Documents for training as a tram driver. How does a trolley bus driver work? Salaries in Western countries

To master the profession of a car driver, it is enough to have an education not lower than secondary. Next, you will have to take courses for tram drivers. Information about the time and place of the courses can be obtained from the depot of your city.

On average, tram driver courses last for 10 months, they are free of charge and, as a rule, subsequent employment is guaranteed. First, lectures will be given to you for six months, then driving practice, an exam, and you can start working. After being distributed to the depot, you will have to undergo an internship under the guidance of an experienced car driver for some more time. In addition to practical exercises, you will be shown how to understand the departure schedule, how the tram iron is repaired, etc.

It is worth knowing that after completing the courses and receiving a document certifying that you can work as a tram driver, you will have to work in this specialty for at least three years, because an agreement is concluded with each applicant before the start of the course. Otherwise, the payment of a penalty is an average of 30-40 thousand rubles.

In the courses you will study disciplines such as the rules traffic, regulations technical operation composition, arrangement of tram cars, the basics of electrical safety and labor protection, first aid.

Features of the profession

It is worth knowing that both a man and a woman who have reached the age of 21 can become a tram driver. This one requires excellent health, because the tram driver has to go on the route even in severe frost. And the trams are not very warm. In addition, a person with a stable psyche can work as a car driver, because situations on the road are different. The profession of a tram driver involves a shift work schedule and fairly early rises, because the working day of a person in this profession begins at 4 o'clock in the morning. It is worth considering the weather conditions, because in autumn and spring it is much more difficult to drive a tram, because the tracks are slippery and muddy.

It is important for a tram driver to learn how to drive smoothly so as not to scatter the conductor and passengers around the cabin, but at the same time fast enough so as not to get out of schedule.

The salary of a novice tram driver is an average of 22 thousand rubles, if you work without gross violations. The leave of car drivers is 28 days, if you work 11 months in a row, you will add another 12 days.

Driving a tram is both simple and difficult at the same time. After all, this is not a car - everything is arranged differently for him. The tram does not have a gearbox. But, despite this, it would be unjustified to call the management of this type of transport easy.


In order to become a tram driver, you need to obtain a special certificate. It is issued after completing courses at the Training and Course Center (it has a branch in almost every city in Russia). You will be offered training as an apprentice driver.

In order to enroll in training at the plant, you will have to write an appropriate application and provide a medical certificate. It can be issued at the clinic to which it is attached on educational institution. To obtain a document for permission to operate a tram, you will have to go through. The composition of this commission includes the following professionals: neurologist, oculist, narcologist, psychiatrist, surgeon and ENT.

Training at the plant lasts five months. Half of the training period you will study theory. These are the rules of the road, labor protection, and the study of materiel. The remaining two and a half months you will spend on workshops: first on a training car, then on a real tram. At the end of the course, you must pass a theory exam. Then go to the traffic police to pass the theory. Your practice will be accepted at the Training and Course Center. Upon completion of training, you will receive a "D", which will allow you to become a tram driver.

Now you can go to the line. In trams, only two pedals are provided - gas and brake, as in a car with an automatic gearbox. In this case, the brake pedal may snap into place. This makes the driver's job easier, as eliminates the need to keep your foot on the brake continuously while stopping.

In order to become a driver, you must first obtain a driver's license. You also need to behave adequately on the road, be well versed in driving theory.

In many driving schools, before allowing a car enthusiast to drive, he is invited to take one or two classes on a simulator that simulates driving a car.

Although this simulator is a computer game, the controls are real.

After completing such classes, you will feel confident behind the wheel, you will know how to find the right fit, how to work with the gearshift lever, control the pedals, adjust the mirrors.

How to become a professional driver

A good driver, while driving, must constantly feel the dimensions of the car. Here are some tips for those who want to become a professional driver.

  • You need to rely on your own forces while driving. It is difficult to predict what the other driver will do next. The same applies to pedestrians.
  • Develop attention, you need to see the environment 180 degrees, you also need to pay attention to what is happening behind you. Before turning, turn your head and look to the side, making sure that the passage is open.
  • Remain vigilant while driving.
  • Avoid gambling with driving. Leave the desire to drive for computer games.
  • For other drivers, stay predictable. When moving to another lane, turn on the turn. Better to be boring and slow on the road.

How to become a trolleybus driver

Transportation of passengers in a trolleybus with high voltage requires special training.

The driver must be able to cope with breakdowns that occur while driving. vehicle.

Those wishing to become a trolleybus driver apply to specialized training centers available in almost every city.

Such centers enroll students who have a basic secondary education, provided a conclusion from the medical commission, which confirms the absence of contraindications to work, such as slow reaction, poor eyesight, being registered in a psychiatric hospital or in a narcological dispensary.

When mastering this profession, you study, in addition to the rules of the road, the installation of trolleybus equipment, electrical, climatic, mechanical. The theoretical training course is followed by a practical one.

But before driving a trolleybus for the first time, a student takes an exam on the operation of a trolleybus, electrical safety, medical safety while driving, and labor protection.

The first driving lessons are held in closed areas, then it is allowed to go to city routes. Students are accompanied by professional drivers with extensive experience.

As a result, at the end of the six-month training course, after passing the exams, the graduate receives the qualification of a third-class driver.

How to become a tram driver

There is no gender restriction for potential drivers. But there is a restriction on age, as well as health. Only persons over the age of 21 are allowed to work.

Among other things, before passing a medical examination, it is advisable to make sure that your vestibular apparatus, pressure, hearing and vision are in order.

Then the enterprise where the training is conducted turns off the apprenticeship contract, it prescribes the conditions for training, as well as the conditions for further work.

The theoretical part of the training lasts about two months and includes

  • study of equipment, electrical, mechanical,
  • traffic rules classes,
  • fundamentals of medicine,
  • fundamentals of legislation,
  • control technique.

The theory is followed by training on simulators. During the course of study, a scholarship is paid, the amount of which depends on academic performance.

Then comes the practical part, for this, students are sent to the trolleybus depot. After obtaining the rights, you will be sent for an internship in the park, where you can work, transport passengers around the city.

How to become a bus driver

The position of a bus driver requires a lot of responsibility. In addition to knowing enough about the rules of the road, you also need to have experience in driving a heavy vehicle like a bus. It is also important to be able to communicate with passengers.

Then a resume is made. Be sure to indicate the driving experience, the make of the vehicle that was used. Resumes are placed on the relevant site that searches for vacancies in your area.

When applying for a job, the driver undergoes an internship under the supervision of a specialist. Since the driver sells tickets at stops, he must be able to use cash registers.

How to become a truck driver

Those who want to get the profession of a truck driver will first need the rights of the desired category. Then you should complete an internship, the duration of which is three years.

Since long-distance flights often drop out, you need to be well versed in the device of your car in order to be able to cope with minor breakdowns if necessary.

How to become a truck driver

The first stage is, of course, obtaining a category E driver's license. In order to be able to take courses for this category, you need to have an open category C, as well as driving experience in category B or C for at least one year.

Thus, after completing the monthly courses at a driving school and passing the exams, category E is opened for you. Now the main problem is the lack of practice.

Work is offered only to experienced professionals with work experience of 3 to 5 years. Seniority can be obtained by getting a job with a minimum wage and conditions. Then you should look for a larger company, where your salary will be more.

How to become a taxi driver

If you have a car, license, driving experience and a desire to transfer passengers for a fee, but do not have an authority in the field of such services, you should apply to the appropriate company as a potential employee.

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"Get to work! Tram drivers. Alexey BULATOV


It is one thing to sit in the office and tap on the keyboard, and quite another to operate a multi-ton machine, responsible for the lives of dozens of people. Let the tram driver not be the most high paying job, but certainly one of the most responsible and necessary.

You have to take into account a lot of factors. And a professional driver does it on autopilot without hesitation, - shared Yakov Derbenev, a tram driver at the Northern tram depot of EMUP TTU. - The body is in good shape all the time. You are like a service dog: always ready, always armed with your skills and knowledge.

Despite the apparent simplicity, driving a tram is quite difficult. Yes, there is no steering wheel in the cockpit. But on the other hand, there are several doors in the car itself, which, for an inattentive driver, will definitely pinch a passenger. There are still motorists who strive to knock on the car. And we must not forget about the brake system. An abrupt stop can cause standing passengers to fall. In general, not everyone will cope with such a technique. And if you are also someone who likes to sleep longer, then this profession is clearly not for you.

– The first tram leaves the city at 04.26 am. That is, the driver must come to the park already at 04.11 - with the first roosters, - said Yakov Derbenev. - On average, a driver's working day lasts 7-9 hours.


There are several thousand tram drivers in Yekaterinburg. But, despite this, new employees are required regularly. Set in study groups happens every three months.

– The term of training for tram drivers is 5 months. Trolley bus drivers - 6 months. The average age now, both for the first and for the second, is 30 years old, - explained Elza Efimova, senior master of the training and production center of EMUP "TTU".

Trolleybus drivers in the capital of the Urals are trained on a special computer simulator: the student sits at the dashboard, like a real trolleybus, and drives through the city drawn on the screen. The image of houses and the road is projected onto a large white canvas in front of the dashboard. So the student, under the supervision of a mentor, can work out those exercises that in real urban conditions would lead to traffic jams. Tram drivers have a real training car instead of a computer. In Yekaterinburg, his role is played by the Czech Tatra T3. And in Nizhny Tagil - the Russian Spectrum.

- First, the student skates with an instructor on a training car without passengers for 200 hours, - said Svetlana Ivanova, the driver of the Tagil Tram. – Only after that and after he passes all the exams, he trains with a tram driver in the city

Here's how the training goes: the trainee sits in the driver's seat, and the mentor is located to his right. At first, the cadet is allowed to drive only around the depot. Only after he gains experience will he be allowed to go to the city. At the same time, the mentor will constantly keep his foot on a special pedal: as soon as the trainee makes a mistake, the mentor immediately releases the pedal, stopping the train. But driving skills alone are not enough. The tram driver also needs to have a good theoretical background.

- A tram driver, in principle, should be a smart person. He must know a lot of instructions, he must understand the basics of electrical engineering and how the tram works in general,” added Svetlana Ivanova.


If in Yekaterinburg a new group will be recruited only in October, then in Nizhny Tagil those who wish are invited already now.

- At the moment, the next set of tram drivers is being carried out, - said Alexey Arkhipov, deputy director for general issues of Tagil Tram. - We have vacancies planned for the group that we send for training, that is, jobs are guaranteed for students. Lectures usually start at 4:00 p.m. so that candidates have the opportunity to earn money somewhere in their free time. In exceptional cases, we temporarily employ students at the enterprise as conductors.

In Nizhny Tagil, tram drivers receive about 14,000 rubles. In Yekaterinburg - about 20. But the amount may be more. It is influenced by a huge number of different factors. Social package provided. As a nice addition - one of the most interesting urban professions. Some, taking a job as a tram driver only for a while, associate their whole lives with it.

Popularity public transport was almost always top notch. Even in today's time, when the roads are full of cars, the relevance of this issue does not fall. People who don't have own funds movement, always try to choose the most convenient and fastest transport to get to work, university, school, etc.

The tram was invented at the end of the 90th century, and the townspeople immediately fell in love with it. This type of transport has a relatively fast speed, is easy to use and runs on environmentally friendly fuel - electricity.

Most of the tram tracks are laid along the road, not entering the traffic lanes. This advantage helps to avoid all kinds of traffic jams, and to easily get to the desired destination. Those who drive the tram are called drivers. Them working activity is the quality and safe management of the entrusted transport.

So how much does a tram driver earn? To answer the question asked, it is necessary to consider in more detail all the specifics of this profession.

Professional training

To become a tram driver (coach driver) you need to get a secondary education, and then complete special courses for tram drivers. Higher or secondary specialized education is not required to obtain the position of a tram driver.

These courses continue for ten months free of charge, with subsequent employment. During the course, you will need to master lectures on the structure of the tram, electrical equipment and electrical circuits, basic safety rules, rules for operating the vehicle, as well as first aid.

After mastering the lecture material, there is a driving practice, after which you must first pass an internal exam with a current tram driver, and then an exam in the traffic police. Only after successfully passing all the exams, you can begin to perform work duties.

The first time the presence of a mentor is prerequisite. For about a month or two, the current tram driver will be next to the trainee, but in practice this time can be halved - it all depends on the abilities of the novice tram driver.

In order to receive a document on the completion of tram driver courses, you need to work for three years in your specialty, otherwise you will have to reimburse the organization for the cost of the courses taken, and this is an average 30-40 thousand rubles.

Work and duties of a tram driver

Any person who has reached the age of 21 and is in good physical health can become a tram driver. Drivers work every day, regardless of weather conditions. Therefore, if it is -30 outside, the driver still goes on a flight and starts working.

In recent years, the state apparatus has sponsored tram depots in many cities, and old trams have been replaced with new models, where the heating system has been improved and the comfort of this type of public transport has been increased. Now a terrible frost or heat is not so terrible for tram employees as before.

Also, you must have certain personal qualities:

  • a responsibility;
  • stress tolerance;
  • non-conflict;
  • performance;
  • good vision;
  • the ability to find contact with people;
  • the ability to make the right decisions in a short period of time;
  • be respectful of all road users.
  • invalids of II and III groups;
  • having mental and neurological disorders;
  • having drug or alcohol addiction;
  • under 21;
  • having a criminal record under articles “Intentional infliction of harm to human life and health”.

The tram driver has a huge responsibility for the entrusted vehicle, as well as for the safety of passengers. In addition to ensuring the proper level of security, his responsibilities include:

  • obey the leadership, which is responsible for the driver's work path;
  • keep to the timetable;
  • execute operational orders of the dispatcher, auditors, traffic police officers and other persons who have the right to regulate traffic;
  • undergo a medical examination before starting work;
  • come to work on time without being late.

Before starting a trip, each tram driver must have:

  • waybill;
  • a certificate for the right to drive a tram;
  • driver's book;
  • an insurance policy issued in the name of the tram driver;
  • certified documents on passing the technical inspection of the tram.

Benefits, bonuses, retirement

Annual leave is 28 calendar days, but upon reaching one year of experience in this area, an additional 12 calendar days are added. Usually, the vacation is divided into two parts and walks twice a year. Tamway drivers have the right to early retirement upon reaching the age of 50 for women and 55 for men. You can also retire early if continuous experience for women drivers is 15 years, and for men - 20 years.

Salary in Russia

The salary of a tram driver consists of a salary (fixed) part and a bonus. The latter consists of overtime hours worked (work in holidays, in the evening and at night). Also, the level of earnings will depend on the qualification (class) received, the duration of the shift, as well as on the region of residence.

Passenger traffic is a big criterion for fulfilling the set plan and, therefore, achieving a good bonus increase. The larger it is, the higher the income of the tram driver.

The average salary for a tram driver in Russia is 21,314 rubles per month, but it can vary from a higher figure to a lower one, depending on the region of the country.

AT Moscow the average income of a tram driver is 59 thousand rubles per month worked. Young professionals start their career as a driver with a figure of 30-33 thousand rubles.

AT St. Petersburg average monthly wage equal to 43 thousand rubles. Novice drivers can count on 30 thousand rubles.

This fact can be explained by the fact that megacities have a huge passenger traffic, high fares and a well-developed tram network.

In sparsely populated cities average salary is 18 thousand rubles, although there is settlements, where the income is 15 thousand rubles, and where there is 25.

Salaries in Western countries

Abroad, the use of trams is quite relevant. In Europe, trams are an integral part of public transport. Unlike domestic loud and noisy models, Western trams are quiet, comfortable and low-speed, which allows passengers with disabilities and passengers with prams to quickly and easily enter the car.

  • AT Germany The average salary of a tram driver is 3,000 euros per month worked.
  • AT Finland The average monthly income of a tram driver is 2,000 euros.
  • On the territory of the former Soviet Union Trams are also popular. In Ukraine, the average salary for a tram driver is 3,000 hryvnia (slightly less than 6,500 rubles). This value is several times less than the Russian salary.
  • AT Belarus the income of representatives of this profession is on average 800 Belarusian rubles (approximately 23-24 thousand rubles) and has a slightly higher coefficient than the average salary in Russia.

In recent years, the relevance of trams has been increasing among the local population. The main thing that this species the vehicle met the level of comfort and safety for people.

Welcome speech of the Director of the Training and Course Combine

To ensure the transportation of passengers in St. Petersburg, the training of tram and trolleybus drivers is one of the most important tasks in St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Gorelektrotrans. The first train driver training school in the city was organized in 1920. In the future, the task of training drivers was entrusted to the Separate Structural Subdivision "Training and Course Combine". In 2007, the plant continued its work in new, specially equipped classrooms at Grazhdansky pr., 131. Welcome to St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Gorelectrotrans". We are waiting for everyone who wants to have a good and stable job.

Director of the OSB Educational course complex

Victoria Pavlovna Tolstikova

Study - Profession - Success

How to become a St. Petersburg tram or trolleybus driver?

To do this, it is necessary to undergo training at special courses organized by St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Gorelectrotrans" within the framework of the Training and Course Combine.

The School for Training and Advanced Training of Car Drivers and Conductors has been preparing personnel for work on the routes of St. Petersburg electric transport for more than 90 years. Currently, the "Training and Course Combine" conducts training in ten classrooms on three floors of the administrative building of the Separate Structural Division"Combined Tram and Trolleybus Park".

Our graduates become drivers of III class trams and IV class trolleybuses. In addition, thanks to the "Training and Course Combine", current drivers have the opportunity to improve their skills to work on a new modern rolling stock purchased by the city for St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Gorelectrotrans". Those wishing to undergo training should contact the tram or trolleybus depot closest to their place of residence. Already from the parks, future students are sent to the "Training Center", where they are interviewed and tested on a universal psychodiagnostic complex, then they undergo a mandatory medical and psychiatric examination. Only after that is enrollment in the study group.

Full course training consists of two stages - theoretical training with educational practice and internship. Program implementation period vocational training drivers of category "Tm" (tram) 962 hours, (436 hours of theoretical training and 526 on-the-job training). The term for the implementation of professional training programs for drivers of category "Tb" (trolleybus) is 1066 hours, (432 hours of theoretical training and 634 industrial training).

Training takes place according to approved programs, in specially equipped classes on traffic rules, rolling stock, the basics of traffic safety, etc. Six teachers (Minina V.N., Evtushenko M.K., Semenovich-Semenchuk G.A., Nikolaev I.V., Fomichev Ya.V., Kosolapova N.B.) and four masters (Rozanov A.V., Tyurina N.A., Murnykina O.A., Bolshakova M.A.), as well as qualified specialists from other departments of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Gorelektrotrans.

Practical training is conducted on twelve specially equipped trolleybus vehicles and ten training cars under the guidance of mentors from the "Training and Course Combine" and drivers of the fifth and sixth category of tram and trolleybus fleets. All current driver mentors have undergone special training and have a certificate for the right to train students.

During practical training, students learn the routes of the park. At the end of the theoretical course and educational practice students take exams in the traffic police and go on an internship. The internship takes place along a specific route of the park under the guidance of a driver-instructor, together with passengers, after which they receive the right to work independently on the line.


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