Change your thoughts and your life will change. How to change your mindset to change your life

What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us is incomparably less important than what lies within us - for a person is what he thinks about all day long.
Ralph Emerson

The fountain of grace must gush within ourselves—in our heart and mind. He who knows human nature so poorly that in search of happiness he changes everything, but not his own position, will waste his life in vain and increase the sorrow from which he sought to get rid of.
Samuel Johnson

The hardest thing is getting started.

And it doesn’t matter what these words refer to - writing a book or starting a new round in life, it is important that now I have taken the first step by writing the first lines, and you, having read the book, will take the first step towards well-being.

If I interrupt my narration, you will not know what I was about to tell, but if you are a seeker, you will sooner or later receive answers to your questions from other sources.

But what if you stop on the way from theory to practice? You still have to script your own life.

Only in the event of a stop, it will not be much different from your real life.

It is in your hands today to adopt the techniques described in the book and allowing you to build the storyline of your destiny so that the achievement of happiness is due to the logic of its development.

Your destiny is your way of thinking and the world of your fantasies.

The social status of a person, his environment and financial position- an accurate reflection of his thinking.

How you will be - poor or rich, happy or unhappy, lucky or not - only you decide.

Unlimited strength, fortitude will allow you to get everything you want from life.

Anyone can learn to use this power.

To do this, there are simple and very specific methods of influencing your subconscious. Use them in Everyday life and you will get everything you dreamed of and even more.

The power hidden in your subconscious mind is unique.

When you learn to communicate with your own subconscious, its wisdom will lead you on the right path.

You will be visited by ideas, the implementation of which will allow you to make a revolution or, if you like, a qualitative leap in your life and enter the path of well-being and success.

To do this, it is very important not just to know about the existence of inner strength, but to realize it. If you really want to become a rich, happy and successful person, start working on yourself so that well-being becomes your natural internal state.

It is this kind of self-improvement that the practical part of this book is devoted to. The training is based on a seemingly simple motto:

"Change the way you think and you will change your destiny." Changing consciousness is quite a long process that will require tremendous faith, patience and perseverance from you before concrete positive results appear. But this is perhaps the only true path to success known to people today.

The whole world around us is subject to certain laws of the universe, and we, an integral part of this world, cannot be an exception.

While working on the program, you will become aware of these laws, you will understand that your subconscious mind always maintains a connection with the infinite source of life and immense wisdom.

Happy is he who trusts his subconscious, his divine nature, for those who follow him will fill life with peace, joy and prosperity. The subconscious takes care of us 24 hours a day, and it is in our power to order a ball. As soon as you submit an idea to the subconscious, it begins to work for you.

And it will not distinguish how good or bad your idea is, its task is implementation. Here it makes sense to note that the subconscious does not discriminate, does not reflect and does not think about any specific things, this is the sphere of activity of the conscious mind. The subconscious and the conscious are two spheres of activity within one mind. As soon as your mind accepts any idea, the subconscious mind begins its work.

Jokes with the subconscious are not appropriate. Always remember that the subconscious nurtures any seed you plant.

The efficiency of the subconscious mind is many times increased by suggestion or self-hypnosis.

It is this method that is embedded in any of the programs aimed at prosperity and success. We have all suffered greatly from unreasonable suggestion since childhood.

The phrases: “You are not capable of anything”, “Wealth is the destiny of the elect”, “Do not expect much from life” and others, first uttered by parents, then by friends and work colleagues, did their job.

Fortunately, you have the power to resist destructive ideas. And the choice is always yours. Perhaps you just haven't thought about it.

All disappointments and troubles in life come from unfulfilled desires.

With the help of the proposed program, you will sow the seeds of success in your mind, and the subconscious mind will take care of their growth. You will learn to track your thoughts and realize that by repeating all the time: “I can’t afford to buy such an expensive thing,” you really won’t get it, because the power of your subconscious mind will definitely take care of it. Forget the word “I can’t”, replace it with “I can” and, no matter how amazing your desire may be, entrust the solution of the problem to the subconscious, let it take care of a positive result.

You can start today by realizing that the best time to work with the subconscious mind is the time you fall asleep and wake up. In a drowsy state, mental activity is minimized, consciousness fades into the background, but for the subconscious, a period of activity just begins.

Remember this fertile time, the time to solve any life problems, as the subconscious knows the answers to all your questions. Having cast aside all doubts, unshakably believing that the answer exists already now, and not in the future, scroll through any of your problems every evening and morning.

For example, if you are having money troubles, you can address your subconscious mind in the following way: “I need to get a certain amount money to solve a specific problem (name the desired amount and the existing problem). Knowing about your deepest wisdom, that you know the answers to all my questions, I trust you, my subconscious, the solution to my pressing problem, I believe that it will be resolved in the near future, and I am eternally grateful for this.

The answer does not always come immediately, but it will certainly come in the form of an overwhelming premonition, feeling, and even a clear realization that you know what to do in this particular case.

Follow your intuition. Always fall asleep with faith in the future, believe that you were born to succeed, and in the end you will be able to plant this idea in your subconscious.

I really like Joseph Murphy's set, repeat it before going to bed and immediately upon waking up, it will help you overcome difficulties and fulfill your intentions. “The vast mind that inspired me, leading and guiding me, reveals to me an impeccable plan for the realization of my desires. I am fully aware of the deep wisdom of my subconscious response, and what I feel and ask in my thoughts gets its form in the material world. I am calm, balanced and completely in control of myself.

Starting your journey, you will not be able to afford much yet, this will be your reality.

But in no case should you allow the thought “I can’t”. Say to yourself: “I get this”, “I am worthy (worthy) of this”, “I accept this”, “I give thanks for this”.

Time will pass, and you will see how your possibilities expand, how everything that you received today at the mental level begins to be realized. "I can do anything with the power of my subconscious." Remember this phrase.

Trust in good fortune and divine guidance. Watch your every word and every thought. Except your negative thoughts there are no obstacles on the way to happiness. Only you are responsible for the consequences of your thoughts.

Your every conscious act is the realization of your desire, your thought. Words are symbols. They are tools of thought. A word can mean not only a concept or sensation, but also a whole complex of ideas. "I can" - creates an incentive, "I can not" - destroys any good undertaking.

Live easy! It is absolutely wrong that you can get rich only by the sweat of your brow. Try to do what makes you happy. It is in this work that your abilities will be most fully revealed and will lead to success. Going your own way is not the lot of the elite, but the right of everyone. And the “don’t expect much from life” attitude is fundamentally wrong.

It's just that at some point in time you lost the ability to freely follow your dream. Believe in yourself. You are able to live with the expectation of the best, faith in the fulfillment of desires. You just have to be clear that you are worthy of happiness.

If you do not consider yourself worthy and capable of getting everything you need, then who will believe you? By laughing at your dream, you show distrust of life, and its mighty current leaves you on the sidelines. If you do not admit into your consciousness that wealth is limitless, be sure that it will not fall into your hands.

Before your dreams become the same reality as day and night, winter and summer, heat and cold, and much more that is not in doubt, you need to work on your consciousness. You need to convince the subconscious mind that you deserve large sums of money, that wealth is your natural state. The idea of ​​abundance should be key to you.

When working on your consciousness, the feeling of wealth will be the stronger, the deeper the idea of ​​well-being becomes.

Well, what if nothing happens? There will be only one reason: you did not accept with all your heart the idea that you were born for wealth and prosperity, and you cannot deceive the subconscious with empty words.

Faith plays a colossal role in life and in work on oneself. Moving from theory to practice, working daily on your consciousness, repeating the formulas for success and well-being, where the key is the setting: “My financial condition getting better every day,” don’t puzzle over how it’s going to happen.

Trust your life. Over time, looking back, you will see results that you may not have realized right away, as the sprouts of your work were only gaining strength and were not yet clearly visible. Do not be afraid of the future, trust it and rejoice in the fact that each new day increases your well-being and your significance for the world.

Do not ask yourself an extra question: “Why is there still nothing?” Has already. Need time. Only in complete peace, trust and faith in yourself will you allow your subconscious to work beneficially. Peace of mind is the key to success. Trust yourself, draw with your imagination happy life, it will speed up the process.

Any negative thought (“I can’t do anything,” “I can’t pay my bills,” and other thoughts of this kind) will neutralize your positive statements.

Imagine: today you planted seeds, and dug up tomorrow, what kind of seedlings can you expect?

As soon as you feel a negative thought in your mind, replace it with the installation of D. Murphy: “wealth”, “success” or “My wealth is constantly increasing” - and don’t worry about anything else. The solution to the problem will come by itself.

Often a person has no idea where to get money from. But the subconscious has no shortage of ideas. As soon as you change your thinking, these ideas will begin to flow into your life, bringing "wealth" and "success", which at first you simply cultivated with love, and only blind faith supported you, by the power of which you won.

If your consciousness was formed in poverty and failure has haunted you all your life, it is especially difficult for you to believe that any person, having changed his consciousness, is able to achieve prosperity. Therefore, develop the ability to think positively until new thoughts, new habits, new actions become second nature to you.

You must clearly realize that before you are allowed to achieve real success, you will be repeatedly tested for strength, that is, for perseverance. And if you endure, you will win.

It is difficult only at the beginning, then, when the daily work on yourself and your goals becomes your habit, you will experience the joy of the exciting feeling of control over your own life and gratitude for the opportunity to live, and not trudge through life.

However, you are mistaken if you think that inspirational dreams are enough to achieve the goal, that life itself will take care of you and give you everything you want without any effort on your part.

Yes, everything starts with a dream, yes, life will change as soon as you change your consciousness, because by changing your consciousness, you change your reality. But without a clear plan of action based on sound reasoning, without the confidence that you are able to direct the events of your life in the right direction, you will not be able to achieve all your dreams.

There is another mistake - the attitude to age. Many, referring to their age, refuse to change anything in their lives, believing that it is already too late. Now imagine yourself ten years from now as you are today, with all your problems, dissatisfaction, fears - and as you can become if you now find the courage to start realizing the goal that will lead you to your dream.

These ten years will still pass. Won't you take the opportunity to change everything? I know a woman who, at the age of forty, left her stable, measured, but not satisfying life and decided to realize her old dream. She entered the medical institute, successfully graduated from it, and today she is happy, because she found a way of self-expression in this life and a way to really bring goodness and help to people around her. For her it was very important. And if ten years ago she had not taken this step?

Years would pass without changing anything in her life, leaving emptiness and bitterness of dissatisfaction in her soul.

But after all, even at sixty it is not too late to start your journey. If the goal is desirable, if it is truly yours, you must find a sense of joy in the process of achieving it. And even if God decides that you will not have time to climb to the top, nevertheless, these years will be much more meaningful and eventful than the miserable vegetating behind the locked gates to life, on which you yourself hung the inscription “Entrance is forbidden. It's too late for you."

Change the inscription, and the gate will swing open. I don’t know how old you are, but inspire yourself with the idea that it is now that life is just beginning. All the time be aware of the mighty power hidden in you, the power of your subconscious and its ability to realize any of your dreams and help you.

In your life there are a huge number of opportunities for everything, and for making money in particular. Do not limit them in your mind, trust life, not tired of repeating: “I am in the flow of life. I trust life. And I'm grateful for that." In this world, there is enough for everyone, not for the few. They don't give it to you, you don't take it yourself.

L. Hay asks: “What do you have in your hands when you mentally approach the ocean - the source of abundance? A mug, a jug, or maybe a bucket?” - and proves that any of these capacities are an indicator of your limitations, offering a direct path from consciousness to abundance. Imagine one that directly connects you to the source of all good things, and if you like to compare this source of abundance with the ocean, lay your pipeline straight into the inexhaustible depths.

Z.Y. 🙂 Hope for a toad, but don't make a mistake yourself!

In one of the television programs, the singer Yulia Panova talked about the beneficial effects of feng shui on her financial condition. At the end of her interview, she said that in any case, you need to act. It’s not enough to put a toad with a coin and wait for the money to flow like a river to you, you need to. She ended her speech with the phrase: “Trust for the toad, but don’t make a mistake yourself!” 🙂

Chapter 4

Perception change is a tool included in "A Course in Miracles"A Course in Miracles»). Indeed, in this course, a miracle is defined as "a change in perception." Any number of thoughts that we pass through ourselves during the day, flows through us without harming us in any way. Some of these thoughts are positive and useful not only to us, but also to others. The essence of the lesson is to recognize our ability to manage thinking and, when we cannot contribute to this process, to be ready for change.

The premise of writing this book was the idea that if someone doesn't like their way of thinking or it hurts you, you can change it! It's simple. And indeed it is possible. But this does not mean at all that one must live in a state of denial of reality. This means only one thing: every thought that passes through us, we - and only ourselves - endow with a power that begins to determine our further reactions and behavior.

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Thanks to documentaries and books, but still this tool enjoy only a few. If you change your thoughts, it will change. If you want to make life better and more interesting - read the article.

The power of thought

Everything in the universe is energy. Thoughts are also energy, only in a mobile, fast and light form. This energy is always striving to take shape, and this desire is inherent in its nature. That is, all our thoughts are taken into account in the Universe and become our reality.

Single thoughts do not have great power and have only a slight impact on the quality of our lives, and repeated thoughts, moreover, many times, create our reality.

This is clearly seen in an example: imagine that your thoughts are the sun's rays. Now imagine a magnifying glass and move it from side to side, passing light through it. What happens? Nothing. The light is scattered and nothing happens. The same thing happens with the "one-time" thoughts that appear in our head.

Now imagine that you hold the glass motionless at a certain height and allow the same rays of the sun to pass through, thereby concentrating them in one place. What's happening? That's right, fire.

That is, if you choose thoughts that improve the quality of your life and begin to concentrate on them, the miracle that you dreamed of begins to happen in your life.
Take a critical look at your life, what thoughts are preventing you from being today? Perhaps you want to be excellent, but you constantly think about how awkward you are, how you don’t know how to interest the audience, scroll through the pictures of unsuccessful performances again and again in your head?

Or maybe you strive for, but often complain about the lack of, high prices, low wages?
These are examples of those thoughts that act as a barrier to achieving. Track such thoughts in yourself and replace them with those that will lead to what you want.

At the first stage, it is worth understanding that thoughts have their own special power and your future will depend on what thoughts you concentrate on.

Good news. Regardless of the circumstances in which you are at the moment, the bad experience in life, you can develop the necessary type of mindset to achieve in any area of ​​life. To do this, you just need to change your thoughts and simple techniques will help you with this.

Success Tools


This is the simplest technique that will help you influence your thoughts, and then your life. It has been used for centuries in religion and other fields in the form of prayers and mantras. When you say affirmations, you tell your brain what kind of thoughts it should create.
For example, if you think of yourself as a loser, then your will look for an event in life that confirms this belief.

If you start saying the affirmation “I am successful, creative person and in everything I am successful, ”as an example, then the brain will look for confirmations that correspond to these words.

Everything is simple. In the first case, you are demotivated and are in a depressed state, in the second - and you easily move towards the goal. Choose a statement that matches your desire for today, and say it to yourself or out loud.

It's important to know:
1. Choose positive affirmations.

For example, the statement "I am never late" is incorrect. Why? Because when pronouncing such a statement, the subconscious hears "I'm late ... I'm late ... I'm late ...". An option like: “I am always punctual and I arrive on time” will be correct. Write about what you want, not about what you don't want.

2. Keep affirmations short, like mantras.

No need to write them on half a page. Write such that it is easy to repeat them several times a day.

3. Use someone else's experience.

If you don't know where to get good statements, then take them from a person who has achieved success in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that interests you.
For example, you are looking for statements for financial sphere. Find successful people in this field and look through their bios, you can always find their way of thinking there, model it.

4. Google it.

Another way to find the right affirmations is to just ask Google for them :-)

creative visualization

is the creation of mental images, the creation of one's future. It's like you're watching a movie with yourself in the title role. Imagine yourself already with all the desired qualities, things and surrounding objects. That is, you draw for yourself the life that you dream about first in your head, and then this picture takes shape and becomes your reality.

Everyone Uses Creative Visualization successful people. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger regularly imagined going on stage and being awarded the title of "Mr. Olympia" before it became his reality.

Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10,000,000 "for acting services," then he visualized receiving it. After a while, by the date that was indicated on the check, Jim could actually cash it out.

Soviet scientists conducted an experiment where world-class athletes took part. They were divided into 4 groups:

1 - 100% engaged in only physical training
2 - 75% physical training, 25% visualization
3 - 50% to 50%
4 - 25% to 75%

The results were amazing. It was the 4th group that achieved the maximum improvement in their sports performance. The group that spent most of their time training in their head.

All these examples show how powerful concentrated thoughts can be.
Your choice remains: to believe that thoughts create the desired reality or not to believe in it. Just remember that in any case, you will reap the benefits of either action or inaction. Choose an action! You will succeed, I know!

To move towards success, you should change your thinking to a more positive one, make an attempt to eliminate the negative. Mankind has developed spiritual patterns for prosperity. Many lessons on . In the thoughts, intentions and desires of people there are power resources for realization. But after a while, both positive and negative ideas can come true. Having learned to distinguish them, as well as to bring in positive notes and colors, you can make not only yourself but also the surrounding reality different idea: change your thinking and you will change your life.

Positive thinking is success in life!

Complaining about a hard life exacerbates the situation, which in many cases leads to its deterioration. Moreover, the circumstances will become more complicated to such an extent that it will be impossible to find a way out of it. Consider how to attract success by changing your thinking to positive, turn life for the better.

Features of a person with positive thinking

How to think positively? Some individuals see only the good in everything that surrounds them. Such a person who thinks positively has the following characteristics.

  • Looking for the benefits in everything.
  • Interested in new information as an additional opportunity.
  • Improves life, creates plans and ideas, works hard.
  • neutral or good.
  • Observes the successful in order to take into account their experience.
  • Calmly relates to achievements and ponders why this is possible.
  • Possesses generosity in emotional and material terms.

How ? It should be concluded that successes appear as a result of the hard work of people with positive thinking.

Negative thinking methods and how to avoid them

There are several ways of thinking that lead to bad results. But options have also been developed with which it is possible to avoid and get out of a difficult situation. The principle is to change your habitual way of thinking, the perception of life within yourself. Without this, it is impossible to achieve success, and after them, independence. You can make the following list of situations and how to turn your life to the positive.

  1. Getting used to sticking to a clear framework, a person does not think about whether this makes sense. It should be realized that in addition to the established rules, there are a great many possibilities and options for action. Building your thinking and life, you need to try to make decisions on your own, which is often much more pleasant than following advice. At the same time, the ability to right choice does not come immediately. With many daily decision-making situations, the following questions need to be considered: a) What will be the consequences? b) Will it lead to the satisfaction of the person himself and his environment?
  2. In the event that the answers to both questions are in the affirmative, it is quite possible to make this choice. So we will get a small part of independence, as well as awareness of our independence and the absence of someone else's pressure.
  3. Changing the mindset for success includes the rule that you should not try to look for problems where there are none. Some out of the blue instead of just resolving the situation. A lot of negative emotions appear, which is reflected in the rest of the day. Sometimes a bad state is created by the person himself
  4. How to change your attitude towards life? Chinese wisdom advises not to dwell on problems that cannot be solved. And if you still can, then even more so there is nothing to worry about. The way out of such a situation is to avoid conflict and refrain from stupid actions associated with it. Another method to improve life is not to be the source of such quarrels.
  5. The absence of fears associated with change helps to quickly achieve success. New way you can start with a small step. According to Mark Twain, after 2 decades, people regret more about what they did not do than about their actions.
  6. Change your mindset, but how? It should expand its scope. Positive thoughts: if today there are problems, tomorrow everything can change.
  7. How to change lifestyle? There is no need to stop learning, as new knowledge opens up opportunities for achieving goals, gives the process efficiency.
  8. How to think positively? It is necessary to eliminate bad qualities such as envy in yourself. If you learn to look positively at other people's successes, they will be perceived as an incentive. Using other people's accomplishments as role models will help you avoid judgment that leads to problems. And also change lives.
  9. The very process of the brain, the reproduction of thoughts takes quite a lot of time. The more often we resort to it, the more obstacles appear. You can try to choose one of the options than to endlessly sort out and invent situations. You need to change your mind: think less, instead take decisive action. A person must control his thoughts, and not vice versa.

In taking the steps that will change our mindset to positive, we start with the same thought. By controlling emotions, one should protect not only oneself, but also one's neighbors from negativity. And also not to enter into conflicts (not to be their initiator). Changes will occur not only with thinking, but also with consciousness. And then it will become clear around the world that life has changed.

Changing the way we think

Often our way of thinking is stereotyped, and bias can make a person a failure. When you change your mindset, life becomes completely different. Perceiving the internal (subjective) reality, the world of our ordinary thoughts, we distort the external world. It turns out to be illusory or invented. At the same time, emotions and feelings are distorted. This makes a person inadequate or even unhappy, which can lead to further failures in the spheres of being and activity. How to change your attitude towards life?

Using the method of changing thinking, we come from irrational to rational perception, using the technique of objective refutation. This ensures a self-sufficient life. In the question of how to think positively, you can also use the technology of emotional experience. But the first method is more suitable for people who want to avoid. Following the adoption of a different way of thinking, a change of life is possible.

For the same purpose, there is a method of alternative interpretation that changes "automatic" thoughts. To change his life, a person applies the method according to the following principles.

  1. Priority allows you to pay more attention to the first impressions of events. This perception is not always the best, as often people behave impulsively, follow intuition. As a result, late assessments weakly lead to objectivity, which is not entirely consistent with the circumstances. People are being misled. How to change yourself? We conclude that it is necessary to refrain from hasty assessments. More information is needed for accurate perception.
  2. How to change lifestyle? By doing independent work on your thoughts, you can try to write down unpleasant emotions throughout the week. It is also necessary to note the event that activates them, and the first thought about it. Next week, while continuing to take notes, you need to come up with a number of interpretations - alternatives for situations. Continuing to act in this way, we replace irrational thinking with objective thinking. Within a month, you can learn to think this way automatically, rebuild your lifestyle for the better.

How to improve life

It is quite possible to learn to perceive a different reality, and not just its black and white colors. Ambivalent thinking does not correspond to the division into "good" and "bad". Once you have made your choice, you can validate your decision without further thinking. But gray (or ambivalent) thinking differs from black and white in that a person is able to take the position of an opponent. This way of perceiving lowers the degree of determination, but benefits in the form of wisdom. And also you can not only change your life, but remember yourself in childhood, when you already used this method.

How does the world turn to black and white?

The views of a person acquire rigidity, as the "frames" are imposed from the outside. For example, is it good for us higher education Or is it just a waste of time. Strong beliefs do not allow you to find multiple answers to the question. Although it is clear that the world is not so simple as to be divided into "bad" and "good." You can’t make hasty decisions, but it’s also bad to make choices for all eternity. Wisdom allows you to look at the problem from a number of points of view.

How to learn to think ambivalently?

It is difficult to change the way you think, especially if you like radical judgments. But trying will teach you to apply a comprehensive approach to problems, which will help to eliminate hasty assessments. There are a number of rules for thinking positively in order to change your destiny.

  • Strict judgments should be abandoned. For example, do not pronounce them. Refraining from dividing into "bad" and "good", one can understand that the world cannot be limited to these two categories.
  • If you take the perspective of an event, it will be possible to assess its significance.
  • You have to accept that people can make mistakes. Feeling yourself in the place of the enemy, you can realize that it is his point of view that is correct.
  • Having become accustomed to the fact that the true solution is not unambiguous, a person learns to accept a different opinion and see the problem comprehensively.

To change your life, as well as thinking on the ambivalent at least at the level of the first step, you need to pay attention to how the child perceives the world.

Today we will talk about the 7 most harmful ways of thinking, or rather, we will give advice on how to avoid negativity and bring more joy into life. We will also consider options for getting out and the current situation, learn how to change our vision of the world, and life in general. In this article, I used my own experience, the experience of my friends and good acquaintances, our real actions and deeds, which helped to radically change my thoughts and improve successful life. It is important to understand that it is not possible to achieve success, become a wealthy and independent person, without developing spiritually, without changing yourself, your thoughts and desires.

Many of us are driven into a clear, and completely meaningless framework. We are told what to do and what not to do, how to think and what is not right, how to act in a certain situation, and even how to think. But it is important to understand that life is millions of opportunities, millions of options for building your life. No one has the right to dictate rules to you, to point out what you should do today, tomorrow or in a year. Learn to make decisions on your own, because you are the smith of your own happiness. Believe that on your own decision, meaningful and thoughtful will be ten times more pleasant and useful than any imposed advice.

Learning to make the right choice is not an easy task, but it is quite surmountable for each of you. Every day we face dozens of problems and situations, and in order to solve them, we must make certain choices. Whenever you decide to make a choice, ask yourself a few simple questions: “What consequences will come as a result of my choice?”, “Will this choice bring joy, satisfaction and happiness to me, and to those to whom it applies?”. And only received two affirmative answers "yes" to these questions, you can safely make your choice.
What is it for?
The right to choose was given to us by nature. Man is a free being, which itself must decide who, how and why he should be. By making an independent and conscious choice, we bring into our lives a piece of freedom and independence, happiness and joy for being able to choose a life path on our own, without any pressure from outside.

Many people have a very negative character trait. Either they lack adrenaline, or the vision of the world has already become so distorted that if nothing bad happened during the day, then we are on our guard. Previously, I repeatedly caught myself thinking that I was constantly looking for a problem where, in principle, it should not be, I try to start a conflict out of the blue, instead of peacefully and quickly resolving the situation, I often cursed, fanned a scandal and a storm of negative emotions. It is clear that each such situation leaves its mark, makes an imprint on the rest of the day. Then you walk, twist the past in your head, swear with yourself. What is the positive here? A terrible state that many create for themselves.
Now, when the worldview and vision of everything that is happening began to change, I often recall the Chinese wisdom: “If you cannot solve a problem, then you should not focus on it, and if you can, then don’t worry.”

How to deal with such a situation?
Personally, I have used many methods. If I saw that a conflict was brewing, that they were inflating the problem out of the blue, then I tried not to be a participant, I just correctly diverted the conversation to the side or ignored the conversation.
If I felt that I myself was starting to inflate the problem, I would ask myself the question: “What will this change? Who will benefit from a spoiled mood? The understanding that nothing good would come from a quarrel, that the mood and desire to do something would disappear for half a day, stopped me from stupid actions.
There is another very interesting and instructive proverb: “When you argue with an idiot, are you sure that he does not do the same thing?” Believe that in an emotional dispute or quarrel you will not prove anything. Everyone has their own ego, and it's not going to give in one iota. The best solution is to save your nerves and protect yourself from negativity.
Tip number 2 is that you should not be a conflict person, should not generate and maintain a quarrel, take everything as it is, while approaching everything with understanding and positive.

Another tip that will help you achieve success faster is that you should not be afraid of change and change in your own life. As they say, a long journey begins with a small step, and if you are afraid to take this step, then it will not be realistic to change something.
You often hear: “I want to change my life, earn more, travel and develop, but at the same time I am afraid to leave my job, because then I will lose stability and earnings.” Such thinking drags you into a quagmire of uncertainty and fear, and the longer you feed on such a thought, the harder it will be to get out of such a swamp. If you decide to do something, decide to change your life, then do not be afraid to quit everything, start life with clean slate, turn the page of history and confidently, with big steps, enter a new life.
I once read a brilliant statement by Mark Twain that stuck in my memory very strongly: “In 20 years, you will regret what you didn’t do more than what you did. Therefore, raise anchors and sail away from a safe harbor. Catch a fair wind in your sails. Enjoy. Dream. Make discoveries."
I realized that everything is in our hands, that we really need not be afraid to leave our own comfort zone, we need to be confident in what we are doing and what we are striving for.

Another tip that will bring great positivity into your life and give you many joyful moments is that you must learn to think bigger. I used to think that what I feel at the moment, what I have, and what I know is something that has become, something that will not change in the near future. But there is no room for delusion. What you have now, thoughts, feelings, material and spiritual world, exists only now. It's hard to even say what will happen in a day, a week, a month, not to mention years. Everything in the world is changing, and so are you. Therefore, understand one truth, if today something goes wrong, then tomorrow everything can change dramatically, be a hundred times better and more successful. Comfort yourself with this thought, bring joy, hope and positive into your life.

Often, when they tell us something, share knowledge or useful information, we say that we know this, there is no need to listen to this and waste our time. I used to be like that too, I thought that I had already seen so much, that I had read enough books that I could tell myself what you want to tell.
But do not build such barriers. Also in ancient greece Socrates said: "The more I know, the more I realize that I know nothing."
Be open to new knowledge, joyfully accept it, get help from other people. Remember that new knowledge is new opportunities that you must use to achieve your goal as efficiently as possible.

Envy is a terrible quality of character that corrodes you from the inside. She is like a little devil who sits on your shoulder and whispers all sorts of nasty things in your ear. The more you envy, the more negativity comes into your life. Learn to perceive the success of others in a different way, as an incentive, as a goal, as an example to follow. Stop judging and jealous. Even if you know that a person has achieved something by dishonest methods, then you should not focus your attention on this. Believe me, from the fact that you envy, complain, condemn, it will be worse only for you, and not for the person in whose direction you are directing the negative.
How to deal with envy?
Envy comes from the ego. It is not satisfied with what you have, wants more, while comparing you with someone else. Stop it. The only person you can compare with is with yourself only in the past. Look at what you have achieved, what you have learned, thank you for all the experience and opportunities that have come into your life. Remember that you create your own life, build the path to success, and the very first brick is positive thinking.

At first it may seem that this is strange, and even absurd advice. How is it to think less? This phrase should not be taken literally. Before, I also thought a lot, analyzed, calculated, tried to describe all the steps, to predict the consequences. This all took a very long time. The more we think, the more different obstacles appear in our heads. The question arises: “What will happen if I choose this option?”, And instead of taking and trying, we begin to build schemes in our heads, think up various situations, most of which frighten us incredibly and stop us from taking decisive action.
How to deal with it?
It is important to realize that you are in control of your thoughts, not they control you. Try to think less, especially where you can take and do everything in a few minutes. Be decisive and confident in your actions. It’s better to do it once and be convinced of your conjectures than to wonder for months how everything will turn out.

Positive thinking as a path to success: my personal findings

So, I have already said more than once in the article that everything starts with a thought, and it must be positive. Learn to control your emotions, try to protect yourself and all your loved ones from negativity, do not create conflicts and do not be participants in them. Believe me, when you start to change your thinking, then your consciousness will change, and then the whole world around you. Many do not believe in it until they try it, and then with an open mind they say that positive thinking does wonders.


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