Goals and principles of state regulation of foreign trade. State regulation of foreign economic activity. Goals, principles of regulation of foreign economic activity

Externally economic activity: training course Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

2.1. Goals and principles of regulation foreign economic activity

Conducted since the early 90s. in Russia, economic reforms directly extended to the foreign economic sphere, where a consistent liberalization of foreign economic activity was carried out. In 1992–1995 in general, a system of state regulation of foreign economic relations was formed, using the methods and tools inherent in countries with a market economy. Accumulated experience in the implementation of the national foreign economic policy, ensuring the transition from administrative mainly to economic methods of regulation, made it possible to prepare, using world practice, the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities", which entered into force on June 1, 1996. Russian Federation and its subjects in this area, lists the main functions of the federal executive and legislative bodies responsible for regulating foreign economic activity, defines the basics of the customs tariff and administrative regulation, export-import currency control, the most important forms of promoting the development of foreign trade.

The main principles of regulation of foreign trade are:

1) the unity of foreign trade policy as an integral part of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation;

2) the unity of the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities and control over its implementation;

3) the unity of the export control policy implemented in order to implement the state tasks of ensuring national security;

4) unity customs territory Russian Federation;

5) priority of economic measures of state regulation of foreign trade activities;

6) equality of participants in foreign trade activities and their non-discrimination;

7) protection by the state of the rights and legitimate interests participants in foreign trade activities;

8) exclusion of unjustified interference by the state and its bodies in foreign trade activity, causing damage to its participants and the economy of the Russian Federation as a whole.

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The current stage of development of foreign economic activity in our country is associated with fundamental changes in the forms and methods that have been used over decades of previous development. Tens of thousands of enterprises, whether they are in the public or private sector, organizational form, size of property, scope of activity, composition of property, got the opportunity to actively participate in international economic cooperation.

State regulation FEA includes its financial, currency, credit, customs-tariff and non-tariff regulation, export control; determination of policy in the field of certification of goods in connection with their import and export. All these directions of regulation are based on the current legislation.

The main objectives of state regulation of foreign economic activity are as follows:

Using foreign economic relations to accelerate the creation in Russia market economy;

Assistance in increasing labor productivity and the quality of national products through the acquisition of licenses and patents, the purchase of new technologies, high-quality components, raw materials and materials, the inclusion of Russian enterprises in world competition;

Creating Access Conditions Russian entrepreneurs to world markets through the provision of state, organizational, financial, information assistance;

Protection of national foreign economic interests, protection of the domestic market;

Creation and maintenance of a favorable international regime in relations with various states and international organizations.

State regulation of foreign economic activity in Russia in a transitional economy should be carried out in accordance with the following basic principles:

Unity of foreign economic policy and national (domestic) economic policy;

Unity of the system of state regulation and control over its implementation;

Transfer of the center of gravity of foreign economic activity regulation from administrative to economic methods;

A clear delineation of the rights and responsibilities of the Federation and its subjects in the field management of foreign economic activity;

Ensuring equality of all participants in foreign economic activity.

Of particular importance today is a clear delimitation of the competence of the Federation and its subjects in the field of foreign economic activity. The competence of the federal bodies should continue to be the solution of such important issues as:

Determination of the basic principles for the implementation of foreign economic activity and the foreign economic policy of Russia as a whole;

Development of appropriate federal programs;

Protection of the economic interests of the country in the field of foreign economic activity, its individual subjects and citizens in particular;

Development of the most important instruments for regulating foreign economic activity;

Preparation and conclusion of international treaties and state agreements, control over their execution;

Organization and control of the activities of trade missions of the Russian Federation abroad;

Definition and implementation of the country's monetary policy;

Formation and use of gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Russian Federation;

Control over the procedure for the sale and purchase of individual (selected) commodity groups (environmentally hazardous waste, weapons, etc.);

Development of the balance of payments of the Russian Federation, etc. Subjects of the Russian Federation in the conditions of an emerging market economy are entitled to:

To carry out foreign economic activity within their territory in accordance with the law;

Control and coordinate the activities of foreign economic activity participants within their regions, develop and implement relevant regional programs;

Provide participants in foreign economic activity with additional benefits and guarantees in addition to federal ones that do not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation (the Federation is not responsible for them);

Conclude agreements on international cooperation within its competence (that is, with subjects of foreign federal states);

To have representatives in trade missions of the Russian Federation abroad, which are maintained at the expense of the subjects of the Federation. Certain issues are under the joint jurisdiction of the Federation and its subjects. Among them:

Coordination of actions of foreign economic activity participants;

Fulfillment of agreements of the Russian Federation with foreign countries(if their implementation concerns the interests of the regions);

Development and implementation of interregional and regional foreign trade programs;

Regulation of border trade;

Information support for foreign economic activity.

Methods of state regulation of foreign economic activity.

The methods of state regulation of foreign economic activity are divided by their nature into tariff methods - those based on the use of a customs tariff, and non-tariff methods - all other methods. Non-tariff methods of regulation are divided into quantitative methods and methods of covert protectionism. Separate instruments of state regulation of foreign economic activity are more often used when necessary, either to restrict imports or to force exports 11 .

administrative methods. The administrative method of regulation is understood as a system of organizational, legal and special measures: quantitative restrictions, distribution of quotas and licenses, export control for certain types of goods, the establishment of a state monopoly on the export and (or) import of certain types of goods. In order to regulate foreign economic activity, government bodies issue acts of legal regulation of the relationship of counterparties, joint stock laws, customs codes, regulations obliging importers and exporters, on the basis of their execution, to observe the interests of states interacting in the foreign market.

International trade agreements. They define common paths development of economic relations between states, establish a trade, economic, political regime of interaction, provide for the conditions for mutual settlements, terms of cooperation, etc. Long-term agreements - 5 -10 years or more - on trade and other forms of interaction can be fixed in contracts. And also the conclusion of annual protocols on mutual deliveries of goods is practiced. Agreements and protocols, complementing each other, contribute to the development of sustainable mutually beneficial cooperation.

Customs formalities. They are based on the customs code approved by the legislature. Customs Code created in accordance with the customs policy of the state 12 . He defines general tasks and functions of the customs authorities, the procedure for the development, approval and use of tariffs, the conditions for exemption from duties, sanctions for violation customs regulations, procedure for dealing with complaints. Customs formalities are one of the most effective methods regulation of foreign economic activity 13 .

Contingenting and licensing. Export and import quotas are quantitative or cost restrictions on exports and imports, introduced for a certain period of time for individual goods and services, countries and groups of countries.

Licensing is a system of written permits issued by government agencies for the export and import of goods. Licensing is applied for certain periods of time for individual goods included in the list of products for national purposes. The quota is carried out by establishing a regime for issuing individual licenses, while the total volume of exports (imports) under these licenses should not exceed the volume of the established quota. The following types of export (import) quotas (contingents) are used: global, group, individual. For each type of product, only one type of quota is established.

anti-dumping procedures. They are legal and administrative claims brought by national entrepreneurs against foreign suppliers, accusing them of selling goods at underpriced prices that could harm local manufacturers of similar products. Authorities and courts are obliged to suspend the movement of goods accused of dumping and investigate the merits of the claims.

Price preferences. They are established by law in some countries by determining the minimum difference in prices at which the importer's goods and services must be lower than the prices of national producers. For example, energy companies The United States has the right to place orders for imported equipment only if the prices for it are at least 6% lower than those of American manufacturers.

technical procedures. They are established by law. government organizations and represent a set of measures to verify the compliance of imported products with the requirements of international and national standards, industry norms and technical regulations.

One of the types of technical barriers is the requirement for certification of products, goods imported into the country. Why they are subjected to tests in specialized laboratories for compliance of their properties with the requirements of standards for technical, sanitary, technological, traditional indicators 15 .

import procedures. These are the rules for conducting import operations when public procurement. In many countries, in these cases, the buyer must conduct an international auction in order to determine the most advantageous seller. Sometimes a buyer is only granted a license if it has met the requirements for counter-export transactions.

5. Execution of foreign letters of request .

Letter of request is an appeal of the court of one state to the court of another state with a request to perform any procedural actions on the territory of this state. The execution of foreign letters of request means:

drawing up, certification, forwarding, delivery of documents;

providing material evidence;

interrogation of witnesses, experts, other persons for the purposes of legal proceedings;

· communication of information about the current law, etc.

The execution of such orders is based on the provisions of international treaties and national legislation. general order- letters of request are transmitted through diplomatic channels, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty. Arbitrage practice- legal assistance is provided on the basis of reciprocity. When executing an order, the civil procedural law of the state where the order is executed is used. Orders aimed at performing procedural actions prohibited by the law of the state executing the order are not executed. The procedure and conditions for the execution of instructions are mainly established not in the law, but in the rules and instructions of the ministries of justice. Not found in Anglo-American law general concept legal assistance. The institution of special commissioners (commission agents) is widely used. The possibility of direct communication between the courts when requesting the execution of an order is provided. In the legislation of the Russian Federation, the general procedure for the execution of foreign letters of request is established in Art. 407 Code of Civil Procedure R and Art. 256 APC RF. In the absence of an international treaty, legal assistance may be provided in the manner and under the conditions of international comity. There is no requirement of reciprocity. The diplomatic route is the main mode of transmission of Letters of Request. General rule: the procedure for executing an order of a foreign court on the territory of the Russian Federation is governed by Russian law. current trend: at the request of a foreign state, it is possible to execute an order using its procedural law.

It is expedient to send the letter of request and the documents attached to it in the language of the requested state. When executing the order, taking into account the procedural nature of these actions, the requested authorities apply the legislation of their state. Refusal to perform certain procedural actions is possible if: a) the execution of the order damages the sovereignty of the Russian Federation; b) the execution of the order is not within the competence of the court (Article 407 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

6. PIL rules. The concept, structures and classification of conflict rules .

In MCHP under count. Norm - a rule of conduct that establishes the law of which state d.b. applied to this particular legal relationship complicated by a foreign element. Qty. A norm is a norm of a general, abstract, referential nature, it does not contain a material model of behavior, does not directly establish the rights and obligations of the parties, they only indicate the competent order of a competent issue. Actual application count. norms is possible only with the application of the national system of the country to which it refers. But this is not a purely technical technique, it is an important point in the cooperation of various states. It is the count. The norms authorize the application of the norms of foreign law in the territory of the state. 2 functions: regulatory and delimiting. Regulatory - in the possibility of coll. norms to serve as the basis for the application of substantive norms of foreign law. Qty. the norm of the state is the instrument by which the legislator makes foreign law valid in its territory. Delimiting function - they set limits on the application of the law of a particular state. The coll.norm resolves the conflict only between national legal orders, therefore, those that refer to the provisions of international treaties are not recognized as conflicts. (Art. 15 Coll., Art. 7 of the Civil Code - if the m. agreement provides otherwise than the law of the Russian Federation - the rule of m. agreements is applied).

Structure. Differs from the usual. 2 parts: volume and binding. The scope of the number of norms determines the type of legal relationship to which it should be applied. Anchor - indicates the legal system or legislation in force in this case. Example: Art. 1197. Legal capacity of natural persons - the volume is determined by his personal law - binding. Simple and complex. The structure is simple - one volume and one binding. 1112. Complex - several of this or that. 1221. Binding is abstract in nature; it refers not to a specific legal act, but to the legal system as a whole, that is, to the entire legal order of the entire state. feature modern development bindings - the rejection of rigid conflict of laws rules, which are based on one criterion for choosing the law - a system of interrelated conflict of laws rules is used to select the law. Application of flexible rules. Plurality of number of bindings - splitting, alternative, cumulation.

Cumulation - when the number of norms is formulated taking into account the legislation of two or more states. 156 SC.

Splitting - when the legal relationship as a whole is subject to one legal order, and its individual issues - to another.

7. Grounds for the application of foreign law. The procedure for establishing the content of a foreign legal norm by the courts.

three fundamental provisions that determine the basis for the application of foreign law.

1. In the territory of a given state, foreign law may be applied only if there are direct instructions to this effect from national law. Such prescriptions are established by national conflict of laws rules, and not by any, but by bilateral ones. Thanks to bilateral conflict of laws rules, a conflict of law can be resolved both in favor of one's own, domestic law, and foreign. The conflict-of-laws rule is legally binding on all authorities and officials state, and if it refers to foreign law, then it must be applied by all bodies and officials by virtue of a legally binding prescription of a conflict of laws rule. A conflict rule is a legal basis for the application of foreign law in the territory of a given state. Conflict law in general is a bridge linking the national legal system with foreign law.

2. National law provides general principles on which the application of foreign law is based, methods for establishing its content, the procedure for applying foreign law, as well as the limits of its application.

3. The application of foreign law is also carried out in accordance with generally recognized principles international law. The foundations for the application of foreign law are determined by such principles of international law as the sovereign equality of states, self-determination, and non-interference in internal affairs. In accordance with these principles, states are obliged to respect each other's right to freely determine their political and legal system and not interfere with its functioning. The right of a state to make and enforce laws is one of its sovereign rights, which must be respected by other states. Law enforcement authorities must respect the applicable foreign law, its features, so that the prescriptions of foreign law are implemented with the utmost care. Respect for foreign law follows from the principle of the sovereign equality of states.


BY DISCIPLINE: Subjects of foreign economic activity

Topic: "Goals and principles of the state

regulation of foreign economic activity”.

Completed by a student

6 course correspondence department

35 groups

Kaliningrad 2010


1. Goals and principles of state regulation of foreign economic activity;

2. Features of the principles of state regulation

foreign economic activity:

2.1. Ensuring the fulfillment of the obligations of the Russian Federation under international treaties of the Russian Federation and the implementation of the rights of the Russian Federation arising from these treaties;
2.2. Unity of the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities;

2.3. Ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state;

2.4. Unity of the customs territory of the Russian Federation;

2.5. Choice of measures of state regulation of foreign trade activity;

2.6. Equality and non-discrimination of participants in foreign trade activities, unless otherwise provided by federal law;

2.7. State protection of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in foreign trade activities, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of Russian producers and consumers of goods and services;

2.8. Exclusion of unjustified interference by the state or its bodies in foreign trade activities and causing damage to participants in foreign trade activities and the economy of the Russian Federation;


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As Russia integrates into world economy foreign economic activity (FEA) is becoming an increasingly important and resulting factor in its economic life.
Formed fundamentally new sphere entrepreneurship, aimed at independent development of the foreign market and subject to the laws of the world economy in its activities. If earlier the sphere of foreign economic relations was, in essence, the lot of only dozens of specialized foreign trade organizations, now many thousands of industrial and trade structures are engaged in foreign trade operations. The appearance on foreign markets of Russian business people, often professionally poorly trained, little familiar with state regulation of foreign economic activity, often leads to unforeseen results. Therefore, it is so important for individuals and legal entities to know all the subtleties of state regulation of this type of business. The objective of this work is to get acquainted with the state regulation of foreign economic activity and, most importantly, with the principles of state regulation of foreign economic activity, the disclosure of their methods and features.
As you know, a qualified participant in foreign economic activity must not only see the current state of affairs, but also understand in which direction the processes are going in order to correctly solve strategic problems. The role of the state, its bodies and structures in the development of the organizational system of regulation and stimulation of foreign economic activity is considered.

1. Goals and principles of state regulation of foreign economic activity.

The main objectives of state regulation of foreign economic activity are as follows:

Using foreign economic relations to accelerate the creation of

Russian market economy;

Assistance in increasing labor productivity and the quality of national products through the acquisition of licenses and patents, the purchase of new technologies, high-quality components, raw materials and materials, the inclusion of Russian enterprises in world competition;

Creation of conditions for access of Russian entrepreneurs to world

markets through the provision of state, organizational, financial, information assistance;

Protection of national foreign economic interests, protection

domestic market;

Creation and maintenance of a favorable international regime in

relations with various states and international organizations.

The main principles of state regulation of foreign trade activities are:
1) protection by the state of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in foreign trade activities, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of Russian producers and consumers of goods and services;
2) equality and non-discrimination of participants in foreign trade activities, unless otherwise provided by federal law;
3) unity of the customs territory of the Russian Federation;
4) reciprocity in relation to another state (group of states);
5) ensuring the fulfillment of the obligations of the Russian Federation under international treaties of the Russian Federation and the exercise of the rights of the Russian Federation arising from these treaties;
6) the choice of measures of state regulation of foreign trade activities that are no more burdensome for participants in foreign trade activities than necessary to ensure the effective achievement of the goals for the implementation of which it is supposed to apply measures of state regulation of foreign trade activities;
7) publicity in the development, adoption and application of measures of state regulation of foreign trade activities;
8) the validity and objectivity of the application of measures of state regulation of foreign trade activities;
9) exclusion of unjustified interference by the state or its bodies in foreign trade activities and causing damage to participants in foreign trade activities and the economy of the Russian Federation;
10) ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state;
11) ensuring the right to appeal in a judicial or other procedure established by law of illegal actions (inaction) government agencies and their officials, as well as the right to challenge the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that infringe on the right of a participant in foreign trade activities to carry out foreign trade activities;
12) unity of the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities;
13) unity of application of methods of state regulation of foreign trade activities throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Features of the principles of state regulation of foreign economic activity.

The principles are the starting points in the mechanism of state regulation. They guarantee the continuity and consistency of the rule-making process, ensure the relationship between foreign trade legislation and foreign trade policy. Principles play a special role in the formation of judicial and administrative practice. They also contribute to the abolition of obsolete and the adoption of new legal norms, the interpretation of legal acts and the elimination of gaps in legislation, etc. Among the principles of state regulation of foreign trade activity, there are general (respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, legality, federalism, legal equality and judicial protection of subjective rights, etc.) and special ones. The latter are enshrined in Article 4 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities".

2.1. Ensuring the fulfillment of the obligations of the Russian Federation under international treaties of the Russian Federation and the implementation of the rights of the Russian Federation arising from these treaties;

Foreign trade policy is part of foreign policy - the general course of the state in international affairs. Foreign trade policy is subordinated to the goals and requirements of the foreign policy of the state and cannot contradict them. This implies the need to harmonize specific decisions in the field of foreign trade with the general principles of foreign policy. Foreign policy interests can push arguments into the background economic efficiency particular foreign trade transaction. For example, the accession of the Russian Federation to international sanctions against any state entails the immediate cessation of foreign trade operations with this country, no matter how beneficial they may be.

2.2. Unity of the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities.

The unity of the system of state regulation of foreign trade activity is due to a number of factors, among which, first of all, it is worth mentioning:
- the unity of the purpose of foreign trade regulation: protecting economic sovereignty, ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation, stimulating the development of the national economy in the implementation of foreign trade activities and ensuring conditions for the effective integration of the economy of the Russian Federation into the world economy;
- the unity of the foreign trade policy of the Russian Federation;
- assigning the following areas of activity to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation: establishing legal framework single market; financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue, bases of price policy; federal economic services, including federal banks, etc. ;
- the unity of the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

    Goals, principles of regulation of foreign economic activity.

    Bodies of state regulation of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation.

    Organization of non-state regulation of foreign economic activity.

    Customs-tariff and non-tariff methods of regulation of foreign economic activity.

    Methods for stimulating export production.

1. Goals, principles of regulation of foreign trade.

The legal regulation of foreign economic activity is a set of normative acts within the framework and on the basis of which its practice is carried out. This set is represented by:

international rules and norms signed by the Russian Federation, international treaties of Russia with other countries:

national legislation on foreign economic activity, represented by laws, codes, as well as by-laws.

The creation of a system of legal regulation of foreign economic activity is a long process that bears the imprint of the development of both the national economy and the international obligations of the Russian Federation.

to the laws governing FEA, include the following: "On state regulation of foreign trade activities": "On currency regulation and currency control"; “On the customs tariff”; “On Foreign Investments”; "Customs Code of the Russian Federation".

The main objectives of the national legislation on foreign economic activity:

Using WES as a tool to accelerate the development of the domestic economy and increase its competitiveness in the global and domestic markets (licenses, patents, new technologies, knowledge);

Assistance to exporters in entering the world market and protection of their interests at the m / n level (organizational, financial, informational);

Creation and maintenance of a favorable regime of cooperation with international organizations and states.

Basic principles:

Unity of foreign economic and domestic economic policy;

The unity of state systems. and unkind. regulation and control over its implementation;

Priority of economic methods regul. FEA over administrative;

A clear delineation of the rights and responsibilities of the Federation and its subjects in the management of foreign economic activity;

Ensuring equality of all participants in foreign economic activity.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes general provisions on the division of powers between the Federation and the Subjects of the Federation. In accordance with Article 71 (clauses "k", "l") "foreign policy and international relations of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation; issues of war and peace", "foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation" are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The joint jurisdiction of the Federation and the constituent entities includes: "coordination of international and foreign economic relations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, implementation of international treaties of the Russian Federation" (paragraph "o" of part 1 of article 72).

Federation subjects

The competence of the subjects of the Russian Federation is determined in accordance with Articles 71, 72 and 73 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws, agreements on the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, agreements on the delimitation of powers in the field of foreign economic relations, which are concluded by the Government of the Russian Federation with the government of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The state authorities of the region conclude agreements in the areas of trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation, in the field of culture, sports and education, healthcare, tourism, resort business and other areas that are within the competence of the region.

It should be noted that usually agreements between subjects of the Federation and foreign partners are of a "framework" nature. Such agreements define the directions and principles of cooperation. No specific obligations arise from such agreements. Moreover, these agreements provide that for their implementation contracts will be concluded between legal entities and/or citizens of both parties.

As for the agreements that are concluded by the subject of the Federation as a subject of public authority in order to establish the principles of cooperation with a foreign partner on certain issues, private international law is not applicable to such agreements. The procedure for concluding, amending, executing and terminating these agreements of the subjects of the Russian Federation with foreign partners should be regulated by federal legislation and the legislation of the subjects of the Federation adopted in accordance with it on agreements between the subjects of the Russian Federation and subjects of foreign federal states, administrative-territorial formations of foreign states.

If an agreement with a foreign partner is concluded by a subject of the Federation regarding property relations and a specific obligation arises from such an agreement (for example, to transfer any property), then the subject of the Federation should bear responsibility for this obligation, based on the provisions of Chapter 5 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation shall not be liable for such obligations of its subject, except in cases where the Russian Federation has assumed a guarantee (guarantee) for its obligations.

If the subject of the Russian Federation, concluding an agreement with a foreign partner, violates the norms of international law, the international legal obligations of the Russian Federation, then the international legal responsibility for such actions of the subject of the Russian Federation will be borne by the Russian Federation as a subject of international law.

General information about foreign economic activity

Definition 1

Foreign economic activity is the economic activity of the state and subjects entrepreneurial activity associated with foreign trade in goods and services.

Foreign economic activity is a set of production, economic, organizational, commercial, economic functions.

Activities related to foreign economic activity are controlled by the state. It should be noted that in addition to domestic trade policy, work is being carried out with all subjects of international economic relations.

Goals and objectives of foreign economic activity

Foreign economic relations are based on the interaction of economic entities of Russia with other entities of other states.

Objectives of foreign economic activity:

  • acquaintance with foreign manufacturers;
  • application of various techniques for market research;
  • assessment of the possibilities of foreign enterprises;
  • monitoring pricing policy for similar and identical products;
  • providing the state with the necessary resources for the production of a competing product.

Tasks of foreign economic activity:

  • formulate strategies for the development of foreign trade relations;
  • study the basic principles of the country's foreign trade policy;
  • protect the economic security of the state;
  • protect the economic interests of the state;
  • regulate foreign economic activity at the state level;
  • ensure control of export-import operations;
  • exercise control over the certification of products imported into Russia;
  • apply single system product quality checks;
  • determine uniform rates of customs fees;
  • use a single statistical reporting for all subjects of foreign economic activity;
  • provide loans to people who need it;
  • attract investors for investment;
  • sign international contracts with other foreign entities;
  • create new trade representations of Russia outside its borders.

The main goals and objectives of state regulation of foreign economic activity

Remark 1

Today, Russia uses in practice international experience in regulating foreign economic activity. The main task facing the state bodies is the formation legislative framework and creating an enabling environment for international business. At the same time, the state should strengthen control over the performance of functions that are provided for all subjects of foreign economic activity, which is necessary to ensure national security.

Russia is undergoing a process of liberalization of foreign economic activity. That is why it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of foreign economic activity:

  • equality of all participants in foreign economic activity;
  • protection of the rights and interests on the part of the state of all participants in foreign economic activity;
  • the intervention of state bodies in the foreign trade policy of an economic entity is excluded.

The basic concept of the state is uniform requirements for foreign economic and foreign policy. It is on the basis of this concept that cooperation between other countries is based. This concept corresponds to the new concept of "conjuncture".

Definition 2

Conjuncture - the economic situation that occurs in the market and characterizes the level of supply and demand.

The new concept provides for targeted integration into the world economy.

The main goal facing the state is to provide favorable conditions for the implementation of foreign trade activities, the protection of Russia's political and economic interests.

The regulation of foreign economic activity by the public sector is not only support and stimulation of domestic producers, but also control over the implementation national interests to ensure internal security. It is also necessary to strengthen control over compliance by exporters with the rules of international trade related to price formation.


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