New types of equipment for cooking fish. Fish processing shop: equipment, technologies. Equipment for defrosting and cutting

Continuous fryer FNE-40 (Figure 4). intended for frying potatoes and fish. Install it in hot workshops of enterprises catering... It consists of a frying bath, a screw with an electric motor, a loading and unloading device mounted on a welded frame, which is lined with enamelled steel sheets with thermal insulation.

Figure 4 Continuous fryer FNE-40

AND - general form: 1-discharge chute; 2-contact thermometer; 3-switches; 4-doors; b - section: 5-fry bath; 6-frame; 7-discharge vane; 8-screw; 9-conveyor; 10-bunker; 11-reducer; 12-electric motor; 13-perforated sheet; 14-tens; 15-drain valve; 16-tank; 17-panel with electrical control equipment.

The fat in the frying bath is heated by electric tendencies, and the temperature is maintained automatically using an EKT-2 electrocontact thermometer. Culinary products from the loading hopper are transported by a conveyor into the bath, where they are evenly fried, smoothly moving with the help of a rotating screw through a layer of hot fat. The finished product is unloaded using an automatic tipping chute.

Fryers operating rules. Before starting work, they check the sanitary and technical condition of the fryers. After inspection, close the drain valve and fill the bath with fat to the mark on the wall of the bath. After switching on the fryer and the yellow warning light comes on, the semi-finished products in the basket are carefully lowered into the frying pan. Then the basket with ready-made products is taken out of the bath and hung on a bracket to drain excess fat into the bath.

After the end of the work, the fryer is turned off, and the cooled fat is drained through the drain valve into the tank and sanitized. Fat containing more than 15% of secondary oxidation products is unsuitable for further use. Deep-fried fat can be used no more than 40 hours of operation, after which it is replaced with a new one.

Electric frying pan SE-0.45 (Figure 5). is a rectangular bowl installed on a truss, lined on all sides with steel sheets. Thermal insulation is laid between the bowl and the lining. Cassettes with electric heaters are placed under the bottom of the bowl. The frying surface temperature is maintained automatically by means of a temperature sensor. To drain the contents, the bowl has a tipping mechanism consisting of a motor-reducer and a screw drive.

The top of the bowl is closed with a lid, with a friction mechanism that holds it open at an angle of 25 ° to 90 °. The mechanism for lifting the lid is interlocked with a switch that allows you to turn on the electric motor for tipping the bowl only when the lid is open.

On the right side of the pan, on the front panel, there are buttons for tilting and returning the pan to a horizontal position, a temperature sensor knob and a warning lamp.

Figure 5 Electric frying pan SE-0.45

1-kioika bowl overturning; 2-button for returning the bowl to a horizontal position; Z-signal lamp; 4-limb temperature sensor-relay; 5-block of clamps; 6-bo. tg grounding; 8-frame; 9-thermal insulation; 10-cover; 11-bowl; 12-table; 13-facing; 14-electric heaters; 15-temperature sensor-relay; 16-spring

Rules for the operation of an electric frying pan. During the operation of the electric frying pans, the following sequential operations are observed: inspection of the apparatus, putting them into operation, monitoring the operation of the apparatus, turning off the apparatus.

Before starting work, check the sanitary condition. Particular attention is paid to the serviceability of grounding.

Electric frying pans with direct or indirect heating are first poured into a bowl required amount fat and only then include it in the work. When the set temperature is reached, food is loaded into the pan.

Pans with direct heating are turned on by pressing the "On" button. If the device does not have automatic control, it is turned on at full power, and after warming up, it is switched to the temperature regime required for this process.

When operating pans with indirect heating, it is necessary to monitor the level of mineral oil in the jacket. When the oil level drops, it is topped up using only "52" grade cylindrical oil with a flash point of at least 2800 ° C. It is not recommended to use other oils.

The pan should not be turned on or left unattended, or if there is no fat in the pan. Failure to comply with this requirement can lead to burning of the bowl, as well as to premature failure of the heating elements.

After the end of the work, the pan is turned off, cooled, the thermostat is set to "O" and sanitized. The particles of the product burnt to the bowl are scraped off with a wooden scraper. After washing the bowl with hot water, it is left open for a while to dry, and then greased with edible fat.

The following inventory is also used in the production of public catering.

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The art of cooking fish has been highly valued since ancient times. It was based on the experience and culinary skills of the peoples living on the Mediterranean coast.

Paradoxically, in the history of Ancient Greece, surrounded on all sides by seas, there was a period (XI-VIII centuries BC) when fish was considered food only for poor people. Confirmation of this can be found in the pages of Homer's Iliad.

The development of fish cuisine began much later, during the heyday of Ancient Greece. Already the myths about the Argonauts tell about the travels of the Greeks for fish to the unknown shores of the Pontus Euxine (as the Black Sea was called), since there was a shortage of it in the Greek markets. Most of all tuna fish were valued, sturgeons were in second place, which is mentioned by Herodotus: “Large fish without a backbone, called sturgeons, are caught for salting”.

The characters of Epicharma's comedy "The Dinner Party at Hebe's" - carefree revelers, gods and goddesses, great lovers of delicious food, get special pleasure from sea fish. They are on a friendly footing with the sea god Poseidon, who delivers them a large number of fish and shellfish on ships - a divine delicacy.

The secrets of cooking other ancient Greek dishes have not been solved to this day. How, say, can you serve whole fish, one third of which was fried, one third boiled, one third salted?

Saltwater fish was held in high esteem both in Ancient Rome (here it was salted, pickled, smoked), and in Asia. The Greek comedian Aristophanes, who was at one time ambassador to the Persian court, wrote that the king of the Persians gave a generous reward to those who invented a new fish dish.

Special attention is drawn to the masterpieces of Russian fish cuisine. It is difficult to list all types of lake and river fish that were used for food, but sturgeons were most highly valued in terms of taste - "red fish" - this is how everything rare and beautiful was called in the old days ("red girl", "red sun", "red goods ").

The first sea fish that enriched Russian cuisine in the era of Peter the Great was cod. At first she had no demand, but once she tasted the dishes prepared from her, the housewives could no longer refuse this fish. And they began to cook cod in all forms.

Fish has always been used in Russian cuisine in countless forms: steam or steamed, boiled (boiled), body, i.e. made in a special way from one fillet, boneless, but with skin, fried, meaty (filled with porridge, onion or mushrooms), stewed, jellied, baked in scales, baked in a pan in sour cream, salted (salted). dried, dried in the wind and sun (roach) and dried in the oven (sushik). In the northeastern regions of Russia, fish was fermented (sour fish), and in Western Siberia, they ate raw frozen (stroganina). It was less common in Russian folk cuisine until the middle of the 19th century. smoked fish, which recently, on the contrary, has been widely used in three types - cold smoked, hot smoked and smoked-dried.

Navaga and flounder were very much appreciated in Russian cuisine. However, it was not easy to deliver sea fish to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Therefore, all sorts of ways were invented to keep it fresh. Here is one of them: "Once you catch a fish, pin it, dip it in water and roll it in the snow until it gets well iced up, and put it in a cart, why the fish, if you cook it, will taste exactly like living fish." Covered with several layers of ice, the fish was preserved so well that, as one old magazine wrote, "you need to have a very subtle and familiar taste to distinguish such fish from living." This fish was called dumplings.

The largest peak in the consumption of fish as a lean food falls on numerous posts, which were strictly observed by the bulk of the population. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and sometimes Saturdays, fish of all kinds made up the main menu, and this is no coincidence.

Fish is a product rich in phosphorus necessary for a person, as well as complete proteins that are easy to digest. Its fat has the property of not thickening at any temperature. Extractive substances contained in fish help stimulate appetite.

I. Labor protection

Labor protection is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers through their work, creating a good psychological climate in labor collectives, which leads to a decrease in staff turnover, and the creation of stable labor collectives. Deficiencies in labor protection work lead to significant economic losses. The incidence and injury rate of workers, the cost of compensation for work in unfavorable working conditions lead to a deterioration in the economic results of the enterprise.

Working conditions are a combination of factors of the working environment that affect human health and performance in the labor process.

Safe working conditions - the state of working conditions under which the impact on workers of hazardous and harmful production factors excluded or the impact of production factors does not exceed the maximum permissible values.

The subject of labor protection is the development and implementation of methods and means of creating favorable working conditions, complete safety and harmlessness while ensuring maximum productivity and optimal costs of human labor.

The purpose of labor protection is to exclude the impact on a person of hazardous and harmful production factors, i.e. provide security production process and production equipment, to optimize work processes and the production environment. The purpose of labor protection can be divided into two components. The first (human) is to preserve the health of the employee. The second (production) - ensuring the growth of labor productivity.

1) Establishing optimal relationships between the factors of the working environment. This allows, with the given prior art and technology, to reduce the adverse impact of production factors on the employee.

2) Establishment of certain norms, permissible values \u200b\u200bof each of the unfavorable factors, legislative consolidation of these norms and control over their implementation.

3) Ensuring the safety of work both for the contractor and for those around him (control of the environmental situation).

4) Development of specific measures to improve working conditions.

5) Use of rational technical means of protecting workers from the influence of unfavorable factors.

6) Development of methods for assessing the effectiveness of planned and implemented measures to improve working conditions.

The formation and change of working conditions is influenced by many factors that can be combined into groups:

Labor protection legislation - then legal basis, ensuring the implementation of organizational, technical and sanitary and hygienic measures to create healthy and safe working conditions.

Industrial sanitation and labor hygiene - a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevent or reduce the impact on workers of harmful production factors.

Safety engineering is a system of organizational measures and technical means to prevent exposure to hazardous production factors.

II. Industrial sanitation and personal hygiene rules

Hygiene is a science that studies the problems of preventing diseases and improving health, performance and longevity of a person. She explores human interaction with the environment and the influence of its various factors on the human body.

Sanitation is a practice aimed at improving and maintaining human health. Hygiene and sanitation are closely related. Since the introduction of hygiene into practice is the task of sanitation. The work of cooks and pastry chefs requires tension in the muscles of the arms and legs, and high temperatures, high humidity, polluted air, and a large variety of equipment create an additional risk to the health of workers. Therefore, compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene makes it possible to protect the health of the employee from the action harmful factors and improve work capacity. The quality of the product and its caloric content directly depend on the implementation of technological, hygienic, and sanitary regimes. Therefore, knowledge of the basics of industrial, sanitary and personal hygiene is essential for all employees of food enterprises. In order to protect human health and the environment, sanitary legislation is in force. Control over the implementation of legal sanitary norms and rules is carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations through sanitary doctors and inspectors. For all branches of the food industry, sanitary standards have been developed, which include requirements for the equipment of operating enterprises and which relate to the personal hygiene of workers.

Personal hygiene is a set of sanitary rules that food service workers must follow.

Good personal hygiene is essential in preventing microbial contamination of food, which can lead to contagious diseases and food poisoning in consumers. Personal hygiene of workers enhances customer service culture and serves as an important indicator of the overall culture of the catering establishment. The rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands, mouth, sanitary clothes, the sanitary regime of the enterprise, and the medical examination of workers. Keeping the body clean is an important hygiene requirement. In addition, dirt can cause pustular skin diseases and microbial contamination of processed food. Therefore, all employees of public catering establishments, especially cooks, pastry chefs, need to keep their bodies clean. It is recommended to take a hygienic shower with soap and a washcloth before work every day, or wash your hands thoroughly up to the elbow just before work. Male cooks, pastry chefs should have short hair cut, they should be well shaven. Keeping hands clean is especially important for food service workers who constantly come into contact with food during cooking. The appearance of the hands of food workers must meet the following requirements: short-cut nails without varnish, clean under the nail space. Jewelry and watches are prohibited. On the hands of cooks, pastry chefs, pathogenic microbes (salmonella, dysentery sticks) eggs of worms may appear. Therefore, hands should be washed and disinfected before starting work after using the toilet, when moving from processing raw materials to processing finished food. In all other cases, hands during cooking should be washed with soap and water after each production step. If the skin of the hands is damaged, the wound should be treated with a disinfectant solution of hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green, covered with a sterile bandage and put on a rubber fingertip. Cooks, confectioners who have pustular diseases on their hands are not allowed to work, as they can become a source of food poisoning. Each enterprise should have a first-aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

III. Labour Organization

3.1 Organization of the workplace

It is also important to properly organize each workplace.

Workplace - a part of the production workshop, adapted to perform certain production operations, equipped necessary equipment and inventory. The workplace can be specialized and versatile. Specialized workplaces are equipped to perform one operation with a constant set of tools. Such places are organized at large enterprises with a clear division of labor into operations, which increases labor productivity, allows you to compact and efficiently use working hours.

Universal workplaces are designed to perform the same type, and sometimes different operations. The equipment of such places is varied and varies depending on the work performed. The area of \u200b\u200beach workplace should be sufficient for comfortable work. Modern production tables, in addition to tabletops, are equipped with a number of shelves and drawers, which ensures the correct storage of small implements and dishes. The light source should be to the left of the workplace at a distance of no more than 6 m. To ensure safety in work, fences, shields, and safety devices are installed. Knives are stored in a special device at the edge of the table or on the wall.

The tool and inventory are placed from the worker to the right, and the processed product to the left. Scales, spices and seasonings, if necessary, are placed at the back of the table at arm's length, a cutting board in front of you. During work, the employee should stand up straight without stooping. Incorrect body position causes fatigue. Some operations can be performed by the cook while sitting, so high stools must be installed in each workshop.

The rational organization of workplaces that meets the requirements of the ITU largely determines the productivity of the entire enterprise. The improvement of workplaces should go along the line of their specialization - this will serve as the basis for the organization of continuous production methods.

Functional containers designed for storage, pre-processing, preparation, transportation and distribution of products facilitate the work of cooks and reduce manual labor costs by 30-40%. The outer dimensions of the functional container correspond to the inner dimensions of the means for moving them. Depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise, such means of moving functional containers as containers, mobile racks, trolleys with a lifting platform are provided.

A diagram of the organization of the fish shop (for the primary processing of fish, see the Appendix.)

Organization of work of the confectionery shop

Confectionery shop for bakery and flour baking confectionery, cakes and pastries are organized at large and medium-sized catering enterprises (mainly in restaurants), which supply their products to a wide network of small enterprises. The shop is part of the procurement enterprises.

For the normal conduct of the technological process in the confectionery department there should be the following departments: kneading dough, dough-cutting, baking, finishing products, preparing cream, minced meat, pantry for a daily supply of food, containers, washing (for eggs, dishes, containers), expedition.

Confectioners' workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery products. Technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Correct arrangement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary inventory, dishes and vehicles, uninterrupted supply during the shift with raw materials, fuel, electricity - important factors economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

In the pantry of the daily supply of products, chests, racks, podkazovye are installed, a refrigerator is equipped. For weighing products, use scales with a mass measurement range from 2 to 150 kg. and volumetric dishes. It also prepares raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, breeding yeast, stripping oil, removing packaging, etc.). These operations require the staffing of workplaces with small-scale mechanization, inventory, tools and transport devices.

The egg is processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and baths with four compartments are installed for their sanitization. Eggs passed through the ovoscope in sieves are kept in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% solution of bleach. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% baking soda solution and in the fourth, washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, if necessary, the white and yolk are separated on a special device.

Melange in jars is washed and thawed in the same baths for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 45 C.

Before kneading the dough, the flour is sieved in a separate room or directly in the dough-mixing department, as far as possible from other workplaces, so that finished goods not dusty (there are special sifters with swinging and stationary sieves). The flour sifting equipment should have a local ventilation suction with a dust removal filter. The flour is stored on wooden racks in bags and, as required, is poured into the hopper of the sieving machine, while foreign impurities are removed and the flour is enriched with air oxygen. You can sift flour directly into a mobile bowl or plastic measuring containers with a lid.

The dough kneading room is equipped with dough kneading machines with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded sequentially, first with the shortest cycle - butter. Shortbread, flaky, and then yeast.

The inventory of the workshop is varied, since during molding and finishing it is required to ensure not only a beautiful appearance, but also an accurate mass of products. For the decoration of confectionery, plastic or tin tubes are used, which are placed in bags of dense fabric, special syringes, combs made of aluminum or tin and a number of other devices.

The room for portioning the dough is equipped as follows: a table, a dividing-rounding machine or a dough divider, a chest for flour (under the table), a box for knives (in the table), dial scales are installed. There is also a place for moving the dough bowl. The dividing and rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain mass and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very time-consuming operation of weighing and rolling each dough portion.

To roll out the dough, use tables with tool cabinets and pull-out chests, a dough sheeter, and a refrigerator (where butter and dough are cooled when making puff products). Currently, a machine is used that not only rolls out the dough of the required thickness into two belts, but also doses the filling between them and forms the products.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with tables (with pull-out chests for flour, boxes for tools), wall shelving.

For the preparation of biscuit dough, a separate workplace is equipped near the universal drive, since the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater included in the set of this drive. In addition, a separate table (or tables) is needed for preparing eggs, pouring dough into sheets or molds. A special machine cuts the biscuit semi-finished product into layers.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which beaters of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. Cream is cooked in special overturning boilers with a steam jacket or in boilers. A special table with drawers for storing tools is also required, powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed.

For the manufacture of lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a whipping machine. The table top is made of metal with sides and under it there are two pipes with cold and hot water. One of the side boards adjoining the overhead tray is removable.

The baking department is equipped with pastry cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating.

For deep-frying pies, special electric or gas deep fryers are designed. Shelves and a table with a mesh baking sheet (for draining excess fat) are placed near the deep fryer. This compartment should be particularly well ventilated, since the decomposition of fats releases unhealthy products (acrolene, etc.).

Pastries and cakes are finished in special rooms or, in extreme cases, on separate production tables, isolated from other workplaces. Tables are equipped with drawers for tools, a rack for strengthening pastry bags, a special container for syrup (for impregnating a biscuit). The work of the pastry chef is facilitated by the stands installed on the tables rotating on the axis, on which the cakes are placed during finishing.

Baths with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed in the washing room for washing tools and equipment. There are shelving units next to the washing bathrooms. In large workshops, a machine is used to wash functional containers. Pastry bags are dried in an electric drying cabinet.

The most rational way to organize the work of a pastry chef is in large shops that produce confectionery semi-finished products in full assortment and in large quantities: various types of dough, all kinds of fillings and such enterprises have ample opportunities for the mechanization of all labor-intensive work, and, therefore, for a sharp increase in production labor; machines and mechanisms are used at full capacity, product quality control is simplified, and work culture is enhanced.

In large workshops, production lines are formed for the manufacture of each type of semi-finished product, small-scale mechanization means and various devices are used in different areas.

The finished confectionery is stored on the expedition, which is equipped with a refrigerating chamber, shelves, scales and production tables.

The shelf life of confectionery products is from 7 to 36 hours.

They transport finished products in containers by special transport. Each tray must have a label indicating the name and quantity of the confectionery. It is imperative to indicate the time of production and the name of the stacker.

The production plan determines the quantity and range of confectionery products. It is compiled taking into account the need for confectionery products, the qualifications of workers and the equipment of the shop.

When working on a dough mixer, the safety guard must be lowered. Do not load food into the tank of the kneading and whipping machine while the lever is operating; Before turning on the kneading machine, check that the exchangeable bowl is correctly attached to the platform. All machines included in the universal drive should be tested at idle speed before loading products.

When removing confectionery products from the oven, the pastry chef should wear special gloves. Extraction devices must be installed above the stoves and pans for frying pies.

3.2 Types and purposes of used equipment, inventory, tools

The fish shop receives live, chilled, frozen and salted fish, non-fish seafood.

In large fish shops, two technological lines are created - processing of small fish species; processing of sturgeon fish.

Fish cleaning is carried out manually (with knives, graters, scrapers) or mechanically using a fish scaler on special production tables with bumpers.

Fish gutting is performed on special tables with a hole for waste collection in the center. This eliminates contamination of carcasses with non-food waste. Waste is sorted into food and non-food waste. The fins are removed with a fin cutter or knife. In large workshops, the process of removing heads and tails is mechanized.

Fish carcasses and food waste are intensively washed in tubs with two compartments using brushes. To remove juice losses and reduce microflora, cut fish by immersion for 5-6 minutes. in a 15% solution of table salt at a temperature of 4-6 C. After that, the head is removed from the fish with a knife-swordsman, the fins are cut off from the back and the fish is plastered onto links. The links are scalded in containers with water at a temperature of 80-90 C. After that they are cleaned, washed and dried.

The blank fish shop is equipped with baths for thawing, soaking and washing fish, tables for cutting and cutting semi-finished products, refrigerators, a meat grinder or a universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, scales, an aquarium for live fish. Fish scalers and scrapers are used for cleaning. There are knives, sieves, hoes, fish kettles with grates, mortars, baking sheets, trays, marked boards, buckets.

The equipment is installed in accordance with the technological process of fish processing. When processing fish in the meat and fish shop, separate equipment and implements are used.

Fish is delivered to the shop frozen, salted and chilled. Procurement factories and fish processing plants supply semi-finished fish products in the form of fillets, processed carcasses. In this case, only minor modifications are required.

The fish processing line at procurement catering enterprises is designed to perform the following operations: thawing frozen fish or soaking salted fish, cleaning fish scales, gutting, chopping off heads and fins, washing and making semi-finished products.

Fish are thawed in air or in cold water (at the rate of 2 liters of water per 1 kg of fish), adding 10 g of salt to 1 liter of water to reduce the loss of minerals.

For cleaning and gutting fish, there are special tables on wheels with small sides along the edges. The table top of such tables slopes slightly and tilts towards the center, where a hole is made for collecting waste. Gutting fish on tables with a sloping table top eliminates contamination of fillets with waste. Sometimes tables are used with a groove at one end. Scales are cleaned with mechanical or manual scrapers or graters. To remove mucus, some fish species are rubbed with salt or scalded, sometimes they are simply skinned. Fins and heads are cut off with special machines.

The processed fish is washed in tubs with two compartments. To drain water from the washed fish, sides are provided on both sides of the baths (you cannot squeeze out the washed fish).

Fish semi-finished products sent to other enterprises are "fixed", that is, immersed in a 15% solution of table salt at a temperature of - 4 to - 6 ° C for 5 - 6 minutes.

The workplace for the preparation of semi-finished fish products is equipped with a special production table, scales, a set of chef's knives, various boards, a set of spices and seasonings.

Ready-made semi-finished products are placed in special containers and transported on trolleys or racks to refrigeration chambers.

Fish waste (heads, bones and fins) is used for cooking fish broths and marinades, caviar and milk for casseroles.

Waste norms for culinary mechanical processing of each type of fish, as well as the norms for laying products with a gross weight, the output of semi-finished products with a net weight must be posted on the wall near the workplace.

In a small-scale fish shop, located in one room, the lines for processing meat, fish and poultry, as well as inventory and tools, are strictly delineated.

Fish semi-finished products are perishable products, therefore, they require strict adherence to sanitary rules. Storage temperature for semi-finished products is from - 4 to + 6 ° С.

The operating mode of the fish shop is determined by production program... All the work is performed by cooks of the III, IV and V categories, manufacturers of food semi-finished products of the III, IV and V categories and kitchen workers of the II category under the leadership of the chef-foreman or the head of the shop.

Also in the fish shop should be:

a) workshop for primary processing

b) hot shop

c) cold shop

d) expedition

e) a washing room for washing tools and equipment.

The following rules must be observed: during work, promptly remove and recycle waste, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each workplace, thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after the end of work, scald the cutting table with boiling water and fill it with salt.

The fish can only be removed from the bath using special ladles. When cutting fish, the cook must wear a protective bib and glove. Knives must have firmly fixed handles, sharp blades; musat should be with an eyelet on the handle.

Inventory and tools used for cooking:

Whipping machine MB-60 The machine differs in the size and capacity of the barrel, which is 60 liters. Instead of a speed variator, a gearbox is installed in the machine: the latter serves to transfer the movement from the electric motor to the working body, the beater and change the speed of its rotation. The speed can be changed during operation thanks to the limit switch installed on it, which switches off the electric motor at the moment of speed change. From the gearbox of movement speeds, first the bevel gear is transmitted, and then through the planetary mechanism to the beater.

PESM-4SH is an electric sectional modulated plate, installed at public catering establishments as an independent device or used as part of technological production lines. Before starting work, check the sanitary condition of the frying surface of the pallet plate and the frying cabinet, the reliability of grounding, the serviceability of the packet switches. The burners should be on the same level in a strictly horizontal position and have a smooth surface without cracks. The cookware should have a thick, even bottom that fits snugly against the surface of the stove. The liquid that has got on the pan is removed because it evaporates, it moistens the insulation of the hob, which leads to rapid overheating. When frying, the burners are turned on to high heat for 60 minutes before starting work. Frying is carried out with weak or strong heating, after finishing work, the burners are turned off using the packet switches and the stove is disconnected from the mains. Do not leave the stove unattended. (See Attachment)

Baking cabinet ЭШ-3М - has three baking chambers, in each of which two pastry sheets are installed simultaneously in width. The chambers are heated by heating elements installed in the upper and lower parts. The upper and lower heating are switched on separately by two packet switches for three power levels. To automatically maintain the set temperature in the chambers (within 100-3500), there are thermostats. A signal lamp is installed next to the thermostat, which turns off when the chamber heats up to the operating temperature. Before turning on the cabinet, check its sanitary and technical condition. After that, the thermostats are set to a certain temperature and the cabinet is turned on for quick heating at maximum power. When the preset temperature is reached, the chambers are loaded with food and the electric heaters are switched to medium or low heating. To reduce power consumption and improve cabinet performance, the cabinet can be turned off every hour for 10 minutes. Care should be taken when loading and unloading trays with products. the inner walls of the chamber and the door are hot. (See Attachment)

Cabinets are designed for short-term storage of food and ready meals... The main cabinet is a metal frame lined with sheet aluminum on the inside and painted steel sheets on the outside. Thermal insulation is placed between the sheets.

Refrigeration cabinet TO-530 consists of a refrigerated chamber. The chiller is accessed through a hinged door and an easily removable guard. When the door is opened, the lamp illuminates the cooled volume. Products are placed on wire shelves. Maintaining the set temperature in the refrigerated space is carried out using a manometric thermometer.

Kneading machine TMM-1M machine consists of a cast-iron base plate, a body, a kneading arm with a blade and a drive mechanism. The machine has 3 interchangeable bowls with a capacity of 140 liters each. The working body of the machine is a kneading lever - a rod bent at an angle of 118 degrees and having a blade at the end. The products loaded into the bowl are intensively mixed due to the movements of the kneading lever in the simultaneous rotation of the bowl around its axis, forming a homogeneous mass saturated with air. (See Attachment)

Gastronomic knives are used to cut food by hand. Boiled meat and fish products are cut on production tables. Before decorating jellied dishes, prepare products and decorate them using the following inventory: knives for carving and curly cutting vegetables, cutting various shapes and others. To form chebureks use a toothed cutter. To brew the dough, use inventory (veil, whisk)

1.Humor for mixing confectionery masses;

2. Spatula for placing cake in boxes;

3. A spatula for placing cakes from sheets into spoons;

4. Spoon for crumbly porridge;

5. Confectionery tongs.

3.3 Equipment operation and safety

General safety requirements

1. Men and women who have reached the age of 18 and trained in their specialty are allowed to work as a cook.

2. At the workplace, the employee receives initial instruction on labor safety and undergoes:


Training in the device and the rules of operation of the equipment used;

Sanitary and hygienic training;

Testing knowledge of electrical safety and

Use of equipment powered by an electrical network;

Theoretical knowledge and acquired skills of safe ways of working.

1. Prepare the workplace for safe work and check:

* presence of water in the water supply system, serviceability and terms of branding

pressure gauges, no equipment leaks;

* serviceability of electrical equipment and other equipment;

* work of local exhaust ventilation.

Safety requirements during work:

1. To prevent the ingress of harmful substances into the air of industrial premises:

* comply with the technological processes for the preparation of culinary products;

* operations for sifting flour, starch, etc. should be carried out at specially equipped workplaces.

2. Load (unload) products into the microwave oven after a corresponding signal about its readiness for operation. Heat treatment of food should be carried out in containers designed for this purpose. Do not turn on the microwave device with the back panel and the door of the working chamber open. Open the oven door after turning off the heating.

3. Cook the food with the lids closed.

4. When using the equipment, follow the precautions indicated in the documentation for this equipment.

5. To prevent the adverse effect of infrared radiation on the body, the employee must:

* fill the working surface of the stoves with dishes as much as possible, turn off the sections of electric stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power;

* do not allow the electric burner to turn on at maximum and average power without loading.

6. Do not allow liquid to come into contact with heated electric stove burners; fill platen dishes to no more than 80% of their volume.

7. Do not exceed the pressure and temperature in heating devices above the limits specified in the operating instructions.

8. Observe the presence of a draft in the combustion chamber of a gas-powered installation and the readings of manometers when operating equipment operating under pressure.

9. Stay at a safe distance when opening the chamber door of the steamer to avoid scalding.

10. Switch on the conveyor oven for frying semi-finished meat products only when the ventilation is switched on and working properly.

11. Install and remove trays with semi-finished products, open the side doors of the oven only after the conveyor has stopped completely.

12. Place boilers and other kitchen utensils on a stove with a flat surface, sides and guardrails.

13. Place semi-finished products on preheated pans and trays with a movement "away from you", move the dishes on the surface of the stove carefully, without jerks and great efforts, open the lids on plate dishes with hot food carefully, moving "towards you".

14. Do not use on stove top pots, pans and other kitchen utensils with deformed bottom or edges, loose handles or without handles.

15. Before transferring to a stove-top boiler with hot food, make sure that there are no foreign objects and that the floor is slippery along the entire transportation path.

16. Warn nearby workers about the forthcoming movement of the boiler.

17. Take the kettle with hot food from the stove without jerking, being careful, two people, using dry towels or gloves. The boiler lid must be removed.

18. When moving the boiler with hot food, it is not allowed:

* fill it more than 3/4 of the capacity;

* press the boiler to yourself;

* hold a knife or other tool in your hands.

19. When transporting boilers with food, use serviceable trolleys with a lifting platform, move trolleys, mobile racks in the direction "away from you".

20. Use special inventory stands when installing baking trays, boilers and other containers for storing food.

21. Cut onions in a fume hood.

22. Depending on the type and consistency of the cut product, use different knives of the chef's troika, and when curly cutting vegetables, use special carbohydrate knives.

23. When working on the distribution, you must:

* make a complete set of meals on trays with a minimum

conveyor belt movement speed;

* monitor the presence and level of water in the bathtub of the electric arm for

second courses, do not allow it to boil strongly;

* remove baking trays from baking trays carefully, without jerks and great efforts;

* connect the thermostat to the electrical network only if there is liquid in the loading bath;

* drain water from the boiler only into the dishes installed on the stand by the tap.

24. To prevent emergencies in the event of malfunction of safety devices, regulation and automation, it is necessary to turn off the equipment and disconnect it from the electrical network.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

1. Tidy up your workplace, throw out the trash.

2. Immediately shut off the pressure equipment if the safety valve is activated, vapors and water leaks.

Safety requirements at the end of work

1. Disconnect pressure equipment immediately.

2. Do not cool the heated surface of the stove, frying pan and other heating equipment with water.

3. Before disconnecting from the electrical network, first turn off all burners and the electric stove cabinet.

IV. Technological part

4.1 Chemical composition and nutritional value of products

The pike is a freshwater predatory fish, the length of the fish can reach up to 1.5 m, and the weight is more than 50 kg. Pike meat is bony, with no pronounced odor of mud, is a dietary product, as it contains up to 3% fat and up to 20% protein. Pike caviar has small grains of a greenish-yellow hue and is a delicacy product. These fish belong to the category of commercial fish and are sold both fresh, chilled, frozen, and in the form of semi-finished products (fillets, separate parts).

Fish and many non-fish products of the marine industry play an important role in human nutrition. Stuffed pike belongs to Jewish cuisine. Fish meat has a delicate consistency, is easier for the body to digest than animal meat, and boils down quickly. The fish contains proteins (from 18-22%), fats, mineral salts, extractives, vitamins A, D, B1, B2 and PP.Total in the muscle tissue of fish 85% of complete proteins. Defective proteins (about 15%), mainly collagen, are found in connective tissue. In addition, proteins contain extractive (water-soluble) substances that are very important for the processes of food assimilation. They stimulate appetite, are rapidly absorbed by the intestines and enhance the activity of the alimentary canal. The extractive substances impart pleasant taste and aroma to culinary products, and especially to broth. Nitrogenous substances of fish meat are assimilated 10% more completely than nitrogenous substances of beef meat. Fish contains fat (from 0, 3 - in pike perch to 30% and more - in eels, lampreys).

The amount of fat in the meat of various fish depends on the species, age, sex, place of catch, fish food, water body, season, etc. Fat in the body of fish is unevenly distributed, for example, cod has 10% fat in the muscles, and in the liver - 65%. The composition of fish oil includes substances such as cholesterol, which is important for metabolic processes, phosphatides, which are necessary for the development and growth of the human body. Mineral substances in fish meat are about 1-1, 5%. Their importance in nutrition is very great, since they take part in the formation of new cells of muscle and nerve tissues. A distinctive feature of the composition of mineral substances in fish, especially marine fish, is the increased content of iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The primary processing of fish is carried out in the following sequence: thawing frozen fish, soaking salted, cutting.

Pike can be salted, smoked, stewed, fried both in a skillet and on a grill. There are about 60 recipes for various pike dishes. The most famous is the stuffed fish - this is in the traditions of the Jewish national cuisine. Pike is a fish of the middle lane, it is classified as low-fat. In terms of taste, pike comes first. Pike is a very delicate and low-fat fish, less than 1% fat. Pike is used in medicinal and dietary nutrition. The biological value of fish proteins surpasses meat proteins. Fish is very well absorbed by the body. Pike can be used to prepare many delicious dishes.

Nutritional value per 100 g of pike fish product:

Protein - 18.4 g

Fat - 1.1 g

Water - 79.3 g

Saturated Fatty Acids - 0.2 g

Cholesterol - 62 mg

Ash - 1.2 g

Caloric content - 84 kcal


Vitamin - PP 3.5 mg

Vitamin A - 0.01 mg

Vitamin A (RE) - 10 mcg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.11 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.14 mg

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.2 mg

Vitamin B9 (folate) - 8.8 mcg

Vitamin C - 1.6 mg

Vitamin E (TE) - 0.7 mg

Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) - 6.6 mg

Trace elements

Iron - 0.7 mg

Zinc - 1 mg

Iodine - 50 mcg

Copper - 110 mcg

Manganese - 0.05 mg

Chromium - 55 mcg

Fluoride - 25 mcg

Molybdenum - 4 mcg

POTATO - the potato tuber is covered on top with a cork-like skin. The eyes (kidneys) are located on the surface of the skin. The pulp of a tuber consists of several layers (root, ring of vessels, core), the cells of which are filled with starch grains. Potato tuber contains on average 25% dry matter, of which starch is the main one (18%). In addition, there are nitrogenous substances (2%), sugar (1.5%), minerals (1%), such as sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fiber (2%), organic acids (0.1% ), up to 20 mg% vitamin C and a small amount of vitamins B1, B2, B3, PP, E, K, U. The energy value of 100 g of potatoes is 83 kcal or 347 kJ. The nutritional value of potatoes is high due to the high starch content.

CARROT - it contains a lot of sugar in the form of glucose (6%), minerals in the form of salts of iron, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements. Especially other carotene (up to 9 mg%), which in the human body are converted into vitamin A.

CHICKEN ONION - onions contain up to 6 mg% of essential oil, sugar up to (9%), vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP and folic acid, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron) nitrogenous substances (up to 1.7%). Onions should have a ripe, healthy, dry, clean, whole bulb, uniform in shape and color. The diameter of the bulb is not less than 3-4 cm. Storage: onions are packed in coolies and nets, in bags of 30 kg. On P.O.P. onions are stored for up to 5 days at a temperature of 3 degrees and a relative humidity of 70%.

GREEN ONION - this onion is obtained from small onions (set) or seeds by growing in open ground, greenhouses, greenhouses. Chives (onion-feathers) contains up to 30 mg% vitamins C and 2 mg% carotene. This onion is widely used in cooking or fresh.

SALT - Edible table salt is a crystalline sodium chloride. Salt is white with a grayish-yellow or bluish tinge in grades 1 and 2, the taste is purely salty, there is no smell. When added to the salt of potassium iodide, a faint smell of iodine is allowed. Mass fraction of moisture in the evaporated salt of the extra grade is 0.1%, in the highest grade it is 0.7%. Edible table salt, rock, self-precipitating and cage, is produced by ground, seeded, and by the grain size it lasts for numbers - 0,1,2,3. Store salt in dry rooms with a relative humidity of no more than 75%.

PEPPER is the fruit of a tropical plant and comes in black, fragrant, white and red. The color of the pepper is black-brown, the surface is wrinkled, the grain diameter is 3.5-5 mm. Pepper is prized for its essential oil and piperine alkaloid content. The best pepper is considered hard, heavy, sinking in water and dark, without a gray coating.

SUGAR - consists of pure sucrose, is a valuable food product and raw material for the confectionery industry. Energy value 100 gr. Sahara. 375 kcal, or 1569 kJ. A person needs 100 grams per day. Sahara. Sugar is easily absorbed by the body, restores strength, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, but its excess is harmful. The sugar industry produces granulated sugar and refined sugar. It is obtained from sugar beet.

FLOUR - is a powdery product obtained by grinding cereals. It can be wheat, rye, corn. Flour contains water 14 - 15%, proteins 10.3 - 12.9%, fats 0.9 - 1.9%, vitamins B 1, B 2, PP. Energy value 100 gr. flour 323 - 329 kcal or 1352 - 1377 kJ. The higher the grade of flour or the more carbohydrates it contains, but the less proteins and fats, the digestibility is high.

MILK is one of the most important food products. It contains more than 200 easily digestible substances necessary for human life, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. All components are well balanced, so they are easily and completely absorbed by the human body. Milk contains water 85 - 89%, proteins 2.8 - 4%, fat 2.9 - 6%, milk sugar of the remainder from 10 to 15. Energy value 100 gr. milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 58 kcal or 243 kJ.

CREAM BUTTER - it is produced from cream, it contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. The butter must be free of foreign odors and tastes, with a uniform color (from white to cream), not by agricultural pests.

FLAVORS AND AROMATIC SUBSTANCES: food acids - tartaric, citric, lactic, malic; natural essential oils; essences are synthetic flavors. In addition, chemical leavening agents, gelling agents, emulsifiers are used in the confectionery industry, food colorings, preservatives, etc.

4.2 Primary processing of products

Carrots - root crops must be whole, fresh, clean, unfading, not contaminated, not cracked, free from diseases and damage by agricultural pests. When storing carrots, boxes, baskets with a capacity of up to 20 kg are used, they are laid loosely.

Onions - must have a ripe, healthy, dry, clean, whole bulb, uniform in shape and color. The diameter of the bulb is not less than 3-4 cm. Storage: onions are packed in coolies and nets, in bags of 30 kg. On P.O.P. onions are stored for up to 5 days at a temperature of 3 degrees and a relative humidity of 70%.

Butter - if the surface of the butter is dirty or covered with mold, then it is cleaned. Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Butter increases the calorie content of products, improves taste, enhances their aroma. It is recommended to store oil at a temperature of 2 - 40 C in a dark room in a carefully sealed container; under the influence of light and oxygen in the air, the oil deteriorates.

Eggs - Table eggs, depending on the method and shelf life, are divided into fresh, refrigerated and limed. An egg consists of a shell, yolk and white. Eggs are stored in a clean and cool room with a relative humidity of 80% for no more than six days. Eggs are washed in mesh buckets with warm water before use. Heavily soiled eggs are washed with a soft brush or rubbed with salt. After washing, the eggs are disinfected with a 2% solution of bleach for 5 minutes, washed in a 2% solution of soda and rinsed in running water.

Milk should be white with a yellowish tinge, without foreign tastes and odors. Before use, filter milk through a sieve with cells of 0.5 mm. Milk is stored in refrigerators at a temperature not higher than 80 C and not lower than 00 C for no more than 20 hours. Milk of all types must be pasteurized.

4.3 Cooking technology. Requirements for the quality of ready meals

Stuffed pike perch, pike, carp are most often prepared. The fish is stuffed in whole and in portioned round pieces. A specially prepared cutlet mass of improved composition is used as minced meat. The fish can also be stuffed with dumplings. For stuffing as a whole, it is recommended to use chilled fish, and live pike, since the skin of frozen fish is torn.

Pike for preparation for stuffing as a whole is cleaned of scales so as not to damage the skin, washed, cut the skin around the head with a sharp knife, carefully bend it back and remove it from the carcass with a "stocking". The flesh at the fins is trimmed inside with scissors, the end of the vertebral bone at the tail is broken up so that the skin remains with the tail. The fish is cut into clean fillets.

The mass for stuffing per 1000 g of fish pulp includes: wheat bread without crusts - 100-150 g, milk 300 g, butter or margarine - 100 g, sautéed onions - 100 g, egg whites - 2 pcs. , salt - 20 g, pepper - 1 g.

White bread is soaked in milk, the flesh of the fish is cut into pieces, combined with bread and passed through a meat grinder. Then add sautéed finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, fat and still pass through a meat grinder again. Raw eggs or egg whites are introduced into the resulting mass and kneaded well until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained (you can prepare a mass with the addition of finely chopped garlic or mushrooms).

The pike skin is filled with the cooked mass so that it takes the shape of a fish. The minced meat is stuffed tightly, and a puncture is made at the tail to remove trapped air. The head is applied to the fish or sewn with a needle and twine. The fish is wrapped in cheesecloth, parchment or foil, can be tied with twine, then placed on the grid of a fish kettle or in a deep baking sheet.

If the pike came in the form of a gutted carcass, then it is plastered and skinned from both fillets. Then a mass is prepared from the pulp of the fish. The skin from one fillet is laid out on moistened gauze (or foil), minced meat is placed on it along the entire length, which is covered with skin from the second fillet on top. By connecting the ends of gauze or rolling foil, the fish is formed in the form of a roller, the ends are tied with twine or twisted. Used for seeding.


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It is no secret that fish and all kinds of dishes made from it are special products and require proper storage, which means that specific equipment is required that can provide optimal conditions for storing such dishes, defrosting and further heat treatment.

The special appeal of fish lies in the fact that in our time of industrial food production, it remains an exclusively natural product that has not experienced any influence of genetic engineering. The variety of fish species, different in taste of the final product, nutritional value, fat content, etc., is also impressive. First of all, it is precisely this variety that determines the specificity of storing fresh frozen or chilled fish.

Concern Electrolux in the group of refrigeration equipment sells special versions of refrigerated cabinets with a volume of 400 liters for storing seafood and fish. These versions are characterized by a very special range of operating temperatures ranging from - 6 C to + 6 C.

This temperature regime is designed for storing fish species that differ in fat content. All refrigerated cabinets are equipped with deep plastic containers with raised bottom made of stainless steel.

The next stage of work is working with freshly frozen fish or seafood. The known methods of defrosting food in refrigerating chambers at a temperature of + 3C have a number of disadvantages. First of all, this is the duration of the process: it can take a day to defrost using the traditional method. At the same time, the product loses a large amount of natural moisture. In 2003, the Electrolux concern developed and launched into production a completely unique pulsed-steam defrosting apparatus. No competing company has analogues of such a device.

The device is a cabinet equipped with a boiler where frozen food is loaded in gastro containers. During the defrosting cycle, low-temperature steam is supplied to the chamber from the boiler in an impulse mode. Thanks to this technology, when the cabinet is fully loaded (10 gastro containers), the defrosting process takes about 5 hours. But the result is much more impressive. Regular injection of low-temperature steam prevents the natural moisture of the product from evaporating, which allows it to maintain its original consistency. After such a defrosting cycle, lumpy or whole fish is almost impossible to distinguish from fresh fish: drops of fish oil appear through the scales, and the tissue itself retains 95% of all its taste and organoleptic properties!

It should be noted that using steam using steam is an ideal technique for this category of food, both for defrosting and for preparing various dishes.

Since 2003, the Electrolux concern has been offering steam convection ovens for proper heat treatment of fish, in which a number of patented innovative devices are installed. First of all, it is a system of high-precision control over steam saturation air-o-clima, with the help of which you can set the required percentage of moisture in the total volume of hot air circulating in the chamber. For the first time, a lambda probe is used as a sensor for these purposes, similar to that installed in engines of Mercedes and Volvo cars. The lambda probe only responds to oxygen, steam is not oxygen, therefore anything that is not oxygen is steam.

The introduction of the air-o-flow system also contributes to high-precision measurement. It not only provides the furnace with a constant flow of fresh heated air from the outside, but also contributes to the most uniform distribution of turbulent flows throughout the chamber volume.

For working with lumpy product, including fish steaks, the new Electrolux ovens are equipped with a temperature probe with 6 sensors. The probe reading is always accurate, no matter how correctly it is placed in the core of the food, because of all the temperature readings measured by the electronics, only the lowest temperature is taken into account.

Fish dishes that have passed the defrosting process and cooked on the new equipment of the Electrolux concern, as a result, have such an appearance, taste and aroma that they practically do not differ from dishes made from fresh fish and seafood.

V.R. Stepanov
Director of the professional direction Electrolux in Russia

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There are 7 presentations in total

The technological process of preparing a large assortment of meat and fish products is carried out on a variety of machines and mechanisms.

The beginning of production is the primary processing of raw materials on washing and cleaning machines, as well as cutting frozen blocks and finished semi-finished products.

One of the main technological operations of processing meat and fish raw materials in food production is their grinding. Depending on the type finished products grinding can be conventionally divided into coarse, medium and fine.

Cutting machines are produced for coarse grinding.

Medium grinding is carried out using grinders, meat grinders and cutters.

Colloidal mills, emulsifiers, disintegrators and homogenizers are designed to produce finely ground minced meat.

Meat cutting machines and shpigorezki have different design solutions, but the basic structure of the cutting unit for all types of machines is the same (Fig.).

Fig. Schematic diagram of the cutting unit of the meat and fish cutting machine: 1 - drive shaft; 2 - sickle knife; 3 - eccentric; 4 - plug; 5 - knife frames; 6 - plate knives; 7 - axis; 8 - corner lever; 9 - pusher; 10 - feeder box

The cutting mechanism consists of flat knives fixed in knife frames and a planetary (sickle-shaped) knife. The planetary knife is attached by means of a splined connection to the main shaft of the machine and serves for cross-cutting of raw materials, previously cut in the longitudinal direction with flat knives.

The block of flat knives is made in the form of a body and two perpendicularly located frames with a set of knives. Thanks to the eccentrics, the knives reciprocate and cut the meat in the direction of its feeding.

Grinding of frozen meat blocks is carried out on various block-cutting machines of domestic and foreign production, the principle of operation of which differs mainly only in the force effect of the working bodies on the product of the guillotine, rotary, milling or combined mechanisms.

The guillotine mechanism consists of a fixed knife, rigidly fixed to the bed, and a movable knife, installed in a rigid frame, making a reciprocating motion. The guillotine mechanism cuts the frozen block into layers 25 ... 55 mm thick.

The rotary mechanism is a rotating drum with flat knives mounted on the outer surface. The knives cut pieces of meat from the block in the form of shavings, which enter the cart located under the drum.

The milling mechanism of grinding consists of two shafts rotating towards each other with a set of flat mills. The meat block, under the action of its own mass, enters the zone of rotating cutters, where it is captured by the cutters and crushed.

Combined mechanisms designed for double-sided crushing of frozen blocks are an assembly of block-cutting machines and tops.

Grinding grinders are an extensive group of machines for medium size reduction of raw meat. These machines are usually used for primary grinding of the product before further production.

To move meat in the working chamber, feed it to the knives and push it through the knife grids, a rotating auger is used with a pitch of turns decreasing in the direction of unloading the product.

The cutting device of the top consists of a fixed scoring grid, rotating cross-shaped knives, fixed knife grids with holes of different diameters and a clamping nut. The main technological parameter of the top is the size (diameter) of its lattice. Various brands of cars have a size from 82 to 200 mm, which is included in the marking with the last two digits (K7-ФВП-82; К6-ФП-120).

The degree of meat grinding on the grinder and its productivity depend on the size of the openings of the outlet grate and the number of cutting pairs (grate - knife). With an insignificant degree of grinding (16 ... 25 mm), one pair is enough - the top is assembled with one knife and one grate; with finer grinding (2 ... 3 mm), the number of cutting pairs is increased.

For cutting frozen meat and fish products, an MRZP machine is used (Fig.).

Fig. Machine for cutting frozen products MRZP: a - general view; b - kinematic diagram; 1 - supports; 2 - case; 3 - driven half-coupling; 4 - leading half-coupling; 5 - knife; 6 - traverses; 7 - connecting rod; 8 - guide strips; 9 - cast iron column; 10 - crank shaft; And - lever; 12 - switching mechanism; 13 - sliding key; 14- slider; 15 - product; 16 - marzan; 17-table; 18- worm gear; 19 - belt drive; 20 - engine; 21 - crank

The working bodies of the machine are a crank mechanism, a slider with a knife, a control panel.

When the machine is in the inoperative position, the driving and driven coupling halves are open by the action of the electromagnet on the spring mechanism. When the machine is turned on, the sliding key by a spring mechanism connects both half-couplings and the movement from the drive through the crank mechanism is transmitted to the slider, which goes down along the guides along with the knife and cuts the product. At the same time, the knife rests on the marzan (lining under the blade) inserted into the groove of the body, and then takes its original position.

The limiting dimensions of the cut product are 180x380 mm. To avoid injury, the machine is turned on by simultaneously pressing two buttons.

For slicing semi-finished meat products such as azu, goulash, shashlik, as well as fat, use the M6-FRD machine. The machine consists of a welded frame to which assembly elements and parts are attached: planetary knife; block of flat knives; bunker; main shaft; right and left eccentric shafts; mechanical blocking; neck and electrical equipment.

The meat is fed into the cutting zone and pressed using a hydraulic cylinder, the work of which is synchronized with the operation of the sickle disc knife. The length of the cut pieces is regulated by a special device, the size of the pieces is related to the size of the knife frames. The machine includes frames of the following standard sizes: 6x6; 12x12; 16 x 16; 24x24 mm.

For cutting small-sized meat and fish semi-finished products, a machine of the A-FLR / 2 type is used (Fig.).

Fig. Machine for cutting semi-finished meat products: 1 - feed conveyor; 2 - tensioner; 3 - casing; 4 - chain drive of the feed conveyor drive; 5 - feed conveyor drive; 6 - drive of mechanisms for longitudinal and cross-cutting of the product; 7 - product cross-cutting mechanism; 8 - conveyor for product removal; 9 - sensor for switching on the product cross-cutting mechanism; 10 - casing; 11 - product slitting mechanism

The machine consists of a feeding conveyor, a mechanism for cutting meat and fish raw materials, a conveyor for removing the product, a bed.

The feed conveyor has a chain plate structure with vertical stops, between which raw materials are laid.

The raw material cutting mechanism consists of plate and circular knives. Lamellar knives are fixed in two knife frames that reciprocate in mutually perpendicular planes. The circular knife makes a complex movement in a plane perpendicular to the supply of raw materials to the blade knives. The command to cut the product with a circular knife is given by a special cross-cutting switch.

The raw material is loaded into a feed conveyor that delivers it to the knives. Plate knives cut the product into cubes. The cross-sectional dimensions of the blocks are determined by the distance between the knives within the frames.

When leaving the cutting zone of the plate knives, the product acts on the sensor, which turns on the cross-cutting mechanism. The length of the blocks is set using sensors. The cut raw material enters the discharge conveyor, and the sensor takes its original position. In the future, the cycle is repeated.

Machine productivity 250 kg / h; feed conveyor speed 0.02 ... 0.03 m / s; outlet 0.09 ... 0.13 m / s; rotational speed of the circular knife 230 min -1; rated power of the electric motor 2.8 kW.

At public catering establishments, for medium grinding of meat and fish raw materials, meat grinders of various types are used, the digital marking of which indicates the diameter of the knife grate in mm.

In fig. the constructive diagram of the MIM-500 meat grinder is shown.

Fig. Structural diagram of the MIM-500 meat grinder: a - general view; 1 - base; 2 - gearbox drive shaft; 3 - the body of the working chamber; 4 - sleeve; 5 - a set of cutting tools; 6 - screw pin; 7 - union nut; 8 - auger; 9 - fence; 10 - pusher; 11 - loading bowl; 12 - reducer; 13 - facing; 14 - V-belt transmission; 15 - electric motor; 16 - ejector; 17 - handle; b - kinematic diagram; 1 - V-belt transmission; 2 - spur gear reducer; 3 - auger; c - cutting tools

The main working body of the machine is the cutting mechanism, which consists of four-bladed knives, fixed scoring and knife gratings. Four-blade knives have cutting planes that form eight blades. The replaceable blade grid has three holes with diameters of 3.5 and 9.0 mm.

To prevent product sticking, the working chamber has deep screw channels along the inner surface. The advancement of raw materials in the mechanism is carried out by a screw with a decreasing step. The machine housing contains a drive consisting of a 2.2 kW motor, a belt drive and a single-stage gear reducer. Machine productivity 500 kg / h, screw speed 200 rpm.

The MIM-105M meat grinder is similar in design and principle of operation to the MIM-500, but has a lower productivity.

At public catering establishments, desktop meat grinders such as MIM-82M, MIM-250, MIM-82, M2 (764) are widely used. Their fundamental difference lies in their design and individual technical characteristics.

The MIM-82 meat grinder consists of a working chamber and a drive. The loading bowl has a safety catch with a pusher. The drive consists of an electric motor and a two-stage helical gearbox.

Meat grinders such as MS2-150, MS2-70, MMP-N-1, UMM-2 are also used in food production, which are replaceable actuators for universal kitchen machines PM-1.1; PU-06; P-N; UMM-PV; PUVR-04.

In fig. some types of meat grinders of universal kitchen machines are shown.

Fig. Meat grinders of universal kitchen machines: a - MS2-70 meat grinder; b - meat grinder MMP-N-1; c - meat grinder UMM-2

Grinding quality and grinder performance depend on the condition of the cutting tool. Its restoration is carried out by lapping. The side of the knife blade is sharpened on a grinder.

In recent years, the domestic industry has established the production of high-quality meat grinders M8M, 8MM, M6M, 6MM, M4M, 4MM for shops, cafes, restaurants, canteens. The technical characteristics of this equipment are given in table.

Specifications М8М 8MM M6M 6MM М4М 4mm
Productivity, kg / h 250... 300... 250... 300... 250... 300...
300 350 300 350 300 350
Lattice diameter, mm 70 82 70 82 70 82
Installed power, kW 1,1 1,1 0,75 0,75 1,1 1,1
Loading hopper capacity, l 6 6 6 6 10 10
Supply voltage, V 380 380 380 380 380 380
Overall dimensions, mm:
length 550 550 660 660 700 700
width 300 300 440 440 500 500
height 600 600 450 450 450 450
Weight, kg, no more 70 70 46 46 68 68

The special design and material of knives and grids provide continuous multi-shift operation of meat grinders without regrinding the tool. A set of grates allows you to vary the degree of mincing of meat.

The use of an optimal shape screw, obtained as a result of computer simulation, in combination with other strictly calculated design parameters, ensures the most reliable and efficient operation with low energy consumption.

Along with domestic equipment, public catering enterprises use meat grinders of imported production from FAMA - Italy, MKN - Poland, MTR - Great Britain, etc. Their compact design is combined with high productivity and ease of use. They are usually equipped with self-sharpening knives, and the hopper meets international safety standards.

Fig. Mechanism for cutting meat for beef stroganoff MBP-11-1:

a - general view; 1 - case; 2 - knife shaft; 3 - damper; 4 - comb; 5 - pusher;

b - disc cutter

Replaceable actuators of universal drives П-Н, ПУ-06 are mechanisms for cutting meat into beef stroganoff MBP-11-1 (Fig.), Meat looseners MS19-1400 and MRP-P-1.

Fig. Mechanism for cutting meat into beef stroganoff MBP-11-1: a - general view; 1 - case; 2 - knife shaft; 3 - damper; 4 - comb; 5 - pusher; b - disc cutter

The working body of the MBP-11-1 mechanism is a package of knife disks. The meat supplied by the pusher is cut into wedges and dropped into a substituted container. The rotational speed of the shaft with knife mills is 80 rpm, the mechanism operates on a phase voltage of 220 V.

The device and principle of operation of the MC19-1400 and MRP-11-1 mechanisms are similar to the stationary meat looser MRM-15 (Fig.).

Fig. Meat looser MRM-15: a - general view; 1 - machine body; 2 - cover; 3 - carriage; 4 - reducer; 5 - V-belt transmission; b - gear case; 7 - electric motor; 8 - microswitch; 9 - socket; 10 - plug; 11 - capacitors; 12 - cord; 13 - bed; b - kinematic diagram; 1 - belt drive; 2 - worm gear; 3 - cylindrical pair; 4 - packages of cutters

The meat ripper consists of a body, a drive and a working body. The drive includes an electric motor with a V-belt transmission and a worm gear. The motion of the toothed circular knives is transmitted through the toothed cylindrical pair. The knife packs rotate in opposite directions. Portions of meat entering through the loader are trimmed (loosened) on both sides.

The productivity of the machine is 1800 pieces / h; rotational speed of the working shaft 90 min -1; electric motor power 0.27 kW; phase voltage 220 V; overall dimensions 500x260x390 mm.

A complex of machines for portioned pieces of meat MRPP-2000 has been developed and implemented for the centralized production of culinary products.

For crushing, mixing, cutting, kneading, emulsifying and evacuating minced meat, cutters K-45 KB, VK-125 are used.

Cutters are used for the final grinding of previously processed meat on tops to obtain finely ground meat raw materials, minced meat, paste and other similar products.

Fine grinding of meat on a cutter is achieved by cutting it with rapidly rotating sickle-shaped knives in a bowl rotating around a vertical axis. The bowl can be open or airtight. In the latter version, the operation is called "vacuum cut-off".

In fig. the kinematic diagram of the cutter is shown, which characterizes the principle of operation of the machine.

Fig. Kinematic diagram of the cutter: 1 - electric motors; 2 - V-belt transmission; 3 - reducers; 4 - bowl; 5 - unloader plate; 6 - a knife head; 7 - knife shaft

The receiving bowl is driven by an electric motor through a V-belt transmission and a worm gear. The knife head, cantilevered on the knife shaft, mounted in rolling bearings, rotates from an electric motor through a V-belt drive.

The finished product is unloaded using a device that is a plate attached to a shaft that rotates from an electric motor through a gearbox.

Meat mixers are used to mix minced meat and fish with all the components provided for in the recipe.

The domestic industry produces a number of mixers of various capacities, differing in the design of individual units, but working on the same principle. The main working body of the machines is one or two rotating shafts with blades, which mix the minced meat evenly, saturating it with air. The mixing process, as a rule, does not exceed 60 s.

Meat mixers FM-150, L5-FM2-U-335, LPK-1000F420 are the most acceptable in terms of productivity and power consumption for public catering enterprises.

The L5-FM2-U-335 meat mixer has the simplest design and reliability of operation typical for this group of technological equipment.

The open-type meat mixer consists of a frame, a kneading tank, where two augers rotate towards each other, auger drive and a loading mechanism. The screws are rotated from an electric motor through a worm gear.

The loading mechanism consists of a trolley designed to transport raw materials to the meat mixer, and a device for tipping it, mounted in the frame.

The tipping device is a system of levers moving by a worm gear, with a separate electric motor.

The finished product is discharged through hatches located at the bottom of the tank and opened manually by rotating the handwheel clockwise.

To speed up the process of mixing minced meat, the design of the machine provides for reversing the rotation of the screws, which is carried out by two buttons on the control panel.

To produce dumplings, domestic-made dumplings NPA and NPA-1M are used.

Automatic machines are continuous-action machines in which, when manually loading products into bins, the semi-finished product is automatically and waste-free molding. They consist of a dough hopper, filler hopper (for minced meat), quick-change forming nozzles, forming drums and flour dumping or lubricating devices.

Technical characteristics of automatic dumplings are given in table.

More powerful in terms of productivity (240 ... 1200 kg / h) are automatic machines SUB-2M, SUB-ZM and SUB-6, designed for dosing and forming dumplings.

Their designs differ only in the number of stamping drums. The main structural elements of the machines are: belt conveyor; loading hopper with screw dough unloader; loading hopper with paddle mixer and eccentric paddle feeder for minced meat; minced and dough collectors with a forming device; stamping drums with a lifting device; bunker for flour with a turner; drive and bed.

The dough and minced meat from the hopper are pumped into the corresponding manifolds, and from them into the forming device, which has two holes: the outer one for the dough and the inner one for the minced meat. The dough with minced meat comes out of the forming device in a continuous flow in the form of a filled tube and goes to trays or a belt made of corrosion-resistant steel and sprinkled with flour. Then the tube goes under the stamping discs. When the tubes are moved on the conveyor, the stamping drums are rolled over them, placing the minced meat and dough in the cells with the simultaneous molding and gluing of dumplings.

For cleaning fish use the mechanisms MC17-40 and RO-1M1. Their principle of operation is the same. The difference lies in the fact that the MC 17-40 device is a replaceable actuator for the PM-11 universal drive, and the RO-1M1 mechanism is produced with an individual drive, which is attached to the production table with a clamp. Their productivity is respectively 40 and 60 kg / h.

Double fin finisher PR-2M is designed to remove dorsal, anal and caudal fins in fish of different species and sizes.

The fin-cutter consists of two plate-mounted heads and an electric motor to rotate the circular saws. The saws are fenced with special guards with oval grooves and guide slots for fins to enter under the saw. The machine has two chutes for the removal of cut fins and water is supplied for washing circular saws and chutes.

The GOM head cutter is designed for the removal of fish heads of different sizes. The working bodies of the machine are replaceable knives and three dies for laying fish.

The knives are made in the form of a thin-walled cylinder with an end cutting edge. They are attached to a vertical shaft. The shaft from the drive mechanism makes a rotational and translational movement downward, followed by a return upward and a short stop in the initial position to replace the fish.

Fish processing conveyor KR-1 intended for acceptance and cutting of thawed fish. It consists of a drive section, a tension section, a cutter section and an inclined scraper conveyor.

The drive section includes a base, drive, fish cutting tables, six work stations, waste disposal trays.

A hopper is fixed on the base of the tension section. The hopper has three levelers, two of which are stationary, and the third is height adjustable and serves as a gate. Each workplace has a fish cutting board and water supply. Conveyor capacity 240 kg / h.


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