Binary options cheat. How easy is it to cheat a binary options broker? Standard support and VIP

Brokers constantly leave their clients with nothing, and in general binary options are nothing more than a scam. This is exactly what those depositors think, who, due to illiteracy and thoughtlessness, merged their deposits in a matter of days.

Undoubtedly, every speculator faces such a situation, who thought that by replenishing an account with a certain amount of money, he would instantly receive everything multiplied in half. No one discards such an opportunity, it is real, but only if the trader has previously practiced binary options trading. And he already knows all the nuances and characteristics of work in the market.

Of course, there is a desire to recoup, and this is not surprising, since our person is always eager to return what he has lost. And quite often deceived traders ask the same question: "Why is it possible for a broker to deceive his client, but a brokerage company cannot be fooled?"

It is not surprising that more cunning and agile people were found, and they were able to do so that brokers can be deceived.

Drawing up a plan to cheat binary options

The traders who entered the list of defrauded depositors have long begun to work on a way to defraud the brokerage company. Therefore, the main goal is to find a solution that will cheat binary options.

Unfortunately, not all contributors have skills at the initial level, so hacking the system is not our option. Moreover, in order to learn codes for binary options, a high level of computer and software knowledge is required. But, in stock there is still higher education and resourcefulness.

For a long time, brokerage companies were subjected to analysis and detailed study of depositors. Ultimately, we came to the conclusion that all brokers have one characteristic feature... It is she who can easily be used to generate income. Due to this, it is possible to complete trades out of ten or eight with a profit. Therefore, we can safely say that two trades with a loss are an excellent option for those who are eager to profit from a broker.

But, here traders realized that, unfortunately, this can be used only once during one week. Do not hang your nose, within one month it turns out four times. Trust me, this is not a bad number. As an example, let's say the bid is $ 25. That is, it is logical that the ratio reaches 80 percent.

For example, eight trades with income passed, plus two with a loss. In one month, the profit margin will be around $ 640. In this case, $ 200 will be lost. The result is $ 440.

Characteristics of a Brokerage Company Cheating

The very first step when starting trading is choosing a broker. This is where the investor often makes a mistake. Not really knowing the criteria by which to choose a brokerage company, the trader is led by tricks and tricks.

The logical question is: "How to choose a broker?" The answer is simple, it is best to opt for a company that provides options with one touch and long expiration.

The one-touch option will help the trader at the moment of determining the movement of the call and put option. The recommendation of successful depositors regarding this option is that it is best to choose an expiration date of six days.

Then the price movement has to be determined. On weekends, be sure to go to the platform and see where the upper and lower strike levels for the one-touch option are located.

When the trader makes the above manipulations, it is necessary to determine as clearly as possible the number of points that separate the current price and the beginning of the upper, and after the lower level of the strike. In this case, you need to buy a call option. This algorithm works in the opposite direction, only in such a situation you need to purchase a put option.

What is the essence of the described algorithm?

The bottom line is pretty simple. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the target levels for an option of this type are determined by the broker's employee who conducts such calculations.

Its task is to prevent the price from reaching the strike level, as a result, the speculator suffers losses, and with a constant test of fate, he can drain the entire deposit.

If we work according to this model, then we go to a kind of insider. Since initially, in order to set certain strike levels, Analytics department the broker's company makes a clear forecast. And only after that does the manager set the target level a little further to the effective value ratio. This is done with the expectation that the price will not reach the set mark.

Due to the fact that tricks do not play in the broker's favor, they only provide an opportunity for a trader to make money on trading. The manager does not even consciously help the investor, since he shows which side the asset price will be directed to.

Competent purchase of an option

Now you have to understand at what time and moment it is best to buy an option, so that in the end you can make a profit.

The ideal option is when the option is purchased on Monday morning. But, here it is necessary to comply with the condition that the vector of its price direction was calculated by the trader during the weekend.

The deadline for the completion of the transaction is set at the end of the current week. The trader can only wait for the completion of the transaction and receive income to his account.

The lion's share of brokerage companies provide their clients with a wide range of assets to profit from one-touch options trading, so there should be no problem in this area.

Moreover, brokers have a function for counting points, for example, it is presented in Utrader

Regarding the choice of an asset, the best solution would be to give priority to those that have the largest gap from the current price to the strike levels.

Incredibly quickly, on the virtual platforms of the Internet, it was formed and expanded the new kind activities of traders, allowing you to make money on binary options trading with the help of simple operations. The swiftness of occurrence easy way the receipt of income due to the movement of prices of exchange-traded assets has not yet allowed many speculators to finally comprehend and get certain answers to important questions about this invention. The main concerns of traders are associated with the possibility of realistically and without deception to make a profit from trading binary options. However, let's look at the global world Forex market, which is a more significant formation with long term activities. Here, too, there are certain doubts of an impressive mass of traders about the possibilities of obtaining stable earnings from trading on the stock exchange, which became a derivative of the binary options market. However, the global nature of the phenomenon nevertheless puts a definite end to the issues of fraudulent actions throughout the entire space of the world stock exchange and the Forex market. After all, each bidder can sensibly reject the fact of fraud, organized practically on a global scale.

Many distrustful traders are circulating endless rumors that the binary options market has become a casino derivative, that is, a purely gambling activity.
This article will help to reduce the flow of incredible opinions, moreover, it will help you to understand the main thing, namely: are binary options a scam, or another real way to make money on the basis of trading.

Binary options- is this a new type of earnings or a modification of online casinos?

Can you make money on binary options? In the first paragraph of the answer to this question, it is necessary to refute the thoughts and beliefs of many traders about the involvement of binary options brokers in the system of earnings, comparable to the receipt of income in the gambling business.
Accepted the Russian government The decree on the places where gambling establishments are legally based became the impetus for the massive creation of casino sites on the Internet. Here, an impressive part of online casino customers are addicted to playing roulette. Many traders are trying to compare exactly roulette bets with binary options trading.

How to find out the honesty of the roulette game results?

Hardly any sane gambler doubts that all casino bets are under the constant control of their owners. The basic scheme of roulette operation assumes a programmed algorithm of the system of hitting the ball on a certain color and number in favor of the gambling establishment. Therefore, even the existence of the only possible check function on roulette, which allows you to unload the game program for all bets, belongs to the category of useless actions.

Checking the correctness of the final values ​​of trades on binary options

In the binary options market, instead of a ball with a number ( color) the final indicators of trading operations are current quotes and asset values. It is extremely clear and known to all the place where the price values ​​of market assets are taken. It is true that any trader of the binary options market can find out all the final quotes on the official websites of the respective exchanges. This means that there is an indisputable fact that it is possible to check the final trading results. Moreover, many players keep records of their own transactions, the parameters of which can always be compared on the resources of other representatives of exchange trading. The conclusion suggests itself that all binary options brokers are directly dependent on exchange trading, receiving all quotes from there. They are simply not able to adjust their own price values ​​of assets even using the most programmed algorithm, and this will be revealed pretty soon. Brokers simply will not be able to violate the global values ​​of prices for precious metals, oil, currencies or other assets.

How does customer loyalty and competition position brokers?

Another characteristic difference between brokers and gambling establishments is their loyalty to successful speculators who have fixed income on binary options trading. For example, you can name up to ten brokers that have been providing recurring payments to their clients for a long time. Moreover, brokers allow traders with permanent profitable operations without any restrictions to re-trade on their sites. The casino will never allow such carelessness in the behavior of binary options brokers.
The third proof of the solvency of binary options can be serious competition between brokers. The annual turnover of many companies is large sums of money. This means brokers can pay decent dividends to their clients. Other companies are trying to enter the market, for which they attract better conditions traders. A fight for clients begins, which indirectly speaks of the absence of divorce on the part of binary options brokers. Although it is possible that over 90% of brokerage companies are kitchens, but with a lot of cash backing. This allows you to give your partner players a good percentage of the deals. But in this case, you can remember about pyramid structures in the field of attracting customer money. Here it is worth paying close attention to the broker's income proposals, where rates above 90% should alert any trader. Here is a profitability of 70-85% is an acceptable option for a trader and indirectly confirms the reliability of the broker.

Fraud on turbo options or increased risks of a specific strategy for making money?

On the Internet about turbo options, there are often such statements as "binary options scam", "the broker adjusted the quotes", "the option price was different at the time of closing." Of course, over-short trading has its own specifics and is not amenable to everyone. But the right approach to strategy and the choice of tools, for example, volume indicators and channel indicators, allows you to earn a lot and quickly. Trading binary options with an expiration of up to five minutes has a very good chance for many traders to overclock their small deposit, which then allows them to earn at the expense of the broker's money. Although there is a high probability of the opposite development of the event - this is a quick drain of the deposit. After all, even on Forex, earning using a scalping strategy, which has common basic elements with turbo options, is generally only amenable to professionals. But the likelihood of making a profit on turbo options should not be ruled out, because there are different preferences among traders.

What is the influence of a broker on a trader's trade?

After some praises in the previous sections of the article, it is necessary to reveal the bitter truths of the stock exchange business to warn traders.
A speculator should not look at a broker through the prism of good partnerships. By concluding an agreement with any broker, a trader creates one of his main competitors in the business of making money on the binary options market. Moreover, more brokers can be written as their potential enemies. Judge for yourself, the dramatic development of options trading has given a quantitative leap in the brokerage market. Now binary options trading is served by more than a hundred companies, but among them there are no more than a dozen reliable partners.

By what methods can a broker influence a trader?

Each broker of binary options continuously hatches plans to zero out the trader's deposit as a result of trading operations. To do this, not in open mode, the broker is trying to create a certain system of influence on the activities of a trader at work, creating a number of paid services. Before paying for offers of services from a broker, a trader should consider this step well. After all, the main involvement of the speculator in the wrong game goes precisely through this potential of the broker. A special hidden threat to a trader may come from the system bonus program broker. Bonus conditions can be a major trap for a trader. For example, having received a bonus for use, a trader can withdraw it together with the main body of the account only with a multiple increase in the amount of the entire deposit. By the way, in other rules, which traders often do not read, the broker defines incredible ( more than a hundred times!) mandatory increases in the amount of the deposit.
That's why paid services on delivery trading systems, signals, indicators, automatic advisors, training materials, insurance deals, bonuses and other similar offers - these are the very elements of the hidden negative impact of a broker on a trader's earnings.
Of course, rejection of the broker's free offers will be considered an irrational decision of the trader.

What kind legal grounds earning income from activities in the binary options market?

Many law-abiding citizens call Forex, and now the binary options market, a scam, citing the lack of a legal basis for their activities. And it is true, but only in terms of the absence of laws, the birth of which in the Forex market has been going on for decades. But contrary to all laws, reality shows its decisions, so there is no sufficient reason to call the binary options market a scam. Moreover, some organizations have emerged on the market that have become certain regulators of trading in the Russian segment - these are CySEC ( Cypriot government regulator) and CROFR ( Russian non-profit partnership with its own charter and regulations). The issuance of a license to a broker from the CFRM allows a trader to contact a partnership, that is, a certain system of influence on brokers begins to form.
It does not make sense for traders of binary options to be afraid of tax prosecution, since the code of the relevant organization simply does not have the necessary regulatory clause for this.

Binary options brokers constantly deceive their own clients, and in principle binary options are a complete scam. Every second investor thinks in a similar way after he has lost the entire deposit. Not only did they fail to earn money, but also lost their own - what to do next?

Probably, everyone thinks so when they first drain their deposit into financial market... But then an interesting thought occurred to someone smart, so if a binary options broker is capable of deceiving me, then why can't I do the same and deceive him? Let's look at this.

And then work began on how you can still cheat a binary options broker. After all, not all of us have hacking skills, so we don't get into the system trying to crack the codes. But having a higher education and ingenuity, you can successfully use this for your needs.

As a result of a lengthy analysis of binary options brokers, it was noticed that all brokers have a similar feature in their trading platforms, which can be transformed into their own advantage. So, thanks to this, you can learn how to complete 8 out of 10 transactions in the black.

The only drawback is that you can use this feature of the broker's trading platform only once a week. It turns out four times during the month. And if we say in monetary terms: $ 25 (this rate is made initially), the profitability ratio is 80%.

Due to the prevailing positive trades, you can make a profit of $ 640 (profit on trades) - $ 200 (losing trades) = $ 440 per month. This result is able to suit everyone, since it is really better than just losing the deposit. Thus, if you triple the number of assets, you yourself understand what profit is expected for four times working with a broker.

The site presents a rating of the 10 best binary options brokers, you can choose the one that suits you.

How you can easily and calmly outsmart a brokerage company

First action. The correct binary options broker is required.

It is clear that the first and most important thing that matters to you is a binary options broker. Which broker to give preference to? You need to choose the broker that is in its arsenal trade offers has one touch options (also called one touch), and contracts with an extended expiration period.

We need one-touch options to highlight the direction of CALL / PUT contracts. So you should use a one-touch option with an expiration period of six days. You need to directly trade binary options on a long-term basis.

Second action. Analyzing the direction of the price.

On weekends (Saturday or Sunday, it doesn't matter) visit the platform of your chosen broker and see how the broker has matched the high and low for a one-touch contract.

After that, you need to calculate the number of points from the current price position to the upper and lower levels. When there are more points from the current price to the upper level than from the current price to the lower level, this indicates that the buy direction is in the direction of the CALL option. Now it is clear that to what level there are more points from the current price, in that direction the option should be purchased.

You will ask, but where is the logic? - It's simple. Target levels for One touch contracts are determined by the company manager. And what is its main task? - That the price does not reach the right level and the trader lost. This means that before setting these levels, the analyst makes a forecast, and the manager deliberately sets the target level further from the current price so that there is no time left to overcome it.

So, by such actions, the broker independently helps investors, he pushes the trader where the price will move (their analysts foresaw everything). And as already mentioned, the target level is set so that the investor has no time left for the price to reach its level during the expiration period.

And it's not in vain that long-term options are also used. The level and specific price in these options does not matter, only the direction is important. And the price will necessarily be higher than the current price after the end of the long-term contract period.

Third action. Purchase of an option.

After the final choice of a broker, it is very important to understand when to buy an option in order for it to be profitable. you need to buy the option on Monday morning. And you determine the direction of the option on Saturday or Sunday. The option period is set at the end of the week. That's all, the deal is completed, and now we expect the outcome.

Each broker has a large number of assets for trading One touch options, so there will be no problems with choosing a brokerage company. It is important to choose a broker with a platform that will allow you to calculate pips. In addition, it is recommended to select assets where the most significant distance from the current level to the target levels.

When you want to increase your own profits, we still advise you to do this not by increasing investments, but by increasing the number of transactions. You can buy 2-3 long-term options at the same time, having checked them in advance using “one touch” options. Now, calculate how much the broker can cost his own negligence.

So, to deceive the broker, it is very loudly said. Perhaps, in this way, no one is going to deceive anyone, the broker is trying to catch you on your own inattention, and you make a counter step, doing the same. As the classic said in his time: "All ingenious is simple." Use this technique to your advantage and don't miss your luck in binary options trading.

The trader is deceived or tried to deceive everywhere and in every possible way. Today I would like to dwell in more detail on how this can be done, and often done by scammers under the guise of binary options brokers.

Cover with a license

When choosing a binary options broker, traders often pay attention to the licenses of which regulator the company has. They can be organizations such as CySEC, MiFID, FCA, CRFIN and others. There are also “island regulators”, for example, Lotteries and Gaming Authority in Malta. They're no use, but people love it.

Knowing this, start-ups and fraudulent companies post information as if they have such licenses. Sometimes even fake screenshots can be seen on the website. Some brokers go even further and write that they have licenses from well-known US regulators: NFA and CFTC, which even regulated brokers do not have, since America does not issue licenses for European binary options.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to look at the license picture, but also to check their presence on the websites of the regulators themselves. To do this, you need to follow the link provided by the broker, if there is no such link, then such a broker should already be treated with increased caution.

Delay the withdrawal of funds from the trading account

Sometimes it happens that the binary options broker simply does not withdraw funds. The client begins to write to the support service with demands to explain to him the reasons for the delay in the withdrawal of funds, but the company's employees are already ready for this. For the managers of the brokerage company, this is not a surprise for a long time, and they always have ready-made answers in such cases. Judging by the stories of traders who at one time had problems with withdrawing funds, most often company representatives indicate the following reasons for the delay:

  • Account verification problem

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The client is told that the documents he uploaded to confirm his identity are not suitable for some reason. For example, they may claim that they are unreadable, that is, the resolution of graphic files is too low. Or the documents are simply not enough and their security service demanded to provide additional ones. If there was a bank statement, then they may say that one does not fit. If receipts for utilities, then again: the quality is not that, and so on. But the result is one, please provide others or additional documents because the staff doubted the authenticity of these previously provided documents.

  • Additional checks

In the terms of trade, the maximum time frames are most often indicated within which the withdrawal of funds from the client's trading account should be carried out. But many companies have a special clause in their contracts that allows you to significantly increase these periods. This is usually explained by additional verification by the security service: are there any duplicate accounts from the same IP address and whether the client is cheating in any other way.

  • Correction of deals

Some binary options brokers have such a clause in the service regulations. This is when they reserve the unconditional right to adjust traders' transactions based on their own, only one of them, fabrications. This is most often due to non-market quotes. Where they came from, and why the company itself allows this, they will not explain, referring to the same regulations according to which they are always right. That is, this is the case when they do not delay the withdrawal, but simply refuse it, because they cancel the profit previously received by the trader.

  • They just don’t deduce

It also happens that they pull with a conclusion and do not explain anything at the same time. You can write in support and on email, but no sense. Maybe the answer will be something like "please expect." It is likely that a lot here already depends on the improvisation of specific managers, because they have to come up with something on their own.

What is the purpose of all these withdrawal delays? The goal here is for the trader to begin to worry and doubt whether he will be withdrawn money at all. Being in such an emotional state, he can continue his trading, violating his principles of money management, trade not according to his system and as a result lose money.

But this is not the only reason. After all, some companies do not have the goal of working in good faith and for as long as possible. Often, their plans may include closing the company at the most appropriate time, that is, when, according to calculations, they have the most clients. In this case, delays in withdrawal are their direct profit, because the less they withdraw, the more money they will have.

There is only one way out. If there are delays in the withdrawal, then it is necessary, if possible, to withdraw all the money and not to mess with such brokers anymore.

Quote manipulation

This cheating method is known to many traders. When the option's lifetime comes to an end, the trader sees an unexpected increase in volatility, the price jumps and, as a result, his option becomes unprofitable. It will not be possible to compare with other brokers in history if the trade is on a tick chart.

If you have accounts with several brokers, then we can see the difference. However, managers may respond to such claims that different brokers have different providers of quotes. This is true, but this does not in any way explain the price jumps at the very moment of opening and closing a deal. The price has a regular increase in volatility 5-10 minutes before the end of the hour, but when the option opens or closes, for example, at 35 minutes, then there can be no jumps.

Decline in profitability

There is a category of traders that dishonest companies do not need at all, because they trade profitably and stably. Brokers have special measures for such clients. So, trading profitable for a while, traders may one day discover a decrease in the premium paid on profitable options.

For example, if you previously received 95% of the rate, then suddenly this percentage drops to 65% or even lower. There are known cases of a decrease in profit on standard binary options up to 40%. In another case, the interest that is paid when the option is closed early may be reduced. All this is done, of course, with one goal: to lower the profitability of trading in such a way that the profit is nullified and the trader will simply become senseless to trade.

How to protect yourself from unscrupulous binary options brokers?

First of all, you need to understand that while this market is not properly regulated in our country, there will always be many companies wishing to deceive the client. different ways... Therefore, you must always take a responsible approach to the issue of choice.

It is necessary on thematic sites. If the company has any problems with the withdrawal of funds, then in no case contact it. If you are already a client of such a broker, then withdraw all the money and look for a respectable broker.

Practice shows that it is better to withdraw funds in such cases in parts than in whole amount at once.

Note! Many brokers provide clients with more favorable conditions if registration occurs from our website, since we are a large information resource. Present to your attention current rating brokerage companies today, which is compiled by experts taking into account many criteria, as well as feedback from clients of the companies. Choose a company you like and register on favorable terms -. If you do not want to figure it out for a long time, then today the best broker is Binomo, it is head and shoulders above the others in terms of the quality of services provided and in popularity.

The first really serious "sin" of brokerage companies is fraudulent quotes. In this case, the broker periodically or constantly shows the trader quotes that differ from the real market ones, naturally, in their favor.

For example, the market may actually go in one direction, but the opposite will be shown on the charts. Another scam: the option actually closed at 1.11124, and the broker exits at 1.11118. And the trader loses his money, although in fact he was trading completely correctly.

Short-term traders are well aware of the platform freeze problem. Sometimes it's caused by software, sometimes it's an unstable internet connection, but sometimes it's just another scam. Often it looks like this: an option is bought, which closes successfully after 60 seconds, but at the time of closing, the platform freezes until it closes at a loss.

Bonuses are another well-known way to leave traders with nothing. adhere to the policy "your money is your money" and do not prohibit the withdrawal of the original deposit in any case. But the majority still accompanies them with the need to fulfill the bonus conditions (that is, to achieve a certain trade turnover), until which the withdrawal of funds will not be carried out at all.

Many companies like to create problems for their clients with document verification before withdrawing money. The calculation here is that traders with small withdrawal amounts will simply fall into despair and decide to “donate” their company. This is not exactly a scam, but this behavior cannot be called honest either.

And now about the most unpleasant fraud, which is used only by outright swindlers who plan to simply rip money from gullible users as quickly as possible and disappear. This is the blocking of the account and the refusal to withdraw money.

If you are at the stage of choosing a broker and among the reviews you see messages about such behavior of the company, do not even think about depositing money into an account with it. Most likely, you will never see them again.

If the broker has blocked you for any reason (for example, declaring your actions to be fraudulent) - just forget about your money. Reputable regulated companies never do this, so you won't get anywhere anyway, and the thief will just disappear.


It is worth saying that as the binary options industry gains popularity, there are fewer outright deceivers in it. Unfortunately, you will not be able to learn how to cheat binary options anywhere - simply because it is impossible, but at least you can try not to be cheated. Use only regulated brokers with a license and a real physical address (preferably in your country of residence).


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