Where to look for orders for copywriters? How to find a copywriter (rewriter) How to find expensive orders for a copywriter

Ideal texts are needed by both seo-optimizers, and smm-managers, and just site owners. Someone does not have time to write himself, someone does not know how, someone needs fresh ideas - it does not matter. The main thing is to look for copywriters. Only here to choose the author - that is still a hassle. Where to find a good copywriter and what to look for when ordering?

Copywriter: habitats

1. Copywriting exchange

There are a lot of such resources on the Internet, from the popular ones: ContentMonstr, etxt.ru and Advego. The content exchange has many advantages:

  • Price. There is high competition inside the exchange, so you can order a text there for a penny.
  • without cheating. The management of the exchange closely monitors the performers and most often acts on the side of the customer in conflicts, so you will not lose your money.
  • Choice. There are thousands of copywriters on the stock exchanges, so you definitely won’t be left without a performer.
  • Timing. Inside the exchange, it is possible to set a clear deadline for the order, and the order will be delivered exactly at this time.

But if you have already run to look for an exchange, stop for a minute and read about the cons. Unfortunately, they also exist.

  1. Quality. Cheap and fast does not mean quality. You can wait for an order for two days and get two empty Word sheets. You will not lose money, but time - yes.
  2. Good authors are always busy. It is very difficult to find the ideal performer on the exchange, and even if you find one, it is likely that he will have orders for two weeks ahead even without you.
  3. Time, time, time. When ordering on the exchange, it takes a lot of time to find a contractor, give technical specifications, answer questions, accept the text, check, send for revision, and so on ...

Of course, there are more pluses, but it’s better to search in different places, and …

2. Freelance exchange

Freelance exchange pros:

  • Serious Candidates. Usually, freelance exchanges are visited by those who are already a little adept at copywriting. It is difficult for beginners to survive here, so choosing a specialist, you can be sure that you will come across a pro, not a layman.
  • Reviews, portfolio, rating. On each exchange, the rating system is built in its own way, but the principle is the same - the more good orders a copywriter completes, the steeper his rank and higher rating. Prices are also higher, but more on that in the cons.
  • Tender. You place an order, the performers leave applications - you choose the best of them and give the order to him. On fl.ru, for example, you can place an order with the status “price by agreement” and ask for how much the contractor is ready to complete the order, and then choose the right one if you are limited in finances.

But there are also a lot of downsides.

  1. Deception: despite the rating system and warnings from the administration, some customers still buy for cheap and instead of intra-exchange transfers send a 100% prepayment to the contractor on the card. After that, the copywriter is safely washed off and stops responding to messages.
  2. Few copywriters. Freelance exchanges are still a little different and it is difficult to find a good copywriter there.
  3. Prices: it feels like the average price of an author is significantly more expensive than copywriting exchanges.
  4. Time: just like on the content exchange, you can lose a lot of time on the freelance exchange.
  5. Paid Access: in some places customers are charged for access to the database of copywriters!

If exchanges are not an option, then where to look for someone who will write me the text for the site? - you ask. Try contacting…

3. Internet marketing agency

You can order not only the text, but also preparation of technical specifications for writing this text, its optimization, layout, photos and even placement on the site. This is especially important if you need texts for certain requests.

Another plus is that you communicate with the manager. They told about the task, answered questions, received payment details, and your order is completed on time. You are unlikely to find out who wrote the text - you do not need to waste your nerves and time communicating with the performer - the agency manager will do all this for you.

In fact, the agency has only one minus - the prices, which include both the work of the manager, and the office rent, and all related costs.

But in general, working with an agency is still more reliable and easier, the quality of the texts is higher, and the time costs are less, especially if you are going to work regularly.

4. Staff Writer

An almost ideal option, if the volume of tasks allows you to take the author on the staff, pluses:

  • Full control over the timing and number of texts
  • Learning and adapting to your needs

The disadvantages are all connected only with the traditional problems of hiring any specialist in the state: from finding an employee to leaving him in maternity leave(After all, the authors are most often girls).

By the way, the text can be ordered from me. 🙂

How to choose a copywriter on the exchange

How to recognize the ideal copywriter among others:

  1. Read tenders carefully. A good author will not put pluses or write "I'll take it." If among the applications you came across a detailed one, with a description of why you should choose this particular copywriter, start studying it in more detail.
  2. Profile information- the way the profile is filled out can also tell a lot. One-day specialists will never fill out information about themselves in detail, while experienced copywriters usually write everything that may be of interest to a potential customer.
  3. Portfolio. Super-copywriters have not just examples of texts, but stories of cooperation - they can show and tell which sites they collaborated with and what came of it. If you have found such an author, hold on to him with your teeth)) However, a regular portfolio is also suitable.
  4. pay attention to author rating and on reviews those who have already worked with him - this is another plus to the guarantee that you will not make a mistake with the author.

A couple of words about profile

A common question is which is better - a copywriter who writes about everything or a copywriter with a narrow focus. And it all depends on why you need this specialist. If you are promoting your site on a specific topic (about car repair, about building a bathhouse, about recipes for a double boiler, etc.), it would be better to choose a narrow-profile specialist. It is he who will write the texts in such a way that they will be useful and pleasant to read. With all other advantages, generalist copywriters do not go into details when writing a text on a complex or special topic, so the text is unlikely to be of interest to your particular target audience.

If, for example, you are an SEO optimizer and are looking for a performer for texts of different directions, then choose a generalist copywriter - so you don’t have to look for someone else, because your specialist writes only about gardening and childhood illnesses.

How to write a TOR for a copywriter

correct and detailed technical task(TK) is the key to the perfect text. There is a special algorithm for compiling TK:

  1. Determine the task of the future text: whether it is needed for promotion, confirmation of expertise, heating of the target audience or for search robots. Only after that draw up a TOR
  2. Think about what keywords to use in the text (if this is a technical specification for seo text)
  3. Decide on the approximate structure of the future text
  4. Indicate the points that a copywriter must write about or what cannot be written about
  5. Text style. A light conversational style is used for a blog, a strict, official style for complex technical sites, a youthful and simple one for letters and social media posts, and so on.

About the exact numbers that SEO specialists usually love. I belong to the supporters of natural and useful texts. I do not like to drive the authors into frames inside and out, force them to cram keys and engage in other mockery of the text. Therefore, I try to avoid such indicators:

  1. Number of characters in the text
  2. Text uniqueness
  3. Nausea, wateriness, etc.
  4. Indicator for "Glavred"

Yes, when you work within an agency or sign a contract, you won’t be able to completely avoid numbers. But the more you give freedom to the author in revealing the topic of the text, the more likely it will turn out better. As Maxim Ilyakhov (the author of Glavred) says, set the task for the author to “build a wall, not how many stones need to be placed on top of each other.”

Here is an example of a TOR for a text for a website about medicine:

« We need text for an information site on the topic "Symptoms of a stroke." The following keywords should be included in the article:

  • stroke symptoms
  • stroke in the elderly
  • how to recognize a stroke
  • severe headache
  • adult stroke symptoms

Please note: keywords can be declined and diluted with punctuation marks! We need a useful text without unnecessary water, so that the reader, after studying the article, understands how to recognize a stroke. Do not write about what to do with a stroke - this will be a separate article. You need at least one subheading and a numbered or bulleted list.

Laconically and clearly, I think, according to such a technical specification, you will get what you want. An important point: even if you have compiled a detailed TOR for the text, answer the copywriter's questions, if any, - this way you will help to finish the work on time and do it right, and establish friendly relations with the performer.

How to check text?

  1. Quality from Glavred: despite the fact that I do not recommend demanding a certain rating from the author according to Glavred, I consider it an excellent service for checking the text, and a low rating is a reason to think about quality, but I think it’s wrong to engage in verbalism and demand “necessarily above 8.0” .
  2. The uniqueness of the text: for example from Advego. Usually everyone asks for more than 80%

What to do if you receive a disgusting text

It also happens that in response to an excellent TOR you receive text that is impossible to read: errors, or the style is inappropriate, or the text is not on the topic that was needed ... What to do?

If you ordered a text on a content exchange or a freelance exchange, send it for revision with the appropriate comments. If the performer refuses to finalize the text, the exchange simply returns the money, and you are looking for another copywriter, and this one can be sent to the “black list”.

When ordering a text from an agency, the probability of a very poor performance is minimal. But remember that any author needs to adapt to the style and theme, so the more detailed and clear the TOR is drawn up, the goals of the text are defined, the more successful it will turn out.

Now you know where you can order a text and how to choose a performer!

It's no secret that many of the advanced Internet users tried their luck in the field of copywriting.

Everyone remembers literature lessons, essays on the topics covered, they try to earn with their school knowledge, being sure that copywriting is nothing more than writing essays on a given topic.

And yet, even for a talented copywriter on a personal website or working with a client, serious earnings do not always happen: many are disappointed by sitting at the keyboard for a long time, others are not satisfied with the price for work, and still others simply cannot find the long-awaited generous client.

At the beginning of my freelance work, I also looked disappointed at stock prices and, like many other copywriters, dreamed of a generous customer. At one point, I was lucky: I found a client for whom I wrote for a “good” price, and six months later I was simply thrilled by the first hundred dollars I earned, which I proudly held in my hands.

Today, remembering those rates and earnings, I smile: both the financial side and the work then are completely different from what both I and my client can get from each other today.

What advice would you give to beginners in freelancing? You can give a lot of advice, but the most important skill that you must definitely learn is the ability to find a customer. It's good if the work with him will be long-term. This is what I consider copywriting success number one.

Where to find a client or where to start

Where to find copywriting happiness, how to show the customer that the price of a high-class copywriter, which we are, is fully justified?

Method one: "The client finds the contractor on his own"

This way to get a client is very rare. In my practice, this happened once: a client found me through articles in the search results. Articles were published on a personal website and talked about phosphate-free chemistry.

This is how a customer appeared with an online store of French phosphate-free chemicals, for which almost all the content had to be changed.

Conclusion: if you have your own personal website or LiveJournal page, write also interestingly, with a twinkle, professionally. This is how we earn credibility and “stuff” our hand in writing texts (benefit from practical exercises hasn't been canceled yet).

Method two: "Customers from the copywriting exchange"

This method is not about waiting for the client to “bite” on our magic resume with the phrase “ready to work for $ 0.5 for 1000 characters without spaces.”

After registering on the exchange, go to the section with a job offer and start looking for interesting offers. It should be noted that the highest paid topics will be technical, as well as financial and construction topics.

After a suitable offer is found, it is very important to contact the customer and offer yourself correctly.

A year ago, I needed a staff of copywriters and, having accepted several dozen resumes, now I can already name a list of the most common phrases that kill the customer’s interest in the bud and force them to immediately close the portfolio without any emotions.

  • Willing to work for oh… dollar
  • Ready for cooperation, you won't regret... My skype, mail
  • I can complete any task quickly.

These are phrases that can be used, but only in context.

What do I propose to write in my account on the exchange or in a message to the customer?

  • Feel free to offer the entire list of your services, emphasizing their uniqueness.
  • Even if you have a portfolio, do not send the customer to view it yourself, try to communicate with him or in correspondence, or even better via Skype and discuss all the portfolio items together, justify the price of each service. It is important to immediately describe the package of services that few people offer on the exchange.

Here is an example of my service package:

  1. If necessary, the selection of keywords by topic, their distribution into articles.
  2. Professional approach to each article: 100% uniqueness, no rewriting.
  3. Introduction into the text, both single keywords and sets of many homogeneous keys (10-40 pcs. examples of work are attached)
  4. If necessary, deep rewriting, verification in two services (Advego, Text.Ru) with a total of 100% uniqueness.
  5. Creation of unique pictures, iconography on the topic of the article.
  6. Additional services for placing texts in the site admin panel, formatting included.
  7. The package price implies a discount of 2 to 5%.

In almost all cases of cooperation, I sell this package to the client: it is convenient for the client and profitable for me.

Another mistake newbies make is persistently offering services. Most often, such actions are perceived as importunity, although in two cases out of ten this technique may work. As they say, the courage of the city takes… But I would not recommend this way of presentation to any of my students.

A job has appeared, and the client wants small services? In no case do not refuse simple routine work.

Why? It's simple: this is how we gain invaluable experience, comprehend many secrets of copywriting or content management. After such workshops, you can think about raising the prices for your services, but often the customer himself notices your efforts and raises the rates.

But at the same time, you should not take on everything that is found on the network, the conversation is about your regular customers. Otherwise, choose topics that are interesting for you, develop, even while working for someone.

Method three: "Social networks"

Although not very popular, but a very effective way to find a client. At any social network you can find groups in which copywriters hang out.

There are especially many such communities on VKontakte and Facebook. These are special "exchanges" where the guys share their experience and even warn each other about dysfunctional customers.

This method is the most reliable for beginners: in such communities they warn against mistakes, and no one needs to deduct commissions from their earnings. V social groups communication with the client goes without intermediaries, unlike exchanges, where the client and the contractor communicate through third parties.

Method number 4: "Active search"

This method is used by experienced copywriters who are confident in what they offer. If you know well, for example, medical topics (or any other), type in the search bar several thematic queries and start visiting sites from the top 20 results.

Usually on any site there is a feedback form where you can send your commercial proposal. How to compose it is a topic for a completely different conversation.

So, dear colleagues, I hope that using at least one of the proposed methods, you will find your golden client!

I wish you continued well-being in your home and good luck in your favorite business!

Always yours Elena Skopich

Inferno Solutions — 7 years of successful, productive work and more than 7,000 satisfied customers!

It's no secret that the success of any Internet resource directly depends on the quality of the content published on it. And the more often the content on the site is updated, the more traffic will be (business card sites, which consist of several pages, will not be taken into account).

Recently, I have decided to spend most of the money not on buying links for my projects, but on buying more articles. Such a strategy not only allows you to keep the site "in good shape", fill it up-to-date information, but it is also a “white, fluffy” type of search engine optimization, for which your site will not be 100% punished by search engines (unless, of course, you are too keen on re-optimizing the text).

Since I do not have the time and desire to write dozens of articles on a wide variety of topics every week, I decided to find a few good copywriters from whom I could consistently place orders.

First of all, I went to the seo forums, to the copywriting sections. I compared all the possible offers, read the reviews, and decided to order SEO copywriting from one guy who had good reviews. For the test, he had to write 1 text: if I like it, we will work on an ongoing basis, if not - #goodbye!

You know, for the umpteenth time I was convinced (the first time was when, who would make me a template for the new design of this blog), that the reviews on the forums are very often not entirely objective. Why? Yes, because this copywriter completed the order at the wrong time, made such mistakes in it that my hair on my head stood on end. Oh yes, and he also initially wanted the billing to be carried out for 1000 characters WITH SPACES!

Therefore, I would not advise you to look for copywriters on the forums. I'm not saying that there are no adequate performers who will do their job with high quality. No, there are enough quality performers. But for the work they will charge you at least 2-3 bucks for 1000 simv.b.p. I think that the ideal amount for a normal quality rewrite is $1 per 1000 bp characters. Especially if I plan to work with this person for a long time, and there will be a lot of orders.

After that, I decided to talk with my friends - they should know trusted copywriters who write competent texts. Not everyone, of course, will agree to give such information, but I still found 2 copywriters (with whom I still work). Rewriting cost: $1 per 1000 characters.

By the way, I don’t order articles for placing links in copywriters, but simply buy ready-made cheap texts in article stores and (the latter’s usability, to put it mildly, is “lame”). I try to find thematic articles for each order. For a job well done, advertisers are likely to add you to their whitelist and buy links in the future. Yes, and the speed of order fulfillment in GGL will be higher for you, since you won’t have to wait for copywriters to write the desired text.

Well, now it's time to move on to the final part of this post. In it, I would like to tell you about the most ideal content exchange that I have worked with. Its name is ContentMonster . For the first time I registered in it 9 months ago. Registered and forgot. And the first order was made only last month :). And in such a short time has already managed to appreciate all the benefits of the service.

The first, indisputable advantage is the simplicity and convenience of the service (Note Textsale!).

  • Strict selection of copywriters. With the help of a system of tests that copywriters must pass when registering in the system, and the moderator, 75% of candidates are eliminated! So you can be sure that you will not order from some illiterate schoolboy.
  • Automatic check by the system of the uniqueness of articles written by copywriters. There is a similar system in other exchanges, but I often had cases when I bought in another exchange 100% unique article, tested it, and it turned out that it is 100% non-unique! In ContentMonster you will definitely not find this!
  • 0% commission for customers!

Also, ContentMonster guarantees that if you don’t like the text for any reason, then the exchange will refund you 120% of its value!

And that's not all :). For every 100WMR spent in the system, you get 1 bonus point (1 point = 1 WMR). These points can be spent to order new texts in the system.

As you can see, ContentMonster has a lot of advantages for the customer.

Copywriters incontentMonster will also not remain in the red:

  • Relatively little competition (due to moderation during registration) and a huge number of customers will not leave you without work!
  • Low commission compared to other exchanges.

It turns out that in a month in ContentMonster you can earn 815$ !

I wrote about the main advantages of the service. Let's now look at the main functionality.

Most often, in the order settings, I specify the following information:

You can also create a scheduled or multi-order order.

As you can see, there are more than enough settings and this greatly facilitates the work of both the customer and the contractor. Order settings can be duplicated for further orders, all you have to do is change the keywords, title and subject of the article.

Why didn't I choose not copywriting in the settings, but rewriting? Yes, because as a result of rewriting 2-3 articles, the output is an excellent, 100% unique article that is in no way inferior in quality to copywriting. And I don’t really believe that if I order copywriting on the topic “how to repair an airplane”, then someone will write a full-fledged copyright.

I also really liked the opportunity to choose a copywriter according to the specified search conditions:

When you create an order, you will have the opportunity not only to send it to selected artists (or a group of artists), but also to see possible offers from other copywriters.

When choosing the right artist, I first of all look at his reviews, examples of work and personal page (there have been cases when a person writes that he knows how to write a selling text, and on the page with personal information in the text he has a lot of errors :), what can we say about selling texts).

Speaking of reviews. Lots of reviews are good. But if a person has about 1000 reviews, then I understand that he must have a lot of orders, and, accordingly, my task may not have a completely individual approach. But if a person has 20-100 positive feedback, this suggests that he is just starting his copywriting career at ContentMonster, and will take my order more seriously. Well, this is purely my IMHO :).

I almost forgot, all new users can get 100 rubles to their balance for a test drive of the exchange. Hurry up to register!

Previous Next

Raising the eternal topic of authors about finding orders, I will share three more addresses where you can get hold of rich clients. Today I no longer use these sites, but when there was a crisis in work, the services described below helped me out a lot. I hope that the copywriter orders offered on these resources will be useful to you.

Brief digression

A little unintentionally delaying the disclosure of the chips, I will suggest that you familiarize yourself with the site at the dedicated link. This service is suitable for authors who know all the subtleties of performance. In order not to waste time, follow the link in the article and register for the service. This will start the countdown for you. While the profession is being mastered, you will already have a registration mark in your profile. When submitting an application, customers look at the date and give preference to authors who have been users of the resource for more than a day.

Get to the point - orders for copywriters at kadrof.ru

I stumbled upon this site quite by accident. I was just looking for information about freelancing, reading various news. I liked the site, saved it to my bookmarks, and somehow everything was forgotten. But one day, at the peak of the crisis at work, in search of orders, I opened a tab, having already quite forgotten about this resource. To make it clearer, this is the picture I had before my eyes.

This is the main page that you will be taken to by clicking on the link - http://www.kadrof.ru. Copy the text and paste it into the search bar. For reasons of promotion, I do not put a direct link.

In red, I highlighted the word - stock exchange. How did I manage to not pay attention to the fact that this site has job offers. I really liked the articles, I was a regular reader of the resource. Apparently before that there was no high demand for orders offered here to copywriters. But I found a scythe on a stone. Looking forward to what's to come good client, I clicked on the tab and got to the next page.

I will add that no registration is needed, just click and go to the next page. Immediately in the left sitebar we see offers. We are interested in the second and fifth lines from the top. In one, orders are offered to copywriters, in the second, to SEO-optimizers. To work, by clicking on the second tab, you need to familiarize yourself with all. If you have such skills, please. No, click on the "copywriting texts" tab and see the next section.

We look at the proposals in the center. I will not make screenshots of all orders, I will simply add that they are constantly updated. Communication with customers directly, via mail or Skype. At one time, I found a couple of clients here. Try it, it might work for you too.

Nejaden Copywriter Forum

This is a talker for authors. You can register by copying the link to your browser - http://nejaden.mybb.ru . At one time I hung out on this site. There is no time today. It will be useful for novice copywriters to communicate with the old-timers of the resource. But we need something else. You can search for orders for copywriters here by clicking on the tabs that I marked in red in the picture below.

The first line in the highlighted area is “Copywriters offer their services.” We do not hesitate and create an additional topic. Who communicated on other forums will be able to do this without problems. The engines are the same for everyone, the moderators only change the names of the topics. Be sure to register and complete your profile by attaching your

The second line is "copywriters are required." Let's go and look at offers. Feel free to submit your candidacy. I also had contacts here, and if my memory does not fail me, I work with one to this day. Don't be lazy and offer a trial job. If you are confident in yourself - it will not be difficult to do, and the customer will see your skills, as they say - in person.

Bulletin board

Let me be clear, this is not a fake site. There are a lot of proposals and scam projects. But we don't need it. I'll show you exactly where to find job offers for copywriters. Copy the link and paste it into the browser - http://rabotunaidu.ru/c1_rabota_na_domu_vakansii.html. You can register if you don't want to. The link leads to the main page. Bright, beautiful, but too much.

Various offers and bright slogans. Foolishly, you can run into an unpleasant waste of money. I marked in red, a small word in the right sitebar - copywriting. Click on the tab and go to the next page.

I highlighted the sentences in red. Let's open each and see what's on offer. Don't let it scare you that some sentences say "work for moms on maternity leave." The section contains offers of orders for copywriters. Feel free to follow the link and read. There are a lot of options here. Not only for copywriters, but also for content managers. Contact customers directly by mail. But just remember Such cases are not isolated, so play it safe.

At the last service, I found a good customer. I can’t say for sure, but for six months I then provided myself with a job. There was some kind of electronics company, I did product descriptions for the store. Actually, the bulletin board is good because it is for the most part that shops and various companies. Working as a copywriter with such customers means gaining invaluable experience in selling texts. In my opinion, each author is simply obliged to work in an online store or another company that sells any product.

That's all. I will be glad if these services come in handy, and if you have already found orders for copywriters on these sites, it is interesting to know your opinions about clients.

Video on the topic is another way to find customers for a copywriter.

Good afternoon, to all those who are now reading this article. Today I will share practical information that every webmaster should know. But is it really so? Everything seems to be clear: you go to and find there. It also seemed to me that I knew everything, that everything was very simple. However, my first few attempts failed.

First, I found a copywriter who constantly put off my assignments for later. Then I found a copywriter who wrote with errors, well, and then there was a copywriter who wrote: "just to write." It began to seem to me that I would never be able to find such a person who would do his job well. But in one beautiful moment, I still found a responsible performer who does his job the way it seemed to me no one would ever do. Ugh, ugh, ugh 🙂

So, all the basic information I tell in this video:

I won’t throw off hundreds of screens with arrows where you need to click. If you have reached the point where you need your own copywriter, then you already know how to perform such simple operations as registration.

After watching the video, or rather while watching it, you will find out that the site where you can find a copywriter is located at this address:.

I also throw off the promised template with the terms of reference:

Article requirements:

  1. Primary key;
  2. Additional keys;
  3. Additional keys;
  4. Etc…

The main key, it is desirable to use at the beginning of the article. In the first paragraph. It cannot be bowed and the words in it cannot be changed in places. It can only be used once in a text.

Key words should be distributed throughout the text. You don't have to line them all up. You don't have to put them all in the headlines. Add. keys can be tilted.

  • Check the article for errors here: tech.yandex.ru/speller;
  • Uniqueness by ETXT and Advego is not less than 95%;
  • Academic Nausea according to Advego is not more than 7.5%, nausea according to the word is not more than 2.5%.

What advice can you give? Have any readers had this experience? If there is, then unsubscribe in the comments, I'm very interested. Yes probably and not only to me, but also to many readers.

Actually, that's all I have. Think, now you know how to find a good copywriter. I sincerely hope that the material was useful to many. See you in the next articles.

Sincerely, Sergey Ivanisov.

The first 9 attempts ended in failure, but the 10th paid off the previous nine


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