Business decoration of a children's holiday where to start. How to open a holiday agency? Regular investment in business

Today, for the celebration of an anniversary, wedding, birth of a child, christening, people are not satisfied with just a feast.

The soul requires something unusual, memorable for a lifetime. In addition, sometimes it will be useful to splurge. Organizing everything is not easy and not cheap.

Therefore, they began to resort to the services of professionals. Holiday agencies have gained wide popularity. That's why this species business is very interesting to entrepreneurs. It is necessary to more carefully highlight all the main aspects characteristic of this field of activity.

What do you need to keep in mind when opening a holiday agency?

The business plan of such an organization is quite simple. First you need an office. This is the face of the future agency. It cannot be boring or standard. The office should demonstrate that creative people work here, able to turn life into a holiday. You also need to properly approach the selection of personnel. Sometimes a toastmaster at a wedding inspires horror, and a clown in a children's restaurant drives one into depression. It shouldn't be like that.

Before you open a holiday agency, you will need to prepare and do a lot of things. For example, you need to purchase equipment: musical equipment, projectors, screens, scenery, etc. You will have to buy vehicles. And this is an additional cost.

A lot will depend on the model. vehicle. It would be nice to brand it with the logo of the organization and some kind of funny picture. It will be just a great option if all of the above can be profitably rented.

Advertising activities and registration

You need to be prepared for the fact that advertising and marketing expenses are coming, since the competition in this market is quite serious. You will also need to register your business. As an organizational and legal form, you should make a choice in favor of LLC.

This choice is the most optimal, as there will be many companies and corporations among regular customers. Also, the entrepreneur will need to choose a certain type of taxation. You will not need any licenses or specialized documents to open a holiday agency.

The business plan should be planned very carefully

Before opening your own company, you need to plan all income and expenses on paper. This is the main part of the business plan. First you need to make a list of services that the agency will provide. For example, organizing celebrations such as: birthdays, children's parties, weddings, offsite corporate events, skits, etc.

Each service implies a specific scenario for the celebration. In addition, a list of everything needed is compiled for each item. For example, a banquet hall, a hall with a stage, transport, balloons, doves for a wedding, flower decoration, musicians, actors, costumes, photo and video equipment, etc. Thus, an approximate estimate for each type of event will emerge, at least “ from and to".

It will be useful to analyze how busy this market is in the city in which the holiday agency will be opened. The business plan, in case of new ideas, will need to be supplemented.

Business premises

How to organize an agency for organizing holidays so that it brings the most high profit? This is possible only in case of a competent choice of the office location.

It is better if it is the business center of the city. Business centers with many offices are concentrated there (and these are potential customers of the agency's services), shopping centers with huge traffic of possible private customers.

In such areas, there are usually good transport interchanges, that is, it will be convenient for customers from other parts of the city to get there.

The office should consist of several rooms. The meeting room should be creatively and expensively designed. The office for managers can be simpler (this is a back office), but it should be comfortable for work. And, finally, a room for rehearsals, setting up equipment, preparing a phonogram, etc. This is a minimum. After all, the director and accountant may initially share an office with managers.

Purchase of furniture and all necessary equipment

For the office you will need furniture, office equipment, computers, laptops, stationery. This is in addition to the special equipment, which was written above. Of the staff, you will need an accountant, a sales manager (one or more), creative manager(one or more), designer.

It is important that the sales manager be a master of negotiations, be able to talk with any customers, be a charming and smiling person. He must form and constantly replenish and adjust the client base. Then he will not forget to congratulate you on your birthday, New Year, housewarming.

It would be nice to know when the birthdays of children, beloved nephews, remember even the most unexpected occasions for the holidays of all profitable customers. The rest of the employees, such as actors, musicians, waiters, cleaners, of course, do not need to be taken on permanent job and use their services from time to time.

The site will be able to increase profitability

To increase the income that the holiday agency will bring, the business plan must be supplemented with a paragraph c detailed description promotional activities. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize the client with the full range of services provided by the organization. So you need a website. Accordingly, there will be costs for the promotion of the resource.

It would be nice to advertise in the press, negotiate with registry offices so that they offer your services, do mailing lists. You can hire a team of promoters who will distribute leaflets with information about the agency on the streets. As the agency grows, you can no longer do without a marketer.

The main barrier to starting a business is lack of money.

Thus, fantasy is limited only by the budget. After all, the agency can consist of two students who decorate the room with balloons and make the kids laugh in clown costumes. Or maybe a whole creative team that takes 500 people out into nature, organizes parachute jumps, a paintball tournament, fishing, bear hunting, and Elton John sings for them in the evening.

Also, the holiday agency business plan should describe the legal aspects of the company. Form of organization, charter, authorized capital, etc. You can invest in a business with your own or borrowed funds. In Russia, banks do not lend to an entrepreneurial idea on the basis of a business plan alone. There are programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, but even there it is necessary that the company has been successfully operating for some time, and investments are expected in its further development.

The loan must be secured by something: the pledge is highly liquid and exceeds the loan amount by two or more times. Private investors also need guarantees. Plus, they usually have higher interest rates. That is, it is easy to calculate how much you can count on in a particular case. So there is an understanding of the budget of the project.

What costs will the entrepreneur face?

You should summarize what has been described above and talk in more detail about the costs. They will be required for:

  1. Room rental. For the year it will have to spend about 300 thousand rubles.
  2. Repair and Finishing work. You will need to spend at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Acquisition of everything necessary equipment- about 100 thousand rubles.
  4. The salary of managers is about 400 thousand rubles a year.

Thus, it turns out that before you open an agency for organizing holidays, you need to collect an amount equal to at least 850 thousand rubles.

Is it worth waiting for a big return at first?

A business plan is a long and painstaking work that may need to be delegated to professionals and ordered on the side. You can write yourself, but you need to take into account some nuances. You will need advice from a lawyer, an accountant, a tax optimization specialist, a realtor, an experienced recruiter, a marketer, a media manager, a designer. All these services cost money. In the case of an order on the side, all these costs are the problem of the contractor.

Holiday agencies have a pronounced seasonal character. The peak falls on the summer and early autumn period. In winter, corporate events are often booked during the New Year and Christmas holidays. But as experienced entrepreneurs recommend, you should open your company in the spring so that you can have time to gain a client base.

At first, you should not even think about income that will exceed the mark of 40 thousand. Only after a certain time, when the number of orders is large enough, you can count on a profit equal to 70 thousand rubles. Naturally, profitability will only increase. The payback of the business will occur in about two years of vigorous activity.

We hope that this review has helped to understand the question of how to open a holiday agency. In any case, success in all endeavors and prosperity!

Do you feel organizational skills and love the holidays? Try to make money on this by opening your own event agency! It is quite profitable, interesting and promising business with a minimum entry threshold. You will organize weddings, birthdays, hold corporate parties and various children's parties, meeting new people and finding clients in a “word of mouth” way. This market has practically no competitors, especially in provincial cities. Let's take a look at how to open a holiday agency and how much you can earn from it.

How to register

To create such an agency, you just need to register as a regular individual entrepreneur. As OKVED codes, you need to select 92.3 and 92.72. This will allow you to cover the entire range of event services.

Note: registration can be started not immediately after you decide to open, but after you have developed your own customer base. This will save you on taxes.

Do not rush to register - first you need to build up a customer base and make the right connections

You will need to create a brand and a quality portfolio, otherwise you will have practically no clients. Therefore, you can just do two or three events as a private person to get the necessary experience, do a few quality pictures and make videos of your work.

Which room to choose

You will definitely need an office. It should be in the center of the city, not on the outskirts or in the factory area. At first, you can save money by inviting clients to your home or making appointments in a cafe, but in the end you will still need a good room that will emphasize your status as a reputable office.

Premises with dimensions of 25-30 square meters are enough to conduct successful activities.. You will need to make repairs in it, having issued in bright, attractive colors. We recommend inviting an experienced designer for decoration - everything should be done professionally and harmoniously.

In order to get started, you will need to purchase a comfortable sofa, a table, armchairs, chairs, a couple of computers, a TV for displaying various photos and videos, a printer and a fax machine. Approximately for the arrangement of the office you will have to spend about 100 thousand rubles, plus another 100 thousand for its repair.

Also, to run a business, you will need specialized equipment and decorations. But do not buy expensive DJ consoles or a large number of outfits for a wedding - they can be rented if necessary. When you understand that you really need the equipment all the time and it will pay for itself, then buy it.

For work, you may need the following list of things:

  1. Inexpensive mixer.
  2. Good remote microphone.
  3. Quality speakers.
  4. Amplifier.
  5. A laptop.
  6. A set of light music.

On the purchase of this you will have to spend about 150 thousand rubles. Subsequently, you will most likely need a quality reflex camera and a video camera, but in the early stages it’s better to just hire good photographers and operators with their equipment.

You will need a room to create an office and store props


So, you have already decided for sure that you want to start organizing holidays as a business: where to start, how to succeed in this difficult task? If in the early stages you can work alone, then as you develop, you are guaranteed to need assistants. You will have to hire:

  1. manager. He will receive calls, clarify various questions to customers, place orders and monitor their execution. Wage such a manager is usually set at the level of 10 thousand + a certain percentage from each order.
  2. Designer. This person will be engaged in decorating the halls, ordering costumes, flowers, etc. Usually, designers receive a certain percentage of each order, but it is often cheaper to arrange it for a permanent salary.
  3. Driver with his car. You will have to constantly carry something from place to place, so without a car it will be difficult. You can simply hire a driver with transport for a salary of 10-15 thousand.

Our interlocutor is Yulia Ibragimova, the owner of the network of flower shops and the Julie holiday studio in Astrakhan. In just three years of existence, the Julie brand has become one of the leaders in the city's event industry market. Today Julia is a successful head of her company, which holds events of the highest level. How did she manage to achieve this?


  • Type of activity: event-industry (business organization firm)
  • Location of business: Astrakhan
  • start date entrepreneurial activity: 2010
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: IP
  • Number of employees: 8
  • Investment sources: own funds

Hello Julia! Tell our readers about what you do?

Hello! I am the owner of a network of flower shops and a firm for organizing celebrations "Julie" in Astrakhan.

How long ago did you open this company?

We have been organizing events for three years already, but as a separate company and direction of my work, I registered it a year ago.

What can you attribute to success during the existence of the organization?

Our success is all those holidays and events that we did. There have been many over the years! I can call it a success that today our clients are the most influential and wealthy people of the city of Astrakhan. We were engaged in the design of the Olympic torch relay and other significant events for the city.

Why did you decide to work in the field of organization of holidays?

What is the specificity of this business? What is the most important thing?

The first is a good, reliable partner base, that is, a list of those people whose services you will sell - photographers, car rentals, presenters, DJs, artists, confectioners, videographers, designers, and so on. This is the hardest and most important thing. Then you sign contracts with them and work. The vast majority of those who are my partners have become my friends. They are much easier to work with, I am 100% sure of them.

In general, the most important thing in this business is to have sales skills. Properly delivered speech, oratorical skills and the ability to convince, sociability, presentable appearance - everything is important here! If you are untidy, unpleasant in communication - you have nothing to do in this business! The customer should like you so much that he entrusts his event to you.

Does it have a seasonality? How do you get through the "dead" seasons?

There is practically no seasonality, as such, as people are born, get married and celebrate something all year round! Of course, in summer and autumn, for example, there are a little more weddings than in winter. But in winter there is New Year's corporate parties, spring - anniversaries and business events and so on. So we don’t have dead seasons, there is always a lot of work!

Remember the first event, the first order. What did you feel?

The first event went perfectly, and I still remember it in great detail. It was the wedding of the nephew of a very high-ranking official in Astrakhan. This official was a regular customer of my flower shop, and I was invited to discuss decorating the ceremony with flowers. During the conversation, I offered my services throughout the organization of the celebration. Since the relationship with the client was trusting, he gladly agreed.

In the end, we organized this wedding "from A to Z", except for the bride's dress, groom's suit and wedding rings, which they chose on their own.

What holiday was the most memorable for you?

I will not name the name of the customer, but I still remember the wedding that we organized for him. A lot of effort was invested in this event - the whole team worked around the clock for several days, but the result exceeded all expectations - both ours and the client's. Now the customer is our great friend, for all holidays we receive expensive gifts from him and communicate well.

It was a chic celebration at a recreation center outside the city. And one of the main indicators of success was that even dad was satisfied, for whose reaction the young were afraid.

The wedding was done on a turnkey basis in the literal sense: we accommodated guests in a hotel, organized their transfer, conducted on-site registration, a banquet, and so on ... This wedding caused a lot of feedback, it became one of the coolest in our city and it is still remembered since.

Is it possible that the client is dissatisfied with the result? How do you resolve disputes?

For all the time of work, I had only one misunderstanding with a client - it concerned the design of the hall. The customer, right before the arrival of the young people in the banquet hall, decided to make her own adjustments to the design.

I am always loyal to the comments of clients. My position is as follows - I'd rather lose money, stay in the red, but the customer should be satisfied. If something does not suit the client, I suggest ways to solve the problem or suggest that he himself determine some kind of bonus or service as compensation. In our business, reputation is everything. I can safely say that we do not have a single dissatisfied client - we find a compromise with everyone.

Can all aspects of the organization of the event be specified in the contract?

In general, the clearer everything is spelled out in the contract, the better. The list of services, the amount of the deposit and when, how and what amount the client must pay is mandatory.

The deposit is a different story. This word should be in the contract, since according to the law you have the right to keep the deposit for yourself, if “deposit” is written, you will have to return the amount if the client suddenly changes his mind and wants to terminate the contract.

How do you manage to keep up with the competition? What is your advantage?

And we do not look at competitors. We have our own path, strategy and vision, and, to be honest, I am not at all interested in what the competitors offer and how they develop. We have our own client, we are known in the city, and we do not look around and look only forward.

What is the most important thing in business?

You need to know what you want. For example, you asked me about conflicts with clients. Do you know why I didn't have them? Because before starting work, I sat down, thought out in detail and made a portrait of my ideal client. I described in detail how he should be - wealthy, pleasant in communication, and so on. You know, it works - just such people come to me.

Set goals for yourself, write them down, think about them, take steps towards your dream.

What would you attribute to the pros and cons of business for you personally?

The good news is that I'm doing what I love, I'm happy! Making a turnkey wedding, anniversary or any ceremony, and I see the result of my work - this feeling is indescribable.

There are, of course, downsides too. I am busy and think about my business almost 24 hours a day, and since I am still a wife and mother, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to combine the lifestyle of a business woman and a homemaker. Those women who are going to open their own business, I want to warn about it.

Do you think it's hard to be a businessman in Russia? Is there any help from the state?

There is no help. Being a businessman is hard enough, mistakes are expensive and you need to rely only on yourself.

Note from the Moneymaker Factory: We somewhat disagree with this statement of the interview hero, start-up entrepreneurs can receive a grant to start a business (the amount of which depends on the region of residence). To understand that receiving a subsidy to start a business is quite realistic and within the power of everyone, we suggest that you read the story of Pyotr Tatarintsev, about how he received funds to organize his business.

What are your plans for the future?

Become a monopolist in the market of festive services in the city of Astrakhan.

What advice would you give to those looking to start their own holiday services business?

Learn. If you have not read the literature, have not attended seminars or courses on the event industry, you will not succeed. You have to study all the time! If you are a presenter, decorator, wedding planner - learn to be the best, the market for holiday services is growing rapidly, and you risk being left behind.

I am currently planning a trip to Moscow to train the heads of holiday agencies. Of all the numerous trainers I listened to on this topic, I chose people close to me in spirit, and I constantly read their books, listen to seminars. So I advise those who want to organize events to do the same.

The agency of children's parties is one of the few businesses that can be built practically from scratch, relying on the enthusiasm and organizational skills of the project initiator. At the same time, there is a chance from a modest entrepreneur to become a full-fledged organization with a large staff of professional performers in the face of animators, photographers and video operators, designers, DJs, showmen, and so on.

The scope for thought in this case is simply huge! Here are just a few of the services the firm can provide:

  • Animator on duty - this service is often ordered by children's cafes and restaurants; places where parents take their children for birthday celebrations.
  • Express congratulations - the animator arrives at the appointed place and time (at the house or cafe) and congratulates the birthday man in the original genre.
  • Theme parties- an interesting and exciting mini-adventure for children (pirate, Hawaiian, cowboy, gangster parties, etc.).
  • Show programs - educational activities that captivate the hearts of children: shows soap bubbles, fire show, scientific and chemical show, chocolate fountain.
  • Turnkey holiday. Full-fledged organization of the event: scenario development, choice of premises, sending out invitations to guests, selection of a festive menu, ordering a cake, decoration balloons etc.
  • New Year's greetings Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and much more.

This business is actively developing, competition is growing every day. This is directly related to the growing popularity of the service. The average check from a small order is 7,000 rubles, of which the business owner is left with about 4,000 rubles. From large vip orders, an average of 50,000 rubles comes out, and the income is about 20,000 rubles. A more or less promoted agency carries out 100 - 150 small and 5 - 6 large orders monthly. Potential profitability from 500 to 700 thousand rubles. per month.

There are also some restrictions. When opening an agency, it is important to assess the so-called market capacity. This indicator directly depends on the number of city residents and their average income. According to statistics, it makes sense to open specialized agencies for children's holidays in cities with a population of at least 200 thousand inhabitants. In small towns, it will be extremely difficult to earn good money, due to the lack of the proper number of orders. Here, such services can only be provided as additional services in a traditional event agency.

Organizational matters

“For a market test, at first, a company may not be registered,” some market players advise. Advantage similar business this is what one can test one's strength with minimal losses. The first orders are usually received from social networks and through friends. You can always find the right excuse New Year, Children's Day, birthdays, etc.). It is not necessary to take money at the same time - the main thing is to make the first portfolio (photos, videos) and get good feedback. It's more valuable.

The same can be said about the office: it is necessary to spend money on rent and arrangement of the premises only after proper promotion of the organization. Costumes and props are perfectly stored at home, and meetings with clients and potential executors of orders (animators, photographers, etc.) can be held at first in coworking centers or ordinary cafes. Renting a workplace in a coworking center will cost about 1,500 rubles. per week (~300 rubles per day). Similar establishments operate in almost every regional center.

As soon as stable orders go, you can register a business. Enough to formalize the usual individual entrepreneurship. Although it seems to some that the "agency" must certainly be registered as a legal entity (LLC). But it might turn out to be a waste Money(to register and maintain an LLC is somewhat more expensive than an individual entrepreneur). The need for registration legal entity will appear only when large corporate orders go (when the company needs to pay VAT).

Suitable OKVEDs for a children's party agency: 92.3 "Other entertainment and entertainment activities" and 92.7 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment." As a taxation system, you can apply the simplified tax system ("simplification"). This will save the company from the obligation to pay income tax, VAT and property tax.

Qualitative approach

Competition among agencies for organizing children's parties is more than high. Especially when it comes to big cities. “In Moscow, there are many theatrical universities that train thousands of actors. Not all of them manage to find a job, so there are more animators in the capital than guest workers,” says a participant in the project “ Business youth» Vlada Chizhevskaya.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to stand out from this "crowd". You need to take into account any little things that will eventually form a general opinion about your company. Reliability is one of the first indicators in the work of the agency. We must try not to leave calls unanswered, to please every client. Only discipline and a clear organization of the process can give a result.

The next point is the quality of services. Don't skimp on appearance animators and buy worn, used costumes and life-size puppets. “We sew all the costumes ourselves, and they turn out really cool,” says Vlada Chizhevskaya. By the same principle, the use of banal costumes, like Cinderella and Aladdin, is not suitable. Modern children are no longer surprised by this. Give them something modern, like Minecraft, Winx, Peppa Pig, Benten and others.

The selection of performers (animators, showmen, photographers, etc.) is another important step towards building a profitable agency for children's parties. It is necessary to cooperate with those people who love their profession with all their heart and soul. If a person likes this business, he will do it with full dedication. Children always feel it, and therefore their parents also feel it. Only in this way the agency will be recommended to other people, and there will be many repeat orders.

Advertising is the engine of progress

You can search for the main orders through the Internet and word of mouth (tips and recommendations from customers). The World Wide Web provides a lot of opportunities for the development of the company. With the advent of decent income, you should definitely create your own website. A large proportion of orders in large cities comes just after viewing the agency's website. The page should contain bright photos, videos from the holidays, information about the work of the company and staff, information about awards and achievements. It is important to carry on separate category with reviews. Sometimes you can ask clients to write a positive impression about the services provided.

Some of the budget can be spent on contextual advertising in Yandex Direct or Google Adwords. It will be very efficient. As evidence, it is worth looking at the number search queries. For October 2015 the phrase "birthday animators" only through Yandex tried to find about 19 thousand times (in Russia). In Moscow, such a request was searched 5,539 times, in St. Petersburg 1,732 times, in Rostov-on-Don - 663 times:

If, according to the results of the search results, your site will be in the TOP-3, calls and orders will certainly come, you just need to make a quality resource.

seasonal factor

In children's holidays, as in any other activity, there is a seasonality. Most orders fall on New Year's Eve, holidays, orders are steadily coming in spring and autumn. But in the summer, when all the kids go to camps and villages, the number of orders is sharply reduced.

“In the middle of the season, I decided that I must definitely rent an office, a lot of money was invested in advertising, and advertising investments in the off-season went to waste. As a result, at the end of the summer I was stranded,” says Vlada Chizhevskaya. Therefore, it is better to wait out periods of recession calmly, without spraying yourself with unnecessary actions. This will save you money, and there - and autumn is just around the corner.

Approximate investments for opening a full-fledged agency for children's holidays

  • Deposit for renting an office (40 sq. m.) - 30,000 rubles.
  • Cosmetic repairs - 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchasing furniture and office equipment(including the purchase of a high-quality camera) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of costumes, life-size puppets and props - 100,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget(creation and promotion of the site, outdoor advertising) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Training, development of communication scripts - 30,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other org. expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 550,000 rubles.

Video is an example of a successful business (Business Youth project)

The post has been changed:

How to open a holiday agency?

The theory of the famous Scottish economist Adam Smith that demand generates supply has so far been refuted by no one. And that's exactly how the business operates today. There is a need for a product, which means it will be produced and sold. However, people now live more according to the principle of the ancient Romans, who shouted to their rulers: “Bread and circuses!”. And they knew how to organize spectacles. Theme entertainment events is relevant even today, and since only a few can put on a really good show, and therefore only a few remain “afloat” among such companies, I decided to tell you how you can create an agency for organizing holidays, what “pitfalls” a beginner should avoid entrepreneur, and how to achieve success in this business if possible.

Surely you have heard that in Russia public holidays more than in any other country in the world. And it's true: our compatriots have come up with so many holidays that there are even more than 1/3 of them by working days. For example, this year we work 240 days and rest 125, that is, every 3rd day. The question is: when to work, and what are the dissatisfied with people who believe that they are overworking? One way or another, Russian people love holidays, and they are used to celebrating them on a grand scale - if you really go for a walk, so that later you will remember about it for a very long time.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:500,000 - 1,500,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 100 000 people
Situation in the industry:supply market is saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

Our citizens are quite successful in this, especially considering that in just a few days of the holidays they “lower” everything that they have managed to save up over several years. Vivid examples of this are weddings, anniversaries, the birth of a child, etc. So the sums in this business are quite considerable, and the "entry ticket" to the market for such services is also by no means cheap. But the agency for organizing holidays also receives orders all year round, in contrast to the seasonality of other areas of entertainment, such as, for example, beach attractions, or an open-air cinema.

By the way, according to the “fashionable” tradition today, to call everything that is possible and everything that is impossible in foreign words, you can now hear the expression “event” about agencies organizing holidays. Of course, the concept itself is somewhat broader than the word "holiday", but company owners do not particularly pay attention to semantics, proudly naming their company in a foreign way.

However, modern agencies for organizing holidays are engaged not only in the holidays themselves, but also in holding other events that can only be called holidays with a stretch:

  • Awards ceremonies
  • Organization of presentations
  • corporate events
  • Picnics
  • PR promotions
  • And so on and so forth

We draw up a business plan and register our activities

A business plan in any business is the foundation of the foundations, which not only allows you to paint a picture of the future of the business, but also to prevent the risk of failure, or “mitigate” the consequences of bankruptcy. I have already told my readers about how to create a business plan, I will not repeat myself. Those interested can see all the information on this link.

If you want to simplify your task and get advice from professional lawyers and accountants or assistance in processing all required documents, then you here.

We organize a workplace

Feel the difference? Not an office but workplace. Because almost always meetings and conclusion of contracts are held either in a neutral place (cafe, restaurant), or on the territory of the customer. Therefore, you will need the room mainly for work - discussing upcoming events with the team, writing scenarios, etc. But it also happens that the client wants to meet you at your square, and therefore the workplace must be designed accordingly.

Photos from various events you have hung on the walls (at first, these may not be your photos at all), good office furniture, testimonials from grateful customers - all this should impress customers. In addition, you should always have a portfolio at the ready, consisting of videos organized by you for the show.

Recruiting a team

The organization of holidays is just the kind of business in which "cadres decide everything." 2-3 specialists cannot “pull out” this business, except to work on holding events with a small budget. In order to achieve success in your business, you need a team of first-class specialists:

  • Animators
  • Drivers
  • Screenwriters
  • Leading showmen
  • Photographer, videographer

In addition, cooks, assemblers of light and other structures, dancers, circus performers, musicians of various genres, pyrotechnicians, waiters, decorators, and a bunch of other people will be required. Of course, it is simply impossible to keep all these people on the staff, so I put the specialists I needed first of all on the list, and listed the rest in the line.

Who exactly to invite to your team on an official basis, and who will be involved as necessary under the contract, is up to you. But the fact that in the course of the work of the agency for organizing holidays you will have to “acquire tentacles” of useful connections is a fact, and not only among the “sharks” of show business, but also among municipal authorities, directors of schools, kindergartens, theaters, owners of cafes and restaurants, and other "necessary" people.

“Along the way”, several “related” businesses can be singled out as a separate direction: decoration with balloons, providing a bus for parties, etc.

Scenarios for holidays

A competent, interesting, exciting script is half the success of your team, so you can’t save on screenwriters. It is better if 2-3 people work on it, and the necessary adjustments will be made after writing by the whole team. You won’t surprise anyone with the usual “drinks-party-dances” now, people want creativity.

By the way, about saving. Since there is fierce competition among event agencies, and they literally “fight” for clients, especially large ones, you cannot save on all staff, especially if they are high-level professionals, since, having gained experience, gained certain knowledge, working in your team, no one will prevent them from leaving for competitors (such poaching is widespread in the entertainment business environment). Corporate "loyalty" should be supported not only by banknotes, but also by a loyal attitude towards employees, and some corporate "ideology", the cohesion of the entire team.

And one more thing about scenarios: they must be protected by intellectual property rights, otherwise, after competitors “copy” your holiday, you will have to come up with something new every time.

Necessary equipment, inventory, and equipment

When organizing a business, the acquisition of all the necessary equipment and inventory will be perhaps the largest expense item. You will definitely need a car that will transport equipment and artists to the venue.

  • Light and sound equipment
  • Suits
  • Photo and video equipment
  • Scenery

- of course, you won’t succeed in everything you need, and you don’t need to purchase it right away, everything will appear in the process of business development, but you should have what is listed on the list.

We are looking for clients

The most important thing for you in business, especially in the first year or two, should be the filling of the portfolio. No one will trust a company that has several children's matinees on its account, couples proms, anniversaries, and one wedding, organizing a show for a hundred thousand dollars. That is why you should always aim upwards, developing a portfolio, and not being afraid to offer your services to eminent clients.

"Pitfalls" of the event agency

The main mistake of novice event agencies is the desire to do everything, and therefore, without having necessary experience, they often take on activities that, to put it mildly, are too tough for them yet. You need to move towards success smoothly, gradually, but steadily, and then you will definitely succeed.


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