Laws of a successful life VKontakte. Laws of life. Spiritual laws of life

You may, of course, naively believe that you are on your own and the world is on its own. Don't be fooled. Everything that happens outside and inside you is closely intertwined and connected.unshakable. They work always, everywhere and under any circumstances.

And ignorance of the laws, as you know, does not exempt from responsibility. Therefore, you can hide your head in the sand as much as you like, like an ostrich. But until you realize that your every act, action, thought, emotion affects what you receive in return from the world around you, you will not be able to find your way to happiness.If you want to be successful, loved, harmonious, abundant, fulfilled person, then start living according to these laws. After alllaws of human lifenot invented by us. They are laid down by the Creator in every cell of the micro- and macrocosm. Therefore, whether you like it or not, you cannot cancel their influence on your life.

One of the laws that we all get acquainted with in early childhood is that mother laziness was born ahead of us, but water does not flow under a lying stone.

We invite you to a free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov " Tired of lying towards a dream? 3 super exercises that will blow you off the couch. The recipe for moving towards the goal from true achievers".

Basic 5 laws of life.

  1. The law of cause and effect.

Any event, state, action, result - everything in this world has its own cause. Nothing happens just like that, by itself, does not come from nowhere. If you live in the paradigm that something happens in your life by chance, then you are doomed to failure.Only the ability to trace cause and effect relationships can lead you to success and improve the quality of life itself.Even the most negative events, seemingly beyond your control, still have a cause within the person himself.You always have freedom of choice - how to think, how to feel, how to act, how to build relationships, how to react, etc. And it is your choices here and now that lay down the one that will happen in the future.

Therefore, if you have now come to some kind of disappointing result, have received some kind of negative experience, turn back and analyze how you provoked the current events in your life. Draw conclusions, learn lessons so as not to step on the same rake in the future.

There is another law that says that our life is in our hands and everything depends on a personal relationship.

Convince yourself of this at the free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov " How to turn life crises into resources".

  1. Law of Faith.

What happens in our life is exactly what we believe. And never vice versa. If you are convinced that you are not talented, that you will not succeed, that people are all bad and cruel, that the world is unfair, etc., then the Universe has nothing to do but give you external confirmation of your beliefs.No wonder they say - as we think, so we live. Man himself creates his reality by what he believes or does not believe.Do not limit yourself with your disbelief, fears, some hardened points of view. At least admit that it could be otherwise. And you will already see a sea of ​​new opportunities that were not available before.

  1. The Law of Expectation.

Usually, what we predict for ourselves is what we get. If you knowingly assume the failure of an event, then it will definitely happen.The law of expectation is connected with the previous two. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy that you yourself create with your own thoughts.Start seeing pluses in everything, find, expect the best from yourself and from the world, even if now you can hardly imagine a positive outcome.This is the only way to turn your life around 180 degrees and get some other result than before, change the negative experience into a positive one and consolidate it in your new life.

  1. Law of attraction.

It is precisely those people, events, circumstances that appear in your life that correspond to your inner state. You vibrate at certain frequencies and in resonance with them attract like.Therefore, if you want to change something, just analyze what and how you yourself created this or that situation in your life, what exactly this or that person was drawn to.Only by digging out this inner “hook” and pulling it out will you be able to radically transform the prevailing circumstances.

  1. Law of conformity.

It is very difficult sometimes to accept that everything that happens in your life is created by you. We would rather blame the whole wide world for our troubles and misfortunes, but we will not take responsibility for what is happening on ourselves.But, if you do not create in yourself the world that you want to see outside, you should not hope for the best. The outer world is just a mirror image of the inner world.Make a total revision of yourself inside, yourself in your own eyes. Be honest with yourself. Find those points of inconsistency where you lie to yourself, where you are cunning and throw off responsibility. Deal with this, and life will shine with new colors.

The laws of society, the laws of lifevery closely intertwined with each other. Here we are not talking about legal and constitutional aspects, but about human interaction.If you want to communicate effectively with other people, create harmonious relationships in all areas of life, and easily solve all life tasks, listen to these laws.

  1. I'm all right and you're all right.

This postulate allows not to belittle other people and not to rise above someone. You must understand that everything that happens to you and to another person, in any case, does not detract from him and your value, significance and importance.This makes it possible to be relatively objective in relation to what is happening and, accordingly, choose the most optimal forms of interaction in each specific situation.

  1. Each person has enough resources to solve any of his life tasks.

You should not treat anyone else and yourself with prejudice. Never put a person in a deliberately losing position of the weak and do not take responsibility for his life on yourself.Everyone is capable of resolving the situation. And if he does not do this, then it is his will and his choice.If you are asked for help, then you can help. And this does not mean to do something instead of the person who asked for help. You just need to give him the opportunity to see the direction, give support, but not be a lifeguard.

  1. What a person is doing at the moment is the best thing he can do right now.

This law allows you to understand the true reasons for what is happening to you or other people and get rid of condemnation. After all, each of us lives with his own individual “trailer” of beliefs, negative scenarios, roles, emotional blockages. And we act exactly in accordance with them. This is neither good nor bad. It just is.Therefore, in current moment we act, think, act in a certain way, and really we simply cannot do better here and now.

  1. Every action is based on positive intentions.

This postulate is related to the previous one. Believe me, no one ever wants to deliberately be bad, to commit unseemly acts. We all want to be liked and show love. Only sometimes it takes such veiled and surrogate forms that one cannot discern a positive intention behind it.If you accept this law, you are automatically freed from blaming yourself and others for anything. You understand that this is the best that a person was capable of now. And this saves you from having to experience negative emotions, feelings, and even tragedies in certain circumstances.

  1. Never brand or label a person. Everything changes every second of time. Change is inevitable.

If a person is acting in one way or another now, this does not mean that it will always be so. When we, succumbing to stereotypes of thinking, label a person, then, first of all, we deprive ourselves of the chance to consider something else in him. Thus, we also narrow our possibilities in interaction with the world as a whole.There is nothing static. Everything changes every second. Don't narrow your world down to a one-sided cliché, always look wider.In other words, always choose , then you can be, as it were, a little above the situation and consider the whole picture of the event as a whole, and not its individual fragment. Expand your consciousness and experience the world in its entirety.

Spiritual laws of life.

No matter how much we talk about the laws of life as such, spiritual laws are at the head of everything. It is always important to pay attention to them and seek the disclosure of their meaning through real life situations, people - in other words, through our earthly experience.

  1. The law of potential.

There is enough of everything in the Universe and everything is possible in it. The only question is whether we allow ourselves to take it or not.

  1. Law of Abundance.

The universe is abundant. She has enough for everyone. Living in abundance is our natural state.

  1. The law of cause and effect.

We have already talked about it, but here it is presented in its broader sense. A person not only influences with his thoughts, actions, feelings, deeds on the surrounding people, events, but also on the entire Universe. As well as receiving feedback from her.

  1. Law of intention.

What happens in your life is what you allowed yourself, or rather, set out to receive. Wherever the intention and attention, then you happen. That's why some people have all their dreams come true, while others don't get even the smallest of them.

  1. The law of least effort.

Everything in the Universe happens easily and naturally, without any effort. Everything that goes on hard overcoming, usually does not end with anything good.

  1. The Law of Detachment. The ability to let go.

In another way, you can say - remove the importance from anything. When we are very strongly attached to the result and are very worried about it, we thereby block the energy released by the Universe for the implementation of our plan.Shift your focus from the result to the process itself.Feel free to join the game called LIFE. There is nothing terrible and impossible in it. But there is a buzz, drive, a sense of freedom and endless flight. Especially if you know

Laws successful life

1. Get up early.
Successful people tend to be early risers. This peaceful period until the awakening of the whole world is the most important, inspiring and peaceful part of the day. Those who discovered this habit claim that they did not live a fulfilling life until they started waking up at 5 am every day.

2. Enthusiastic reading.
If you replace at least part of aimless sitting in front of the TV or computer with reading useful and good books, you will be the most educated person in your circle of friends. You will get a lot of it as if by itself. There is an amazing quote by Mark Twain: “A person who does not read good books has no advantage over a person who cannot read.”

3. Simplification.
To be able to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary can speak. It is important to be able to simplify everything that can and should be simplified. This also eliminates the useless. And weeding it out is not so easy - it takes a lot of practice and a reasonable eye. But this process clears the memory and feelings of the unimportant, and also reduces feelings and stress.

4. Slow down.
It is impossible to enjoy life in an environment of constant busyness, stress and chaos. You need to find quiet time for yourself. Slow down and listen to your inner voice. Slow down and pay attention to what matters. If you can develop the habit of waking up early, this might be the right time. This will be your time - a time to breathe deeply, to reflect, to meditate, to create. Slow down and whatever you're chasing will catch up with you.

5. Workouts.
Lack of activity destroys the health of every person, while methodical physical exercises will help to maintain it. Those who think they don't have time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for sickness. Your health is your achievement. Find your program - you can do sports without leaving your home (home programs), as well as without gym memberships (for example, jogging).

6. Daily practice.
There is an observation: the more a person practices, the more successful he becomes. Is it by chance? Luck is where practice meets opportunity. Talent cannot survive without training. Moreover, talent is not always needed - a trained skill may well replace it.

7. Environment.
This is the most important habit. It will accelerate your success like nothing else. Surrounding you with inspired people with ideas, enthusiasm and positivity is the best support. Here you will also find helpful tips, and the necessary push, and continuous support. What, besides disappointment and depression, will be associated with people stuck in a job they hate? We can say that the level of possible achievements in your life is directly proportional to the level of achievements of your environment.

8. Keep a gratitude journal.
This habit works wonders. Be grateful for what you already have and strive for the best. Rest assured that by identifying your purpose in life, it will be easier for you to “recognize” opportunities. Remember: with gratitude comes more reason to rejoice.

9. Be persistent.
Only the 303rd bank agreed to provide Walt Disney with a fund to found Disneyland. It took more than a million photographs over a period of 35 years before Steve McCarrey's "The Afghan Girl" was equated with da Vinci's Mona Lisa. 134 publishers rejected J. Canfield and Mark W. Hansen's Chicken Soup for the Soul before it became a mega-bestseller. Edison made 10,000 failed attempts to invent the light bulb. See the pattern?

From Walt Disney and Napoleon to Steve Jobs and Master Yoda, quotes from the greats to inspire you.

1. Peace

"If you're not willing to risk the ordinary, you'll have to settle for the ordinary." - Jim Rohn.

2. Inspiration

“Don't ask what the world needs, ask yourself what fills you with life. The world needs people full of life.” - Howard Truman

3. Endurance

"It's not the burden that pulls you down, it's the way you carry it" - Lou Holtz.

4. Opportunity

"Opportunities don't come by themselves - you create them" - Chris Grosser.

5. Impossible

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says: “I'm possible!” (Impossible - I "m possible)", - Audrey Hepburn.

6. Start

« The best way take on something - stop talking and start doing. - Walt Disney

7. Dreams

“By putting your dreams and goals on paper, you begin to grow into the person you most want to be. May your future be in safe hands - your own.” – Mark Victor Hansen

8. Enthusiasm

“Success is the ability to endure defeat after defeat without losing enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

9. Action

“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Take action! Action will describe and define you.” – Thomas Jefferson

10. Risk

"I'm not afraid to die, but I'm afraid not to try" - Jay Z.

11. Good deeds

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

12. Movement

"Don't let yesterday take too much away from today" - Will Rogers.

13. Looking to the future

“An entrepreneur is a person who turns his visions into reality... He can imagine something and immediately understand what needs to be done to make it happen.” - Robert L. Schwartz.

14. Sacrificing for Success

“Whenever you see a successful person, you notice only the glory surrounding him, but not what he sacrificed for this.” - Vaibhav Shah.

15. Good company

“Avoid those who try to undermine your faith in yourself. This trait is characteristic of small people. great person On the contrary, it gives you the feeling that you can be great too.” – Mark Twain

16. Rightness

“There is nothing absolutely wrong in the world. Even a broken clock shows twice a day exact time", - Paulo Coelho.

17. Aspiration

"Jump and the net will appear" - John Burroughs.

18. Mood

“Whether you think you can do something or you think you can’t do it, you are right on both counts.” – Henry Ford

19. Perseverance

“The important thing is not whether you were knocked down, what is important is whether you got up again.” - Vince Lombardi.

20. Passion

“Passion is the key to motivation, but only determination and a willingness to relentlessly pursue your goal will allow you to achieve the success you aspire to.” - Mario Andretti.

21. True Success

"Strive to be not the most successful, but the most valuable." - Albert Einstein

22. Self-esteem

"To win, you have to believe you're worth it" - Mike Ditka.

23. Motivation

“Motivation, of course, cannot be sustained all the time. But it's like taking a bath: you have to do it on a regular basis." - Zig Ziglar

24. True wealth

“If you look at what life has given you, you will always have enough. If you focus on what you didn't get, you'll always be missing something." - Oprah Winfrey

25. Worthwhile work

“If you're working on what's really important to you, you don't have to be pushed. You are driven forward by your dream.” - Steve Jobs

26. Consistency

“Nothing in the world can replace perseverance. He cannot be replaced by talent - you will not meet anyone as often as a talented loser. It cannot be replaced by genius - unrecognized geniuses are almost proverbial. Education alone is not enough either - the world is full of educated outcasts. Only perseverance and determination are all-powerful. The phrase "work on" was and remains the solution to all the problems of the human race." - Calvin Coolidge.

27. Dialogue

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Little minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt

28. Reward

“The minute you settle for less than what you deserve, you get even less than what you agreed to.” Maureen Dowd

29. Risk

“It is better to dare mighty deeds, to achieve glorious triumphs, albeit punctuated with failures, than to stand on a par with weak spirits who can neither enjoy from the heart nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight where there are no victories, no defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt.

30. Ability to adapt

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can turn my sails so I can always get where I need to go." - Jimmy Dean

31. How to change the world

“The world is changed by those who are crazy enough to believe they can.” – Rob Siltanen

32. How not to give up

“I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 options that don't work.” - Thomas Edison

33. Fear

"Too many of us don't live our dreams because we live our fears." - Les Brown

34. Age

"It's never too late to set a new goal or pursue a new dream" - Clive Lewis.

35. Start

"The starting point of all achievement is desire" - Napoleon Hill.

36. Confidence

“Pretend until you succeed! Pretend you're as confident as you need to be until you find out you are." - Brian Tracy.

37. Obstacles

"Achievement should be measured by the obstacles you had to overcome in order to achieve your goals." — Booker T. Washington

38. Learn from mistakes

“Do you want to know the formula for success? She is elementary. You just need to double the number of failures. You think failure is the enemy of success. But that's not the case at all. It's your choice to give in to failure or learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Do whatever you can. Because that’s how you can succeed.” – Thomas Watson

39. Purpose

“The goal does not always have to be achievable, often it only serves as something to strive for.” - Bruce Lee.

40. The path to success

“I have conceded over 9,000 goals in my career. I lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the decisive shot and missed. All my life I have failed - over and over and over again. And that's why I've been successful." - Michael Jordan

41. True strength

“Strength does not come from victories. Strength comes from struggle. When you go through difficulties and decide not to give up, that is strength.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

42. Looking for answers

“If you want to change something forever, stop thinking about how big your problems are and think about how big you are.” - Harv Eker.

43. Decisions

“I am not the result of circumstances. I am the result of my own decisions.” - Stephen Covey

44. Constructive impatience

"If you really want something, don't wait - teach yourself to be impatient" - Gurbaksh Chahal.

45. The power of an idea

“Take an idea. Make it the idea of ​​your life - think about it, dream about it, live the idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of this idea. Just leave all other ideas aside. This is the path to success.” - Swami Vivekananda

46. ​​Fear has big eyes

“A lot seems impossible until you do it.” - Nelson Mandela.

47. Diligence

“Always give your best. What you sow is what you reap.” – Og Mandino

48. Main principle

“Start where you are right now. Use what you have and do the best you can." - Arthur Ashe

49. Effort

“Do it. Or don't. Don't try." - Master Yoda

50. Comparison

“Stop comparing your first chapter to my fifteenth. We are all at different chapters of our lives.” – John Rampton

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A happy relationship with your significant other is easy! 👩‍❤️‍👨

We want to reveal to you a few secrets of a happy relationship between a man and a woman!
Only shhh?

💌 Respect
A happy relationship is impossible without respect for each other. Your views on life, interests and attachments may not only differ, but even be radically opposite. However, with due respect for the opinion of the other, you are able to coexist completely peacefully and happily. 💌 Trust
Well, what can be a happy relationship between a man and a woman if the couple is not used to trusting each other? Mutual suspicion, jealousy and tyranny will not lead to anything good. Only faith in each other can give harmony, peace and happiness.
💌 Care
For all its strength, independence and supremacy, the male psychology in a relationship is such that he needs to be taken care of. Even if you are busy, tired or in a hurry, caring for your neighbor will respond with gratitude in a man's heart.
💌 Cheerfulness
There is already enough negativity and minor in the world around us, so let your family have an outlet and a reliable rear from all troubles. That is why it is important not to lose heart and give each other optimism and joy, humor and positive - this is how a happy relationship between a man and a woman develops much easier.
💌 Feelings
Don't be afraid to show your feelings. Even if the partner knows about them, it will not be superfluous to remind you how much you love each other. Show your affection, smile, touch gently and reverently.

Say YES❗️
Business innovation, breakthrough thinking and the ability to find non-standard approaches to solve business problems!

Just read this book👇

Tina Seelig "Why didn't anyone tell me this at 20?"

And you will find answers to questions that have been tormenting you for a long time:
📌 What to build on when starting your own business?
📌 Where to find new idea?
📌 How to learn to solve problems?
📌 What to work on and what to spend time and energy on?
It's simple if you know where to draw necessary knowledge for development!☝️

Life priorities as the key to financial success

1. Health. Without it, no money can be made. It's just a direct correlation.

2. Education. Learn continuously, but only from professionals, successful practitioners. No one can teach you how to earn more than you can yourself. Keep this in mind.

3. Create cash flows. Let initially it will be small streams, but the more sources of income you can create and the less personal time each of them takes, the better.

They say there is never too much happiness...

But we do not believe in this and we know what needs to be done to always be a happy person!☺️

💫 Do not stop there and constantly set new goals for yourself.
Let them be both global, for example, building a house or visiting an exotic country, and everyday, for example, passing a report or starting to go to fitness.

💫 Do not regret anything.
Thinking about what could be changed in the past is absolutely useless, it is better to concentrate on what can be done in the present and future.

Make your own decisions and take responsibility for them.
No one knows what is best for you but you. Of course, advice is sometimes worth listening to, but try on your life only for yourself.

💫 Learn to forgive and forget insults.
After all, keeping negative emotions in yourself is the same as drinking poison, but thinking that it will poison someone else.

💫 Go in for sports, fitness, do gymnastics regularly, or at least just walk a lot.
It has been proven that during exercise, the brain absorbs more oxygen, and the body produces “hormones of joy” (dopamine, serotonin), which increase mood for at least 4 hours.

💫 Learn every day to love yourself, respect and appreciate, thereby balancing healthy egoism with the right self-criticism.

Fat wallet! 💸

We all want to earn a lot! But wanting is not enough, you need to do something! ?
Today we will give you some practical tips on how to replenish your budget:

1️⃣ Get paid for the result you give
It is very exaggerated to say that if you are a builder, then you will be paid for the number of bricks laid. If you are a dentist, you will receive money according to the number of teeth treated. And so on. It is important to understand that only the result counts. Experience by itself is useless. If there is a specialist with 20 years of experience and a young student, the one who gives more results will earn more. Whoever works better and faster, well done.

2️⃣ Learn how to present and sell yourself
The same product or service can cost differently, that's a fact. For example, the same haircut can vary in price every 10 times, depending on the salon. The ability to sell allows you to earn a lot of money. In an interview or with a client, you can present your work in such a way and raise the value of the future result in such a way that you will be paid much more.

3️⃣ Choose a job you like
Anyone who chooses a job based on its prestige and profitability often runs out of steam and loses interest in the matter. This happens after about 3-5 years. If you want long-term success, choose what you love. It will motivate you and every morning will be good for you. Favorite business is inspiration, pleasure from work, huge successes and big money. For the sake of this, it is worth living and even waking up early.

4️⃣ Develop your inner expert
It doesn't matter what you decide to become an expert in - medicine, aviation, marketing or entrepreneurship. Develop and learn in the chosen direction. By becoming a professional in your field, you will understand how to make a lot of money. This will not be a question for you at all.

5️⃣ Have a good rest
Who works well, he rests well.

How to determine your optimal diet?

1. Let go of the ideal diet
Perfectionism in any area of ​​life inevitably leads to disappointment and self-flagellation. Perfectionism in food is a direct path to indigestion and eating disorders.

2. Make friends with the feeling of hunger
The feeling of physical hunger is yours best friend in power management. When you're really hungry, your body is ready to take in and process food, in which case it's much more efficient to take advantage of even suboptimal combinations.
The real feeling of hunger is always in the stomach, in particular in the stomach. If you are not sure if you really want to eat or if your hunger is emotional, put your hand on your stomach and feel if you want to eat in your stomach. Like all skills, judging your hunger becomes easier with practice.

3. Make food a ritual
Food with distractions and on the go is worse than any burger eaten consciously and with pleasure. Not only for your figure, but also for well-being and health. Unconscious eating does not allow all physiological processes to proceed fully, which leads to all sorts of discomforts and disorders. Make food the ritual it has always been. Set the table beautifully, even if you eat alone, bring more awareness to all stages of cooking, and before you start, consider how each ingredient has traveled before reaching your plate.

4. Eat varied
This is one of the most important principles of what you need to eat to be slim and healthy. The more varied your diet, the more colorful and interesting - the more different nutrients your body receives and the less likely it is to overeat.
Try different types nutrition, give yourself time to feel the effect, but at the same time do not get attached to the opinion from the outside.

How to become the best version of yourself?

Start to develop harmoniously in different areas of life.

You can do this with a convenient training platform Proryv.

In June, several streams are launched, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with, perhaps one of the topics is relevant for you today?

Start dates and programs of some courses:

12.06 -👨‍👩‍👧 How to raise a successful child
13.06 -💃🏻 Gorgeous woman
14.06 -?🏻‍♀️Pilates
18.06 -?🏻I am Networker
18.06 -❤️The formula for a happy relationship
06.20-💪🏻 Wake up productive
06.22 -✍🏻Marathon Sales Master
29.06-👑Online revolution. Networks. Business. Money
07/06 -🏃🏻‍♀️We run 10 km light
10.07 -💰Breakthrough in personal finance

Other games in the application have no launch dates yet, as new streams have started recently:

Magnet Man
-💞Wake up beauty
- 🎯Cryptocurrency Global Trend
- 💶PROMoney
- ?Turbo English

Per detailed information contact in private messages 👇
Oleg @olegstockholm
Ekaterina @katyshagorbunova

Have a great day everyone?

beauty will save the world

Beauty is a loose concept. To this day, literary critics and art critics argue about the meaning that Dostoevsky put into this phrase.

Perhaps most of them are right - Fedor Mikhailovich meant spiritual beauty. We will talk about her today!👌

Inner beauty is the most important quality in a person. All the actions that we perform in life mainly come from what we are, not externally, but internally. After all, everything that we do, all our actions - by and large are dictated by what we have inside, our life values and moral qualities.

☝️ It would seem that all people should equally feel and understand beauty. But why are our ideas about beauty so different? Why is it that what seems beautiful to one, others will not even notice?

Individual views, tastes of a person, the degree of culture, his level of development - all this affects the perception of beauty by a person😍

We welcome the external beauty of people. Beauty given to man by nature is a free gift. The man did nothing to get it. But a person should strive to become the best possible. A person who is beautiful on the outside is not necessarily a beautiful person, and vice versa, a beautiful person does not necessarily turn out to be beautiful.

This is worth thinking about, because beauty has such power over a person that it sometimes seems to us to be some kind of mark of goodness and other beautiful human qualities.

The cultivation of inner beauty in oneself is a painstaking and lengthy work, this is one of the most important steps in the process of personal development, this is the spiritual side of working on oneself. The inner beauty of a person can work wonders!✨

Excerpt from Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad's Guide to Investing.

How to hire an accountant.

During the interview, you need to ask him: "How much is one plus one?"

If the accountant says "Three", don't hire him - he's hopelessly dumb.

If the accountant says "two", don't hire him either, because he's not smart enough.

But if the accountant answers: "How much do you want?" - Hire him immediately!

A successful person is sometimes the one who ended up in the right place, in right time with the right people.

Maybe today is that day?

At 19.00 Moscow time there will be a very cool master class: How to make a million on the Internet.

3 working, proven systems, register, see where the market is moving, perhaps this information will be very useful for someone

A letter with the entrance to the webinar will be sent to your mail, so indicate the mail to which you have access.

7 tips for parents on how to raise a successful child

As responsible parents, we all strive to raise our child as well prepared as possible for an independent life in this unpredictable world. But alas, not everyone succeeds in raising an honest, kind, responsible, good, but in a word - a successful person.
Therefore, we have prepared several recommendations for raising children so that it is easier for you, as a parent, to form a personality out of your baby.

1. Love but set boundaries
Raising a successful child is always a balancing act between two extremes: love and limits, warmth and strictness, generosity and rejection.

2. Stop patronizing
Good parenting is not about making sure your child is happy. It's more about teaching him how to deal with setbacks, rejections, mistakes, and adversity.

3. Learn to empathize
Successful kids are taught not to always put themselves first. Instead, they know how to take into account the opinions, desires and interests of the people around them (especially those close to them).

4. Develop Financial Responsibility
One of our main tasks as parents is to teach a child to live, relying only on himself. This means that we must teach him to manage his finances on his own, and not wait for endless handouts from his parents.

5. Say "no" without guilt.
The constant satisfaction of the desires of the child will not help to teach him that life will not always go according to his plan. Add the word "no" to your vocabulary and don't feel guilty about having to say it. Believe me, in the long run, your children will still be grateful to you for this.

6. Learn to give, not just receive
Give your children the opportunity to understand that they can change lives simply by giving or doing something for other people. Indeed, many of them do not even realize that this is possible.

7. Replace me with we
Children are self-centered. They think that the world revolves only around them. They are more concerned with themselves and their own needs, and they do not pay attention to the opinions and desires of others. And in order not to let them get hung up only on themselves, you need to take them away from the endless I-I-I and teach them to think in the format we-we-we.

How to recharge your batteries when you have no strength to work❓

Every day we face a lot of problems and stress, and therefore energy is a necessary source of success👍🏼
We have prepared for you some pleasant ways to recharge your batteries:

🔺 Drink plenty of water - a lot of water!

🔻 Exercise - recharge every morning! It doesn't have to be physical activity.
It can be pleasant music, dancing, yoga, etc.

🔺 Eat little, but often!
How to determine the portion for one meal? Can it fit on two palms?🏽

🔻 Relax - take breaks during work. It may be 20-30 minutes. rest when you lock yourself in your office or go for a walk in the park.

🔺 Meditate - meditation reduces anxiety, improves memory and concentration.

🔻 Be optimistic. Optimists have more energy, pessimists have more stress. Everything depends not on objective circumstances, but on the point of view on them.

Choose an activity that suits you and be always energetic!💪🏼

7 life hacks that will make you smarter

Non-obvious things that will make the brain work more efficiently.

📈 Use bright light
Simply replacing a light bulb in a lamp with a brighter one will help you become smarter.

📈 Go to nature
If you are reproached for looking out the window instead of working on a project, boldly answer that you are pumping your creativity. Contemplation of nature, especially if you go to the forest, field or on the coast, is a magic pill that can improve creativity by 50%

📈 Train
According to research, even one workout can cause neurochemical changes that positively affect brain function. Scientists believe that the positive effect is due to the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the body, including the contents of the cranium.

📈 Have sex
Dopamine and oxytocin, which are produced during intimacy, have a positive effect on brain function.

📈 Go out into the sun
A sufficient amount of vitamin D provides improved cognitive abilities. Animal studies show that its intake provides a quick positive effect on memory and learning tasks.
The easiest way to get your vitamin D3 boost is to get out in the sun. It is synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

📈 Go to bed earlier
Researchers from the University of Rochester have found that during sleep, interstitial fluid in the brain flushes out toxic protein waste that is formed during wakefulness.

📈 Write by hand
Tablets and laptops are literally glued to your arms modern people, but scientists advise to put aside gadgets more often and write notes in the old fashioned way, with a pen on paper.
According to the research of scientists from Princeton, this forces us to process information in the process of fixing it.

Happy relationships: tips that work

There are a huge number of theories and books about relationships that promise not only to help you meet your soul mate, but also live happily ever after with her.

Men and women... we perceive the world and information so differently.

First, we once and for all need to remember and learn that men are not “women with a beard”, and women are not “men in skirts”.
Second, men want to please women and make them happy, but we don’t understand each other so much and don’t know how to communicate that we invent problems for ourselves and suffer because of them.

How to talk to a man so that he hears?

To stop expecting from a man the reactions characteristic of women, the question arises: how can we communicate in order to understand each other?

The main thing to remember for women: if you want to be heard, you need to make sure that when you turn to him, the man is not busy with anything else.
Men, on the other hand, should be prepared for the stream of female consciousness, which can change, and in which one must learn to isolate the essence. And the more often you can listen to what a woman says to you without judgment, the faster she will begin to say what she wants, and not what she thinks is “right” to say.

What attracts men the most in women?
No two people are the same, and we all like different qualities - both external and internal. Certainly, appearance important factor attractiveness, but more and more surveys and studies show that personal traits in the end, they turn out to be more important and valuable, especially in building long-term relationships.

The well-known American relationship specialist Alison Armstrong, who has studied men for most of her life, identified the most valuable traits of women for them, to whom they have serious intentions Key words: self-confidence, naturalness, passion and acceptance.

There is an opportunity to delve deeper into this topic.

As part of the Proryv application, on June 4, a 60-day course Formula for a Happy Relationship starts with a well-known coach and expert in the field of loving and trusting relationships Alex Olimsky.

This course will help you step by step to reach a new level of relationship with your partner or create a new relationship if you are single so far and avoid old mistakes.

Alex Olimskoy has already saved hundreds of families from divorce.

Happiness, love, trust and understanding will not interfere with any family❤️

Applications for the course are submitted in advance, for all questions, write to the contacts below
Oleg @olegstockholm
Ekaterina @katyshagorbunova

10 habits that prevent you from being happy

1. Compare yourself to others
A happy person does not care what and how others do and what they have achieved. He knows he's on his way. Comparison, competition with others simply does not make sense.

2. Focus on someone else's opinion
Trying to please everyone is a failed strategy from the start. Each person will have their own opinion on how you should live, but no one knows you well enough to decide what to do. Therefore, you should stop thinking about what others say about you.

3. Think about the bad in advance
A little optimism never hurt anyone. The attitude towards a negative result often makes you quit at the very beginning, because nothing will come of it anyway.

4. Judging people for the “wrong” life
A happy person does not think that someone lives wrong. He is sure that those around him know what they need, and does not impose his ideas about the norm on them.

5. Feel sorry for yourself
Bad things happen to good people. But a happy person does not waste time feeling sorry for himself. He makes an effort to influence what is happening.

6. Worry about a situation you can't control
It is not always possible to influence events, even if they affect you directly. Happy man letting go of a situation that is out of control.

7. Shift Responsibility for Your Happiness
Happiness is a choice, and there is no need to look for someone to blame for not experiencing it.

8. Fear of being alone
A happy person is not afraid to be alone with his thoughts, and he does not need to create information noise around himself by spending time with a company that is not particularly interesting to him.

9. Carry the burden of the past
Being happy is hindered by excessive obsession with both negative and positive events from the past. A sad experience prevents you from deciding on new discoveries in the present.

10. Fear of change
Change does not necessarily lead to the best, but without it it is impossible to develop.

How to avoid emotional burnout?

In the 21st century, a person has completely different psychological problems than, say, a century ago. This is the impostor syndrome, and the syndrome of an excellent student, and the syndrome of emotional burnout. The last psychological term and ways to get out of this state will be discussed in today's article.

Burnout syndrome is not new. It was first mentioned in 1974. This concept introduced into psychology by the American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger. In his opinion, emotional burnout is more often observed in people who are prone to sympathy, and those who somehow work with people (teachers, doctors, managers, leaders).

How to avoid emotional burnout?

1. Observe the notorious work-life balance
This term is full of glossy magazines, psychologists tirelessly talk about the importance of maintaining balance. This is really important: to be able to take a break from work, alternate work and rest, and have things to do outside of work.

2. Exercise
It can be both active sports and meditative ones. The main thing is that it will help you unload your brain at least for a while.

3. Change your attitude
If you are experiencing emotional burnout, this does not mean that you need to change jobs. The problem, most likely, is not in the work, but in your attitude towards it.

4. Pause and breathe
If you notice a flash of displeasure in the workplace, take a couple of minutes to breathe properly. As a result, you will feel better, and you will take on the task with renewed vigor.

5. Learn to say "no"
No need to take on an excessive amount of obligations. If you don't have the time and energy, you can just say no. Important: there is no need to feel guilty about this.

6. Master the rules of time management
Make it a rule to write a to-do list for the day in the morning (you can do it the next day in the evening), set aside time when you do not answer mail and messages in instant messengers.

'Magic in the Morning' by Hal Elrod

If the morning seems to you the most hated time, and the alarm clock sounds like a hellish bell - this book is definitely for you!

Elrod writes about the right start to the day, which largely lays down how events will develop further. Thousands of people have already changed their lives thanks to this book.

The set of morning activities that the author of this book proposes to carry out has helped tens of thousands of people change their lives, feel better and do more. From the book, you will learn how the first hour of the day determines your success and allows you to reach your full potential.

Change how and when you wake up and how you spend the first hour - and you can change your life, namely:

⏳Reduce stress levels
⏳Improve overall health, reset excess weight(if it is needed)
⌛️Wake up every morning with a boost of energy
⏳Earn more
⌛️Find your calling and follow it
⌛️Increase productivity and learn to focus on key tasks

How do you like the idea of ​​running a marathon and forming these promotional habits?

Challenge yourself?

As part of the Wake Up Productive Training Breakthrough app, you will receive a small task every day and step by step closer to your goals. More than 500 participants will pass the 100-day marathon with you

During this time, you will form new habits, skills and a new attitude towards yourself.

Just imagine - September, a cool morning, and you wake up at dawn, cheerful and full of energy, your mood is excellent, there is a wonderful atmosphere at home, your loved ones delight you, and you make them happy. You go to work with a smile, where you are already treated differently, where you manage to do more than before and get completely different results. You may have lost weight or just got your body in shape.

You began to see this world, not as a world of problems, but as a world of opportunities, and this changes your life for the better.

How do you like this idea? 100 days and perhaps the most unusual and decisive summer of your life

To get into the flow, write right now
Oleg ⠀
3. Learn by heart
The more you work out in the gym, the better developed your muscles. The same principle works with memory. Learn by heart: poems, to-do and shopping lists, prose passages, movie characters' monologues, drug dosages.

4. Eavesdrop
Do you want to improve your auditory memory? Eavesdrop. Yes, we know your mother told you it was indecent. But what will you not do for the sake of your own memory? When riding the tram or subway, listen to what the people around you are talking about. And, as in the Aivazovsky method, close your eyes and reproduce everything you hear - with accurate intonations, remember people's faces.

5. Take different routes
Walking on the beaten path is not only boring, but also useless for memory. Give your brain new experiences. Be careful when you go home: remember signs, houses, shops. In general, any new activities enhance brain activity, so do not deny yourself anything and visit museums, theaters, cafes, cinemas, holidays and festivals.

6. Make up stories
This method is suitable for memorizing lists: lists of to-dos, purchases, events. Just tie everything into a single story. The plot should develop consistently and logically, but fantasy can be turned on to the fullest. More vivid images easier to remember. It may be a fairy tale, it may be a mnemonic phrase (a famous example is "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits"). This method will help to remember both adults and children.

8 tips that will fill every day with meaning

To make your life conscious, it is not enough to find some kind of life hack and blindly stick to it. Consistent daily action is the key to sustainable change. Also need to change environment and habits, otherwise the intention to change will quickly disappear, even if the motivation was the most fiery.

1. Take time to listen to your inner voice
Check. Ask yourself why you decided this way and not otherwise. Ask why you are doing something before you do it.

2. Remember: Thought Control is Your Ultimate Strength
When was the last time you noticed negative thoughts occupying your mind? Maybe it's happening right now? Learn to track negative thoughts, organize them, and distract yourself with something else.

3. Look for moments of flow
Explore the moments in which you operate in a state of flow, find out what environment stimulates this state, and try to create the necessary conditions during the day.

4. Be aware personal experience in a global perspective
Look at the ocean, play with your dog, touch a tree - devote a little time each day to activities that will remind you that you are part of an ideal system, much more global than your life.

5. Review Your Core Values ​​Every Week
Ask yourself how you live up to your values ​​on a personal, professional, and social levels. Be honest with yourself. If what you do during the day does not correlate with your true values, then you are going the wrong way.

6. Don't Look for Shortcuts
You either fulfill your mission in this life and see progress, or you don't. Not simple ways lead the life you were meant to live.

7. Write on paper every day
Just express your thoughts, plan and dream.

8. Choose the Right Environment
Surround yourself with truly active, passionate, honest and diverse people, communities and thoughts.

5 tips on how to move towards your goal and not stop halfway

Setting a goal is easy, starting to take steps towards it and not stopping is a completely different story. The good news is that, contrary to popular belief, motivation can be controlled. There are proven ways that you can stay inspired to move mountains along the way, even when it seems like the whole world is against you.

Tip #1: Remember the “What the Hell?” Effect
Having deviated from the plan once, we subconsciously justify ourselves and eventually turn off the path. Therefore, taking a step aside, do not criticize or justify yourself. Just analyze what caused such behavior, and, having drawn appropriate conclusions for the future, return to the path to the goal.

Tip #2: Share your accomplishments
Contrary to popular superstitious opinion, sharing your successes is not only possible, but even necessary. Research from the University of South Carolina shows that sharing your goals with a close circle of friends is already getting you closer to reaching them.

Tip #3: Use Psychological Tricks
This is what will remind you why you started your journey towards the goal. Pick the option that works best for you. It can be a large poster or a collage with a detailed visualization of your dream, various to-do sheets, detailed plan with the distribution of actions by complexity, the breakdown of the main task into small ones, and so on.

Tip #4: Enjoy the challenge
Have you ever heard the expression: "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger"? To understand what we are really capable of, we need to challenge ourselves. A healthy dose of positive stress is then produced, referred to in the scientific community as “eustress.”

Tip #5: Measure progress
It's important to see progress. For example, by publishing articles daily to your telegram channel and not seeing a rapid increase in subscribers, the desire to try will disappear, and there will be no trace of motivation.

Laws of Success life is a theme for those who set big goals in their lives. In the previous article, I wrote about what the mood of success is. This time I want to turn to this topic again and find out what the “Laws of Successful Life” are.

Why do I turn to the same thoughts over and over again? The fact is that, despite the vast knowledge of niches, it is very difficult for us to put them into practice, restructure our thoughts and start living, as we are taught successful people very difficult. And in general, it is believed that in order to truly be imbued with some kind of thought, you need to listen to it 10 times. Therefore, it's okay if you read some information again.

Laws of a Successful Life

1. The principle of a mirror.

This law of a successful life means that before judging someone else, look at yourself first. This, of course, is a well-known truth, unfortunately, it is not as easy to apply it in life as it seems.

In psychology, there is one very good exercise, which is called "I am the same as you." This rule applies in the case when, for example, you did not like some situation, you were outraged by the behavior of a certain person.

At this moment, you just need to remember the case in which you did exactly the same, behaved also badly, maybe incorrectly. Maybe not to such an extent, not so brightly, but in any case, you will remember the situation in your life when you acted about the same.

Why do I say this with such confidence, how do I know this? Because if we did not have the same trait in ourselves, we would not see it in another person. And the most interesting thing is that the result of this exercise is not that we begin to reproach ourselves and consider ourselves bad. And in the fact that we find in ourselves the same trait of character as this “bad” person, we begin to understand him.

It is as if you are allowing this person to be the way he is. This helps us to simply let go of the situation and all negative emotions disappear. Then adequate conclusions and reasonable decisions come, because, often, many mistakes come at the peak of emotions.

Believe me, after such an exercise, you will immediately feel better. By the way, psychologists say that the most difficult work is work on yourself. The ability to accept the situation and the ability to control your emotions by 80% will help you in resolving your problems.

2. The principle of pain.

This method also applies to the laws of a successful life. An offended person himself inflicts insults on others. What is it about? Here it is enough to recall our feelings at the moment when we are offended by something. At this moment we do not have any energy to be soft, gentle, affectionate, friendly, polite.

When we experience a feeling of pain, resentment, annoyance, or insult inside ourselves, we also communicate with others. In this case, you need to make an effort on yourself and look at this person from the other side. You need to ask yourself the question: “Why does he behave like this?”, “What does he really feel now?”, “Maybe he is even worse now than me?”. By answering these questions, you will be able to understand the person and, accordingly, you will feel relieved and it will seem to you that everything is not so bad.

I like another law in psychology, which says: “Every person, every second of his life, tries to be good, just sometimes he succeeds, and sometimes he doesn’t!”.

I want to give an example from my personal life. Once my brother and I, walking around St. Petersburg, went into a cafe. There, at the counter, we were met by a sad girl who, it seemed to me, was reluctant and not polite enough to take our order. To the best of my emotional nature, I made a remark to her and even “shot out” a couple of not very pleasant words addressed to her. However, my brother, a man of a very calm disposition, got into conversation with her and found out that she had recently come with night shift from another job (she worked two jobs), she is very tired and wants to sleep.

After this story, I felt very ashamed. Now I always try to control my thoughts and emotions. All this I mean is that before you throw your insults at a person, you need to try to understand and feel him, maybe he is tired, maybe he has some kind of trouble, or even a tragedy.

You ask: "What about success?". The fact is that if we cling to everything every time, every time we get insulted and offend others, spend our energy on useless showdowns, we simply simply don’t have enough time to deal with our personal life, our self-development, our favorite thing ( whether it be at least business, at least sport, at least art). After all, it is in these areas that we strive to succeed.

3. The principle of the upper road.

Another law of a successful life. In more detail, this principle can be described as follows: “We move to a higher level when we begin to treat others better than they treat us.”

Here we are talking about the fact that when we give people around us a credit of trust, a credit of respect, most often people try to match this portion of respect and trust. By doing this, we help this person to rise.

Now it is appropriate to cite the well-known saying as an example: “If a person is told a hundred times that he is a pig, he will definitely grunt.” And vice versa: "If a person is told a hundred times that he is a bird, he will fly." Therefore, this credit of respect that I am talking about, everyone should have it by default.

After a certain time, you will feel that you have become more respectful of yourself. Because you already communicate on a different level of sympathy and respect.

4. The boomerang principle.

When we help others, we help ourselves - the next law of a successful life. Most often, people try to help others in the following way. They push their needs into the background, while spending their time, for example, doing work for others, making life easier for them, advising something. After all, you really want to advise your relative or friend: “do it like this ... and you will succeed and you will be happy.”

But you will wait a long time for the result of such your help. Since the person won't do anything until you let them go, don't let go of the situation.

This happens because while you are saving a person (doing "rescuing"), the feeling is more and more strengthened in him - "I am a victim of the world." And you begin to advise him, tell him something, slip some books. But you stop for a second and ask yourself: “Did they ask me about this?”

If you have not received requests for help, support, or advice, then it is better to stop and not waste your time and energy on it. After all, the best help is help made on demand. After all, this means that a person, firstly, has matured; secondly, he realized that he needed it; thirdly, I chose you and trusted you.

By the way, when you let go of people who, it seems, don’t need your help, they will definitely turn to you themselves. They will start asking you: “How did you achieve this?”, “What did you do?”, “How?”. And then we can lead these people with us, but, in no case, by force (you will not get any result in this case).

All these laws of a successful life must be in your “piggy bank” if you want to become a successful person! And always remember: “When you change, everything around you changes and you can really help everyone by changing yourself!”.

Sincerely, Vera Chernykh


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