Prospects for the rocket and space industry. Roskosmos is preparing to create a reusable rocket. Why Zircon is dangerous for the states

Weapons of the future of Russia 2020

Promising developments in Russia


Rearmament of the army and navy- this is not only the supply of existing modern technology to the troops. In Russia, work is constantly underway to create fundamentally new types of weapons and appropriate decisions are made on their future development. Below is a small overview of the most modern weapons that are being created in Russia. Click on any blue bar to view the sample.

New intercontinental strategic missiles

Russia's new strategic missiles


The core of the Russian missile shield are heavy liquid ICBMs "Voevoda" and "Sotka". The service life of these ICBMs was extended threefold. Now they are being replaced by the promising heavy complex "Sarmat". - This is a 100-ton-class missile carrying at least 10 multiple warheads in the warhead. The degree of its progress can be judged at least by the annual report of the Safonov JSC Avangard, which has begun to develop a transport and launch container for the rocket.

That is the main mass-dimensional characteristics of the "Sarmat" have already been determined. Serial production is planned at the famous Krasmash, for the reconstruction of which 7.5 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget. Also, work is underway to create advanced combat equipment, including individual disengagement units with promising means of overcoming missile defense (ROC "Breakthrough" - "Inevitability").

The Strategic Missile Forces command plans in 2013 to conduct an experimental launch of the Avangard medium-class intercontinental ballistic missile. This is the fourth launch since 2011. The previous three were successful. In the upcoming test, the rocket will fly with a mock-up of a standard warhead, and not with ballast, as before. " Avangard is a fundamentally new rocket and is not a continuation of the Topol family. According to the calculations of the Strategic Missile Forces command, "Topol-M" can be hit by 1 or 2 interceptor missiles such as the promising American SM-3, and for each "Vanguard" at least fifty interceptor missiles are required. That is, the effectiveness of a missile defense breakthrough increases by an order of magnitude.

At Avangard a new system with a guided warhead (UBB) is replacing the usual, with a multiple head part of an individual guidance missile (MIRV). The warheads in MIRV IN sit in one or two tiers (like the Voevoda) around the engine of the breeding stage. At the command of her computer, the stage turns in the direction of a particular target and, with a short engine pulse, sends the warhead, already freed from the fasteners, to the address. In this last flight, he flies along a ballistic curve, like a thrown stone: he cannot maneuver along the course and altitude.

Unlike him the controlled unit is a completely independent missile with own system control and guidance, engine and rudders in the form of a conical "skirt" along the lower edge of the cone. The engine allows him to maneuver in space, and the "skirt" - in the atmosphere. Thanks to such control, the warhead can fly 16 thousand km from an altitude of 250 km. That is, the range of the Avangard as a whole can exceed 25 thousand km!

Bottom missile systems

Bottom missile systems of Russia

Summer 2013 in the White Sea, it is planned to start testing a new ballistic missile "Skif", capable of being in standby mode on the seabed and ocean floor and at the right time to shoot and hit land and sea objects. "Skif" uses the thickness of the ocean as a kind of mine installation. And the deployment of such systems on the seabed will provide the necessary invulnerability of the weapon of retaliation.

New mobile container missile systems

Club-K - New mobile container missile systems of Russia

Russia creates and manufactures combat (sea and rail) container missile systems. At present, various works are being actively carried out in this direction.

Successfully passed tests of a rocket fired from launchers housed in a standard cargo container of the Club-K complex. One of the first launches was carried out on August 22, 2012 at a specialized test site.

Kh-35 anti-ship missile It is distinguished by stealth and flight to the target at a height of no more than 15 meters, and at the final section of the trajectory - 4 meters. The combined homing system and powerful warhead allow one missile to destroy a warship with a displacement of 5000 tons. Now this anti-ship missile has become part of the Russian container complex - Club-K.

Russian container complex Club-K- designed to engage surface and ground targets. The complex can be equipped with coastlines, ships of various classes, railway and automobile platforms. The complex is a modification of the well-known missile system Caliber.

For the first time a mock-up of a container missile system was shown at a military technical show in Malaysia in 2009. He immediately made a splash. The fact is that Club-K is a standard cargo 20- and 40-foot containers that can be transported on sea ​​vessels, by rail or by trailer vehicles.

Shaitan container

The idea of ​​placing various combat systems in special mobile modules is not new. However, only we have guessed to use standard cargo 20/40-foot containers as such modules.

Hidden inside the containers are command posts (reconnaissance and combat control systems) and launchers of 3M-14 missiles (to destroy ground targets) or launchers of multipurpose anti-ship missiles such as Kh-35, 3M-54, capable of hitting both land and large surface targets ... For example, the 3M-54 missile is capable of destroying even an aircraft carrier.

For reference- the flight range of the 3M14 cruise missile of the Caliber complex with YaBCH / FBCH is 2650 and 1600 km, respectively.

The Club-K complex can be applied, both from ground launching positions and from railway, sea or road platforms. And it turns out that any container ship carrying Club-K, in fact, becomes a missile carrier with a crushing salvo. And any train with such containers or a convoy of heavy container vehicles is a powerful missile unit that can appear where the enemy does not wait. Nothing of the kind was developed either in the United States or in Western Europe.

The main element of the complex is a universal launch module (USM), made in the form of a container. The basic structure of the Club-K complex includes up to four USM, the ammunition load of one USM is 4 missiles, each USM is fully autonomous. Thus, the placement of only 4-8 Club-K complexes, for example, on board the Ivan Gren amphibious assault ship, will turn this large landing craft into a cruise missile arsenal, which will be capable of inflicting a devastating strategic long-range strike on any targets of 16-32 cruise missiles at once.

Launches of Calibers from the Caspian Sea and the successfully carried out throw and military tests of Club-K showed the whole world the real capabilities of this mobile missile system of Russia. The complex has already begun to be exported. India became its first buyer.

5th generation strategic bomber

Russian strategic bomber of a new generation - PAK DA

Tupolev company a promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) is being developed - a new generation Russian strategic bomber-missile carrier. The aircraft will not be a deep modernization of the Tu-160, but will be a fundamentally new aircraft based on fundamentally new solutions.

In August 2009, the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Tupolev company signed a contract for R&D on the creation of PAK DA for a period of 3 years. In August 2012, it was announced that the preliminary design of the PAK DA had already been completed and signed, and development work was beginning on it.

In March 2013, the aircraft project was approved by the Russian Air Force command. PAK DA will replace modern nuclear missile carriers Tu-95MS and Tu-160. The military chose a subsonic stealth aircraft from several options - with a "flying wing" scheme, which, due to its huge wingspan and design features, will not be able to overcome the speed of sound, but will be invisible to radars.

In the future, PAK DA should replace the long-range (strategic) aircraft Tu-95 and Tu-160, which are in service with the Russian Air Force.

5th generation Russian fighter

PAK FA T-50 vs F-22 and J-20

Ever since the Russian PAK FA (T-50) and the Chinese fifth-generation fighter Chengdu J-20 took the wing, controversy about their merits and demerits has not subsided.

However, debriefing has already moved to a completely different level of quality, since from that moment there was a real opportunity to directly compare these fighters with their American serial counterpart, the most expensive US Air Force fighter, the F-22 Raptor.

But in order to compare something with something, you must first give the comparison criteria, and in our case, answer the question:

What is a 5th generation fighter?

Characteristic features of the 5th generation:
- stealth - using measures to reduce the ESR (effective scattering surface);
- use of powerful engines of the 5th generation;
- supersonic cruising flight in non-afterburner mode;
- super-maneuverability;
- radar with AFAR;
- modern weapons complex.

Plus the integration of the on-board systems of individual aircraft into the general network of computerized command and control of troops (ACS).

The comparison criteria are clear. Now let's use them and (for those who value their time) compile a simple table comparing Russian, American and Chinese fifth generation fighters according to all the above criteria. Click on the blue bar to view the table.

Comparison table

And instead of a conclusion

The F-22 has already been discontinued, and the J-20 and F-35 are incomplete and far from perfect. As well as Russian PAK F.

Currently, the first stage of the T50 tests has been completed and this spring, with 100% fuel loading and mass-dimensional models of weapons, the 4th side took off from a 310 meter strip, reached a maximum speed of 2610 km / h and a cruising speed of 2135 km / h, while there was still potential for overclocking, and also climbed to 24,300 meters (they were not allowed above).

Now the T-50 is undergoing state tests. And in Bashkiria, the production of new generation aircraft engines begins ( Publishing house-129), which will equip the T-50 multipurpose fighter at the second stage. Product-129- This is an engine with increased power and rotary control of the jet nozzle. So the battle for the market and the sky v5.0 is just beginning ...

6th generation Russian fighter

What will be the 6th generation fighter of the Russian Federation?

Russia is designing a 6th generation fighter. This was announced in an interview with TASS by the deputy general director of the KRET concern Vladimir Mikheev.

According to Mikheev, we are talking about 2 versions of the machine: manned and unmanned. Who specifically creates the new fighter is not reported. Most likely - the Sukhoi Design Bureau and / or the MiG company.

Performance characteristics of the 6th generation Russian fighter

Armament of the Russian 6th generation fighter

The time of the sixth generation fighter has already come

The emergence Russian fighter The 6th generation is just around the corner. The UAC claims that the prototype aircraft will make its first flight in 2023-2025. And its full readiness can be achieved in 2030.

Missile defense of the future

Russian missile defense of the future

Work in progress on the creation of the S-500 missile defense system. In this new generation of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems, it is planned to use separate execution of tasks for the destruction of ballistic and aerodynamic rockets... The S-500, in contrast to the S-400, which is designed for air defense, is created as an anti-missile defense system, including it will be able to fight hypersonic weapons that the United States is actively developing. The S-500 aerospace defense system, which they promise to design in 2015, will have to shoot down objects flying at an altitude of over 185 km and at a distance of more than 3.5 thousand km from the launcher.

Nowadays the preliminary design has already been completed and technical design is underway. The main purpose of this complex is to defeat the latest types of air attack weapons being developed in the world today. It is assumed that the system will be able to solve problems not only in a stationary version: it will be put forward into the combat zone, which is most relevant at a particular time. Destroyers(destroyers), which Russia is supposed to start producing in 2016, will also be equipped with a shipborne version of the S-500 anti-missile system.

Combat lasers

Combat lasers of Russia

Russia began to engage development in the field of tactical laser weapons before the United States and has in its arsenal prototypes of high-precision combat chemical lasers. The first such installation was tested by us back in 1972. Even then, the domestic mobile "laser cannon" was capable of successfully hitting air targets. According to some experts: "Since then, Russia's capabilities in this area have increased significantly, and the United States has to catch up with us." Now, much more funds are allocated for this work, which will undoubtedly lead to further successes.

So 2013 by order of the RF Ministry of Defense, work continued on the creation of combat lasers capable of striking aircraft, satellites and ballistic missiles. The development of lasers is carried out by the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Concern named after Beriev and the Khimpromavtomatika company.

TANTK named after Beriev resumed work on the modernization of the A-60 flying laboratory (based on the Il-76 transport aircraft), which was used to develop new laser technologies. The flying laboratory is based at the airfield near Taganrog.

For promotion and development laser technology Russia will build the world's most powerful laser. The superlaser in Sarov will occupy an area of ​​about two football fields, and at its highest point will reach the size of a 10-storey building. The installation will have 192 laser channels and a huge laser pulse energy, the American and French ones have about two megajoules, the Russian ones about 1.5-2 times more.

The superlaser will allow create huge densities and temperatures in matter, similar to those that occur on stars, for example, on the Sun. In the future, we can talk about obtaining the energy of thermonuclear fusion on a new principle - laser thermonuclear. It will be a competitor to the ITER installation currently under construction in France, based on the tokamak system. In addition, the superlaser will simulate the processes that were observed during tests of thermonuclear weapons under laboratory conditions. The construction cost is estimated at around 1.16 billion euros.

Promising armored vehicles

Promising armored vehicles of Russia

In 2014 The Russian Defense Ministry intends to start purchasing promising main battle tanks based on a single platform for heavy armored vehicles "Armata". According to Interfax, this was stated by Yuri Borisov, Russia's Deputy Defense Minister. According to the Deputy Minister, an order will be placed first for the supply of an experimental-industrial batch of 16 new tanks.

Based on an experimental batch combat vehicles are planned for controlled military operation. The deputy minister did not elaborate on other details regarding the purchase of promising combat vehicles. The creation of the first prototype of a tank based on the Armata platform, according to the current schedule, should take place already in 2013, and the supply of new combat vehicles to the troops is planned to begin in 2015.

Technical design approval"Armata" by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation took place on March 23, 2012. Major General Alexander Shevchenko, head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry, said that the project fully meets all the existing requirements of the military department. The development of a promising tank was entrusted to Uralvagonzavod.

Another avenue Russian defense industry complex - "Terminator" ("Object 199"). This is a tank support combat vehicle designed to destroy manpower, armored vehicles, air targets, as well as various fortifications and shelters.

"Terminator" can be created both on the basis of the T-72 tank and on the basis of the T-90. The standard armament consists of two 30-mm cannons, a Kalashnikov machine gun, a laser-guided ATGM ATGM and two AGS-17 grenade launchers. The capabilities of the BMPT allow you to fire high density at four targets simultaneously. On the very first day of the IDEX-2013 show in Abu Dhabi, the upgraded T-90S tank and the Terminator hit the top ten.

Precision weapons

Precision weapons of Russia

The Russian Air Force will receive missiles for striking ground and surface targets with GLONASS guidance.

In July, at the site of the GLITs them. V.P. Chkalov in Akhtubinsk will undergo tests of the S-24 and S-25 missiles, equipped with special kits with seeker and rudder overlays. The GLONASS guidance kits will begin to arrive en masse at airbases already in 2014, that is, Russian front-line and helicopter aviation will completely switch to precision-guided weapons. "

S-24 and S-25 - became high-precision

Unguided rockets(NUR) The S-24 and S-25 remain the main weapons of the Russian assault and bomber aviation, but the NUR is hitting squares, and in modern conditions it is an expensive and ineffective pleasure. The GLONASS homing heads will transfer the S-24 and S-25 to the class of high-precision weapons capable of hitting small targets with an accuracy of 1 m.


Combat Robotics of Russia

Priorities in the creation of advanced types of weapons and military equipment actually defined. The emphasis is on creating the most robotic combat systems in which a person is assigned a safe operator function.

Robotics a number of programs are planned: the creation of power armor, known as exoskeletons, the development of underwater robots for various purposes, the design of a series of unmanned aircraft... The intensification of work on military networking technologies fits into robotic innovations. It is planned to create technologies wireless transmission electricity. Nikola Tesla was engaged in experiments in this direction a hundred years ago. New technologies will make it possible to implement his ideas on an industrial scale.

Russian specialists relatively recently (2011-2012) the SАR-400 robot was created. It is 163 cm tall and is a torso with two "arms"-manipulators, which are equipped with special sensors that allow the operator to feel the object to which the iron hand touches.

SAR-400 can perform a variety of functions - from flying into space to remotely performing surgical operations. And in military affairs he has no value at all. He can be a sapper, a scout, and a repairman. According to their tactical and technical characteristics and the working capabilities of the android SAR-400 either surpasses (for example, in terms of brush compression) or is not inferior to all foreign counterparts, including American ones. It is planned that within the next two years the SAR-400 robot will go aboard the International Space Station (ISS), and later will be used in future missions on the Moon and Mars.

A fundamentally new small arms

New Russian small arms

Izhevsk gunsmiths began to develop a new generation of small arms automatic weapons, fundamentally different from the world's most popular Kalashnikov system. We are talking about a new platform that will make it possible to compete with the most modern analogues of small arms in the world and will provide law enforcement agencies with fundamentally new weapons systems that fully comply with the program of rearmament of the Russian army until 2020.

Small arms of the future will be of modular type, which makes it possible to simplify production and subsequent modernization. In this case, a scheme will be used more often in which the percussion mechanism and the weapon magazine are located in the butt behind the trigger. To develop fundamentally new systems of small arms, ammunition with a new ballistic solution will also be used - they will have an increased accuracy, a greater effective range, and a higher penetrating ability.

Before the gunsmiths the task is to create a new system "from scratch", not relying on outdated principles. To achieve this goal, Izhmash will use new technologies. Nevertheless, Izhmash will not refuse to modernize Kalashnikov assault rifles of the 200th series, since the Russian special services have already become interested in the supply of AK-200s.

Hypersonic weapons of Russia

Zircon - the hypersonic era is coming

Panic in Great Britain - the Russians have created the Zircon hypersonic missile.

“This missile threatens the entire Western world, it will change the balance of power. This missile can sink two of Britain's largest aircraft carriers at a cost of £ 6 billion. Its radius is 1000 km and the speed is Mach 8. No missile defense system is capable of shooting down a missile at such a speed. "

Plus Zircon is unique in that it can be launched both from land and from the sea or from under water. Zircon's speed is simply amazing. The unsuccessful American counterpart has a speed almost 40% lower.

When Zircon flies at maximum speed, its head part is heated, forming a plasma cloud. This makes the radar difficult to operate and makes the missile invisible. From here Zircon received the name in the West - Horror in Plasma.

The adversaries also note that the Russians always underestimate the performance characteristics of their products. So after the entry of Zircon into service, NATO is in for an unpleasant surprise.

Mach 8 speed and 1000 km radius - not the limit

For the flight of the Zircons on hypersonic speeds a special fuel, Decilin-M, was created using aluminum nanoparticles. This increases the energy intensity and density of the fuel by almost 20%.

According to experts, the speed of Zircons on the new fuel will reach Mach 12, and the flight range will exceed 1,500 kilometers. According to the Deputy Minister of Defense, General Dmitry Bulgakov, the same fuel will be used to create engines for new strategic hypersonic cruise missiles, which will allow them to exceed the speed of Mach 5.

That is, Mach 8 is not the limit. Back in August 2011, the CEO of Tactical Corporation rocket armament Boris Obnosov announced that the corporation is starting to develop hypersonic missiles capable of speeds of Mach 12-13! So, as in the case with the underestimation of the performance characteristics of Calibers, the speed of Mach 8 will definitely not be limited.

On April 15, 2017, a new Russian hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile Zircon accelerated to a speed of Mach 8 (8500 km / h), TASS reports, citing a source in the Russian defense industry complex.

"During the tests of the rocket, it was confirmed that its speed on the march reaches Mach eight (a number that takes into account the dependence of the speed of sound on the flight altitude)," said the source.

According to him, the 3S14 universal launchers can be used to launch these missiles. Now the ship complex launches the Caliber and Onyx missiles.

Why Zircon is dangerous for the states

The range of Russia's Zircon anti-ship cruise missiles will keep the US Navy's carrier strike groups thousands of kilometers off our coast. That will make the strikes of their carrier-based aircraft on our ground targets either little effective or even impossible.

The logic is simple. The main striking force of any modern US aircraft carrier is the F / A-18 SuperHornet carrier-based fighter-bombers. Their combat radius is 400 nautical miles. In order for the F / A-18 to be able to at least threaten missile and bomb strikes against targets on our coast, they must take off from the deck 740 kilometers from the targets of the future strike. At the same time, the announced range of Zircon is 1000 km and they have no protection against it.

The Zircon is to be adopted in 2018, replacing the RCC Granit at the combat post. Thus, not a single ship of the adversaries will henceforth feel safe, because the anti-missiles existing in the West today cannot physically withstand Russian missile Zircon.

Aircraft carrier Storm, BDK Surf and destroyer Leader

Promising Russian aircraft carrier Shtorm, BDK Priboy and destroyer Leader

The defense industry announced the construction of 8 new universal amphibious assault ships of the Priboy project, developed by the Nevsky Design Bureau.

Prospective large landing ships will have a displacement of about 14 thousand tons and an aviation group of eight Ka-27 and. Their construction is scheduled to begin in 2016.

The latest BDK will be armed with the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems. Surf will be able to transport up to 500 paratroopers and up to 40-60 pieces of equipment. The ship will be 165 meters long and 25 meters wide.

5th generation nuclear submarine

What will be the 5th generation nuclear submarine

The concept of creating nuclear-powered ships of the 5th generation implies the introduction of robotic systems, composite technologies and new types of cruise missiles.

Very little is known about the alleged performance characteristics of 5th generation nuclear submarines. According to data that are sometimes sketchy thrown into the media, the following image of future nuclear submarines is drawn:

Developer:St. Petersburg design bureau of mechanical engineering Malachite
A type:multipurpose
Platform:single, basic
Version 1:hunter boat (anti-submarine submarine)
Version 2:cruise missile carrier (killer of aircraft carriers, destruction of coastal and surface targets)
Frame:high strength steel
Use of rubber coatings:Not
Use of composite materials:Yes
Using unified modular platforms:Yes
Use of robotic systems:Yes
Depth rudders:composite material
Rudders:composite material
Propellers and Shaft Lines:composite material
Low noise:Yes
Sonar camouflage:Yes
Communication capacity:increased
Arms integration:Yes
Automated reconnaissance warning devices:Yes
Network centricity:Yes
Armament:hypersonic KR Zircon (Mach 5-13) and / or KRBD Caliber
Crew:30 people

KB Malachite is a recognized brand of the Soviet and Russian nuclear submarine fleet... The Bureau has developed such nuclear submarines as Anchar (project 661, the fastest nuclear submarine), Lira (project 705), Shchuka-B (project 971) and Yasen (project 885).

The Zircon (3M22) hypersonic missile systems are being developed by the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation as a replacement for the Granit heavy anti-ship missile systems. In February 2016, they entered flight design tests. Should be part of the weapons of the updated nuclear cruisers project 1144 Orlan and the latest destroyers Leader.

The construction of the first 5th generation nuclear submarine is planned to begin in 2017-2018. The 5th generation should replace the Project 949AM Antey submarines and Project 971, 945 and 671RTM multipurpose submarines.

Megaton underwater drones

Russia's asymmetrical response. We create megaton underwater drones

Russia is twice the size of the United States. Today, a third of the total US population lives in three giant metropolitan areas. More than half of all US GDP is produced there. The zones of these megalopolises are relatively small (about 400 thousand sq. Km) and are mainly located on the coast. Hence, for the most part, all the asymmetric countermeasures dance.

Russia is building an unmanned submarine with a powerful nuclear warhead to destroy American submarine bases and other important facilities on the US coast, the Washington Times writes, citing Pentagon sources. In the US military, the development was codenamed Kanyon.

According to the US military, it will be an uncrewed attack submarine armed with a "tens of megatons" thermonuclear warhead capable of rapidly and stealthily moving long distances.

The press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov confirmed that information about the classified system "Status-6" was accidentally shown on the air of Russian television, Interfax reports. On November 9, Channel One and NTV went on the air about a meeting with President Putin on defense issues.

Status-6 is the same underwater drone that the Washington Times wrote about.

On March 18, 2016, representatives of the United Shipbuilding Company, commenting on messages about Status-6, confirmed the development of an “unmanned underwater robot”.

From the wiki: Status-6 is a Russian ocean-going multipurpose weapon system designed to destroy US Navy bases and important objects of the enemy's economy in the coastal area and inflict guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country's territory. The same asymmetrical answer.

Modeling in the NukeMap program of Alex Verestein shows that the size of the affected area from a 100 megaton explosion of the Status-6 nuclear warhead will be approximately 1700 km by 300 km.

The second most damaging factor is the creation of an artificial megatsunami with a wave height of 300-500 meters with a wave entering the mainland, provided flat terrain is up to 500 km

Rearmament of the navy and army is not only about supplying the troops with modern technology. New types of weapons are constantly being created in the Russian Federation. Their future development is also being addressed. Consider further the latest military developments in Russia in some areas.

Strategic intercontinental missiles

This type is an important weapon. The basis of the missile forces of the Russian Federation are liquid-propellant heavy ICBMs "Sotka" and "Voevoda". The service life has been extended three times. At present, a heavy complex "Sarmat" has been developed to replace them. It is a hundred-ton-class missile, which carries at least ten separable warheads in the head element. The main characteristics of the "Sarmat" have already been assigned. Serial production is planned to begin at the legendary Krasmash, for the reconstruction of which 7.5 billion rubles have been allocated from the Federation budget. Promising combat equipment is already being created, including individual reconnaissance units with promising means of overcoming missile defense (ROC "Inevitability" - "Breakthrough").

Installation "Avangard"

In 2013, the commanders of the Strategic Missile Forces conducted an experimental launch of this middle-class ballistic intercontinental missile. This was the fourth launch since 2011. Three previous launches were also successful. In this test, the rocket flew with a mock combat unit. It replaced the previously used ballast. Avangard is a fundamentally new rocket, which is not considered a continuation of the Topol family. The command of the Strategic Missile Forces calculated an important fact. It lies in the fact that Topol-M can hit 1 or 2 anti-missiles (for example, the American type SM-3), and one Avangard will require at least 50. That is, the effectiveness of a missile defense breakthrough has increased significantly.

In the installation of the "Avangard" type, the already familiar missile with a multiple head element of personal guidance has been replaced by the newest system, which has a controlled warhead (UBB). This is an important innovation. The blocks in the MIRV are located in 1 or 2 tiers (in the same way as in the Voevoda installation) around the engine of the dilution stages. By the command of the computer, the stage begins to unfold towards one of the targets. Then, with a small impulse of the engine, the warhead released from the mounts is sent to the target. Its flight is carried out along a ballistic curve (like a thrown stone), without maneuvering in height and course. In turn, the controlled unit, in contrast to the specified element, looks like an independent rocket with a personal guidance and control system, an engine and rudders resembling conical "skirts" in the lower part. It is an efficient device. The engine can allow him to maneuver in space, and in the atmosphere - "skirt". Due to this control, the warhead flies 16,000 km from a 250-kilometer height. In general, the range of the "Vanguard" can be more than 25,000 km.

Bottom missile systems

The latest military developments of Russia are also present in this area. There are also innovative implementations... Back in the summer of 2013, tests were carried out in the White Sea of ​​such weapons as a new ballistic missile "Skif", which is capable, in a waiting mode on the ocean or seabed, at the right time to shoot and hit land and sea objects. She uses the ocean floor as the original mine plant. The location of these systems at the bottom of the water element will provide the necessary invulnerability to the weapon of retaliation.

The latest military developments in Russia - mobile missile systems

A lot of work has been invested in this direction. In 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense began testing a new hypersonic missile. Its flight speed is approximately 6 thousand km / h. It is known that today in Russia hypersonic technology is being studied in several developing areas. Along with this, the Russian Federation also produces combat railroad and naval missile systems. This significantly modernizes the armament. V this direction experimental design of the latest military developments in Russia are being actively pursued.

The so-called test launches of Kh-35UE missiles were also successful. They were released from installations housed in a cargo-type container of the Club-K complex. The X-35 anti-ship missile is distinguished by its flight to the target and stealth at an altitude not exceeding 15 meters, and at the final stage of its trajectory - 4 meters. The presence of a powerful warhead and a combined homing system allows one unit of this weapon to completely destroy a paramilitary ship with a displacement of 5 thousand tons. For the first time, a mock-up of this missile system was shown in Malaysia in 2009, in a military-technical show.

He immediately made a splash, since the Club-K is a typical cargo twenty and forty-foot containers. This military equipment of Russia is transported by rail, on sea vessels or trailers. Command posts and launchers with multipurpose missiles such as Kh-35UE 3M-54E and 3M-14E are placed in this container. They can hit both land and surface targets. Every container ship that Club-K carries is, in principle, a missile carrier with a devastating salvo.

This is an important weapon. Absolutely any echelon with these installations or a convoy, which includes large-capacity automobile container ships, is a powerful missile unit that can appear in any unexpected place. Successfully carried out tests have proven that Club-K is not a fiction, it really is combat system... These new developments in military equipment are a confirmed fact. Similar tests are also being prepared with the 3M-14E and 3M-54E missiles. Incidentally, the 3M-54E missile can completely destroy an aircraft carrier.

Latest generation strategic bomber

Currently, the Tupolev company is developing and improving a promising airline complex (PAK DA). He is a Russian strategic missile bomber the latest generation... This aircraft is not an improvement of the TU-160, but will be an innovative device based on the latest solutions. In 2009, the RF Ministry of Defense and the Tupolev company signed a contract for R&D on the basis of PAK DA for a period of three years. In 2012, an announcement was made that the preliminary design of the PAK DA had already been completed and signed, and then the latest military development projects would begin.

In 2013, this was approved by the RF Air Force command. PAK DA is famous as modern nuclear missile carriers TU-160 and TU-95MS.
Of several options, we settled on a subsonic stealth aircraft with a "flying wing" scheme. This military equipment of Russia is not able to overcome the speed of sound due to the peculiarity of the design and the huge wingspan, but it can be invisible to radars.

Future missile defense

Work continues on the creation of the S-500 missile defense system. In this latest generation, it is proposed to use separate execution of tasks to neutralize aerodynamic and ballistic missiles. The S-500 differs from the S-400, designed for air defense, in that it is created as an anti-missile defense system.

She will also be able to fight against hypersonic weapons that are actively developing in the United States. These new Russian military developments are important. The S-500 is an aerospace defense system that they want to design in 2015. It will have to neutralize objects that fly at altitudes above 185 km and at a distance of more than 3500 km from the launch site. At the moment, the draft sketch has already been completed and promising military developments in Russia are being carried out in this direction. The main purpose of this complex will be the defeat of the latest air-type assault weapons, which are produced in the world today. It is assumed that this system will be able to perform tasks both in the stationary version and when moving into the combat zone. which Russia should start producing in 2016, will be equipped with a shipborne version of the S-500 anti-missile system.

Combat lasers

There are many interesting things in this direction. Russia, before the United States of America, began military development in this area and has in its arsenal the most prototypes of high-precision chemical warfare lasers. The first such installation was tested by Russian developers back in 1972. Then, already with the help of a domestic mobile "laser cannon", it was possible to successfully hit a target in the air. So in 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense demanded to continue work on the creation of combat lasers that are capable of striking satellites, aircraft and ballistic missiles.
This is important in modern weapons. New military developments of Russia in the field of lasers are carried out by the Almaz-Antey air defense organization, the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Concern named after Beriev and the company "Khimpromavtomatika". All this is controlled by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. began to modernize again the flying laboratories A-60 (based on the Il-76), which are used to test the latest laser technologies. They will be based at an airfield near Taganrog.


Further, at successful development in this area, the Russian Federation will build one of the most powerful lasers in the world. This device in Sarov it will occupy an area equal to two football fields, and at its highest point it will reach the size of a 10-storey building. The facility will be equipped with 192 laser channels and a huge laser pulse energy. For the French and American counterparts, it is equal to 2 megajoules, while for Russia it is approximately 1.5-2 times higher. The superlaser will be able to create colossal temperatures and densities in matter, which are the same as on the Sun. This device will also simulate the processes observed during the testing of thermonuclear weapons in laboratory conditions. The creation of this project will be estimated at about 1.16 billion euros.

Armored vehicles

In this regard, the latest military developments were also not long in coming. In 2014, the Russian Ministry of Defense will start purchasing the main effective battle tanks based on a single platform for heavy armored vehicles "Armata". On the basis of a successful batch of these vehicles, they will conduct controlled military operation. The release of the first prototype of a tank based on the Armata platform, in accordance with the current schedule, took place in 2013. The specified military equipment of Russia is planned to be supplied to military units from 2015. The development of the tank will be carried out by Uralvagonzavod.

Another avenue of the Russian defense industry complex is the Terminator (Object - 199). This combat vehicle will be designed to neutralize air targets, manpower, armored vehicles, as well as various shelters and fortifications.

"Terminator" is capable of being created on the basis of the T-90 and T-72 tanks. Its standard equipment will consist of 2 30-mm cannons, ATGM "Attack" with laser guidance, Kalashnikov machine gun and 2 AGS-17 grenade launchers. These new developments in Russian military equipment are significant. The capabilities of the BMPT allow the implementation of fire of significant density at 4 targets at once.

Precision weapons

The Air Force of the Russian Federation will adopt missiles to carry out strikes against surface and ground targets with GLONASS guidance. At the test site in Akhtubinsk, the Chkalov GLITS tested the S-25 and S-24 missiles, which are equipped with special kits with seeker and control surfaces. This is an important improvement. GLONASS guidance kits began to arrive en masse at air bases in 2014, that is, Russian helicopter and front-line aviation completely switched to high-precision weapons.

Unguided rockets (NUR) S-25 and S-24 will remain the main weapon of the bomber and attack aircraft of the Russian Federation. However, they hit squares, which is an expensive and ineffective pleasure. The GLONASS homing heads will convert the S-25 and S-24 into a high-precision weapon capable of hitting small targets with an accuracy of 1 meter.


The main priorities in the organization of promising types of military equipment and weapons have almost been determined. Emphasis is placed on the production of the most robotic combat systems, where a safe operator function will be assigned to a person.

In this direction, a set of programs is planned:

  • Organization of power armor, familiar as exoskeletons.
  • Work on the development of underwater robots for a wide variety of purposes.
  • Design of a series of unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • It is planned to establish technologies for They will allow the implementation of the ideas of Nikolai Tesla on an industrial scale.

Russian experts relatively recently (2011-2012) carried out the creation of the SAR-400 robot. It is 163 cm high and looks like a torso with two "manipulator arms" equipped with special sensors. They allow the operator to feel the object being touched.

SAR-400 is capable of performing several functions. For example, fly into space or perform remote surgery. And in military conditions, it is generally irreplaceable. He can be a scout, a sapper, and a repairman. In terms of its working capabilities and performance characteristics, the SAR-400 android surpasses (for example, in terms of squeezing the brush) foreign counterparts, and American ones too.


The latest military developments in Russia are currently also being actively pursued in this direction. This is a confirmed fact. Izhevsk gunsmiths began developing the latest generation of small arms. It differs from the Kalashnikov system, which is popular all over the world. This implies a new platform that allows you to compete with analogues of the latest models of small arms in the world. This is important in this area. As a result, the law enforcement agencies can be provided with fundamentally the latest combat systems that correspond to the rearmament program of the Russian army until 2020. Therefore, at the moment, significant developments are underway in this regard. Future riflemen will be of a modular type. This will simplify subsequent upgrades and production. In this case, a scheme will be used more often in which the weapon magazine and the percussion mechanism will be located in the butt behind the trigger. Ammunition with innovative ballistic solutions will also be used to develop the latest small arms systems. For example, increased accuracy, significant effective range, more powerful penetration ability. The gunsmiths are tasked with creating new system From scratch, not based on outdated principles. To achieve this goal, the latest technologies are involved. At the same time, Izhmash will not renounce work on the modernization of the 200-series AK, since the Russian special services are already interested in the supply of this type of weapon. Further military developments in this direction are currently being carried out.


All of the above emphasizes the successful modernization of the weapons of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to keep up with the times and not be satisfied with what has already been achieved, implementing the latest improvements in this area. Along with the above, there are also secret military developments of Russia, but their publication is limited.

Space industry of Russia considered one of the most powerful in the world. The state is a leader in orbital launches and manned flights, maintaining parity with America in the field of navigation. Approximately 40% of launches carried out in the twenty-first century were made from domestic cosmodromes and the Kazakh Baikonur, leased by the Russian Federation until 2050.

Rocket and space industry of the Russian Federation

The country's space industry employs about a hundred enterprises, employing a quarter of a million people. Most of them are "heirs" of Soviet design bureaus and factories. The largest contractor for manned flights is the Energia corporation named after V.I. Queen. Here the devices "Progress" and "Soyuz-TMA", as well as equipment for international program on the creation of the ISS.

"GKNPTs" them. Khrunicheva and TsSKB-Progress specialize in the production of launch vehicles and upper stages. Their products are in demand not only by domestic, but also by leading foreign centers. In the "Information Satellite Systems" satellites are being developed. In the sector of interplanetary probes, the leader of the rocket and space industry is NPO im. Lavochkin.

Space industry in Russia in 2016

The last year was marked for the industry by the loss of leadership in the number of starts. One more launch was made from American and Chinese sites (19 each). The lag behind the US and the EU has increased in a number of areas, for example, deep space exploration, the development of a radiation-resistant element base and remote sensing of the planet. One of the main topics of 2016 was the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, which was accompanied by numerous financial scandals.

In 2014, the "FKP for 2016-2025" was developed. with a budget of 2.85 trillion rubles. In addition to standard support industry, the program includes the development of a super-heavy launch vehicle for a manned flight to the Moon and a number of other interesting projects... However, it became clear very soon that the Russian space industry could not count on the promised amount of funding in the near future.

In 2015, a new version was prepared, providing for a budget cut to two trillion rubles, but the economic ministry agreed to allocate only half of this amount. As a result of tough negotiations, the parties agreed on a compromise in the form of 1.406 trillion rubles. If the financial situation in the country improves, after 2020 another 115 billion will be added.

Authoritative opinion

The infamous Vice President D. Rogozin, who is also chairman of supervisory board Roskosmos, at the end of May last year, expressed the opinion that even an increase in productivity by one and a half times would not allow the Russian rocket and space industry to catch up with the United States. According to him, the country's lagging behind in this area is ninefold. The official calls the bureaucracy the main reason, for some reason “forgetting” about corruption.

It's funny that a couple of years ago Rogozin himself would have attacked anyone who dared to voice such a "heresy" with harsh criticism. At the beginning of the introduction of Western sanctions, the politician spoke of the Americans in an exclusively sarcastic tone. The famous "trampolines to the moon" recommended by the United States have long been an Internet meme. What is the reason for the current self-abasement is difficult to understand.


Despite Rogozin's pessimism, reduced funding for educational and scientific programs, as well as the lack of fully independent access to orbit, the space industry of the Russian Federation continues to be one of the world leaders. Developers face many interesting and important tasks. Here are just some of the projects that should be implemented in the coming years.

First of all, this is the creation of a system capable of servicing individual objects in orbits, the development of inexpensive small-sized devices for studying rays, the resumption of a comprehensive analysis of the Moon using automation, the development and improvement of the Glonass navigation system. In addition, work will continue to modernize domestic spaceports.

One of the priorities of the space industry is the commissioning of the Millimetron infrared and millimeter-wave observatory, equipped with a powerful cryogenic telescope. It is planned to launch the facility after 2019. Russian specialists continue to actively participate in the ISS program and international projects to explore Jupiter, Mars and the Moon. No manned flights to other planets are planned in the next few decades. The development of private astronautics in the Russian Federation in the current realities looks unpromising.

Russian cosmonautics, which over the past 4-5 years has experienced a number of rather painful incidents, and along with the rest of the industry has been affected by a general negative economic background, nevertheless, over the past 2015, it was able to largely catch up on the lost positions over the past years and become one of the locomotives in import substitution projects and the creation of new high-tech world-class products.

We propose to talk in more detail about the results, failures, rises and prospects of the domestic space. Especially considering the fact that Russia's competitors in the development of near-earth and interplanetary space are also on the alert. This means that our rocket and space industry needs to make every effort to modernize enterprises, develop government orders and conduct R&D in promising areas.

The year began, it should be noted, on a rather negative note - on May 16, 2015, the Proton-M carrier with the Mexican MexSat-1 satellite on board crashed. Later, in August, the government commission will name the reason: experts came to the conclusion that the cause of the launch vehicle accident was a constructive flaw in the rotor shaft of the third stage turbopump unit, which failed due to increased vibration loads.

The accident with the Mexican satellite was, as it were, the final one in a whole series of problems with the Protons, the peak of which fell in 2013-2014. The most resonant accident of the Proton-M launch vehicles was the fall of three satellites of the GLONASS orbital constellation on July 2, 2013. The cause of the disaster was then blatant negligence and irresponsibility during the assembly of the rocket, when the angular velocity sensors were installed incorrectly at the manufacturing plant. This led to the loss of satellites and losses of almost 4.5 billion rubles. And already in May 2014, the Russian telecommunications satellite "Express AM4R" was lost due to the failure of the 3rd stage steering engines.

However, the relevant conclusions based on the results of these accidents were made by the government and the relevant departments, primarily Roscosmos, and all launches that followed the MexSat-1 crash (and there were four of them in the future) took place in the normal mode.

Also in the outgoing year, the promising Russian Vostochny cosmodrome was actively developed and built. The new cosmodrome is being built near the village of Uglegorsk in the Amur region. A whole city is also being built near Uglegorsk for the workers of the cosmodrome and their families, which will be named after the pioneer of world and national cosmonautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

The first launch of the launch vehicle from the cosmodrome was scheduled for 2015, and the launch of a manned spaceship- for 2018. However, later these dates had to be postponed.

If we talk about the concrete achievements of the builders, then, despite the problems with contractors (which are now being dealt with by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation) and the delay in the first start-up, a lot has been done anyway. So, this year the construction and installation of the most important component of the ground infrastructure of the cosmodrome - the control and measuring complex - was completed. The measuring complex "Vostochny" includes a unified technological module, a complex of antennas for receiving and transmitting telemetry.

In addition, the cosmodrome has equipped a system for transmitting data from a ground control complex, a marine measuring complex and several command posts throughout Russia. At the “Vostochny”, already at the end of November, the “starting minimum” was commissioned, which will allow, according to the calculations of specialists, to carry out the first launch in the spring of 2016.

A Soyuz launch vehicle was also delivered to the cosmodrome and placed in the assembly and testing complex, where it will spend the winter and prepare for the first launch from the Far Eastern cosmodrome.

Work was also actively carried out on the creation of social infrastructure for the personnel of the cosmodrome, the relevant departments continued the construction of microdistricts in the city of Tsiolkovsky. Now the issue of activating low-rise construction for the needs of Vostochny employees is also being worked out. As in the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the state will undertake to provide social guarantees to attract highly qualified specialists to work at the cosmodrome. Including specialists who are ready to transfer from the Baikonur complex. The Ministry of Construction of Russia will consider the possibility of giving this category of citizens the right to provide housing at the expense of the federal budget by providing them with state housing certificates.

Relations with our foreign partners and, first of all, with the United States, were not easy for Russia. We and the Americans, despite significant and, let's be honest, insurmountable contradictions on the entire foreign policy agenda, remained reliable partners in space. Throughout the year, cooperation with the ISS continued, and Soyuz launches were carried out, including with American astronauts on board.

However, the most significant situation characterizing the interdependence of Russia and the United States in the space sphere is, of course, the epic with the purchases of the Russian RD-180 rocket engines by the American consortium "United Launch Alliance".

Against the backdrop of anti-Russian hysteria, the US Congress decided to significantly limit the purchases of RD-180 engines in Russia - this year it was planned to purchase only 5 units. This put United Launch Alliance in an extremely uncomfortable position and even forced it to refuse to participate in the Pentagon's tender for the launch of military satellites.

It is worth recalling that the RD-180 produced by NPO Energomash is used as the first stage of the American Atlas 5 heavy-class rocket, and the Americans cannot do without them. As a result, by 2019, Russian rocket designers from Energomash will supply the United States with another 20 RD-180 engines.

General characteristics of the activities of "Roskosmos"

Currently, the state corporation for space activities "Roscosmos" unites more than 90 organizations, 80% of which are joint stock companies. They employ about 250 thousand people.

2016 marked the 55th anniversary of the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the Year of Gagarin. This year was a continuation of the systemic reform of the rocket and space industry in Russia, enterprises and organizations of the state corporation, which was launched in the fall of 2014. The main directions of changes carried out in the space industry are improving the quality of products, financial recovery of enterprises and renewal of production.

In 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Space Program (hereinafter - FKP) for 2016–2025, which determined the ways and directions of Russia's space activities for the next decade. All significant programs have been preserved - the development and production of new types of launch vehicles and the Federation manned transport vehicle, international cooperation, including the ISS, development, production and launch of spacecraft for applied and fundamental scientific research.

In 2016, work continued to ensure the development of space activities and the rocket and space industry in Russia. The following tasks were solved:

formation and maintenance of the required composition of the orbital constellation of spacecraft;

introduction of domestic satellite navigation technologies and services using the GLONASS global navigation satellite system;

improvement of the system for providing Earth remote sensing data (hereinafter - ERS) from space using Russian spacecraft (hereinafter - SC) ERS of high spatial resolution;

continuation of the implementation of programs of scientific and applied research and experiments at the International Space Station;

creation of scientific, technical and technological groundwork for promising models of rocket and space technology;

modernization and maintenance of the Plesetsk and Baikonur cosmodromes, construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

A complex of organizational, scientific, technical and production and technological measures is being implemented, which provide for capital investment measures, including investment projects to modernize production facilities.

Over the past two years alone, more than 40 objects of reconstruction and technical re-equipment have been commissioned, including a completely renewed fleet of technical equipment. In the medium term, it is planned to re-equip more than 160 facilities as part of the corporation's innovative development program.

Current programs of innovative development of leading enterprises - manufacturers of space technology (PJSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, FSUE GKNPTs named after M.V. Khrunichev, JSC RCC Progress, JSC NPO Energomash named after Academician V.P. Glushko ", JSC" Information Satellite Systems "named after Academician MF Reshetnev", JSC "Russian Space Systems" and others) are aimed, among other things, at a cardinal renewal of the technical fleet of production assets.

The personnel reserve of the rocket and space industry has been formed; criteria for the selection and competencies of employees applying for leadership positions... A total of 1320 applications were submitted in 2016 from heads of various levels of organizations in the industry, and the commission will eventually select 200 people who will be trained at the established and successfully operating Corporate Academy of the State Corporation Roscosmos. In 2016, the first industry sports day and the first corporate championship “Young Professionals of Roscosmos” were held in accordance with WorldSkills standards. Also, new standards and methods of working with employees are being developed, formed and put into effect, where one of the important points is motivation for quality work.

The net profit of the enterprises of the industry in 2016 amounted to 3.2 billion rubles, which is 56% higher than in 2015.

In 2016, Roscosmos, together with the Moscow Planetarium, carried out the action “Let's bring astronomy back to schools”. An agreement was reached with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to return astronomy lessons to schools.

Key indicators

The main event of 2016 is the first launch from the first civilian cosmodrome of Russia Vostochny on April 28, 2016. The Soyuz 2.1a launch vehicle (hereinafter - LV) has placed two scientific and remote sensing spacecraft, Lomonosov and Aist-2D, into specified orbits.

At present, the state corporation "Roscosmos" is embarking on the second stage of the construction of the cosmodrome, first of all, the creation of a launch complex for the launch of new, promising carrier rockets "Angara".

In 2016, 19 launches were carried out in the interests of government and commercial customers. Under the ISS program, Roscosmos State Corporation performed 7 launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome; 5 commercial launches were also carried out: 2 from the Baikonur cosmodrome, 1 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome and 2 from the Guiana Space Center.

The unique products of the flagship engine-building enterprise of the state corporation Roscosmos, JSC NPO Energomash, continue to be in demand. So, in October 2016, the American Antares launch vehicle with Russian RD-181 engines produced by this enterprise was successfully launched.

The orbital constellation of social, economic, scientific and dual-use spacecraft as of the end of 2016 included 84 spacecraft, including 27 spacecraft - GLONASS systems and 8 ERS spacecraft for natural resource and hydrometeorological purposes. The main characteristics of the GLONASS system (accuracy and availability) were consistently maintained at a competitive level throughout the year.

Development of the Earth remote sensing system

In 2016, the Earth remote sensing (ERS) space system was formed, consisting of three Resurs-P spacecraft, taking this into account, the provision of ERS data to all federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation was ensured. Work has begun on the commercial use of remote sensing data.

As part of the development of space infrastructure, the first Russian Arctic center for receiving remote sensing data was deployed in Murmansk. Work has begun on the deployment of a similar center in Antarctica at the Progress station.

Development of promising launch vehicles

To successfully promote Russia on the international space launch market, our country needs promising launch vehicles. Enterprises and design bureaus of the Roscosmos state corporation are developing projects for a heavy-class rocket complex with increased payload capacity based on the Angara A5 launch vehicle and a super-heavy class rocket under the lunar program (the development of its draft design began in 2017). An agreement was reached with Kazakhstani partners on the creation of the Baiterek complex at the Baikonur cosmodrome using a new promising Russian launch vehicle, the development of which is planned for 2018.

The state corporation "Roskosmos" continues to introduce systems for monitoring and improving the quality of manufactured space technology at all enterprises and organizations of the rocket and space industry in Russia. The industry is shifting to digital design for space technology. The main goal in terms of quality and reliability is to reduce the accident rate of launch vehicles by at least 1.5 times by 2020 and increase the active life of spacecraft by 25-30%.

To increase the efficiency of production and increase the competitiveness of the rocket and space technology produced, the state corporation "Roscosmos" has developed and approved the standards of the production system. To start introducing the standards of the new production system, three flagship enterprises of the state corporation were selected: FSUE GKNPTs im. MV Khrunichev "(hereinafter referred to as the Khrunichev Center), PJSC RSC Energia" and JSC NPO Energomash ".

International projects of "Roscosmos"

In the framework of the previously concluded intergovernmental agreements on the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, Roscosmos State Corporation in 2016 cooperated with the following countries: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Nicaragua , Chile, China, India, Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia, South Africa, - as well as with the CIS countries: Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia.

In 2016, the state corporation "Roscosmos" performed the function of the leading space agency within the framework of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters.

Also in 2016, within the framework of international cooperation, the Roscosmos state corporation solved the problems of organizing, ensuring interaction and developing international cooperation with foreign space agencies, including the European Space Agency (hereinafter - ESA) and the National Agency for Aeronautics and Space Research (hereinafter - NASA), national coordinating bodies of foreign states and international organizations in the field of exploration and use of outer space.

In 2016, the Concept was signed with the Kazakh side further cooperation at the Baikonur complex, a joint program for the development of tourism infrastructure in Baikonur, a road map for the implementation of the Baiterek project for 2016–2025, and other intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements.

In 2016, the state corporation Roscosmos prepared for the conclusion of intergovernmental agreements with Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Malaysia, Mongolia, Ecuador, Angola and Algeria.

As part of international cooperation under the ISS program, Roscosmos, together with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), signed an addendum to the framework agreement regarding the use of the ISS for research and experimental activities. Also, joint space experiments of the state corporation Roscosmos, ESA, NASA and the Japanese Aerospace Research Agency (hereinafter - JAXA) are continuing. Thus, within the framework of the joint space experiment "Crystallizer" with JAXA, results have been obtained that allow Russian scientists to carry out work to create medical product for the treatment of cancer.

In 2016, the first Russian-American annual flight was successfully completed. Roscosmos cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and NASA astronaut Scott Kelly worked on the ISS.

One of the resonant international scientific projects is the ExoMars project, in which Russia is working together with colleagues from the European Space Agency. In March 2016, the Proton launch vehicle successfully launched the Russian-European mission ExoMars-2016 from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The device has successfully reached the orbit of Mars and began its work. On board the apparatus of four devices - two Russian. The next stage of the mission is planned for implementation in 2020.

Employees of FSUE TsNIIMash, a research institute part of the Roscosmos state corporation, have developed up-to-date scenarios of flights to the Moon, combining the use of unmanned and manned spacecraft; technical requirements to promising manned space complexes.

State Corporation Roscosmos is actively developing cooperation with foreign countries in the field of satellite navigation. Federal target program"Maintenance, development and use of the GLONASS system for 2012–2020" provides for the creation of a monitoring network that includes stations of functional additions to the GLONASS system for the global high-precision determination of navigation information in real time for civilian consumers and for monitoring and confirming the characteristics of the GLONASS system. So, in 2016, a quantum-optical station was placed, designed for trajectory measurements of the motion of GLONASS satellites, and scheduled tests of the station's parameters began. The Sazhen-TM-BIS system located in South Africa became the second radio-laser complex of the foreign segment of the network of stations of the state corporation Roscosmos, created in the interests of the GLONASS system (the first complex of this type was installed and put into operation on July 14, 2014 in . Brasilia, Brazil). Preparatory measures have been completed for the commissioning of the GLONASS measurement collection station in Nicaragua, the commissioning of which is scheduled for April 2017. An agreement was reached on the deployment of a unified station for collecting measurements of global navigation satellite systems on the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

In 2016, the state corporation Roscosmos began the development of a five-sided international project on the joint use of Earth remote sensing satellites and the corresponding ground infrastructure in the interests of the BRICS countries, as well as on the creation of a mechanism for the exchange of remote sensing data in the fields of studying climate change, protection from emergencies and protection environment... Currently, the corresponding draft of the five-sided agreement is being coordinated with foreign partners.


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