Staffing table with vacant positions sample. Staff schedule. The procedure for entering information in the staffing table

staffing- this is a mandatory internal regulatory document of the organization containing data on its structure, number of employees and general fund wages per month.

Sample staffing in the form of T-3

Form of staffing in the form of T-3

Staffing: features of filling

In addition to the main functional information, the staff list lists the positions of employees, there is information about the salaries of the entire composition of the organization, the employee incentive system (various bonuses, allowances for overtime work, etc.), and the availability of vacancies.

Each enterprise has the right to develop its own staffing form, but taking into account all the necessary points, or use the unified form T-3, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of January 5, 2004.

Staffing may require various supervisory and executive bodies: courts, labor inspectorate (checking the compliance of working conditions with the letter of the law), regional representatives of the Pension Fund (checking data on employee insurance), tax (checking the application of tax benefits), so you need to draw it up correctly and accurately.

The staffing begins with the development of the structure of the enterprise and the order of the head to appoint a person responsible for filling out the T-3 form. This can be either an accounting officer, a secretary, an office manager, or an employee of the created personnel department, and even the head himself.

In addition, the order establishes the terms in which the staffing table must be drawn up, the terms for its coordination and approval.

How to draw up a staffing table

    The date of drawing up the staffing table, the date of its approval (according to the order), the date from which the schedule begins to operate and the period of its validity must be indicated. By general rule staffing is drawn up for a period of one year.

    The name of the organization must correspond to that specified in the Charter of the organization.

    Introducing names to the staffing table structural divisions(departments) - column 1, positions of employees - column 3, especially if when working in this position the employee is entitled to benefits or special conditions, in order not to deprive him of these benefits, it is worth using the tariff and qualification directories:

    • All-Russian classifier of professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories(OK 016-94);

      All-Russian classifier of occupations (OK 010-93);

      Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees;

      unified tariff-qualification reference books of jobs and professions of workers by industry.

    As a rule, this applies to municipal organizations and enterprises with "harmful" working conditions, while commercial organizations are free to enter into the staff list almost any names of structural departments and positions, guided only by common sense, traditional terminology and common definitions and concepts.

    It makes sense to assign a structural unit code to each department: it can be used in the future when processing various business documents of the organization.

    Salaries of employees, as well as allowances, other incentives, and the total amount of the monthly salary of the enterprise must be indicated in rubles.

    • Salaries can be indicated not by a certain figure, but within certain amounts, for example, from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. This is allowed for enterprises that are not required to strictly comply with the indicators of the Unified Tariff-Qualification Grid. This is usually done when the position of employees is called the same, but their qualifications, set of functions, work experience are different.

      The incentive system (columns 6-8) should contain information for what and in what units the employee receives an incentive, i.e. it can be calculated not only in rubles, but also in percentages, coefficients, etc.

      The total monthly amounts of payments for each position are indicated in column 9. At the bottom of the tabular part, a total is summed up and the entire salary fund of the organization for the month is indicated.

    If any positions in the enterprise are vacant, an entry is made in column 10 "Notes".

The compiled staff list is coordinated with the heads of structural divisions (departments), and given to lawyers for verification. Then make adjustments, if any.

If the staffing table has no comments, it is endorsed by the signatures of the head of the personnel service (if any), the chief accountant, and approved by order of the head.

The staffing table is a convenient form of systematizing data on the number of personnel of an organization in the context of structural divisions and taking into account the payroll. Maintaining a staffing table is mandatory for all enterprises. This is one of the main documents of the company, it displays the entire structure of the enterprise, as well as the wage fund.

Staffing: management features

The staffing list displays the personnel structure of the enterprise, broken down into departments, positions, professions, and taking into account the payroll fund (tariff salaries and allowances for positions). This document includes all structural units, including vacant positions.

Completing this document is mandatory for each enterprise; for this, you can use the unified T-3 form or create own sample staff schedule. The T-3 form developed by the State Statistics Committee is clear to fill out and easy to use, so most enterprises prefer to use it.

The staffing table is compiled for the entire company as a whole, taking into account all divisions and branches. For a branch, it can be drawn up separate document, but it is necessarily included in the schedule of the staff structure of the company as a whole.

The staffing table is drawn up at the beginning of the enterprise, the period of its validity is set by the company independently. At the same time, the date of compilation and the expiration date must be indicated on the document. Most companies make staffing for one year, but if there are no significant changes in the company, then it can be drawn up for several years.

In cases of renaming positions and departments, introducing new structural units, restructuring organizational structure companies, downsizing necessarily need to make changes to the staffing table.

Changes are made by order of the head. The order may be:

  • to make changes (with single changes, for example, adding a new position);
  • to draw up a new staffing table (recommended no more than 6 times a year).

Changes in the staffing table must be notified in writing to the employees who are affected by these changes.

Specialists of the personnel department or accounting department are appointed responsible for compiling the staffing table, if the company is small, this can be done by the head.

The staffing table contains elements trade secret(for example, the amount of wages), therefore it is compiled in one copy and stored in the accounting department, if necessary, a copy can be drawn up for the manager. Only that part of the document that relates to their area of ​​responsibility is communicated to the heads of structural divisions. IN personnel service provides information on vacancies.

The staff list does not include information with the names of people who hold individual positions. These data are entered in a separate non-binding document for companies - Staffing or substitutions, this document can duplicate the sample staffing table only with an additional column with the full name of the employee.

An example of a staffing structure

The staffing of the enterprise should include the following sections:

  1. Company name and OKPO code.
  2. Document date, number and expiration date.
  3. Enumeration of the structural subdivisions of the company. If the company is associated with public service or with dangerous production conditions, then the name of the departments must exactly match the state and industry classifiers, directories and regulations, so as not to provoke problems when registering preferential pensions for employees.
  4. Department codes. For each division in the enterprise, a separate code is determined, which displays the place of the division in overall structure companies, this greatly simplifies the company's document flow.
  5. Job titles. All company positions must be displayed by department. The name must match All-Russian classifier professions.
  6. The number of staff that is provided for each position. If it is supposed to work part-time or part-time, then the corresponding indicators are entered into the staffing table - 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1.5 etc.
  7. Tariff rates by position, indicated in rubles, percentage of sales or other indicators (depending on which wage system is chosen at the enterprise).
  8. Allowances, bonuses for each position. They can also be displayed both in rubles and as a percentage.
  9. Surcharges for harmful working conditions, which are approved according to a special scheme.
  10. The total salary, taking into account allowances, etc. From this column, it is easy and simple for the manager to see the payroll for the month.
  11. Note. If the payroll calculation is very complex, then you can insert the document number in this column, which describes the detailed calculation.
  12. Signature of the head, as well as the chief accountant and head of the personnel service.
  13. Leader's order.

If the employee does not occupy a certain position, but is involved in performing temporary work, then this should also be included in the staffing table.

When filling out tariff salaries and allowances, errors often occur, they can be corrected by crossing out and correcting with the signature of the performer.

The role of staffing in the enterprise

When compiling the staffing table, you must carefully follow the rules, since it is often used as evidence in litigation and when applying for a pension. This document has a permanent shelf life.

From the document, the manager can analyze the structure of the enterprise, the number of positions, the salary fund and make comments.

In some cases, an employee, upon employment, must be familiarized with the records of his position in the staffing table, if his employment contract indicates that the salary is formed according to the staffing table.

An employee may also request an extract from the staff list with data on his position and salary, it is important that this document contains data relating only to this employee.

State bodies ( Tax office, Pension Fund, FSS, etc.) often require staffing in the process of inspections.

State regulations define the main list of documents that every employer must have, regardless of the legal form. The list of these documents includes the staffing table. Although there is no direct indication of this in the legislation, the staffing table is mentioned in several articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which indirectly confirms the need for it.

What is staffing

The staffing table is one of the fundamental documents of all organizations. It contains information about the structure of the enterprise, positions and the number of staff units.

In those organizations where the remuneration system is limited only to salaries, this is the main document for payroll.

Based on what is filled

If the organization has just begun its activities and the staffing table is compiled for the first time, then it would first be advisable to think over the list of necessary positions and draw up a document regulating remuneration.

Responsible for compiling

The staffing table is made by any employee who is entrusted with this. As a rule, this is an employee of the personnel department or an accountant.

Introduction to this document

Since the staffing table is not a local normative act of the organization (paragraph 7 of the letter of Rostrud dated May 15, 2014 N PG / 4653-6-1), the employer is not obliged to acquaint employees with the staffing table.

Primary requirements

The staffing table is in the list of unified forms, where it goes under the letter T-3. Most organizations use this form because it contains all the required columns and columns.

But the use of this form is not mandatory, it is only advisory in nature, although there have been many disputes about this. The final point on this issue was put by the Letter of Rostrud dated January 23, 2013 N PG / 409-6-1. It directly states that organizations have the right to develop their own forms of this document and use them, the main thing is to take into account the requirements of the law.

In particular, Art. 15, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the labor function of an employee is determined in accordance with the position, profession indicated in the staffing table. That is, the names of the positions must be included in this document.

How to fill out the staffing table for LLC and IP


  • the full name of the organization must be indicated in full accordance with the constituent documents;
  • OKPO, this is the 8-digit organization code. These data are contained in the information letter of the statistical authorities, which should be in every enterprise;
  • schedule number. There are no clear requirements here. You can use continuous numbering, you can start each year with the number 1 and indicate the year through a fraction, you can use any other numbering method.
  • Date of preparation. The actual date of compilation is affixed, it may differ from the date the staffing table is put into effect (for example, the staffing table drawn up in December of the current year comes into effect on January 1 of the next year);
  • the period of validity of the staffing table is indicated, most often 1 year, and from what date it comes into force;
  • in the upper right corner, the stamp “Approved” is placed and the details of the approval order and the introduction of the staffing table are indicated. On top of the stamp "Approved", as a rule, the seal of the organization is placed, although this is not fixed by law.

2019 staffing sheet

The form can be downloaded from any legal system such as Consultant or Guarantor. As a rule, the Word or Excel format is offered for download, there is no fundamental difference here, but it is more convenient to conduct it in a tabular form, since formulas can be entered in the appropriate cells and the document will calculate the number of staff units and the payroll.

The procedure for filling out the T-3 form

Column 1 "Name of the structural unit"

Structural divisions include branches, representative offices, workshops, departments, etc.

They usually start with top management units, then accounting and financial services, production, and economic services.

For example: board, finance and investment department, economic department, sales department, etc.

Column 2 "Subdivision code"

Here, the coding is assigned according to the same principle that is used in the first column and indicates the subordination of structural units. For example, the finance and property department - code 02, the accounting and economic departments subordinate to it will have codes 02.1 and 02.2, respectively. This column is rarely filled in, mostly on very large enterprises. And it can be excluded from the document altogether.

Column 3 "Position (specialty, profession), category, class (category) of qualification"

Positions are entered in the nominative case and singular, in full, without abbreviations.

The employer has the right to determine the title of the positions, except for those associated with difficult and harmful working conditions and the receipt of state benefits (early pension). These positions must be entered in accordance with the qualification-tariff directory, or professional standards, which are currently only being developed.

Column 4 "Number of staff units"

The number of staff units for each position is indicated here, it can be either integer or fractional, for example, 05 or 0.25 rates, which means that the amount of working time for such a position is reduced by two or four times.

Note: when indicating positions and staff units, the employer has the right to indicate any number, regardless of the actual employees. That is, he can add 3 units of an accountant to the staff list, but hire 2, and 3 units can remain vacant for as long as he likes.

An exception is the staff unit, which is reserved for the quota for the disabled. Its vacancy must be reported to the employment authorities.

Column 5 "Tariff rate (salary), etc., rub."

It all depends on the wage systems adopted in the organization. This can include salary tariff rate, or various percentages and coefficients.

If it is not possible to put down specific numbers, then you can simply indicate the form of remuneration "piecework", "chord". But then in the following columns there should be a link to the Regulation on remuneration or another document where payroll is scheduled.

Columns 6,7,8 "Surcharges, rub."

Filled in according to the Regulations on wages and other local regulatory documents. This is usually listed here:

  • allowance for night work;
  • cleaning of bathrooms;
  • northern allowances;
  • other surcharges and allowances.

In these lines, you can simply indicate the document in which all this is written, especially if there are a lot of allowances. The only thing that is not indicated in these columns is the allowances that are charged on the entire wage. For example, a bonus that is paid in the amount of a certain percentage of all previously accrued amounts (salary or tariff rate plus allowances).

Column 9 "Total per month"

This column can only be filled in if in columns 5-10 the amounts are written in rubles and for the same period of time (rubles / day, rubles / hour), otherwise either a dash or the amount of only the salary multiplied by the number of staff units is put.

Column 10 "Note"

Here, a local regulatory act regulating wages, the minimum wage, if it is established, may be indicated (for example, piecework payment, and the note indicates: “at least 10,000 rubles.”)

As mentioned above, the employer can exclude columns that are unnecessary to him.

Sample filling in the staffing form T-3

Things to Remember

When filling out column 5 of the staffing table, you need to remember that the so-called "fork" of remuneration cannot be put down in the staffing table. Since it is legally established that for equal work - equal pay(Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

That is, if in one unit there are 2 staff positions of an accountant, then the salary or tariff rate should be the same. But you can set individual surcharges and allowances.

Who signs

Form T-3 provides for two signatures under the staffing table: an employee of the personnel department and the chief accountant. If some category is missing, then you can get by with one signature, or appoint other persons by the appropriate order for the organization.

Terms and place of storage

The original staffing table is stored in the personnel department or in the accounting department, this is determined by the workflow specific organization. In any case, if the original is in the personnel department, then there should be a copy in the accounting department and vice versa.

According to paragraphs. "a" Art. Section 71 1.2" Organizational Foundations management” of the List of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of activities government agencies, bodies local government and organizations, indicating the periods of storage (approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2010 N 558), the staffing table is stored in the organization constantly.


The legislation does not establish the duration of the staffing table, therefore it may be the only one throughout the entire life of the enterprise, and all changes and additions will be made out by separate orders to change the staffing table.

The employer himself decides to change the data in the staffing table, in this case he is not limited in time and number of changes. Exceptions are cases provided for by law, for example, holding events. In this case, the deadline for making changes is established by the Labor Code.


The staff list is one of the main documents of an enterprise of any form of ownership, containing important documents. Since there are no analogues to this document in the workflow, maintaining a staffing table is not only mandatory, but also necessary for the optimal organization of the enterprise.

Video - how to draw up a staffing table for an enterprise in the 1C program:

Learn how to create and approve an organization's schedule, and make the necessary changes to the document without breaking the law. Step-by-step instruction, recommendations for filling out the T-3 form and a completed sample - in the article.

In the article

Download a popular document on the topic. Look for the rest of the samples in the article!

Who develops the staffing table

The staffing of the enterprise reflects its structure, staffing, number of employees and salaries for all positions. It belongs to the number of conditionally obligatory normative documents: on the one hand, Labor Code The Russian Federation does not require a staffing table, on the other hand, there are strong arguments in favor of its registration.

Why staffing is needed

Based on the staffing table, the number of employees is determined, necessary organizations for the closing of positions, and the size of the budget for the maintenance of personnel; confirmed the cost of production.

They also turn to him when assessing the work load of departments or individual employees, developing and clarifying job descriptions, and solving strategic personnel issues.

The formation of the staffing table is usually entrusted to the personnel officer or clerk, sometimes - the chief accountant.

Attention! Federal government agencies draw up a “staff” without fail (see the regulation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 583 of 08/05/2008), and regional ones - in accordance with the standards established local authorities authorities.

Read in "Personnel System":

  • Staffing - 2019. Three tips from the Ministry of Labor on compiling

How to make a staffing table: step by step instructions

The staffing table contains information about the personnel structure of the organization, including vacancies. When developing a document, do not confuse it with the staffing, which, most often, reflects only occupied staff units with full names, personnel numbers and other information about specific employees who occupy them.

Follow the instructions:

Step 1. Choose a shape. Can be used or develop your own form, supplemented and adapted to your needs specific company(Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012 of December 4, 2012).

Step 2. Specify structural divisions, including isolated ones - branches and representative offices. Make sure that the document reflects all the services, departments, workshops, sections and other structural divisions available in the organization. What exactly should be taken into account as a separate unit is indicated in the resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF No. 2 dated March 17, 2004.

Step 3. Determine the headcount. Consider industry and inter-sector labor standards, as well as the structure, scope and functions of the company. In order to determine the number of personnel based on current standards, a simple formula is used:

Step 4. Specify job titles: they must match labor functions employees (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you indicate vacancies for which admission will be open after a few months or years, report them once a month to the employment service (see law No. 1032-1 of 04/19/1991).

Step 5. Specify the number of staff positions for each position. The number of staff positions does not have to be reflected in whole numbers. For example, you can provide 0.5, 0.7 staff units.

Step 6. Reflect the size of salaries (tariff rates). The document indicates the monthly salary for each position, taking into account all the required allowances in ruble terms. Sometimes it is impossible to indicate a salary in rubles - for example, if an hourly tariff rate is set. In this case, the amount of the hourly rate is prescribed and in the "Notes" column it is necessary to indicate that the hourly tariff rate is set.

Step 7. Sign and approve the document. Verify the completed form with the signature of the person responsible for personnel records and the chief accountant, and then submit it for approval to the head of the organization.

Question from practice

How to write in official documents correctly: according to the "staffing" or "staffing"?

Correct option - according to the schedule

After the preposition "according to" the word in the dative case is always put (answers questions to whom? what?). The use of the genitive case, which, unfortunately, personnel officers and clerks often sin, in this case violates the norms of the Russian language.

In order to fill out the details of personnel documents according to the new GOST without errors, read the recommendations of the "Personnel System".

How to approve staffing

The document, certified by the signatures of the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant, is approved by the head of the company. Issue an order in any form, adhering to the requirements of GOST R 7.0.97-2016.

Order on approval of the staffing table (fragment)

The law does not require staff to be familiarized with the staffing table or the order for its approval. However, such a rule may be collective agreement or internal rules companies (see the letter of Rostrud No. PG / 4653-6-1 dated May 15, 2014).

To avoid confusion, write the order of the statement in local acts: who signs the staff list, is a separate order issued, who is delegated the right to sign if there is no responsible official, etc.

Read in a magazine« Personnel business» :

What the staffing looks like: sample filling

The employer himself decides what to take as a basis - or your own form.

In practice, it is the unified form that is more often used, since it contains all the necessary details, and the filling procedure is explained in detail in the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/05/2004 and other recommendations approved by the authorized bodies.

Fill in the header first. Enter information about the company, registration number and date of preparation of the document, as well as indicate the period of its validity. Often, the "staff" is drawn up for a year, but you can set a different period or not limit the validity of the document. Then proceed to filling in the main part, designed in the form of a table.

Read in a magazine« Personnel business» :

Fields to be completed

  1. The name of the subdivision. There are no clear rules for listing departments, but taking into account established practice, they are indicated in order of subordination: first the administrative department, which includes the company's management, and then all the rest.
  1. Department code. It also reflects the order of subordination: the management department is assigned the code 01, the accounting department - 02, and so on. If a large department includes smaller ones, the code may consist of numbers separated by a dot. For example, the financial department is indicated by the code 02, and the accounting and economic departments included in it are indicated by the codes 02.1 and 02.2, respectively.
  1. Position (specialty, profession), rank or class (category), qualification. Indicated in the nominative case, without abbreviations and prefixes "acting" or "vrio".

The law does not prohibit the use of the Latin alphabet when entering positions in the staff list: an example is “HR manager”, “IT specialist”. But all entries in work books must be in Russian, as required by the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of 04/16/2003. To ensure that the titles of positions in work books, contracts and staffing exactly match, use the wording "HR manager", "system administrator", etc. You can add the categories "junior", "leading", "main" and "senior" to them to reflect the scope and nature of the official authority.

Names of positions indicate taking into account professional standards or qualification guides when it comes to work related to the provision of benefits or the presence of restrictions. The expert of the magazine "Personnel Business" will tell

  1. The number of staff units. So that the GIT does not have claims against the employer, indicate the exact number of units for each position, and if you hire staff in excess of the norm, adjust the staffing table. Incomplete units indicate in fractions, for example, 0.5 or 0.75.
  1. Tariff rate (salary). For hourly work, indicate the cost of one hour of work, and in column 10 write "hourly wages." If there is no fixed indicator, for example, wages are calculated according to piecework or tariff-free system, put a dash, and in column 10 indicate which particular remuneration system the employer uses. It is not recommended to set the so-called salary bracket (from minimum to maximum). This is possible only on the condition that the difference in wages is due to differences in the ranks or qualifications of employees (Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but the salary fork is likely to cause claims from the inspection authorities.
  1. Allowances. For example, premiums for a scientific degree may be established. They are paid by scientific and teaching staff for a PhD or PhD. Or allowances for work harmful conditions. All permanent allowances must be reflected in the staffing table.
  1. Final monthly payment. It is prescribed for each position and represents the amount of payments indicated in columns 5-8. If this indicator cannot be filled in, for example, in a situation where an hourly tariff rate is set or a piecework wage system is applied, the column remains blank.
  1. Notes. This column contains the characteristics of the applied wage systems with references to the relevant regulations, legal grounds for the payment of regional bonuses and other clarifications.

Fill in the bottom, final row of the table last. It reflects the total number of staff positions and the size of the monthly payroll.

Staffing table (filling example)

How to make changes to the staffing table

Changing the staffing table is made in two ways. If the amendments are of a single nature, issue a written order to amend the document, if massive, approve the "staff" in the new edition. This can be done as needed (see Rostrud letter No. 428-6-1 dated 03/22/2012).

What should be included in the document

Reducing the number or staff of employees, disbanding or creating structural divisions, renaming positions, increasing salaries, abolishing bonuses and other significant changes should be reflected in the staffing table. But these personnel procedures require special registration.

Attention! Changes to the staffing table should be accompanied by a change in the employment contract every time working conditions are affected: the name of the position occupied by the employee, the procedure for calculating salaries, the size of the allowance.

What to do if you need to accept a newcomer for a position that is being changed

What if, during the timetable adjustment period, you need to hire a new employee for the position that is being changed? The situation is not easy.

If there are no other employees in the organization in this position, make changes as soon as possible and only then apply for the newcomer's employment. If other employees work in the same position, their rights and interests will have to be taken into account.

The employer has three options:

Option number 1. Accept the newcomer to the current conditions and indicate in the employment contract that the planned changes regarding working conditions or remuneration will come into force from a certain date. This does not contradict Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Option number 2. Ask the applicant to wait until the changes in employment contracts with other employees and the new staffing table come into force.

Option number 3. Do not make changes to existing positions, but introduce new ones in order to accept newcomers and transfer previously hired employees (not earlier than notice period for changing working conditions) to newly created positions.

Approve the staffing table to document the structure and staffing of the organization. Use the unified T-3 form or design your own. When filling out, consider the requirements current legislation: write down all amounts in rubles, do not set salary ranges, include all positions in the staff list - including remote, home-based, part-time. If there are vacancies in the staff, do not forget to report them to the employment service.

The staffing table is a document that fixes the number of staff members of an organization with the distribution of units by positions and structural divisions. Standard content this document also includes information about official salaries, allowances and monthly wage fund at the enterprise.

The schedule streamlines the personnel structure of the company, helps to plan labor costs, organize the work of the personnel service. If necessary, it serves as evidence of the legitimacy of the refusal of employment (the reason is the lack of free rates). But more often it is used to justify the legitimacy of layoffs in connection with a reduction in the number or staff units. In the event of claims from the downsized, the organization can protect its interests by presenting in court, the labor inspectorate, the staff list of employees. Based on this document, the employer confirms the impossibility of providing the dismissed employee with another position.

The procedure for the formation of staffing

The Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation instructs enterprises of all forms of ownership to develop and accept a staffing table for personnel records management (Decree No. 1 of January 15, 2004). job description. If necessary, the director may assign such a duty to a personnel officer or accountant, and also take this work upon himself (by order).

Usually, the staffing table is drawn up a year in advance, and from the moment it is approved by the director's order, it becomes a local normative act, on the basis of which it is built personnel records management at the enterprise. Registration of new employees internal transfers should be carried out in accordance with the units available in the staff. Thus, the names of positions and structural units in labor contract, the order for employment must be entered as they are recorded in the staffing table.

Adjustments are allowed in the stock as needed. If they are significant, management may decide to form a new schedule. At minor changes, and also in their absence, there is no need to re-approve the document with the beginning of the next calendar year.

How to draw up a staffing table

For clearance personnel structure a unified form T-3 is provided, approved by Roskomstat (you can download the staffing form). The company has the right to develop its own form, but it must contain the required fields:

  • name of structural divisions;
  • list of positions in each department;
  • the number of units opened in the state for each specialty;
  • official salaries;
  • salary supplements;
  • the total number of staff units;
  • payroll amount per month.

The document is dated twice: the date of compilation and approval (they may be the same). The period of validity of the staffing table is also indicated, for example, from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, although it is not necessary to set an end date.

Consider the procedure for compiling the staffing table:

  1. The name of the company in accordance with the registration documents.
  2. Title of the document, dates of creation and signing.
  3. Column No. 1 - the name of the units. Private firms can enter the list and names of structural departments at their own discretion. State companies and enterprises from special conditions labor should be guided by sectoral and all-Russian normative documents- classifiers and reference books. This requirement is due to the availability of benefits and guarantees for certain categories workers. Names in the form T-3 are written in the nominative case.
  4. Column No. 2 is a subdivision code that is assigned to each of the departments for the convenience of building a hierarchy and using digital designations in documents.
  5. Column No. 3 - position (profession, rank) - based on state classification OKPDTR. Positions are listed in descending order (from highest to lowest).
  6. Column No. 4 - the number of staff units provided for each position is determined based on the needs of the organization. Partial rates may be indicated (0.5; 0.75).
  7. Column No. 5 - salary or tariff rate established for a specific position, in rubles. It is permissible to indicate not a specific value, but a salary range for differentiating the remuneration of workers holding the same position, but having different qualifications.
  8. Columns 6 - 8 are used to indicate salary increments, in rubles.
  9. Column No. 9 - the total amount of the monthly payment for the position.
  10. In column No. 10, information on the availability of vacant positions is entered as a note.

If the company does not use payroll schemes based on salary, then the units used to calculate payments, for example, interest, fit into the “monetary” columns.

Additions (additional fields) can be made to the staffing form, but it is impossible to reduce the required columns in the unified form: unclaimed columns are simply not filled out.

"Staff" may consist of several sheets. In this case, the document is stapled, the sheets are numbered, and on the reverse side of the staple, an attestation is issued with the director's signature and seal. On the form itself, the seal of the organization is not needed, and the signatures of the head, chief accountant, heads of departments are affixed on the last sheet in the field provided for this. If necessary, responsible persons can sign on each page, then each of them must be supplemented with the appropriate line.

You can draw up a staffing table based on the sample presented on our website.

Making changes to the staffing table

As necessary, various changes can be made to the structure of the company: divisions are opened and abolished, new positions are introduced, salaries are increased, etc. All these changes must be recorded in the organization's staffing table. You can do this in two ways:

  1. The formation and approval of a new "staff".
  2. Creating an order to amend the document.

In the second case, the order must contain the reason for the adjustment:

  • company reorganization;
  • optimization of the personnel structure;
  • expansion or reduction of production;
  • changes in legislation, etc.

The change in the staffing table is followed by the introduction of new entries in the personnel documentation: work books employees, personal cards (with the written consent of the staff).

In some cases, it is required to sign an additional agreement to labor contract, for example, when changing the salary part of wages. Employees are notified of such events 2 months in advance, and other changes in the staff list are communicated to the staff upon their approval.

Regular arrangement

For operational management personnel in many, especially large, enterprises have a document in circulation called "staffing". This is the same staffing table, but drawn up in free form and containing the data necessary for the employer for the convenience of personnel work, for example:

  • names of employees holding specific positions;
  • salaries and allowances for each employee (a “plug” of salaries can be written in the staffing table, and this is specified in the arrangement);
  • personnel numbers;
  • work experience;
  • important information about employees;
  • availability of free rates and any other information required by the personnel service.

The staff list differs from the schedule in the dynamism of its content: changes are made to it in the current mode, without an order and approval by the head.


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