Ways of motivation in our life how and where to find motivation. Visualization of the ultimate goal. Sports as a way to get motivated

Any serious matter - almost like a crime - needs a motive. And if you need to, but you don't want to, you need to want it! And finding motivation, a driving force, is not difficult. You can be inspired by the experience of our heroes, who once wanted ...


When in social networks slender friends post photos of them in swimsuits or miniatures, and under these images young people leave enthusiastic comments, it hurts me so-a-ak. Women's vanity does not sleep! " (Marina, 22)

For me, viewing wedding photos the friend I witnessed. Such gorgeous photos, and ... such a terrible me. I thought: "If on professional shots that the master retouched and embellished, I look like this, then what am I really?" And my other friend lost 28 kg in a year! She could, so I can! " (Diana, 23)

I dreamed of losing weight, but I still could not get myself together. Until somewhere I read the phrase "A woman is the face of her man." I thought about it. She looked in the mirror. And she said to herself: "How great is the face of my man eaten up!" And that's it, after 18:00 I no longer want to eat, and if I suddenly want to, I immediately remember this phrase. This is such a strange motivation, but, you know, it works! " (Irina, 27)

The man left to pay his debt to the Motherland, and in the first months of service he threw off 25 kilograms. And we ... ended up in the same weight category. For some reason, it suddenly became so offensive (or enviable?). She took up herself and also lost weight: not by 25, however, but by 10, but nevertheless. Let him be proud of me. " (Alexandra, 24)

How many times have I bought tight dresses, convincing myself that I will lose weight. But they hung in the closet, having gone out of fashion. Everything changed when I read an interview with Marisa Miller. We're the same age, but my belly is far from hers perfect abs! I started jogging in the morning, gave up candy in the evenings. The result is already visible. " (Elena, 32)



According to the rules of feng shui, in the money zone in our apartment there is a red wallet, and in it there is a stash in large bills. While it is there, there is money in the house. Remembering this golden rule, no one encroaches on the stash. And as if by itself it turns out to save and replenish the contents of the red wallet. " (Maria, 31)

It is better for me to be inactive in matters of money. Leaving home, I take money only for transport and lunch. For groceries I go with a list and the amount for the planned purchases. Or else I am sending my husband, he will not take too much. And most importantly - no carts, so that there is no temptation to fill it. So my motivation for saving is: in order not to waste, avoid temptations. Works!" (Anastasia, 25)

I firmly decided to save up for a trip to France. Having received a salary, I did not withdraw all the money from the card - I left 5000 rubles on the account. Next time - another 5. When the amount increased to 30 thousand, I realized that its "roundness" for me is a guarantee of savings. Spend just a little, the number will not be so pretty! So I am saving up without breaking the magic of even numbers. " (Love, 24)

Congratulations , expensive!
Thrifty Englishman John Sargison gives his wife the same New Year card for the 43rd year in a row. So he saved about a hundred pounds (about 5 thousand rubles). The postcard that John bought in 1967 was quite expensive at the time. The man wrote his congratulations with a simple pencil and sent to his fiancee Sandra. A year later, John erased the old text for his beloved (she had already become his wife) and wrote a new one on the same card, again in pencil. Since then, this card has come to Sandra Sargison every New Year... Several years ago, she followed her husband's example. I bought a postcard and wrote my wishes on it in pencil ... I wonder what motivation the Sargison couple have?

There is a story on the Internet about a talented programmer who came from the provinces to conquer Moscow. He did it. In just three years, he has achieved impressive results, despite the lack of higher education and connections, among other things. He says that for the first two years he ate exclusively the cheapest millet porridge. Now on his desktop next to the computer there is always a cup of millet groats. As a reminder: if you don't work, you will return to this diet.



Author's method: After looking around the apartment, I realized that it was time to deal with the mess. I needed motivation. And I found her! Every time when bad thoughts entered my head or I wanted to tell someone insolence, I threw one out of the house. unnecessary thing... It turned out that I had a lot of them. So many. As a result, I did not quarrel with anyone, but at the same time I put things in order.

I don’t like to clean up. Because, if I get down to business, I do everything conscientiously: the result is half a day killed for cleaning, my strength is at zero. But it is doubly annoying that the husband is in no hurry to help. And he offers it only when we are expecting guests, especially his friends or family. By the way, he has a big one. And I found a solution: I introduced family dinners into a tradition. These days, the spouse turns on the vacuum cleaner without a reminder. Isn't it motivation? Everyone is happy, the apartment is clean. "(Polina , 27)

Regime, the to-do list is not mine, unfortunately. But I found a way out! I made a lot of cards, where I wrote down unloved, but obligatory things: dusting, washing the refrigerator, ironing the clothes, sorting out the closet ... But I also made cards with pleasant activities: make a face mask, call a friend. Every day I pull out one of the cards without looking. This is my assignment for the evening. You never know which one you will pull out and what you will do - intrigue. And since I'm curious, I drag the card with interest, and then I complete the task. Household chores are no longer annoying. "(Anna , 28)

P.S. A girl I know, an HR specialist, told me about a method used in one company: for every successful deal or project, an employee is awarded a bright souvenir medal. Having typed a dozen, they can be exchanged ... for a cash bonus. Of course, each medal is different, but it is important that we ourselves do not forget to issue them to ourselves.

Daria Shtykova

Motivation is very important for every person; without it, you cannot achieve impressive results. But sometimes it can be extremely difficult to find motivation. If you have any problems, read this article for motivational quotes and wise thoughts from great people to help you in your endeavor.


We are what we do all the time. Thus, perfection is not a one-off action, it is a habit..

George S. Patton

Take calculated risks. It is very different from spontaneous rash actions..


Hurricanes make oak trees take root.

Saint Clement of Alexandria

If you do not hope, then you cannot find what is beyond your hopes.

Norman Vaughan

Dream big and don't be afraid of failure.

Samuel Smiles

With will, a person can achieve everything.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are all inventors, floating through life in search of discoveries, guided by our own maps, which have no duplicates. The whole world is a gate, it is an opportunity.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

When you find yourself in a difficult situation, and everyone is against you, when you already understand that you cannot hold on for a minute longer, never give up. Because it is this situation that is the moment when the wave will turn back.

Thornton Wilder

Always seek the sublime by reading, listening and contemplating great works every day.

Arthur Clarke

The only way to find the limits of the possible is to cross those limits and reach the impossible.

Greek proverb

A good start was half the battle.

Robert Frost

The best way is always straight ahead.

Johann Gottfried von Herder

Without inspiration, all the best faculties of our mind remain inactive. There is fuel within us that can only be ignited with a spark.

Josh Billings

Life is not about getting good cards, but about making good use of the ones you already have in your hand.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The one who does not move forward goes backward.

Edward Young

And everyone can do what has already been done by man.

Samuel Smiles

Hope is like the sun, which, as it approaches, casts an ever greater shadow of our burden.


Work relieves us of three evils: boredom, vice, and want.

Latin proverb

If the wind doesn't help you, take the oars.

Henry Ward Beecher

A person's best successes came after the greatest disappointments.

Adelaide Proctor

No star is lost after being seen, and we can always be who we could be.

Leonardo da Vinci

One who is tied to a star does not turn back.

author unknown

You can't plow a field by doing it in your mind.

William B. Sprague

Don't wait for the iron to be hot to hit it - make it hot with your kicks.

Kenneth Hildebrand

Impressive lives are those that have been motivated by dynamic goals.

Samuel Johnson

No attempt will ever be made if all obstacles have to be overcome first.

Publius Terence

Luck accompanies the brave.

Richard Hooker

When the best things are not possible, the best things can become those that are already possible.


He who doubts is lost.

John B. Gough

If you want to be successful in this world, you need to create opportunities for yourself along the way. A person who is waiting for the seventh wave to throw him on land may find that it takes a very long time to wait for it. You cannot do more foolishness than sitting by the side of the road and waiting for someone to come and take you to wealth or influence.

Spanish proverb

An oak is not felled with one blow.

Pubilius Sire

In dubious matters, courage is everything.

Albert Einstein

Great people are always met with fierce opposition from mediocre minds.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

It's amazing how you can ignite tomorrow with the help of today.

Sometimes you want to start new life! Go on a diet, play sports, learn to drive, start your own business. But how do you find the motivation for all this?

Many dream ... But how many really achieve their goals?

Almost all of my friends and girlfriends have cherished dream... Someone wants to lose weight, someone wants to go to the law, someone wants to write a book or open a restaurant. Their dreams were not born yesterday - these aspirations are already 2-3, or even more years old. And during all this time, almost no one came close to the cherished goal. Didn't start to act!

We are always missing something ... We think that the problem is lack of time, weak willpower, insufficient preparation and lack of the right moment.

In fact, all these reasons are just the tip of the iceberg. The main source of our inaction is lack of sufficient motivation.

"How so?!?" - You will be surprised. "I really want to lose weight / start my own business / become the most beautiful!"

So why, then, are you not an inch closer to your cherished goal?

You can talk a lot about how you want to lose weight by eating another bun. Or assure your buddies over a beer in a bar that you’ll certainly make a lot of money. Or die of an insane desire to find the man of your dreams while watching another soap opera. But all this is not today, then ... and now I will have a little rest, lounging around ... where to hurry?

This means that there is no incentive! Everyone can think while lying on the couch, but getting up and doing it is already more difficult, it already requires strength and aspiration. “But God forbid it won't work out yet! Better not to try ... ”- says fear and laziness in us.

But in order to achieve something, you need to move, always go forward.

And sometimes the temptation is so great to give up everything, to rest, to laze around.

How to be? How to find motivation to achieve your cherished goal?

How to motivate yourself?

Motivation, ay, where are you?

Finding motivation is easy. Just decide what result you want to achieve. If this brings joy to your soul, you want to sing and dance, then your goal is. And the motivation has been found.

If the result does not inspire, then the goal is false, you do not need it at all. It is very important! Very often, the desires are not ours, they are imposed by society. In life, only what is truly interesting is achieved.

Motivation is needed everywhere: if you ask yourself the question: how to lose weight, how to find a boyfriend, how to get an award in a competition, how to become the most beautiful, how to achieve success and recognition, then you cannot do without striving.

But it is not enough to find motivation, you also need to support it, groom and cherish it. So that it does not get lost and does not lose its brightness and charm. If there is no motivation, there will be no result.

5 rules for successful motivation

Brightness and volume

Try as brightly as possible, in the smallest detail to present the result that you will get. Imagine that you have achieved what you were striving for. How has your life changed, how do people treat you? Feel the beauty of the result of your labors.

And every time when your strength is running out, when you want to give up everything and indulge in despair, close your eyes for a minute and imagine the result. You will immediately have the strength to move on. The result is worth it, isn't it?
Similar! Imagine yourself slim and beautiful, how men look at you, what clothes you wear, how your friends envy you ...

If you are asking yourself: how to find motivation to create a business, then imagine how much pleasure you can afford, how interesting your life will become. Imagine exactly the benefits that you can receive, and not the money itself. Money is just a piece of paper, a means to an end, a reward for work.

Physical reinforcement

Your goal must be physical. It can be some kind of thing, a photo that would be associated with a goal.

Let the symbol of your goal always be in a prominent place.

Then there will be no need to ask the question: "How to find motivation?" Motivation will always be with you!

Form goals, make a plan

Write down your goals on paper, make a plan for their implementation. Write down everything point by point, in as much detail as possible. Every night before bed, re-read your goals and mark the points of the plan that you have already completed. Set goals for a month, a year, five years.

Give yourself your word

Give yourself your word that you will reach the end and in no case break it. For additional motivation, you can make a bet with one of your friends and preferably for money - you will definitely win))

A "living" example is contagious!

Find yourself an example to follow - this is best motivation... Your motto should be: "If he could, then I can too!"

More fun together!

In any business, like-minded people are needed. It is easier and much more fun to achieve your goal together.

Your friends and family members can become like-minded people. Like-minded people can be found in endless spaces Global network... The main thing is that this cooperation is fruitful for the cause and motivating for each of its participants.

If there are no people in your environment who are in tune with you, do not tell everyone about your goals. Even an accidentally thrown seed of doubt can reduce motivation and reduce vitality.

Hope these simple tips helped you understand how to find motivation, because these tips are universal, they can be applied to almost any goal. Then the result will not be long in coming!

P.S - a video that touches you to tears ... makes you think about your life ... and act! Be sure to check it out, this video changed my life!

You just need to sincerely want and start working!

How many things were left undone, and intentions unfulfilled solely for one reason - lack of motivation. We invite you to go together in search of this tireless little motor that propels us through life!

What is motivation and why is it needed?

Although the fashionable word "motivation" has taken root in our vocabulary, I would venture to remind you what it is.

Motivation is most easily defined as the force that makes us get up from the chair or couch and start doing something. Without motivation, most likely, we simply would not have undertaken most of the "scary" cases. She is the best helper in overcoming obstacles and excuses. The higher the obstacle we "see" in front of us, the more motivation we need to overcome it.

Faithful companions the right motivation- this is:

  • energy to achieve goals;
  • the courage to get out of the comfort zone;
  • persistence in action.

However, if before today you thought motivation was extremely useful, I will disappoint you. Some types of motivation have a debilitating and sometimes destructive effect on a person. Let's understand this in more detail.

Do you like carrot or stick?

Traditionally, psychologists distinguish between two types of motivation: external (the usual gingerbread stick or carrot for a stubborn donkey) and internal.

Basic tools extrinsic motivation- encouragement and punishment. It is they who force us to do things that we would hardly ever undertake of our own free will. What is the external stimulus? The need to support a family or teach children. Unpaid loan. The prospect of an award for a job well done. The list is endless. The main thing is that in this case we either avoid a "whip blow" for an unfulfilled task, or run after a "sweet" carrot in front of our nose.

However, extrinsic motivation has serious risks:

  • Work on duty, but without desire, does not bring satisfaction, which is easily explained from the point of view of physiology. Dopamine, a special substance that is released in our brain when we reach our goal, is responsible for our ability to enjoy life. If a person does something that he is not interested in, little dopamine is produced, and such activity seems unpleasant.
  • A side effect of low dopamine concentration is impairment of memory, creativity, learning ability and, as a result, inability to solve most creative problems.
  • Having got used to external stimuli, a person loses self-motivation and stops doing anything without a carrot or stick.

Forward! Towards a great goal!

A good alternative to extrinsic motivation seems to be intrinsic motivation by goals or dreams... "Imagine in paints how you enter a new office with your name on a sign!", "Hang in a prominent place a photograph of the house you would like to live in!" Does this sound familiar to you? Most coaches and motivational trainers rely on clear goal-setting “complete” with dream visualization.

And best of all, it works better than a carrot stick! When a person works for what he longs for, he works very hard. Not at all like in "running after carrots" out of a sense of duty. BUT ... Focusing only on goals, we risk getting disappointment and even addiction instead of feeling satisfaction! Why it happens?

Let's get back to dopamine. Let me remind you that in large quantities it is released only when results are achieved. It is the release of dopamine that causes the feeling of a "winner's buzz" among those who successfully passed the exam, completed the project, bought an apartment or a car, won sports competitions.

And now we remember together. What happens 2-3 days (and sometimes faster) after the long-awaited results are achieved? Everything is absolutely correct! There is a feeling that something is missing, and even some emptiness. The concentration of dopamine decreases, and we incredibly quickly get used to a new property, status or achievement!

Now is the time to talk about risks intrinsic motivation goals:

  • Fear of next target delivery. The "road" to the goal is not always as pleasant as the result. We leave our comfort zone, do what we are afraid of, we are faced with a lack of understanding, and even condemnation of others. And all of this lasts much longer than a 1-2-3 day feeling of satisfaction after a dopamine surge. Does everyone want to repeat the long and difficult path to a new big dream?
  • "Target" dependence. If a person is not afraid of the difficulties of the "path", feeling at least once a winner, he will try to experience this state again. Only, as with other addictions to arousal, now the goal will be higher, and addiction will come faster. And then again running with overcoming obstacles to the next victory point. But the “road” is becoming more and more difficult, and daily dissatisfaction begins to exhaust the strength of the “runner”. As a result, brief moments of happiness are replaced by fatigue and depression.

However, the good news is that any of the “destructive” motivations can be turned into creative motivation for the “path”!

Enjoy the process

What is the main problem with carrot / stick motivation or goals? Into the "difficulty" of the path! We do what we do I DO NOT LIKE, and therefore most of the time we experience dissatisfaction. The optimal way out is to find activities that will not only lead to the desired results, but also bring satisfaction "along the way."

Motivation by the process is somewhat similar to a hobby. Does the winter angler feel the cold when sitting on the edge of a hole? Are the back and eyes tired of the artist who creates the picture? Does the person who is doing their favorite activity become exhausted? Of course not!

When the goal is a path, moving along it leads to a sense of contentment "in the present" and avoids addiction. Only unlike a hobby, motivation by the process brings not only emotional, but also significant material results.

What the essence of intrinsic motivation by the process? In the implementation of the mission. This is where the greatest difficulty lies. The maximum that we are taught is to dream of a profession, material well-being, achievements, victories ( although sometimes I get the feeling that all education system"Sharpened" for the "production" of people who understand only the language of the carrot and stick). Who and when told us how to understand their mission and shape its vision?

Maybe right now is the time to take the first steps in this direction?

3 steps towards your mission

In fact, looking for a mission is not so difficult if you understand the essence of this process.

  1. Write down your strengths and weaknesses. Your advantages are the outward expression of your ability. It is with their help that you can fully unleash your potential, while receiving satisfaction from the activity. And having identified the shortcomings (although it is probably more correct to call them features), it is easier to understand which activity is "contraindicated" for you, or to develop a plan for changing habits and / or character.
  2. Analyze what you enjoy doing. And to make it easier to cope with this task, use our help-list with types of motivating activities.
  • Development: training, skills formation, healthy image life, leisure, physical education and sports, travel.
  • Legacy creation- what will remain after us. Heritage can be physical (home, garden, works of art, etc.) and mental (values ​​and ideas - books, parenting, etc.).
  • Building relationships: family, friendly, business (communication, participation in various events, etc.).
  • Helping others: to familiar and unfamiliar people, to society as a whole - charity, implementation of educational projects, representation of the interests of certain groups, etc.

Write in each group at least 3 activities that you enjoy.

  1. Define a group of activities that are related and cover all identified areas. Even if this stage seems unusual to you, investing some time in the analysis, you can finally find what you would like to do with pleasure.

Logical question: But what if you want to do one thing, but you need to do something completely different? There are convenient and simple techniques for solving this problem, which we will talk about next time.

Motivation problems? This is serious. You will have to delve into yourself to understand the true reasons. But now we are not talking about that. This article provides ways to solve the problem here and now. They will help you start the engine. And there, you look, and get involved in work. You won't go far on them, but they can save a specific day.

Seriously about motivation

If motivation problems persist, these thick, serious books will help you:

  • "Drive. What really motivates us, ”Daniel Pink;
  • "", Neil Fiore;
  • "", Tal Ben-Shahar;
  • "Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihai Csikszentmihalyi.

It was a lyrical digression for those who like to criticize in the comments. Moving on to the tricks!

Trick # 1: Board with goals

I made a whiteboard like Dr. House:

I did it for clarity of my weekly and monthly planning, but suddenly I got a motivational effect. I hung it near the workplace. Every day I miss my goals. I involuntarily glance at the board 100 times a day. And I developed a kind of itching. I would like to quickly delete all these tasks.

Try it, + 5% motivation is guaranteed!

Trick # 2. REM sleep

Often times, motivation problems are caused by a banal lack. The simplest remedy is 15 minutes of naps. Tested on our own experience. A longer sleep is also good, but then it is not a fact that you will be able to fall asleep at night.

Trick # 3. Mind Map with Pictures

I have . These are just pictures that motivate me. After all, it is known that visual images reach us much faster than everything else.

Of course, everyone can have their own pictures:

  • icon;
  • father mother;
  • child;
  • great sportsman or businessman;
  • Bugatti Veyron or gold iPhone (ugh!).

It takes only two or three minutes to run your eyes over the map. And the effect is noticeable immediately.

Trick # 4: Screaming at Yourself, Hurt Yourself

It can be helpful to yell at yourself a little. You don't have to scold - just make a suggestion.

It happens that you walk around the room, shout, and problems with motivation disappear immediately. That's why I like to work alone. It is difficult to imagine such raised voices somewhere in a coworking space.

You can also hurt yourself. For example, hitting a brick wall hard with your fist. The pain helps to shake things up. The main thing is not to overdo it: even a highly motivated person will not be able to work with a broken arm.

I spied this trick from the popular blogger Jon Morrow, who advises to introduce yourself into an altered state of consciousness before writing each article.

Yes, there are books that are great motivation. Maybe it won't take 15 minutes to read them, but they can give a more lasting effect. For example, the books by Tim Ferris and Tony Robbins have this effect. A video of some powerful motivational trainer works well. Torrents are full of this stuff. Something like this:

Look, the video is funny.

Trick # 6. Anchors

Each person has anchors for work and play. For example, my heavy anchors are:

  • coffee + sweets;
  • ear plugs in the ears;
  • dark room.

I "put on" all this on myself and turn into a car without fatigue and hesitation. I am careful with the first point - it is harmful to my health.

Trick # 7. The Super Detailed Plan

What good plan helps, - the goat understands this. Here we are talking about how to chew your actions to the state of a finely dispersed gruel. Up to "turn on the computer." It looks frivolous, but it works in especially clinical cases.

Laziness anyway? Try to lie down and paint everything while lying on the couch. :)


Love your job? Are your family and colleagues supporting you? Good salary? And still you are not immune from motivational air pockets. In such cases, my tricks will definitely help you. But remember: these are just tricks.

What tricks do you use? What books motivate you? Video? Music?


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