Scenario of the Day of Local Self-Government State Enterprise “Orlovsky. Event script - local government day Download concert script local government day




Extracurricular activity

"Day of local self-government"

Prepared by:

history teacher MBOU "Secondary school number 15"

Pronina Irina Aleksandrovna,

Novomoskovsk, 2014

Slide number 1

Introductory speech of the teacher (Pronin):By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2012. No. 805 in Russia established the day of local self-government. A new memorable day was established in order to enhance the role and importance of the institution of local self-government, the development of democracy and civil society.

In 2014, the Day of Local Self-Government was celebrated on April 21 for the second time.

In order to develop civil society, strengthen the principles of democracy and popularize the institution of local self-government, today we are holding an event timed to coincide with the Day of Local Self-Government.

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Epigraph (Laputin)

"Civic duty"Svetlana Goncharenko .

Some - to the steering wheel, some - to the lowlands,
Everyone decided for himself as best he could.
Politics is a quagmire for the majority
But still, you paid off your civic duty?

Why go into verbosity,
Screaming in the squares, knocking you down?
But this is not some kind of proverb
For a citizen, choice is a heavy duty.

And yet we have reasons for the triumph:
On a global scale, Russia will be good,
When discarding the hypocrisy and stupidity of the disguise,
Each will fulfill his simple civic duty.

Guest introduction (Pronin)

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Today our guest isZiborov Gennady Vitalievich, deputy of the Assembly of Deputies of the municipal formation of the city of Novomoskovsk and we give him the floor.

guest performance

Teacher's word (Laputin)

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Volovik Alina's message "Powers of Deputies".

MP - a person selected by a group of citizens to the authorities (usually meanlegislative / representative power). A deputy is a servant of the people. All his work should be aimed at fulfilling the orders of the voters. First of all, he expresses the interests of those who chose him and, of course, in no case should he benefit from his position.

You can become a deputy in elections by party lists or elections from a list of candidates in constituencies by territory. The task of the deputy, in general case, is the representation of the interests of citizens-voters in power structures, the protection of their rights enshrined inThe Constitution and laws.

In almost all countries, receiving the status of a deputy, an elected person acquiresinviolability (that is, the right to protection from criminal or administrative prosecution in the form of a complicated procedure for bringing to responsibility) in order to reduce parliamentary risks.

The status of a deputy is determined by the Constitution Russian Federation, namely Art. 97, art. 98.

Slide 6.

Section 97

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate in elections may be elected a deputy of the State Duma.

2. One and the same person cannot simultaneously be a member of the Federation Council and a deputy of the State Duma. A deputy of the State Duma cannot be a deputy of other representative bodies state power and local governments.

3. Deputies of the State Duma work on a professional permanent basis. Deputies of the State Duma cannot be on public service, engage in other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities.

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Section 98.

1. Members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma shall enjoy immunity throughout their term of office. They cannot be detained, arrested, searched, except in cases of detention at the scene of a crime, and also subjected to personal search, except in cases when it is provided by federal law to ensure the safety of other people.

2. The issue of deprivation of immunity shall be decided upon on the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation by the relevant chamber of the Federal Assembly.

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Forms of activity of a deputy

  • participation in meetings of the Federation Council and the State Duma;
  • participation in the work of committees and commissions of the chambers;
  • participation in the implementation of instructions from the Federation Council, the State Duma and their bodies;
  • participation in parliamentary hearings;
  • submission of bills to the State Duma;
  • making a parliamentary inquiry;
  • work with voters;
  • addressing questions to members of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • appeal to the relevant officials and bodies with the requirement to take measures to suppress the violation of the relevant rights, freedoms and legitimate interests citizens.

The State Duma consists of 450deputies ... Member of the State Duma may be electedcitizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate inelections (moreover, one and the same person cannot be simultaneously a deputy of the State Duma and a member ofFederation Council ).

Teacher's word. Conducting a poll in high school.

Slide 9-12

Albina Bodyagina's post based on the results of a poll.

Teacher's word.

Slide 13

Nikolay Fedotov's message about local self-government in Novomoskovsk.

Regulations of the meeting of deputies of the municipal formation.

Slide 14

The Assembly of Deputies is a permanent elected representative body of local self-government of the municipal formation of the city of Novomoskovsk.

The Assembly of Deputies has the rights of a legal entity, has a seal with the coat of arms, stamps and letterheads with its name and with the image of the coat of arms of the municipality. Location of the Meeting of Deputies: 301650, Tula region, Novomoskovsk, st. Komsomolskaya, 32/32.

The meeting of deputies ensures the realization of the rights of citizens to exercise local self-government.

The activities of the Assembly of Deputies are based on the principles of collective, businesslike discussion and resolution of issues submitted for consideration to the Assembly of Deputies, the principles of legality, transparency, responsibility and accountability to the Assembly of Deputies elected by it. officials and the created working bodies.

The Assembly of Deputies has the right of legislative initiative in the Tula Regional Duma, the implementation of which is carried out by submitting a draft law of the Tula Region to the Tula Regional Duma in accordance with the decision Meetings of deputies on their own initiative or on the initiative of the head of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Novomoskovsk (hereinafter - the head of the administration).

The Assembly of Deputies consists of 25 deputies elected in municipal elections in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections for a period of five years.

The organization of the activities of the Assembly of Deputies is carried out by the head of the municipal formation, the city of Novomoskovsk (hereinafter referred to as the head of the municipal formation), acting as the chairman of the Assembly of Deputies.

The head of the municipality is elected from among the deputies for the term of office of the Assembly of Deputies at the first meeting after the election of a new composition of deputies of the Assembly of Deputies and exercises the powers of the chairman of the Assembly of Deputies.

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Head of the municipality:

1) represents the municipality in relations with local self-government bodies of others municipalities, by public authorities, citizens and organizations, without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the municipality;

2) signs and promulgates, in the manner prescribed by the Charter, normative legal acts adopted by the Assembly of Deputies;

3) issues, within the limits of its powers, legal acts;

4) convene an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly of Deputies;

5) ensures the exercise by local self-government bodies of powers to resolve issues of local importance and certain state powers transferred to local self-government bodies by federal laws and laws of the Tula region.

6) organizes the activities of the Assembly of Deputies;

7) presides over a meeting of the Assembly of Deputies in accordance with these regulations;

8) render assistance to deputies and commissions of the Assembly of Deputies in the exercise of their powers, coordinate their work;

9) concludes a contract with the head of administration;

10) exercise other powers stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Tula region, the Charter and regulatory legal acts of the Assembly of Deputies.

The head of the municipality in his activities is controlled and accountable to the population and the Assembly of Deputies.

A deputy of the Assembly of Deputies represents the interests of his voters and the entire population of the municipal formation of the city of Novomoskovsk, builds his activities in accordance with his election program, is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, the Tula Region, the Charter and Regulations on the status of a deputy of the Assembly of Deputies of the municipal formation the city of Novomoskovsk, approved by the decision of the Assembly of Deputies.

Teacher's word (Laputin).Elections are one of the essential features of democracy. Through elections, the people entrust their representatives with the right to exercise power. Thus, a representative form of citizens' participation in politics is realized. However, the representation of popular interests can be carried out on condition. If the elections are organized democratically. And this largely depends on the electoral system.In life, everyone has a time of choice, we choose our actions, our actions, our aspirations. We choose the educational institution where we will study, the company where we will implement the knowledge acquired in the educational institution. We choose friends and foes, we choose and this is our choice.

But we have one more right of choice, given to us by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The right to elect and be elected.

And the next message is devoted to electoral law - which provides an opportunity for Russian citizens to elect and be elected to government bodies.

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Alena Kolotovkina's message "Suffrage".

In Art. 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation says: “2. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to state and local government bodies, as well as to participate in a referendum. "

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, affirming, in accordance with the will of the multinational people of Russia, the inviolability of the democratic basis of its sovereign statehood and recognizing the Russian Federation as a democratic rule of law, proclaims free elections as the highest direct expression of the power of the people.

The electoral system and electoral law of the Russian Federation are based on the basic guarantees of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, ensuring the free expression of the will of citizens in elections. The core of these guarantees is the principles of holding elections in the Russian Federation.

Electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The right to vote is the constitutional right to elect (active right) and be elected (passive right) to government bodies and elected local government bodies (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 32)

The laws of the Russian Federation define the main forms of citizens' participation in state governance:

Participation in a referendum;

Participation in elections to government bodies;

Equal access to public service;

Participation in the administration of justice.

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Restrictions on the electoral right.

Citizens do not have the right to elect and be elected,recognized by the courtincapacitated, as well as those held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 32).

Citizens from the age of 18 have the right to vote. Persons have the right to be elected:

From the age of 18, you can be elected to the local council;

From the age of 21 - a deputy of the State Duma;

With 35 - the president of the country.

Principles of Russian electoral law.

Principles: 1) universality; 2) equality; 3) straightforwardness; 4) secrecy.

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Universality means that all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion and other qualities, if they have reached the age specified by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, can take part in elections as voters or candidates for one or another elective office.

Electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation: 1) the right to participate in the nomination of candidates, lists of candidates; 2) participate in the pre-election campaign; 3) participate in the observation of the conduct of elections, the work of election commissions, including the determination of the voting results and the determination of the election results; 4) take part in other electoral actions in the manner prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, constitutions (statutes), laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Citizens of the Russian Federation exercise their right to participate in the management of state affairs directly, since the expression of the will of voters in elections, referendums is direct, in addition, citizens of the Russian Federation can personally participate in the work of legislative, executive or judicial authorities.

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Equality principlethe electoral system of the Russian Federation contains the following elements: 1) each voter has only 1 vote (the implementation of a single expression of the will of citizens in the elections ensures the availability of voter lists at their place of residence, where voters can vote only once on the basis of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation); 2) participation in elections of citizens of the Russian Federation on an equal basis (no voter can have privileges in relation to other voters, in the event that someone is restricted in their rights or the preference of the votes of some voters over others, elections may be invalidated).

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The principle of directness means that voters vote in elections directly for candidates, and not for special representatives, who will subsequently be entitled to elect candidates for an elective office.

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The elections in the Russian Federation are secretThat is, voting in elections at all levels and in all government bodies is carried out only in secret - the voter votes alone in a specially designated room, where no one can be, except for the person expressing his will.

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This principle ensures the free expression of the will of the citizens of the Russian Federation and excludes the possibility of pressure from other persons by means of threats.

Teacher's word (Pronin).Guys, each of you has the right to choose when you reach a certain age. but we in our school, within the framework of the business game "Elections of the President of the Council of High School Students", present ourselves as a voter and as a candidate. Our school student government has been operating for over 15 years. And I give the floor to the President of the Council of High School Students, a student of grade 10a, Endina Daria.

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Report on school self-government Endina Daria.

"Organization of student self-government in MBOU" Secondary School No. 15 "

Student self-government in our school is carried out by the Council of High School Students on the basis of the Regulation on the Council of High School Students.

The purpose of the Council of High School Students is to create conditions for the upbringing of a harmonious personality with a humanistic orientation, capable of social creativity and adaptation to changing living conditions.

Tasks of the Council of High School Students:

  • Development of initiative and creativity of students through various forms extracurricular and extracurricular activities, in the process of collective affairs;
  • Formation among students of a conscious and responsible attitude towards their rights and responsibilities;
  • Creation of conditions for meeting the diverse interests and needs of students;
  • Stimulating and maintaining social value initiatives of students;
  • Organization of socially significant leisure;
  • Health promotion, shaping healthy way life;
  • Development and consolidation of student groups;
  • Coordination of the activities of members of the Council of High School Students in the implementation of joint programs, projects and initiatives;
  • Interaction with the administration of the Institution, the teaching staff in the development of decisions in the interests of the members of the Council of High School Students.

The main school-wide event is the election campaign of student government bodies. From 23.09 to 04.10. 2013 Among students in grades 8-11, an election campaign for the President of the Council of High School Students was held, which included the following stages:

  1. 23 - 24.09.2013 - registration of candidates for the post of President of the Council of High School Students.

The following candidates were nominated from the classes for the post of President of the Council of High School Students:

Dyadishcheva Elizaveta Alexandrovna, grade 8a

Circular Valentina Andreevna, grade 9a

Endina Daria Olegovna, grade 10a

Bodyagina Albina Pavlovna, grade 9b

Kokareva Elizaveta Dmitrievna, grade 10b

Arakelyan Anna Andreevna, grade 8

  1. 09.24 - 09.28.2013 - campaign campaign for the protection of program projects of candidates for the post of President of the Council of High School Students;
  2. 01.10.2013 - presentation of program projects of candidates for the post of President of the Council of High School Students.
  3. 02.10.2013 - holding elections.

As a result of the school elections, Endina Daria Olegovna won 77 votes. As a result, she won the business game "Elections of the President of the Council of High School Students". As President, she will chair the High School Council during the 2013-2014 school year.

10/05/2013 The Council of High School Students successfully held the day of student self-government, during which the children taught lessons together with the teachers.

During the academic year, the Council of High School Students conducts traditional events with students aimed at improving the legal culture. These are events such as Weeks of Legal Knowledge, lectures, talks, lessons of the Constitution for primary school(December 12), quiz, creative projects on legal topics.

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Closing remarks of the teacher (Pronin)

American psychologist Abraham Maslow said: "Life is a process of constant choice." Indeed, each of us makes a choice every day: in the store we choose the goods to buy. In life, however, you often have to make a moral choice: between truth and lies, good and evil, honesty and betrayal.Today we discussed the problem of political, civil choice, which finds expression in the electoral process. Thanks to our guest, the speakers, who helped us understand the system, this is where our event came to an end, thank you for your attention.

Scenario of the school holiday "Anniversary of the Kuraginsky district"


  • - to instill love for the native land, develop the desire to study the history and geography of the native land; maintain a careful and respectful attitude towards the memory of their ancestors;
  • - develop the creative and communication skills of students;
  • - moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren by means of attracting them to active creative activity;


Each of us has places in the world

Where life gives us only a moment to be born

Where is the memory like a line of a zip list

The heart will heal us when it languishes.

And I hurry there, there is a kind light

And glare on the water like sunspots

From here you and I went into the whirling of years,

And we will always come back here!

And the bright moment of childhood will suddenly return unexpectedly

And let the joy in your soul be the most important thing.

Performed "Song of the native land (presentation slides)

(Melody at the beginning of the musical composition "I paint".

There is a small tablet with the name of the area on the stage, several houses are drawn in the center. Each pencil has its own drawing, on the back of which a double-sided piece of tape is attached. In the course of the action, they glue the image to a specific place on the tablet. The child's pencil suit corresponds to any color (blue, yellow, green,), on the head there is a hat in the form of a pencil.)

Characters: girl, pencils - 3 people. Stage 3 students performance

Girl: (in the background of the melody)

I was alone at home

Suddenly I felt sad.

Sat silently by the window

My soul is so empty!

The rain is crying outside the window

Puddles, cold, slush,

A wet, gray world around ...

I wanted to cry.

This gray rain washed away

From my area all the colors,

Although he always used to be

Like a picture in a fairy tale.

I took pencils

I decided my district

Decorate from the heart

More joyful to be.

That's such a miracle, suddenly they

Jumping out of the box

(Pencils appear)

My drawing itself is the one

They began to paint cleverly.


I am the color of heaven, blue, -

Transparent, delicate, clean!

The color of peace, happiness and goodness -

Lovely and radiant!

Let the sky above the earth

It will be happy, peaceful!

And our area is large

It will be just as clean!

(Attaches the sky or clouds to the tablet.)


I am a joyful cheerful color

Glittering lights.

My sunny bunny is funny

Plays often with you.

I painted the sun here,

So that our area warms up

And so that its inhabitants,

It became even brighter!

(Sticks on the sun.)


I am the juicy color of fields, meadows,

Herbs, trees in summer.

The green freshness of the forests

The earth around is dressed.

So that our area is more comfortable,

To make it easier to breathe in him,

I want the streets, gardens-

Everything was bathed in greenery!

(Glues grass, wood.)

(song … Violetta Falk


Good afternoon, dear guys and our mentors! Today is a really good day, because this year the Krasnoyarsk Territory turned 80 years old, and our district is 90 years old! And today we give you, Kuraginsky district, our hearts and our smiles!


Our area is love and easy and free

He seems to be washed with spring water.

Now rainy, now clear, now blizzard, now sultry,

This area was born under a lucky star.


Today we will visit the most beautiful, interesting, beloved by all corners of our region.


Everyone remembers some kind of Russian river,

But powerlessly hesitates

As soon as they begin to talk about her:

only human words are given to a person.


But rivers, like souls, are all different ...

you need to tell your neighbor about them,

Know, perhaps, the pearly mermaid babble,

Emerald speech of the aquatic.

Lead 2

But in everyone's heart, where the treasure is chained

Nomadic steel yearning

It responds clearly that it happened to the heart

The native river was humming.

(Speech on "The Tale of the Sayan Rivers)

(Grade 7a song about Tuba)


How much original, dear

It contains our beloved area!

It is dearer to us than any city -

Big Russia is a small corner.

Host 2.

Each person should know the history of his native land. Only then he is a real citizen and patriot of his little homeland. And the most unique monument of the history of our region is the Shalobolinskaya Pisanitsa



We have a quiet, green street in Kuragino. Street named after Petryaev. Guys, who knows about Alexander Petryaev? Why is a street in our village named after him? (Answers from the audience, story about the project)

(story and film about Petryaev)


The whole globe under our feet.

I live, I breathe, I sing.

But in my memory is always with me

Those killed in action.

Host 1.

Let me not name all the names.

There are no blood relatives.

Is this why I live

That they died?

Song "Cranes" Alena Kondratyeva


There are no uninteresting people in the world,

Their fates are like planetary histories.

Everyone has a special, their own,

And there are no others like her.


We have a lot of fellow countrymen,

The past life institute,

Who puts his heart into business,

Who puts his soul into work.

And we are proud of our fellow countrymen,

We know their names

We are proud to be next to us

History lives by itself.

Lead 1

Our guests are honorary residents of the Kuraginsky district:


Low bow to you, my fellow countrymen,

You are in a hurry to work in the morning.

To you, whose plans are so far away,

Warm hello and shaking hands.


Mozhanova's poem about the area


Where else can you find such edges

At least walk half the world, half the earth?

Here we have storm streams,

Sable, bulk wheat,

Larches, rocks, crystals.

2.Here we have cloudberries and blueberries,

Plums that are not afraid of winters

People here are young and old

They are famous for their bakery.

1. Where can you find such places in the world!

How many birds and schools of fish!

How many forests, arable lands and meadows!

How light, immense width!

2.I can't imagine myself without Siberia,

Without my dear Siberians!

(Hymn of the Edge)

Lyubov Selezneva
Scenario of the Day of Local Self-Government State Enterprise "Orlovsky"


of the Day of LSG SE« Orlovsky»

Leading: Selezneva L.A., Leskova N.

The auditorium is decorated with balls, the backdrop the scene(banner "This holiday is like a resounding echo, let it remain in our hearts"+ 2 flags)

Demonstration of a film about GP « Orlovsky» (20 minutes)

Ved1: Good afternoon, dear guests, dear fellow countrymen!

Ved2: Today we celebrate the Day local government... The decree on the establishment of the holiday was signed by the President of the country in 2012. The date of the holiday is timed to the Day of Catherine II's signing of the Charter of Charity to the cities, it is believed that it was this event that served as the beginning of Russian legislation on local self-government.

Ved1: Your second birth local government received at the end of the eighties, and in 1993 he was assigned not the last place in the new constitution... In a modern state self-government not less attention is paid. The country's government is expanding its financial independence municipalities and motivates local authorities to make independent decisions.

Ved2: The accumulated Russian experience shows that the structure of state power can be effective and sustainable only when it is supported by a viable system local government.

Ved1: We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,

Let the trouble pass you by

Health will be strong, and, of course,

Let luck always accompany!

Ved2: In a gala event dedicated to the celebration of the Day local governmentguests of honor take part:

5. Labor veterans, managers and specialists of the village institutions Orlovsky

Veda 1: Solemn event dedicated to the Day local government, let me consider it open.

The Anthem of Russia, Anthem ABO sounds

Ved1: For congratulations and holding awards ceremony at the scene the Head of the Administration of the Urban Settlement is invited « Orlovsky» Budazhapov Bator Budazhapovich

Chapter Congratulations

Ved2: Based on the order of the administration of the urban settlement « Orlovsky» No. 55 dated April 16, 2018, in connection with the celebration of the Day local government, in accordance with the Charter of the urban settlement « Orlovsky» ... To award a letter of thanks from the Administration of the urban settlement « Orlovsky» by the end of 2017:

1. Sharoglazov Yuri Nikolaevich - for effective work in the development of the village;

2. Kharganaev Viktor Alekseevich - for many years of conscientious work;

3. Khorchinzhapova Mydyk Dambaevna - for many years of conscientious work of the municipal service.

Based on the order of the administration of the urban settlement « Orlovsky» No. 49 dated April 2, 2018, In connection with carrying out elections of the President of the Russian Federation on March 18, 2018, in accordance with the Charter of the urban settlement « Orlovsky» ,

To award a letter of thanks from the Administration of the urban settlement « Orlovsky» members of election commissions of polling stations No. 814, No. 815, No. 816 of the urban settlement « Orlovsky» for active participation in the preparation and holdingelections of the President of the Russian Federation:

1. Tsybenova Badmakhand Vladimirovna - member of the election commission of the polling station No. 814;

2. Sinegovskaya Margarita Valentinovna - member of the election commission of the polling station No. 814;

3. Bolotova Victoria Batoevna - member of the election commission of the polling station No. 814;

4. Dymbrylova Lyubov Dambaevna - Chairperson of the Election Commission of the polling station No. 815;

5. Nanzatov Zorigto Bairovich - deputy the chairman of the electoral commission of polling station No. 815;

6. Tsybenov Dashijamso Gonchikovich - the driver of the polling station No. 816.

Ved2: We want to congratulate the workers of the administration of the urban settlement present in this hall « Orlovsky»

Ved1: I would like to wish you solidarity, perseverance in work, perseverance in achieving goals, wisdom in decision-making, professional success in all matters for the benefit of your native village.

Ved2: I wish everyone good health, inexhaustible optimism, good spirits, confidence in their strengths and in the future.

Ved. 1.Russia - Holy Motherland

I love you with all my heart.

Russia - you are the abode of paradise

I am proud of a great country!

(No announcement)

Song "Russia" performed by Tsydendorzhieva Larisa.

Ved. 2 Dear viewers, now younger group will give you a musical gift

Dance performance "Mood"

Ved1: Compatriots, we wish you happiness,

So that it comes into your house,

To hate, evil and bad weather

Your doorstep was bypassed.

Ved. 2 .: To make the stars shine brighter for you,

Lighting up the night paths

To be loved and be loved

And betrayal bypassed you.

"Lost Happiness" female vocal group (no announcement)

"Irish dance" without announcement

Ved. : Prose is amazing with its ability to say so many things in a few lines. About the eternal striving of a person to the sky, in an attempt to understand, to find out what is behind this blue and clouds.

Ved. : To live on earth, to strive for the sky with your soul - this is a rare destiny of a person!

Monologue "Sky" Elena Yu.

Monologue "Sky"

Veda: Dear viewers, we invite you to plunge into the rhythms of modern incendiary music

Song "Smile"

Dance "Sailors" without announcement

Ved. 1 : Let's note together

Self-ruling day

And let's congratulate everyone in the world,

Let's drive away sadness and shadow from faces!

Ved. 2 : Let us be happy friends,

Do not get sick, do not lose heart,

We will be friendly with you together

On places we manage.

Song "Darya"

Ved. 2 Dear viewers, welcome the junior dance group with a musical gift.

Dance "Playful"

Ved. : I would be in a purple miracle field,

As if in childhood, to find yourself.

Transbaikal expanse,

I will always dream of you.

Ved. : A ringing blue bell,

What is called a dream-grass

Having absorbed the inclusions of the sun inside,

The earth will bloom in the spring.

Monologue "Awakening of nature" Kurilova Alena

Monologue "Awakening of nature"


We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,

We wish you success in your hard work.

You have a lot of strength, and do not relax,

With all the problems to deal with.


We wish to create a team of like-minded people,

Any questions can be solved in a mobile way.

To honor the laws and rules,

Respect people and love work.

"The girls are standing" vocal female group (no announcement)

Veda: Now dear viewers a musical gift from a dance group "Mai Wei"

Dance "Mai Wei"

Ved. Maksim: Transbaikalia is a special territory. This is a land that for many millennia served as a kind of corridor along which small and large peoples and tribes moved.

Ved. Nika: The world of legends and traditions of the peoples of Transbaikalia is multifaceted and multicolored. Reflects peculiar ethnic and everyday realities

Poem "Evenk epic" Knyazeva Lilia

Poem "Chita"

Dance "Hours"

Song "Town" without announcement

Ved1: Let me congratulate you on the Day again local government.

Ved2: We sincerely wish inexhaustible energy, an atmosphere of creativity and creativity, the embodiment of new projects, prosperity and new victories!

Ved2: From all the participants in the concert, we would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all those present for the warm applause, thank you for your attention and support.

Ved1: We wish that in the future your life companions were irrepressible vital energy and optimism.


Leading: Bye!


List of rooms:

1. Song "Russia" Tsydendorzhieva Larisa.

2. Dance "Mood"

3. "Lost Happiness" female vocal group

4. "Irish" dance without announcement

5. Fust Natalia "Sky"

6. Song "Smile" Leskova Nicole

7. Dance "Sailors"

8. Song "Darya" Kalinina Natalia, Aprelkova Dasha

10. Dance "Playful"

11. Poem "Awakening of nature" Kurilova Alena

12. "The girls are standing" vocal female group

13. Dance "Mai Wei"

14. Poem "Chita" Knyazeva Lilia

15. "The Ballad of Three Sons" Tsydendorzhieva Larisa

16. Dance "Hours"

17. Song "Town" without announcement

"Teacher culture and eternity". Scenario of a municipal event, dedicated to the teachers

The target audience: educators and students of the Guryevsky district.
Purpose of the event: creation of conditions for the perception by children and adults of the profession of a teacher, as a bearer of the traditions and culture of society.
Official part.
A paduga with the flags of the Russian Federation and Kuzbass is lowered on the stage. In the foreground there is a tribune.
Fanfare is heard announcing the beginning of the solemn part of the holiday.
Leading exit.

Leading: - Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to the professional holiday dedicated to the Teacher's Day! To greet the anthems of the Russian Federation and Kuzbass, I ask everyone to stand up.
Anthem R.F.
Anthem of Kuzbass

Today our holiday is attended by: teachers educational organizations, honored teachers of the Russian Federation, honorary workers general education Of the Russian Federation, veterans of pedagogical work.
The head of the Guryevsky municipal district, Sergei Arkadievich Malyshev.
Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Guryev Municipal District; Vladimir Semenovich Prokhorenko, secretary of the political council of the Guryev local branch of the All-Russian political party "United Russia". Deputy Head for Social Issues Irina Gennadievna Sotnikova.
Heads of settlements, heads of enterprises and organizations.
Musical background on the words of the presenter
Teacher's Day is truly a national, favorite holiday. In the life of each of us there is a favorite teacher. Teaching is an art, hard and responsible work, sometimes reaching the level of self-sacrifice, to a civil feat.
By tradition, we welcome the Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation, whose contribution to the education of the Guryev municipal district is invaluable. Dear mentors, today we are giving you a piece of warmth and kindness, embodied in postcards made by the hands of children.
Cadets give flowers to honored teachers of the Russian Federation
To congratulate and reward educators, we invite to the stage the Head of the Guryev Municipal District, Sergei Arkadievich Malyshev.

The presenter leaves the stage
Speech by the Head of the Guryev Municipal District, Sergei Malyshev.
The presenter at the podium, read out the award block. The head in the center of the stage is presenting the awards.

Reward block 1.
The presenter announces the next speaker and leaves the stage.
Leading: - To congratulate and reward educators, we invite the chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Guryev Municipal District to the stage; Vladimir Semenovich Prokhorenko, Secretary of the Political Council of the Guryev Local Branch of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia".
Music at the official exit
Speech by the Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies Vladimir Semenovich Prokhorenko.
The presenter at the podium, read out the award block. Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies in the center of the stage.

Music for the award
Reward block 2.
Leading: - To congratulate and reward educational workers, we invite to the stage the acting head of the education department of the administration of the Guryev municipal district, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation, Irina Anatolyevna Pyanova.
Music at the official exit
Speech by the acting head of the acting head of the education department of the administration of the Guryevsky municipal district Irina Anatolyevna Pyanova.
Music for the award

Reward block 3.

Concert part

The curtain is closed
All connections to the numbers are spelled out with a plus

The Teacher illuminates everything around him when a deep, pure Light lives in his soul. And Culture helps to preserve this Light - it carries great concepts: love, generosity and eternity!
Piano music is playing. Two girls enter the stage from the auditorium, holding lighted lanterns, “open the curtain”. In the depths, two more girls approach the large lanterns, and the four of them "light up" the large lanterns.
The reader, on the last chords of piano music, comes out from the backstage and stops, listening to the music, at the piano. At the end of the music, it goes to the middle of the stage.
Alena Tishkova reads a poem by Lyudmila Klenova (Lyutel Eder) "The First Ball of Natasha Rostova", accompanied by a waltz from the film "My affectionate and gentle animal" by E. Doga. On the last words of the poem, the choreographic part of the composition is "Waltz". Choreographic d / o MBOU DOD CDT.

She so wanted a waltz! Eye of the lake
They were looking for: "Who? .. Where? .." The groan melted away
In the eyes of her begging: "He? .. Which? .."
Candles were burning ... Couples floated into sleep ...
And it was chilly, timidly naked
Scared girlish shoulders ...
And maple trees fell asleep quietly in the park,
And they all whispered to future nights
That the first waltz is just a dot
And the paths diverge from her ...
Natasha, you, like an angel, are blameless ...
Your first ball ... Oh, butterfly, fly!
You wanted a waltz so much! Well, look:
Fate moves through the hall,
Calmly, smiling ... Closer, closer ...
Bolkonsky. Prince ... and you are already weak
In his hands ... Compliant, airy,
From a waltz and from happiness intoxicated ...
And somewhere the cannonballs were loaded into cannons,
And the abyss opened a terrible mouth ...
But Time remained a splinter
That first ball, where, in the mirror, you can see
YOU flew - why did you want Waltz! ..
And a clean string sang subtly ...

Couples leave the stage backstage. The following performers are coming out.
Guitar strings pulled
The heart is waiting.
Just touch him with a young voice -
Will sing!
Block Alexander
Romance "Vain Words" - music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by L. Rubalskaya. Performed by K.B. Mitryaykina, accompanied by A.V. Lepeshkin.
teachers MBOU DOD CDT.

Performers take the stage: a violinist and an accompanist.
Mozart plays an old violin,
Mozart plays and the violin sings.
Mozart does not choose his homeland -
just plays all his life.
Ah, nothing that has always been known
our destiny is either gulba or firing ...
Do not give up your efforts, maestro,
do not remove your palms from your forehead.
Bulat Okudzhava

Instrumental number (violin)

In gentle curves - the charm of the pattern,
Music of lines, thirst for space ...
Do not take away the admiring gaze, -
Isadora came to life in your dance.

Choreographic number. Performed by D.A. Polyanina choreography teacher MBOU DOD CDT.

She sings and the sounds melt away
Like kisses on the lips
Looks - and the heavens are playing
In her divine eyes;
Does it go - all her movements,
Or utters a word - all features
So full of feelings, expressions
So full of wondrous simplicity.
Mikhail Lermontov

Lauretta's aria from the opera "O mio babbino caro" by G. Schicchi. Performed by T.P. Cherdakova vocal teacher MBOU DOD CDT.

Here is the music to which
I feel like crying and singing.
Take yourself an oratorio
and the beat of the drums, and the brass.
Take them as your allies
easy, until the end of days ...
Leave me with that music:
we will talk to her.
Bulat Okudzhava

Instrumental number (saxophone) 34

When the soullessness of the masks falls from their faces,
Life will see a spectrum of rainbow colors.
And the sky and faces will be filled with Light,
The soul, being cleansed, will be reborn again ...

Vocal number "Carol of the bells" from the repertoire of the v / g. Pentatonix. Performed by TP Cherdakova, AA Cherdakov, K.B. Mitryaykina, Arina Svidcheva, Maxim Pronin - teachers and students of MBOU DOD CDT.

The pianist is at the piano, music is playing, the lights on the stage go out, when the poems run out, girls with lighted lanterns "close" the curtain.

“The ball is over ... the candles are out ...
The music of hearts fell silent ... ”The poet said.
But in your heart, let the music remain forever
And the warm light does not go out.

May every chapter of your life
Contains love and wisdom, kindness and humanity.
And your slogan will be the words:
"Teacher, culture and eternity!" ...
Shakina Elena
Concert video
For the convenience of the director's work, I propose an example of how to design a director's sheet


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