Boss or leader who is better. Who is a leader and why is it important to be one. Approaches to team development

Dovlatov wrote that people are destined from birth to be rich or poor. A person born “rich,” even if left penniless, will find a lucky lottery ticket, or in his grandmother’s chest he will find something rare, like Guttenberg’s first Bible. The one who should be poor by birth will lose everything and throw the Gutenberg Bible into the oven.

Modern behavioral genetics partially confirms these words: we are born with certain genes and inclinations, and during life they are suppressed or revealed, depending on the environment and environment of upbringing. And scientists cannot fully understand what comes first – genes or upbringing. Is it possible, for example, to raise a teetotaler in a family of alcoholics, or to turn a mumbler into a brutal man? And what influenced the development of Steve Jobs more: the genes of his scientist parents or the experience of being raised by stepbrothers, but loving “ordinary” parents? Is it possible to develop leadership qualities in a person who plays the most boring instrument - the cello? And if he is Rostropovich?.. Who grew up in a family of musicians, but in early childhood he broke his “working” hand, and the doctors stated that he would never be able to hold a bow, he would have to forget about the instrument. But little Mstislav showed perseverance and developed his hand according to his own special scheme - and this amazing perseverance made him - no, not the Minister of Culture, but an opinion leader, a brilliant artist and teacher of thousands of people around the world.

In the New Year, we make plans for the future and look back in our minds at the series of routines, successes and failures of the past. We ask ourselves what could have gone wrong and what could be improved in the future? Was I a leader? Was my boss a boss with a folder of orders, or a leader who could lead his team through storms and storms? Does he inspire people to work and personal achievements - or does he only use instructions?

Nowadays it is fashionable to read literature for self-development: “10 best books in sales" and "100 masters of new thinking", startup geniuses, psychologists, time managers - all this is very useful. But the truth, as they say, is out there. It's somewhere in the middle, and it's ambiguous.

First, not everyone can be a leader. Yes, John Maxwell in “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” is right in many ways: if you strictly follow the “laws of leadership,” you will learn to “inspire” people. Yes, the skills described by Stephen Covey and all sorts of NLP help a person “with the makings” to become a “star”. But becoming a leader without the makings is extremely difficult. They should be like Jobs' winning genetics - and techniques and books will only help them reveal themselves.

Second, not everyone can be a boss. Creating processes, focusing on them, acting within the framework of protocols and circulars is also not given to everyone, especially in our restless times. If the leader is an excited improviser and a mathematical variable, then the boss is the inevitable and inexorable constant on which the multi-part equation of business rests.

It’s good when the boss is a leader, and the formal is combined with the informal in one charismatic business person. This happens, although not often, because another truth is that we lack both. And there is still a lack of understanding that pitting the boss against the leader is not necessary. If you measure the fashionable Boss vs Leader theme with a practical ruler, there will be many everyday exceptions.

Boss is impersonal - Leader is compassionate.
The boss focuses on processes; the leader focuses on people.

It is natural for a leader-boss to know how his subordinates live - after all, he himself creates an atmosphere of trust and mutual assistance. The trouble begins when an immature boss, having read the theory, begins to “generate trust” and goes too far. In one IT company, the owners liked to hire university graduates and “raise them professionally in a big, kind family.” They probably missed their children, or re-read overseas books on teamwork, or were self-actualizing as mentors. They worked with each young specialist for many months, constantly shifting product launch dates, redrawing processes and approving new work roles. At the same time, they really loved the process for the sake of the process - they regularly introduced different SRMs, tested new services, and simultaneously developed their own project management programs. For six months we decided which was more convenient: Bitrix-24, SharePoint or Basecamp, and we still couldn’t choose. The result of this mixing of styles by the bosses was the loss of a “feeding” client: he needed an Android product, which the company could not “finish” in two years.

And is it really such a bad thing to focus on processes? Here in the company " Open studio“They are spelled out in such detail that there are even regulations for washing guest mugs (). Don’t think that this is the limit of regulation, look at it differently: the boss freed the employee’s brain from coming up with ways to perform routine functions. Don’t overthink it, follow the protocol, and direct your mental activity to direct work. Don't be distracted by little things like a mug, think big - isn't this a leadership approach to employees? As one brand manager aptly remarked: “This is mathematics - the answer to the problem is unchanged, but it can be solved in different ways. One way is beautiful, the other is fast, choose either one. The main thing is how you convey your idea to your employees and explain to them its value.”

The boss says “I” - The leader says “WE”.
The boss says: “Go and do it” - The leader says: “Let’s go do it.”

Good - the leader participates in the common cause, motivates, summarizes success and, with his “we,” shares it with the team. Bad - the boss makes individual decisions, commands and appropriates other people's ideas. But, as they say, “there is a nuance.” Karel Capek wrote that for many it is easier to use “the weighty but insignificant WE than the modest but obliging personal responsibility I.” Boss = formal power, on his side – staffing table and higher authorities, therefore one cannot avoid “I”, personal responsibility. Someone has to bring the facts to any discussion.

It is not the leader, but the boss who signs formal documents, legalizing his “I” - and, striving to become “also a leader,” using “we” ineptly will only harm his authority. One young manager could not accommodate 15 subordinates in her new office for a week. One wanted to go to the window, another didn’t want to go to the door, the third needed a closet not along, but across - the diagram was redrawn to suit all the “wants”, and this public “we” led the inexperienced boss to a dead end. She was able to get out of it with the help of a leader - an experienced accountant, who came and said “let’s do as I said,” and seated everyone without a single objection. Is “I” so unequivocally bad and is “we” so good?

The boss uses people - The leader develops people.
The boss inspires fear - the Leader inspires respect.
The boss assigns awards to himself - The leader distributes awards.

They are more often afraid of the boss - and therefore, in a characteristic Russian manner, they work under pressure and exhaustion. The leader is respected as the first among equals - and under his leadership they work with inspiration. Especially if the boss is a leader, and during the spring cleanup work he moves furniture along with everyone else. A typical boss may be squeamish. This is typical for inexperienced bosses who accidentally took a leadership position and newcomers to an established team.

One newly-minted manager, having taken the place of the boss who had been in charge of the marketing department for almost 7 years, started off on the wrong foot: while studying how the work works, he worked in his office, not communicating with anyone, sending out directives and instructions by mail. The reason was the need to quickly “raise” the process, and partly the fear of not being able to cope with responsibility. There was a leader in the team who formed an appropriate attitude towards the new boss (he was counting on this position himself). There was no open strike, but mute resistance was obvious, and the young boss belatedly began to “participate” in the life of the department, but it was difficult to interrupt the leader’s mood. Three months later, the boss finally turned to HR specialists, who conducted sentiment monitoring. As a result, the young boss understood how to build relationships with the team: it turned out that people lacked positive assessments of their previous experience (appreciating people and giving out rewards), they were afraid of new things (the opinion leader set them up to be used and devalued). But most importantly, the leader-candidate himself had a “slack”: he had long wanted the company to pay for his studies in the Presidential Program. And the previous boss was timid and believed that if an employee wanted to learn, then he was going to either quit or demand a salary increase. The young boss contributed to a positive decision on the leader’s training - and the fact that this was not easy only added points to him in the end. He was able to develop his leadership abilities, so he managed to become the “leader” in the team, and the candidate leader became his deputy.

In the IT industry, where half of workers, according to one developer, have a “mild form of misanthropy and sociopathy,” this happens less often. Rapid technology update, virtuality of many processes (their absence in real world, as in the “old lamp” offline), creates the opportunity to “quickly build and reconstruct” communications and roles within companies. Whoever is the leader is most likely the boss, and all this is mixed in a mix of roles and projects.

The boss thinks in short periods - The leader thinks strategically.
Boss - King - Leader on an equal footing with you.

Nobody draws such huge ones financial plans, does not plan profits and ROI like the bosses. Strategic planning is their sacred duty. This is not always useful, especially in these times of rapid change. In technology industries, it seems strategic planning completely lost all meaning. As well as issues of inequality - in a company operating on the principles of holacracy, not a single boss or leader can fire an employee without the consent of everyone - how this is done in a Button, for example. Because what is important is not dominance, but the functional role of the employee and the quality of its performance. This is not a matter of strategy, but of understanding the relationships between people and processes, and of that very “feeling” that makes a leader a leader, regardless of his formal position.

It is the leader who, through some inexplicable locator, directs everyone’s attention to what is needed. He infects his colleagues and followers with his idea, even if all analysts and marketers advise against getting involved. According to legend, the Vagrius publishing house entered the top 10 thanks to the fact that Pelevin began publishing - others considered the author “unpromising” (Pelevin is such a legendary person that there are different versions for any period of his life, including this one). It doesn’t matter whether the “leader” is strategic enough - if he understands his business, can serve as an example of hard work and honesty, and has real charisma, he will cope with any task.

Stanislav Belkovsky has a beautiful theory about good and kind people. Good man does not commit immoral acts, cares about his reputation and acts as a “moral judge” in society. A kind person, first of all, wants the good of others, does not necessarily do good deeds, does not worry about reputation and does not judge anyone based on moral principles. Good people often they are unkind, and the good are often bad. On the eve of the coming year, I would like to wish that next year you will be surrounded by kinder people. That is, those who proceed from bright aspirations, making mistakes, know how to recognize them and draw conclusions. Let them be the boss. And leaders. And you can be whoever you want. And remember Dovlatov: “A decent person is one who does nasty things without pleasure.”
Happy New Year!

Text: Alexandra Kukhtenkova

Boss and leader are similar concepts. Both are related to leadership, both involve managing a team. But if you think about it, there are still differences, and they are significant. Petr Sinegub, owner of 11 companies in Ukraine and the CIS countries, founder of the 4SMART business academy, is also sure of this. Especially for him, he told who is who, and why it is better to be a leader and not a boss.

Everyone knows the definition of “leader”, but only a few know why they need to be and why it is so important. And I believe that the future belongs to the manager-leader. And I'll explain why. But first, let's look at the wording.

Who is the boss

The boss is convinced that the people who work for him are his subordinates. It is subordinates, not employees or a team. The boss allows himself insults. He likes to say: " If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be working here at all.», « Be grateful that they pay you money here».

For a boss, people are tools to achieve his own goals. If one instrument does not suit him, he changes it to another. It is unnatural for such a boss to be interested in whether the employee is satisfied with his job, whether he is tired or not, whether he feels good or bad, whether he needs help or whether he is coping. Moreover, the boss is annoyed if he is approached with such questions. He is convinced: once you get money, you have to work.

With such a boss good specialists won't stay long. People who cannot or are afraid to change jobs stay with him. As a rule, they have low self-esteem, and they endure humiliation, shouting, and obscene language from the leader.

Scolding, criticism, remarks - this is the feedback that the boss usually gives. He checks every little detail. Instead of controlling the important points, the boss controls everything. This is mistake. After all, the boss not only wastes his time on trifles, but also takes responsibility from others. This is the key difference between a boss and a leader.

Who is a leader

A leader brings the team together to achieve common goals. He trusts his employees and delegates responsibility to them along with tasks. A leader is not a chicken brooder; he doesn’t answer questions like “ Is this right or wrong?», « Should I give the client a discount or not?», « Do you approve or not?».

A leader focuses on the result and is responsible for it under any circumstances. He will never say: " We didn't sell the product because the market crashed" or " I wasn't prepared because someone didn't give me the information on time" In case of force majeure, the leader blames himself; in case of success, he attributes the merits to the team.

The leader tries to grow and invests resources in training employees. He himself, if necessary, can show what and how to do.

A wise leader financially or intangibly rewards the success of employees. And he knows when to do it. For him, working 24 hours a day is not a result. But the executed plan is worthy of praise.

The leader inspires and motivates the team. He understands that a salary increase is a possible, but fragile option for motivation. The leader knows that the goals he has defined should be of interest to the team and close to the employees, if not at the mission level, but at the level of values. This management policy leaves both parties benefiting.

Why you need to be a leader

The leadership style of management is the future. And there are several reasons why being a leader is important and necessary. It helps:

  • Save resources, including time and human resources.
  • Make business competitive.
  • Prevent staff turnover.
  • To achieve long-term goals, you need to unite your team. And only a leader can do this.

Do you want to be one of them? If you created your business with the future in mind, if you have a mission and it is important to you, look at yourself from the outside. If there is a problem with the controls, it can be fixed. Implement different techniques that will increase desire and inspiration to achieve common goals.

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Igor Kukshin 01/10/2017, 16:59

there is no need to be a leader: they can be born based on chance or patterns of combinations in the human genome...

Ulyana Omelchenko 01/10/2017, 19:13

You can learn to be a leader. This is brought up. I know from my own example and those people with whom I have worked. I don’t know how quickly a person will be able to do this on their own, without targeted feedback, but when leaders are raised in a company, this is quite possible. It works for many people.

Igor Kukshin 01/11/2017, 00:24

what other leaders: heads of departments and deputies? raise children and agricultural products, do not confuse the sinful with the righteous

Maxim Nechitailo, Plastech 01/15/2017, 08:28

Let me be curious: what type of thinking do you consider yourself to be?

Igor Kukshin 01/15/2017, 22:41

to dissenters)

Alexander, Chisto moika (Zaporozhye) 01/24/2017, 06:16

They grow agricultural products, vegetables, fruits, greens, dissent, etc.) And children, specialists, leaders and politicians are raised by investing knowledge and strength!!

Victoria, BIKO Company 12/26/2017, 17:03

In general, I agree)

Yuri Herts 01/10/2017, 19:39

When communicating with another person, always think about what he really needs right now. If he asks you a question, give him an answer or politely and apologetically transfer his question to someone else (in a playful manner). Respect your interlocutor and then you will become his friend. Next, be professionally charged and then you will become a leader! This is my story of a little leadership in my team, but I don’t manage it because there are other leaders on the team... each of us is each other’s leader... and therefore who knows who will lead the team if the real leader retires... but I don’t care, let the one with the funniest jokes be the one :)

Anatoly Sergeev 01/10/2017, 20:03

In our country, leadership is pursued by punishable means. Envy, harmfulness and the like have not been abolished in our country.

Alexander Sorokin 01/10/2017, 20:32

A leader must first of all: be a good psychologist,
be head and shoulders above others in your specialty,
be sociable, attentive to other people’s problems, if you want to work in this particular team, you should not show off your knowledge and abilities, you should help others in bringing their useful ideas to mind,
must establish human relationships in the team and maintain them, and he is obliged to do many, many more things...

Irina Smelaya 01/11/2017, 08:25

Leadership is a given.
But it can be developed and improved.
The main thing is to “love what you do. And then work rises to creativity.”

Tamara Kravchenko 01/11/2017, 14:14

The author's article talks about office workers, as a given, at least reasonable and minimally educated. Let's take it mechanical engineering production- 150 workers, of which 50 are mechanics. And who is the leader here???? And whoever hears a polite address - could you stay to finish your work..... It would be funny to me if it weren’t so sad.

Igor Kukshin 01/11/2017, 17:07

a leader is the leader of a pack, and is needed in the forest
and the enterprise has an organizational structure with a clear range of officials and functional responsibilities according to the occupational classifier
study economics and labor organization, gentlemen,
and leave sociology for measuring... who has it longer in the smoking room or for entertainment at corporate events

Yuri Herts 01/11/2017, 17:27

I don’t agree, the leader should be everywhere, because it won’t be interesting to work. If you yourself are not the leader, there must be someone who is a REAL leader and not some kind of upstart... usually these are people without a bony tongue and who know their business well + who politely communicate with everyone.

Igor Kukshin 01/11/2017, 17:41

he is called an informal leader who does not tear... for the sake of a position, but has competitive advantage above others, universally recognized, depending on where what is valued: strength, whose neck to lather, intelligence, if you solve a complex problem, professionalism, etc...
and language is a “dear”, but not a leader, and there is no need to mix everything into one pot)
and what does politeness have to do with it? I doubt that A. Yarmolenko is very polite with his teammates “D” in moments when they did something strange...
I think sports/football fans understand what we're talking about

Yuri Herts 01/11/2017, 17:54

I don’t know, even if I’m wrong, but you also shouldn’t confuse rudeness and severity... you can’t be a lady’s brother, but even if [obscene language was removed by the site moderator] happened, then you shouldn’t rip your throat out and insult him by saying that you work here only because it’s his will or something else, like, are you stupid, I wouldn’t do that... Although I’m not the boss, I would probably take a knife and kill the employee: D why insult him, don’t correct the employee))) Or endure and wait for a good result, let him see how others grow in position and salary and let him compare them with himself... personal experience, bitter experience. And my boss is as I describe him here

Volodymyr Monosyuk 02/07/2019, 10:21

It can be explained more simply, using the example of 300 Spartans: Leonidas is the leader, Xerxes is the boss. Are there leaders like Leonid in our time? I guess not.

In any team sport, every athlete wants to be part of a cohesive and responsible team. The coach in such a team must maintain a friendly atmosphere, take care of its development and defend the interests of each team member.

As in any job, the coach becomes the “boss” or “leader” for his athletes. And there is a big difference between these concepts. It is this difference that shows how effectively your team will develop.

Let's look at the concepts of “boss” and “leader” themselves.

Boss is a concept that immediately evokes a negative reaction. Our heads immediately conjure up the image of a powerful person with a high position who can do and say whatever he wants. In this case, he will have absolute power over you, regardless of whether you like it or not. For such a person, it is normal to only give orders and demand complete obedience.

Leader– this concept, on the contrary, has a more positive context. For us such a person is good example for imitation and one wants to respect him. Although the leader manages the training process and all team members, he also recognizes himself as part of this very team. A leader is a person who “does not order,” but “advises” subordinates what they should do.

So who are you, a leader or a simple boss? Explore the differences between these forms of management and answer this question for yourself:

"I" or "We"

  • The boss only thinks about maintaining his authority, so he demands that his charges demonstrate respect and submission. And here the main way to maintain your authority is fear;
  • It is important for a leader that each team member can show their best strengths, so it helps every athlete reach their potential. He is always ready to help in the fight against human weaknesses;

Approaches to team development

  • The boss controls his athletes, but in a bad way. He only looks for mistakes and criticizes every failure of team members. If the team’s results do not satisfy the boss, then he begins to threaten, thinking that this is how he stimulates the athletes;
  • The leader supports team members in difficult times and always encourages success. To improve the results of each athlete, he looks for new training methods or motivators for his players;

Important opinion

  • The boss can listen to the opinion of a team member, but for him only one true opinion is his. The boss insists that the athletes shut up and do only what he says;
  • The leader knows that his athletes can always offer successful and interesting idea, which will help improve teamwork or training efficiency. Therefore, the leader encourages his team members to express their opinions. The leader also accepts dissatisfied feedback from his people and looks for ways to solve these problems;

Opportunity Assessment

  • The boss uses the military style of speech: “My orders are not discussed! Do it quickly!” If the team did something wrong, they receive humiliation and insults;
  • The leader evaluates the team's capabilities and resources. He will not force an athlete to do something that is not within his capabilities. The leader understands that any person has a limit and his path to perfection can be very long;

Knowledge is power

  • The boss insists on strict chain of command and is always confident that he knows absolutely everything in his field. No one can doubt his methods and decisions. No one dares tell him that there are new training techniques that can make team training more effective;
  • The leader knows good rule: "Smart and capable people always learning." He is always ready to listen to the opinion or idea of ​​his athlete, constantly improving and improving the team's work

If you now want to be a real leader and not just a boss, but are not sure who you are, then just look at your team. If they enjoy studying under your guidance, then rest assured, this will be immediately noticeable in their views and mood. There is always room to grow. Improve not only your team, but also yourself.

In what a wonderful way Steve Jobs and Bill Gates could become the youngest billionaires in business history? Both were real leaders. Bill Gates himself once said:

Today, leaders are those who are able to inspire others and captivate them with their ideas.”

The terms “boss” or “boss” already evoke a negative attitude on a subconscious level. Nobody likes people who are always in charge and try to “build” everyone around them.

But you are not like that, you are a good boss and a progressive boss. But is this really so? In a real work process, are you able to “organize and lead” a team, so that employees strive and can show “their best”?

A true leader manages to find harmony between the ability to maintain iron discipline (without which no projects can be implemented) and the ability to create a creative atmosphere in the team. A good leader constantly improves his skills and helps team members when required.

Professionals and those who want to become them usually strive to work in a team with a good leader. Because only in this format of cooperation is it created best content(who is the King, as Bill Gates put it).

Specialists from a company engaged in the development of effective management decisions, have prepared a checklist that will help you find out who you are - a true leader or one of those who like to command?

Boss vs. Leader

    • The boss is primarily concerned with maintaining his own power, and therefore requires employees to demonstrate respect and submission. At the same time, the main tool for maintaining authority is fear.
    • The leader strives to use the strengths of his subordinates, and therefore contributes to the growth and development of team members. At the same time, the leader provides assistance to subordinates in dealing with weaknesses.

    • The boss tries to control everything, looks for mistakes and criticizes for every mistake. When work results are not satisfactory, the boss uses threats as an incentive.
    • The leader encourages the success of employees and is always ready to help in difficult times, and looks for ways to increase productivity by introducing more effective work methods.
    • The boss is sometimes willing to listen to suggestions from subordinates, but believes that correct opinion it is always his own. The rest of the time, the boss insists that employees shut up and do what management says.
    • The leader realizes that the successful ideas of his subordinates are quite capable of improving the work of the entire team and leading to the success of the project. Therefore, the leader encourages employees to think and propose, to express their own opinions. If one of the employees is dissatisfied with the progress of work, this is a reason for the leader to think, maybe something is really hindering the achievement of success?
    • The boss operates according to the army principle: “orders are not discussed, but will be carried out.” When something goes wrong, the team gets a beating.
    • The leader tries to realistically assess the available resources and capabilities of the team, not hesitating to ask the subordinate: “Are you sure you can do this by the end of the week?” The leader understands that there are limitations in everything and does not blame subordinates for their inability to accomplish the impossible.
    • The boss considers it his responsibility to set goals and plan achievements. Practical work is entirely the responsibility of subordinates. As a result of this approach, employees often hide current problems at work, so as not to once again receive a scolding for negligence.
    • The leader gives the team freedom of maneuver, but is always ready to get involved personally when the need arises. Like a good commander, a leader has greater competence than the rank and file and operates on a "do as I do" basis.
    • The boss is sincerely confident that if employees are not constantly pushed, nothing will be done. Therefore, the boss considers it possible to call in the middle of the night and demand that he drop everything and immediately start working on the project.
    • The leader respects the personal lives of employees and tries to organize work so that corporate interests do not conflict with personal ones.
    • The boss insists that the goals he sets must be achieved. However, as the situation changes, the goals change. Since the main factor in management is fear, subordinates are afraid to ask questions and clarify goals. It is difficult to work effectively in such uncertainty.
    • The leader knows that a clear and unambiguous understanding of goals is the key to confidence and progressive movement towards results. The leader tries to set realistic, achievable goals, which relieves nervousness and tension in the team.
    • The boss's mug says, "I'm always right."
    • The leader's mug reads: “Leadership and self-improvement are inseparable” (John F. Kennedy).
    • The boss insists on strict chain of command and is confident that he knows everything better. No one is allowed to doubt or challenge his decisions. Authoritarian style management is hardly conducive interested work and employee satisfaction from participating in joint projects. With this approach to management, a lieutenant hardly has a chance of ever becoming a general.
    • The leader understands that “smart people always learn.” By being interested in the ideas and opinions of subordinates, the leader receives invaluable tips and recommendations on how to improve his own leadership skills and improve the performance of the entire team.

What do you think are the qualities that actually distinguish a good boss from a true leader? Do you agree with the characteristics suggested by Wrike specialists?

2 chosen

Leaders are different, but first of all, their task is to lead the entire team towards the goal, based on the chosen strategy and in accordance with the ideals of the company. Unfortunately, power often blinds leaders to power, and they forget that no one put them on a pedestal, but, on the contrary, they were given increased responsibility not only for the results of the business, but also for the people subordinate to them.


Locking yourself in a separate office, stopping communicating with the team over tea, expressing emotions and adopting a bossy pose are signs of a boss who has been taken by surprise." copper pipes". He says “I” and not “we”, inspires fear (preferably reverent, but in reality, how will it turn out) and in every possible way emphasizes his exalted position. A king, no less.

“Bosses” often use people, attributing all the credit to themselves, although without the team the result would not have been achieved. Often it is difficult for him to let go of a task given to a subordinate, and he controls every step of its implementation.

Often his narcissism does not allow him to build a long-term strategy, and he is content with seeing at least a short-term perspective and not seeing beyond his own nose.

Such a boss will emphasize his status in every possible way, will not work in any way to build a cohesive team, and will focus on the process of work, often welcoming the “imitation of vigorous activity.”


A good leader understands that the most important thing in a team is people, and therefore he will never allow himself to be insulted, humiliated, or other manifestations of his “own importance.” Often a good leader is not at all different from his subordinates. He does not close himself in a separate office, and if he has one, then his doors are open to employees who come with a question or suggestion. He is ready to support his employees “through thick and thin” and can quite easily drink tea with them during a break or go to lunch.

A good leader is not feared, and his constructive comments received on the matter are accepted with gratitude. He inspires respect and helps people develop, and at the end of a difficult project he always expresses gratitude to his employees, realizing that without them it would have been impossible to implement it.

The pronoun “we” prevails in his speech, and he easily delegates tasks, understanding who and what can be entrusted to get an excellent result. And, of course, he sees far-reaching goals, and before starting work, he builds a long-term development strategy and introduces the team to it.

Qualities a leader should develop

Honesty: your business and your team are a reflection of yourself. If you make honest and ethical behavior and communication a core value, your team will follow you.

Ability to delegate: trusting a team with an idea is a sign of strength, not weakness. Delegating tasks to appropriate departments is one of the most important skills to develop in yourself.

Communication: being able to clearly and concisely describe what you want to do is very important. If you can't communicate your vision to your team, you won't be able to collectively achieve your goal.

Sense of humor: When you continually learn to approach challenges with humor, you create a healthy workspace where you, and your team, can easily remain calm, collected, and confident. And it is in such a space that you can work most productively.

Confidence: errors, delays, discrepancies, no matter how undesirable and unpleasant they are, are still inevitable. And therefore you should treat them without unnecessary emotions. Should concentrate on ultimate goal so that minor troubles do not unsettle you. Your state is transmitted to your subordinates: both calm and confidence, and fear and anxiety. Your employees often have a lot of ideas that they will immediately share as soon as you give them a chance.

Liabilities: if you expect your team to work hard and produce quality results, you will have to lead by example.

Creativity: You often have to make quick decisions. It is important to be able to think outside the box.


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