Experienced mine engineer minesweeper mit (ussr). Experienced mine engineer minesweeper mit (ussr) ussr sea minesweepers

The appearance of what seemed at first universal means of dealing with mines ahead of the ship's course required the creation of very expensive mine ships a new class - minesweepers, mine seekers and their latest anti-mine weapons, which are based on reusable self-propelled underwater vehicles (PA). In addition, this led to the creation and introduction of special channels into the bottom mines, causing mines to detonate from the physical fields of the underwater vehicle and its destruction, which turns out to be economically profitable, given the higher cost of the PA in comparison with the bottom mine and the incomparable numerical ratio of bottom mines and PA ...

In addition, by the beginning of the 1980s, the combat capabilities of the mine had increased manifold, including the depth of setting, the multi-channel and multiple action of the fuses, the difficulty of detection (dielectric materials of the hulls, silting, etc.), and the secrecy of setting (submarines, aviation). Particularly dangerous in this regard was the anchor mine adopted by the United States in 1976 with a depth of 500-1000 m, which poses a serious danger to submarines.

Layout of a mine (container with a torpedo) Mark 60 CAPTOR

Therefore, in the late 1970s - early 1980s, there was an urgent need to create a new generation of mine-sweeping ships with the widest use of automation and remote control, with improved living conditions and increased safety of navigation. More attention has begun to be paid to environmental protection issues.

The first studies to create a new sea minesweeper were carried out in the 1970s. The design of the ship began by the Western Design Bureau (chief designers N.P. Pegov and V.S.Sergeev) in 1972, then, according to one of the options, the installation of a helicopter-minesweeper on the ship was being worked out. However, even without this, the ship's displacement increased to 1150 tons, and power plant remained the same according to the project 266M. At the same time, a trolling power plant and a bow thruster are additionally installed.

Sea minesweeper - project 12660

The ship's armament includes a new anti-mine complex for searching for bottom, bottom and anchor mines along the course, as well as contact and non-contact trawls. The most advanced mine-sweeping armament was installed on the minesweeper: a complex for the destruction of mines with a self-propelled homing anti-mine projectile-torpedo "Cobra" and a self-propelled anti-mine projectile - a torpedo for cutting minrepes "Gyurza" for target designation of the ship (both projectiles were created in the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor"), remote-controlled seeker-destroyer "Ketmen", seeker-destroyer "Halibut", electromagnetic and acoustic trawls, GAS mine detection "Musk deer", etc. The ship's combat assets consisted of a 76-mm AK-176 cannon, a 30-mm AK-630M machine fire control "Vympel" and MANPADS "Strela-3".

The deep-sea hydroacoustic towed seeker-destroyer of bottom mines "Halibut" began to develop at the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" in 1976. In comparison with the "Luch-1" finder in the new product, the detected objects had not only to be marked with markers, but, if necessary, destroyed directly in the process of towing. GAS for the seeker was created at the Central Research Institute "Morfizpribor". Soon, work on the entire system "Halibut" was transferred to the Ural branch of the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" (chief designers Kh.Kh. Davletgildeev and V.I. K.E. Voroshilov. The seeker-destroyer passed tests and was adopted by the Navy in 1985, but due to shortcomings in the sonar system it did not enter serial production.

The development of the new GASM "Kabarga", modifications of which were installed on the roadstead and sea minesweepers of the Navy, was completed in 1990 by the Research Institute "Breeze". However, in terms of the level of secondary information processing and interaction with anti-mine weapons, it practically does not differ from the previous station models.

At the same time, after the appearance in the USSR Navy of effective naval mine detecting stations of the "Kabarga" type in the 1980s. work continues on the creation of self-propelled mine-destroyers. In 1989, a self-propelled remote-controlled search-destroyer of the second generation STIU-2 "Ketmen" was adopted by the fleet, working on target designation of the ship's hydroacoustic mine detecting station at depths of up to 100 m. It was developed by the Ural branch of the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" (chief designer A A. Kazin).

STIU-2 provides search at a speed of up to 3 knots and the destruction of bottom and anchor mines ahead of the trawler. A charge was placed on the detected mine (there are two of them on the device with an explosive charge of 130 kg each), and after the STIU retreated to a safe distance, the mine was blown up.

Model of a self-propelled remote-controlled seeker-destroyer STIU-2 "Ketmen"

The construction of ships of the project 12660 has been carried out at the Sredne-Nevsky shipyard since 1983. The ships were built of low-magnetic steel to combat the Captor-type deep-sea anti-submarine mines and to provide mine countermeasures for ships and transports in remote sea areas. The lead minesweeper Zheleznyakov was built at the Sredne-Nevsky plant in 1988. The dimensions of the ship demanded, when removing from the slipway in the workshop, to increase the opening of the workshop gates, and the trigger device withstood the maximum loads at the time of descent. Delays were late new technology, which complicated and delayed the timing of the installation work.

The two ships Zheleznyakov and V.Gumanenko that have entered service are significantly superior in efficiency of mine action by several times. The construction of the hull of the third ship was terminated due to lack of funding.

The creation of ships of Project 12660 is a whole era in Soviet shipbuilding. They became the first naval minesweepers of the USSR Navy, capable of conducting mine action ahead of the course and fighting modern deep-sea mines. The experience gained in their creation and use is invaluable in the further design of mine defense ships.

According to the shipbuilding program MTShch project 12660 (known in NATO as Gorya) it was supposed to build much more than it was possible. Already in the process of testing, it became clear that the project was very complex and the ship turned out to be large. And besides, the Soviet Union collapsed, other times came and the financing of the defense sector fell sharply. Therefore, it was decided to build new sea minesweepers in the hull of the well-proven MTShch project 266M, but with new means of searching and destroying mines, which should have been not as expensive as Project 12660 Rubin.

Modern approaches to mine action

In recent decades, a significant technological breakthrough has been the creation of minesweepers-seekers. Only the leading maritime powers and countries with a high level of industrial development were able to implement it, mainly due to the implementation of the principle of interstate cooperation.

The modern concept of mine action, known under the name, is based on the active use of hydroacoustic weapons of mine-sweeping ships for the search, detection and examination of all stationary underwater mine-like objects found within the specified boundaries of the water areas.

According to the results of the survey, mine-like objects classified as mines should be applied to electronic card(entered in the databank) and destroyed, and information about foreign objects (sunken ships, industrial debris, large stones, noticeable bottom folds, etc.) must also be entered into the databank to identify acoustic contacts during subsequent search operations in these water areas.

The basis of the anti-mine weapons of modern ships of this direction is made up of hydroacoustic mine detecting stations, remote-controlled anti-mine vehicles and automated systems mine action management.

As you know, the leading position in the construction of modern minesweepers, mine seekers and the creation of the main components of their anti-mine weapons are occupied by firms from Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and the United States. In recent years, they have also been joined by firms from Japan, Sweden, Norway, South Korea building minesweepers-seekers with anti-mine weapons supplied in whole or in part by the firms of the above countries. Most states are unable to build such ships and are forced to purchase them from exporting countries.

Striving to keep up with the leading maritime powers, in the 1990s, businesses defense complex Russia prepared proposals for the modernization of anti-mine ships, then, for export to Russian minesweepers of the 10750E and 266ME types, it was proposed to install mine detecting stations MG-89M, MG-991, MG-992M and MG-993M, self-propelled remote-controlled underwater vehicles for additional search and destruction of mines ( ROV) "Ropan-PM", "Route".

V promotional materials Western PKB noted that the satisfaction modern requirements is facilitated by the installation on the Project 266ME ship and the use of a Propelled variable depth sonar (PVDS) with a receiving and receiving system located on a Remotely operated vehicle (ROV), which provides the detection, identification and classification of mines far ahead of the ship. The range of the GASM in this case is not limited either by the interference generated by the ship or by the hydrological conditions of the sea. The destruction of mines after detection can be carried out by an apparatus of the same family, which has the function of a mine destroyer.

As the specialists of the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" once noted, the creation and development of means of search and destruction of mines will be a priority in the development of anti-mine weapons. New trends in this direction are seen in the creation of self-propelled hydroacoustic mine detecting stations with a variable immersion depth of their receiving and transmitting antennas, disposable anti-mine shells - destroyers, towed mine search stations as part of unmanned carriers.

In addition, the use of seemingly traditional mine action means with the greatest efficiency requires the use of modern technologies... The latter was clearly noticeable when the permanent mine-sweeping unit of the regional command of the NATO Allied Naval Forces "North" visited St. Petersburg at the end of 2004. Almost every ship had perfect means of space communications and navigation.

In addition, all ships in the group of minesweepers-seekers were equipped with special devices for remote search for mines. For example, a Belgian minesweeper (displacement 595 tons, length 51.5 m, crew of 46 people) had two self-propelled remote-controlled underwater vehicles for searching for mines PAP 104 (working depth up to 200 m), a mine detection sonar, and another necessary equipment and equipment. He, like the Dutch M857 Makkum, was created by a joint Franco-Belgian-Dutch development.

M857 Makkum

Even the oldest of the ships that came to the Neva is the Polish minesweeper Czajka ( tail number 624, displacement 507 tons, length 58.2 m, crew 49 people) of the Krogulec class (type 206FM), built in 1967 in Gdynia, despite its old age meeting NATO standards, it had two small-sized underwater vehicles for finding Polish mines development.

German mine finder Pinguin B3. Explosive charges are fixed under the hull.

Minesweepers - project 254
Project 254 sea minesweepers, T-43 type
T43 class minesweeper Project 254
  • Western PKB (aka TsKB-363)
Years of construction
In the rankswithdrawn from the fleet
Main characteristics
Displacement500 t (standard)
569 t (full)
Length58 m (54 m at design waterline)
Width8.5 m (8.4 m at design waterline)
Draft2.1 m
Reservationhomogeneous from shipbuilding steel St.4s (8 mm at the wheelhouse)
Engines2 diesels of type 9D or 9D-8, 3 diesel generators
Power2000 or 2200 hp
Mover2 shafts and 2 propellers
Travel speed14 knots (maximum)
10 knots (economic)
Sailing range3800 miles (at 10 knots)
Swimming autonomy7 days
Crew65 people (7 officers)
Radar weaponsGAS "Tamir-10"
General detection radar "Rif"
State identification radar "Fakel-MO / MZ" or "Nichrome" (Square Head, High Pole A)
Artillery2 x 2 37 mm B-11
2 x 2 12.7 mm machine guns 2M-1
Rocket armamentdemagnetizing device
Anti-submarine weapons2 x BMB-1 bombers, 10 BB-1 depth charges, 2 bomb releasers
Mine torpedo armament10 min KB-3 or 16 min sample 1908/1939
contact sea trawl MT-1 / MT-1P, 2 x non-contact acoustic trawl BAT-2
solenoid electromagnetic trawl TEM-52
chain guard ЦОК-1-40
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Minesweepers - project 254- sea minesweepers who served in the USSR Navy and the naval forces of various countries. A total of 295 minesweepers of this type were built.

Minesweeper renovation projects

During the Great Patriotic War In the USSR Navy, only the ships of projects 3, 53, 53-U and 58, which were considered hopelessly obsolete at that time, survived from the minesweepers. Also in the Red Fleet were road minesweepers of project 253-L and boat minesweepers with non-contact trawls. Due to the insufficiently high efficiency in 1946, work began in the USSR on the creation of new minesweepers of all classes, and the minesweeper version, effective in the fight against non-contact mines, was considered the preferred option. The tasks for the new generation of marine minesweepers were considered to be the determination of the boundaries of minefields and their destruction, reconnaissance and control trawling, laying fairways in minefields, escorting ships and vessels behind the trawls, as well as participating in setting minefields.

The first post-war naval minesweeper was the Project 254 ship, originally designed as a base minesweeper. The development of the ship was carried out since 1943 in three TsKBs numbered 51, 17 and 50. Only in 1946 TsKB-363 received TTZ for its design, G.M. Verakso was appointed chief designer, Captain 1 rank V. S. Avdeev. In the same year, the project was completed, which provided for the flow-position method of assembling the hull from saturated sections and blocks using welding. It was the first ship of the Russian Navy to be fully welded.

Description of the ship

General view and structure

The main material of the hull was shipbuilding steel grade St.4s; low-magnetic steel grade EI-269 was also used for overhead sheets for compasses. The wheelhouse was made of homogeneous armor with a thickness of 8 mm. Throughout its length, the hull was recruited along the longitudinal recruitment system. The ships also had a second bottom, an ice-reinforced stem, and side keels as passive-type pitching stabilizers. The hull was divided into ten watertight compartments. The standard displacement reached 500 tons, and the total displacement was 569 tons.


In order to protect against non-contact mines, a demagnetizing device was installed on the minesweeper of three windings - the main, directional horizontal and directional buttock, sectioned to provide the necessary adjustment. It protected from magnetic and induction mines, and also provided compensation for all components of the ship's magnetic field within ± 2000 nT (± 20 mee) at all points of the horizontal plane at a depth of up to 6 m from the NWL. To detect anchor mines, the ship had an active type "Tamir-10" GAS.


The ship was armed with two twin 37-mm V-11 artillery mounts of an open type: one was on the tank, the second on the superstructure in the stern. He also had two twin 12.7 mm 2M-1 machine-gun mounts, two BMB-1 bombers and two bomb releasers. To protect against enemy ships and submarines, the ship could install mines: 10 mines of the KB-3 type or 16 mines of the 1908/1939 model using mine paths and slopes. The anti-mine weaponry consisted of several trawls: contact type MT-1, non-contact acoustic BAT-2 (two pieces) and electromagnetic solenoid TEM-52, as well as a TsOK-1-40 chain guard. The ship was equipped with typical radio equipment at that time.

Driving performance

The main power plant consisted of two 9D diesel engines with a capacity of 2 thousand hp. and gave a speed of up to 14 knots. With the MT-1 trawl, the speed dropped to 8.3 knots. The economic course was at 10 knots and gave a cruising range of up to 3800 miles.


Three modifications were built: 254-K, 254-M and 254-A. These ships were additionally equipped with artillery mounts ZiF-17 (class A), 2M-3 (class M), as well as trawls M-2 (class K), MT-1D and TEM-52M (both classes M and A). Ships of classes 254-M and 254-A were slightly larger in size. Radars "Lin", "Lin-M", "Tamir-11" and "Rym-K" served as additional radio-technical weapons.


The ships were built at the Sredne-Nevsky shipyard in Leningrad (No. 363) and in Kerch at the Zaliv shipyard (No. 532). The lead ship T-43 was delivered to the Navy in 1948 in Leningrad. In total, until the early 1960s, 295 ships were built. It was the most massive minesweeper in the world. In the west, it was given the code designation T-43 class (after the name of the lead ship). Most were exported, but mostly they were ships of the 254-K type: two went to Algeria, Albania, China, Iraq and Syria, three went to Bulgaria, six to Indonesia and seven to Egypt (of which five ships are in service to this day: "Gharbeya", "Daqahleya", "Bahareya", "Sinai", "Assuit"). Another 12 ships were built in Poland, and in China 40 ships were built under the same license.

Our days

Soon the ships began to gradually withdraw from the fleets. Many of them were converted into diving or rescue ships, and then some turned into floating barracks or training ships (20 still became air surveillance ships). The last minesweepers left the Russian Navy in the late nineties.

The mine engineering minesweeper MIT was developed on the basis of the T-10 (T-10M) heavy sneaker by the SKB-200 design bureau of the plant named after I. S. Ordzhonikidze (plant No. 78) in Chelyabinsk on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 4, 1956 and of May 30, 1960. It was intended for making continuous passages in anti-tank minefields during military operations. Prototypes of the minesweeper ("Object 211", "Object 213" and "Object 220") were manufactured in 1958-1961. The minesweeper "Object 211" passed the factory-range tests in 1959-1960. and the minesweepers "Object 213" and "Object 220" - in 1962. In 1963, due to the planned cessation of production of heavy T-10M tanks, further work on the manufacture of three prototypes of MIT for field trials was discontinued, and technical the documentation has been deposited.

The minesweeper was a T-10 (T-10M) tank without a turret and weapons, instead of which special equipment was installed. The general layout of the vehicle has also changed, and the number of the crew has been reduced from four to three people. In the middle part of the hull, instead of the fighting compartment, there was an additional transmission compartment with a completely changed armor roof above it. In the front part of the hull roof, symmetrically to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, there was a rotating commander's cupola on the left, and a non-rotating operator's cupola on the right. The location of the driver was the same as in the base car. In the center of the additional transmission compartment, a reversible winch with a pulling force on a cable of 1640 kgf was installed. The cable was brought out to the roof of the car and then to the pulley blocks, which provided a tenfold increase in tractive effort. The winch, together with the hydraulic system, was intended to transfer the equipment for trawling to the working or transport position. On both sides of the winch, as well as the hydraulic pump, there were two MPB-54 electric motors with a power of 2 kW each. The hydraulic cylinders of the system were located in the niches of the hull sides. The prototypes of the mine engineer minesweeper, basically, differed in equipment for sweeping mine-explosive obstacles.

On the Object 211 minesweeper, the equipment for trawling consisted of two continuous trawling knife sections. This type of trawl belonged to the passive type excavating trawls. The working elements of the trawl were rigid knives cutting through the ground. During trawling, the knives burrowed into the ground, removed mines onto its surface and took them to the sides outside the swept strip. The distance between the knives was 230 mm. The trawl provided trawling of almost all mines, regardless of their type and responsive drives. The total mass of the trawling equipment did not exceed 5400 kg. During the tests, low explosion resistance of the trawl knife sections, the need for a large traction force and a large dependence on unpaved and climatic conditions... In the working position of the trawl, it was difficult to make quick turns of the minesweeper, which in battle conditions reduced its maneuverability. The digging trawl showed especially low efficiency when trawling on loose, soggy, frozen ground, on a concrete and rocky surface, in small forests, in soils of variable density, with a highly developed turf cover.

On the minesweeper "Object 213", the main working body was, located in two rows, heavy steel rollers, which moved in front of the machine. The trawl installed on the minesweeper, according to the principle of impact on mines, was of the push type. The destruction of the body of the mine or the explosion of the mine occurred due to the creation of local pressure on the ground or the surface of the mine with pressure drives by heavy steel rollers. The rollers were made of conventional cast steel (25L steel) and had an individual axle suspension to the traction frame. The articulated connection of the roller suspension to the traction frame ensured good copying of the terrain unevenness by each of the 14 rollers. At the same time, the pressure on the mine did not exceed the mass of the roller. The total mass of the sweeping equipment reached 11,000 kg. The main advantages of the roller trawl were the relatively high reliability of trawling mines with push drives, simplicity of design, high speeds trawling (up to 15 km / h), significant explosion resistance (up to 14 explosions of mines weighing up to 7 kg).

However, the tests carried out revealed a number of serious shortcomings associated, first of all, with the principle of the trawl operation. This is a large mass of the roller (up to 500 kg), selected from the condition of ensuring the necessary pressure on the ground and explosion resistance, and therefore the low maneuverability and maneuverability of a minesweeper with a roller trawl, especially on loose and soggy soils, increased wear of the transmission, significant fuel consumption compared to with the base machine. In order to maximize the advantages inherent in the methods of trawling revealed during the tests of prototypes of mine engineering minesweepers "Object 211" and "Object 213", on the experimental trawler "Object 220" the equipment for trawling consisted of two knife track sections and a single-row roller section. The mass of prototypes of minesweepers, depending on the installed equipment for trawling, was in the range from 43.6 to 50.3 tons. The transfer of knife or single-row roller sections from the working position to the stowed position was carried out in 3 seconds.

The time spent on the preparation and installation of the roller trawl was 4.5 hours, the track knife trawl - 3 hours. The time for dismantling the equipment for trawling was 1 hour and 10 minutes, respectively. and 35 min. Depending on the installed equipment, a trawling strip width of 3840 mm (knife sections), 3815 mm (roller sections) or two tracks with a width of 1445 mm were provided. The maximum lifting angle of the machine was 15 °. Trawling speed with a roller trawl - up to 15 km / h. with a knife trawl - 10-12 km / h. The speed of the minesweeper with the equipment in the stowed position was up to 30 km / h. The minesweeper was designed taking into account the possibility of overcoming water obstacles along the bottom. It was equipped with PAZ and PPO systems, as well as the R-113 radio station, which were used on the base machine.

Minesweepers - project 254
Project 254 sea minesweepers, T-43 type
T43 class minesweeper Project 254
Country the USSR
Manufacturers Western PKB (aka TsKB-363)
Operators USSR Navy
Years of construction
In the ranks withdrawn from the fleet
Main characteristics
Displacement 500 t (standard)
569 t (full)
Length 58 m (54 m at design waterline)
Width 8.5 m (8.4 m at design waterline)
Draft 2.1 m
Reservation homogeneous from shipbuilding steel St.4s (8 mm at the wheelhouse)
Engines 2 diesels of type 9D or 9D-8, 3 diesel generators
Power 2000 or 2200 hp
Mover 2 shafts and 2 propellers
Travel speed 14 knots (maximum)
10 knots (economic)
Sailing range 3800 miles (at 10 knots)
Swimming autonomy 7 days
Crew 65 soldiers (7 officers)
Radar weapons GAS "Tamir-10"
General detection radar "Rif"
State identification radar "Fakel-MO / MZ" or "Nichrome" (Square Head, High Pole A)
Artillery 2 x 2 37 mm AT 11
2 x 2 12.7 mm machine guns 2M-1
Rocket armament demagnetizing device
Anti-submarine weapons 2 x BMB-1 bombers, 10 BB-1 depth charges, 2 bomb releasers
Mine torpedo armament 10 min KB-3 or 16 min sample 1908/1939
contact sea trawl MT-1 / MT-1P, 2 x non-contact acoustic trawl BAT-2
solenoid electromagnetic trawl TEM-52
chain guard ЦОК-1-40

Minesweepers - project 254- sea minesweepers who served in the USSR Navy and the naval forces of various countries. A total of 295 minesweepers of this type were built.

Minesweeper renovation projects

During the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Navy, only the ships of projects 3, 53, 53-U and 58, which were considered hopelessly obsolete at that time, survived from the minesweepers. Also in the Red Fleet were road minesweepers of project 253-L and boat minesweepers with non-contact trawls. Due to the insufficiently high efficiency in 1946, work began in the USSR on the creation of new minesweepers of all classes, and the minesweeper version, effective in the fight against non-contact mines, was considered the preferred option. The tasks for the new generation of marine minesweepers were considered to be the determination of the boundaries of minefields and their destruction, reconnaissance and control trawling, laying fairways in minefields, escorting ships and vessels behind the trawls, as well as participating in setting minefields.

The first post-war naval minesweeper was the Project 254 ship, originally designed as a base minesweeper. The development of the vessel has been carried out since 1943 in three Central Design Bureau numbered 51, 17 and 50. Only in 1946, TsKB-363 received the TTZ for its design, G.M. Verakso was appointed chief designer, Captain 1 rank V. S. Avdeev. In the same year, the project was completed, which provided for the flow-position method of assembling the hull from saturated sections and blocks using welding. It was the first ship of the Russian Navy to be fully welded.

Description of the ship

General view and structure

The main material of the hull was shipbuilding steel grade St.4s; low-magnetic steel grade EI-269 was also used for overhead sheets for compasses. The wheelhouse was made of homogeneous armor with a thickness of 8 mm. Throughout its length, the hull was recruited along the longitudinal recruitment system. The ships also had a second bottom, an ice-reinforced stem, and side keels as passive-type pitching stabilizers. The hull was divided into ten watertight compartments. The standard displacement reached 500 tons, and the total displacement was 569 tons.


In order to protect against non-contact mines, a demagnetizing device was installed on the minesweeper of three windings - the main, directional horizontal and directional buttock, sectioned to provide the necessary adjustment. It protected from magnetic and induction mines, and also provided compensation for all components of the ship's magnetic field within ± 2000 nT (± 20 mee) at all points of the horizontal plane at a depth of up to 6 m from the NWL. To detect anchor mines, the ship had an active type "Tamir-10" GAS.


The ship was armed with two paired 37 mm gun mounts AT 11 open type: one was on the tank, the second on the superstructure in the stern. He also had two twin 12.7 mm 2M-1 machine-gun mounts, two BMB-1 bombers and two bomb releasers. To protect against enemy ships and submarines, the ship could install mines: 10 mines of the KB-3 type or 16 mines of the 1908/1939 model using mine paths and slopes. The anti-mine weaponry consisted of several trawls: contact type MT-1, non-contact acoustic BAT-2 (two pieces) and electromagnetic solenoid TEM-52, as well as a TsOK-1-40 chain guard. The ship was equipped with typical radio equipment at that time.

Driving performance

The main power plant consisted of two 9D diesel engines with a capacity of 2 thousand hp. and gave a speed of up to 14 knots. With the MT-1 trawl, the speed dropped to 8.3 knots. The economic course was at 10 knots and gave a cruising range of up to 3800 miles (10 days of autonomous navigation).


Three modifications were built: 254-K, 254-M and 254-A. These ships were additionally equipped with artillery mounts ZiF-17 (class A), 2M-3 (class M), as well as trawls M-2 (class K), MT-1D and TEM-52M (both classes M and A). Ships of classes 254-M and 254-A were slightly larger in size. Radars "Lin", "Lin-M", "Tamir-11" and "Rym-K" served as additional radio-technical weapons.


The ships were built at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard in Leningrad (No. 363) and in Kerch at the Shipyard Zaliv (No. 532). The lead ship T-43 was delivered to the Navy in 1948 in Leningrad. In total, until the early 1960s, 295 ships were built. It was the most massive minesweeper in the world. In the west, it was given the code designation T-43 class (after the name of the lead ship). Most were exported, but mostly they were ships of the 254-K type: two went to Algeria, Albania, China, Iraq and Syria, three went to Bulgaria, six to Indonesia and seven to Egypt (of which five ships are in service to this day: "Gharbeya", "Daqahleya", "Bahareya", "Sinai", "Assuit"). Another 12 ships were built in Poland, and in China 40 ships were built under the same license.


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