Professions after 40 years. Change profession in adulthood. How? How to soften the transition

We can say that girls of forty years are going through their own transition period. This age is very characteristic of life changes. Moreover, they begin at the bodily level.

In the body of a woman, by these years, changes are taking place at different levels. In general, the metabolism slows down, it ceases to be so active.

Because of this, the skin may suffer, for which the process of cell regeneration is so important. That is why changes in the skin - wrinkles - most often speak about our age.

In addition, in the family, as a rule, changes also occur - children gradually move away from their father's house.

In the modern world, it is accepted that with the beginning of their studies at the university, children become more independent, and, more often than not, they even move out to another apartment. For a woman, this is a huge change in life.

All this, as in adolescents, affects the psyche of a woman. It often happens that a lady has a certain reassessment of values.

Some women follow the path of self-discovery in these years: they begin to attend psychological trainings, listen to lectures of various coaches, do yoga and meditation.

At the same time, many people have a question about how to retrain. After all new image life dictates its own rules and outlook on life.

The girl's outlook may undergo significant changes - there is no longer any desire to work in the specialty she has received. And how to change a profession at 40 for a woman? Of course, everyone has their own path. Still, there are some general nuances.

After all, few people follow the standard path - just go to study at a higher educational institution along with 17-year-old students. To retrain is another matter, and you need to seriously and responsibly approach this issue.

In fact, not many women take the path of acquiring a new profession. Rather, it is an exception to the rule.

After all, the usual course of things conditions us enough, and we often get used to work, even if we don't like something. In addition, a woman can always realize herself as a good mother, wife and hostess.

This does not mean that all these roles are easier to fill than work. Rather, the opposite is true. But still, more women choose their home than a change of profession, if something goes wrong at work.

To make it easier for those who still want to try their hand at a new field, we offer a small algorithm for your actions.

  • Firstly, you shouldn't be nervous, worried and berate yourself if things didn't go well at your previous job. What to do, it is actually more difficult for women than for men to build their careers. After all, we were created in order to give love, warmth and inspiration to our relatives, friends and loved ones. Don't be upset even if you got fired. Modern world is full of corporations in which all that is required from employees is diligence and complete dedication. It is very difficult for a woman to act in such a mode. In addition, if you are a creative extraordinary nature, in such conditions it is quite difficult to realize your qualities. And here only time is to blame. Don't get hung up on an empty analysis of this situation - move on. There are so many interesting things ahead.
  • It is very important to have some kind of struggle with your fears. Many women are afraid that after leaving work they will have nothing to live on, that others will not look at them that way, and that they will not be able to do something else. And, of course, these are all important questions. But more often we just hold on to the image that we have created in our head. If the attachment to work is very high, then you should not leave overnight. Try to get a new education while staying in the same place. But it is still worth remembering that the resources that come to us depend largely on ourselves and our skills. If you believe in yourself, then you will not be left completely without money in this case.

  • List the skills you already have. Ladies of 40 years of age manage to go through many courses, trainings, retraining in their lives, and also have their own hobbies and hobbies. What are you really good at doing? Or maybe there is something that you just like to do for the soul? Is there an activity that you are ready to do just like that, without a paycheck? Write down your interests and skills and analyze them. Perhaps something useful will come out of this. Remember, a simple hobby can turn out to be a real profitable business for you. After all, the Titanic was built by professionals, and the Ark was created by amateurs.
  • Now it is worthwhile to study the vacancies in your city. There are a lot of resources for this in our time. The Internet, television messages, newspapers, the labor exchange and simple word of mouth will tell you a lot about the in-demand vacancies in your region. It is worth making several calls a day to check where workers are needed and where you are ready to be hired. Perhaps it is worth at least for interest to go on a small internship in some place.
  • Well, the time has come to decide which profession is close to you or which direction of activity you will choose for yourself. It often happens that after the work done, we realize that our profession actually suits us very well. Or we choose an occupation that will resemble our previous work. It may be some kind adjacent to our previous work sphere.

Getting a new profession

Previous work, which is definitely worth doing in order to change profession at 40, is the preparation stages. Remember that he is extremely important to a woman.

We need a period that will become a safety cushion, so as not to chop off the shoulder in such serious matters as a change of profession.

You need to immerse yourself, analyze your skills, study the labor exchange in your city and complete the rest of the preparatory steps. Well, now let's move on to the main part.

We offer several points, choosing one of which, a woman will be able to obtain a full-fledged qualification in a new profession.

  1. You can take courses to teach a new profession. Many areas of activity do not require higher education, courses are welcome there, in which they provide specific practical skills, as well as work experience itself. Moreover, in our time, you can even take courses via Skype or some other remote way. These are the advantages of the modern rhythm of life.
  2. If you have clearly decided what profession you want to get and who you want to study for, and this has nothing to do with your previous work, then it is worth going to study at a Higher Educational Institution. Sometimes it also happens that a woman by the age of 40 did not have a higher education, having received only a secondary technical. And by this age, she seems to be ripe for the fact that she wants to be a certified specialist in a certain field.
  3. You can also do so-called home education or self-education. Some activities can be mastered by yourself, guided by books, online courses and video lessons. As mentioned above, you don't have to learn a completely new activity. You can choose the activity that is close to you, and what you have been fond of for a long time. For example, there are cases when a woman's passion for making sweets spilled over into the profession of a pastry chef. Now there are so many courses on making beautiful modern cakes, You can take advantage of this if you have a natural craving for feeding everyone sweet!
  4. For 40-year-old ladies, there is an interesting option for changing their profession - just changing their place of work. Believe me, a lot of professions are learned in the course of work. Work experience and the ability to navigate, so to speak, on the spot are important in them. Among modern professions these include real estate activities. It is simply impossible to study it without delving into the course of the matter.
  5. One lady in her 40s notes in her blog that she changed her occupation several times until she hired a personal teacher. For some, this is the ideal way to gain knowledge in a new activity. Indeed, in this case, the training will take place individually, which means it will be very effective. It is worth finding a person who is a master of his craft. Such specialists take a lot of money for the transfer of knowledge, but share their real experience. Sometimes, grieving for their work, they are ready to transfer knowledge and for symbolic money.
  6. Also, in women's Internet resources, you can find such advice for those who want to change their profession, how to start their own business. Most often, by this time you have accumulated a certain store of knowledge and experience. This is best used in your own business... Determining what kind of business your business will be is the next step.
  7. As mentioned above, a 40-year-old lady can try to find herself in areas related to her profession, or discover new facets of her work. For example, if you have medical education, you can try yourself as a beautician. If you are a teacher, you can become a tutor or go to work at a development center for children.

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People are increasingly changing not only their jobs, but also their field of activity. If earlier a person could have worked at one enterprise all his life, now if someone has been working in a company for more than 10 years, this will most likely cause surprised glances in his direction. Many professions are losing their relevance, you have to constantly learn, master new competencies, otherwise you will be thrown overboard. People usually change their line of business for several reasons:

Have reached the ceiling;

Are tempted to earn more;

Tired of the routine;

Have tense relationships with colleagues;

They want to devote more time to their family.

Scientists say that work, on average, needs to be changed every 5-7 years, otherwise the employee loses initiative.

Most often, people face a midlife crisis at the age of 35-40. The first symptoms are expressed in a loss of interest in life, painful self-examination: “What have I achieved? Am I living right? Is that what I wanted? " All this leaves an imprint on professional life of people. It is at this moment that many think about changing the type of activity, but the main obstacle is the fear of losing money or simply failing. And if for men the desire to rush into battle, to the barricades is quite natural, then the fair sex, in principle, are not inclined to change something dramatically.

Women are quite stable in their choice and career development, and cases of changing professions after 40 years are quite rare, says Anna Mikheeva, director of practices at the recruiting company Hays. “More often, there are transitions within the framework of one profession, but in other industries, or a change of profession, but within the company. For example, we had a case when the head of the legal department changed profession and moved to the HR department, ”she adds.

Nevertheless, more and more women are taking a decisive step forward and radically changing their lives. The Forbes Woman correspondent spoke with several women about how they managed to go into another sphere, what difficulties they faced, why they decided to change something in their life and career.

New turn

Natalia Hatsela has worked as a lawyer for 15 years in such large companies like Mechel, Rusal and Mosenergo. She held her last position as Director of the Tax Policy Department for six years. Four years ago, she retired from jurisprudence and founded the online gallery of contemporary art SMART.

"V large structures I worked in leadership positions, as they say, sat in objectively good and warm positions with a bunch of privileges and more than worthy remuneration. But at some point I reached the ceiling and wanted to leave for more broad scope than taxes. I opened a coffee shop, but the business seemed too small, I tried to start a law firm, but I was not really interested in it. The idea to open a gallery was born by itself. Several years ago, when my husband and I were equipping Vacation home I had problems choosing a painting. We have a very unorganized art market in our country, a buyer with money cannot make a purchase - he is used to different conditions and services. When I decided to change my job, everyone who could dissuade me, this is the most difficult moment in changing a profession. But it is surmountable too. One friend to whom I am immensely grateful never stopped repeating: "Natasha, you will succeed."

Marina Konovalenko is an electrical engineer by her first education. Subsequently, she defended her dissertation in psychology, published 11 textbooks on management psychology and communication theory, which are now used in more than 200 universities.

“When I changed the field, I won several times in income. Do not be afraid to change what does not suit you, fulfill your and only your desires and forget the word "must". There is only a wonderful word "I want" - says the psychologist.

Marina Fomina radically changed her life at the age of 47. As a police colonel, she resigned from the post of head of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Marina was re-profiled in conflict management and became a business coach. The job, she says, is helping people and making their lives easier, making them happier.

“I have built an impeccable career from an ordinary employee to the head of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. And I loved my work very much. But at some point I realized that I had reached the highest point of my career and that the upward movement, although possible, is already pointless. The difference of one or two positions compared to what I have achieved is insignificant from the point of view of the scale of the tasks being solved.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a huge clumsy structure in which the implementation of any project becomes overgrown with bureaucracy and routine. The energy costs are enormous, the efficiency is minimal. My main driving forces- meaning, love and freedom. In the civil service, they do not receive implementation. So I left. Itself. Nobody believed that this was possible. Usually, such positions are taken away. The main fear is to be left without a livelihood. I understood that on freelancing I would not be able to immediately earn as much as I was used to. I warned my husband to be ready to hang me on his neck. He was even delighted. There was a fear of being unclaimed. Competition in the market for business coaches and consultants is high. I could well be unnecessary to the world. Then it turned out that there was no competition. Everyone finds what is close to him, and clients find him. And I know the magic question that I have learned to ask myself in order to cope with fear: "What is now threatening my life and my health?" If the answer is "nothing", then I dive into this fear. "

But what if you still decided to change your profession, but do not know where to move on? Forbes Woman found out the opinion of experts.

Anna Mikheeva, Hays recruiting practice director, advises the following:

“Decide on a range of interests and transfer them to the career plane. Try to audit your hobbies. Start with tasks that inspired you in your current or past job, think about your favorite school subjects, books, or TV shows. Try to put all your interests on paper and get a list of industries that could potentially be suitable for building a career. It is also important to understand how much the desired position is in demand in your chosen field. Explore your chosen industry as deep as possible. Follow the content shared by market leaders in social networks... This will help expand your knowledge of the key trends that you should be familiar with. Listen to podcasts and watch webinars hosted by industry experts. Read specialized magazines, books, attend lectures and seminars. This will help you understand if the industry is really right for you. ”

Understanding what you want to do now is about half the way towards your dream, but how to get a job on new job?

Elena Aleksandrova, head of ASL Consulting, career consultant, comments on the situation as follows:

“There are three solutions here. The first option is to study the pool of companies that are interesting, write a resume and detailed transmittal letter, in which it is worth indicating what tasks you are ready to solve, based on the company's development strategy, to take responsibility for their solution. The second is to find a decision-maker or an opinion leader of the company in social networks, contact him personally, find common ground, interest in your experience and talk about what knowledge and qualities you have and how you will be useful to the organization. The third option is to offer to take you on a project under a temporary contract. The risk of the company is minimal, and you have a chance to prove yourself with better side and get a position. If you need new experience, don't be afraid to go one step below the position you are holding. This will give you a chance to prove yourself, show what you are capable of, and most likely get a job offer. "

Svetlana Beloded, head of HR at QBF investment company, says it's not too late to start on the path to realizing a dream at any age.

“After 40 years, a woman is able to receive higher education and start a career in a completely new sphere... I have a friend who was the wife of a serviceman for a long time and worked in army units in administrative positions. Already closer to forty, very serious changes took place in her life - she divorced her husband, was left alone with two children. At some point, she realized that she was able to fulfill her old dream - to graduate from medical school and become a doctor. The woman became a full-time student at the university when she was over forty, then got a job in a polyclinic and became a specialist who is respected by colleagues and loved by patients. Everyone who communicates with her admits that she has a talent for medicine. Now she is over 55 years old, but she continues to work without feeling particularly tired and not thinking about retirement. The business that she dreamed of all her life, which she did not regret an additional six years at the university, inspires her and does really happy man... I believe that you can radically change your field of activity at any age. The main thing is to set a clear goal for yourself and do everything possible to achieve it, ”she says.

“I worked for 20 years in one profession right after graduation. She made a good career. I even get good salary... But every day, when I come to work, I start to feel sick from everything.

And the question is not even about the company where I work. Because for 20 years I have changed several of them. The problem is that I no longer want to work in this profession. I want self-realization in a completely different direction. But I'm 40 years old. And give employers 30-year-olds, without children, and even with work experience of at least 2 years in a similar position. Do not know, what to do».

Or this option:

“After graduation I got a job. She worked for three years. I didn't really like the job, but then I didn't have to choose much. Then she left on the first maternity leave. No sooner was it over than she gave birth to a child again. I sat on maternity leave, now the children are already attending school, I am about forty years old.

There is practically no work experience, but I already want self-realization. Who will hire me like this? After all, even candidates with great professional experience at this age are reluctant to accept in the company. "

Here are just a couple of examples of letters and requests from my clients during consultations.

Today I will try to answer the question: what to do? I will not talk today about finding a vocation and choosing what I love to do. By default, we will assume that you have already decided on the chosen direction. If not, then first read the articles in mine, or sign up for me on, and we will not only determine the vocation, but also write out a plan of action.

If you plan to do own business or information business, everything is simpler here - no employer will interfere with you, and age will rather play a plus for your authority.

But not everyone is comfortable doing business. Many find it much safer to work for hire. Therefore, today's recommendations will be just for you - those who are afraid to change their careers and field of activity because of their age.

I would like to consider today common stereotypes among employers and candidates. And I will try to cheer you up with specific recommendations and examples.

First, about stereotypes.

In fact, you are right when you say that employers need young and unencumbered employees with an incredible education, professional skills and experience in a similar position.

To begin with, this is not the case in all companies. There are companies that do not hire employees under the age of 35. There are employers who are willing to interview you if you sell yourself well on your resume and cover letter.

1. Who seeks will always find! Search! Don't be limited to job exchanges or job sites. Find at least 20 companies in your city in which you would like to work. Write them letters. Even if they do not have a vacancy right now, or they, in principle, are not interested in you, you have nothing to lose!

In my practice, there were at least 7 cases when a person sent out his resume in this way. As a result, I either received an answer that there were no suitable vacancies at the moment, or received an alternative offer for another position, or did not receive an answer at all. But after 3-6 months (!) His efforts were rewarded with interest: he received a letter with a proposal to pass an interview for the desired position!

The main thing is to understand that all the efforts that you make, you will not do in vain.

2. Sell yourself! What benefits will a potential employer receive if they hire you? First, just write it all down on a piece of paper. Include in this list all of your strengths, your skills, knowledge, achievements. Read and decide, would you “buy” yourself by looking at your resume?

If not, what is missing? What knowledge do you lack? What needs to be developed in the near future? Make another list based on the answers to these questions. Please review the job postings for similar positions before answering these questions. Take a close look at what the employer wants to see in a potential candidate for this position? Pay attention, first of all, to the tasks that the employee should perform, what skills he should have. Don't look at wishes about age (see point # 1).

Your task is to collect the necessary information and draw up a plan for your development.

3. Upgrade the necessary professional skills. You have compiled a list of required skills for the desired position. Now decide how and where you can get them. There is no need to get a second higher education. You can always find retraining courses or refresher courses, or short-term training courses.

If there are none in your city, pay attention to distance learning online. Many training centers In large cities, distance learning programs have long been created, after which you will be sent a supporting document (certificate, certificate or even diploma). Read specialized literature, educate yourself.

4. Try on yourself new profession. Indeed, in fact, everything may not be as "romantic" as you pictured it in your imagination. Consider telecommuting options so you can stay on from your current job while still trying your hand at a new profession.

Also consider freelancing or volunteering. In your free time, you can work for free or take small one-time part-time jobs.

5. In addition, many companies are interested in employees without work experience, and train them themselves. If there are no such companies in your city, again, consider the option of working via the Internet. Many companies in large cities or large private entrepreneurs and information businessmen recruit employees and conduct interviews via the Internet. There is no need to travel to the office every day, you can work from home. Search!

If you are afraid that you will not be officially employed, but what about the interrupted length of service and pension ... What can I say! Either look for official work and hold on to visible stability, or take risks. I will disappoint you - there is no stability. The Lord did not promise anyone tomorrow. The economic and political situation in the country and in the world can change at any moment, and your seniority and all your pension savings can depreciate at any time.

Determine for yourself what is more important to you now: self-realization in your favorite business or enrollment in work book, which possibly guarantees you an old-age pension? But I'll make a reservation right away nothing prevents you from finding a job where both will be... Search!

6. Prepare for your interview. Before going to an interview, think about your answers to this question: "Why should we hire you instead of someone who is more experienced in this area?" This is where a listing of your skills and talents (see point 2) that are suitable for this job will come in handy, and if you were actively involved in improving them (seminars, courses, special literature, volunteering, etc.), the effect will be even better.

Remember examples from your past professional activity... You've probably had to perform similar tasks and dealt with them successfully. If you remember at least 3-5 such examples, then you will feel more confident and will be able to mention this at the interview.

And finally, examples that will give you self-confidence.

The famous Russian artist Yuri Larin, whose works are exhibited in museums in Paris, Moscow and New York, worked as a hydraulic engineer until the age of 40, when he entered the Stroganov School.

An island nation in Oceania, François Latil worked as a lawyer and designed bows at his leisure. At 62, he made his debut at the Sydney Olympics, competing in archery competition.

J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, published her first book at the age of 33. Before that, she worked research assistant and Secretary-Translator for Amnesty International. And since writing the first book In five years, Rowling has gone from life to social benefit to the status of a multimillionaire.

The famous Louise Hay, who wrote the first book "Heal Your Body" when she was 50 years old. Moreover, the author has only high school, religious courses and life experiences.

There are such examples all over the world and not only. Many women aged 40-50-60 come to me for consultations. And even if at 60 you get a job in any company for permanent job really difficult, they don't get lost and start their own business! Someone is offline, and someone is online.

The main thing is self-confidence, confidence in the chosen direction and motivation, supported by practical actions.

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Is it worth it to suffer for unloved work? There is also a way out for those who are over 40 years old.

After 35, many people think about changing their profession, but they are afraid. Parents are besieging, friends are perplexed: "You're out of your mind! It's okay! Sit down, don't twitch." But the soul is striving for happiness. Has the right to.

Changing a profession at 40 is, in a sense, even easier than choosing a profession after school. Because there is experience of working in different environments, with different objects. And after 40 people know themselves better. And nowadays, and at all: you can work and study remotely.

It is harder to change your profession at 40 than at 30. Because you need to keep the income level, keep it high enough. And it is no longer possible to decrease in status even temporarily at the age of 40: children, loans.

So to change or not change your profession at 40?

There are two strategies.

  1. Transition to a neighboring profession in your professional field. A surgeon can retrain to be an anesthesiologist or diagnostician. This can bring significant relief not only because of the novelty, but also because of the change in the subject and tools of work, the work schedule and the reduction of tension.
  2. A radical change of profession. When you were a doctor and became a marketer. This is both psychologically and socially more difficult. But many do, striving for a pleasing business.

How to change a profession at 40 for a woman

Women come to us for vocational guidance more often (60%). A woman after 40 years of age has a high chance of changing her profession. This is done not by a one-time leap, but by the method of carefully drifting into a new profession. Often, at the age of 40, women agree to work for themselves.

How to change profession at 40 for a man

Everything is like women, but there are two subtleties. It's easier for a man, because he is still a "groom" at the age of 40. On the other hand, it is more difficult, because a man considers it shameful for himself to even temporarily reduce the level of income. But if he still agrees to be flexible, then in the end he wins.

Where do you start if you want to change your profession at 40?

First, the choice of profession (career guidance), then courses, then the transition to a new job.

Career guidance is a complex mental affair for two - a career counselor and a change of profession. We do this job in two hours. How we do it -. As a result of vocational guidance, one pleasant profession will be chosen for you, with the help of which you can earn decent money, you will have a clear picture of the future, a plan for several years, you will receive materials about the chosen profession and a list of good educational institutions(courses).

One life, be happy!

We are accustomed to the fact that it is customary to study and get a profession in our society until the age of 20-25, and then only to apply the knowledge gained in practice. But this is fundamentally the wrong approach.

"In LARGE megalopolises, half of all employees, unless they are top managers, have people creative professions and fans whose activities are aimed not at the result, but at the process, - says the psychologist Lydia Gevorkyan,- by the age of 38-45, a crisis of self-determination sets in. It begins to seem that everything is hitting the ceiling. "According to experts, the only creative way to overcome such a crisis is professional retraining. This concept includes not only a sharp, cardinal change in the world of work, but also the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in the main job. According to the statistics of the Employment Service, 34.3% of all unemployed who applied for help receive it in the form of refresher courses, 26.7% apply for vocational training, and as much as 39% - for retraining, that is, for obtaining a new specialty. At the same time, 10% of those who radically changed the sphere of work and got a new profession are over 45 years old! "When we talk about getting a new profession, it is important to remember that a rare physicist at 50 is able to get a higher medical education and become a brilliant doctor. - says the recruiter Sergey Livshits. - You need to look at things objectively and understand that the past will need to be presented in a new work, and not deleted at all. A person over 40 years old with no work experience and no idea of ​​what he will do is a difficult case. New work should be akin to what you were doing before. For example, a person led advertising and PR projects in the banking sector, and at a more mature age received an economic education and took a managerial position in a financial institution. There are many such cases. You could have worked as an engineer at a factory, but after completing the relevant courses, you began to teach in a specialized secondary institution. "

The PURPOSE of our project is to help Muscovites 40-45 years old to get a job. And from the experience of the main characters, find out which methods of employment are the most successful.

Places you need to know

Professional training programs in the employment service. Those who are registered as unemployed can get a new profession for free.

Evening courses at specialized universities. Further training and mastering a new specialty are carried out without prejudice to the main job. At the end of the training, you will receive a "crust".

Distance learning in state and commercial universities. Remember: a second higher education at any university can only be obtained on a paid basis.

Our heroine Elena Putilova I chose for myself additional courses in computer drawing and classes with a psychologist. A certificate of completion, coupled with her engineering degree, will allow Elena to apply for a job in a new field.

How to understand that you need retraining:

REGULARLY browse job and resume sites - even if you're not looking for a job. Applicants and employers may have new lines in job descriptions - possession of new programs, mandatory foreign languages etc. Once you see this, you will need to take a refresher course and master this program or language. This will allow you to keep up with the times and will not let you become morally obsolete as a specialist.

TRACK the emergence of new specialties in the labor market. When arises the new kind activity, there are virtually no specialists. Therefore, you can complete the relevant courses and start working in a new field without fear of more educated competitors. This was the fate of hr-specialists (psychologists who received additional training in the personnel field went to them), advertisers and PR specialists (journalists became them at the dawn of perestroika), etc.

CONSULT A Psychologist and Specialist recruiting agency... This will allow fantasies to be weighed against the real state of affairs. Whether you will be able to find a job, having received a new specialty, is what you should think about first of all.

First victory!

AFTER three days of waiting for our heroine Irina Krechetova called from the furniture company where the woman was interviewing. "You suit us, you can go to work in a week!" - told Irina. It turned out that all three - Commercial Director, Head of Human Resources and Manager technical department, to which Irina was enrolled, were "for" her candidacy.

When Irina brought the documents for registration, everyone began to congratulate her. "At that moment I realized that the psychological climate in the team is very good and the relations among colleagues are warm and respectful. This is exactly what I lacked at the last job, and I am glad that they treated me differently here," she shared her joy Irina. Meanwhile, within three months she will have to master a new job - computer design and the calculation of experimental models of furniture. Her new colleagues and bosses are sure: Irina will cope!

Vacancies for sale

Our hero Sergey Golovachev I decided to learn from my own experience what "job fairs" are and whether they can be useful when looking for a job. Sergey attended Career Days - one at the Moscow Youth House, the other at the Central House of Entrepreneurs. It was interesting for him to communicate with representatives of recruiting and consulting agencies (recall that it was in these areas that the decision was made to look for a new job for Sergei). "Representatives recruiting agencies it was practically not at the exhibitions, - Sergey shared his impressions. - And I left my coordinates only at three stands. A similar form of work is more suitable for young people - graduates, or those who are looking for temporary work. "


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