The concept of national security of the Russian Federation presentation. Threats to Russia's national security and national defense presentation for a lesson in obzh (Grade 11) on the topic. The system of national interests of Russia

The term "national security" was first introduced into the political lexicon by US President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904. The term "national security" was first introduced into the political lexicon by US President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904. National security

IN Russian history the term "national security" was first used in 1995 in the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection". In Russian history, the term "national security" was first used in 1995 in the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection". National security

“... national security is understood as a state of security national interests from domestic and external threats ensuring the progressive development of the individual, society and the state" "... national security is understood as a state of protection of national interests from internal and external threats, ensuring the progressive development of the individual, society and the state" Message on national security President Russian Federation Federal Assembly of June 13, 1996

National security (as a system) is a set of connections and relationships that characterize such a state of the individual, society and the state, which ensures a stable, stable existence, satisfaction and realization of vital needs, the ability to effectively counter internal and external threats, self-development and progress. National security (as a system) is a set of connections and relationships that characterize such a state of the individual, society and the state, which ensures a stable, stable existence, satisfaction and realization of vital needs, the ability to effectively counter internal and external threats, self-development and progress. National security

The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 concludes that a threat to Russia's national interests will be: The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 concludes that a threat to Russia's national interests will be: international relations; unilateral power approach in international relations; contradictions between the main participants in world politics; contradictions between the main participants in world politics; the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their falling into the hands of terrorists; the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their falling into the hands of terrorists; improvement of forms of illegal activity in the cybernetic area and in the field of high technology. improvement of forms of illegal activity in the cybernetic area and in the field of high technologies.

Potential threats The second group is potential threats that have a geo-economic dimension and are capable of damaging the fundamental economic interests of Russia, weakening its position in international economic relations The first group is potential threats of a geopolitical nature and endangering the geopolitical interests of our country, its geopolitical position and status in the world community . The third group of potential threats in the energy and resource sectors, which can create obstacles to the development of the Russian Federation as a world energy power, is expressed in the claims of foreign states to the natural wealth of our country, to its colossal base of natural resources. The fourth group is potential threats that are directly of a military nature. military aggression against the Russian Federation or an attack on its military contingents and citizens who are outside

Actions of states aimed at violating the integrity of the Russian Federation actions of states aimed at violating the integrity of the Russian Federation actions of other countries aimed at undermining and restraining integration processes within the CIS, weakening the ties of the Russian Federation with states in areas of traditional cooperation actions of other countries aimed at undermining and containment of integration processes within the CIS, weakening the ties of the Russian Federation with states in areas of traditional cooperation violations of the rights and freedoms of the Russian-speaking population and citizens of the Russian Federation living in neighboring states violations of the rights and freedoms of the Russian-speaking population and citizens of the Russian Federation living in neighboring states, etc. .d. etc. First group

Attempts to limit Russia's presence in foreign markets (including the arms market), as well as actions to force it out of them; attempts to limit Russia's presence in foreign markets (including the arms market), as well as actions to force it out of them; actions of "partners" aimed at maintaining restrictions on the access of the Russian Federation to advanced technologies, creating obstacles for Russia's full participation in international financial, economic and trade structures and organizations. actions of "partners" aimed at maintaining restrictions on the access of the Russian Federation to advanced technologies, creating obstacles for Russia's full participation in international financial, economic and trade structures and organizations. etc. etc. The second group

Attempts to ignore (infringe on) the interests of the Russian Federation in solving problems international security, counteracting its strengthening as one of the influential centers of the multipolar world attempts to ignore (infringe on) the interests of the Russian Federation in solving problems of international security, countering its strengthening as one of the influential centers of the multipolar world conducting all kinds of secret, subversive, intelligence and propaganda operations to take control extraction and distribution of fuel and energy resources conducting all kinds of covert, subversive, intelligence and propaganda operations to take control of the extraction and distribution of fuel and energy resources, etc. etc. The third group

Deployment of groupings of forces and means aimed at a military attack on Russia or its allies; deployment of groupings of forces and means aimed at a military attack on Russia or its allies; territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threats of political or forceful exclusion of certain territories from it territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threats of political or forceful exclusion of certain territories from it demonstration of military force near the borders of Russia, conducting exercises with provocative goals demonstration of military force near the borders of Russia, conducting exercises with provocative goals, etc. etc. The fourth group

The acceleration of the pace of globalization forms a new understanding of the integrity of the world and the interdependence of global, national and military security. Military-political globalization as a factor influencing scientific and technological progress has a direct impact on the security sphere, and the process of ensuring national and military security acquires a global dimension. The acceleration of the pace of globalization forms a new understanding of the integrity of the world and the interdependence of global, national and military security. Military-political globalization as a factor influencing scientific and technological progress has a direct impact on the security sphere, and the process of ensuring national and military security acquires a global dimension.

"National Security" - Technological separation of the world's leading powers in the creation of a new military equipment. Proliferation of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. The incompleteness of the military reform Armed Forces Russia. Informational: Information Technology in all areas of life. The intensity of human impact on the natural environment.

"Call for military service" - Educational institutions. Financially secure. Environment. Prosperous. Society. This situation can lead to a crisis in the draft system. - Ideology and ideological work in society; - Conditions of activity; - Social guarantees; - Information. State. Problems of the modern Russian army.

"Military ranks" - Army General. Sergeant. ? Captain 2nd rank. Verification work. Chief ship sergeant major. Ensign. Major. Colonel. Lieutenant. Vice admiral. Admiral. Lieutenant colonel. midshipman. Military ranks of the Russian armed forces. Lance Sergeant. Private. Colonel General. Captain Lieutenant. Lieutenant general.

"Military registration in the organization" - Military registration in organizations is divided into: Special military registration (Booking of citizens in reserve). Other activities. General military registration. Advisory Group "Voenkom" (consulting and audit of military registration of citizens in organizations). Military registration of citizens in organizations. Military duty.

"Rights and responsibilities of military personnel" - The right to participate in managing the affairs of society and the state. The right to housing. Working hours and the right to rest. The right to freedom of movement and choice of residence. Legal status soldier (status). Protection of honor and dignity. The right to health care and medical care. Freedom of speech.

"Military Uniform" - Order of Courage. Order for labors agriculture. Nesterov medal. Even modern look uniforms bear the imprint of ancient traditions. Pushkin medal. The concept of signs of the order was formed, which included a cross and a star. In the Middle Ages, there was no form as such. Military uniform and orders of the Russian Federation.

There are 36 presentations in total in the topic

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Literature * The Constitution of the Russian Federation - 12.12.93 * Federal Constitutional Law of May 30, 2001 No. 3-FKZ "On the state of emergency." * Federal Constitutional Law of January 30, 2002 No. 1-FKZ "On Martial Law". * Federal Law of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ "On Defense". * the federal law dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service." * Federal Law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation." * Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 79-FZ "On the State Material Reserve". * Federal Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ "On Civil Defense". * Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel”. * Law of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1993 No. 4730-1 "On the State Border".

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The main sections of the Concept are: 1. Russia in the world community - which characterizes the situation in the world. 2. National interests of Russia - in which the national interests of the state, the interests of the individual and society in various fields are determined. 3. Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation in various fields and the main tasks in the field of ensuring national security. 4. Ensuring the national security of Russia.

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questions 1. Definition of concepts: national security, national interests 2. Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation 3. Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation

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Security - the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats. Law of the Russian Federation "On Security"

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The national security of the Russian Federation is understood as the security of its multinational people as the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation.

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Russia's place in the world - in terms of gross output - 58; - per capita consumption - 51; - in terms of labor productivity 70.

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Change in the position of the Russian Federation - On the territory - 76% of the USSR; - By population - 60% of the USSR; - GNP - 40-50% of the USSR; - In 1985, the ND of the USSR - 57% of the ND of the USA; - In 2002, the RF ND is 17% of the US ND; - In 1913, the ND of Russia - 11.5 of the ND of the USA

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Residence of Russians in the CIS countries In Ukraine - 22.1% In Kazakhstan - 37.8% In Latvia - 34% In Estonia - 30.3% In Lithuania - 9.4% In Kyrgyzstan - 21.5% In Moldova and Belarus - 13%

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Internal security threats deep systemic crisis in the country; the formation of a new federalism; tension in the socio-economic sphere; friction on national grounds; organized crime and corruption.

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The sphere of external security threats Shaking the integrity of the Russian Federation; Territorial claims to the Russian Federation; Curtailment of integration processes in the CIS; Weakening of Russia's ties with neighbors; Instability state structures authorities in neighboring countries; Armed conflicts in neighboring states; Narrowing the role of the Russian Federation in international affairs; Increasing US hegemony; International crime and terrorism.

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External threats to political security Military conflicts near Russia's borders; WMD proliferation; Violation of the integrity of the defense system and the uncertainty of the regime state border; Unsettled issues of the presence of troops on the territory of neighboring states; A number of states have large arsenals of weapons; The threat of international terrorism, blackmail.

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Threats to Russia's national security in the information sphere The desire of a number of countries to dominate the global information space. Pushing Russia out of the external and internal information market. Devaluation of spiritual values, propaganda of mass culture based on the cult of violence, on spiritual and moral values ​​that are contrary to the norms accepted in Russian society. The development by a number of states of the concepts of "information wars", which provide for the creation of means of dangerous influence on the information spheres of other countries of the world and the disruption of their normal functioning.

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The results of the economic development of the Russian Federation in 2002 - Russia in 2002 produced 1/3 of the level of 1990, and 15% of the level of the USSR; - average salary- 5% of salary in developed countries; - Russia is a market for Western goods (40% of the turnover is imports), a donor of energy resources. - The volume of GNP in 2002 was approximately $ 1,700 - 2.15 times less than in the USSR in 1960 - The unemployment rate was about 10 million people (13%), 15% - a critical level.

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high school- less than 20% of graduate students defend; - less than 3 thousand dissertations are defended in the Russian Federation per year, in the USA about 40 thousand; - About 40% of university professors do not have academic degrees and titles; - the average age of doctors of sciences in universities is 58.2 years.

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Emigration - in recent years, more than 5 thousand scientists have left for the United States; - every year 25% of graduates of elite universities emigrate; - systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences leaving them - 56% of candidates, 16.2% - doctors of sciences; - 48.5% - under the age of 40; - Forecast Min. Economy of the Russian Federation - 200-250 thousand specialists will leave. One specialist costs about 300 thousand, losses - 60-75 billion dollars.

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The largest nations of the Russian Federation are Russians - 119.9 million people. (81.5%) Tatars - 5.5 million people. Chuvash - 1.8 million people Bashkirs - 1.3 million people Mordva - 1.1 million people

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The criminogenic situation in the Russian Federation in 2002 - 15 million young people did not study anywhere and did not work; - more than 1.5 million people were brought to criminal responsibility, of which more than 29 thousand - 203 thousand crimes were committed by minors for premeditated murders; - more than 1 million people are in places of detention, i.е. every 150th citizen, including infants. - 5 million chronic alcoholics.

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THREATS TO THE SECURITY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION INTERNAL GLOBAL - The desire of the United States for sole domination in a unipolar world; - Distribution in the world of WMD and means of its delivery; - Current and potential military conflicts; - Economic dangers affecting national security; - Loss of stability in relations with allied and friendly countries; - International terrorism and drug trafficking. IN THE WEST - NATO's desire to dominate Europe; - further reorientation of states of Eastern Europe and the Baltics to the West; - preparation for entry into NATO of Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania; - deepening integration processes both within the region as a whole and at the sub-regional level. IN THE EAST - rivalry between the US, Japan and China for leadership in the Asia-Pacific region, - maintaining tension on the Korean Peninsula; - unresolved territorial problems. - China's nuclear missile potential. IN THE SOUTH - the instability of the situation on the territory of the Central Asian countries of the CIS; - national-ethnic and religious problems; - the desire of Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to weaken Russia's position in the region.

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"Threats to Russia's National Security and National Defense"

National security Observance of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. The state of security of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats. Preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state, as well as civil peace and social stability in society. Sustainable development of the country. Ensuring the defense and security of the state.

Structure of national security

State security State security is a component of national security It characterizes the level of protection of the state from external and internal threats Ensuring state security includes a complex of political, economic, social, military and legal measures…. Bodies ensuring state security - special services, army and law enforcement organizations

public safety Public security is a component of national security. It characterizes the level of protection of the individual, society and the state, mainly from internal threats of a generally dangerous nature. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies ensure public safety

Economic security Economic security is a component of national security Ensuring economic security in particular for the Russian Federation implies such a state of the economy that maintains a sufficient level of social, political and defense existence and innovative development, invulnerability and independence of its economic interests in relation to possible external and internal threats and impacts

Information security Information security is a component of national security Characterizes the state of preservation information resources state and security legal rights individuals and society in the information sphere Bodies providing information security RF: FSB of Russia

Energy security Political Economic Technogenic Associated with the energy independence of the state, its subject or region Includes tariffs and reserves of energy resources that allow solving the set tasks It implies the technogenic nature of the risks for people, property and the environment associated with the operation of any power installations Energy security is a component of national security

Technogenic security Technogenic security is a component of national security It characterizes the degree of protection of the population, technical systems and the environment from man-caused accidents and catastrophes causing man-caused emergencies Bodies ensuring man-caused safety: Ministry of Emergency Situations

Environmental safety Environmental safety is a component of national security It characterizes the level of negative impact of natural and anthropogenic factors of environmental hazard on environment and human

Threats to national security The policy of a number of leading countries aimed at superiority in the military sphere Creation of strategic non-nuclear weapons, including high-precision and high-tech warfare weapons Unilateral formation of a global missile defense system Illegal actions in the cybernetic and biological fields, in the field of high technologies Uncontrolled and illegal migration, drug trafficking and human trafficking Possible spread of epidemics Increasing scarcity of fresh water

Ground-Based Midcourse Defense Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense PAC-3 "Patriot"

Fresh water scarcity Causes of fresh water scarcity: Growth of cities Creation of large industrial centers Pollution of water bodies with domestic and industrial waste Reduction of river flow due to human activities Excessive consumption and pollution of groundwater

Threats to the national security of Russia The state of the domestic economy Imperfection of the organization system state power and civil society Socio-political polarization of Russian society and criminalization public relations The growth of organized crime and the increase in the scale of terrorism

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation Timely forecasting and identification of external and internal threats to the national security of the Russian Federation; Implementation of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize internal and external threats; Ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, the security of its border area; The rise of the country's economy, the implementation of an independent and socially oriented economic course; Overcoming the scientific, technical and technological dependence of the Russian Federation on external sources; Ensuring on the territory of Russia the personal security of a person and a citizen, his constitutional rights and freedoms; Improving the system of state power of the Russian Federation; Ensuring strict observance of the legislation of the Russian Federation by all citizens; Ensuring equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia, first of all, with the leading states of the world;

Raising and maintaining the military potential of the state at a sufficiently high level; Strengthening the regime of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery; Taking effective measures to identify, prevent and suppress intelligence and subversive activities of foreign states directed against the Russian Federation; Radical improvement of the ecological situation in the country. Ensuring national security and protecting Russia's interests in the economic sphere are priority areas of state policy. The most important tasks in foreign economic activity are: Creation of favorable conditions for international integration Russian economy; Expansion of sales markets for Russian products;

Formation of a single economic space with the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Strengthen the protection of the interests of domestic producers. Conducting a balanced credit and financial policy is of paramount importance; It is necessary to strengthen the role of the state in regulating the activities of foreign banking, insurance and investment companies, to introduce certain and reasonable restrictions on the transfer to operation foreign companies deposits of strategic natural resources, telecommunications, transport and distribution networks. The adoption of effective measures in the field of currency regulation and control in order to create conditions for the termination of settlements in foreign currency in the domestic market and to prevent the uncontrolled export of capital.

National Security of the Russian Federation - the state of protection of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats, which allows to ensure a decent quality and standard of living for citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the country.

Threat to national security - direct or indirect possibility of causing damage to constitutional rights, freedoms, standard of living, sovereignty, integrity, development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state.

Strategic national priorities

  • protection of state sovereignty
  • independence
  • territorial integrity

Main directions state security

  • National security
  • State and Public Security

The main trends in the development of the world community

  • Globalization of all spheres of international life
  • Emergence of new challenges and threats
  • Aggravation of contradictions between states
  • Increasing the number of states with nuclear technology

(unequal development, different levels of well-being, the struggle for access to energy)

  • World financial crises (Their consequences may become comparable to the large-scale use of military force.)

The main threats to Russia's military security

Politics of a number of leading foreign countries

Unilateral formation of global systems

  • Superiority in military strength
  • Development of nuclear forces
  • militarization of near-Earth space
  • The development of high-precision,

information means of warfare

IN modern world, in the field of ensuring the military security of Russia, the national defense is a priority , strategic goals, which is:

1. Prevention of global and regional wars and conflicts;

2. Strategic deterrence:

-Development and implementation of various measures(political, diplomatic, military, economic) aimed at reducing threats from aggressor countries.

It is carried out with the help of the economic capabilities of the state, the development of a system of military-patriotic education, military structure states

3. Basic principles of national defense sufficiency and effectiveness(non-military response, diplomacy, peacekeeping, military cooperation)

Ways to achieve the strategic goals of national defense

  • Development of the national security system
  • Development of a promising military-technical policy
  • Development of military infrastructure
  • Improving the management system of the country's military organization
  • Increasing the prestige of military service

State policy in the field of national security and military development

is aimed at improving the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, called up under any

Conditions to ensure the security and territorial integrity of Russia


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