11 socio-psychological methods of personnel management. The use of socio-psychological methods in personnel management (on the example of the company OOO 'SimCityTrans'). Behavior and methods of influence

The effectiveness of this group of methods is ensured by the optimal combination with the previously discussed methods of personnel management.

Socio-psychological management methods are methods and techniques for influencing interpersonal relationships and social processes occurring inside labor collective.

Socio-psychological methods are methods of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology.

The mechanism for applying this group of methods is based on the knowledge of the psychophysiological characteristics of the worker. Their implementation involves the comprehensive development of labor resources, increasing the level of maturity, labor activity of personnel, creating satisfactory working conditions and interaction between employees. This group of methods creates a favorable psychological climate in the team and is focused on meeting the social needs of the staff. A sense of stability, reliability of the position, commitment to one's work and enterprise, the desire for self-improvement, creativity are considered as factors that have a direct impact on the performance of the organization.

The object of influence of these methods are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods which are aimed at groups of people and their interaction in the production process (the outer world of man); psychological methods, which directly affect the personality of a particular person (the inner world of a person).

According to the direction of influence, socio-psychological methods of management are divided into two interrelated groups:

1) methods and techniques of influence aimed directly at a particular employee, taking into account his individual and personal characteristics;

2) methods of managing a group or team of an enterprise, which is a single social organism.

According to the methods of influence, there are:

Methods that take into account the psychology of personality behavior;

Methods for the formation of social interaction within the team;

Methods of formation of social factors of labor, provision of working conditions, life and rest of workers.

Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team. Elements adjustable with sociological methods, include: social planning, sociological research methods,

Social planning can be considered especially important for the implementation of the effectiveness of the organization's activities, which ensures the setting of social goals and criteria, the development of social standards (standard of living, wages, housing needs, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, the achievement of final social results.

Sociological research methods constitute a scientific toolkit for working with personnel, they provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel and allow reasonable personnel decisions to be made. Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information through a mass survey of people using special questionnaires. Interviewing involves preparation before the conversation, then, during the dialogue with the interlocutor, obtaining the necessary information. An interview is an ideal variant of a conversation with a leader, political or statesman, it requires a high qualification of the interviewer and a lot of time. An interview is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational events, when small personnel tasks are solved in an informal conversation.

In the process of communication and / or application of sociological methods, the interlocutors implicitly pay attention to various aspects, such as personal qualities, respect, morality, partnership, negotiation skills, etc.

So, knowledge of sociological management methods allows the team leader to objectively carry out social planning, regulate the socio-psychological climate, ensure effective communications and maintain a good corporate culture. To do this, it is advisable to systematically (at least once a year) conduct sociological research in a team; it is especially useful to know the opinion of team members about the leader.

Psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, since they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise. Elements regulated through psychological methods include:

Psychological planning is a new direction in work with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the enterprise team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of a person's personality, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. The most important results of psychological planning include:

Formation of divisions (teams) on the basis of psychological compliance of employees;

Comfortable psychological climate in the team;

Formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the enterprise;

Minimization of psychological conflicts (irritations, resentment, stress);

Development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees;

The growth of the intellectual abilities of the team members and the level of their education;

Formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

It is advisable that psychological planning and regulation be carried out by a professional psychological service of the enterprise, consisting of social psychologists.

The application of socio-psychological methods is based on the study of internal values, ideals, beliefs of a person, which determine the type of motivational orientation of an employee. Its compliance with the parameters of the enterprise management system, organizational culture should be considered as internal factors of business competitiveness. Group values ​​(norms) determine the behavior of the group in the process of fulfilling the tasks assigned to it. Socio-psychological management methods are associated with the study of these norms and the influence of the leader on the process of their formation.

In this part, they are an integral element of group dynamics. In the practical activities of a manager, the methods of forming effective groups, their rallying, the development of group activity, and the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate are widely used. Methods of social interaction are based on the use of certain norms, and, above all, social ones.

With the help of socio-psychological management methods, conditions are formed for experimentation, reorganization and improvement of labor processes. Psychological support for non-standard-minded employees who are able to propose and implement new ideas contributes to the growth of the organization's competitiveness in the market. The level of its social protection influences the efficiency of the work of the personnel. A high probability of maintaining the workplace in which the employee is interested, guarantees of remuneration, its conditions, and health protection creates a sense of security, stability, and loyalty to the organization. A special place is occupied by methods of socio-psychological stimulation of the work of personnel, which provide for the implementation of a whole range of measures that interest the personnel in achieving better results.

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Socio-psychological methods of personnel management

Socio-psychological methods of management are based on the use of the social mechanism of management (the system of relationships in the team, social needs, etc.). Modern concept management puts forward as priorities: preservation, cooperation, quality, partnership, integration. At the center of the strategic concept of personnel management is the person as the highest value for the organization. Such a complex organism as the personnel of a modern organization cannot be considered from the standpoint of containing only its formal structure and decomposing it into separate parts. The management model with the help of socio-psychological methods is shown in fig. one.

It should be noted that this scheme is rather conditional, since the result is influenced by many factors other than human. It is logical to consider the behavior of an employee as a result of his activities in the organization, which is an integral part of the feedback.

Socio-psychological methods come from motivation and moral influence on people and are known as "methods of persuasion". The specificity of these methods lies in a significant proportion of the use of informal factors, the interests of the individual, group, team in the process of personnel management. Socio-psychological methods are based on the use of laws of sociology and psychology. The object of their influence are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods, which are aimed at groups of people and their interaction in the process of work; psychological methods that directly affect the personality of a particular person. Such a division is rather arbitrary, since in modern social production a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychology. but effective management by human resourses, consisting of a set of highly developed personalities, involves knowledge of both sociological and psychological methods. The positive and negative effects of socio-psychological methods are reflected in the table in Annex 4.

It must be emphasized that economic and socio-psychological methods are of an indirect nature of managerial influence. It is impossible to count on the automatic action of these methods and it is difficult to determine the strength of their influence on the final effect.

Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.

The classification of elements regulated with the help of sociological methods is shown in the scheme of Appendix 5. Within the framework of this work, their detailed study was carried out.

Social planning makes it possible to form social goals and criteria, develop social standards (standard of living, wages, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, contributes to the achievement of final social results: an increase in life expectancy, a decrease in the incidence rate, an increase in the level of education and qualifications of employees, a reduction in industrial injuries and etc.

Sociological research constitutes a scientific toolkit in working with personnel, they provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel and allow reasonable personnel decisions to be made. Modern methods sociological research is very diverse and may include: questionnaires, interviews, sociometric observations, interviews, etc.

Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information through a mass survey of people using special questionnaires. Questioning is the most common of sociological methods and allows obtaining data as close as possible to the real opinions of respondents due to the anonymity of the questionnaire, as well as revealing not only individual facts, but also the significance of individual factors for respondents.

The problem of sampling arises every time when it is necessary to collect information about homogeneous groups of people. Sampling is used in "hard" survey methods, i.e. in a questionnaire or formalized interview. A sample is a subset of the general population that allows more or less accurate conclusions about the qualities, opinions, and characteristics of the population as a whole. The sample is used, first of all, in order to save the effort and money of researchers, because. complete survey requires significant financial and labor costs, which may be wasted if some flaws were made in the development of the methodology.

Interviewing involves preparing a script (program) before the conversation, then, during the dialogue with the interlocutor, obtaining the necessary information. An interview is an ideal variant of a conversation with a leader, politician or statesman, it is widely used in evaluating candidates for vacant positions, but at the same time it requires a high qualification of the interviewer and a lot of time.

The sociometric method is used to diagnose interpersonal and intergroup relations in order to change, improve and improve them. The totality of interpersonal relations in a group constitutes that primary socio-psychological structure, the characteristics of which determine not only the integral characteristics of the group, but also the state of mind of a person. With the help of sociometry, you can study the typology social behavior people in the conditions of group activity, to judge the socio-psychological compatibility of members of specific groups. Sociometric methods make it possible to express intra-group relations in the form of numerical values ​​and graphs and thus obtain valuable information about the state of the group.

The most general task of sociometry is to study the informal structural aspect of a social group and the psychological atmosphere that reigns in it. The sociometric procedure is carried out in order to:

1) measurement of the degree of cohesion-disunity in the group;

2) identification of "sociometric positions", that is, the correlative authority of group members on the basis of sympathy-antipathy, where the "leader" of the group and the "rejected" are at the extreme poles;

3) detection of intra-group subsystems, close-knit formations, which may be headed by their informal leaders.

A sociometric card is compiled at the final stage of developing a sociometric research program. The results of card processing can be presented in the form of a sociomatrix, a sociogram, and in the form of sociometric indices. Depending on the ratio of the sociometric status index and the emotional expansiveness index, each member of the group can be attributed to one or another subgroup.

Personal qualities characterize the external image of an employee, which is quite stable in the team and is an integral part of the sociology of personality. Personal qualities can be divided into business (organizational), which are necessary to perform specific functions and tasks, and moral (moral), reflecting the manifestation of a person's personal morality. In personnel work, it is also necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of employees, on the basis of which the appropriate workplace, a service career is planned and promotion is provided.

Partnership is an important component of any social group and consists in establishing various forms of relationships on the basis of which people communicate. In partnership, people act as equal members in the relationship between themselves, in contrast to the formal relationship between the leader and the subordinate, where there is a dependence of one person on another.

In partnership, relationships are built on the basis of mutually acceptable psychological methods of persuasion: imitation, requests, advice, praise. When at work business relations are maintained in the form of friendly partnerships and common hobbies, this always contributes to the creation of a good psychological climate in the team.

Competition is a specific form of social relations and is characterized by the desire of people for success, superiority, achievements and self-affirmation. The history of competition comes from the depths of centuries. It was a form of survival of the best representatives of the genus - strong, intelligent, courageous, healthy, and eventually became driving force development of society. The results of the competition are new discoveries, inventions, works of art, records in sports, achievements in production.

Communication is a specific form of interaction between people based on the continuous exchange of information. Interpersonal communication occurs between different people in the forms of leader - subordinate - employee - friend and other more complex forms of communication between several people. Personal communication takes place in simple forms of relationship between a manager and a subordinate, employees among themselves, when there are two subjects of communication. Managerial communication includes three main stages: issuance of administrative information; receiving feedback; issuance of evaluation information.

Negotiations are a specific form of human communication when two or more parties with different goals and objectives try to link different interests based on a well-thought-out conversation (dialogue) scheme and, as a rule, avoid direct conflict. In the most general terms, we can talk about three main stages of negotiation:

1) mutual clarification of interests, points of view, concepts and positions of participants;

2) their discussion (promotion of arguments in support of their views, proposals, their justification);

3) coordination of positions and development of agreements.

Conflict is a form of confrontation between the opposing sides, which has its own plot, composition, energy, which in the course of action transform into a climax and denouement and end with a positive or negative solution to the problem. There are three groups of causes of conflict relations: due to the labor process, the psychological characteristics of human relationships and the personal originality of group members. Conflicts are also distinguished by their significance for the organization and the way they are resolved and resolved, in particular, interpersonal conflicts, personal conflict between external environment and internal morality, conflicts over the distribution of roles at work, business conflicts due to a clash of interests of various departments, family conflicts over various problems and etc.

Within the framework of socio-conflict analysis, the interrelationships of people within the framework of their relations in the production team are studied. Firstly, these are interconnections of a functional nature, determined by joint labor activity. Secondly, these are interrelations arising from the belonging of workers to one production team. Thirdly, these are interconnections of a psychological nature, caused by the needs of people in communication. Based on these relationships, the following main types of conflicts that disrupt the successful implementation of the corresponding connection have been identified:

1) conflicts, which are a reaction to obstacles to the achievement of the main goals of labor activity;

2) conflicts that arise as a reaction to obstacles to achieving the personal goals of employees in the framework of their joint work activities;

3) conflicts arising from the perception of the behavior of team members as inconsistent with accepted social norms of joint labor activity;

4) purely personal conflicts between employees, due to the incompatibility of individual psychological characteristics, sharp differences in needs, interests, value orientations, and the level of culture in general.

Thus, knowledge of sociological management methods allows the team leader to objectively carry out social planning, regulate the socio-psychological climate, ensure effective communications and maintain a good corporate culture. To this end, it is advisable to systematically (at least once a year) conduct sociological research in a team.

Psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, because are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise. The classification of elements regulated using psychological methods is shown in the diagram of Appendix 6. Let's consider their characteristics.

Psychological planning is a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the team. It includes:

1) setting development goals and developing performance criteria production activities,

2) substantiation of psychological standards,

3) creation of methods for planning the socio-psychological climate and achieving final results.

The results of psychological planning are:

1) the formation of units (groups) taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees;

2) creating a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team;

3) the formation of personal motivation of employees based on the philosophy of the organization;

4) minimization of interpersonal conflicts;

5) development of models of professional promotion of employees based on psychological orientation;

6) the growth of intellectual abilities and the level of qualification of personnel;

7) formation organizational culture based on the norms of behavior and images of "effective" employees.

It is advisable that psychological planning and regulation be carried out by a professional psychological service of the enterprise, consisting of social psychologists.

Methods of psychological influence are the most important components of psychological management methods. They summarize the necessary and legally permitted methods of psychological impact on personnel to coordinate the actions of employees in the process of joint production activities. Among the permitted methods of psychological influence are: suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, inducement, coercion, condemnation, demand, prohibition, censure, command, false expectations, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice.

The response to psychological techniques and methods of control are mood, feelings and behavior. Mood is a weakly expressed emotional experience that has not yet reached a stable and conscious certainty. Feeling is a special kind of emotional experience that has a clearly expressed objective character and is characterized by comparative stability. They reflect the moral experiences of a person's real relationship with the environment in the form of emotions. There are: moral, aesthetic, patriotic and intellectual feelings. According to the degree of manifestation of feelings, emotional states are distinguished: appeasement, involvement, experience, threat, horror. Behavior is expressed in a set of interrelated reactions carried out by a person to adapt to the environment.

Specialists refer five positions to the number of significant factors in the behavior of employees.

1. Motivation to work - understanding the connection between the satisfaction of individual needs and interests with the quality and quantity of labor. This also includes the presence of strong motives that encourage labor activity, and the use of organizational opportunities to improve labor performance.

2. Professional competence - the level of knowledge, skills and experience that determine the effectiveness of professional activity. Organizational commitment - commitment to organizational goals and values. The degree of commitment determines the employee's readiness to take personal responsibility for the result of work and business relations, as well as to optimally use the possibilities of the environment to solve the tasks.

3. Circle of communication - a set of people with whom the employee interacts and who influence his behavior. There are the following circles of communication:

1) the nearest, which includes a limited number of people with whom there is a free discussion of any problems;

2) periodic - people with whom there is a regular discussion of official issues;

3) episodic - these are all other colleagues and acquaintances.

4. Social roles - a set of actions expected from a person in accordance with his individual characteristics and place in the organizational hierarchy. The role dictates the rules of behavior and makes it predictable. The social roles of subordinates are distinguished by the method of obtaining, direction, degree of certainty, degree of formalization and degree of emotionality. The role behavior of a subordinate depends on the following personal characteristics:

1) character;

2) features of perception and assessment of their role;

3) the acceptability of the role for the individual;

4) compliance with the possibilities and desires.

5. Social status is an assessment by others of the personality of the employee and the roles he performs, which determines his real or expected place in the system of social relations. The types of employee status are:

2) formal status, determined by the position, privileges, earnings, the importance of the tasks to be solved.

The development of the situation in the organization is largely determined by the behavior of employees. Behavior, in turn, changes depending on the transformation of needs and interests, priorities, moods, self-confidence, etc. The ability to predict the development of the situation and the likely reactions of employees allows the manager to make the best decisions in a timely manner to ensure the fulfillment of organizational tasks. The forecasting process consists of the following sequence of actions.

1. Identification of symptoms - a series of facts and events that, taken together, do not give grounds to draw certain conclusions, but alert and encourage activity in the search for additional information.

2. Search and analysis of information - the collection and processing of various facts that give reason to draw a certain conclusion (diagnosis) and make a decision regarding the subject of concern.

3. Modeling: possible scenarios for the development of events and probable patterns of people's behavior; alternatives for their actions; consequences of the development of the situation and their actions.

When predicting behavior, one should take into account the conscious control and regulation of one's behavior by the employee. Depending on the degree of conscious control, the following models of people's behavior are distinguished.

1. Unconsciously controlled behavior patterns, provoked by subconscious motives and unconditional instincts. They are more likely to appear in situations of stress, emergency and danger. People also tend not to control their behavior in a situation where consciousness is "clouded" or entirely focused on a particular object.

2. Partially mind-controlled patterns of behavior (habits), determined by conditional instincts and stereotypes of perception. The vast majority of actions performed by a person every day are partially controlled by his consciousness, since these actions have been worked out to automatism. A person is confident in a positive result or does not highly appreciate the result.

3. Mind-controlled behavior patterns. These behaviors are associated with the acquisition of new experience, intellectual efforts, primarily with learning. A person tries to control his behavior in a situation only when he knows that others appreciate him, or the result is important to him.

As part of this study, the factors that make it possible to predict people's behavior are identified:

1. Revision - interpretation of events and situations in order to present oneself in a more favorable light. Goals: justification of their decisions and actions; desire to give vent to feelings; psychological comfort.

2. Projection - the tendency to attribute one's motives to other people. It is based on individual stereotypes of perception, features of comparison and evaluation, habits.

3. Displacement - a reaction to the psychological state of discomfort due to the dissatisfaction of needs and the search for a "scapegoat". Purpose: psychological relaxation, sublimation.

4. Suppression - the exclusion from consciousness of thoughts about experiences and needs that are unpleasant and cause suffering. It is accompanied by a refusal to take into account all factors, as well as a refusal of self-control in responsibility for the result.

5. The formation of reactive reactions - the conscious suppression of strong and undesirable motives from society with the involuntary realization of these motives in behavior. The principle "it is impossible, but if you want, then you can." This is the result of a person's non-recognition or ignorance of his true hierarchy of needs and interests, and / or a reaction to the dictates of external circumstances and the inability of volitional processes to control.

6. Protection of one's own dignity - a reaction to the infringing personal viability of internal self-esteem and comparison with others; the desire to protect their "I" and increase self-esteem.

7. Execution social roles. How more active life person, the greater the number of social roles he performs. Each role is characterized by a certain "set" of behaviors. It is necessary to take into account the dictate of social norms and one's own experience in the performance of social roles.

8. Rationalization - the ability to take into account factors in the maximum possible consequences of their actions. Depends on experience, intellect, integrity of perception of the world in the direction of the individual. The orientation of the personality is the dominant motive that determines human behavior for a long time.

9. Double standards - the difference in a person's reaction to one in the same act, depending on their interest. A person, as a rule, reacts sharply to the actions of others, which infringe on his interests in dignity. However, this same person shows indifference and lack of understanding of the corresponding reactions of other people, "touched to the quick" by his behavior or words.

The technique of predicting behavior is based on the identification of three components of the behavior of any person.

1. General - behavior characteristic of all people in a particular situation.

2. Special - behavior characteristic of a certain group of people in a particular situation.

3. Specific - behavior that is characteristic exclusively for a given person in a particular situation.

Table 1

Elements of Behavior

Prediction Probability

Common to all people

High probability of forecasting and modeling

Special, characteristic for representatives of a certain group of workers (character, gender, age, work experience, experience, profession, ambitions, status, ethnicity, education, marital status etc.)

The possibilities of forecasting are determined by: the totality of social groups to which the employee belongs; reliability of information about the typical behavior of these groups in a particular situation

Specific, characteristic exclusively for this employee

The possibilities of forecasting are limited by the reliability of knowledge of the characteristics of a particular employee

The behavior of any person is determined by his motivation. Only motives (needs and interests) encourage people to change inaction to activity and set goals for their activities. The results of the expert survey allow us to conclude that:

1) 12% of people consider money as the main motive for their activity;

2) 38% - recognition;

3) 35% - job satisfaction;

4) 15% - power.

Experts also identified common patterns that determine people's behavior:

1) the closer and real the goal is perceived, the stronger the desire to achieve it;

2) the more dangerous and complex the activity to achieve the goal is perceived, the weaker the readiness for it.

Conclusions to Chapter 1

Given the evolution of management concepts, it should be noted that personnel management requires a systematic approach that combines both "resource management" through the formation of the necessary human resources, and "personnel management" through strict regulation of its activities and motivation for "ideal" behavior that implements strategies companies.

An important task of managing the social processes of an organization is the use various kinds social and humanitarian technologies as a set of means for streamlining, reproducing and updating the social environment of an organization, as a kind of algorithm for obtaining the desired results in this matter. Such technologies, based on knowledge about a person, the content and forms of social ties, are used in management activities to humanize labor, create conditions most favorable for teamwork, and free and versatile development of the individual.

It is very important for social service officials to respect social priorities. With limited material, financial and other resources, priority should be given to what contributes to the achievement of the main goals of the organization, meets the improvement of the quality of working life.

Socio-psychological methods, first of all, are distinguished by their motivational characteristic, which determines the direction of influence, since they are based on moral values. They are developed in relation to the conditions of a certain culture, reflect its system of values ​​and norms of behavior: individual and group interests, interpersonal and intergroup relations, motivation and control of human behavior.

Study of the main directions of work in the modern organization. Psychological methods of recruitment and selection of personnel. Methods of personnel management in OOO "SimCityTrans". Factors affecting the behavior of workers. Psychological aspects of motivation.

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Socio-psychological methods are based on creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team and providing opportunities for the development and implementation of the personal abilities of employees, which as a result will lead to an increase in satisfaction and, as a result, the efficiency of the work of employees and the enterprise as a whole. Important mechanisms of socio-psychological methods of management are persuasion, criticism, information, and the leader's speech to people. Thanks to the use of these methods, labor motivation mechanisms that are not related to the satisfaction of material needs are turned on. Such methods practically do not require material costs. However, the disadvantage is that incentives based on people's material needs are not used. In addition, it is very difficult to predict the results of the use of socio-psychological methods in the board.

The main goal of applying this group of methods is the formation of a positive socio-psychological climate in the team, thanks to which educational, organizational and economic tasks are largely solved. In other words, the goals set for the team can be achieved using one of the most important criteria for the effectiveness and quality of work - the human factor. The ability to take into account the "human factor" will allow the manager to purposefully influence the team, create favorable working conditions and, ultimately, form a team with common goals and objectives.

The need to use socio-psychological methods in the practice of managing an organization is obvious, since they allow you to take into account the motives of activity and the needs of employees in a timely manner, see the prospects for changing a particular situation, and make optimal management decisions.

Techniques and methods of socio-psychological influence are largely determined by the preparedness of the leader, his competence, organizational skills and knowledge in the field of social psychology. Socio-psychological methods of leadership require that at the head of the team there are people who are flexible enough, able to use various aspects of management. The success of the leader in this direction depends on how correctly he applies various forms socio-psychological impact, which, ultimately, will form healthy interpersonal relationships. Planning can be recommended as the main forms of such an impact. social development labor collectives, persuasion as a method of education and personality formation, economic competition, criticism and self-criticism, permanent production meetings, which act as a method and as a form of participation of workers in management, various kinds of rituals and rituals.

According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups:

  • - sociological methods that are aimed at groups of people and their interactions in the production process (the outer world of man);
  • - psychological methods that directly affect the personality of a particular person (the inner world of a person).

Such a division is rather conditional, because in modern social production, a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychology. However, the effective management of human resources, consisting of a set of highly developed personalities, requires knowledge of both sociological and psychological methods.

Let's consider them in more detail:

Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.

Among sociological methods, social planning and methods of sociological research should be noted.

Social planning provides setting social goals and criteria, developing social standards (standard of living, wages, need for housing, working conditions, etc.), targets and indicators for achieving final social results. These indicators include: an increase in life expectancy, a decrease in the incidence rate, an increase in the level of education and qualifications of workers, a reduction in industrial injuries, an increase in living space per employee, etc.

Methods of sociological research constitute a scientific toolkit for working with personnel, they provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel and allow you to reasonably make personnel decisions.

The objects of study and influence of sociological management methods are: personal qualities of employees, morality, partnership, competition, communication, negotiations, conflicts.

Personal qualities characterize the external image of an employee, which is quite stable in the team and is an integral part of the sociology of personality. Personal qualities can be divided into business (organizational), which are necessary to perform specific functions and tasks, and moral (moral), reflecting the manifestation of a person's personal morality. In personnel work, it is also necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of employees, on the basis of which they select a workplace, plan a career and ensure promotion.

Morality is a special form of social consciousness that regulates the actions and behavior of a person in society with the help of moral norms. In the process of the historical development of mankind, moral norms have received ordinary expression in the form of folk wisdom and ideological justification in religious teachings based on the ideals of good and evil, honor and dishonor, wisdom and stupidity, approval or condemnation, etc. At present, the best Western companies (Sonu ”, “Nissan”, “Ford”, “IBM”, “Mitsubishi”) the formation of corporate morality and culture is set as a top priority.

Partnership is an important component of any social group and consists in establishing various forms of relationships on the basis of which people communicate. In partnership, people act as equal members in the relationship between themselves, in contrast to the formal relationship between the leader and the subordinate, where there is a dependence of one person on another. There are such forms of partnership: business, friendly, hobbies (hobbies), family (between relatives), sexual (intimate relationships between people). In partnership, relationships are built on the basis of mutually acceptable psychological methods of persuasion: imitation, requests, advice, praise. When at work business relations are maintained in the form of friendly partnerships and common hobbies, this always contributes to the creation of a good psychological climate in the team. Thus, partnership is one of the key components of the corporate culture of the enterprise and sociological methods in working with personnel.

Competition is a specific form of social relations and is characterized by the desire of people for success, superiority, achievements and self-affirmation. The history of competition comes from the depths of centuries. It was a form of survival of the best representatives of the family - strong, intelligent, courageous, healthy, and eventually became the driving force behind the development of society. The results of the competition are new discoveries, inventions, works of art, records in sports, achievements in production. Interestingly, Western and, above all, Japanese companies, having carefully studied the experience of socialist competition, successfully applied it to the national mentality of their workers and the corporate interest of the company in the form of quality circles, workers' councils, etc.

Communication is a specific form of interaction between people based on the continuous exchange of information. Interpersonal communication occurs between different people in the forms of "leader - subordinate - employee - friend" and other more complex forms of communication between several people. Personal communication takes place in simple forms of relationship between a manager and a subordinate, employees among themselves, when there are two subjects of communication. Verbal, or verbal, communication occurs in the process of oral or written exchange of information. Non-verbal communication takes place when other sign forms of information transfer are used, for example, gestures, facial expressions, sounds, posture, etc. Management communication includes three main stages: the issuance of administrative information, the receipt of feedback information, the issuance of evaluation information.

Negotiation- this is a specific form of human communication, when two or more parties with different goals and objectives try to link different interests together on the basis of a well-thought-out conversation (dialogue) scheme and, as a rule, avoid direct conflict.

Conflict- a form of collision of the opposing sides, which has its own plot, composition, energy, which in the course of action are transformed into a climax and denouement and end with a positive or negative solution to the problem. There are interpersonal conflicts, personal conflict between the external environment and internal morality, conflicts over the distribution of roles at work, business conflicts due to a clash of interests of various departments, family conflicts over various problems, etc.

Output: So, knowledge of sociological management methods allows the team leader to objectively carry out social planning, regulate the socio-psychological climate, ensure effective communications and maintain a good corporate culture. To do this, it is advisable to systematically (at least once a year) conduct sociological research in a team; it is especially useful to know the opinion of team members about the leader.

Psychological methods play a very important role in work with personnel, because are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise.

Of particular importance among the psychological management methods is psychological planning, which is a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the enterprise team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of a person's personality, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. The most important results of psychological planning include:

  • - formation of divisions ("teams") on the basis of psychological compliance of employees;
  • - comfortable psychological climate in the team;

formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the enterprise;

minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, resentment, stress, irritation);

  • - development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees;
  • - the growth of the intellectual abilities of the members of the team and the level of their education;
  • - formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

It is advisable that psychological planning and regulation be carried out by a professional psychological service of the enterprise, consisting of social psychologists.

Methods of psychological influence are among the most important elements of psychological methods of management. They concentrate all the necessary and legally permitted methods of influencing people for coordination in the process of joint labor activity. The methods of psychological influence include: suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, coercion, inducement, condemnation, demand, prohibition, placebo, censure, command, deceived expectation, "explosion", Socrates' method, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice. Let's consider them in more detail.

Suggestion represents the psychological purposeful impact on the personality of a subordinate by the leader with the help of his appeal to group expectations and motives for inducing work. Suggestion can cause a person, sometimes in addition to his will and consciousness, a certain state of feelings and lead to a person committing a certain act.

Belief is based on a reasoned and logical impact on the human psyche to achieve goals, remove psychological barriers, eliminate conflicts in the team.

Imitation is a way of influencing an individual worker or a social group through a personal example of a manager or innovator of production, whose behavior patterns are an example for others.

Involvement is a psychological technique by which employees become accomplices in the labor or social process, for example, the election of a leader, the adoption of agreed decisions, competition in a team, etc.

Motivation- a positive form of moral influence on a person, when positive traits employee, his qualifications and experience, confidence in the successful completion of the assigned work, which allows to increase the moral significance of the employee in the enterprise.

Compulsion- an extreme form of moral influence, when other methods of influencing a person have not yielded results and the employee is forced, perhaps even against his will and desire, to perform certain work. It is advisable to use coercion only in emergency (force majeure) circumstances, when inaction can lead to casualties, damage, loss of life, loss of property, accidents.

condemnation- reception of psychological influence on a person who allows large deviations from moral norms in the team or the results of labor and the quality of work of which are extremely unsatisfactory. Such a technique cannot be used to influence people with a weak psyche and is practically useless for influencing the backward part of the team.

Requirement has the force of an order. In this regard, it can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In other cases, this technique may be useless or even harmful. In many respects, a categorical requirement is identical with a prohibition, which acts as a mild form of coercion.

Prohibition suggests an inhibitory effect on the individual. We refer to it the prohibition of impulsive actions of an unstable nature, which, in essence, is a variant of suggestion, as well as the prohibition of unlawful behavior (drinking, inactivity, attempted theft or marriage of property). This method stands on the verge of two main methods of influence - coercion and persuasion.

placebo has long been used in medicine as a method of suggestion. Its essence lies in the fact that the doctor, prescribing to the patient some indifferent remedy, claims that it will give the desired effect. The psychological attitude of the patient to the beneficial effects of the prescribed medication often leads to a positive result. In the workplace, a placebo is an example of the behavior of an authority figure, when workers are easily shown any actions, overcoming pain, excessive fatigue, fear of heights, etc. Seeing this, workers can just as easily repeat the actions shown without experiencing discomfort. If the observers notice that the demonstration is carried out through force, then there will be no effect. In general, the placebo effect lasts only until the first failure, until the workers realize that the ritual actions that they so scrupulously performed have no real basis.

censure has persuasive power only under conditions when the interlocutor identifies himself with the leader: "he is one of us." In other cases, censure is perceived as a mentoring edification that can be listened to, but which does not need to be followed. Due to the fact that a person quite actively defends his "I", he often considers this technique as an attack on his independence.

Command used when fast and precise execution is required without any critical reactions. When executing commands, they do not reason. In life, there are prohibitive and incentive varieties of commands. First: “Stop!”, “Stop being nervous!”, “Shut up!” etc. - aimed at immediate inhibition of undesirable acts of behavior. They are given in a firm calm voice or a voice with an emotionally colored tone. Second: "Go!", "Bring!", "Perform!" etc. - are aimed at turning on the behavioral mechanisms of people.

Deceived expectation effective in a tense situation. Previous events should form a strictly directed train of thought in the interlocutor. If the inconsistency of this orientation is suddenly discovered, then the interlocutor is at a loss and perceives the idea proposed to him without objection. This state of affairs is typical for many situations in life.

"Explosion"- a technique known as instant personality restructuring under the influence of strong emotional experiences. The use of an "explosion" requires the creation of a special environment in which feelings would arise that could amaze a person with their unexpectedness and unusualness. In such an environment, a person's nervous processes fail. An unexpected irritant causes him severe stress. This leads to a radical change in views on things, events, individuals and even the world as a whole.

Socratic Method based on the desire to protect the interlocutor from saying “no”. Once the interlocutor says “no”, it is very difficult to turn him back. The method is named after the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, who often used it, trying to conduct a conversation in such a way that it was easier for the interlocutor to say “yes”. As we know, Socrates certainly proved his point of view, without causing not only obvious indignation from his opponents, but even the most insignificant negative reactions.

Hint- reception of indirect persuasion through jokes, irony and analogy. In a sense, advice can be a form of hint. The essence of a hint is that it appeals not to consciousness, not to logical reasoning, but to emotions. Since the hint is fraught with the potential for insulting the personality of the interlocutor, it is best to use it in a situation of a particular mood. The criterion of measure here can be the prediction of self-experience: “How would I feel myself if I were given such hints?”

Compliment often mixed with flattery. If you say to a person: “How well you speak!”, then it will flatter him. Flattery is not pleasant to everyone, although often people do not dismiss it. A French proverb says: "Flattery is the ability to tell a person what he thinks of himself." A compliment does not offend anyone, it elevates everyone.

Praise is a positive psychological method of influencing a person and has a stronger effect than condemnation. Sometimes it's enough to say young employee: "Today you work much better and if you improve the quality a little more, you will achieve excellent results." However, such praise for an experienced worker can be perceived as an insult, and it is better to celebrate his success in a solemn atmosphere in front of the whole team.

Request is a very common form of communication between colleagues, young and experienced workers and is less often used in the relationship between a manager and subordinates. The applicant turns to another employee for advice, help, instructions when he doubts the forms and methods of performing work or is unable to do it on his own. The manager's request is an effective method of leadership, because is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates respect for his personality.

Advice- a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion, often used in the relationship of colleagues, mentors of young workers and experienced managers. You can say to the worker: "Ivanov, change the tool" - this is a form of order. You can say in another way: "I advise you to change the tool." However, in operational work requiring quick decisions, the use of advice and requests from the manager should be minimized and excluded in cases where the worker allows marriage and disruption of tasks.

Socio-psychological structure of the team ends with the nomination of leaders in small groups and in the whole team. Leadership is a natural socio-psychological process in a group, built on the influence of a person's personal authority on the behavior of group members. 3. Freud understood leadership as a dual psychological process: on the one hand, group, on the other - individual. These processes are based on the ability of leaders to attract people to themselves, unconsciously evoke a feeling of admiration, adoration, love. The worship of people of the same person can make that person a leader. Psychoanalysts have identified ten types of leadership

  • 1. "Sovereign", or "patriarchal overlord". A leader in the form of a strict but beloved father, he is able to suppress or displace negative emotions and inspire people with self-confidence. He is nominated on the basis of love and revered.
  • 2. "Leader". In it, people see the expression, the concentration of their desires, corresponding to a certain group standard. The personality of the leader is the bearer of these standards. They try to imitate him in the group.
  • 3. "Tyrant". He becomes a leader because he inspires others with a sense of obedience and unaccountable fear, he is considered the strongest. A tyrant leader is a dominant, authoritarian personality and is usually feared and obeyed.
  • 4. "Organizer". It acts for group members as a force to maintain the "I-concept" and satisfy the needs of everyone, relieves feelings of guilt and anxiety. Such a leader unites people, he is respected.
  • 5. "Seducer". A person becomes a leader by playing on the weaknesses of others. It acts as a "magical force", giving vent to the repressed emotions of other people, prevents conflicts, and relieves tension. Such a leader is adored and often overlooked for all his shortcomings.
  • 6. "Hero". Sacrifice himself for others; this type manifests itself especially in situations of group protest - thanks to his courage, others are guided by him, they see in him the standard of justice. A heroic leader draws people along.
  • 7. "Bad example." Acts as a source of contagiousness for a conflict-free personality, emotionally infects others.
  • 8. "Idol". It attracts, attracts, positively infects the environment, it is loved, idolized and idealized.
  • 9. "Outcast".
  • 10. Scapegoat.

There is a difference between "formal" leadership- when the influence comes from an official position in the organization, and "informal" leadership- when influence comes from the recognition by others of the leader's personal superiority. In most situations, of course, these two kinds of influence are intertwined to a greater or lesser extent.

The officially appointed head of the unit has the advantage of winning leadership positions in the group, and therefore, more often than anyone else, becomes the recognized leader. However, his status in the organization and the fact that he is appointed "from outside" puts him in a position somewhat different from those of informal natural leaders. First of all, the desire to move up the career ladder encourages him to identify with larger units of the organization than with a group of his subordinates. He may consider that emotional attachment to some working group should not serve as a brake on this path, and therefore to identify yourself with the leadership of the organization is a source of satisfaction for his personal ambitions. But if he knows that he will not rise above, and does not particularly strive for this, often such a leader strongly identifies himself with his subordinates and does everything in his power to protect their interests.

formal leaders first of all, they determine how, in what ways it is necessary to achieve the goal set, as a rule, by other people, organize and direct the work of subordinates in accordance with detailed plans, while taking a passive position. They build their interaction with others on the basis of a clear regulation of rights and obligations, try not to go beyond them, seeing themselves and other members of one organization, in which a certain order and discipline should prevail.

In contrast to this informal leaders determine what goals to strive for, formulating them independently, without going into unnecessary details. Their followers are those who share their views and are ready to follow them, despite the difficulties, and the leaders at the same time find themselves in the role of inspirers, as opposed to managers, who ensure the achievement of goals through reward or punishment. Unlike formal leaders, informal leaders are not controlled by others, but build relationships with followers on trust in them.

To summarize what has been said, we will use the table, which is based on the materials of O. Vikhansky and A. Naumov.

Output: So, socio-psychological methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups of people and a person's personality. The art of managing people consists in the dosed and differentiated use of certain methods from those listed above.

The instability of the economic state of the enterprise, financial difficulties, late payment of wages, long downtime, of course, do not contribute to maintaining a good socio-psychological climate, because the manager is forced to devote much more time not to human communication and personnel management functions, but directly to production, marketing, finance, i.e. other functions.

Socio-psychological methods of management are methods of implementing managerial influences on personnel based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. These methods are aimed at both a group of employees and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, they can be divided into: sociological (aimed at groups of employees in the process of their production interaction) and psychological (purposefully influencing the inner world of a particular individual).

Psychology studies and predicts the behavior of the individual, the possibility of changing the behavior of the individual, reveals the conditions that interfere or contribute to the rational actions or actions of people. Modern psychology focuses on the methods of perception, learning and training, identifying needs and developing motivational methods, assessing the degree of job satisfaction, and the psychological aspects of decision-making processes.

Research in the field of sociology expands the understanding of personnel, as social system where individuals play their roles and enter into certain relationships. The study of group behavior is essential, sociological conclusions and recommendations regarding group dynamics, processes of self-realization, communications, status and power become relevant.

Sociological methods make it possible to assess the place and purpose of employees in a team, identify informal leaders and provide them with support, use staff motivation to achieve the final result of work, ensure effective communications and prevent interpersonal conflicts in a team.

Sociological methods of management include: social planning, sociological research, assessment of personal qualities, morality, partnership, competition, conflict management.

Social planning allows you to form social goals and criteria, develop social standards (standard of living, wages, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, contributes to the achievement of final social results: an increase in life expectancy, a decrease in the incidence rate, an increase in the level of education and qualifications employees, reduction of occupational injuries, etc. The plans for the social development of the collective were previously widely used in the activities of any enterprises in the USSR, and are currently relevant for large foreign companies and deserve revival in the post-crisis Russian practice.

Sociological research serves as a tool in working with personnel and provides HR specialists with the necessary data to make informed decisions in the selection, evaluation, placement, adaptation and training of personnel. Modern methods of sociological research are very diverse and may include: questionnaires, interviews, sociometric observations, interviews, etc.

Personal qualities determine the inner world of an employee, which is quite stably reflected in the process of work and is an integral part of the sociology of personality. These qualities are usually divided into business (organizational), which determine the effectiveness of solving specific problems and performing role functions, and moral (moral), reflecting the personal moral qualities of an employee.

Morality is a special form of social consciousness that regulates the actions and behavior of a person in a social environment through moral norms and rules. Issues of corporate morality are reflected in the philosophy of the organization.

Partnership is essential to ensure a variety of forms of relationships in the team. In contrast to the formal chain of command, which determine the interdependence of employees, in a partnership, everyone acts as an equal member of the group. There are the following forms of partnership: business, friendly, hobbies, etc. Partnerships are built on the basis of mutually acceptable issues of persuasion, imitation, requests, advice, praise. Business relations, built in the form of friendly partnership and common hobbies, always contribute to the creation of a good socio-psychological climate in the team.

Competition is manifested in the desire of people for success, superiority, achievements and self-affirmation. The principles of competition are reflected in the modern theories "Y" and "Z" of staff motivation, "quality circles" of Japanese firms.

Management psychology studies human behavior in the process of social production. Psychological management methods play an important role in working with personnel, they are aimed at a specific person and, as a rule, are individual. The main feature of these methods is that they are aimed at the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images, behavior and allow you to focus the internal potential of an employee on solving specific production problems.

Psychological planning is a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the team. It includes: setting development goals and developing criteria for the effectiveness of production activities, substantiating psychological standards, creating methods for planning the socio-psychological climate and achieving final results. The results of psychological planning are:

  • - formation of divisions (groups) taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees;
  • - creation of a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team;
  • - formation of personal motivation of employees based on the philosophy of the organization;
  • - minimization of interpersonal conflicts;
  • - development of models of professional advancement of employees based on psychological orientation;
  • - growth of intellectual abilities and skill level of the personnel;
  • - formation of organizational culture based on the norms of behavior and images of "effective" employees.

Methods of psychological influence are the most important components of psychological management methods. They summarize the necessary and legally permitted methods of psychological impact on personnel to coordinate the actions of employees in the process of joint production activities. The permitted methods of psychological influence include: suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, inducement, coercion, condemnation, demand, prohibition, censure, command, deception of expectations, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice, etc.

Suggestion is a targeted psychological impact on the personality of a subordinate by the leader by referring to group expectations and motives for inducing work.

The belief is based on a reasoned and logical impact on the psyche of the employee to achieve the goals, remove psychological barriers, eliminate conflicts in the team.

Imitation is a way of influencing an individual employee or social group through a personal example of a leader or other leader, whose behavior patterns are an example for others.

Involvement is a psychological technique by which employees become accomplices in the labor or social process (making agreed decisions, competition, etc.).

Motivation is a positive form of moral influence on the employee, which increases the social significance of the employee in the team, when the positive qualities of the employee, his experience and qualifications, motivation for successful implementation assigned work.

Coercion is an extreme form of psychological influence in the absence of the results of other forms of influence, when an employee is forced to perform certain work against his will and desire.

Condemnation is a method of psychological impact on an employee who allows large deviations from the moral standards of the team or whose work results are extremely unsatisfactory. Such a technique cannot be applied to employees with a weak psyche and is practically useless for influencing the backward part of the team.

The demand has the force of a command and can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In many respects, a categorical requirement is analogous to a prohibition, acting as a mild form of coercion.

Prohibition provides a retarding effect on a person and, in fact, is a variant of suggestion, as well as restrictions on unlawful behavior (inactivity, attempts to steal, etc.).

Reprimand has a persuasive power only in those conditions when the employee considers himself a follower and is psychologically inextricably linked with the leader, otherwise the censure is perceived as a mentor's edification.

Command is used when accurate and quick execution of instructions is required without discussion and criticism.

Deception of expectations is effective in a situation of intense expectation, when previous events have formed a strictly directed train of thought in the employee, which has revealed its inconsistency and allows him to accept a new idea without objection.

A hint is a method of indirect persuasion through a joke, an ironic remark, and an analogy. In fact, the allusion does not refer to consciousness and logical reasoning, but to emotions. Since the hint is a potential insult to the person, it should be used taking into account the specific emotional state of the employee.

A compliment should not be confused with flattery; it should not offend, but elevate the employee, prompt reflection. The subject of a compliment should be things, deeds, ideas, etc., indirectly related to a particular employee.

Praise is a positive psychological method of influencing a person and has a stronger effect than condemnation.

The request is a very common form of informal communication and is an effective method of leadership, as it is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates a respectful attitude towards his personality.

Advice is a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion. In operational work requiring quick decisions, the use of advice should be limited.

Modern Russian economic relations do not contribute to maintaining a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team. For this reason, it is important to predict the impact of socio-psychological management methods on the work of personnel, given that these methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups and the personality of a particular employee, such a tool requires dosed and differentiated application.

Example: When Chuck Mitchell joined the board of directors of GTO, the small automatic gate manufacturer was in trouble. Average monthly sales were $35,000 below break-even. Most suppliers agreed to send parts only on a pre-paid basis. The morale of the production workers was beyond description at all - the former head of the company rode around the factory on a bicycle, urging workers, ordering them to move and scolding them for complaining about the company's insurance policy.

Chuck Mitchell knew he couldn't go on like this. His first speech to workers was like a plea for help: "The most important thing you must do is take a close look at yourself and the people around you." C. Mitchell believed that the main reason for the unprofitability of the company is the lack of opportunities to realize the abilities of employees. Every day he invited several subordinates into his office, and the more he listened to them, the more they told. Linda Williams, who left a few months before the change in leadership, returned to the company and offered to start manufacturing products that competitors have been producing for a long time. Complaints from employees about the minimum level offered by the company health insurance forced C. Mitchell to change the insurance policy, which led to a doubling of costs. But “if people feel buried and confident, they start to have ideas about how to do their job better,” says the manager. "I need their help."

Even before Ch. Mitchell raised the issue of wage increases at the board of directors, he insisted that 5% of the company's net profit go to the development of a system of profit sharing. He ordered a return to the practice of free coffee with sugar and repaired the leaky roof. Employees' sense of ownership is fostered by a company order to allow the use of employee car repair equipment on weekends. If an employee does not have enough money for spare parts, he is issued a check against future wages. Of course, C, Mitchell understood that increasing the degree of freedom of employees is fraught with risk, but he is sure that “a company in which there is no trust between managers and employees is a company with one hand ... But in order to gain such trust, you have to come to terms with heightened vulnerability.

During the time when C. Mitchell stood at the head of GTO, both the company's performance and its culture have changed. Sales increased by 10%, and net income increased from -$313,287 in 1993 to $475,821 in 1994. The number of worker proposals for improvement tripled. But for Chuck Mitchell, the main result of the changes is that today service station workers are confident that management takes into account the interests of employees, and a culture is being formed in the company, one of the main values ​​of which is that everyone cares about everyone and about the company as a whole.


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