Services for children business original. Original business ideas for the development and entertainment of children. School preparation business

Many young parents would like to run own business project, but family concerns prevent most from trying. But what if you try to involve not only adults, but also children in the case?

But is it real?

Sometimes modern society underestimate the abilities of children. Of course, they are not allowed to drive a car, vote, but many children have a developed work ethic, often show creativity, which helps them to succeed. The knowledge, hobbies and skills that they acquired in school and developed through daily interaction with gadgets make them ideal candidates for participation in the family business.

If a young talent opens his own business, then the young businessman will have many advantages. A child or teenager can get a wonderful opportunity to get used to financial responsibility. Also, these guys learn the ability to build working relationships with peers and other people, and the rate of formation of a full-fledged independent personality is very high.

However, due to their age, they are unlikely to be able to run a business on their own, but no one canceled the help of their parents. The solutions below are suitable for even the smallest members of the family.


If a teenager excels in a particular subject, is a straight A student, you can start a joint project - to provide tutoring services to less educated students. The child will be able to receive money for his knowledge, for the time he spends on teaching others.

This type of case lends itself to modifications: videoconferencing, consultations via the Internet, electronic payments And so on. Therefore, it is quite realistic to conduct a tutoring business not only live, but also online.

Social media consultant

Now children almost from the cradle begin to absorb terabytes of knowledge about social networks. They explore these sites, know their features, and some become YouTube stars, Instagram, gather millions of subscribers around them. This can be an invaluable source of advertising for small businesses.

If a child manages a promoted account, page, channel or profile, then he can quite reasonably provide the services of a social media consultant, that is, explain to local small business owners the full value social networks as an advertising platform.

For example, you can give a lecture to acquaintances, friends who run a small restaurant or shop, offer to advertise their business. At right approach such a thing will bring Additional income to the family budget.


As long as nature exists in the world, and humanity continues to appreciate its beauty, landscaping will be required constantly. When a child is interested in nature, parents can support his curiosity. For a teenager in the gardening craft there is always simple work: mow the grass, remove weeds, cut dry branches and so on.

If interest continues, then there will be more and more experience, and tasks are more difficult and specific. So an experienced gardener can turn out from an apprentice, who will be able to take care of nature on his own, develop his own landscaping projects. Needless to say, such an activity will help a young person to decide professionally, choose an institute and a suitable direction.

Child care or dog walking

Traditional jobs for teenagers have not gone away after a technological leap - they have become even more needed and in demand on the market. Many sites help children find elementary work that adults do not have enough time for.

Does the child love animals? Help neighbors or friends walk their pets when they are too busy. If the child has younger brothers, sisters, then the parents can offer the elder to look after the children of busy relatives and acquaintances. After gaining a little experience, a "freelance nanny" can try to offer services on special sites.

Cooking and baking

In addition, it is realistic to be a participant in some kind of culinary talent show. Even if you fail to win, with the accumulated experience it will be easier to start your own business: organize small banquets, children's parties at home.

Non-profit organization

Children's business does not necessarily have to include a financial aspect. Young philanthropists who are passionate about the conservation of rare animals, social problems, are able to create a tiny charitable organization.

During the work on such a project, children learn a lot - this experience will certainly be useful to them in the future. Discussing various options and strategies to help those in need together will positively impact the analytical skills of young minds and strengthen the trusting relationship between the parties, that is, parents and children.

Second hand shop

People's interest in recycling has led to a huge increase in the popularity of the Second-hand chain and other stores that sell used clothing. You can adopt this positive experience and open a business selling second-hand things, because children grow up, and their clothes, shoes and toys lie idle.

In addition, in the 21st century, when technology is developing extremely rapidly, children and adolescents are constantly acquiring new gadgets and accessories for them: set-top boxes, headphones, computer mice, joysticks, and so on, and they completely forget about older analogues. Why not give these things a second chance? They can be put in order, repaired and sold for a modest price.

Children and their parents are fertile ground for earning. The former want entertainment, the latter are willing to pay for their children to have something to do. And children need educational services, food, vehicles, etc. This is why services for children and business ideas related to children have good ROI and often "burn out" if the demand and the available supply are analyzed correctly.

Business ideas and children's entertainment

What is a good sphere of entertainment for a businessman - wide choice different options, both expensive at the launch stage, and quite budgetary.

We list the classic business ideas for children in the field of entertainment:

  • Paid outdoor playground

Attachments: from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles per 100 sq. meters. The minimum specified amount of money is enough to equip the site with not the most expensive slides, swings, sandboxes, plastic toys. In some places, you will have to make flooring from soft rugs and artificial grass. Separately, it is worth calculating the lease of the territory (if you do not own a suitable plot of land located in good location), the cost of its fencing, the cost of the work of the observer. We must not forget about the benches for adults who will look after the kids. Payment can be charged for an hour, for half a day, for a whole day of stay on the site (with the right to free entry and exit on a paid day).

Business payback: if the site is located in a park or in a densely populated microdistrict of the city, then it will be able to receive an average of 30 children per day, at least twice as many on weekends. The ticket price will differ depending on the time spent on the site. On average, one child can receive 150 rubles. In total, even with the most modest calculations, the costs of 100,000 rubles will pay off in the first month, larger investments within six months. The business cannot be called 100% seasonal - if you put up awnings, you can ride slides and swings, as well as play in the sandbox, even in the cold season. Although the influx of children will be several times less than in summer.

  • Catching magnetic fish in the pool

In times of crisis, purchasing power is significantly reduced, and the level of sales falls. This phenomenon is easier to understand on the example of one family. With a decrease in the level of income, the needs are reviewed, and the money earned is spent only on the most necessary things. But there is a very interesting deviation from this rule - in any circumstances, parents do not save on the needs of their children. They make unthinkable sacrifices, limit themselves in everything for the sake of being able to provide the child with quality products and things, toys that bring joy, education and entertainment to kids.

A business selling goods for children or providing services to young customers is doomed to success, because meeting the needs of the child is the top priority for parents. It does not matter how things are in the economic situation, in what locality you live, what is the situation with competition in your chosen field. The demand for any goods and services related to children is very high and will continue to grow. Even in a small city with low customer demand and high competition among children's stores, you can succeed by creating another one.

In practice, there are very few worthy competitors in the market of children's goods and services. A common stereotype works here: "There are already 2 children's stores in our city, I will not be able to lure customers away." But in this situation, you should not consider possible competitors, but study the needs potential clients. You will be amazed at how poorly services are provided in this area and how badly there is a shortage of quality goods for children. Parents' complaints about the lack of the most necessary things for the child or terrible service in the provision of services or their banal absence are heard literally at every turn. This is a free niche, and you can start mastering it without the slightest doubt.

It is worth paying close attention to parents. They are also consumers in the children's business category. Now there is a huge demand for "Courses for young parents", any services in the direction of helping mothers. Starting the search for an idea, study the needs of the immediate environment. You will see that even in the circle of your acquaintances, you can create a business that will become a gold mine, because these services or goods are really needed.

We bring to your attention several ideas that are currently not implemented in our country at all, but have great potential.

Tourism for children

Now there is a clear shortage of children's camps, tourist routes for various age groups and companies that organize children's trips, trips to interesting sights, entertainment complexes. Children spend their holidays either with their grandparents or go to resorts with their parents. But communication with peers, the opportunity to try an independent life and relax in accordance with the interests characteristic of a certain age is very important.

Create an organization specializing in children's tourism. It's a big responsibility, but you can start small. For example, you can offer partnerships to sports clubs where children participate. Think of interesting hiking routes to local attractions or beautiful natural parks.

Children's car rental

This service is very popular in big cities and resorts in the summer. No doubt you have also had the pleasure of seeing how much joy the opportunity gives the little ones to ride an electric car. On weekends, the line for these small cars does not dry out. But this type of business can be developed and earned on it at any time of the year.

You can rent a room, equip a track and offer children the opportunity to ride an electric car at any time. Other attractions can also be arranged. If in combination with entertainment, you will teach the kids the rules traffic and other useful knowledge, parents themselves will be happy to bring their child to your center.

Children's beauty salon

There is also a huge shortage here. Children get their hair cut at adult barbershops. For some reason, it is generally accepted that this is enough, and salons that specialize in providing services to children are simply not needed.

In fact, parents would be happy to take their baby to a special salon. If you have ever seen a child's tantrum in a hairdresser's, the answer is obvious. The kid may be afraid of adults, sharp tools, too bright light. The kids refuse to get their hair cut because they don't like an aunt with scissors or a buzzing machine. Many kids just do not like the procedure itself.

That is why it is important to have a special interior design, a master who knows how to work with children. For many kids, the fear goes away when they see how other kids are cutting their hair. If you are related to hairdressing, open a children's salon - this is a very promising direction.

Thematic clubs

Previously, children's leisure could be filled with circles and sports sections, in which each child had the opportunity to develop their talents. There were a lot of directions in which these circles worked: for nature lovers and technical, different kinds arts, needlework, sports. With the collapse of the USSR, these organizations lost funding and gradually disappeared. This, no doubt, necessary and interesting tradition can be revived even now by changing the name to thematic clubs.

Modern children have new hobbies - computers, innovative technologies. But their interests can be used, because understanding the basics of programming or creating a real robot under the guidance of an experienced teacher will only bring benefits and help children develop their talents. Do not discount other hobbies. If you are an artist, set up a painting studio, a baking club will arouse the interest of girls and their mothers, football and other sports will also find their ardent fans.

Parents will pay for classes in such a club. If you are a parent yourself, you probably know how difficult it is for your child to find a hobby and an opportunity to fill in free time after school.

baby taxi

Abroad, this idea has already begun to be implemented and immediately became very popular. All parents experience excitement when the child begins to get from school on his own, go to training or visit friends. It is impossible to surround a teenager or an older child with constant care, because he must learn independence. Many parents simply do not have the physical ability to accompany their children, because they are forced to be at work.

If a reliable taxi service appears in the city, which can be trusted to pick up a child from school and deliver him home, she will receive regular customers very fast. High-quality service, the ability to work with children, a responsible attitude and guarantees for the safety of young passengers are the main success factors. It is not necessary to create a new firm. This idea can be implemented within an already existing taxi service by creating a special department.

Development programs

Despite the abundance of such programs, the demand for them is very high. Children's hobbies change very quickly, and what was popular and relevant just yesterday, today no longer arouses any interest in kids. Parents often complain that their children are too attached to computer games. Instead of scolding them and banning your favorite entertainment, you should just create new educational games. A person who can offer an innovative approach that can interest children and provide food for their development will be able to earn millions.

Write a story for a child

We are not talking about a full-fledged book, ordeals with publishers and other attributes of the difficult life of a writer. But you can create a small firm who will write fairy tales to order. This idea is already being implemented, but has not yet received mass distribution. Imagine how happy the kid will be with the new book, which describes his adventures as the main character. Children, unlike adults, have an extremely developed imagination and constantly imagine themselves as princesses or princes, beloved animals and other characters in fairy tales.

To implement this idea, you need a person who knows how to invent and write fairy tales, an artist and an energetic manager. Printing and binding of books can be ordered from local printers.

Children's theater

This is not about a real theater in which professional actors perform, but about a studio in which children themselves will learn the roles, gain basic acting and stage skills and shine on stage. Interest in such a studio will appear immediately, because children are very fond of performing in various performances and theatrical performances. The enthusiasm of parents is also guaranteed - this is an opportunity to develop a child and keep him busy in his free time.

The benefits of this hobby general development is huge, but also children will be able to start earning their first money. It is not difficult to organize paid performances in front of the residents of the city, at children's holidays, especially in a small village. Small towns are experiencing constant cultural hunger, and the performance of the theater studio will be a real event here. It is no secret that it was in such studios that future stars of theater and cinema began their career.

Organization of children's holidays

This is not a new business idea, but there is no competition here yet, and the demand for organizing various holidays for children is constantly growing. Your services will be required on birthdays, new year holidays, graduation parties and many other pleasant occasions.

You can choose any of the proposed directions or implement other business ideas. The demand for goods and services for children is very high. But it is important to love children, understand and be able to work with them. This is the main secret of success.

Children are the focus of attention. They are provided, educated, developed, invested in education. They are hardly the most important thing in the life of the vast majority of families. They do not save on children, and the cost of them is a significant share as family budgets, and budgets of various social formations. That's why business based on children is considered one of the most stable. And business ideas related to children are constantly updated. In this area, something new, bright, original appears all the time. To be able to independently generate new business ideas, consider common features this area and then highlight several possible directions for business development.

Characteristics of the business

  1. The main difference between business for children is its unevenness associated with age characteristics. Services and offerings are highly dependent on the age of the audience they are targeted at;
  2. There are three main components of business: life support, development, entertainment business. Life support is clothes, food, medicines, disease prevention, care, etc. Development includes games, tutorials, sections, consultations and more. Entertainment business - everything related to games, entertainment, travel, etc. All three components of a business intersect to a greater or lesser extent. Finding a healthy balance between the two increases the attractiveness of a business product;
  3. Like the Hermetists said, like attracts like. Therefore, involvement in business in one capacity or another of the children themselves usually has a positive effect on the profitability of the enterprise;
  4. Due to the unimportant development of the country and the crises of the last decades in the field of business for children, as in many others, foreign experience prevailed. Often it was copied one to one, which sometimes led to anecdotal situations. Overseas experience in many cases it turns out to be useful, but when implementing it, it is still necessary to take into account the Russian reality.

Some areas of business development

It is more convenient to present business ideas for children by age groups. Some universal ideas that are not focused on a specific age, we will also try to group according to certain characteristics after age groupings. Each age has its own challenges, each age has its own needs.. Let us dwell on the classical age periodization by D.B. Elkonin, which is very common in academic circles.

Business for babies

Children under 1 year old. Communication with adults, primarily with the mother, with the help of sounds, gestures, facial expressions. Minimal autonomy. Examples of business ideas:

  • Baby food at home on order. Food production and delivery. Or cooking directly at home;
  • One of the original foreign ideas is reusable diapers.

Business for early childhood

Children up to 3 years old. Children begin to actively play with objects, there is a rapid development of speech. Examples of business ideas:

  • Private nurseries, nannies. Many parents aspire to go to work and a nursery or a nanny is a good solution;
  • Leisure center for parents with children;
  • Master classes on child development.

Business for preschoolers

Children up to 7 years old. The child comes to the fore role-playing games. Children begin to cooperate. Initial training. School readiness. Examples of business ideas:

  • Children's houses, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe business is to make toy houses in the growth of a child. A small house can be placed in an apartment, a large house is quite well located in the country. The child will have his own home;
  • Testing preschoolers in kindergarten. On the eve of the transition to school, services for checking readiness for study become popular;
  • . Older children may well visit beauty salons for adults. It can be difficult for children at this age to sit on the hairdresser's chair, and the process itself can be very lengthy. Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing a hairdressing salon for the smallest is justified.

Business for primary school age

Children under 11 years old. The main thing for a child is education. Getting used to order, perseverance. The development of self-control. Examples of business ideas:

  • Foreign language teaching. Usually at school there is not enough immersion in foreign language and the bulk takes possession of it superficially;

Business for teenagers

Children under 15 years old. The main thing is communication. The desire for adulthood, independence. Examples of business ideas:

  • Team games. Including detective, sports, economic and other;
  • Business incubator. Giving children the opportunity to generate ideas, implement them, earn some pocket money;
  • Interest clubs. Scientific, ecological, tourist and other.

Business for high school age

Children under 17 years old. It is associated primarily with the child's determination of the future path of life, the choice of profession. Examples of business ideas:

  • Organization of excursions to enterprises;
  • Master classes on various activities;
  • Thematic tutoring.

Life support business

Everything related to the life support of the child. The main feature is rapidly changing requirements and needs. Examples of business ideas:

  • Commission for children's things. Children grow up at lightning speed and parents do not have time to buy clothes. And there are two points: what to do with old clothes and it does not always make sense to buy new ones, you can look for a little worn;
  • Children's clothes with their own hands. In addition to originality, if a child is involved in the process, there will also be an educational and educational effect;
  • Rent of children's furniture. Just as a child quickly grows out of clothes, he also grows out of furniture. In this case, you can offer furniture for rent;
  • Balanced food. It is successful to offer food products that are characteristic of a certain age and occupation.

Development business

Everything related to school is here. Any children's goods and services aimed at the development of the child. Examples of business ideas:

  • Tutoring studio. Comprehensive offers for different ages;
  • Educational games;
  • Master classes for children on making toys, dolls, children's kites.

entertainment business

Any games, shows, entertainment. Including consulting centers on this subject. Examples of business ideas:

  • Organization of shows, masquerades, holidays, concerts;
  • Development of children's entertainment programs;
  • Production of unique toys for gifts.

The choice of which business to open for children is quite large. Since the competition in this area is also great, before starting a business, you should take a closer look at the environment so as not to copy the idea that already exists in this place. ideas children's business Lots and you can always find something original.

At the peak of popularity now VKontakte and Instagram. It is necessary to create and promote a community, gain at least 5-10 thousand subscribers and earn money by placing advertising posts. By filling the group with interesting content, publishing viral materials, it will be possible to attract thousands of readers. To speed up this process, you should first order advertising in another community. Having spent about $30-40 on promotion, you can receive monthly from $15 on advertising.

Large publics with a hundred thousand subscribers or more have from 180-300 $ per month.

2. Copywriting and rewriting

On writing texts, it is possible to earn from $ 1.5 per article. But to turn copywriting into a profitable business, you need large orders. Having recruited a team of 3-4 copywriters, you can offer your services on content exchanges and directly to companies that have a website on the Internet (commercial advertising texts). Many customers find it convenient to receive large volume materials from one artist. As a manager, you look for orders and delegate tasks to others, receiving a percentage of the cost of the work performed. Monthly income - from $ 40.

3. Resale of things on Avito

You should start by selling your own unnecessary things. So you will learn how to form adequate prices, write a selling ad, and negotiate a sale. And then you will look for not very successful ads or products with a low price (for example, the owner wants to sell something urgently). You buy something and sell it for more. The margin can reach 50-200%! Popular goods: furniture, appliances, clothing.

By the way, you can also look for things to implement offline. For example, chains of clothing stores regularly arrange sales with a price reduction of 50-70%. Buying a product at a huge discount, you sell it at the regular price. For example, at the end summer season really buy shoes for 3-4 dollars on sale, and sell them for 15 dollars. The same goes for the rest of the shoes, handbags, accessories, hats, etc.

4. Business on YouTube

On your passion. A youtube channel with interesting videos can generate income from 7-8 dollars a month to several thousand. Earning options:

  • Shoot your own videos on any topic;
  • Maintain a video blog
  • . You make interesting selections and reviews, dubbing, etc., to avoid a ban.

The resource makes a profit for watching the video, placing ads, and clicking on the advertiser's website from your channel. The most common channel monetization option is to enter into a partnership agreement with Youtube (Google AdSense embedded advertising) or other partner media networks (Air, YUDK, Vsp Group, Xmedia digital). A thousand views brings the channel owner about $ 3-3.5.

Direct advertising of a company or product in a video is best suited for vloggers. The blogger dresses in clothing from the company, uses its products or directly talks about the brand, leaves links to the advertiser in the video or in the description for it.

Less common C.P.A. marketing. In this case, you are paid for certain actions consumers as a result of watching a video and going to an advertiser's website. For example, for registering on a site, in an advertised game, etc.

5. Custom photo and video processing

The best ideas come from your skills. The simplest photomontage and retouching, gluing videos together can bring even a child $70-80 per month.

Look for first orders on freelance exchanges (for example, or services like

Create a thematic community in the social. networks, place your portfolio there and add potential customers. Low price for decent quality will attract many customers.

6. Sale of vegetables, fruits, berries from your site

Seasonal work that does not require investments and special skills. Collect what grows on the site of you, grandmother, neighbors and sell. Most fruit trees do not need care, and without special efforts it will be possible to harvest a decent harvest of cherries, sweet cherries, grapes, nuts, etc. It is profitable to offer products on the market, near supermarkets in your area, even on the Internet (on a self-delivery basis). Set the price 20-30% below the market price, and in a day or two the harvest will be sorted by buckets.

In this way, children can earn from $60-100 per month. Collecting fruits from other sites, the amount of profit can really be increased to $ 200-250.

7. Selling pets

Breeding small animals. Hamsters, rats, guinea pigs do not require large care costs and multiply rapidly. Having bought two hamsters (the most popular - Dzungarian) for $2-3 and a cage for them (used - for $4), in a month you will receive the first offspring. From the sale of 5-6 hamsters, the proceeds will be $ 20-22. They breed every month. Guinea pigs are more expensive. For example, one Abyssinian guinea pig costs about $13-15. The American Teddy breed is also common.

8. Handicrafts

This method is suitable for a girl doing needlework. You can make bracelets and baubles (from threads and beads), homemade earrings and pendants (chokers around the neck are very popular now), knit gloves and scarves, draw pictures, etc. Purchase costs Supplies minimal: $6-10 is enough to get started.

Offer your crafts in busy places, such as city parks, where vacationers are most likely to buy knick-knacks.

With a more serious approach, you should create a selling group on VKontakte, register on Etsy and sell products through an online store. It is realistic to earn from 20-40 $ per month.

9. Posting ads and handing out leaflets

This piece is suitable for both boys and girls. But to turn a part-time job into a business, you will need regular customers and your own team of promoter friends. Search online for jobs, browse local stores (construction, window and door firms, clothing stores, etc.) and offer your services to distribute flyers and advertisements. Your task is to ensure high-quality and prompt execution of the assignment, distribute tasks among promoters, and check the results. This is a real mini-BTL agency.

10. Doing homework to order

If you are good at certain school subjects, do it for a reward. Essays, abstracts, laboratory works, problem solving in mathematics, chemistry, physics, drawings.

For example, an essay in literature is estimated at $ 2-3, an essay - about $ 3-5, laboratory in chemistry or physics - around $ 4.

It is possible to complete several dozen homework assignments per month for classmates and younger children.

Open your own business without investments and get good money not only for pocket expenses, but also for larger acquisitions.


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