Youth Employment Center. Let them teach me: how the Moscow Youth Employment Center works

If you are between 14 and 30 years old and have a desire to work? Feel free to contact the youth employment center in Moscow. It's no secret that getting a job on a temporary or permanent job teenager or young specialist difficult to work without experience. Many employers do not want to hire minors, and finding a job to your liking and interests is not an easy task. The Youth Employment Center will help in all matters.

The main purpose of the Youth Employment Center is the organization of temporary employment of minors during the holidays or free time from study and also the employment of graduates of educational institutions for permanent work.

After getting a job, a teenager joins the work, gains professional skills, experience in work collective and of course wages. In addition, in case of employment through the Youth Employment Center, material support from the Moscow budget in the amount of 14,900 rubles is added to the salary. for 2018.

Opportunities provided by the Youth Employment Centerin 2018:

  • Search for vacancies taking into account age, free time, vocational training, level of knowledge.
  • Those who wish to identify their professional abilities, inclinations in a particular field of activity can undergo psychodiagnostic testing using a special computer developed by psychologists. software. The direction of activity is supported taking into account the characteristics of the character, interests and abilities of the person being tested. In this case, success career will not keep you waiting.
  • The Youth Employment Center provides the services of a psychologist, professional consultant, who will help teenagers and young job seekers cope with any difficulties, answer exciting questions. The task of the center's specialists is to develop entrepreneurial initiatives, identify professional interests, vocational guidance for young people who want to find a job.
  • Provides free legal advice on all matters of employment and, the financing of which is undertaken by the employment center.

Advice may also be given to parents of minor children who wish to work.

The services of lawyers can also be used in the process of working on issues related to labor disputes with the employer, working conditions, vacation, probationary period, payment wages etc.

  • One of the most important stages of employment is writing a resume. Specialists of the Youth Employment Center will help to competently and correctly compose it, post it on the website, which will attract more feedback from employers. In addition, classes are held on creating a business card website and recording a video resume.
  • The Youth Employment Center conducts seminars from famous business coaches. Where such questions are raised as: what field of activity to choose, how to build a business, calculate risks, effectively allocate time, funds, tune in to a positive result, search for new ideas and much more.
  • Fairs are regularly held - vacancies for youth and adolescents, where the employer can communicate directly with the applicant, discuss working conditions, wages. Such fairs are highly effective with a high percentage of employment.
  • The Youth Employment Center holds a work picnic - these are consultations and master classes in a relaxed atmosphere on the topic of employment.

Job search for minors and young professionals is not an easy task. The Youth Employment Center will teach you how to build an action plan for employment, how to effectively allocate time, set priorities, write a resume correctly and successfully pass an interview with an employer. The result is an interesting high-paying job!

Youth Employment Center official website:

On the official website you can find Additional information about the services provided for both young people and employers. Find interesting vacancies presented on the website of the Youth Employment Center, find out the level of wages.

The Youth Employment Center is located at the address: Moscow, st. Shchepkina 38 p. 1.

Work schedule: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 20:00 Sat, Sun - day off.

So far, there is only one such youth employment center in Moscow, in the future it will be organized in every regional city of Russia.

Types of work for which it is forbidden to use the labor of minors:

  • work that may be dangerous or injurious to health;
  • shift work;
  • works related to tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, narcotic products;
  • may adversely affect the moral development of a minor.

The Moscow Youth Employment Center is still not well known to anyone - it was opened quite recently, and many programs are just being launched. Nevertheless, an average of 150 people visit it a day and often find not only work, but also a profession, interests and new friends. How it all works - saw the correspondent of "RG".

Money is here

For work, you need to go to Shchepkina Street, 38, building 1 - a stone's throw from the metro station "Prospect Mira" and the sports complex "Olympic". New center located in the building where the school and college used to live, so visitors are greeted inside by long corridors with rows of doors. However, the center is the least similar to a government institution in the usual sense - it looks more like a modern office center. Motivating slogans like "Don't be afraid to make mistakes, be afraid to oversleep your youth!" are seen here and there on the walls. The colors of the walls are white everywhere, and the inscriptions are in bright, flashy colors. The names of offices and positions of employees complement the creative picture. On the 3rd floor there is a department for catching business sharks and training rooms for "Earth", "Water" and "Fire", and on the first floor there is the Square of Success and the Territory of Taste. The authorities, as expected, sit upstairs - on the 4th floor there are offices of the "Chief", "Prosto Zama" and others. There is also a room with a sign saying "Money is here".

As they explain in the center, when creating it, they tried to get away from templates and bureaucracy in order to look attractive in the eyes of teenagers and young people. “If you don’t interest the guys in something close in spirit and don’t create a comfortable, interesting environment for them, then they won’t stay here and won’t recommend to friends. And this is necessary, because we see our tasks much wider than just helping already now we can pass various tests and trainings that will help identify inclinations and suitable areas of employment," says the deputy director of the center Irina Kotova. She is the same "Prosto Zam" from the 4th floor.

Understand who you are

The employees of the center are really ready to offer a lot of tests for young people. The correspondent of "RG", for example, for 5 minutes looked at a kind of traffic light and pressed the keys corresponding to a particular color - this is one of the tests of the "Multipsychometer" system. The experiment showed that it is better for me to drive with caution - the reaction is not always fast and accurate enough. In the meantime, our photographer was tested for a penchant for a particular craft - the computer eventually correctly determined that he had well-developed artistic skills.

In addition to tests, teenagers and young people in the center are ready to offer various trainings - now they usually take place 4 per week, but soon there will be 2 per day. Trainers who have previously worked with businessmen and top managers will talk about how to behave in a team, what professional ethics what skills a leader should have and what questions to expect at the interview. Trainings are carried out and famous people who have achieved success in their fields - from Olympic champions to businessmen.

There are even co-working spaces in the center - equipped rooms where you can come with a computer and work. In fact, young people are offered a free office for the first time, where they can start their own business. So far, this service is not particularly in demand, since mostly schoolchildren come. But soon both university graduates and those who are older, who will be interested in permanent work, are expected here.

I would go to couriers

The most common vacancies for teenagers are advertising agents, counselors in children's camps, ticket tellers, auxiliary workers, couriers, waiters and other specialties that do not require special training. Well-known chains of restaurants, shops have already expressed their desire to cooperate with the center household appliances, clothes, etc. Some want to open a school right on the basis of the center, where potential employees can take internships and go to work, already having a clear idea of new sphere activities. The first such school has recently completed its work - it was organized by a large real estate agency.

As for the salary, for temporarily employed it is at least 17 thousand rubles a month. Employers pay a minimum wage of 7.5 thousand rubles, and about 10 thousand more are paid by the city. For a student, the money is quite decent. In addition, they will pay them to teenagers from 14 to 16 years old for a maximum of 5 working hours a day, and from 16 to 18 years old - for a maximum of 7 hours. Such restrictions are imposed by law, and it is precisely for this reason that many vacancies for young people mention hourly pay. The Employment Center guarantees the observance of all the rights of young workers and the payment of their earnings in full.

You can view suitable vacancies without coming to the employment center, but simply by looking at its website - Now there are 5 thousand various offers and 1.5 thousand resumes from applicants. It will also be possible to ask questions of interest in the groups of the center in social networks. It is also convenient to follow the news there - messages about new internship programs, dates of job fairs and other events.

By the way

The new employment center plans to release by the end of the year a mobile application that will help young people in their job search. There you can keep track of vacancies, internships and other offers.


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