A comic scenario for the New Year of the Dog. Children's script for the New Year of the Dog. Characters and props

To have a fun holiday event, you need to think in advance, which will help ensure fun and good mood.

Funny and cool skits that do not take much time are especially well received at the New Year's holiday, so they can be staged several in a row, involving as many people as possible.

New Year's scenes funny and cool for high school students can include characters both famous and fictional, as long as it is fun and interesting.

New Year's skit about grandmas Yozhek

Characters: 5 money hedgehogs

Grandma 1: Hedgehogs, have you noticed that we haven’t hung out for a long time! Oh look, what's here
Is everyone here?
Grandmother 2: Yes, they’re probably celebrating something again! send it! We have to go to bro Kascheich's party! By the way, I need to call him, has he changed his mind about hanging out? So, let's dial the number! Hello, Kashcheich! Hey, how's everything ready? oh, well then we’ll be there! Well, the kashcheich said, everything is ready! Send it?!
Grandma 3: Wait, we still don’t know what’s going on here? Let's ask the guys?
Grandma 4: Yes, no problem! Guys, tell me, what's going on here?
Guys: We are celebrating the New Year!
Grandma 5: Wow, does that mean there’s going to be a party here too? Cool, let's stay here, otherwise I won't get to the kashcheyushka! My back hurts terribly!
All grandmothers except 2 grandmothers: We agree! Eh, hedgehog, how are you?
Grandmother 2: what?
1st grandmother: Well, you're damn deaf, you need to go to the ENT!
Grandma 2: Alas, my electric broom is broken!
Grandma 1: I’ve been driving a Merc for a long time! Well, why do you want to stay here for the party?
Grandma 2: Of course! Well, grannies, let's have a blast!?

The phone is ringing at the 4th grandma

Grandma 4: Hello, hello! Oh, well, I already signed up for tomorrow! Okay, I don’t have time now! Dosvidos!
Grandma 5: Where did you sign up?
Grandma 4: Hey, go to the makeup artist! I decided to preen myself before my date with the merman!
Grandma 3: Okay, that's enough, let's finally hang out!
Grandma 1: Well, DJ, play us a song! Yes, better!

include for example: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

3 Grandma: Hey, you’re a DJ, what did you play for us? Give us ours, my beloved!

The song of hedgehog grandmothers is playing

Cool New Year's scene about blondes

Participants should speak with expression and intonation, parodying modern fashionistas

1 Blonde: Hello girlfriend, Why are you standing here?
2 Blonde: Waiting for Leshy
1 Blonde: Why wait for him?
2 Blonde: Yes, I met him, I couldn’t leave everything as it was - he looks like a loser... no one walks like that now...
1 Blonde: And where is he?
2 Blonde: At the hairdresser... at Zverev’s
1 Blonde: Is this the famous hairdresser?
2 Blonde: No, namesake... he’s also a stylist, he’ll do a little image work...
1 Blonde: Oh
2 Blonde: What?
1 Blonde: Your hair is black!
2 Blonde: Pull it out faster!
1 Blonde: Yes, I was joking..
2 Blonde: Fuck you... By the way, here’s Leshy.

Leshy comes out in super new clothes, to the music

1 Blonde: Listen to the latest fashion...
2 Blonde: Yes, now with him both to the feast and to the world..
Leshy: Well, I changed my image a little... how did it happen?
1 Blonde: Great...
2 Blonde: Now I’d like to teach you how to dance...
Leshy: I can do tectonics...
1 Blonde: Something already, show me...

You can end the performance with the dance of Leshy and the blondes.

The blondes and Leshy leave on stage, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson appear, holding Leshy's sock in their hands, approach the microphone and twirl it in their hands

Holmes: Watson, I think this is a man's sock...
Watson: How did you guess?
Holmes: Elementary! The size is too big.
Watson: Do you think it can't belong to a woman?
Holmes: To be honest, I saw a gentleman who was walking in the second sock.
Watson: Holmes, you are simply a genius. Where was this gentleman going?
Holmes: Elementary, my dear friend, accompanied by two ladies, he was probably in a hurry to the disco…. Oh, it seems to me that someone else is going there...
Watson: Shall we go too?
Holmes: For those over a hundred years old? Although, let's go... It doesn't hurt us to have fun.

New Year's skit about the Snow Queen

Snow Queen: Call Zlyuchka and Thorn to me...

Zlyuchka and Thorn come running

Snow Queen: My faithful maids, how long have we done nasty things?
Zlyuchka: A long time ago...
Thorn: A long time ago...
Snow Queen: Do you want to ruin people's holiday?
Zlyuchka: I want...
Thorn: It’s already pricking...
Snow Queen: Here, keep a catalog of cosmetics, whoever rubs it and smells it will get sick, get sick
Sneaky: Will he get sick?
Thorn: Will he get sick?
Zlyuchka: And he’ll miss the holiday?
Thorn: And a holiday!!! Will he miss...?
Snow Queen: And she’ll get sick and miss it. You need to offer this catalog to everyone and make people sneeze.
Zlyuchka: What if people take vitamins?
Thorn: What if you were involved in sports?
Snow Queen: And they will celebrate alone without friends... Go quickly, fulfill my will.

They leave. Ivanushka comes on stage

Ivanushka: Alyonushka? Has anyone seen my sister?
Zlyuchka: Is this Ivanushka?
Thorn: Open the page with goat flu quickly?
Zlyuchka: Young man, look at some cosmetics, just for your sister.
Thorn: Here, take a sniff.
Ivanushka: Oh, but you really need to buy a gift for your sister! (sniffs)
Vicious: Well, how?
Thorn: Good cosmetics?
Ivanushka: Oh, I have a fever, probably an acute respiratory infection.

Alyonushka comes

Alyonushka: Ivanushka, what’s wrong with you? Oh... temperature!
Zlyuchka: They got infected, will your brother get sick now?
Thorn: And your holiday is ruined?

Ivanushka coughs

Alyonushka: We'll see about that. (Takes the phone) Urgent orderlies.

Orderlies run in in the form of snowmen

Orderlies: What happened, where is the infection?
Alyonushka: Yes, there are two people here who are tearing apart.
Ivanushka: I was infected with goat flu.
Orderlies: I see, disinfect the infection!

Zlyuchka and Thorn run away screaming, followed by orderlies with large syringes.

Alyonushka: I told you, Ivanushka, go in for sports, and take your vitamins - you didn’t listen to me, but nothing...

Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden: I’ll help your problem, but just don’t get sick anymore... I’ll wave my magic wand, and the illness will go away by the evening, but for now the milk is warm, and the stove...
Who arranged all this... Surely either Baba Yaga or the Snow Queen, you will need to tell Santa Claus...

New Year's holidays 2020 are the perfect time to communicate with children. Parents and children prepare together for the cherished date - decorate the house, decorate the Christmas tree. And if guests who also have children are expected on December 31 or January 1, this is a reason to prepare a skit to be shown at the New Year’s party. Learning and rehearsing the role will give the children great pleasure.

Many scenarios for the holidays suffer from the protractedness and complexity of preparation. It's better to learn a few small scenes than one big, complicated story. They can be shown with breaks for games and competitions for guests.

The scenes below are suitable not only for home - you can use them when preparing a holiday at school or in kindergarten.

The best funny skits for children

Short funny scenes will amuse both children and adults for the New Year 2020 of the White Metal Rat. Mini-performances will make the holiday fun and memorable.

Letter to Santa Claus

Daughter: “Mom, please buy me a 96-sheet notebook!”
Mom (surprised): “Why are you so fat?”
Daughter: “I will write a letter to Santa Claus, what gifts I want! So that everything fits exactly!”
Mom: “Just don’t forget to write to your grandfather about how you behaved this year!”
Daughter: “Well, if you write that it’s good, it will be a lie. And if you write that it’s bad, then I won’t see the gifts like my ears.” I’ll write this: “Dear Grandfather Frost! This year I have done a lot of quite original things!...”

Order for Santa Claus

Son: “Dad, I just sent a letter to Santa Claus!”
Father: “And what did you order for him, I wonder?”
Son: “Oh, just a little... Just a construction set, a machine gun and a laptop!”
Father: “These are all wonderful things, of course! But maybe you shouldn’t ask for a laptop? Otherwise it turns out to be a rather long list...”
Son: “Oh, why are you so worried? It’s not you who will buy gifts, but Santa Claus!”

How to receive a gift

Child: “Mom, are you glad that New Year is coming?”
Mom: “Well, of course, I’m glad!”
Child: “And you will get New Year's gift from Santa Claus?
Mom: “Santa Claus comes only to children! And my dad will probably buy me a gift.”
Child: “What would you like to get from him?”
Mom: “To be honest, a mink coat! But I’m not sure that he will give it to me...”
Child: “Try to fall on the floor, scream and kick! It always works for me!”

About Vovochka

Teacher: “Vovochka, is it possible to treat your studies like that? Whatever the day, then a deuce! If this continues, your father will soon have gray hair.”
Vovochka: “Oh, this will be a great gift for him for the New Year! Otherwise he’s completely bald!”

Cool scenes for teenagers

Teacher (sitting at the table): “Holidays are holidays, but I have to work, check notebooks... So, the essay “What would I ask Santa Claus for the New Year.” It's interesting what they wrote here. Vovochka is our first..."
(The teacher opens the notebook, Vovochka comes on stage)
Vovochka: “I would ask Santa Claus to make sure that no essays need to be written next year!”
(Vovochka leaves)
Teacher: “Well, this is all clear, lazybones... Next notebook. Mashenka. Wait, why is a cosmetics catalog attached to the essay?”
(Opens the notebook, Mashenka comes on stage)
Mashenka: “I would ask Santa Claus for items No. 145, 146 and 172 for the New Year!”
(Mashenka leaves)
Teacher: “Brevity is the sister of talent, or what? Okay... Who's next? Egor!"
(Egor appears on stage)
Egor: “To ask Santa Claus for something, you need to write him a letter. Where can I get his personal email? You can’t do this without hacking the system...”
(Egor leaves in deep thought)
Teacher: “Everything is clear, the hacker is growing. Oh, I’m tired, I’ll probably check it later.”
(All the children run onto the stage)
In chorus: “Happy New Year, happy new happiness!”

Oligarch and his daughter

Oligarch: “Zlata, daughter, do you know what holiday happens at the end of December?”
Zlata: “Dad, I’m only 11 years old, why do I have to figure all this out? The calendar hangs in our house on the third floor in the fifth room - take the elevator and have a look.”
Oligarch: “Actually, we have already celebrated this holiday, guess for yourself.”
Zlata: “Is this when we went to Hawaii?”
Oligarch: “No, it was your birthday. The fifth day of every month."
Zlata: “Oh, I remember the holiday when we rode in a tank?”
Oligarch: “No, we celebrated Victory Day.”
Zlata: “When did you fly on an airplane?”
Oligarch: “And this is Aviation Day!”
Zlata: “Okay, I give up!”
Oligarch: “New Year is coming soon! My favorite holiday!”
Zlata: “What’s special about it?”
Oligarch: “Well, on this day it’s customary to give gifts!”
Zlata: “No, what’s special?”
Oligarch: “And it’s not me who gives gifts!”
Zlata (surprised): “And who?”
Oligarch: “Santa Claus!”
Zlata: “Where is he on the Forbes list?”
Oligarch: “Not at all. Giving gifts is his job. And on this day everyone gets together, drinks, eats tangerines and shouts “Christmas tree, burn!”
Zlata: “Why burn it?”
Oligarch: “No, they don’t burn it! Lanterns and toys are hung on it. My hands are already itching. Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!”
Zlata: “Come on! Only half of the toys are for me!”
(Dad and daughter leave the stage)

Sketch for the 2020 matinee

A matinee in kindergarten or junior school will be decorated with a small New Year-themed scene with the participation of several characters.

Movie about Santa Claus

The director reads the main text, children in costumes act out the performance. Characters can also be inanimate objects.

Director: “We’re making a movie about Santa Claus. Camera, motor, let's go! One day Grandfather harnessed his horse and went into the forest to cut down a Christmas tree. And what’s going on in the forest: the wind is rustling, the wolves are howling, the owl is hooting. A deer ran past and tapped its hooves. The hares jumped out into the clearing and drummed on the stump. They saw Grandfather with his horse and galloped away. He sat down on a tree stump and looked around. He sees a lot of Christmas trees around. I went up to one Christmas tree and touched it. No good. I looked at the other Christmas tree and didn’t like it either. Looks - the third one is just right. He swung an ax at her, and the Christmas tree begs..."
Christmas tree No. 3: “Grandfather, grandfather, don’t cut me down! I'm not good for kids. My leg is lame, the needles are falling off, the bark is all peeling off!”
Director: “Grandfather listened and went to another tree. I touched her. And the needles are strong, and the bark is intact, and the trunk is straight. Good for New Year! Lo and behold, I’ve already lost the ax somewhere! He decided to pull the tree up by the roots. And the Christmas tree tells him..."
Christmas tree No. 4: “Pull, pull, old man, you still won’t have enough strength.”
Director: “Grandfather began to drag the Christmas tree. Can't pull it out. The hares came running to help. They pull and pull - to no avail. They called the wolves. They pull and pull and it doesn’t work again. The wolves called the owl. Everyone began to pull out the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree resists, it doesn’t work. How the wind blows here! On the one hand it’s blowing - no way! On the other hand, there is a Christmas tree! It blew from the third side! Here they pulled out the Christmas tree! The grandfather was delighted, put the tree on the sleigh and went with it to the children to celebrate the New Year! The end of the film!"

Bored Christmas tree

The elegant Christmas tree stands with a sad look, sadly looking at the floor. The Leader arrives.

Presenter: “Hello, children! How smart you are today, how beautiful! Lovely to see! This is how we should celebrate the New Year! So, where is our Christmas tree? Where? Here she is! Oh, why are you, Yolochka, so sad? Let’s find out from her why she’s sad?”
Christmas tree: “I’m bored here with you! Here are my girlfriends - they are all standing around the city squares. There is music, and they are dressed luxuriously, and they have tons of gifts! What about me? Eh..."
Host: “What are you saying, Yolochka? We have a lot of fun here! Look how many girls and boys there are! They can do everything with us - they dance, sing songs, recite poems.”
Christmas tree: “Oh, I can’t believe it? Is it true that he can sing?”
Presenter: “Of course we can! Guys, shall we sing for the Christmas tree?
(Children sing a New Year's song)
Christmas tree: “Yes, that’s not bad! I already like it here. Maybe you can do something else?”
(Children show numbers, recite poems)
Christmas tree: “Well, now I see that it was not in vain that I ended up here! Do you have any gifts for me?”
(Children decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel and snowflakes cut out of paper)
Host: “Yolochka, do you still want to leave us and go to the square with your girlfriends?”
Christmas tree: “I want to stay with you! You are very cheerful and beautiful, you know how to celebrate a holiday.”
(Children dance around the Christmas tree)

  • A scenario that is too complex is not suitable for children.
  • Careful preparation of costumes is necessary for events at school or kindergarten. If at home the character is designated only symbolically, with a few features (for example, Santa Claus with a red cap), it’s not a problem.
  • The room should have New Year's attributes.
  • It is not necessary to memorize the role. The main thing is to remember the general plot, because even at real concerts, actors sometimes improvise. Conduct a dress rehearsal shortly before the holiday.
  • After performing the skits, you can hold New Year's competitions.

Young artists who have played their roles with dignity deserve awards. After the skits are finished, do not forget to give sweet gifts to all participants. This will be an excellent incentive to awaken children’s interest in performances, which can come in handy later (remember how much film actors and former KVN players who have become television comedians earn).

New Year's scenes in the Year of the White Rat are a great way to spend time not only with children. When the kids go to bed, nothing prevents adults from role-playing more “edgy” scenes, for example, with jokes about alcohol.

We invite you to explore our New Year's scenario for schoolchildren, the funny and interesting plot of which will appeal to both children and adults.

Snow White and the dwarfs lead the children into the hall.

SNOW WHITE: Good day to you!

GNOME 1: Have a beautiful day!

GNOME 2: Oh, how extraordinary he is - frosty, snow-covered, beautiful and fluffy!

SNOW WHITE: Of course, this day is extraordinary - the New Year 2018 has already arrived!

GNOME 1: Wonderful year!

GNOME 2: New Year!

SNOW WHITE: A fabulous year!

GNOME 1: May this year be a year of happiness for all of us!

GNOME 2: Let it become a year of kindness and a year of love!

SNOW WHITE: So, take New Year's greetings from Snow White and her team of Dwarfs!

GNOME 1: Be kind and healthy!

GNOME 2: Let's wish everyone to be kind!

SNOW WHITE: There is a lot of light and joy!

Together: May life be like a holiday in the new year 2018!

SNOW WHITE: I know for sure that in new Year's Eve– everything that was planned last year will certainly come true!

GNOME 1: Look - at our holiday there are both children and adults,

They are all so good, beautiful, sweet, sincere, and cheerful and humorous.

GNOME 2: Perhaps you want to sing? Dance, play games?

Children: We want!

GNOME 1: Well then, let's all dance the New Year's dance together!

GNOME 1: What to do? What to do? Horrible!

SNOW WHITE: Grumpy, you're grumbling again, what happened? In my opinion, everything is great - the guys are dancing, having fun, everyone is waiting for the New Year holiday - 2018!

GNOME-GRUMBLE: of course, everyone is waiting and waiting, but there will be no holiday!

SNOW WHITE: How is it that it won’t happen? Why?

GNOME-GRUMBLE: Where do you think the main heroes of the holiday are? Where is Grandpa Frost, where is the beautiful Snow Maiden? And where?

GNOME 2: Again everyone will say: the gnomes didn’t organize anything, didn’t prepare anything, failed... Ah! (Waves his hand) Some kind of witchcraft, however!

Kuzya the Brownie appears on the stage.

KUZYA: E-he-he... I, of course, know everything. That's why he's Kuzya's brownie. Let me introduce myself...

GNOME 1: You haven't been here yet! Get lost, get rid of it! Ah... Nasty take you! Let's go find them quickly!

Then, according to the 2018 New Year's scenario for schoolchildren, everyone leaves, Dirtyness appears in the hall (melody)

DIRTY: Was your name dirty? Absolutely! Necessarily! Everyone, say hello to me and my friend Kuzya the Brownie!

KUZYA: Greetings everyone! Listen, Nasty, I think we’re having a fun party here today! It's funny, like a detective story.

DAMAGE: In order not to act in vain, we must act foolishly: we act as if according to the law, but gloat over everyone.

KUZYA: Our friendship is dangerous, and difficult, and at first glance, it seems invisible. We work almost seven days a week, sometimes we steal, sometimes we do magic, sometimes we play pranks - we can’t live quietly!

DAMAGE: Which of you and I will steal Snezhka and gifts too?

KUZYA: we need to act together! It's decided! Let's block her path to the New Year's hall!

DAMAGE: Well done, kid, you are learning!

They run away Parsley, Snow White and the dwarfs run onto the stage.

PETRUSHKA: As much as possible! Again the same thing: poems, songs, Christmas tree. Again, now all the children will call Grandfather Frost, will he bring the Snow Maiden?

Parsley (to Snow White and the dwarfs) And do you like all this?

Dwarves (together): Yes, of course!

SNOW WHITE: How could it be different? New Year is our most long-awaited holiday. He is welcomed by the whole family!

GNOME 1: Every year we welcome him with our big family!

GNOME 2: What would a holiday be without the main characters - Santa Claus and his granddaughter?

GNOME 1: I hope they didn’t hear you and won’t be offended . (to Parsley).

PETRUSHKA: Let them be insulted. I do not need them. I will celebrate the New Year differently.

GNOME 1: And meet me!

GNOME 2: Stay on your own!

SNOW WHITE: Friends, let’s sing a song about Parsley, what if he likes it?

then, according to the New Year 2018 scenario, a song about Parsley is played for schoolchildren.

SNOW WHITE: Well, Petrusha? Did you like our song?

PETRUSHKA: No. I don’t need your songs or round dances. I want to celebrate the holiday in my own way.

GNOME 1: Well, okay.

GNOME 2: Just think...

SNOW WHITE: Friends! Wait! Do not quarrel! Our Parsley may get into trouble!

PETRUSHKA: I won’t get into any trouble! And nothing will happen to me!

GNOME 2: Well, what did you think? What are you going to do?

PETRUSHKA: I want to celebrate the holiday in an unusual way! For example, no snow, no Christmas tree, no frost.

Dwarves: In Africa!

PETRUSHKA: It’s possible in Africa!

SNOW WHITE: How will you get there?

PETRUSHKA: I came up with everything! I, unlike you, read fairy tales carefully. I have a magic wand that the Sorceress gave me, and with the help of which it is very easy to get somewhere.

SNOW WHITE: Have you thought well?

A melody sounds. The light (flashlight) turns off. Snow White leaves with the dwarves. A palm tree and stump are brought onto the stage. Bandit appears on stage to the sound of drums With a team of robbers.

BANDIT: People of the Shao-bao tribe! A stranger has entered our tribe. Who are you, white-skinned child?

PETRUSHKA: I’m Petrushka, from high school.

BANDIT: Strange name tribe.

PETRUSHKA: How good you are! So unusual!

BANDIT: That's not all! I was walking, coming from Zanzibar, I was traveling from Kilimanjaro, the Sahara was on the way, in the wide Limpopo a hippopo almost ate me...

PARSLEY: enough, enough. We are waiting for gifts.

Bandit opens cart

BANDIT: Here's a tiger's claw for you, white-skinned child. For everyone else, a necklace of dried frogs.

PETRUSHKA: Some strange gifts. I don't like it here anymore.

BANDIT: Now, let’s light a fire and prepare a festive dinner.

PETRUSHKA: Another thing! What are we having for the festive dinner?

Robber: Boy Parsley with Chumak sauce and pineapples. Ha! (runs up to Parsley)

PETRUSHKA: No, no, no! We didn't agree like that!

After this, according to a funny and interesting New Year's scenario for schoolchildren, Parsley runs into the hall and screams

PETRUSHKA: Help, save! I don’t want to go to Africa anymore, I want to go home, New Year with snow, with a Christmas tree, with Santa Claus!

Music plays, Snow White comes out, bewitches the bandits with her magic wand, and they leave.

SNOW WHITE: And we, Petrusha, warned you that you would have trouble .

GNOME 2: And you tell us - I want, I can!..

PETRUSHKA: Just think, I managed without you, I don’t need your help. Well, he shouted, well, he got scared, so what...

SNOW WHITE: Petrusha, don’t be so impudent, because next time no one will come to your aid.

PETRUSHKA: enough of lecturing me. I myself know what to do. Come on, magic wand, help!

The lights turn off, a melody sounds, Yagusha and Koscheyushka enter the backside.

YAGUSHA: Well, did our plan work?

KOSCHEUSHKA: As always, my fairy lady.

YAGUSHA: Now I will be the queen of the ball.

KOSCHEYUSHKA: And I am the king.

YAGUSHA: Today I spent a long time dressing up for you, my dear Koscheyushka, getting ready for a rendezvous.

KOSCHEYUSHKA: Oh, Yagusha, my head is spinning, I forgot why I came here.

YAGUSHA: Today is a holiday, look how the children are festively dressed.

KOSCHEYUSHKA: What holiday?

YAGUSHA: Well, for you, (scratching his head) I got so busy that I forgot myself. Children, tell me. What holiday is it today? I can’t hear you, New Year 2018?

SNOW WHITE: Just a moment, but we didn’t invite you to the party.

KOSCHEYUSHKA: And we came ourselves, without an invitation.

GNOME 1: We are waiting for Father Frost and Snow Maiden for the holiday.

GNOME 2: We don’t need you like that at the New Year’s holiday.

YAGUSHA: Look, it turns out they’re not needed.

PETRUSHKA: These are my friends!

He runs up to Yagusha and hugs her. Yagusha pushes him away

YAGUSHA: Well, wait, you'll have to wait.

Yagusha and Koschey (together): Rex-pex-fex Father Frost and Snow Maiden - appear!

The funny and interesting New Year's scenario 2018 for schoolchildren “Snow White and Her Friends” continues with Yagusha putting on a crown and Koschey wearing a Santa Claus hat. Sing

YAGUSHA: (in the Snow Maiden costume) Oh, I’m tired. I haven’t danced like this for 100 years. Of course, the years fly by! (Dancing)

KOSCHEYUSHKA: (in a Santa Claus costume) But you are slim, cheerful, pretty! Well, a real Snow Maiden!

YAGUSHA: Yes, Grandpa! I am your Snowy!

KOSCHEYUSHKA: And we will give you a real New Year's holiday.

YAGUSHA: We’ll sing a song and dance.

SNOW WHITE: Where are your games?

Koschey Game: Easy. The game is called “This is me, this is all me, this is my company.”

YAGUSHA: Who sings, has fun and is not afraid of work?

Children: This is all me, this is me, this is my company.

KOSCHEYUSHKA: Which one of you is so good, goes sunbathing in his pants?

YAGUSHA: Which of you has ever gotten sick because you ate too much?

KOSCHEYUSHKA: How many of you come to class without washing in the morning?

YAGUSHA: Which of you was able to make such a catch: catch cows from the river?

KOSCHEYUSHKA: Which of you does morning exercises in order in the morning?

PETRUSHKA: What a gathering they did,

Did you make a lot of noise and fuss?

SNOW WHITE: Quiet, baby, don't shout,

The best thing is to help us.

PETRUSHKA: Well, tell me, what's the matter?

SNOW WHITE: Look, look!

Then, according to the 2018 New Year's scenario for school, a melody sounds and the gnomes bring out Grandfather Frost, he walks without a bag of gifts, limps on one leg, Yagusha and Koshcheyushka hide.

GRANDFATHER: Well, of course, I was in no hurry to leave, since I have a good car, I took gifts with me, because I really like the children at the gymnasium. I wanted to welcome them. Snegurochka, my granddaughter, also went with me. We drive, we talk, we discuss the budget for the New Year. And suddenly, they flew...

GNOME 1: Who?

GRANDFATHER: I don’t know how to say it in a modern way. Are they rockers or racketeers? I remember they hit me on the... what's her... head. (Carefully touches his head). But I don’t remember who, with what and for what. I came to my senses - there were no gifts, no car, the Snow Maiden had disappeared too.

PETRUSHKA: What should we do now, should we be left without gifts because of you?

Nasty runs out of the hall with Kuzya and jumps up

DAMAGE: Wonderful story. Amazing. Soulful and mysterious. Just fun.

GNOME 1: Hey, you! Don't forget! Anu-tzits.

GRANDFATHER: I’m in despair, I can’t cope without the Snow Maiden.

KUZYA: I have an idea! No problem. The Miss Snow Maiden competition is announced.

GNOME 1: Grandpa, we have no other choice. I'll have to agree.

DAMAGE: We will do everything in the best possible way.

KUZYA: A competition is being announced to replace vacant position Snow Maidens, on a contract basis.

A melody sounds and forest evil spirits climb onto the stage with a squeal. They make trouble.

KOSCHEYUSHKA: Who won’t come with us?

DAMAGE: Everyone to the polls! It's time!

KUZYA: Everyone goes to the polls! Hooray!

KIKIMORA: Kids, naughty girls - we will amuse you, share dirty tricks with you.

YAGUSHA: Oh, you little bastard! Is it you who wants to become a beauty queen?

Kuzya and Dirty Stand aside, rubbing their hands and nodding their heads.

YAGUSHA: Today there is only the Queen here. And that's me.

KIKIMORA: Why are you so upset? You're screaming here, freaking out. So, best clothes- you always got it. The best gifts are for you too. Am I slanted, hunchbacked?

YAGUSHA: What are you like? If not, prove it.

KIKIMORA: And I’ll prove it. I know that the children love me, so I will go to the round dance with them.

Round dance “Winter Rumbles on the Water.” Then, according to the New Year's scenario for school, after the round dance, Kikimora and Yagusha go up to the stage

KIKIMORA: Well, how do you like me?

YAGUSHA: Oh, and you will lose your health in this election fight.

KIKIMORA: Well, I’m not you. I am young, beautiful, energetic. Grandfather Frost comes out, he has a staff in his hands, he knocks with it.

GRANDFATHER Frost: Enough, enough, make way

Don't make a fuss and come to your senses! Tell me, beauties, where could I see you? Who stole the Snow Maiden? Isn't this your job?

(to Kikimora)

KIKIMORA: What are you, what are you, my friend

Got amnesia? You've seen enough TV series, are you not feeling right in the head? (twists near his temple)

GRANDFATHER COLA: Everything is fine in the head. Tell me without lying: “Who stole the Snow Maiden. Do you know or not?

DAMAGE: why did you fall into sadness. Unhappy, bored? Soon you will go bald from grief, and at least don’t die.

GRANDFATHER COLA: Don’t fool your brains!

You’d better put all your evil spirits to work!

Listen, dirty trick, don't twist it,

Find the best way!

Don't be silent, don't waste words!

PETRUSHKA: Don’t be sad, Grandfather, we’ll go to the forest ourselves,

and we will find the Snow Maiden!

KOSCHEUSHKA: My queen! Maybe we can attend their fun holiday?

YAGUSHA: After we've done how many tricks?

KOSCHEYUSHKA: Let’s do at least one good deed.

YAGUSHA: Indeed, let's help Petrusha free the Snow Maiden. Let the best come to the real Snow Maiden, and not this scoundrel.

DAMAGE: Try, try, find.

GRANDFATHER Frost: Get lost, you unclean one, shut up!

Granddaughter, where are you? Respond!

Time for us to have fun.

And at that moment appear at once!

Enough hiding already!

DAMAGE: Unfortunately, I must disappoint you. This is where our holiday ended. Our Santa Claus cannot cope without the Snow Maiden. What a great fellow I am, what a sorceress I am.

SNOW WHITE: What, I sewed a new dress in vain?

GNOME 1: And this is how we prepared...

A melody sounds and the Snow Maiden appears.

DAMAGE: ( amazed) This can't be! (Holds your heart) My heart can't handle this, I'm about to die (Falls).

SNOW Maiden: Somewhere behind the mountains, behind the forests

The New Year is coming to us in a hurry

He is already circling the skies:

It promises you happiness.

He wishes eternal health,

Inspiration at work too,

Loyalty, friendship and love,

So that it would not be worthless to us.

I am the Snow Maiden, dear children!

I am a child of the world, just like you.

I love frost and wind

And snow drifts

GRANDFATHER Frost: Here she is, my girl, found!

Everything became joyful again!

And now, together with you in the new year 2018

We'll go to a round dance!

Round dance

DAMAGE: That's it, now I understand

And no need for unnecessary words

So, take me on holiday -

There are a lot of beautiful kids there!

KUZYA: I will not be a racketeer,

And I'll do a good deed -

I will help you -

Cheer up all the kids

YAGUSHA: And I know how to be kind

And forget evil intentions.

KIKIMORA: Now I know what is good

Evil will always win.

GRANDFATHER COLA: What should we do with them?

Plant on a string?

(all evil spirits): Oh sorry, oh sorry (fall to their knees)

GRANDFATHER COLA: Well, shall we excuse them?

All: Sorry!

SNOW Maiden: Grandfather! We must forgive them, because today is an extraordinary day - 2018 is on the threshold!

GRANDFATHER COLA: Okay, okay, I'm sorry,

And I’m not at all offended!!!

We congratulate you on the New Year

Both adults and little ones!

GNOME 1: We wish you happiness and joy!

GNOME 2: Have a long year and great business!

SNOW WHITE: Happy New Year, dear children!

May fate shine on you!

A funny and interesting New Year's scenario 2018 "Snow White and Her Friends" for schoolchildren ends with the sound of musical accompaniment and New Year's crackers pouring into the hall.

We also invite you to explore our section with ones that you can make together with your children.

Teenagers are also children, and they also love New Year's celebrations and holidays. Our scenario New Year's holiday for grades 7-8, created specifically for young people aged 14-15 years, and will help the organizers make the New Year holidays fun, modern and interesting for the children. The program was developed taking into account the age and interest of the audience and participants, so the script is based on competitions, games, dancing, and of course, humor.


  • Father Frost;
  • Presenter 1 (Year 2019);
  • Presenter 2 (Year 2020);
  • Snow Maiden;
  • The Snow Queen;
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Robbers.

And now... a modern New Year's scenario!

Q1: Good evening, hello friends!

We are glad to welcome everyone in this festive hall, which is filled with sincere smiles and New Year's mood - today we are saying goodbye to a good and positive 2017, the symbol of which I will be at the holiday!

Q2: But don’t be sad - after all, very soon a young and promising year like me, 2020, will enter our homes.

Q1: Well, we’ll see if it’s promising or not... But the year 2017 was really productive - new sports victories, new teachers who are just starting their teaching career, but have already managed to please high school students. And the best thing about 2017 is the new girls who brightened up the already beautiful half of the high school.

Q2: So, it’s clear that everything that concerns girls throws off the rhythm. Stay on topic. You and I are serious guys. You are a symbol of the past year, and I am a symbol of the future. Therefore, our task today is to make our holiday as positive and cheerful as possible.

Q1: Well, if that’s the case, how are we going to amuse people?

Q2: As always, we will invite guests, well, Santa Claus. We will greet you loudly, receive gifts, and go home.

V1: Yes, it’s a bit boring. Come on, let's invite some unusual guests.

Q2: Unusual? Cool, come on.

Q1: So, to your applause, dear friends, we welcome the guests!

(The phonogram sounds, the Snow Queen and Baba Yaga (dressed in modern costumes) come out with the robbers, dancing a modern dance.)

Let's go away! Let's talk!
We need to postpone the holiday,
We were here earlier
So, we'll hang out!

THE SNOW QUEEN: Get in line, everyone! The Snow Queen is young, slender, beautiful, stern and capricious. I can’t stand happy holidays – I love snowstorms and ice. So that they would be afraid of the cold and tremble with fear.

Oh, most powerful, the best subjects are before you!
Baba Yaga is a folklore element.
They curse me, a hag, and scold me.
I do evil at one moment,
Let them know about it right away.

BIGGER 1: Hello, old wreck, and you, the queen of the cold. Oh, and we were in a hurry to get to the party, and oh, we got cold on the way!

ROBBER 2: Yes, and here we are, finally arriving to ruin the youth’s holiday!

YAGA: Your coldness! But we not only know how to celebrate - for a whole year we taught high school students the skills of rudeness and vulgarity, organized a glass breaking championship, an Olympiad in the knowledge of bad words, and a competition in the number of times parents were called to school.

S.K.: Oh-oh, excellent students! So, they fell silent, everyone be silent! Think, let's go! How can we disrupt the holiday here without anyone daring to interfere!

BIGMAN 1: Stop! We didn't agree like that! I don't work for nothing. What will our salary be? I’m interested in the fee, and don’t be stingy - I know you’re a rich lady!

Sn.K: Don't worry. I'll cry. First of all, let’s warm up. I'll play hip-hop for you, it'll be like exercise.

(Members of the dance group come out and perform a hip-hop dance or any other dance.)

Q1: Listen, gentlemen, maybe we can somehow come to an agreement with you so that you have fun and we are not sad?

S.K.: What can you offer us, little people?

Q2: There are many things - the boundaries of young people’s talents are endless. Life at school is in full swing. Meet young talents!

(An artistic act is performed: circus or vocal)

(Snow Maiden enters)

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, I see, I came on time. The fun is in full swing. I wonder if they are waiting for me here?

S.K: By the way, we are fine here without you. See, they came or flew in and wanted to celebrate.

BIGGER 1: I don’t like snowflakes. And princesses even more so. So, one-two, she cleared the hall of her person, quickly!

ROBBER 2: Oh, well done, well said!

BIGGER 1: Whatever they say, I’ll do it, the main thing is that they pay.

Sn.: And I’m not going to leave - I’ve been waiting for the whole year to show off my new outfit and a new ensemble of creative snowflakes - welcome!

(First, the melody of Valeria’s song “The Clock” sounds. The Snow Maiden sings.)

Here I am coming to you for a holiday,
There will be many different surprises,
Once again the hall is filled with miracles
And we will be together with you.
I believe that there will be magic again in our fairy tale.
High school students will come to the Christmas tree again,
They'll light up the dance floor and then sing,
And the school alarm clock will say tick-tock again -
New Year is just around the corner, have fun all the people.

(The melody stops. Rhythmic music turns on. An ensemble of “snowflakes” runs out - guys dressed in white skirts and T-shirts, with crowns on their heads. They dance a fragment of modern dance. At the end, they approach the robbers, throw them over their shoulders and take them out of the hall)

Sn.K: Hey, we didn’t agree that way. You really should be kind!

Sn: That's true. But the modern Snow Maiden must be able to stand up for herself!

YAGA: Forgive us, Snow Maiden! We want to stay at the holiday. And bring back the robbers, they are kind!

Q1: Listen, let’s discuss the problem together.

Q2: How is that?

Q1: And to make it fun and cool for everyone, we’ll hold a game!

Sn: Okay, I forgive everyone. Bring in the robbers!

(“Snowflakes” bring in the robbers.)

Sn: Answer me, why should I forgive you?

S.K.: Because we also love holidays. Also, my guys are very talented! Just like the coach, that is me!

Sn.: If so, demonstrate!

(Artistic performance “Parkour from the robbers” (or acrobatics))

Sn: Wow, great! I'll have to leave you!

YAGA (offended): And I was also preparing - I came up with my own game. So, we invite the dexterous and brave to participate!

Competition “Dancing with Balloons”

(Pairs are formed - 5; each couple is given a balloon, which the couples need to hold without hands between their foreheads, then between their backs and dance to the music; the couple that lasts with the balloon the longest wins. The robbers also take part in the game)

Sn.: Well done, guys.

ROIVER 1: I didn’t think it was so interesting to play.

ROBBER 2: Well, that's because the game is a dance game.

S.K.: I don’t understand, guys, so you gave up?

MISPERSON: What about S.K.’s money?

BIGGER 1: We were thinking, there are a lot of people at the holiday beautiful girls, why do we need money? We it's better here Let's stay and hang out together!

S.K.: Well, if that’s the case, then I’ll prove that I can hold holidays. The “Kings of the Dance Floor” competition is announced!

YAGA: This is the one with my broom! Be brave, we invite you to the competition!

Competition “Kings of the Dance Floor”

(Participants are put into teams of the Snow Queen and the Snow Maiden. Team Sn. invites 5 girls, and team S.K. invites 6 guys; pairs are formed, one guy dances with a broom; a musical composition sounds, stops, the task is to change partners. For some one “partner” gets a broom. The one who danced with the broom three times is eliminated.)

SNOW Maiden: Well done, friends! And you, Snow Queen, have come up with some really cool entertainment.

S.K.: The holiday is in full swing. The new year is already around the corner. But Santa Claus could not come. A whole hall is waiting for him - they want a real carnival.

Go quickly and knock on the window.
We've been waiting for you to visit for a long time.
Hey grandpa, you old prankster
Come and join us for the holiday!

Sn: Well, old woman, you give it. Who calls Grandfather that? Haven't you read fairy tales?

V1: Everyone needs to call Grandfather together, in unison.

Q2: Let’s celebrate the New Year 2020, D.M. call!

(Together they call D.M. Call signs sound, D.M. “rides out” on a cool wooden deer, consisting of a head and a stick - a saddle)

D.M.: Take me, deer, according to my luck, lead me, deer, according to my command. Oh wait, the GPS navigator showed that the holiday will take place here. Then, greetings to all, young people!

Sn.: Hello, Grandfather. Where have you been for so long?

D.M.: Well, where, where? In the shop household appliances. So, I bought new acoustics for my laptop.

Sn.K: What is it and why?

D.M.: We, modern D.M. We keep up with the times. Everyone thinks I'm old, but I'm not. For a whole year I taught modern dances - hip-hop, tin-tonic, breakdancing, and today I brought a whole ensemble of my friends to your party.

The New Year is coming to us, friends.
Christmas tree and gifts, and, of course, me
I will sing songs, we will dance.
Rock the dance floor all evening!

(The artistic number is “Break dancing from Santa Clauses”, performed by guys dressed in appropriate costumes.)

Sn.: Cool, grandpa, I didn’t expect it from you!

D.M: Attention everyone! A New Year's surprise awaits you. The competition “Miss Crystal Slipper” is announced.

Competition for girls “Crystal Slipper”

Sn: Today there are many beautiful girls in the hall, dressed in beautiful, with, and waiting for handsome princes. Girls will compete in the “Miss Crystal Slipper” tournament and only one will be able to win this crystal slipper.

(S. and D.M. select 7-8 participants from the girls present.)

Sn: And the members of the jury will be the Snow Queen, Father Frost, and Snow Maiden

Z: The first nomination is called “A Solka”. Participants must perform a karaoke song.

(The competition takes place, the jury assigns points.)

Z: The next stage is “Nimble fingers”.

(Participants are given small containers in which peas and beans are mixed, and two empty small containers. The task is to separate the peas from the beans as quickly as possible.)

Z: The next stage is “High Speed”.

(As you know, in the fairy tale, Cinderella had to leave the ball while the clock was striking. Therefore, the task for the participants is to cover as much distance as possible in a chicken step (foot to foot) in the allotted time.)

Z: The fourth competition is “Find your prince.”

(Participants are given boxes with “puzzles” - cut-up photographs of famous film actors, from which they can create a drawing.)

Z: Our participants successfully completed all tasks. But only one became the winner. Let's applaud her!

D.M.: And Snegurochka and I are presenting the winner with a Crystal Slipper, and all participants with prizes as souvenirs!

Sn: And now it’s time to hold the “MR. PRINCE” tournament. The jury is made up of our Crystal Slipper participants.

(The Robbers and the Prankster choose several guys to participate.)

Competition for boys “Mr. Prince”

Sn: The first task is for dexterity. But before that, tell me, what traditional outfit did Russian girls wear? That's right, sundress. Now you also have to put on a sundress and a headscarf at speed.

(A chair is placed in front of each participant, on which a sundress and a scarf are placed.)

Sn.: The second stage is dance.

(Guys dressed in sundresses must dance to a cheerful Russian melody.)

Sn.: The third round is New Year’s.

(Participants stand in a circle. One of them is given the staff of D.M., the participants must pass it to each other to the music. The music has ended. The one who has the staff left is eliminated.)

A.: We ask the jury to determine the winner and name Mister Prince 2019.

(The award ceremony for the participants and the winner takes place).

Friends, everyone is happy and happy today. Let the whole next year be just as active. I wish you a happy age.

Sn: We wish you to meet new friends who will always support and help!

S.K.: I sincerely want your hearts to never be embraced by cold and ice!

YAGA: Let your thoughts be the brightest and most positive! Pranks and jokes will be fun!

Sn: Let everyone be happy - princes with princesses, girls with boys.

Festive, cheerful, kind New Year.
This children's party childish troubles!
And to meet the evening with dignity,
I want to wish everyone -
Have fun without problems!

Let the sorrows take away
Coming new year!
Good luck in your lessons and good luck,
Everything will be this way and not otherwise!

D.M: And now – high school students, go ahead: I order everyone to smile, dance and not be shy!

Sn.: Grandfather read his decree for everyone - I think it’s not a sin for us to dance now!

V1: Exactly, our party doesn’t end, the fun is just beginning!

Q2: Everyone Have a good mood, we invite you to the New Year's final dance!

(The holiday continues artistic performances and ends with a New Year's disco).

We hope that students in grades 7-8 will enjoy this New Year’s scenario. We tried to make it not “just a matinee”, but really interesting, fun and exciting. And artistic directors using our developments will spend less time preparing the holiday.

Happy New Year to you, dear teachers and children!


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