The first stage of strategic planning includes. Implementation of the stages of strategic planning in social organizations. Phased organization of strategic planning in the enterprise

Strategic planning- a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help the organization achieve its objectives.

According to Peter Laureng, the strategic planning process is a tool to aid in the adoption management decisions.
Its task is ensure innovation and change in the organization to a sufficient extent.
There are 4 main types of management activities:

  • resource allocation- it is the allocation of limited organizational resources, such as funds, scarce management talent and technological experience;
  • adaptation to the external environment- covers all actions of a strategic nature that improve the relationship of the company with its environment. The company needs to adapt to both external opportunities and hazards, identify appropriate options and ensure that the strategy is effectively adapted to the environment.
  • internal coordination - includes coordination strategic action to display strong and weaknesses firms in order to achieve effective integration of internal operations.
  • awareness of organizational strategies - it is the implementation of the systematic development of managers' thinking by building an organization that can learn from past strategic decisions.

Strategy is a detailed, comprehensive, integrated plan designed to ensure that the organization's mission and objectives are achieved.

The main theses of the strategy:
a) the strategy is mostly formulated and developed by senior management, but its implementation involves the participation of all levels of management;
b) the strategic plan should be developed rather from the perspective of the entire corporation, rather than a specific individual;
c) the plan should be supported by extensive research and evidence;
d) strategic plans should be designed so as not only to remain coherent over long periods of time, but also to be flexible enough to be modified and reoriented if necessary.
Organization planning and success.

The current pace of change and increase in knowledge is so great that strategic planning seems to be the only way to formally forecast future problems and opportunities. It provides senior management with the means to create a long-term plan. Strategic planning also provides the basis for decision making. Formal planning reduces risk in decision making. Planning, as it serves to formulate established goals, helps to create unity of common purpose within the organization.
Formulation strategic plan represents a thorough preparation for the future. If all managers should engage in some degree of formal strategic planning, then drawing up strategic plans for the entire organization is primarily the responsibility of top management. Middle and line managers are involved in this work by providing relevant information and providing feedback.

Stages of the strategic planning process

1. Mission of the organization.
2. The goals and values ​​of the organization.
3. Assessment and analysis of the external environment.
4. Management survey of strengths and weaknesses.
5. Analysis of strategic alternatives.
6. Choice of strategy.
7. Implementation of the strategy.
8. Assessment of the strategy.

rice. 2 Strategic planning process

1. Mission of the organization

The first and most significant planning decision will be to choose goals organizations - its mission and specific goals.
The main common goal organizations, i.e. a clearly expressed reason for its existence - denoted as its mission. Objectives are developed to fulfill this mission.

The goals developed on its basis serve as criteria for the entire subsequent process of making managerial decisions. If leaders do not know what the main purpose of their organization is, then they will not have a logical starting point for choosing the best alternative.
The mission statement details the status of the firm and provides directions and benchmarks for setting goals and strategies for various organizational levels. The organization's mission statement should contain the following:

  • The firm's task in terms of its core services or products, its core markets and core technologies, i.e. which entrepreneurial activity is the firm engaged?
  • The external environment in relation to the firm that determines the firm's operating principles.
  • The culture of the organization. What type of working climate exists within the firm? What type of people are attracted to this climate?

By looking at the mission in terms of identifying the basic needs of customers and meeting them effectively, management actually creates customers to support the organization in the future.

The mission statement serves as a guideline on which leaders base their decisions. Choosing a goal that is too narrow can limit the ability of management to find alternatives when making decisions. Choosing a mission that is too broad can damage the success of the organization.

2. Values ​​and goals of senior management

Values ​​are shaped by our experience, education and socio-economic background. Values, or the relative importance we attach to things and phenomena, guide and orient leaders when faced with critical decisions.
Gut and Tagiri established 6 value orientations that influence management decision making:

Value orientations

Types of goals organizations prefer


Rational thinking

Long term research and development


Accumulation of wealth




Total capital, sales, number of employees


Good human relations
Lack of conflict

Social responsibility regarding profit
Indirect competition
Favorable atmosphere in the organization


Artistic harmony
Shape and symmetry

Product design
Attractiveness, even at the expense of profit


Concord in the universe

Moral issues

The link between the values ​​held by top management and the corporate goals is important. The values ​​of leadership are manifested for the purpose of the organization.

Objectives must have a number of characteristics:
1. Should be To specific and measurable
By expressing their goals in concrete, measurable ways, management creates a clear baseline for subsequent decisions and assessments of progress.
2. Orientation of goals in time.
It should not only determine what the organization wants to accomplish, but also when the result should be achieved. Goals are usually set for long or short periods of time.
The long-term goal, according to Steiner, has a planning horizon of approximately 5 years. The short-term goal in most cases represents one of the organization's plans, which should be completed within a year. Medium-term goals are one to five years.
3. Achievable goals.
The goal must be achievable - which contributes to the effectiveness of the organization.
4. Mutually supportive goals.
The actions and decisions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of other goals.

Process strategic management will be successful to the extent that top management is involved in setting goals and to the extent that those goals reflect the values ​​of the leadership and the realities of the firm.
3. Assessment and analysis of the external environment
Leaders assess the external environment on three dimensions:

  • Assess changes that affect different aspects current strategy.
  • Determine which factors pose a threat to the current strategy.
  • Determine which factors present more opportunities for achieving the corporate goal by adjusting the plan.

Analysis of the external environment - the process by which strategic planners control factors external to the organization to identify opportunities and threats to the firm.
In terms of assessing these threats and opportunities, the role of environmental analysis in the strategic planning process is to answer three specific questions:

  • Where is the organization now located?
  • Where does senior management think the organization should be in the future?
  • What should management do to move the organization from where it is now to where management wants it to be?

The threats and opportunities the firm faces can be categorized into 7 areas:

  • economic forces (inflation or deflation rates, employment rates, international balance of payments, US dollar stability abroad and tax rate);
  • political factors (management should follow regulatory documents local authorities, the government, the attitude of politicians to antitrust activities, restrictions on the recruitment of labor and the possibility of obtaining a loan, etc.);
  • market factors (demographic conditions, life cycles of various products or services, ease of market penetration, distribution of income of the population and the level of competition in the industry);
  • technological factors (take into account changes in production technology, the use of computers in the design and provision of goods and services, or advances in communication technology);
  • international factors (ease of access to raw materials, foreign cartels, changes in exchange rates and policy decisions in countries acting as investment targets or markets);
  • factors of competition (analysis of the future goals of competitors, an assessment of the current strategy of competitors, an overview of the premises in relation to competitors and the industry in which these companies operate, an in-depth study of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors);
  • factors social behavior (changing expectations, attitudes and mores of society);

4. Management survey of internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization

The next challenge the organization faces will be determining whether the firm has internal strengths to take advantage of external opportunities; and identification of internal weaknesses that can complicate the challenges posed by external hazards.
The process by which internal problems are diagnosed is called management survey.

Management survey is a methodical assessment of the functional areas of an organization, designed to identify its strategic strengths and weaknesses.


When examining marketing function, 7 areas for analysis and research deserve attention:

  • market share and competitiveness;
  • variety and quality of the range of products;
  • market demographic statistics;
  • market research and development;
  • pre-sales and after-sales customer service;
  • effective sales, advertising and product promotion;
  • arrived.

Finance and accounting

A detailed analysis of the financial condition can reveal the existing and potential internal weaknesses in the organization, as well as the relative position of the organization with its competitors.

Operations(in the narrow sense - production).

Some key questions to be answered in the survey are:

1) Can we produce our products or services at a lower price than our competitors? If not, why not?

2) Is our equipment modern and well maintained?

3) Are our products subject to seasonal fluctuations in demand, which forces us to resort to layoffs?

4) Can we serve markets that our competitors cannot?

5) Do we have an effective and efficient quality control system?

Human resources.

If an organization has qualified employees and leaders with well-motivated goals, it is able to pursue various alternative strategies.

Culture and image (image) of the corporation.

The culture reflects the prevailing customs, mores and expectations in the organization.
Corporate image, both internally and externally, refers to the impression it creates with the help of employees and public opinion in general.

5. Analysis of strategic alternatives

The organization faces 4 main strategic alternatives:

  • Limited growth - setting goals from what has been achieved, adjusted for inflation.
  • Growth - an annual significant increase in the level of short-term and long-term goals over the level of the previous year.
  • Growth can be internal and external.
  • Internal growth can happen by expanding the range of products.
  • External growth can be in related industries in the form of vertical or horizontal growth.
  • Reduction - the level of the pursued goals is set below that achieved in the past. Several reduction options:
  • liquidation- full sale of material stocks and assets of the organization;
  • cutting off excess- Firms often find it beneficial to separate from themselves some divisions or activities;
  • reduction and reorientation- reducing part of its activities in an attempt to increase profits;
  • Combination - combining any of the 3 mentioned strategies.

6. Choosing a strategy

The Boston Advisory Group matrix can help guide options and management decisions.

Cash generation (market share)

Cash use
(growth rate) high high low

For example, if your product or service has a large market share and has a high growth rate (star), you are more likely to pursue a growth strategy. On the other hand, if your product or service occupies a small proportion of the wound and has a low growth rate (dog), you can choose a strategy to cut off the excess.

The strategic choices made by managers are influenced by a variety of factors:

  • risk;
  • knowledge of past strategies;
  • reaction to owners;
  • time factor.

Management chooses a strategy after analyzing external opportunities and risks, internal strengths and weaknesses, and evaluating all of its alternatives and options.

7. Planning the implementation of the strategy

Once an underlying overall strategy has been selected, it must be implemented by integrating it with other organizational functions.
An important mechanism for linking strategy is the development of plans and benchmarks: tactics, policies, procedures and rules.


Just as management develops short-term goals that are consistent with long-term goals and make it easier to achieve them, they often need to develop short-term plans that are consistent with their overall long-term plans. Such short-term strategies are called tactics.

Some characteristics of tactical plans:

  • tactics are developed in the development of the strategy;
  • while strategy is almost always developed at the highest levels of management, tactics are often developed at the level of middle management;
  • tactics are designed for more short term than strategy;
  • while the results of a strategy may not be detectable for several years, tactical results emerge very quickly and are easily correlated with specific actions.


Politics provides general guidance for action and decision making that facilitates the achievement of goals.

Policy is usually formulated by senior managers over a long period of time. Politics guides decision-making, but also leaves room for action.


Procedures describe actions to be taken in specific situation.

Procedures usually describe a sequence of actions to be taken in a given situation. V general case the individual acting according to the procedure has little freedom and few alternatives.


When a high degree of subordination is required to achieve goals, leaders use regulations . When management wants to restrict the actions of employees in order to ensure that specific actions are carried out in specific ways, they draw up rules.

The rule specifies exactly what should be done in a particular singular situation.

Assessment of the strategic plan.
The development and subsequent implementation of the strategic plan seems simple process... But continuous evaluation of a plan is critical to its long-term success.

8. Assessing the strategy

Strategy evaluation is carried out by comparing the results of work with the goals. The evaluation process is used as a feedback mechanism to adjust the strategy. To be effective, assessment must be carried out systematically and continuously.
When evaluating the strategic planning process, 5 questions should be answered:

  • Is the strategy intrinsically compatible with the capabilities of the organization?
  • Does the strategy involve an acceptable degree of risk?
  • Does the organization have sufficient resources to implement the strategy?
  • Does the strategy take into account external hazards or opportunities?
  • Is this strategy the best way use of firm resources?

There are a number of criteria, both quantitative and qualitative, that are used in the assessment process.
Quantitative evaluation criteria:

  • market share
  • sales growth
  • the level of costs and production efficiency
  • level of cost and sales efficiency
  • staff turnover
  • absenteeism
  • employee satisfaction
  • net profit
  • payments on securities
  • share price
  • dividend rate
  • earnings per share

Qualitative evaluation criteria:

  • ability to attract highly qualified managers
  • expanding the scope of services to clients
  • in-depth knowledge of the market
  • reducing the number of hazards
  • seizing opportunities

After deciding on a strategy for developing the subsequent plan, management should conduct a thorough review of the organization's structure to determine if it contributes to the achievement of corporate goals. Strategy defines the structure. In terms of concepts, structures should always reflect strategy.

The best organizational structure will be one that is appropriate for the size, dynamism, complexity, and people of the organization. As organizations evolve and their goals evolve, their strategies and plans change. This should be the case with their structures as well.

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The strategic planning process in a company consists of several stages:

  1. Determination of the mission and goals of the organization.
  2. Analysis of the environment, which includes the collection of information, analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as its potential opportunities based on the available external and internal information.
  3. Choosing a strategy.
  4. Implementation of the strategy.
  5. Evaluation and control of implementation.

Defining the mission and goals of the organization

"The objective function begins with the establishment of the mission of the enterprise, expressing the philosophy and the meaning of its existence."

"Mission is the conceptual intention to move in a certain direction." Usually, it details the status of the enterprise, describes the basic principles of its work, the actual intentions of the management, and also defines the most important economic characteristics enterprises.

The mission expresses striving for the future, shows what the organization's efforts will be directed to, what values ​​will be priority in this case. Therefore, the mission should not depend on the current state of the enterprise, it should not be reflected financial difficulties etc. It is not customary in the mission to indicate making a profit as the main purpose of creating an organization, although making a profit is the most important factor the functioning of the enterprise.

"Goals are the concretization of the mission in the organization in a form that is available to manage the process of their implementation."

The main characteristics of the goal are as follows:

  • clear orientation to a certain time interval;
  • concreteness and measurability;
  • consistency and consistency with other missions and resources;
  • targeting and controllability.

Based on the mission and goals of the organization's existence, development strategies are built, the organization's policy is determined.

Strategic analysis concept

Strategic analysis or as it is also called "portfolio analysis" is the main element of strategic planning. "The literature notes that portfolio analysis acts as a strategic management tool, with the help of which the management of the enterprise identifies and evaluates its activities in order to invest in the most profitable and promising areas."

Strategic analysis began in the late 1960s. At this time, large firms and most of the medium-sized ones turned into complexes that combined the release of heterogeneous products and went to many commodity markets... However, growth did not continue in all markets, and some of them were not even promising. This discrepancy has arisen due to differences in the degree of saturation of demand, changing economic, political and social conditions, increasing competition and the rapid pace of technology innovation.

It became clear that advancing into new industries would not help the company solve its strategic problems or reach its full potential. The situation required the managers to radically change their angle of view. In such conditions, extrapolation was replaced by strategic planning and portfolio analysis.

The unit of portfolio analysis is the “strategic management area” (SZH). SZH represents any market to which the firm has or is trying to find a way out. Each SZH is characterized by a certain type of demand, as well as a certain technology. As soon as one technology is replaced by another, the problem of the ratio of technologies becomes a strategic choice of the firm. In the course of portfolio analysis, the firm assesses the prospects for a particular area of ​​activity.

The main method of portfolio analysis is the construction of two-dimensional matrices. With the help of such matrices, there is a comparison of industries, departments, processes, products according to the relevant criteria.

There are three approaches to forming matrices:

  1. Tabular approach, in which the values ​​of the varying parameters increase with distance from the graph of the names of these parameters. In this case, the portfolio analysis is carried out from the upper left corner to the lower right.
  2. Coordinate approach, in which the values ​​of the varied parameters increase with distance from the point of intersection of the coordinates. The portfolio analysis is carried out here from the lower left corner to the upper right.
  3. A logical approach, in which the portfolio analysis is carried out from the lower right corner to the upper left. This approach is most widespread in foreign practice.

Environmental analysis is essential when implementing strategic analysis since its result is the receipt of information on the basis of which estimates are made regarding current situation enterprises on the market.

Environmental analysis involves the study of three of its components:

  • external environment;
  • immediate environment;
  • internal environment of the organization.

Analysis of the external environment includes the study of the impact of the economy, legal regulation and management, political processes, natural environment and resources, social and cultural components of society, scientific, technical and technological development society, infrastructure, etc.

Environmental analysis is the process by which strategic planners monitor factors external to the organization in order to identify opportunities and threats to the firm.

Analysis of the external environment helps to obtain important results. It gives an organization time to anticipate opportunities, time to plan for contingencies, time to develop an early warning system for potential threats, and time to develop strategies that can turn old threats into any profitable opportunity.

“In terms of assessing these threats and opportunities, the role of environmental analysis in the strategic planning process is essentially in answering three specific questions:

  1. Where is the organization now located?
  2. Where does senior management think the organization should be in the future?
  3. What should management do to move the organization from where it is now to where management wants it? "

The threats and opportunities faced by the organization can usually be divided into seven areas. These areas are economics, politics, market, technology, competition, international position and social behavior.

Economic forces. The current and projected state of the economy can have a dramatic effect on the goals of an organization. Some factors in the economic environment must be continuously diagnosed and evaluated. “Studying the economic component of the macroenvironment allows us to understand how resources are formed and distributed. Obviously, this is vital to the organization, as access to resources very much determines the state of the entrance to the organization.

The study of economics involves the analysis of a number of indicators: the value of GNP, inflation rates, unemployment rate, interest rates, labor productivity, taxation rates, balance of payments, accumulation rates, etc. When studying the economic component, it is important to pay attention to factors such as the general level of economic development, mined Natural resources, climate, type and level of development of competitive relations, the structure of the population, the level of education of the labor force and the amount of wages.

For strategic management, when studying the listed indicators and factors, it is not the values ​​of the indicators as such that are of interest, but, first of all, what opportunities for doing business this gives.

Also, the sphere of interest of strategic management includes the disclosure of potential threats to the firm, which are enclosed in separate components of the economic component. It often happens that opportunities and threats go hand in hand. "

“The analysis of the economic component should by no means be reduced to the analysis of its individual components. It should be aimed at a comprehensive assessment of her condition. First of all, it is the fixation of the level of risk, the degree of intensity of competition and the level of business attractiveness. "

Market factors. The volatile market environment is an area of ​​constant concern for organizations. The analysis of the market environment includes numerous factors that can have a direct impact on the success and failure of an organization.

International factors. Threats and opportunities can arise from ease of access to raw materials, foreign cartels (such as OPEC), exchange rate changes and political decisions in countries serving as investment targets or markets.

By analyzing the external environment, an organization can create a list of the dangers and opportunities it faces in that environment.

The immediate environment is analyzed according to the following main components: buyers, suppliers, competitors, labor market. Analysis of the internal environment reveals those opportunities, the potential that a firm can count on in competitive struggle in the process of achieving their goals.

“The internal environment is analyzed in the following directions:

  • personnel of the company, their potential, qualifications, interests, etc .;
  • organization of management;
  • production, including organizational, operational and technical and technological characteristics and Scientific research and development;
  • company finances;
  • marketing;
  • organizational culture. "

Choosing a strategy in accordance with the results of strategic analysis

A strategy is a long-term, qualitatively defined direction of the organization's development, concerning the sphere, means and forms of its activity, the system of relationships within the organization, as well as the position of the organization in the environment, leading the organization to its goals.

The strategy is chosen taking into account:

  • the competitive position of the firm in a given strategic area of ​​management;
  • development prospects of the most strategic economic zone;
  • in some cases, taking into account the technology available to the firm.

The technological factor should be present when choosing a strategy for an enterprise that operates in an industry where this factor has crucial and technology is changing rapidly.

There are four main types of strategies:

  1. Strategy concentrated growth- strategy for strengthening market positions, market development strategy, product development strategy.
  2. Integrated Growth Strategies - Reverse Strategy vertical integration, a strategy for forward-going vertical integration.
  3. Diversification Growth Strategies - a centered diversification strategy, a horizontal diversification strategy.
  4. Reduction strategies - eradication strategy, harvest strategy, reduction strategy, cost reduction strategy.

Evaluation of the chosen strategy

Evaluation of the chosen strategy consists in answering the question: will the chosen strategy lead to the achievement of the company's goals?

If the strategy is consistent with the goals of the company, then its further assessment is carried out in the following areas:

  • compliance of the chosen strategy with the state and requirements of the environment;
  • compliance of the chosen strategy with the potential and capabilities of the firm;
  • acceptability of the risk inherent in the strategy.

Implementation and control of the strategy

I. Ansoff in his book "Strategic Management" formulates the following principles of strategic control:

  1. Due to the uncertainty and inaccuracy of calculations, a strategic project can easily turn into an empty undertaking. This should not be allowed, the costs must lead to the planned results. But unlike conventional manufacturing control practice, attention should be focused on cost recovery rather than budget control.
  2. At each checkpoint, it is necessary to make an assessment of the return on costs during life cycle new product. As long as the ROI exceeds the benchmark, the project should continue. When it falls below this level, other options should be considered, including termination of the project.

Top management functions:

  1. In-depth study of the state of the environment, goals and the development of strategies: a final understanding of the essence of certain goals and a broader communication of the ideas of strategies and the meaning of goals to the employees of the company.
  2. Making decisions on the efficiency of using the firm's resources.
  3. Decisions about organizational structure.
  4. Carrying out the necessary changes in the company.
  5. Review of the strategy execution plan in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Changes that are carried out in the process of implementing strategies are called strategic changes. Organizational restructuring can take such forms as radical transformation, moderate transformation, ordinary changes, and minor changes.

Types of organizational structures: elementary, functional, divisional, SEB structure, matrix. The choice of an organizational structure depends on the size and degree of diversity of activities, the geographical location of the organization, technology, attitude to the organization on the part of the leaders and employees of the organization, the dynamism of the external environment and the strategy implemented by the organization.

In order to carry out changes, it is necessary to open, analyze and predict what kind of resistance can be met when planning changes, reduce this resistance to a possible minimum and establish the status quo of a new state. Styles of change: competitive, self-elimination, compromise, accommodation, cooperation. The task of monitoring is to ascertain whether the implementation of the strategy will lead to the realization of the objectives.

1. At the first stage of planning, an essential decision is the choice of the goals of the organization.

The main overall goal of the organization, i.e. a clearly expressed reason for its existence is designated as its mission (responsible task, role, assignment). Objectives are developed to fulfill this mission.

The mission statement details the status of the organization and provides direction and direction for setting goals and strategies at various organizational levels.

The mission statement should contain:

  • 1. the task of the organization in terms of its main services, its main consumers, main technologies - i.e. what activities the organization is engaged in;
  • 2. environmental factors in relation to the organization;
  • 3. the culture of the organization - what kind of working climate exists in the organization, what kind of people are attracted to this climate.

For example, the mission of the social protection department is to meet the social needs of the population. Mission of the center social assistance family and children is to provide comprehensive assistance and support for families and children.

Some leaders do not attach importance to the choice of the mission. This is especially true for managers commercial organizations... They believe the mission is making a profit.

Mission is important to the organization, but the values ​​and goals of senior leaders influence the organization. The researchers note that strategic behavior is influenced by values ​​(Igor Ansof). Gut and Tigiri established 6 value orientations that influence the adoption of management decisions, and also that the chosen goals depend on them.

2. Second stage. The goals of social protection organizations are formed and set based on the organization's mission.

Targets must have some characteristics:

  • 1.Specific and measurable goals - for example, to provide support to large families registered in the department (absolute number), for example, the goal of a non-state university is to provide training for specialists at lower costs;
  • 2. orientation in time - when the result should be achieved (long-term - 5 years, medium-term 1-5 years, short-term up to a year);
  • 3. Achievable goals - To serve the organization's effectiveness, goals must be achievable. The goals should be mutually supportive - i.e. actions and decisions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of other goals of the organization. If this condition is not met, then the organization may conflict between departments.

For example, the objectives of the center for social assistance to families and children are:

  • * realization of the right to the protection of families and children by the state;
  • * promoting the development and strengthening of the family, as social institution;
  • * improving the socio-economic conditions of life and the well-being of the family;
  • * humanization of family ties with society and the state;
  • * establishment of harmonious intra-family relations;
  • * prevention of juvenile delinquency and neglect.
  • 3. At the third stage of the strategic planning process, after establishing the mission and goals of the organization, the external environment of the organization is studied.

The external environment is assessed according to three parameters:

  • 1. changes that affect different aspects of the current strategy;
  • 2. what factors pose a threat to the strategy;
  • 3. what factors represent more opportunities for achieving the goal by adjusting the plan.

Mainly they pay attention to such factors as social, economic, political, technological development, the state of the labor market, investments.

Environmental analysis is the process by which strategic planners monitor factors external to the organization to determine opportunities and threats to the organization.

4. Fourth stage. Management survey of organizational strengths and weaknesses - methodical assessment functional areas of the organization, designed to identify its strategic strengths and weaknesses.

The survey involves the study of such internal factors: marketing, financial condition, production, state of staff, culture of the organization:

  • 1. marketing - market share and competitiveness; offered goods or services; demographic situation; the possibility of promoting new products or services to the market; efficiency of customer service; advertising opportunities; for example, for a non-state university, two aspects of marketing are important: marketing educational services and specialists.
  • 2. the current financial condition of the organization must be taken into account in any planning, since the lack of financial reserves can ruin any undertaking. When analyzing the financial condition, the main attention should be paid to the possibility of reducing the cost of production, the degree of dependence of the enterprise on suppliers, the degree of physical and moral wear and tear of equipment.
  • 3. With regard to organizations social sphere, then their financial condition is determined by their organizational and legal form. A source of funding for government agencies(what are social services now) are, first of all, budgetary funds. At the same time, the state establishes certain norms for budgetary financing of the corresponding costs. This means that financial management should be aimed at optimizing costs (choosing the best, optimal option). Therefore, many types social services are paid. It is also possible to use additional sources of financial resources;
  • 4. production - purposeful activity to create something useful; whether the organization can produce goods or services at a lower price than competitors; whether there is access to new materials and technologies; whether the equipment is modern; production, i.e. the provision of social services is a purposeful activity of all social services;
  • 5. state of staff - type of employees; the competence of employees and top management; system of rewards; professional development of employees; performance appraisal;
  • 6. culture - mores, customs, moral and psychological climate. It is the internal culture that forms the image of the organization both among suppliers and consumers, and in the market. labor resources, thus attracting the necessary employees.

Fifth stage. Analysis of strategic alternatives. After the assessment of the external environment is given and examined internal environment organization, management can define a strategy, which, and will follow.

The organization faces 4 main strategic alternatives:

  • 1. limited growth - most organizations adhere. The goals are set from those achieved earlier, taking into account inflation. The restricted growth strategy is applied in mature industries with static technology and the organization is satisfied with its position. This is the easiest, most convenient and least risky way of doing things;
  • 2. growth - an annual increase in the level of short-term and long-term goals compared to the level of the previous year. This strategy is being applied in fast growing industries with changing technologies. Growth can be internal or external. Internal growth is the expansion of goods or services. External growth - acquisition of a supplier firm or one firm acquires another;
  • 3. reduction - this strategy is rarely chosen by managers. Goals are set below those achieved in the past.

There may be 3 options:

  • a) liquidation - complete sale of property;
  • b) cutting off the excess - some divisions are separated;
  • c) reduction or reorientation - reduction of part of their activities;
  • 4. combination - the combination of any of the three strategies. This type is usually chosen by large firms.
  • 5. At the sixth stage, the choice of strategy takes place. A strategic alternative is selected that will maximize the long-term effectiveness of the organization, that is, the result.

The choice is influenced by factors:

risk - what level of risk is considered acceptable. A high degree of risk can destroy an organization;

knowledge of past strategies - often leadership is influenced by past strategies;

reaction to owners (if joint-stock company) - the owners of shares limit the flexibility of the management when choosing an alternative (commercial structures);

time factor - a decision can contribute to the success or failure of the organization (the implementation of a good idea at a bad moment can lead to the collapse of the organization).

7. The seventh stage is the implementation of the strategic plan. The plan must be realistic.

It is necessary to dwell on the main components of formal planning:

1. tactics - short-term strategies that are consistent with long-term plans;

Characteristics of tactical plans:

  • a) tactical plans are developed in the development of the strategy;
  • b) tactics are developed at the level of middle managers;
  • c) the results of tactical plans appear quickly and correlate with specific actions (the results of the strategy may appear in a few years).

The tactical goal of social work on this stage is to meet the needs of those most in need of social protection categories of the population, taking into account the possibilities of the economy (since currently targeted social policy is being implemented).

policy - provides general guidance for action and decision making that facilitates the achievement of goals. Policy is usually formulated by senior leaders over a long period of time. For example, the policy of providing equal opportunities employment for women; nondisclosure trade secrets organizations.

procedures - describes the actions to be taken in a specific situation. If the decision-making situation repeats itself, then management applies a time-tested course of action and develops standardized guidelines for this. Essentially, a procedure is a programmed solution. For example, the procedure for assigning an old-age labor pension.

rules - drawn up when management restricts the actions of employees to ensure that specific actions are carried out in specific ways. That is, the rule determines what should be done in a particular single situation. Rules differ from procedures in that they are designed to address a specific and limited issue. The procedure is designed for a situation in which a sequence of several related actions takes place.

Sometimes conflicts arise due to the unwillingness of employees to follow the rules and procedures. In order to avoid a conflict situation, the manager needs to inform subordinates about the goals of the rules, explain why it is necessary to do the work exactly as prescribed by the rules or procedures.

Implementation management is needed to deliver on the strategic plan. Consider the management tools that ensure consistency:

A budget is a method of allocating quantified resources to achieve quantified objectives.

Management by goals is a process that consists of 4 interdependent and interrelated stages:

  • a) the development of clear, concise formulations of goals;
  • b) development of real plans to achieve them;
  • c) systematic control, measurement and evaluation of work and results;
  • d) corrective actions to achieve planned results.
  • 1. The first stage - the development of goals - repeats the scheme of the planning process.

Once the long-term and short-term goals for the organization have been developed, managers formulate these goals for the next level of work in the downward line. Leaders must support workers in the following areas: information; clarification of the relationship between levels of authority and responsibility; support from regular staff; horizontal and vertical coordination; resources.

  • 2. At the second stage of management by objectives, the main tasks and measures necessary to achieve the objectives are determined; establishing relationships between the main activities; clarification of roles, relationships, delegation of appropriate powers; an estimate of the time required for each major operation; determining the resources required for each operation; checking deadlines and correcting action plans.
  • 3. After the expiration of a specified period of time, the degree of achievement of goals is determined, the identification of problems and obstacles, the determination of the causes of problems, the identification of personal needs and the reward for effective work.
  • 4. If the goals are not achieved, the management has accurately established the cause, it is necessary to decide what measures should be taken to correct the deviation.
  • 5. If the goals are achieved, then the process of management by goals can begin again - with the establishment of goals for the coming period.
  • 8. Eighth stage. The assessment of the strategic plan is carried out by comparing the results of work with the goals. Evaluation should be carried out systematically and continuously.

Strategic and tactical management objectives social work, the main directions of its development can be stated in the concept of social work and the program-target model of social work management; Social worker can participate in planning programs, social policy.

The main stages of the strategic planning process include the following.

  • 1. Determination of goals, objectives, technical and economic indicators, technologies and resources required to achieve the set strategic goals, duration of work, their specifications.
  • 2. Structuring the complex of works required to achieve the set strategic goals.
  • 3. Organizational and technological solutions.
  • 4. Determination of the required resource provision.
  • 5. Evaluation of feasibility, optimization in terms of time, cost, used material and technical and other types of resources.
  • 6. Development of the necessary documentation.
  • 7. Approval of the developed strategic plan and budget.
  • 8. Bringing planned assignments to performers.
  • 9. 11preparation and approval of reporting documents to control the implementation of the strategic plan.

When developing strategic plans and, above all, in program-target planning, as well as complex tactical plans, goal trees can be used. If the goal is presented in the form of a tree of goals, we move "from top to bottom", planning to consistently ensure the achievement of goals of a higher hierarchical level by achieving goals of a lower hierarchical level.

In the process of implementing the strategic plan, the work is carried out in the opposite direction. First, measures are taken to ensure the achievement of the goals of a lower hierarchical level, after which it becomes possible to carry out activities that ensure the achievement of goals of a higher hierarchical level.

With further detailed study integrated plans the process of constructing them "from the bottom up" can also be used, when the plans for the performance of individual works are first worked out in detail, and then the general plans are built on their basis. Such planning technologies are also used in network planning. At the same time, the numbering of network graph vertices should be thought out to avoid duplication.

Thus, a detailed strategic plan may include:

  • strategic diagnostics report;
  • mission;
  • main strategic goals;
  • development strategy;
  • plan of strategic actions.

A detailed business plan may include the following sections:

  • 1) executive summary;
  • 2) a general description of the control object;
  • 3) products and services;
  • 4) market analysis;
  • 5) marketing plan;
  • 6) production plan;
  • 7) management and organization;
  • 8) financial plan;
  • 9) risk assessment.

There is an extensive literature describing the above scheduling technologies.

The developed strategic plans should be of the nature of a guide to action, have key points and indicators by which the progress of their implementation can be monitored. At the same time, the strategic plan does not have to be a detailed description of each step. Otherwise, it can turn into a cumbersome document, which is difficult to use.

When J. Welch headed General Electric, the first thing he paid attention to were thick multi-page plans in which everything was calculated to the nearest cent in accordance with the canons of strategic planning that existed in the corporation. Given the scale of the company - one of the largest corporations in the United States - one can imagine multi-page volumes of these plans. The first thing that J. Welch did was to exclude such strategic plans from the process of strategic management of the corporation.

A detailed understanding of the composition and sequence of work, necessary costs resources for their implementation gives network planning. When using it, the time of the earliest and the latest execution of work is calculated, the time reserves available during the execution of work are determined by the "critical path". If the work is on the "critical path", then there is no slack, and an increase in the duration of such work leads to an increase in the duration of the entire project.

Specially developed algorithms are used to calculate the characteristics of the network schedule and the "critical path". In practical use, network models of the "top-to-work" type are more convenient.

When developing schedules, the dates and times of the beginning and end of work, the resources necessary for their implementation are determined.

The main task of strategic planning is to ensure the coordination of work but the implementation of the strategy adopted in the organization. The choice of planning model and technology is carried out depending on the level of goals to be achieved, from conceptual to operational planning. Professional use planning models and technologies allows for a more rational, and in some cases optimal, allocation of available resources.

The organization of the development of a strategic plan assumes the participation of all "key employees" of the organization, since a well-thought-out sequence of work and coordination of work performed by all departments and services of the organization is necessary, which may require numerous approvals.

The better the plan is, the less risks successful implementation the strategy of the organization and the decisions made in it of a strategic nature. Scheduling is given a different meaning in different management systems. The proportion of time devoted to planning during project implementation can vary significantly from organization to organization.

It is interesting to compare the approaches to planning and the role given to it by American companies and the Japanese automobile company Toyota, by a former senior vice president Toyota Motor Manufacturing Alex Warren: "Typical American company will spend about three months planning, after which will be engaged in implementation. After implementation, all sorts of problems will appear, and the rest of the year will be spent fixing what was done. If a one-year project will be implemented in Toyota, It will take 9-10 months for planning, then implementation will begin - at first not full-scale, but at the level of pilot production. Finally, the project will be implemented at the end of the year, and there will be no unresolved problems left. "


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