Competition for filling vacant posts. Announcement of a competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff of the RSUH competition for filling vacant positions

FSBEI HE "State Institute of the Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin "

announces a competition for replacement vacancies

teaching staff by departments:


senior teacher - 1 rate (profile - teaching English);


associate professor - 1 rate;


Professors - 1 rate (teaching courses in cultural linguistics, semiotics, cultural anthropology, various aspects of intercultural communication);

Associate professor - 1 rate (teaching courses "Methods of teaching literature at school", "Teaching Russian in a multicultural environment", "Pedagogical rhetoric", "Linguistic and literary analysis of the text at school");

Associate professor - 1 rate (conducting specialized disciplines in journalism for students of the profile "Applied Philology");


Professors - 1 rate;

Associate professor - 3 rates;

Senior teacher - 3 rates;

Assistant - 1 bet.

Qualification requirements for candidates for the position of professor:

  • academic degree (title);
  • experience of scientific and pedagogical work at least 5 years;
  • the presence of publications in leading domestic and (or) foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications and (or) presentation at national and international conferences the results of research activities corresponding to the field of research of the graduate student
Qualification requirements for candidates for the position of associate professor:
  • higher education- specialty, magistracy, postgraduate study, the direction of which (profile) corresponds to the taught training course;
  • academic degree (title);
  • experience of scientific and pedagogical work at least 3 years;
  • no restrictions on engaging in pedagogical activities, established by law RF.
Qualification requirements for candidates for the position of senior teacher:
  • higher education - specialty, magistracy, postgraduate study, the direction of which (profile) corresponds to the taught course;
  • additional professional education on the basis of higher education (specialty, magistracy, postgraduate studies, assistantships-internships) - professional retraining, the focus (profile) of which corresponds to the taught course, discipline (module);
  • experience of scientific and pedagogical work for at least 3 years, in the presence of an academic degree (title) - without presenting requirements for the length of service;
  • the presence of publications in leading domestic and (or) foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications and (or) presentation of the results of research activities at national and international conferences;
  • the absence of restrictions on engaging in teaching activities established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Qualification requirements for candidates for the position of assistant:
  • higher education - specialty, magistracy, postgraduate study, the direction of which (profile) corresponds to the taught course;
  • additional vocational education based on higher education (specialty or master's degree) - professional retraining, the focus (profile) of which corresponds to the taught course, discipline (module);
  • without presentation of requirements for work experience;
  • the absence of restrictions on engaging in teaching activities established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Copies of documents confirming the identity and compliance of the applicant must be attached to the application qualification requirements, and documents confirming that he has no restrictions on the lesson labor activity in the field of education, provided for by legislative and other regulatory legal acts (a certificate of no criminal record and a certificate of the absence of medical contraindications for teaching).

You can learn more about the procedure for obtaining a certificate of no criminal record here: (see " Administrative regulations Ministry of Internal Affairs for the issuance of certificates of no criminal record "and" Issuance of certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record ").

The applicant is not allowed to the competition if:

Inconsistency of the submitted documents with the requirements for the relevant position;

Failure to submit the established documents;

Violations of the established deadlines for the receipt of the application.

The deadline for submitting applications is May 19, 2017.

Documents should be sent to the address: 117485, Moscow, st. Ak. Volgina, 6.

The date and place of the competitive selection for filling the vacant positions of the teaching staff in the departments - 06/26/2017. in the hall of the Academic Council of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State. IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin "(Moscow, st. Ak. Volgina, 6).

In case of a change in the date of the competitive selection, the applicants will be informed of the exact date of the Academic Council by an employee of the personnel department.

If you have any questions, please contact the personnel department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State. IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin "(Moscow, st. Ak. Volgina, 6, office 290). Phone: 8 495 335-02-22.

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from 17 February 2020

Departments and divisions Positions
Biomaterials Assistant 0.25
Colloid chemistry Professor 0.5
SKOLTECH "Organic and hybrid materials for energy conversion and storage" Professor 0.1
Sociology Art. teacher
Physical chemistry Professor 0.5
Chemistry and technology of organic nitrogen compounds Assistant
Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories Professor 0.25
Chemical technology of glass and sitalls Associate professor 0.6
UNESCO "Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development" Professor 0.1

not later
March 17, 2020.

The meeting of the competition committee will be held March 23, 2020 at 15:00 in the conference room.

D. I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology from March 16, 2020 announces a competition for filling vacant positions in the following university departments:

Applications of applicants for participation in the competition must go to the organization not later the final date for accepting applications specified in the announcement of the tender,
April 16, 2020.

The qualification requirements, criteria and procedure for competitive selection can be found on the university website, in the "Academic Council / Competitive Selection" section.

The application must be accompanied by copies of documents confirming the applicant's compliance with the qualification requirements, and documents confirming that he has no restrictions on employment in the field of education, provided for by legislation and other regulatory legal acts (certificate of no criminal record and medical certificate).

The applicant is not allowed to the competition if:

- inconsistency of the submitted documents with the requirements for the relevant position;

- failure to submit the established documents;

- violation of the established deadlines for the receipt of the application.

Applicant's statement and Required documents to participate in the competition should be submitted to the address.


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