What riot police are doing. Valery brovkin: “riot police are not an institution for noble maidens. Video "there is such a work of riot police"

In the elite police squad special purpose Moscow police department - an emergency situation. A riot is brewing in the unit, whose main task is to suppress the street protests of citizens. Letters of exposure have already gone to the presidential administration and the Prosecutor General's Office. And the soldiers of the 2nd battalion came to the editorial office - they told how the police chiefs make money, what is the essence of the business called "maintaining public order" and how the "marches of dissent" are dispersed.

The letter was signed by about a dozen people, warrant officers and senior sergeants. Copies of the letter were also sent to the Department own safety The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Presidential Administration, the head of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, the commander of the detachment, Major General Vyacheslav Khaustov, and the head of the MOB of the GUVD, General Vyacheslav Kozlov. However, the security officials did not wait for an answer. The riot policemen decided to inform the journalists about their problems. Riot policemen told how the police chiefs make money, what is the essence of the business called "maintaining public order" and how the "marches of dissent" are dispersed.

What do the valiant law enforcement officers complain about?

Riot police are hired for the protection of cottages on Rublevka, office of the Georgian thief in law on Arbat, a plant in Fili.

“Our battalion guards eight cottages on Rublevskoye Shosse. On the Arbat there is an office of a Georgian thief in law, we also guard it. Now he is a businessman, and he likes that in the 90s he was pressed by the OMON and RUBOP, and now they are being guarded. Two jeeps with riot police are driving behind him. He negotiated directly with our colonel, for one person he pays him 12 thousand rubles a day, of which the fighter gets 1,500, ”the riot police said.

"Gazelle" of the Moscow OMON on Raider seizure costs 50 thousand rubles: “The task is usually simple: we break in, knock out the door, remove all people from the premises. After that, we keep the premises until the new owner arrives. In the Fili-Davydkovo area, we once took the plant, we were on duty from September to February, until all property issues were settled. "

Also Moscow OMON collects money from prostitutes and protects their points on the square near three stations, the publication leads the story of law enforcement officers. “Sometimes“ subbotniks ”arrange for the girls to come to the base and entertain the officers in their offices. In Strogino, all the apartment "points" of prostitutes are under the Moscow OMON, "- said the riot police.

The riot police also take on the escort of goods... “Our fighters with trucks went all the way to Vladivostok. When the Cherkizovsky market was closed, trucks were transported to the same shopping center "Moscow". It cost 100 thousand rubles to take out the truck with the goods, accompanied by riot police. Nobody destroyed any goods, we did not carry out any sweeps or arrests, ”the soldiers said.

Yeah ... I wonder what will happen after those who gave interviews to journalists? with their families, etc. ?
A Georgian thief-businessman is nothing new for the Russian Federation.

Features of the profession
A riot policeman, who is also an OMON fighter, is an employee of a special mobile unit, a police officer trained to work in hot spots. Before the renaming of the police to the police, the OMON was a special police detachment. Today this abbreviation is filled with new meaning: riot police have become a mobile special purpose unit. But the essence of the work of a fighter of this detachment remained the same.
The OMON is not involved in solving crimes, its task is to protect law and order, to suppress riots. For example, if there is an earthquake, forest fire or hurricane, riot police will guard public safety in disaster areas. In particular, it suppresses looting in abandoned houses.

Another important task of the detachment is to provide combat cover for other police officers. Therefore, riot police take part in neutralizing armed criminals, releasing hostages, suppressing prison riots, etc.

As the name suggests, this squad is distinguished by its mobility and readiness to work in emergency situations. This profession is dangerous, requires serious training, dedication to their work and comrades. OMON fighters often die on assignments. Some are awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.
Those who have attended protest demonstrations or watched mass civil actions over the Internet may ask: “What is the OMON doing at the protest actions? Are we talking about mass riots? " The OMON fighter has a short answer to this question: "We keep order." When a lot of people get together, it is fraught with surprises - from accidents to provocations.

A soldier of a mobile squad can be recognized by a large yellow inscription "OMON" on a spotted uniform and a black beret. During mass actions, soldiers wear special protective helmets, in connection with which they are also called "cosmonauts" and even "real cosmonauts." What real real astronauts think about this is unknown to us.
The riot policemen stand in a cordon, letting the participants into the territory of the rally strictly through special "gates" with metal detectors. If a conflict situation is brewing, the fighters react quickly and harshly: wielding truncheons, they push the protesters out of the territory of the action, or vice versa, cut off the instigators, take them into the ring. They help colleagues from the operational squad to carry out detentions.
According to the participants in the events, it happens that a "conflict situation" arises precisely as a result of the actions of the police themselves. Therefore, the attitude towards riot police in society is ambiguous.
Of course, to do this kind of work, a fighter must be sure that the truth is on his side. Otherwise, he will feel like an enemy of his own people.

Riot policemen work in shift. They devote a lot of time to physical training and tactical exercises.
Since 2002, on October 3, riot policemen have been celebrating their professional holiday.

OMON is a police unit. This means that the riot policeman himself is a policeman.

Important qualities
The riot police profession presupposes good health, serious physical training, responsibility, courage, and devotion to comrades.

Knowledge and skills
An OMON fighter must master the technique of hand-to-hand combat (in particular, with the help of a knife), shooting, collective action skills, etc.

Where do they teach
Each region has its own Mobile Special Purpose Unit.
To become a riot policeman, you need to enter the service in this detachment. As a rule, men under 35 years old who have served in the Army and have a secondary education are accepted.
At the reception, a physical fitness test is carried out: cross-country, push-ups, pull-ups, etc. And also endurance hand-to-hand combat.
Those who pass the test pass a three-month study and qualification exam.

As you know, each job has its own value and is paid in proportion to the time spent and labor. But sometimes work is not only a cost of labor, time, but also a constant risk to life and health. There are few such areas, in particular, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or security services.

For example, the work of riot police officers is directly related to the risk to life, not everyone decides to go to this power structure.

The OMON was formed back in the USSR, at the very end of the organization, the organization had several names, including "Special Purpose Militia Detachment", after changing the militia to the police, the structure slightly changed its name. But the essence remained the same - to ensure security in a high-risk zone, for example, during riots, terrorist threats and other unrest, one way or another, threatening stability in the country. OMON is a well-developed power structure, at the moment it includes more than one hundred and sixty detachments and more than forty thousand fighters.

Despite this, in OMON units there is always a shortage of employees, even on Internet bulletin boards you can find official proposals to join the OMON.

The main functions of riot police

  • Maintaining internal order in Russia.
  • Elimination of criminal groups, terrorism.
  • Ensuring the safety of citizens in disaster zones.
  • Neutralization of crime bosses.
  • Release of persons taken hostage.
  • Suppression of looting.
  • Suppression of prison riots.
  • Participation in demonstration events (parades, shows, etc.).

What data is needed to work in special forces

  • Good physical fitness.
  • Strong physique and tall stature.
  • Stable psyche.
  • Good tactical training.
  • Age from 25 years.
  • No administrative fines and no criminal record.
  • Resistance to stress, the ability to quickly navigate in space and circumstances.
  • A recommendation from a serving or current riot police officer.
  • Possession of skills in hand-to-hand combat, protection from a knife, shooting, actions in a team.

How much are riot police paid for service?

I wonder how much people earn who risk their health, and sometimes their lives, almost every day? This question is ambiguous, so a clear answer cannot be given. Indeed, today the salary of an OMON officer depends on many factors, such as:

  • rank (private, sergeant or officer);
  • allowances;
  • bonuses for special tasks.

Is it realistic to get into the riot police after the army

OMON provides for experience in military service. It is advisable that you were not just a reserve soldier, but got out into officers or warrant officers. It will not be superfluous to have a military education and service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the police behind them.

There are a lot of those who want to try their hand at OMON in Russia among young men and men. Therefore, the first tip is to choose a direction and follow it unswervingly. Step-by-step instruction for a soldier enrolled in the ranks of the riot police looks like this:

  1. Try to get into intelligence, airborne forces or FSB.
  2. To do this, you must have an education, preferably graduate from a military university.
  3. Some special forces only accept cadets with a maroon beret.
  4. During the service, you need to prove yourself with the most better side- the more achievements and positive recommendations, the more chances for success.
  5. Along with all the awards, knowledge will not be superfluous foreign language... A riot policeman is a highly educated and intellectually developed employee, some of them are even included in intelligence units.

Law enforcement activities, namely special forces, are available in Moscow, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, here they teach the military destiny in special educational institutions.

Situation for 2019

Salaries even for guardsmen of the same specialty and rank may be different, which is associated with a complex scheme for calculating monetary allowance, which takes into account:

  • salary according to rank and salary according to military rank;
  • incentive payments;
  • additional payments for length of service, secrecy, the complexity of the tasks performed;
  • material help.

Lawyer: Igor Romanovsky

Immigration law

Articles written

Many boys play war in childhood and dream of becoming heroes. Only growing up, they understand how difficult and dangerous job- To defend the homeland. But many go to the goal and join the ranks of various power structures.

OMON - Special Purpose Militia Detachment One of the most famous special forces that have existed since the times of the USSR is the OMON (Special Purpose Militia Detachment), later renamed into a mobile special purpose unit.

The OMON is part of the Russian Guard, known for its intervention in many conflicts on the territory of the country, and the opinion about it among the population is ambiguous. Nevertheless, they go there to serve and earn good money.

Many people ask themselves what is the salary in the OMON and is it worth risking your life for it?

What riot policemen do

The work of a soldier of a mobile squad is associated with constant business trips and daily training. A person must have the skills of martial arts, shooting, as well as the ability to act in a team. OMON is one of the police units, and the fighter is a policeman.

The main task of the employees is to work in the “hot spots” of Russia. Also, their duties include participation in the detention of armed criminals, suppression of riots and riots, and the release of hostages.

To date, a total of about 40 thousand soldiers serve in the OMON.

Main functions

  1. Maintaining internal order in Russia.
  2. Elimination of criminal groups, terrorism.
  3. Ensuring the safety of citizens in disaster zones.
  4. Neutralization of crime bosses.
  5. Release of persons taken hostage.
  6. Suppression of looting.
  7. Suppression of prison riots.
  8. Participation in demonstration events (parades, shows, etc.).

Requirements for candidates

Considering the specifics of the activity, not everyone can enter the service in the OMON.

The requirements for candidates are quite strict. For example:

  • Good physical fitness.
  • Strong physique and tall stature.
  • Stable psyche.
  • Good tactical training.
  • Age from 25 years.
  • No administrative fines and no criminal record.
  • Resistance to stress, the ability to quickly navigate in space and circumstances.
  • A recommendation from a serving or current riot police officer.
  • Possession of skills in hand-to-hand combat, protection from a knife, shooting, actions in a team.

Applicants must pass a medical commission and take physical fitness tests.

Therefore, despite the large flow of applicants, the average number of units varies within the range of 250-400 people.

How much do they get in riot police

Consider what salary applicants who passed the tests and entered the service can expect.

Title / Position Staff salary Salary for the title Seniority allowance Monthly material aid Premium Surcharge for special conditions(can reach 100% of the regular salary) Total after taxes
Private 10 000 5 000 1 250 3 750 17 400
Junior sergeant as squad leader 15 000 6 000 2 100 1 750 5 250 7 500 33 365
Sergeant as squad leader 15 000 6 500 3 225 1 791 5 375 15 000 42 100
Senior sergeant in the position of platoon castle 17 000 7 000 4 800 2 000 6 000 17 000 49 764
Petty Officer as Platoon Leader 18 000 7 500 6 375-10 000 2 125 6 375 18 000 55 484-58 812

Professional salary on the territory of the Russian Federation

The value of a riot policeman in Russia depends on a number of factors, including regional... After finding a job in Moscow, a fighter will receive personal allowances. In 2013, the salary of a specialist was 25,000 rubles / 833 dollars... (at the old rate). In the regions, the remuneration reached 15 thousand rubles / 500 bucks.

V 2017-2020 year the special forces tariff was revised


  • salary in the capital - 55,000 - 70,000 Rub / 820-1044 dollars;
  • tariffication of labor in the regions - about 30,000 -45,000 ₱ / 447 bucks;
  • one-time premiums - no more than 5000 rub / 74 USD;
  • the capture of a particularly dangerous criminal - presentation for a state award.

By regions of the country

The price list of fighters has the following structure:

  • Oryol territory - 47,500 ₱ / 708 USD;
  • Irkutsk region - 50,000 rubles. / $ 746;
  • Republic of Tatarstan - 52,833 Rub / 789 bucks;
  • Primorsky Territory - 55,000 ₱ / 820 USD;
  • Khabarovsk and Perm Territories - 60,000 RUB / 895 $.

Today employers are willing to pay a salary of 36 , 4-43.6 thous.Rub... And only for 48 vacancies the tariffication of labor is higher 50 800 rubles / 758 dollars.

By cities of Russia

  • Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod. Voronezh, - 40,000 ₱;
  • Tver, Smolenskoe - 39,900 Rub;
  • Tula - 39 750 rubles;
  • Sverdlovsk - 39 100 RUB;
  • Kirov - 30 thousand ₱.

Colleagues of the detachment representative prompt response have good stable income.

Let's analyze the earnings of some specialists

  • personal bodyguard - profit of 71,500 rubles;
  • polygraph examiner - 56 667 RUB;
  • the head of the security service - 50,000 ₱;
  • Deputy Director of Security Council - 47,500 rubles;
  • EMERCOM employee - RUB 46,500;
  • director of a private security company - 46 333 ₱;
  • security manager - 45 thousand RUB;
  • professional detective - 44 667 rubles;
  • senior guard shift - 41 833 ₱;
  • certified explosives technician - 40 100. ₱

Prestigious places for official employment of a Rosgvardia specialist are:

  • OMON Ch. management Rosgvardia ( Moscow) - 50-70 thousand RUB. The duties of a specialist include protecting the public on the streets, matches and various performances of artists;
  • structure St. Petersburg... The sniper earns 55,000 ₱;
  • Vologda... (1st operational battalion) - from 38,500 rubles. monthly.

How much do they pay extra

The average salary of a riot policeman in Russia is 40,000 rubles... A system of benefits is provided for an employee of law enforcement agencies, which is funded from federal budgets.

The highlights are:

  • free medicine + vouchers to sanatoriums for all family members;
  • provision of travel compensation;
  • receiving social benefits for the purchase of housing;
  • reimbursement of costs associated with moving to a new duty station (regions of the Far North).

The income of the representative of the OMON detachment is largely tied to additional payments.

The main additional payments are

  • length of service - max 40% of the salary;
  • qualified title - 2300-7500 ₱;
  • special conditions of service - up to 100% of the rate;
  • work with classified information - 5000 rubles. and higher;
  • awards for Good work and rewards for special achievements - from RUB 2000;
  • high-quality performance of high-risk tasks - 4500 ₱ and more;
  • regional coefficient.

A professional's pension is calculated according to a special scheme (1 to 1.5 years). Thus, the riot policeman will be able to leave the 45 years.

By rank

  • an ordinary sergeant receives 19-33 thousand rubles / 388 dollars;
  • platoon commander - from 20,000 Rub / 298 bucks;
  • company commander (captain) - from 22 thousand ₱ / 328 USD;
  • head of the department (major) - from 26 000 rub / 388 USD;
  • senior leader of the OMON (colonel) - from 30,000 rubles. / 447 $.

OMON - a special purpose squad. Those who are in the service must be mobile and ready to strictly act on the orders of the head. For some reason, the soldiers who came from the army believe that they are ready to join the ranks of the riot police right now, but for this it is necessary to undergo training, a competition, pass testing at a high level and have a special psycho-emotional attitude.

For a better understanding of whether it is worth going to the OMON after the army, it does not interfere with understanding the main task of the special forces - not to solve crimes, but to ensure law and order on the streets of Russian cities, to suppress mass uprisings and rout. For example, if there was a hurricane, earthquake or fire, riot police will react quickly and impartially.

If police officers enter the battle, riot police provide them with high-quality cover and protection, which can be seen during the detention of especially dangerous criminals or terrorist attacks, the suppression of prison riots, and the release of hostages. The conditions in which the OMON are forced to work are always urgent and unpredictable. People working in the special squad must be aware of the importance of their activities and be useful cogs in the whole well-oiled protective mechanism, which is important for the whole country.

Arbitrariness, unauthorized decision-making that do not correspond to the order of the commander is unacceptable for employees. It is scary, dangerous, the understanding that death can overtake at any time - all this is there, but the fighter continues to move on, defending his homeland and the Russians with his chest.

That is why, when the soldiers die during the assignment, he is awarded the Order of the Hero of Russia posthumously.

The qualities of the riot police

To understand whether in the future a former soldier who has served in the army can become a riot policeman, you need to really assess your qualities and compare them with the requirements for the composition of a special squad:

  • a riot policeman cannot be physically weak, his work requires endurance, strength, endurance and impeccable physical fitness;
  • without courage nowhere;
  • loyalty to comrades is one of the important components;
  • among the skills, the ability to master the technique of hand-to-hand combat is distinguished, including the ability to easily wield a knife if necessary;
  • the employee must be able to shoot;
  • act together with other employees, together, adhering to the task.

Is it realistic to get into the riot police after the army - the opinion of experts

OMON provides for experience in military service. It is advisable that you were not just a reserve soldier, but got out into officers or warrant officers. It will not be superfluous to have a military education and service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the police behind them.

There are a lot of those who want to try their hand at OMON in Russia among young men and men. Therefore, the first tip is to choose a direction and follow it unswervingly. Step-by-step instructions for a soldier to enroll in the ranks of the riot police looks like this:

  1. Try to get into intelligence, airborne forces or FSB.
  2. To do this, you must have an education, preferably graduate from a military university.
  3. Some special forces only accept cadets with a maroon beret.
  4. During the service, you need to prove yourself from the best side - the more achievements and positive recommendations, the more chances for success.
  5. Along with all the awards, knowledge of a foreign language will not be superfluous. A riot policeman is a highly educated and intellectually developed employee; some of them are even included in intelligence units.

Law enforcement activities, namely special forces, are available in Moscow, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, here they teach the military destiny in special educational institutions.

How to pass physical training

Admission to special forces provides for tests that will determine whether the applicant is suitable for work in the OMON or not:

  1. Running for a distance of 100 m.
  2. Cross, designed for 3 km.
  3. Push-ups in a lying position on the floor with outstretched arms or from the uneven bars.
  4. Pull-ups.
  5. Flexion and extension.
  6. Jumping up from the squat.

All these standards are surrendered immediately, the rest between the standards is clearly limited - no more than 5 minutes, or even 3 minutes. As soon as testing is passed, the contestant is offered to try his hand at hand-to-hand combat with an experienced instructor, he has 3 rounds. Passive defense is not encouraged by default, an active position is needed.

What achievements in sports can significantly affect the adoption of a positive decision on the admission of an applicant to the ranks of the OMON?

  1. The bit size related to wrestling, boxing, oriental types of martial arts.
  2. Achievements and won prizes in athletics.
  3. Merit in mountaineering.
  4. Experience in rowing, biathlon, parachuting, swimming.
  5. The riot police also cannot do without shooting.

Riot policeman health

If ARVI or ARI flashes in your outpatient card at least occasionally, you can forget about riot police, especially if you have chronic ailments. The selection for the army cannot be compared with the selection for the special forces, the requirements are completely different. Even an incorrect bite can become a reason for refusal to be included in the riot police.

Psychological testing takes a separate position. Psychologists work with young guys, they also determine stress resistance, and then, based on the collected results, come to a single conclusion.


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