Kindergarten spring matinee script. Spring matinee in the preparatory group. Scenario. The game "And we sowed millet"

Scenario of the Spring matinee in the 1st junior group "Unusual rose flower"

The scenario is intended for children 1 junior group. Will be of interest to kindergarten teachers nursery group.
Target: consolidation of children's knowledge on the topic "Spring", creating a joyful mood in children.
1. Develop communication, curiosity.
1. Cultivate interest in music.
1. Form elementary representations about spring.
2. Stimulate the activity of children in singing, musical and rhythmic movements.
Children go in search of an extraordinary flower, on the way they meet fairy-tale heroes which will help you find the flower.
Children enter to the music and stand in a circle

A stream in the ravine was murmured,
Birds flew in from the south,
The sun is warming in the morning - she came to visit us ... (Spring)
Around flowers and songs, and the sun's rays.
Our children meet a cheerful spring day.
We will sing a song to Spring, we will invite the children to visit!
"Come, Spring!" - round dance
Guys, look, a letter has arrived to us. And what does it say?
(Reads the letter)
“Everyone who meets spring here
I invite you with a bow
Play, have fun
Laugh, frolic. "
- Do you want to go to the forest on a visit to Spring? ... Then all get on the steam locomotive!
(They sit in a locomotive, "ride" to the music in the forest. Then they stand in a circle.)

- So we arrived in the forest. Look how beautiful it is here ... (a short conversation about the signs of spring). Let's call Spring Red!
Come spring! - hands up
We are all waiting for you! - arms to the chest.
Sunshine, shine! - "flashlights"
Let the streams run! - hands "wave"
Let the birds fly! They are shouting about spring! - flap "wings"
Music sounds, children dance. During the dance, spring enters and dances with the children.

(Children sit on chairs)
Spring. Hello guys. Here I am - Spring. She walked along the ground with warm steps.

I brought the sun, hot, radiant. And it walks in the sky, in the clear.
Are you glad guys? Are you happy or not? I want an answer.
Are you glad to see me, children? (Yes)
Do you know poems about spring?
(Children recite poetry)
1. The cute forest has changed. There were many miracles in him.
Why is the sun shining brightly and purely from heaven?

2. Why does a green leaf tend upward here and there?
Why are the birds singing loudly songs on the branches?

3. Why are the animals in the forest now not up to sleep?
Because, guys, spring has come to visit us again.

4. Let the icicles melt as soon as possible, the sun shines stronger.
The kids are very glad that spring has come again.

5. Rain in my native city, the nights have become less.
Buds blossomed on the trees under the window.

6. An affectionate sun shines through our window,
I gave golden rays to children!

7. The rays of the spring sun stretched out
And on the holiday happily dropped in to the children!

8. In the window I saw how the sun was shining in the garden.
How much light and warmth. Spring has come to us.

"Unusual rose flower"
(Music sounds. Butterfly flies).
Spring. A butterfly flew to us, she sat on a bush.
What kind of news are you bringing us? Singing a song out loud?
I’ll tell you guys about a flower in my forest.
On the spring lawn, the sun stretched out a ray
And the green flower pulled at the bangs.

(The butterfly flew away)

Spring... I will go to the spring forest, I will find a magic color. (Goes behind the screen).
Leading... Spring walks through the forest, meets animals on the way.
(A Hare appears behind the screen with a handkerchief).
Hare. Hello kids: girls and boys!
Bunny is dancing on the green lawn with a handkerchief.
He takes a handkerchief in his paws, dances and sings merrily.
Do you guys want to dance with me?
Leading. Of course we do. (Distributes handkerchiefs to children)
Dance with handkerchiefs.

(The Bear appears, the Hare runs away).
Bear. R-R-R! Woke me up, bunny!
Spring. Hello, slothful Bear!
The flower of unprecedented beauty blossomed by the river.
Whoever finds a flower will be happy for a whole year.
Mishutka, help me, how to find a flower, tell me!
Bear. Spring is red, your path is far, that path leads to the woods.
Go along the path to the forest, boldly walk along it!
And you, funny little ones, will teach a new Bear to play.

The game "Bear-toed"(play 2 times)
We walked in a dense forest and met a bear.
He sleeps under the tree, stretched out and snores.
We stomp our feet - top-top.
We clap our hands - clap-clap.
“Bear, Bear, don't sleep! You'd better catch up with us! "
Spring... I walked through the forest for a long time, but I did not find a flower.
I got lost in the forest. I'll shout: "Hey!"
(Children also shout: "Hey!")
(A hedgehog appears).
Hedgehog... I’ll come to the rescue now. Mishenka, come with me, together we will find a flower.

(They are coming with Spring. An unusual flower appears on the screen. Spring is coming to him.)
Spring... Oh oh oh! What a flower! It is magical, pink.
I will breathe in its aroma, I will peel off the petals.
And the kids have delicious sweets in the flower.
(Spring gives a treat to the teacher, says goodbye and leaves).
Leading. We will take treats for the children to the kindergarten. Let's go to kindergarten!
(All "ride" the steam locomotive to the music).
Leading... So we arrived. And now it's time for us to go to the group and enjoy some delicious sweets.

Elena Fomenko
Scenario of the morning performance for March 8 "We invite spring to a holiday" for children of the preparatory group

« We invite spring to a holiday» for children of the preparatory group

To the music, children enter the hall and perform a musical composition and balloons

Leading: Dear guests, mothers and grandmothers! Congratulations on your coming spring, with the first spring holiday!

Day of joy and beauty

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!

1st Child:

Mom is an expensive word

There is warmth and light in that word

We send to our mothers….

2nd Child:

Spring walks through the courtyards

In the rays of warmth and light

Today holiday of our mothers

And we are pleased with it!

3rd Child:

Our kindergarten is glad to congratulate

All mothers around the planet

"Thanks" mom is told

Both adults and children!

4th Child:

Mom is loved by everything in the world

Mom is the best friend!

Not only children love mothers,

They love everyone around.

5th Child:

If, what would not happen

If suddenly trouble

Mommy will come to the rescue

Will always help out!

Song "If mom is near"

Leading: Without spring, everyone knows mom's there is no holiday... Guys, we need call spring... Loud, Loud shout out: “You come, come Spring, we have been waiting for you for a long time! "

Comes out to the music SPRING.


Hello my friends

Came to you on holiday i

I heard your songs

But did I get there?

Is everyone here singing, playing

And me welcome spring?

Children: Yes! Here!


We were waiting for you Spring

We all need you very much


We will play a little

Let's amuse our mothers

May from their bright smiles

It will become more joyful for us.

The game- "Fashionistas"

On two tables lie a purse, a bead and a mirror, a hat and a scarf. There are two playing. To the music, girls need to put on beads, a scarf, a hat as soon as possible, look in the mirror, take a purse, a stroller with a doll and go around in a circle.

The game "Beauty saloon"

On the table are outlines, hairpins, mirrors. Two mothers sit on chairs, children do their mothers' hair as quickly as possible.

Spring: How beautiful, well done guys, they have pleased mothers with new hairstyles.

Leading: Children, look at us at holiday special... two real gentlemen arrived on a flight from London.

Two boys come out

1st Mal .: Sir, what do you think our ladies would like to receive as a present?

2nd Mal .: Well, of course, a Barbie doll.

1st Mal .: But you didn't guess! Admire them, sir! (Girls try on mom's shoes)

2nd Mal .: Yes! With these girls - no sugar!

Do not have time to grow up, they require outfits.

Oh, these ladies, oh, these fashions!

Several girls put on their mother's shoes and line up in front of the guests

1st virgin: Mom is going to work,

He puts on the beads in three rows;

For some reason smiles at the mirror

Like she's a movie star

2nd virgin: I'll sink a little alone,

And then I will open the wardrobe

Oh, how I want to try on beads

Or this hat for example

3rd virgin.: I will grow up and I will be on the stairs

Knock with thin heels

And, like a mom, affectionately and cheerfully

Daughter forgive her pranks.

2 gentlemen towards each other.

1st Mal .: Sir, I see you are concerned about something?

2nd mal .: I just can't decide what to give my grandmother

1st Mal .: Give her a shawl or scarf

2nd mal .: What are you sir! A fashionable hat suits her better, she is slim, beautiful, so fashionable and very young!

Leading: Today on holiday not only mothers came to us, but also grandmothers! We also want to congratulate them!

1st Child:

My grandmother and I are old friends

How good my grandmother is

He knows so many fairy tales that it is impossible to count

And there is always a new one in stock.

2nd Child:

But the grandmother's hands are just a treasure!

My grandmother is not told to be idle.

Gold, dexterous. How I love them!

There are no others, probably not to find such!

3rd Child:

There are many different songs

In the world about everything

And now we have a song for you

We will sing about grandmother.

Song "My grandmother"

Spring: - I congratulate you again,

I wish you to be cheerful!

It's time for me to return

Goodbye friends!

To the music Spring is leaving

Leading: We sang and danced,

How could you be entertained!

Goodbye! Good hour!

Looking forward to holiday you!

Children with mothers and caregivers go to group to drink tea.

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Spring matinee in the first junior group

Children freely enter the hall and sit on high chairs.

Leading: Spring has come to us again,

We will meet the spring.

In the morning the sun rises

Calls the kids for a walk.

Ved. So spring has come to us - a beauty. The snow has melted, the puddles have dried up, the sun is warming more and more affectionately and stronger. The sky is blue every day, the birds chirp merrily, everything comes to life, spring is coming.

Reb. 1: Spring is knocking on the windows,

Sings in every way.

Glitter in the sun

And puddles of water.

Reb. 2: The prankster stream is rustling,

Woke up from sleep.

Came to our land

Spring beauty.


Reb. 3: What the titmouse sings about,

What is the bee singing about?

That again

Spring came.

Reb. 4: Same song

You can hear it from all sides

Spring has come

Spring came.


Ved. Spring is a wonderful time of the year. And you know, not only children rejoice in spring, but also adults and animals. Now they crawl out of their burrows and enjoy the warm sun.

Oh, guys, someone is coming to visit us,

Clubfoot and funny. He's really, really big.

(bear enters, dances)

Ved. Once the bear went to sleep

He began to suck his paw.

With this nipple open mouth,

Slept in a den all winter.

And when spring came

The bear had no time for sleep.

Bear: Oh, they don't hold their legs at all,

Do not go up, do not step,

What to do, how to be!

Veda... : Well, Mishka, sit down and sit,

Look at the guys.

Ved.: Mishka looks, almost cries

The bunny jumps in front of the nose

Ved.: Bunny, darling help

The bear has absolutely no strength!

(The hare carries 2 carrots)

Hare: Whole winter coast

There is no better remedy for the feet.

Bear: Two carrots are a little

It is all the same that it is not at all.

To lift my legs

I need to eat two tons.

Hare: Better get up in the circle

And play with the kids!

The game

(Hedgehog runs)

Hedgehog: I know the remedy for legs

I want to help you

I'm flying with needles.

Have a little patience

And the leg will follow the leg.

(pricks him)

Bear: Enough! Go away, it hurts!

Better someone else

Let him help, dear!

Veda... : And our guys will help you.

Come on, guys, more fun

Do not feel sorry for your legs.


Bear: It's a lot of fun with you

Legs themselves are torn to dance.

But it's time for me to go to the forest,

Goodbye kids!

(Bear leaves)

Ved.: Oh, who came to visit us?

(Spring enters)

Spring. : Good morning, guys, I am a sorceress Spring I am the meadows, and the forest and the field awakened from sleep. Melted ice and snow, gave people light. So let's all sing together a song about spring.


Spring.: Well done kids. But I did not come to visit you empty-handed. I AM funny riddles I brought it to you in the basket.

He loves carrots very much

The trail can be confusing.

Our long-eared coward

And his name is…. (Bunny)

We live in one another.

We are all different sisters:

There are older people, they also eat crumbs,

And all of us are called…. (MATRYOSHKI)

Spring.: Well done, guys!

You have guessed all the riddles!

And here's another one:

They are bright, colorful,

There are reds and blues.

Only take them in your hands

You will start the dance right away!

"Dance with flowers"

Veda... : We, guys, met the spring, Danced and played. The guests and I had fun, And Spring stayed with us.

Spring.: Well, well done guys!

They can dance and sing!

And play, and solve riddles!

And I have prepared a treat for you!

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Spring matinee of the senior group "VESNUSHKA"

Spring passed along the edge
Through spring blue dreams
And the freckles glowed quietly
On the face of the Vesna girl.

Children run into the hall to cheerful music, dance.


All the snowstorms flew away, the cold escaped.

The sun is shining stronger - there is no snow, no ice.

Today is a spring day to you, Spring itself sends greetings.

The ringing of the brook is bird song, she gives for the holiday.

Reb .If the snow melts everywhere, the day gets longer,

If everything is green and there is a stream running in the fields,

If the wind has become warmer, if the birds are not up to sleep,

If the sun is shining brighter, then it has come to us ...

TOGETHER: Spring!!!


Spring, spring is coming, and the birds are all singing.

And in the meadow, spring flowers are already blooming.

Reb. On the thaw, golden flowers bloomed.

The kidneys were poured and swollen. Bumblebees sing on the fly.


The nightingale heard them and clicked among the branches.

New grass whispers, words of this song.


The sparrow carried her away above the maples and birches.

Raised straight to heaven and learns himself.


Sparrow, we help, together we sing a song.

About spring, a beauty that everyone likes.

Song: "Spring came"


Spring has good fellow travelers.

In order to awaken nature from sleep, Spring sends the rays of the sun in front of itself.

Children come out with yellow ribbons in their hands.

1.Luch. You hear, Spring is coming! In a hurry, in a hurry. Through the blizzards, white snow, her path lies to us.

2.Luch. Animals, birds, kids. She sends her hello!

3.Luch. And to warn everyone. She sent us ahead!

Dance of the sunbeams.

Ved.In the spring nature comes to life, everyone rejoices in the warmth, the spring sun, the birds chirp merrily.

And what kind of bird is this, small in height, sat on a birch, sang a song for us.

The song "We were sitting at the window, spring knocked on us"

Ved. You hear?

Someone sings a song, and goes to our holiday?

I think Spring is coming, awakened from sleep.

to the cheerful music, Freckle runs into the hall, dances, distributes freckles to everyone.

Freckle.Hello everyone! Here I am. Didn't you recognize me?

I am Freckle - Konopushka. All the guys know me.

Love for my beauty. I appear in the spring, at the children’s nose.


It's good that you came. We are pleased with this.

But a freckle. Where is Spring?


Lost somewhere. There is still snow in the forest, the sun is shining a little.

Who knows where she is? Where has Spring gone?

Magpie flies in

Magpie.I. Soroka. I, Magpie. I fly far away. I am Magpie - white-sided, I know the news.

rumor has passed that Spring is sleeping in the hut.

Freckle... We will go to the dense forest. Where Vesna lives, we will find it!

EVERYONE goes to the forest


Look at you Freckle. There is a hut in the middle of nowhere.

Spring-red lives in it. It's time for us to knock (knock) _

Spring sleeps. But he doesn't hear us. To make the beautiful Vesna come out to us and wake up from her sleep?


And I know how to be here. How to wake up Spring for us.

You guys do not yawn, sing along the song!

The song "Spring is coming"


I wake up, I wake up. Going up, going up


Spring woke up in the house. She dressed, smiled.

And he goes to visit us. Through fields and forests.

music sounds, Spring and the Sun come out of the house

Spring:Hello guys. Here I am Spring. I walked along the ground with warm steps. I brought a hot, radiant sun.

And it walks in the clear sky!

Sun:Are you glad to see me children?

Children: Yes!

Sun:Get in a circle then. Let it whirl, our spring round dance will sing.

Round dance "Hot spring sun"


We had a lot of fun, we played with the Sun.

Veda... Come on, children, come out. You will collect the rays of the sun.

Game "Collect the Sun's Rays"

Veda... We played very cheerfully and were not at all tired. For the beauty of Spring, we read poetry.

Children recite poetry

Spring:The sun is shining brightly, and streams are running. Flowers grew in a clearing in the forest.

Ved.Look at the sun, it began to warm up and the girls went for a walk in the woods.

dance with flowers

Spring: Glad you called me. I'm glad they were looking for me.

I ask you guys, sing a song for me.

The song "Spring-red is coming and sings a song"

Spring: You welcomed me with kindness.

Songs were greeted amicably.

Thank you for the fun. I brought you a treat (treats the children)

Veda... And it's time for us to say goodbye. We wish you all peace and good!


Laid out a stream in a ravine

Birds flew in from the south

The sun warms up in the morning

She came to visit us ...


LEADING: We sing a song in the spring

We'll invite the children to visit

(song "Kap-Kap ...")

1. "Drop-drop-drop water

It's spring, spring,

The sun has warmed

The birds have arrived.

2. Chick-chick-chick-chirp

The sparrows are singing.

Fly fun.

The grains are being harvested ... "

(includes "Spring")


I hear, I hear you guys.

I'm in a hurry to see you in the clearing.

You have a bouquet of beautiful, delicate

I carry snowdrops!

Hello guys!


You are spring red

What did you come with?


With spring juice

With the sky high

With melted water

With play-fun

(game "Collect snowdrops")

SPRING: I brought you flowers - snowdrops, here are how many of them are in the meadow. I want to see who will put them in the basket faster.

SPRING: Well done, guys! We collected all the snowdrops. Yes, so dexterous and fast!

LEADING: Spring, you sit down, rest, and the guys and I will sing you a song.

(dance "Sun")

1.This is how the sun rises -

Higher, higher, higher!

By nightfall, the sun will set

Below, below, below.

Chorus: Okay, okay

The sun is laughing

And under the sun everyone

It's fun to sing!

SPRING: Ay guys, well done!

LEADING: You, spring-red,

Who did you come to visit?


With spring messengers,

Happy starlings!

The starlings are singing songs

In the field, worms peck.

(song "Starlings")

Spring, spring, spring has come

The starlings are flying home!

Spring, spring, spring has come

And the garden blooms!


Spring has a lot of worries

Warm the dense forest with the sun

And in the forest, in his den

The bear is waking up!

(the bear leaves the den and falls asleep again)

LEADING: The bear fell asleep again! Shall we try to wake him up?

(game "Oh, you are a sloth-bear")

"Oh you, Sloth Bear,

You slept long and deep

To wake the bear

We will beat our hands together.

We won't let Mishka sleep

Let's knock with our feet.

Nothing works

Our bear does not wake up

So let's stomp

And clap your hands loudly. "

BEAR: You woke me up, thanks! How smart and beautiful you are. You have a holiday?


BEAR: Which one then?

LEADING: It's a cheerful, bright, wonderful mother's day

Starlings chirp songs, drops ring in the morning.

LEADING: Our guys know poems about mom and now they will tell them.

(children read poetry)

BEAR: Wonderful poems, I'll go too, congratulate my mom on the holiday!


Well, I must go.

Everyone greeted me with kindness

They greeted me with song and dance.

I will give everyone a gift

I will not whitewash anyone.

(handing out treats, saying goodbye, leaving).


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