from enemies at your work, which should even be carried out periodically for prevention.

A conspiracy to remove a bad person from work

Our life is arranged in such a way that a person must work. However, in small office, and in a solid enterprise, strife sometimes arises between employees. These can be small misunderstandings related to production, and sharp conflicts that seriously spoil life and cause a reluctance to go to work.

If you suddenly began to understand that someone is plotting you and doing all sorts of dirty tricks, it seems that you have crossed the path of a colleague. You can know exactly your enemy, or you can only guess who is the source of evil. And if you don’t have the strength to endure the antics of the enemy, try resorting to magic. Unknown defenders will help to eliminate the enemy.

Determining and punishing the enemy with a magic word

First, make sure who exactly is negative towards you. To do this, perform a ceremony to determine the enemy. Subsequently, you will be able to pronounce his name when reading conspiracies aimed at dismissing the "pest" from work.

Having learned from the calendar that tomorrow is a religious holiday, say the following magical text before going to bed:

“I go, the servant of God (name) and look around the rows. Among the rows I see Saint Samson. I call on the name of the Lord to help and ask Samson to give me a prophetic dream. I want to dream about the face of my damned enemy. May the Holy Trinity show me the way to get rid of the harmful adversary. May Christ himself bless my dream and betray my enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From now on and forever. Amen".

After reading the last lines, go to bed. Dreams this night should be significant. They will definitely flash the image of an ill-wisher.

So, when you know who exactly spoils your life, try to punish the enemy with a magical conspiracy. Read it three times in a row after the red sun sets over the horizon.

“I read the words of a magical conspiracy not for the sake of my own meanness, not from envious thoughts and not from a sincere heart. I, the servant of God (name), took this text for the sake of necessity. Having embarked on the path of despair, I understand that I have my own place under the sun and my own destiny. No one should harm me and spoil my life. I also do not accept bad deeds. I order anyone who tries to cross my path: roll to the side of fate and suffer there for years. Do not climb into my life, but destroy yours, deprive yourself of peace for centuries. I supplement my words with the desire to punish everyone who decides to offend me. I affirm myself as a servant of God (name), who walks under the Lord God and is protected by the Creator. From now on, I am not afraid of anyone, but I myself will not do evil. However, the one who does something wrong with me, I will kill with one thought. My intercessor is the One God, and he is the judge of all. May it be so! Amen".

After watching a prophetic dream and reading a conspiracy for punishment, observe the events in the team. Perhaps someone from your work environment will start to get sick, complain about material difficulties, talk about family strife. This is your enemy. Also, on his life path, unforeseen circumstances must necessarily arise that will force him to release workplace.

Rite to the ground from the crossroads

What if the enemy stays at work and continues to "poison" you? Proceed to the next mysterious action. Its essence is that in the evening and alone, you need to go to an unpaved intersection and collect three handfuls of earth from it with your bare hands. As you take the land, whisper:

“Mother Earth, I take you not for my own ambitions, but for the fight for justice.”

Now go home (without looking back and without talking to fellow travelers) and wait for the waning moon to appear in the sky. Spread a piece of black cloth on an empty table and pour out the brought earth. With a ritual knife or forefinger, draw three inverted crosses and say three times:

“I appeal to you, unclean spirits and dark forces! Pounce on my hated enemy (name) and scare him. Torment him from early morning, do not let him go on a broad day and do not pity him on a dark night.

In the next stage of witchcraft, write down on white paper the basic information about the enemy, starting with the full name. Then burn the leaf and mix the ashes with the earth. If there is a photo of a hostile person, do not write information about her. Instead of paper, set fire to the picture and let its ashes connect to the ground. While your hands are busy with this work, repeat:

“Just as pedestrians and riders used the crossroads, not knowing the way, so you, my adversary (name), will lose your way to life. Either hurry up to leave the service yourself, or expect all the bad things that can happen to a person. Let your road to ... (place of work) bore you and become unbearable. Do not reach out, enemy, to your familiar place. Let the devil beckon you over the threshold. From this moment I block you every path and road leading to our doorstep. May my strong words be spoken in time, may they carry my evil intent into the Universe. And so be it, and not otherwise.

Relations with superiors play important role in the script career development and business progress. turns out to be a difficult psychological test for many people. When the leader does not control himself, the problem is gaining momentum. Not everyone can tolerate rudeness, but a decent response requires strength. What do you do if your boss is being defiant? How to deal with rudeness and tyranny? When is it better to remain silent and what actions are suitable for emergency situations? Answers to questions will be given by applied psychology business communication.

What are the bosses?

Leading people is a complex art that requires a set of certain qualities from a person: self-control, flexibility, ambition, sociability, organization ... the list goes on forever. When work in a team does not stick, it is worth thinking about the competence of the boss.

Destructive leaders are the destroyers of the office world and order. You can’t cook porridge with them, and you can’t solve things. But problems are always in abundance.

  • Creepy- This is a god of the middle order. He is a small boss on errands of a big boss. Today he is pleased with your work, and tomorrow he gives you a dressing, having received criticism from higher management.
  • Dictator- will not let you say a word against. Does not accept criticism, advice, does not hear wishes. He thinks he knows everything better than you. And even if you are a first-class architect, and he does not distinguish between a load-bearing wall and a non-bearing wall, his authoritarian wishes are undeniable.
  • slob- his element is lack of assembly, disorganization. He forgets about important meetings, deadlines, assignments, does not control the progress of work, breaking down on subordinates for their mistakes.
  • Sadist- fool who knows everything weak sides subordinates. He loves to tease. The sadist is firmly attached to the victim, skillfully steps on the sore calluses, humiliating the person. The tyrant experiences sadistic love for his subordinates. He cultivates in the team a sense of dependence and slavish obedience, instilling a sense of fear in his subordinates.
  • Actor- plays competent specialist. His only goal is to maintain the image, even by humiliating subordinates.
  • Coward- Fear of competition. He is suspicious and seeks to avert the slightest danger. Humiliating subordinates, he kills the spirit of rivalry in the team.
  • Father-mentor, mother-director- Most of the time, paternal-type leaders professionally cope with their duties. Manifestations of destructive behavior appear unexpectedly, but soon pass without bringing obvious destructive consequences.

Your response to your boss depends on the causes and forms of inappropriate behavior.

Inappropriate Leader Behavior:

  • increased intonation, rough speech,
  • ridicule and belittle the dignity of subordinates,
  • familiar behavior,
  • flirting, obscene allusions,
  • passive-pejorative gestures (humiliation in a veiled form: sarcastic remarks, ambiguous smiles, hints).

These are signs of unprofessionalism. In Russia, the literacy of the managerial level is poorly developed.

Positions often go to the strongest, but not the most worthy. Assess your strengths and capabilities before joining the fight.

The slightest mistake will be your defeat and worsen the situation at work.

How to put in place a presumptuous leader?

  • calmness. Don't get emotional. In an excited state, you are easier to manipulate. Start preparing for the conversation early. Take a couple of minutes, close your eyes. Breathe smoothly: inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Repeat several times. Don't beat yourself up before talking. Stay calm, even, try not to show emotions. Calmness will moderate the ardor of the boss.
  • Politeness. When the leader is rude, ask him to justify the reasons for the behavior. Speak in a cold, reserved tone, politely. Show that you are educated. Uncultured behavior is a sign of low intellectual development. You are above rudeness. In business ethics there is no place for unprofessional communication. Politeness and restraint are a sign of courage. Controlling emotions means conquering fears. Having mastered yourself, you become an uninteresting toy for the boss of a sadist or actor.
  • Face to face conversation. Public attacks on superiors are fraught with unpleasant consequences. To avoid them, choose a place and time to talk with the boss in private. Try to find out what he doesn't like about your job. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write it down. If any of the above is not true, ask again. By forcing the boss to repeat the lie, you focus attention not on the illegality and incorrectness of his actions, awakening his conscience.

If the boss is a tyrant, in a personal conversation you can make an attempt to hurt his conceit. In this case, there are 2 nuances:

  • Self-doubt and natural timidity will prevent you from winning the clash. Exodus: tyranny will become tougher.
  • You risk going overboard. Relations with the boss will deteriorate completely, and your workplace will be in question.

During the conversation, do not let's wipe our feet on ourselves, show the inner core and confidence. Do not give in to provocations. If during a conversation the boss attacks you and engages in a skirmish, imagine yourself under the protection of a glass dome. You are inside and the boss is outside. His rough and aggressive lunges bounce off the glass surface without touching you. While you fantasize, the boss will cool off. Start talking when the boss has let off steam and finished his tirade. Do not interrupt, do not try to shout down the boss, as you will aggravate the situation.

  • Ignoring. Suitable for interacting with bosses who show aggression inconsistently: creepy, slob, mother director. In their case, negative attacks have a specific reason. Bosses are people too and they have their weaknesses. A sense of increased responsibility, almost paternal love for the team, makes the father-boss go beyond business communication. The slob is aggressive in the event of major setbacks. Creepy boss behaves inappropriately after a shake-up from upper management. It is easier to survive such attacks, immersed in work, trying not to pay attention to the raging management.
  • non-verbal tricks. With leaders-dictators, methods of verbal influence are powerless. You can convey your dissatisfaction to an authoritarian leader with the help of gestures, facial expressions, gaze, and intonation. This method is suitable for employees, especially those who value their workplace. By influencing the subconscious, you will avoid direct confrontation and bypass conflict situations.

Indirect methods of influencing the boss or boss

A person receives about 80% of information in a non-verbal way! If you build a model of behavior correctly, the information will be firmly entrenched in the boss at a subconscious level.

  • Forget about smiling. Don't try to smooth things over by smiling at your boss at an awkward moment.

Be serious. Women in communication with men on a subconscious level use a smile to achieve sympathy. IN business relations this trick may not work.

Smiling awkwardly, you show gentleness and provoke an attack, especially a sadist, dictator and actor. Emotionless facial expression cools the boss's ardor.

  • Follow your gaze. Look into the eyes of your boss. If you find it difficult to maintain eye contact, keep your gaze at the level of the nose. When you lower your eyes, you recognize the strength of the interlocutor. On a subconscious level, he feels that you have given up and goes on the offensive.
  • Control gestures. Lowering of the head, constant nodding, nervous gestures, defensive postures and movements, and weakness. Watch your behavior:
  • Don't lean back in communication with the boss;
  • Don't look for extra support in the form of a table or chair when standing in front of the boss;
  • Don't fence yourself off from him with crossed arms and legs;
  • Stop blowing away non-existent dust particles and remove fictitious specks from clothes;
  • Take your hands off your face and lift up your eyes;
  • Express consent with a restrained single nod;
  • Formulate phrases accurately and answer questions.

  • Do not hesitate, trying to avoid the answer. Hiding behind vague phrases, you confess insecurity and weakness.
  • Work on your clothes. Business style in clothes is a symbol of distance. A formal dress code exposes a subconscious frame of communication in the head of the boss. Not in vain in large companies employees are required to comply with mandatory requirements for appearance, the main of which is business style clothes.
  • Do not pay attention to jokes and provocations. The lack of the expected response will disrupt the boss's plans. Move on to discussing work issues without noticing sarcasm and inappropriate jokes. This technique does not work with tyrant leaders. Silence for them is a sign of weakness and fear, which acts on sadists like a red rag on a bull.

Dealing with habitual non-verbal responses is difficult, but necessary if you want to show your boss his place.

When choosing a response method, focus on own forces and character of the leader. The more you take into account individual factors, the more effective your behavior will be.

What can not be done?

  • Silently endure public insults. So you risk losing the respect of not only your boss, but also your colleagues.
  • Answer rudely. Rudeness breeds new aggression. Do not stoop to the level of a boor, respect your dignity.
  • Criticize the boss. No boss likes criticism. If your boss is a dictator, you risk deepening the conflict. Judging the boss in a fit of anger, you provoke a negative release on you. A single aggressive attack will turn into a persistent dislike on the part of the leader.
  • Humbly ask for forgiveness and take the blame. So you humiliate your own dignity and untie the hands of a tyrant. You will be held responsible for all incidents in the office. Such behavior is especially dangerous with a sadist and a slob. If respect in the team does not play a big role for you, or the dialogue with the boss takes place in private, you can take the blame for communicating with a dictator or a coward. Aggressive attacks will stop.

Forewarned is forearmed!

Conflicts with superiors are easier to prevent than to deal with their consequences.

  • Strive for a balance of interests. often arise from misunderstanding. The boss does not seek to explain his position and desires to subordinates, and employees tolerate and silently carry out the vague tasks of the leader. Bottom line: dissatisfaction on both sides. Look for benefits for yourself and for your superiors. Find the optimal balance of interests.

  • Understand the boss. Take a closer look at the boss. By studying his habits, requirements, character traits, you can avoid controversial situations and conflicts. Knowing the hidden causes of inappropriate behavior gives you a secret weapon in the fight against boss misconduct.
  • Set up a dialogue. People open up in communication. Through dialogue, it is possible to convey to a person not only verbal information, but also an internal state. Surely you have seen employees who are able to calm the father-boss in anger or influence the leader - slovenly. It's all about the right approach to communication, and every boss has weaknesses.
  • Confidence from day one. When you get a new job, . Sadists and actors avoid clashes with such people. Excessive confidence can unnerve the boss - a coward or a dictator. It depends on the leader how much you can raise the bar of your fearlessness.

You can find a balance of relationships with any boss. Be careful and don't be afraid of guidance.

Posted On Dec 31, 2017

Find a common language with superiors

When there is no work, there is trouble. And when there is work, but there is no mutual understanding with the management, it is also a disaster. change the situation in better side a conspiracy on the boss will help.

Such magical rites are designed to protect the employee from moral bullying and eternal chicanery from the direct superiors. And, if the ritual is carried out correctly, after a few days, the person will feel how the tension at work gradually disappears, and normal relations are established with the boss.

A special approach is needed to leadership, which can be categorized as energy vampires. Such cannot calm down until their subordinate is deprived of emotional balance.

Don't let the leader cross the line

Most of the employees, so that the bosses love them. At the same time, keeping in mind good attitude and financial incentives. However, the proportion of female employees, such a wording can often mean a non-ambiguous interest on the part of the manager. Of course, there is nothing to worry about if the feelings and desire to be together are mutual. But what do you do when a potential relationship with your boss isn't exciting? Quit or step over your "I"?

You can stop harassment with the help of a special ritual. For its implementation, you need to purchase a lock. The plot is made at dawn, turning to face the sunrise. The lock must be open, and the following words are read on it:

“As the red sun rises in the vault of heaven, so I, the slave (name), run away from the lover (name) and take refuge in the vault of heaven. Amen".

Such simple words must be memorized and pronounced seven times. Then, the lock must be buried in a place where no one walks, and the key to it should be thrown into a river or other body of water.

Gets rid of the vampire boss

Protect yourself with a spell

How often do you have a headache after another planning meeting, your mood worsens, your pulse quickens, and other uncomfortable sensations appear? Of course, this can be attributed to a general malaise, but if this is repeated systematically, it is better to think about how to get rid of the boss - an energy vampire and protect yourself and your health.

Of course, such a leader may not be aware of such an impact, but it is worth resolving the situation quickly. As in the previous case, this ceremony is performed at dawn. The following incantation is pronounced:

“I will stand up (name) in front of the sun. As you, the sun, warm, warm, protect the plants, so protect me (name), from the evil influence (name of the boss), protect and give me health. Amen".

The plot is read seven times without straying. Additional preparations are not required.

Escaping from picky leadership

Know how to properly accept nit-picking bosses

No one is immune from the nitpicking of the authorities. But, it's one thing when the criticism is sensible, but quite another when nitpicking is poured at every step with or without reason. And it does not matter that the employee makes every effort so that the boss does not find fault. It is clear that in such a situation, the work becomes a burden, and the salary is not a joy.

A special ritual will help to radically change circumstances. Before carrying out a plot from the boss's chicanery, some preparations must be made. For the ritual you will need: a small small plate and salt. Before reading the text, you need to pour seven pinches of salt into a plate and slander them:

“Salt-salt, take with you bad thoughts, but bad speeches. Let resentment and anger go away. Amen".

Then salt must be poured at front door organizations, the door of the chief and in the corners of the office. All procedures must be done in such a way that no one notices.

How to fire your boss

How to fire your boss...

If relations with management are at an impasse, and there is no desire to quit, then the best option would be a conspiracy to remove the evil boss. It is quite simple to carry out the ritual and it can be done right at the workplace. For this on clean slate paper draw the leader (diagrammatic drawing). Then methodically cross out the image and read the plot to dismiss the boss:

“Go, go, find another job for yourself, but leave this one, forget about it and don’t remember it. Amen."

How to fire employees: a step-by-step algorithm for the head of the use of capital punishment

Russian managers resort to provocations to get rid of objectionable employees, which is especially important in times of crisis. However, it is not always possible to fire people by conventional means. Not everyone is ready to sign an application of their own free will; not everyone sins with being late and absenteeism either. In this situation, leaders go to tricks, and often to meanness, pushing subordinates to actions for which they can easily be expelled from work, the Trud newspaper writes.

Before the New Year, a case of good French cognac appeared in the office of one of the development companies near Moscow. He stood in the corridor open and ownerless. After a couple of days, the employees began to slowly take out a bottle from him, no one beat them on the hands for this.

On December 29, the workers decided not to waste time on trifles and emptied the whole box, and began to drink its contents in the classrooms. Exactly at that moment, the head of the company suddenly became furious and demanded explanations from the staff about what the hell they were drinking at the workplace, and even cognac, specially purchased for gifts to customers.

No one has come up with strong arguments in their defence. The offending employees sat down to write explanatory notes, and the boss raged throughout the office.

On the last working day of last year, a third of the staff of this company wrote letters of resignation of their own free will. Otherwise, they were threatened with dismissal under the article for drunkenness in the office. Those who tried to refuse to write a statement were threatened with accusations of theft and contacting the police.

According to one of the dismissed Alexei M, in this way his former boss solved the problem of downsizing - the need for this measure has been discussed since the beginning of the economic crisis.

«In this situation the worker is powerless, - the lawyer of the Moscow collegium of lawyers "Nikolaev and partners" Pavel Lambrov comments. - The fact of drinking alcoholic beverages at the workplace is obvious. Dismissal on this basis is not against the law.

According to Lambrov, no one forced the employees to drink, they did it on own initiative, and even in work time This means that the actions of the employer, no matter how they look from a human point of view, can be considered quite justified.

When employees do not want to "go to the bath"

The cognac case is not the only one in the varied menu of provocations and tricks. In one of the Nizhny Novgorod travel companies The boss chose a different tactic. Since all the staff sat in a common office, and the heating system was controlled from the chief's office, he simply set the temperature to the maximum, arranging a real bath for his subordinates.

The workers were subjected to these torments for the only reason: part of the team had a conflict with the leader, and the boss tried with all his might to squeeze the dissatisfied out of the company. Unable to withstand the office heat, all the "protesters" quit their jobs.

“We had no choice,” says Tatyana, one of the victims, “we asked to lower the temperature, but in response we only heard that the system had broken down. I had to write a statement. Thank God that by that time we had been looking for a new job for a long time, so now everyone is employed.

According to the estimates of lawyers interviewed by Trud, such behavior of the boss is contrary to sanitary and labor protection standards. However, in order to prove the fact of violation of the law, the employees had to arrange an examination in the office, paying for it at their own expense and conducting it with the consent of the employer. Since this was not done, there is no one to ask now.

According to Tatyana, her former colleagues, who remained at the firm, work in quite comfortable temperature conditions, so it is already impossible to prove anything.

"Chemical Attack"

The employees of a small commercial enterprise in Samara. They also had a conflict with the boss. The head could not dismiss the staff under the article - there was no reason. Then he resorted to a "chemical attack" - he started a weekly repainting of the office walls.

“It was simply impossible to be in a constant stink of paint,” says Viktor Kolomeychuk, one of the opponents of the former boss, “and there was no need for repairs.

The head decided on such a costly way to get rid of the dissatisfied because he had a long-expired stock of paint in his warehouse, which had to be used somehow, and the company's office itself should be demolished in February of this year.

After two weeks of constant repairs and headaches from the smell of paint, some of the employees wrote statements of their own free will. Here, as in the case of the temperature in the office, expertise was needed. The employees did not think to carry it out.

28.10.2014 08:25

From my point of view, a "strong-willed" leader, i.e.

one that screams, threatens, demands, punishes, takes revenge, pursues - a stupid leader. Firstly, he himself does not think, because he is in the position of the Parent, and secondly, by stimulating the Child of the subordinate, he blocks the mind of the performer and dooms the case to failure.

A smart leader explains, asks questions, listens to other people's opinions, supports the initiative of subordinates, usually is in the position of an Adult. It seems that he is not in command, but he is being commanded. Such a leader can safely go on vacation, and his absence will not adversely affect the state of affairs.

But now let's talk about subordinates, because managers usually don't read my books. Smart because smart. For them, the content of my books is taken for granted. Even without a book, they act exactly as I write about it in my books.

They are stupid because they are stupid, and they are outraged by my thesis, in which I propose that in the process of communication, if it fails, they take responsibility for themselves. A stupid leader blames his subordinates for everything. He cannot understand in any way that if his subordinate does not follow his orders, then it is he, the boss, who should be responsible. You need to know your personnel, which he himself selected, and not give orders to those employees who cannot fulfill this order.

But for smart subordinates who have stupid bosses, my recommendations are suitable.

The taming of the obstinate boss

T., a teacher of mathematics at a university (by the way, mathematicians, as a rule, easily learn the principle of depreciation), clashed with his head of the department. He faced a dilemma - either quit or kowtow to his boss. I didn’t want to quit, but I couldn’t grovel like his other colleagues. On the advice of his friends, he turned to me for advice.

The last conflict arose on the following soil. Once a month, a conference is held at their department, to which mathematicians from other educational institutions come; gathering about 150 people. Our hero entered the auditorium five minutes before the start of the conference. Standing in the aisle, he peacefully talked with acquaintances whom he had not seen for quite a long time. The audience was not entirely clean, but he had nothing to do with cleaning.

At that moment, the head of the department O. appeared and a dialogue began between them.

O. (tensely): Look - dirt!
T. (bewildered): But these are not my duties.
O. (with undisguised irritation): You see, you don't care about the honor of the collective! You can get past the mud, but I can't! I alone have to delve into everything!
T. (lowering his head and looking frowningly): And what should I have done?
O. (with annoyance): Couldn't you organize the cleaning? If you had removed it yourself, nothing would have happened to you!
T. then complained to his friend:

Here's an old fool! Why is he attached to me? Do you know who is responsible for cleaning?

Let's analyze the psychological structure of this dialogue and find T's mistake. The partner's mistake is obvious, it doesn't matter much to us. O. indicated the presence of dirt in the audience (B-B). And T. began to talk about functional duties employees. Did the head of the department know them? Of course he did. T. said nothing new to him. Therefore, the direction of the response vector T. was along the R-D line. The psychological content of such an answer is: “Old fool! Don't you know that the teachers don't clean the classrooms?!

Thus, communication took the form of crossed transactions. T. pricked Child O. It threw energy into the position of the Parent, from which followed an injection into Child T. In T.'s complaint to a friend, when he called the boss an old fool, the psychological, that is, hidden, content became apparent. The figure makes this provision especially clear: such an analysis became the basis for working out the depreciation technique.

When the conference was again scheduled a month later, T. took up his starting position in the aisle five minutes before the start. O entered the audience. This time the dialogue went like this:

O. (tensely): Look - dirt!
T. (looking directly into the eyes of O.): Yes, dirt!
On the face of O. bewilderment. He is silent.
T. (continues sympathetically): You see, no one cares about the honor of the collective. Everyone walks past the dirt! You have to delve into everything! (Preventive depreciation - M. L.)
O. is silent, but confusion is replaced by bewilderment. It is felt that he can not figure out what to answer.
T. (continues already with enthusiasm, because he realized that the initiative is in his hands): If I had come 20 minutes earlier, I would have organized the cleaning. Worst case scenario, I would remove it myself. Nothing would happen to me!
O. (Recovering a little, with increasing tension): What else was missing!

I know who should do it! Ask Lyudmila Prokopievna to come to my office after the lecture (laboratory assistant responsible for cleaning the audience. - M. L.)

Commenting on this dialogue is quite simple. Here you can easily see the methods of direct and preventive depreciation. Only the last remark of T. and O.'s answer to it deserves analysis. T. correctly used the phenomenon of identification when he himself suggested sweeping the audience. Due to the fact that both T. and O. belong to the teaching staff, the head of the department had the idea in his head, or maybe in the subconscious, that soon he would have to clean the room. Therefore, his reaction to T. was not unexpected.

The use of depreciation techniques allowed T. to quickly establish relations with his superiors. The problem is gone.

I still maintain friendly relations with T. He has already defended his Ph.D. thesis, and his doctoral thesis is also close to completion. Without established relationships, this would not have been possible. Satisfies him and the fact that he did not have to crawl for this. So I wrote in 1992. The doctoral thesis has long been defended. T. major and recognized scientist, author of several monographs. For some time he worked abroad. But he didn't stay there. In a conversation with me, he admitted to me that only abroad he realized that he was a patriot of Russia, because before visiting other countries he criticized Russian orders. Now abroad, he prided himself on the fact that Russians didn't have to run to the shops.

He was proud that good roads appeared in Russia, that there was no need to admire foreign toilets and restaurants. We have all this, however, in islands. But he is full of optimism. I am sure that these islands will eventually merge into a continuous mainland, and he wants to contribute to this to the best of his ability. And in general, probably, only those patriots who are not only proud of their Motherland, but also point out to their people their shortcomings. An example of this can be the great Germans A. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche, who criticized their nation precisely because they were great patriots.

Read also:

How to get a job

Roles in the team

Psychological aikido. Introduction

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7 steps to success

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Directorate groups

Job description of the deputy head of the personnel department

Drawing up master plans for real estate objects for rent. Head of Department of Intrabank Operations Management accounting and otch.

To open the job description you are interested in, click on the link.

The head of the rental department replaces _________________. Advising clients and owners.

If you have a job description. which is not on our site, send it to us, and we will definitely place them with attribution.

How to fire your boss

Despite their desires, very few workers decide to take any active action. And how do their more determined colleagues act?

One of the classic methods is to ingratiate yourself with the boss, and then set him up in cold blood. You can read about how to win the sympathy of the leadership in the supplementary material. It will take a long time to develop a plan and implement it, and if you rush or do not calculate well enough, you yourself may find yourself unemployed.

Is it possible to dismiss the head of the personnel department for a violation committed by his subordinates

since her duties include organizing the work of the unit. The situation of Daria V. was complicated by other facts: she was late for work without good reason, she did not complete an important task on time, which was confirmed by the relevant documents. The employer warned Daria V. that she would be fired for the employee's repeated failure to perform her job duties without good reason.

Include in the employment contract a clause stating that in the event of disagreements, the parties will resolve the dispute through negotiations (mediation procedures).

HR manager fired himself

form - in a legal act (a statement on the dismissal of an employee, an order (instruction) of the employer, etc.).

Responsibility for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books is carried by a specially authorized person appointed by the order (instruction) of the employer.

For violation of the procedure established by these Rules for maintaining, accounting, storing and issuing work books, officials

Head of Human Resources

Organizes the development of forecasts, determination of the current and future needs for personnel and sources of its satisfaction based on the study of the labor market, establishing direct links with educational institutions and employment services, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile, informing employees within the enterprise about available vacancies, using the media to place advertisements for hiring employees.

Regulations on the procedure for dismissal at the initiative of the employee

The employee has the right to terminate the employment contract, concluded both for an indefinite period and for an urgent one, by notifying his immediate supervisor in writing in 2 weeks.

2.3. Supervisor structural unit considers the application of the employee and puts on it a mark of familiarization and the date of the possible dismissal of the employee.

2.4. The period of notice of dismissal is calculated from the day after the application is submitted.

Reception-handover of cases in the personnel service

If you leave the company, you can part with the employer with dignity, showing the results of your work and receiving positive recommendations.

The procedure for the transfer of personnel documentation was not reflected in the regulatory legal acts. However, in practice there are certain rules for its implementation.

Dismissing a "difficult" worker

They are determined by the achievement of certain goals pursued by the interested parties.

Article on personnel management: Acceptance and transfer of cases in the personnel department

The composition of the commission is formed differently depending on the size and profile of the company. The commission, as a rule, includes: the head of the organization or his deputy, Chief Accountant or an accountant wages, engineer for labor protection, employees of the personnel department. The main thing in the work of the commission is to ensure the legitimacy and objectivity of the procedure.

Employment contract with the head of the personnel department

He must have these skills and abilities to ensure that he performs the tasks necessary to complete the project.

The duties of the head of the personnel department, which are indicated in employment contract, are set by the rules from qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37, as amended on July 28, 2003)

Six ways to legally fire an IT manager

To reduce objectionable in violation of the law is fraught with big troubles for the company.

The director of the Magnit store in Kronstadt deleted her page on VKontakte

Last night, Konyukhova's page on VKontakte was available. At the same time, there were no records of the incident with the deceased pensioner.

Earlier it became known about the tragic story of the blockade Rauza Galimova, who was accused of stealing three packs of butter from a retail chain store in Kronstadt and later died in a police station.

According to the radio station "Moscow speaking" in the press service of "Magnit", the director Olga Konyukhova, who called the law enforcement agencies, acted in accordance with the instructions.

The director of Magnit, who delayed the blockade, will be encouraged to leave

The Magnit network is ready to defend its employees from Kronstadt to the last. Having repeatedly watched the video recording of the detention of 81-year-old Rauza Galimova, the company's management issued its verdict: everything was within current legislation. Aslan Shkhachemukov, deputy general director of the Magnit network for organizational work, sympathizes with the 43-year-old manager Olga Konyukhova and is even ready to send her on vacation until the hype around the story of the deceased blockade girl subsides.

The director - Magnit - was charged with two articles, the third is on the way

Branch manager, 43-year-old Olga Konyukhova. accused of causing death by negligence and arbitrariness (articles 109.2 and 330.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, respectively). According to the representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Vladimir Markin.

How to fire a director

the case may be replenished with another article - which one is still unknown.

According to investigators, on the day of the tragedy, the director of the chain store located on Shirokaya Street, d.

Store Manager Responsibilities

determined job description and the articles of association of the company. A person with higher specialized education and work experience of at least five years may be appointed to this position. Administratively, the store director reports to the branch director (owner), and is controlled and accountable to the store chain director (owner).

determine that in the event of a violation technological process he must solve the problem at the lowest cost.

How they set up a grandmother in Magnet

Older people have poor eyesight. If the grandmother is 81 years old, then her eyesight was no more than 40-50% at best. She simply could not notice that there was oil under the bag, or simply forget about it: older people are forgetful.

For some reason, the supermarket cashier did not ask Grandma to pick up the bag from the cart to make sure that all purchases were paid for and there were no more goods in the cart. Although cashiers are required to do so.

How to substitute a store manager with a magnet

In a crisis, supermarket clerks must become generalists, that is, do much more work than before. This can be seen in the example of the Magnit supermarket chain. Since the beginning of the year, the retailer has opened 282 new stores. And now weekly employs 100 people.

In the morning, the seller Marina from Magnit in the Moscow region lays out fruit and neatly arranges baskets and carts. Her colleagues wipe the display cases with alcohol, hang up fresh price tags.

How to frame your boss

No crime. Sprinkling rat poison into the boss's coffee or writing denunciations about him “where it should be” is not to the face of a young attractive woman. Even if the boss has already pissed you off with his endless nitpicking and conflicting directions.

By the way, about conflicting instructions. Does this not indicate that the boss, as a professional, is worthless? This should be checked. Just don't force things and make the boss look like a fool at every opportunity and inconvenience.

Magnit - Complaint against the director

On February 19, 2013, we were presented with the acting director Mishchenko M.M. with an explanation that the current director Serebryakov O.V. was tired and could not cope with his duties on the same day Mishchenko announced that she would clean the store and ordered Oksana Trunilova (cutting department) to remove counter sausages(neck, smoked cheese, brisket, etc.) which expired in 5-3-2 days. After the store was closed, all the products of the store were put into boxes and loaded into the trunk of Mishchenko's own car No. 729 TKN, the witnesses were the merchandiser Stepacheva A, Kryzhanovskaya A, a private entrepreneur (the stall opposite) Vasilisa Denisenya.

Review: Chain of stores Magnit (Russia) - God forbid to work in this chain

They don’t pay what they promise, the working day is not standardized, the TC is not observed, the attitude of the management towards the store employees is terrible, you always pay for someone else’s negligence. We, the fragile women’s team, did everything from scratch.

It will not be as a consumer, but as an employee. I was prompted to leave former place work due to the promising salary of the Store Director in the Magnit store, which opened in our city and the network developed dynamically throughout Russia.

There are work colleagues with whom it is impossible to get along in the same office. They interfere with you, create a bunch of unpleasant situations, so why not get rid of them forever? Now you will learn how to make a person fired from work - conspiracies for this have existed for a long time.

Quarrels in the work team undermine our health, but you can quickly get rid of a harmful employee. Remove the enemy with an occult rite. So do many sorcerers with secret knowledge. We will start by identifying the one who is "hooking up" you.

Before applying the conspiracy to dismiss, you need to determine the target for the strike. There is a special rite to calculate the enemy. Procedure:

  1. Find the nearest Christian holiday on the calendar.
  2. In the evening (on the eve of the holiday), read the plot to identify the enemy.
  3. Go to bed.
  4. Look closely at your visions this night - they will be prophetic.

The image of an ill-wisher can flash sporadically, so be extremely careful. Don't fire someone from a job without a good reason. The one you dreamed about will later have to be punished. Conspiracy text:

“I look around the rows, looking for a bad worker. I see Saint Samson, I call on him to open my eyes, to send a prophetic dream. I want to see the one who plots me. The Holy Trinity will show the way, and I will be able to remove the accursed adversary. Give me an enemy, Christ, I will give you eternal praise. Amen".

Types of magical rituals associated with dismissal

There are many rituals associated with the dismissal of someone who interferes with your work in peace. Some cast spells on salt, others on paper. In the second case, you will have to stock up on a black pen and a white sheet. Action algorithm:

  1. Openly quarrel with the enemy (hook him harder, let him throw out his rage).
  2. In the middle of an argument, turn around abruptly and leave the office.
  3. Mentally cast a spell (“I stand in front of an empty place, fie three times on you”).
  4. Go to your workplace, sit down at the table, put a blank sheet in front of you.
  5. Sketch out your enemy and cross out his image with a cross.
  6. Now start sketching the picture angrily, repeating the main part of the spell three times.
  7. Go to the toilet with a sheet, tear up the paper and flush it down the toilet.
  8. As you do this, say, "From now on, your place is here."

After reading the plot, a colleague will begin to make irreparable mistakes. Watch for his missteps, point them out to superiors. Conspiracy text:

“Get out of here, find a new job. Leave this job to me, don't you dare think about it again. Amen".

Rite with land taken at the crossroads

To perform this rite, go late in the evening to the intersection, which has not yet had time to asphalt. Gather some land there, whisper a spell: "I take the land without ambition for the sake of justice." Now go home (it is forbidden to communicate with passers-by or look back). Further procedure:

  1. Wait for the waning moon.
  2. Spread a black cloth on the kitchen table.
  3. Pour the collected earth on the matter.
  4. Draw three inverted crosses with a ritual knife (right on the ground).
  5. Read the second part of the spell.
  6. Write information about the enemy on a piece of paper (name, surname, place of work, etc.).
  7. Burn the information paper.

To fire your opponent with a guarantee, mix the ashes with the charmed earth. If there is a photograph of the enemy in the arsenal, we remove the paper and set the photo on fire. The text of the second plot:

“Dark forces, otherworldly spirits, fall on my adversary (colleague's name), let him want to quit. Torment him, frighten him, force me to make a decision that is beneficial to me. Live from this world and from this world. Days and nights do not feel sorry for him until he goes to write a statement. My word is strong."

poppy and salt

There is a solution on how to make a person quit his job - a conspiracy to salt. Take a package of salt and poppy seeds, select three handfuls of each substance, place in a bowl. Mix everything with a knife, orienting counterclockwise. After that, you need to bend over the container and say the spell seven times. The rite is going on with a flawed moon - this is an important point.

The charmed mixture must be dragged into your opponent's office and scattered in four corners. Throw grains on the threshold, in the drawers of the desk, on the bookshelves. The rest of the mixture is scattered on the opposite side of the office. Conspiracy text:

“I overcome thresholds and barriers, I penetrate you like a black snake. I bring quarrels, sorrows and the collapse of all plans. Salt will be your grief, poppy - combustible tears. I knead the trouble, I mix it, I send it to the servant of God (the name is called). So that you are kicked out of work, and good people do not shake hands. I close my mouth to the lock, I throw the key into the blue ocean. No one can interrupt my plans. May it be so".

Ritual with a black candle

For witchcraft, you will need an empty jar, a white sheet, nettle with vinegar, black woolen thread, and a pen. The rod in the pen must be black. You also need to stock up on a black (not church) candle. Procedure:

  1. Write the name of the enemy collaborator seven times on a piece of paper.
  2. Draw crosswise (also 7 times) the phrase "go away."
  3. Sprinkle a handful of dried nettle on a leaf.
  4. Make a bundle and fasten it with woolen thread.
  5. Place the bundle in a jar, fill with vinegar.
  6. Screw the jar with a lid, place a black candle on top.
  7. Say the plot many times (the candle must burn out completely).

Spell text: “Blaze, my candle, drive away evil people from me, drive my enemy away. Let him bypass my life. Let him leave this place forever and never return. Amen".

Dismissing by photo

This rite, like the previous ones, belongs to the sphere of black magic. Therefore, get down to business when the usual means of struggle have been exhausted. You will need:

Dismissal by photography is a rite that belongs to the sphere of black magic

  • scissors;
  • photo of an angry colleague;
  • water;
  • threads;
  • thick white candle.

Pass a burning candle over the picture (this is done three times counterclockwise). Cut two threads from the spool, put them in a cross over the photo. Arm yourself with a ritual knife, draw an imaginary cross three times over the image of the enemy. Say a spell:

“In your face (the name of the employee) I drive with a candle, I seal it with a cross and a knife. You don’t go around here anymore, don’t plot intrigues, don’t interfere with me. Goodbye forever, leave this job, leave me alone. Amen".

How to get rid of the boss

The most difficult situation is when your manager needs to be kicked out of the office. In reality, this is difficult to do, but here dark magic comes to the rescue. Go to the crossroads of paths (the nearest park will do) and get some land there. Taking three handfuls, go home and after sunset proceed to the ritual itself. Here's what needs to be done:

  1. Pour the earth onto a black cloth (a similar ritual was described above).
  2. Draw inverted crosses with a ritual knife.
  3. Burn the picture of the boss.
  4. Mix the ash with the soil.
  5. Read the conspiracy.

Magical text: “Horse and foot people wander through forest crossroads, they don’t know the way, they stray and get lost. So my boss (name), let him go astray, start making mistakes. You will leave the service, you will not be able to avoid losses. The road to work is disgusting, you want to step over the threshold. I close your way back, I seal it with crosses. Amen".

The last rite is considered the most powerful - soon the boss will leave his familiar place. Remember that black magic is fraught with various bad consequences. Visit temples, periodically atone for sins.


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