The size of the beds in the greenhouse 3x4. Planning modern greenhouses. What a height should be a garden in a greenhouse

Groans in greenhouse 3 by 6 meters have their own nuances of the device. Today we will consider in more detail all the features, we will pay attention to the device of beds in two and three rows, their location in the greenhouse. Then, given all the advice, gardeners will be able to place the landing in the most successful way. In the greenhouse will work comfortably.

Usually compact greenhouses 3x6 m are widely demanded on suburban, summer cottages. Here are the key features of such greenhouses.

  1. Place a greenhouse is needed in an open place. It is important to organize a convenient approach to it.
  2. The beds usually go along the long sides along the walls.
  3. That the lighting was better and long, the long side must be converted to the West.
  4. It is important to create conditions for comfortable garden care. The height of the groin relative to the track is usually a maximum of 40 cm.
  5. It is desirable to leave tracks with a width of at least 45 cm. Only in such conditions is possible full-fledged effective work.
  6. The beds are better to do 60 or 90 cm. Wider beds are used with tracks from two sides, and when approaching the one hand, a bed of 60 cm wide is suitable.

It is important! It is necessary to take care of the proper width of the tracks. If they are too narrow, it is uncomfortable to walk, there is no place to place needed equipment, inventory, watering hoses, and the integrity of the beds will constantly break. Wide tracks work much more convenient.

We have a garden of rational

There are several simple secrets of the competent location of the beds.

It is important! Remember key principles for selecting the optimal landing scheme. It is necessary to rationally use the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse, be sure to provide free access to each bush, plant, branch. In addition, the conditions must be better for the plants themselves - to have enough light, nutrition.

Looking out tomatoes in a greenhouse having a size of 3 by 6 meters

In the consolidated table we will look at the key features of planting crops. As an example, we take the searition of the bushes of tomato in a greenhouse from polycarbonate. We will pay attention to the features, key characteristics disembarkation, as well as the method of disembarking. We also specify exemplary calculations for two and three beds in greenhouse 3 by 6 meters.

Table. Features of planting tomato in a greenhouse from polycarbonate.

IndicatorTwo GrokesThree Grokes
FeaturesGrokes are better to arrange along long sides. Then the width of the bed will be approximately 100 cm, and the rest of the area will be needed under the path.More convenient option with efficient use of space. You can make tracks a little wider thanks to the narrowing of the beds.
Method of disembarkingOptimally use the method into two lines and a square-nesting plant. Sometimes the bushes are placed in a checkerboard.The chess order of bushes is optimally suitable. A little less often use a square-nesting method.
PaymentYou can land 60 bushes if you leave a gap between rows of 60 cm, and the distance between the bushes is only 40 cm. Then 15 bushes can take 1 row.It is recommended to compact the gap to 30 cm. Then 20 bushes can be planted in one row.

Now let's stay in more detail at important points.

Seawing in a greenhouse in two beds

Many gardeners and specialists note that it is more convenient and easier to place a garden of the entire length of the greenhouse, along the walls. For standard landar beds, the traditional is the height of 30-40 cm. It is important to take care of the desired width of the track, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use and place tools, walk with a wheelbarrow, watering plants.

For high quality and speed, it is important to have a suitable free space. Most often sear the bushes with sockets in the form of squares or rectangles, as well as in two lines.

This method is more popular because it allows you to maximally correctly and rationally use the entire area. You can achieve a sufficient width of the tracks, making beds along the edges more compact.

For those who are going to plant tomato bushes, there is a special advice: in extreme rows it is better to clean the determinant varieties of tomatoes, since the greenhouse has a low height near the walls, if compared with the central part. It is advisable to choose a variety of varieties with medium height, early.

Consider landing of tomatoes in a greenhouse 3 to 6 with three beds in more detail. The extreme rows are better to form in two stems, while increasing the gap between them. On average, it should be approximately 40 cm, since bushes with large volumes need enhanced nutrition. It is easy to calculate the number of bushes in a row: just 600 division by 40. In the end, it turns out that in a row you can plant 15 bushs of tomatoes. In total, in one greenhouse with such parameters, it is quite possible to place freely than 90 bushes with tomatoes, and they will be stretched for collecting dates.

By ripeness, you can also pick up the beds in a special way. In the center it is desirable to grow the secondary, medium-grade varieties. But for lateral beds, early early tomatoes will fit more.

The optimal solution is to achieve ripening tomato in turn. It is very important to competently select the varieties in accordance with the budget, taste preferences, the characteristics of the soil. Then all the tomatoes will ripen in turn, and there will always be fresh tasty tomatoes on the table.

Basic principles of gardening in greenhouse

Now it's time to consider the formation of beds in greenhouses with sizes of 3 by 6 meters.

Focus on the sides of the world

First of all, it is necessary to remember the sides of the world when the beds are planted with different cultures. You can use drawers, racks, make a bed directly on the ground. In any case, the location of the plants relative to the parties will be of great importance. Plants should receive maximum heat and light, solar energy.

For accurate orientation, you will use the compass. It is best to place a bed in the direction of the north to the south. It is then that plants will be able to get more sunny light throughout the day.

It is important to remember: regardless of the culture, type, dependence on heat and light, each plant needs to be located in beds, given it as much as possible possible growth Before harvesting. Non-high plants in no case should be in the shade of high.

Location of plants in height

Specialists celebrate: It is high plants that need special approach. Greater growth, the presence of foliage determine a significant shading of the bed. As a result, other plants may suffer from lack of heat and light. The optimal solution is to place tall plants along the "East-West" line. Then the lower tiers of leaves will be perfectly covered with morning sunshine.

Sometimes it happens that the greenhouses have to be installed in an uneven landscape. In this case, it is advisable to stop the choice on the slope with the southern exposition. Such a plot should have a south-oriented bias. Accession across the slope placed racks, beds. The perfect option, because the maximum number of plants will be under the immediate sunny rays, as they will fall on the greenhouse at an angle.

It is important! You may encounter various interference, problems with orientation in accordance with the sides of the world. If the greenhouse cannot be installed properly, you have to choose the best possible option.

There are their pitfalls. For example, if the slope is southern, but there is a shadow from the crown of trees, the best option will be the location of the greenhouse on the northern, but free from the skellations of the slope.

Consider the design features of the greenhouse

Features of the design also affect the order of plants disembarking. This is what needs to be taken into account.

Tip! Specialists and experienced gardeners note that it is impossible to save on the aisles. Tracks must be comfortable. The optimal minimum is 40 cm. Decided to use a wheelbarrow? Then it is better to leave in the center a passage of 80 cm, and plant seed on the sides on two beds.

Reasonable use of vertical

It is not necessary to place the beds exclusively in the same plane. You have an excellent opportunity to organize a rack design in a greenhouse. It is the vertical layout of the beds that makes it very efficient to use all the free space. However, there are also their difficulties. It is extremely important to distribute all plants and containers from the ground so that the lower tiers do not become in the shade of the upper.

Here are three simple rules Rack accommodation.

  1. Directly under the racks, you can make a niche by the type of warehouse for storing the necessary devices.
  2. Bottom, medium tiers are ideal for adult plants. You can also place containers with fertile soil in which young bushes are planted. For example, this is a good solution for the cultivation of strawberries in the Dutch method.
  3. Capacities with seedlings most need warmth and light. That is why they should be placed on the top tiers in the rack location of the beds. In accordance with growth, development, they can be gradually moved lower.

It is important! Stick up a specific standard. The depth of the shelving should be no more than 50 cm. Then the shelves will not shade the plants.

The vertical can also be used with a terraced location of the beds. This is a good option for those who want to gradually move on rack accommodation. In the greenhouse, on one side, the beds are left traditional. For this, the south-eastern or south side will fit more. But the terrace can be made with the opposite side of the greenhouse.

It is worth noting that such experimental structures are appropriate in cases where combined cultivation is carried out. different cultures within one greenhouse. If you grow one culture, you need to create homogeneous conditions throughout the area.

Planning the area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse by Mitlider

Traditionally, the layout of the beds in two and three rows. Both variants are completely realized in greenhouses with sizes of 3 by 6 meters. Approximate calculations We led to higher. However, another method is known, innovative - Jacob Mitlider's method.

When the greenhouse is planned by mitlider, crops are planning on beds having a width of 45 cm. It resembles a traditional option. However, it is recommended to make the widest possible path between the beds. For example, a good width of the passage is 90 cm. Such a reception will ensure a good air flow, sufficient illumination.

The technique provides for the creation of comfortable conditions for the gardener. It is recommended to disseminate plants in two narrow rows, leaving free soil between them. At the same time there will be a good air exchange, and the person does not have to far reach the bushes for work.

The most original method is the placement of the beds on the racks that are located on the helix. You can make pipes that are used for communications, water supply. It is ideal for this method for growing low-spirited crops, such as greens and strawberries.

We make the best beds in the greenhouse 3 on 6

It's time to consider step-by-step instructions Arrangement of beds in greenhouse. It is important to provide maximum efficiencyCreate for plants the best conditions.

You will need fertile soil. Soil is preparing specially either purchased in the ready-made form. In addition, you need to stock up with boards, sawdust or straw. Also need a manure as a basic helpful layer. We act on the algorithm.

Step 1. At first there is a trench in the garden.

First you need to dig a trench

Step 2. Then it is necessary to install the fencing - formwork from wooden boards.

Step 3. Then the straw or sawdust layer is poured. Its thickness should be 10-15 cm.

Step 4. Then there is a turn of manure. You need to take a manure that is already starting to overden. The layer is made compacted. Height - 20 cm.

Step 5. The created pillow is pillowed with boiling water so that the manure and the bottom layer soak. After that, the beds need to be left alone for two days.

You can make a multi-layer fertilizer using chicken litter and decomposition stimulator. When the rotting is intense, highlights the maximum thermal energy. Just she is needed for better growth Lined crops. You can leave organic fertilizer under the black film for a week so that it warms it well, and then pour the soil and plant plants.

Organic fertilizer can be covered with black film for a week (in the photo - mini-greenhouse)

To protect the seedlings from rodents, you can post the bottom layer with a special grid. Also, sometimes instead of sawdust lay down rotten boards, bark and hemp. Manure can be replaced by herbic humus. It is necessary to all be well tumped and watered boiling water, be sure to give these layers to "stand out" before falling asleep soil.

Even on swampy, stony or sandy soil can be organized good conditions For growing different crops. Just set the cortic and fill them with fertile soil. In the boxes are warmer, they protect from pests. The height of the box is approximately 40 cm.

Video - Arrangement of beds in greenhouse and soil preparation for sowing

Today exist different types Greenhouses. The location of the beds and their configuration depends on the variety of structures. Plants for landings are also chosen taking into account the type of greenhouse. If, then the owner can grow by the cultivation of any cultures.

Simple layout options for beds in a greenhouse size 3x4 meters

Types of greenhouses:

  • Double;
  • Arched;
  • With a geodesic dome.

The first option is perfect to grow trees that will be surrounded by warm air. For seedlings, such a structure is considered less suitable. For the beds under the plants it is better to choose other options. These designs of greenhouses do not have a high height and give the gardener enough space. An example of optimal sizes is 3x6 m, and polycarbonate sheets are suitable materials.

The breakdown of the bed should be performed correctly. If you make them wide, then the crop may suffer. To reach the plant, you will have to step on the bed.

Arrangement of beds in greenhouse 3x6 of polycarbonate

And this will entail unwanted consequences: you can damage the root system or compact the soil. When the roots are developing slowly due to mechanical damage or reducing the water permeability, the plant will give less fruit. It all depends on what kind of method you prefer. Make the width of the beds no more than 90-95 cm if you plan to grow plants on racks. When landing right into open ground, the maximum width can reach 1.2 m.

The size of the passage should be wide enough so that you can move freely in it:

Increase the area for the cultivation zone

Allows S. maximum benefit Distribute space. Often, summer houses arrange more beds with the highest possible width due to a decrease in the size of the passage.

For example, 3 beds often make, where width is 1.2 m, and 2 passages of 30 cm.

Experienced gardeners have their own trick, as not to attack the crops. Concrete blocks are placed on the bed and in the passage, wooden boards are put on top. Thanks to such a design, you can reach any plant.

Planning beds in a greenhouse with geocoupol

The planning of the geodetic greenhouse has a number of significant differences:

Geocoupol is usually made of polycarbonate. The material is not so transparent as glass, however it has the strength and ability to maintain heat. Solar battery On the surface of the polycarbonate allows you to maintain the desired temperature inside. It is located at the top of the dome.

Planning the greenhouse mitlider

An interesting solution for the planning is a breaker device proposed by Canadian Dr. Mitlaider. He conducted an experiment for 50 years. As a result, the Canadian scientist made conclusions regarding optimal sizes:

  • the garden must be 45 cm;
  • the passage should be left at least 90 cm.

Such landing allows you to ensure the most comfortable conditions for plantings. Plants are well ventilated. Each of them comes with a sufficient amount of sunlight. Such conditions are most favorable for the development and growth of plants.

To arrange such a greenhouse, you will need to get a compass. The location of the beds should be in the direction of north-south. Take care that the surface of the soil is horizontal. High yield is explained by the use of balanced fertilizers.

An important factor is considered timely watering. And soil looser is not required.
The doctor gives recommendations for a breaker device on any terrain. If the soil is bad for the cultivation of the Earth, then large boxes with a width of 1.2 m - 1.5 m and a height of 40 cm should be installed inside the greenhouse.

Finished soil falls asleep in the boxes. These ridges greatly warm up sunlight, pests are not breeding. However, plants require reinforced watering. If you agree with the opinion of the doctor, build your greenhouse of Mitlider from polycarbonate.

Features of the device for warm bed

Many gardeners are accustomed to surprise those around them with their achievements. Their zabacht harvest is the size of the "with a good cable" can not be unnoticed. The rest of the vegetables also grow better than others. The secret is simple enough. Dachini landed their crops on compost or warm beds.

Device diagram with warm beds

The yield increases, and the soil is not required to flip. In the process of rotting the organic, the heat is highlighted that the soil is well warmed.
Above the compost layer accumulates carbon dioxide, which is involved in the photosynthesis process. This favors the rapid growth of plants. Inside the warm beds, the temperature is higher than that surrounding soil. This allows you to plant early seedlings. The period of growth and fruiting in plants increases.
Warm garden is arranged as follows:

If there is no manure, then the heat pillow is made in the following way:

Alternative ways of fence for beds

Polycarbonate sheets are the same popular building materials for greenhouses, like boards - for the bed fencing device. In addition to wood, alternative options can be used:

Build a greenhouse and perform the correct one. Then each garden will delight you with its rich harvest. Make conditions in greenhouse favorable for plant growth. Arrange warm beds. And collect a few yields per season.

To get a rich harvest, you need to competently approach the choice of greenhouses, correctly pick up the varieties, and equip the beds. The most popular version of greenhouses among gardeners - 3x6 houses. They are suitable for small-sized plots. The greenhouse can be made with their own hands from glass, wood, films or buy already ready. Special popularity began to use greenhouse houses from polycarbonate. The material is strength superior to the design of glass, well dispels the sunlight, and ease allows you to quickly install or disassemble the room.

How to plan a garden in greenhouse 3 to 6: orientation on the sides of the light

When using greenhouses in garden sites, it is necessary to correctly arrange the design, relative to the parties of the light and wind loads. No compliance with these conditions can affect the quality of seedlings and lead to a low yield.

Preparing beds in a greenhouse, experienced gardeners are oriented on the parties:

  1. For low crops, it is better to place a greenhouse from the north to south, it is such a planning of the Grokeok will give the fruits more sunlight.
  2. However, to illuminate high plants, the location of the beds make from west to the east. Thick foliage can give dim, and such a scheme will allow the rays of the sun to penetrate the rows, and illuminate the lower leaflets of the culture.
  3. If the surface with a slope, turn the greenhouse towards the south, and the beds create a stepped method.

Such principles will give plants the opportunity to be each other, and fully obtain an equal amount of sunlight.

Location schemes in Greenhouse 6x3 m

In pursuit of a large harvest, gardeners try to use every centimeter of the greenhouse.

Planning a bed in a greenhouse, consider your physical opportunities.

Wide beds make it difficult to care for plants.

There are the most common ways to locate the beds:

  1. 2 Wide ridges that stretch from beginning to end design. The width of the seats will be 1.2 m, and the width of the track will be 60 cm. With this landing, there is one minus, some will find it difficult to get to extreme cultures.
  2. 3 identical beds and 2 tracks 60 cm. In this case, the landing area will slightly decrease, but convenient plant care will be provided.
  3. Groin, more than a meter width, to put in the center, with the approach on both sides. In greenhouses with such a layout of the plant will receive the greatest amount of light and heat, but the size of the useful area will remain small.
  4. You can arrange narrow planting rows around the perimeter of the house, and one wide centered.

The solution to the planning of the greenhouse depends on the selected vegetable crops. For each plant, there is a microclimate in which it will fully develop. Selected for the neighborhood of the plant follows with similar cultivation conditions.

Dual greenhouse 3 on 6: how to locate a garden

Depending on the climatic conditions, Gardeners decide which height you need to raise a warm bed. The height is varied from 20 to 50 cm. With this location, it remains convenient access to plants and does not quickly dry up the soil. For the device, boards, bricks, polycarbonate sheets, slate slices, which prevent the sinking of the Earth are used. At the bottom of the beds are laid all sorts of waste: straw and deciduous fillers, who fired the bark of trees, duchus, chips. All this is spilled boiling water to start the fermentation process and is covered on top of the manure. When rotting, hectors heat, it affects the growth rate and the scale of the culture.

For effective use Square, you can apply the vertical method. Vertical beds save space and help to get no less rich harvest.

Set such structures in several ways:

  1. Garter beds. They are made specifically for cultures requiring tapping to the support. Various shields and partitions, plastic grids serve as a vertical surface. The growing plants begin to cling to the support and stretch up.
  2. Crickerel shelves. Represent a design of several boxes adopted over each other. The height between the shelves depends on the cultural grown. Such shelves are good for growing low plants having a surface root system.
  3. Crickerels of plastic pipes. The holes are drilled in the pipe, the land is falling asleep, and the design is installed vertically in the greenhouse. Very well grow in such devices strawberries.

Vertical beds have their own nuances that you need to know every gardener.

Not all plants can live in a limited space. We select culture with a small root system.

In such mini-beds, the soil dries much faster and requires constant feeding, but it is less submitted. Special pleasure will take care of gardens to care for plants, not bending the back. A competent approach to growing plants will give a rich harvest even on a small area.

Small greenhouse 3 on 4: how to locate a garden on a new method

The greenhouses of 3x4 size are suitable for gardens with limited country area. The average height of such structures is 2 meters. These sizes are optimal for many cultures. The landing scheme is similar to the order of location of the beds in a greenhouse of 3 to 6.

Along with the traditional solution of the location of the seats, new technologies on the MitLider method appeared, which brought the color width formula.

According to the invention, the plants receive a maximum of light and air with a width of a bed of 45 cm, and the passage between them is 90 cm. With such a planting of the soil in looser does not need, and balanced fertilizers and good watering will give a big harvest.

Often, gardeners are interested in the question of how many crops can be grown on one ridge. The second invention of the mitlider is narrow beds in one strip. On one ridge, 2 types of cultures are accommodated, similar to climatic requirements. Cultures ripen simultaneously and during the season you can collect 2 crops.

Sealing beds are used to save space, while the difference and period of the development of vegetable crops takes into account. Salad and parsley add to Luke seeds. Early cultures in a month fall on the table, and the place in the garden is released.

It is close to growing plants that have beneficially affecting each other, thereby you can improve the taste and get rid of unwanted pests.

Location of beds in the greenhouse 3x6 (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is impossible to combine vegetable crops requiring different agricultural conditions. The best option There will be the placement of these plants on the opposite sides of the greenhouse. The process of preparing the beds requires a competent and serious approach, a convenient location will bring pleasure and rich harvest.

Groans for a greenhouse 3 and 4 meters long and a price from the manufacturer. The panel strength provides a metal thickness of 0.7 mm. and ribs stiffness. Colors of the beds are equipped with all. Do not buy anything.

The pegs are plunged on 25 cm and securely hold the bed in place. The presence of screeds gives additional stiffness all designs. Due to these elements, the garden can also be alleged, not afraid of breakdown beams and the change in the design geometry.

All models in stock. The table indicates the size of the beds for greenhouses 3 by 6 meters and 3 to 4 m, but at your request we can change the width without surcharge.


For a bed with a height of 25 cm Metal thickness 0.7 mm. In panel 6 rigid ribs. Quick thickness 1.5 mm. The pegs are plugged into the ground to a depth of 25 cm. Maximum length of the panel 2 meters. Width to choose from without surcharge.

For a bed with a height of 35 cm Metal thickness 0.7 mm. On the 8 ribs panels. Quick thickness 1.5 mm. The pegs are plunged into the ground to a depth of 20 cm. Maximum panel length is 2 meters. Screeds and pegs go every 2 meters. Width to choose from without surcharge.

For a bed with a height of 50 cm Metal thickness 0.7 mm. In panel 16 ribs stiffness. Quick thickness 1.5 mm. The pegs are plunged into the ground to a depth of 20 cm. Maximum panel length 1 meter. Screeds and pegs go through each meter. Width to choose from without surcharge.

Prices for beds to greenhouse 3x4 meters and discount sets.

How to choose a garden garden 3 to 4 meters.

We offer 2 options for setting beds to a greenhouse. In the first variant, the beds are located at the edges. Their width is 1 meter. The use of a greater width is inconvenient to serve. Using less is not rational, as the landing area is reduced. It is only possible for a second variant for a second variant, where the 3rd groancy is added to a length of 2 meters and a width of 60 cm.

An option with 3 beds: two to 70 cm and one 60 cm is optimal. You can change these sizes without any surcharge, but then the passages will decrease and it will be hard to process the earth and water it if you use buckets and watering can. That is why the central bed of 2 meters shorter than the length of the greenhouse so that it is convenient to go.

What will be needed for the assembly.

For the assembly, you will need 2 keys to 12 or 1 key and a screwdriver with a broken nozzle.
The shovel for dumping the soil, as the pegs are plugged deep enough.

Transportation of beds.

A set of beds is placed in any a car. The maximum set of 2 meters for a height is 25 cm and 35 cm and 1 meter for 50 cm. Each garden is completed separately. The package includes everything for the assembly. In the future, do not need to buy anything.

The arrangement of the greenhouse on the site allows you to provide yourself with early harvest of vegetables and greenery. The most popular models include polycarbonate greenhouses with an area of \u200b\u200b3x6 m. The competent placement of the beds in them is the key to the efficient use of the greenhouse space. In more detail, about which beds are and how to make them in a greenhouse in size 3x6 m, this article will tell with photos and videos.

While at the stage of choosing a place under the future greenhouse, we should consider and take into account several important points:

  • location of the sideways;
  • placement of communications;
  • model bed.

Greenhouses of 3 to 6 - most popular in gilders

The location of the greenhouse relative to the parties to the light plays a significant role in choosing plants cultivated in it. Traditionally, the beds are placed along the long walls. If the greenhouse is planned to grow low-spirited crops, its location in the north-south direction will allow cultivated cultures to obtain maximum sunlight. When planning to cultivate tall plants, the greenhouse is better located in the East-West direction, so the rays of the sun will easily penetrate between plants, evenly illuminating them.

Attention! If the plot allotted under the arrangement of the greenhouse has a slope, then it is better to deploy it south.

The area for the greenhouse must be open, do not shade other buildings or trees, have a convenient approach. If it is impossible to place a greenhouse in accordance with the recommended parties of the light, it should be equipped in such a way that the greenhouse space is as high as possible in the first half of the day. If the greenhouse is covered only in the afternoon, it will significantly affect the yields of grown crops. Equipping the greenhouse, it is equally important to arrange communication so that it is watering and heating is uniform.

Facilities for furnaceing beds in greenhouse

Models of beds for arrangement in greenhouse

Conditions of a greenhouse with an area of \u200b\u200b3x6 m allow you to equip several variants of the beds:

Attention! Vertical, stepped and suspended beds make it possible to efficiently use the greenhouse space, but require the arrangement of additional lighting and carrying out more frequent irrigation and feeding.

Gardings in the greenhouse can be done warm

Possible schemes for organizing beds in the greenhouse

With a greenhouse of 3x6 m, the bed can be conveniently located using one of the options, the main thing, not save the place at the aisles:

1. 2 Longitudinal beds under the walls of 0.9 m wide each, + central passage - 1.2 cm. Planting on such beds is made by a two-stroke or square-nesting method.

Attention! It should not be done a bed wider 1.2 m, otherwise they will be difficult for them to care. The best guidance when choosing a width of the garden is its own growth and the amount of effort that will be required for processing it.

Two longitudinal beds - the most popular option in greenhouses 3 to 6

2. 2 side and 1 central beds, each 60 cm wide, passages between rows - 60 cm. On such beds, seedlings are planted in a checker order or 1-2 lines.

3. 2 Narrow lateral beds in size about 50 cm + central bedding width in 1 m and 2 passages of 50 cm. Plant landing on similar beds is made by a square-nesting or single-line way.

4. Narrow bedding around the entire perimeter of 45 cm wide and a central bedding width 1-1.1 m + aisles of 50 cm. On narrow beds, vegetable seedlings are planted in 1 row or a nesting method, and on a wide central garden - in 2 lines or A nesting method in a checker order. The garden, located in the center of the greenhouse, as well as along a deaf end wall, can be replaced by a rack or table at which it is compact to compactly place drawers with seedlings and vegetables grown in containers. Using racks for growing seedlings, it should be noted that their depth should not exceed 50 cm. With this condition, the shelves will minimally shade the plants located below.

If cultures in the greenhouse do not grow. beds can be done three, but narrower

Attention! Planning a scheme for placing the beds, the requirements for the microclimate grown in the greenhouse of cultures should be taken into account. Cultures requiring different conditions should be placed in opposite ends of the greenhouse, if desired, they can be separated by the film curtain.

A variety of location options for the beds makes it easy to choose the most convenient model depending on the cultivated cultures and get high yields. Taking into account the recommendations on the arrangement of the selected model of beds in a polycarbonate greenhouse in size 3x6 m, one can achieve the most efficient use of greenhouse space.

Organization of beds in Teplice - video

Groats in Teplice 3 on 6 - Photo


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