Terms of operation of communication facilities. Maintenance of communication facilities and systems. Safety requirements when working at a radio station

25. Report the types and dates of the Maintenance means of communication.

Types and timing of maintenance:

TO - a set of works carried out in order to maintain communication technology in good working order / operable condition during storage, transportation and use as intended.

Ø Control inspection (CO)

Ø Daily maintenance (ETO)

Ø Seasonal maintenance (service station)

Ø Regulated maintenance (RTO)

Control inspection. It is carried out before the march, classes, exercises, before overcoming a water barrier.

Ø The readiness of the components of the equipment for the intended use is checked and includes:

Ø Checking the availability and composition of the main set of products;

Ø Reliability of fastening of units, blocks, property;

Ø Work foreseen by KO of means of mobility;

Ø Checking the health and readiness of electrical installations;

Ø Checking the availability of fire extinguishing means and ensuring the safety of the aircraft.

Daily maintenance. It is carried out on equipment operating continuously for more than 1 day, as well as after a march, exercises, etc.

Main works:

Ø Checking the external condition and cleaning the equipment without opening the blocks;

Ø Checking the reliability and serviceability of interlocks, grounding;

Ø Checking the reliability of fastening units, blocks, property;

Ø Checking the state of the power supply unit of electricity, AFD, serviceability of linear and power inputs, input boards, etc .;

Ø Checking the performance and carrying out the necessary adjustments for the built-in devices in the specified operating mode;

Ø Checking the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing and protection equipment L / S;

Ø Cleaning of workplaces, compartments, premises.

ETO is carried out by the crews and recorded in the hardware log.

TO-1. It is carried out once a month on all equipment, regardless of the intensity of its use (in PCBs).

Scope of work:

Ø Works in the scope of ETO;

Ø Detailed inspection and cleaning of all blocks;

Ø Checking / cleaning all regulators / contacts;

Ø Checking the performance of a set of products in all modes using built-in control systems and standard measuring instruments;

Ø Carrying out, if necessary, electrical and mechanical adjustments;

Ø Checking lighting, heating and ventilation systems;

Ø Replenishment of single sets of spare parts and consumables.

Performed by L / S and repair department.

The results are written to the hardware log.

TO-2. Held once a year.

Performed work:

Ø Work within the framework of TO-1;

Ø Measurement of parameters and characteristics of equipment and bringing them to the established standards;

Ø Checking the replacement of radio elements with a limited service life;

Ø Checking the correctness of the documentation.

The results are recorded in a form.

Seasonal maintenance. Seasonal - before winter and after winter.

They are carried out during the preparation of equipment in the autumn - winter and spring - summer periods and, as a rule, are combined with TO - 1 or TO - 2.

The list of works is given in the operational documentation for communications, mobility and power supplies.

Regulated maintenance. It is carried out in order to ensure the operability of equipment with limited operating time during a long period of operation.

26. Report on the procedure for admitting personnel to independent work on communications equipment.

L / S is allowed to work independently on the vehicle and ACS:

1. Passed special training and internship, having practical skills in the use of technology for its intended purpose, its tech. service and maintenance.

2. Past honey... examination (for specialties defined in a separate list) and recognized as fit for work in the relevant specialty for health reasons.

3. Having passed the tests in knowledge of the rules and safety measures, who has the required electrical safety group for this and who have received a certificate for the right to operate specific types of equipment.

Preparation of L / S according to knowledge of the device, operation and repair rules, safety measures when working with equipment is carried out in accordance with existing programs.

Communication equipment is a whole complex of technically sophisticated equipment that provides the possibility of regular exchange of various data between the main users at certain distances. There are a lot of examples and varieties of such equipment - from portable amateur radio stations to complex system satellite communications.

Regardless of the type of equipment, with its regular use, various processes occur:

  • natural development of the resource (wear);

  • failure of individual components or the entire device as a whole;

  • breakdowns resulting from improper operation.

To avoid premature failure of the equipment, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the communication equipment. This is a set of measures that has a cyclical frequency and includes a number of works that guarantee the stable operation of the set of equipment.

The main types of operations for the maintenance of communication equipment

Maintenance of communication equipment provides for a number of operations:

  • control and verification activities. In the course of work, the main technical characteristics of the equipment are checked by carrying out appropriate measurements and comparing the results with reference indicators. Also, at this stage, various defects can be identified that are difficult to detect during normal use of the equipment;

  • adjustment and tuning. If deviations from the specified operating indicators and the absence of breakdowns are detected, the equipment is set up, adjusted or calibrated in accordance with the standard operating indicators;

  • prevention and repair. the main goal preventive work is to identify various defects that can affect the performance of all equipment or a specific unit. If necessary, repair work is carried out to eliminate significant malfunctions.

Maintenance stages

Regular preventive maintenance guarantees the absence of serious equipment breakdowns and significantly increases its performance and service life. Maintenance is carried out based on the frequency and depending on the type of equipment.

All activities are divided into four main groups:

  • daily prevention. A prerequisite for equipment that operates around the clock or with a break of no more than 24 hours. The scope of work includes external inspection, removal of contaminants from the equipment without opening the protective casing, general monitoring of communication equipment (checking the actual performance in a given range of settings);

  • weekly inspection. Actions are carried out on equipment that operates continuously or with interruption for more than 24 hours. The complex of works not only includes all the actions from the previous paragraph, but also a number of additional procedures - inspection and cleaning of contacts, checking the equipment for operability in all modes using special control and measuring equipment;

  • quarterly service. Mandatory procedure for all communication devices, regardless of their mode of operation and duration of continuous operation. In addition to carrying out routine weekly maintenance, a complete check of communication equipment for operability in all ranges is carried out, checking of antennas, contacts and connecting nodes. Additionally, the equipment is cleaned and the failed elements that were found during the check are replaced;

  • seasonal activities. Performing routine maintenance concerns all equipment, including backup systems and equipment that is stored in the warehouse. The set of measures includes not only the work described in the previous paragraph, but also additional procedures - replacing faulty elements, checking backup communication circuits, completing warehouse equipment, control over the maintenance of reporting documentation.

All routine maintenance must be entered in a special log (form) indicating the type of maintenance and the data of persons responsible for carrying out regular maintenance work.

In the event of a malfunction, authorized specialists carry out repair or restoration work.

Equipment for the repair of communication devices is a special tool and test equipment that allows you to perform a full range of specialized works of any complexity.

Correct installation and maintenance of communication equipment is a guarantee of safe and stable operation

To minimize the occurrence of breakdowns in communication equipment, several criteria must be taken into account:

  • communication equipment certification. Before purchasing the equipment, make sure that it meets all the specified requirements and has passed mandatory testing in accordance with regulatory documents;

  • operation in accordance with the regulations;

  • regular maintenance;

  • correct installation of the equipment.

Installation of communication equipment is a technically complex process that is carried out by specialists. Regardless of the scope of work, it is necessary not only to correctly position and connect all units, to ground the communication equipment and to prepare the entire system for a trial run.

To learn more about technical inspection, installation and repairs, communications equipment maintenance, and the latest technological advances in the industry and modern systems communication, enough visit the specialized exhibition "Communication"... A large-scale exposition will be located on the territory of the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

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Topic 1. Means of communication

Communication plays important role in socio-political and economic activity society, in the management of the state, in the satisfaction of cultural, household and other needs of the population. It is also of great importance in military affairs. In the army, communications are the main means of command and control.

The success of modern combat depends on firm, continuous, stable, operational and covert command and control of subunits. For these purposes, a control system is being created in which control bodies, control points and a communication system are functionally connected.

Communication and direct means of communication play an important role in common system management, providing commanders:

supervising the activities of subordinate troops;

coordination of mutual efforts of neighbors and units (subunits) of various types of troops;

transmission of warning signals;

as well as management of all types of combat, technical and logistical support.

To ensure the management of subdivisions, the following are used: wire, mobile, signal and radio communications.

Wired facilities communications in subunits are usually used for positioning on the spot and in defense.

To provide wire communication, a telephone exchange is deployed at the communications center of the battalion command and observation post. It includes two field switches interconnected by cable, which allow receiving and servicing up to 20 lines.

The main way of organizing wired communication is direction wire communication, that is, a method of organizing communication between two commanders (headquarters), in which communication is carried out via a wire line deployed directly between them (see Fig. 103). This method requires a large expenditure of forces and means of wire communication and a large expenditure of time for its organization.

If there is a lack of wired communication facilities with several subdivisions, one line can be provided, i.e. - along the axis. This method of organizing communication in comparison with the direction gives a relatively large savings in efforts, resources and time for establishing communication (see Fig. 104). However, if the center line fails, wire communication with many subordinate commanders is disrupted.

Rice. 104. Axis of wire communication

Wireline communications in a defensive battle will function under conditions of intense enemy fire, movement and maneuvering of tracked combat equipment. Therefore, when organizing wire communication, it is necessary to provide and implement measures to improve its survivability. For this purpose, wire lines should be laid in trenches and communication passages, and in open areas - taking into account the protective properties of the terrain and buried in the ground.

Movable vehicles communications are used to transmit orders and reports in all types of combat, as well as on the march and when positioning on the spot, foot messengers and messengers on vehicles and military equipment are used to deliver mail, aviation can be used. With the help of mobile means, courier-postal communication (hereinafter - FPS) is organized (see Fig. 105, 106, 107).

Rice. 106. FPS circular route

Rice. 107. FPS axis

Signaling means communications are used to transmit visual, sound and light signals for notification, control and interaction.

Visual aids include identification panels, flags, pointers, searchlights for infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), tanks, smoke bombs, hand smoke grenades, smoke shells (mines). In addition, visual signals can be given using objects such as a machine gun, a shovel, a hat, or simply by hand.

Light signaling means include signal cartridges, tracer bullets and projectiles, sets of signal lights, signal lights, small and large clearance light signs, luminous pointers made in the army, painted with luminescent, phosphorescent dyes or white paint.

Sound signaling means are used to transmit the simplest signals over a long distance. The means of sound signaling can be sirens, signal whistles, pipes, blows to the sleeve, car horns and others. In reconnaissance, imitation of the voices of birds and animals is used to transmit sound signals.

Signal means of communication are simple in design and handling, provide, regardless of the situation, the speed of signal transmission at the same time to a significant number of personnel or subunits. The signals given can be immediately executed by commanders and subunits.

At the same time, they have a number of disadvantages: unmasking the signal supply points;

limited range of actions in conditions of limited visibility (with heavy rain, snowfall, fog, forest);

the possibility of perception of signals by the enemy, which violates the secrecy of control and does not exclude the submission of false signals by the enemy.

Radio communication- a kind of electrical connection between two or more points by radiation and reception of electromagnetic waves using radio stations.

Often, in modern combat, a number of tasks for managing subunits arise, which generally cannot be solved otherwise than with the help of radio communications:

interaction with aircraft, helicopters in the air, control of moving objects on the battlefield, boats, fire control of missile forces and artillery, air defense equipment, etc.

Compared to other types of electrical communication, radio communication has a number of advantages and allows:

v short time to establish reliable communication over long distances in any conditions of a combat situation;

organize the exchange of information simultaneously with a large number of correspondents, ensure the circular transmission of messages to an almost unlimited number of consumers in a short time;

to provide communication in motion and in the parking lot, through impassable terrain, water obstacles and territory occupied by the enemy;

organize communication with moving objects ( aircraft, boats, cars, armored vehicles, etc.);

establish contact with a correspondent whose location is unknown;

to multiplex radio channels with equipment of primary and secondary multiplexing to obtain several communication channels on one radio link.

Radio communication is highly economical in comparison, for example, with wire communication, since labor costs for the construction (restoration), maintenance and operation of radio links are much less. It has a higher survivability, as it is less susceptible to fire and sabotage. The high mobility of radio communication means allows in a short time to change the structure of the communication system, depending on the situation.

At the same time, radio communication has disadvantages:

the possibility of the enemy intercepting radio transmissions and determining the location of the radio station by direction finding;

the possibility of creating deliberate interference with the operation of radio facilities; the dependence of the communication range on the conditions of the passage of radio waves, on the terrain and the height of the antennas;

dependence of the quality of radio communication on the level of atmospheric, mutual and other electrical interference at the receiving points;

the need for strict compliance with the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility of radio equipment between themselves and other radio-electronic equipment;

reducing the range of radio stations when working on the move; relatively low quality of radio communication channels in comparison with radio relay and wired;

the need for special measures for radio camouflage.

Radio communication between correspondents can be bilateral, when information comes to them from each other, and unilateral in case of receipt of information only from one correspondent to another directly or through special points of re-reception or re-transmission.

By the nature of the exchange, radio communication is simplex or duplex.

At simplex radio communication correspondents work on transmission and reception alternately. Interruption of the work of the radio operator working on the transmission is impossible.

At duplex radio communication correspondents work to transmit and receive simultaneously and independently of each other.

The basis of the communication system of units and subunits is an ultra-short-wave (VHF) radio communication. Shortwave (KV) radio communication is usually reserved.

There are two main ways of organizing radio communication - by radio direction and by radio network. The choice of the method depends on the situation, the purpose and importance of this communication, the specifics of the conduct of hostilities. Communication by radio means in a battalion (division) is organized, as a rule, via radio networks, and with units performing important tasks, via radio channels.

Radio direction- a method of organizing communication between two control points (commanders, headquarters), in which each of them has a radio station operating on radio data set for this radio direction (see Fig. 108):

Radio network- a method of organizing communication between several (three or more) control points (commanders, headquarters), in which each of them is allocated a radio station operating on radio data established for this radio network (see Fig. 109)

In radio networks and radio directions, the radio station of the senior commander (headquarters) is the main one. Its instructions and orders are obligatory for subordinate radio stations. Without the call and permission of the main radio station (except in special cases), the subordinate radio stations do not transmit.

In radio networks and radio directions of interaction, the main radio station is appointed by the headquarters that organizes the interaction.

To establish and maintain radio communications, each radio station is issued radio data. Radio data is understood as a set of documents with the help of which the establishment of radio communication, radio exchange and radio control is ensured. Radio data includes: frequencies, callsigns, time of changing frequencies and callsigns, type of communication, azimuths to correspondents, keys to radio documents, and, if necessary, radio passwords.

The operating mode of the radio stations is determined by the headquarters, which organizes communications, based on the situation and the instructions of the senior headquarters.

Purpose and general arrangement of radio stations.

Tactical and technical characteristics of radio stations, their equipment and general structure

The radio stations are designed to ensure the transmission and (or) reception of messages (signals) in the military communications system. They provide information exchange in command and control systems.

In order to carry out the transmission of signals by radio, at the point of transmission it is necessary to have a radio transmitting device, and at the receiving point - a radio receiving device.

In radio communication technology, a radio transmitting device is understood as a set technical devices, enclosed between the source of primary electrical signals and the medium of propagation of radio waves, and under the radio receiving device - a set of technical devices enclosed between the medium of propagation of radio waves and the consumer of primary electrical signals.

The radio transmitting device includes a radio transmitter and a feeder antenna system. The transmitter performs three main functions: firstly, it converts the primary electrical signal into one or another type of high-frequency signal (the type of signal depends on the choice of the modulated parameter of high-frequency oscillations and the modulation method), and secondly, it forms a frequency range with a given number of operating frequencies (with a given discreteness), on which a radio signal can be transmitted, and, thirdly, imparts a given power to the radio signal at the expense of a local energy source. The feeder-antenna system is designed to emit and receive high-frequency radio signals.

Requirements for radio stations:

1.Conducting without search and tuningless radio communications;

2. Ensuring high reliability of radio communication - high reliability:

The use of noise-immune signals;

Increasing the power of the transmitter;

The use of efficient antennas;

Low level of spurious emissions and side channels of reception;

Rational built by him a frequency synthesizer;

Ease of management, accessibility, reduction of controls;

3.Work in various physical and geographical conditions;

4. Possibility of installation on moving objects;

5. Small loss of time for tuning radio frequencies and time for tuning to pre-prepared frequencies (PFC);

6. Small dimensions and weight;

7.High operational reliability, i.e. MTBF.

If the radio station meets these requirements, then the radio station provides high combat readiness, mobility and stability of radio communications.

To the main technical specifications radio stations small

power of HF and VHF range are:

Frequency range;

Transmitter power;

Receiver sensitivity and antenna devices;

Types of signals;

Stabilization and accuracy of setting the operating frequency;

The time to tune the radio station and tune to the previously prepared frequencies.

To provide radio communications in a mechanized battalion and its units, portable radio equipment is used, as well as stations installed in armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks and cars.

The radio stations are designed to provide telephone communication with the senior commander (headquarters), with subordinates, attached and interacting units, both on the spot and on the move.

All radio stations of this control link work with one another, since they have common sections of the operating range and provide entry into communication without searching and maintaining it without tuning. The operating range is between 20 and 52 MHz. To ensure prompt entry into communication in some radio stations, it is possible to install at any points in the range of previously prepared frequencies.

The set of radio stations includes: a transceiver, rechargeable batteries (working and spare sets), antenna devices, a microtelephone or throatophone headset, auxiliary and spare property, documentation.

In the stations, which are mounted on cars or on an armored base, instead of batteries, there are power supplies, as well as control panels, intercoms.

Stations can operate in a radio network, in a radio direction, some stations provide a mode of relaying radio signals; and also the regime remote control from a remote telephone set by cable at a distance of up to 500 m.

In practice, the radio stations remain fully operational in the range of ambient temperatures from -50 to +50 0 С, with increased humidity of 95 ± 2% and a temperature of 35 0 С, with vibration up to 80 Hz.

Radio station P-159 provides telephone and telegraph work in radio networks and radio directions. It can be part of the radio nodes of mobile command posts, command and command-staff vehicles that use cars and armored vehicles as a transport base (see Fig. 111).

The radio station R-159 is a wide-range, knapsack, portable, ultra-short-wave, transceiver, simplex, telephone and telegraph with frequency modulation, with narrow-band telegraphy, with a tone call, as well as with the possibility of remote control in the telephone mode - intended for communication in radio networks with the same type of radio stations ...

Setting the frequency of the radio station using switches and automatic tuning of the transmitter to the antenna provide communication within 20-30 seconds. Entry into radio communication is carried out without searching, and communication is carried out without adjustment, at any frequency of the range, with the exception of the affected frequencies.

The radio station remains operational:

in the temperature range from +40 to -50 ° C; at high humidity 95 ± 2% and temperature 35 0 С; with vibration up to 80 Hz.

The radio station is impervious to rain and allows air transport and airborne parachute landing in a special container of the GK-Z0 type.

The radio station is operable in conditions of shaking on the move of a car on different roads, moving at a speed of up to 60 km / h, when carried by a radio operator, and also withstands all types of transportation without damage.

The R-159 radio station is intended for communication in the parking lot and when carried by the radio operator, and the R-159 with the ULF (low frequency amplifier) ​​- for communicating from the cockpit on the move and parking UAZ-4b9, GAZ-66, ZIL-l31 and dr.

The radio station has a frequency range from 30 to 75.999 MHz, allows you to set the frequency through 1 KHZ using the MHZ and KHZ switches.

The radio station provides reception and transmission of frequency modulated signals in the following modes:

Telf - by telephone;

Telf PSh - telephone with the included noise suppressor;

Tlg - by telegraph (with a telegraph key connected to the LINE terminals);

DU - remote control from a telephone set connected to the LINE terminals via a two-wire field cable up to 500 m long.

The following types of antennas are used:

Whip antenna (Kulikov antenna) 1.5 m high (for work on the go);

Whip combined antenna 2.7 m high (for parking or on the move);

A 40 m traveling wave antenna with a three-beam counterweight (aimed at a reporter for on-site work);

Onboard combined antenna (whip) 2.7 m high (for working on vehicles while driving and on the spot).

The radio station provides reliable two-way radio communication with a radio station of the same type in an area of ​​average ruggedness and woodland, at any time of the day or year, at any frequency of the range, free from interference, with a battery voltage of 12V ± 10% at the following distances:

a) when the transceiver is operating on a whip antenna 1.5 m high while the radio operator is moving and in the parking lot from the ground with a three-beam counterweight 1.3 m long:

Telephone - up to 12 km;

TLG from the ground - up to 18 km;

In the frequency range 50 - 75.999 MHz in the modes:

Telephone - up to 10 km,

TLG from the ground - up to 15 km;

b) when the transceiver operates on a 2.7 m whip antenna (1.5 m whip antenna plus 6 0.2 m sections) with a 1.3 m long three-beam counterweight from the ground:

In the frequency range 30-49.999 MHz in modes:

Telephone - up to 18 km; TLg - up to 25 km;

Telephone - up to 12 km; TLg - up to 20 km;

c) when the transceiver is operating on a beam antenna 40 m long, raised to a height of 1 m above the ground and directed at the correspondent:

In the frequency range 30-49.999 MHz in modes:

Telephone - up to 35 km; TLG - up to 50 km;

In the frequency range 50-75.999 MHz in modes:

Telephone - up to 30 km; TLg - up to 40 km;

d) when the radio station operates on a whip antenna with a height of 2.7 m from a remote point through a TA-57 telephone set connected to the radio station with a field cable up to 500 m long:

In the frequency range 30-49.999 MHz in the mode:

Telephone - up to 18 km,

In the frequency range 50-75.999 MHz in the mode:

Telephone - up to 12 km;

e) when operating the R-159 transceiver with ULF to a whip antenna 1.5 m high while driving a car with a shielded electrical system and moving on any road at a speed of up to 60 km / h:

In the frequency range 30-49.999 MHz - up to 10 km;

In the frequency range 50-75.999 MHz - up to 8 km.

Communication at the indicated distances is provided at frequencies free from internal and external interference.

The speed of telegraphic work is at least 10 groups. The error in setting the frequency of the radio station under normal conditions is no more than ± 1 KHz.

Working set weight no more:

radio station R-159 - 14.5 kg; radio station R-159 with ULF - 19 kg.

Delivery set weight no more than:

radio stations R-159 - 50.0 kg; radio station R-159 with ULF - 55 kg. Dimensions of the radio station with protruding parts, no more, mm:

for radio station R-159 - 305x180x410;

for radio station R-159 with ULF - 365x230x430. Stacking box dimensions, no more, mm: for radio station R-159 - 610х510х380;

for radio station R-159 with ULF - 610х510х380. The composition of the radio station R-159.

The delivery set of the R-159 radio station includes: a working set of the radio station, auxiliary equipment, a single set of spare equipment. The delivery set of the R-159 radio station is placed in the stowage box (8) (see Fig. 110).

The working set of the radio station consists of a transceiver (1) with a power supply set and a shock absorber, a microtelephone headset (2), a telegraph key (3), a pin antenna (4), a counterweight (5), shoulder straps (6).

Upon delivery, the headset is a microtelephone, a telegraph key, a whip antenna and a counterweight are placed in the radio operator's bag.

The radio operator's bag contains: flexible antenna, portable lamp, small and large screwdrivers, whip antenna sections, 15xO PVC tape, 2.

In a canvas case, there are: an antenna on a frame with a corner, upper and lower stacks.

A single set of spare parts and accessories consists of a whip antenna; microtelephone headsets; antennas on the frame (13); counterweight; whip antenna sections (14); rechargeable batteries 10NKBN-3.5 (15) or 10NKP-8 (16), package (17) with bushings, caps, incandescent lamp; a set of spare parts for batteries 10NKBN-3.5 or 10NKP-8.

Rice. 110. Delivery set P-159

Ancillary property consists of a radio operator's bag, an onboard antenna bracket (11), a canvas cover (12), a frame with ties (10). The scope of delivery is listed in the form for the radio station.

General device P-159

The radio station consists of a transceiver with a battery compartment and batteries, shoulder straps, whip antenna, headset, counterweight and telegraph key, spare and auxiliary equipment and documentation.

Transceiver designed for transmitting and receiving frequency modulated VHF signals. It consists of a transmitter, receiver, synthesizer, voltage converter, automatic antenna matching device and transceiver switching.

The receiver and the transmitter are made separately according to the constructive solution. Common nodes and blocks operating both for reception and transmission are: automatic antenna matching device, synthesizer, voltage converter and transceiver switching. General form the radio station is shown in (see fig. 111)

The R-159 radio station with ULF differs from the R-159 radio station by the presence of a low frequency amplifier and a power supply system. Power must be supplied from the vehicle batteries through a filter-limiter.

Battery compartment housing designed for installing rechargeable batteries and connecting them to the transceiver body.

Antenna is designed to emit and receive high-frequency radio signals.

Rice. 111. General view of the radio station R-159

1 - transceiver; 2 - telegraph key; 3 - whip antenna; 4 microammeter; 5 - CALL and REFERENCE button; 6 - knob of the frequency switch of tens of MHz; 7 - knob of frequency switch of units of MHz; 8 - knob of frequency switch of hundreds of KHZ; 9 - knob of the frequency switch of tens of kHz; 10 - knob of the frequency switch of kHz units; 11 - SET button; 12micro toggle switch ON; 13 - mode switch; 14 - terminal LINE; 15 terminal 1; 16 - battery compartment; 17 - microtelephone headset; 18 panel with transceiver commutation; 19 - shock absorber.

Microphone headset is designed to convert acoustic sound vibrations into electrical sound vibrations and vice versa and transfer the transceiver from reception to transmission and vice versa.

Counterweight designed to create more stable communication when the radio station operates from the ground at extreme distances.

By using telegraph key transmission of telegraph signals is provided.

The design of the radio station P-159

The design feature is the vertical installation of electrical circuit elements, which allows to obtain a large filling factor of printed circuit boards, the smallest dimensions and solidity of the radio station design.

The radio station as a whole is a mechanical and electrical connection of technologically independent blocks and assemblies, interconnected by connectors and connecting wires, which makes it possible, after mechanical and electrical connection of assemblies and blocks, to carry out a minimum of adjustment operations.

The case of the portable radio station consists of two parts, the upper one for the transceiver and the lower one for the batteries. A quick-detachable shock absorber is attached to the upper part of the body to protect the radio operator's back while carrying the radio station. The upper and lower parts of the case are connected with special screws.

Pre-adjusted and tested assemblies and units are mechanically and electrically connected to the front panel using interconnect connectors and screws.

The panel with transceiver commutation, structurally and schematically, is a link between the nodes and units of the radio station. The transceiver commutation circuit is located inside the panel. The panel is made by injection molding from aluminum alloy... It contains:

Microammeter for indication of the transmitted power in the antenna of the voltage of the primary source;

Switch of the modes Tlf, Tlf PSh, Tlg and DU;

VOL. Button, and CALL for checking the battery voltage

batteries and switching on a call signal with a frequency of 1 kHz; - knob for switching the frequency of tens of MHz;

Knob of frequency switch of units of MHz;

Hundred kHz frequency switch knob;

The knob of the switch of the frequency of tens of kHz;

KHz frequency switch knob;

LINE terminals, sockets for connecting a lamp of a portable or telegraph key, or a two-wire cable;

SET button to turn on the automatic antenna matching device;

Antenna socket for antenna connection;

Micro toggle switch ON to turn on the radio.

The radio station can be controlled directly from the transceiver or remotely from a remote telephone set via the P-274M cable.

Radio station P-I07- designed to provide telephone communication in tactical link control, wide-range, knapsack, portable, ultra-short-wave, telephone with frequency modulation, transceiver, simplex, with the possibility of remote control and amplitude telegraphy, intended for search-free and tuningless radio communication (see Fig. 113).

The radio station provides the ability to set the frequency of the range using a digital electronic counting frequency meter and automatic tuning of the ACS. (ACS - antenna matching device).

The radio station provides entry into radio communication without search and communication without adjustment at any frequency of the range when the ambient temperature difference between the corresponding radio stations is not more than 10 0 С, more than 10 0 С, it is necessary to set or control the frequency using an electronic counting frequency meter before entering communication.

The radio station remains operational in any climatic conditions at temperatures from -40 to +50 0 С; at high air humidity up to 98% and a temperature not higher than 35 0 С.

The radio is impervious to rain and can withstand immersion in water to a depth of 0.5 m for 1 hour.

The radio station is operable in conditions of shaking on the move of a car on different roads, moving at a speed of up to 50 km / h, when carried by a radio operator, and also withstands all types of transportation without damage.

The frequency range is from 20 to 52 MHz, divided into two sub-bands: the first is 20-36 MHz, the second is 36-52 MHz.

In total, there are 1281 operating frequencies with their distribution over a range of 25 kHz. Installation of four ZPCH is possible.

Electrical characteristics:

The transmitter power in the antenna is at least 1 W;

Receiver sensitivity - no worse than 1.5 MKV.

In the range of 20-52 MHz, the radio station allows you to set the frequency using a frequency setting mechanism (MUCH) through 1 MHz on a scale, and within a megahertz - using an electronic calculating device on a display after 1 kHz.

The radio station has the following types of work:

Radio, reception, transmission of MM (low power), transmission of MB (high power);

Remote control D. UPR., Reception, transmission;

Service communication via wire trunk line. ST. (service communication);

Amplitude telegraphy of AT reception (amplitude telegraphy) etc. (reception);

Amplitude telegraphy transmission AT PRD (transmission), MM, AT PRD MB.

The radio provides the following modes:

Receiving mode of frequency-modulated telephony signals;

Low or high power frequency modulated telephony signal transmission mode;

Amplitude telegraphy signal reception mode;

Mode of transmission of signals of amplitude telegraphy.


Whip antenna with a height of 1.5 m (for operation on the move), provides a communication range of up to 6 km;

The whip combination antenna with a height of 2.7 m (for work in a parking lot or on the move) provides a communication range for a distance of 8-10 km. The antenna has a three-beam counterweight;

Antenna "traveling wave" 40 m long with a three-beam counterweight at a suspension height of 1 m above the ground, provides communication at a distance of up to 15 km;

A "traveling wave" antenna with a length of 40 m, but with a suspension height at the radio station of 5-6 m and a gradual decrease in the direction of the correspondent, provides communication at a distance of up to 25 km (x-shaped antenna);

An onboard combined antenna (whip) with a height of 2.7 m, provides communication at a distance of up to 6-8 km.

The radio station provides reliable two-way radio communication with a radio station of the same type with a battery voltage of 6.67.8 V in an area of ​​average ruggedness and woodland, at any time of the day or year, at any frequency of the range, free from interference, at distances of at least:

a) when working on a whip antenna 1.5 m high while the radio operator is moving or when working from the ground on a whip antenna 1.5 m high with a three-beam counterweight 1.3 m long, in the modes:

AT Low power - 15 km;

AT Large capacity - 20 km;

b) when working from the ground to a combined antenna with a height of 2.7 m

with the use of a three-beam counterweight with a length of 2.15 m, in the following modes:

AT Low power - 20 km;

AT Large capacity - 35 km;

c) when working on a beam antenna 40 m long, raised to a height of 1 m above the ground and directed at the correspondent, in the modes:

Radio power is low - 15 km;

Radio power is high - 25 km;

At. Low power - 30 km;

At. Power is great - 40 km;

d) when working on a beam antenna 40 m long, raised at the radio station to a height of 5-6 m above the ground and directed with a gradually decreasing end to the correspondent, in the modes:

Radio power is high -35 km;

Radio power is low - 30 km;

Radio power is high - 50 km;

e) when working from a remote point through a telephone set of the TA-57 type, connected to the radio station with a two-wire field cable up to 500 m long, to a combined antenna 2.7 m high using a 2.15 m three-beam counterweight, in the following modes:

Radio power is low - 12 km;

Radio power is high - 18 km;

f) when working from a remote point through a telephone set of the TA-57m type, connected to the radio station with a two-wire field cable up to 500 m long, to a beam antenna raised at the radio station to a height of 5-6 m above the ground and directed with a gradually decreasing end to the correspondent, in modes:

Radio power is low - 25 km;

Radio power is high - 35 km;

g) when working on the move, a car with a shielded electrical system and moving at a speed of up to 50 km / h on any road, using an antenna 1.5 m high, in the following modes:

Radio power is low - 8 km;

Radio power is high - 12 km;

h) when operating on a combined antenna with a height of 2.7 m with a three-beam counterweight 2.15 m long, raised 2 m from the ground through a high-frequency cable RK-75-4-16 10 m long, in the mode:

Radio power is great - 10 km.

The speed of telegraph work at the radio station is 10-12 groups per minute. The radio provides communication at reduced distances when the battery voltage drops to 6 V.

Radio station deployment time:

When working on a whip antenna - no more than 3 minutes;

When working on a beam antenna - no more than 10 minutes.

The site required for the deployment of the radio station is:

When working on a whip antenna - 2 m 2;

When working on a beam antenna - about 600 m 2 (taking into account the area,

necessary to select the direction of the antenna).

The mass of the transceiver with batteries, headset, antenna 1.5 m, portable belt and telegraph key - no more than 18.5 kg. The mass of the radio set is no more than 56 kg.

Radio station size:

a) without protruding parts, no more, mm: length - 340; height - 395; width - 210

b) with protruding parts and installed telegraph key, no more, mm: length - 345, height - 440, width - 270. Stowage box dimensions, no more, mm: length - 610, height - 510, width - 380 The composition of the radio station R-I07.(see fig. 112)

The R-107 radio set is placed in the packing box (3). The delivery set of the radio station includes: a working set of the radio station; auxiliary property; single set of spare equipment.

The working set of the radio station consists of a transceiver (1), three rechargeable batteries of the 2NKP-24 (2NKP-24M) type (13), a whip antenna (14), shoulder straps (7), a carrying strap (8), counterweights (11), (17), a handset (18) and a radio operator's bag (16).

The radio operator's bag stores and carries:

whip antenna (14), telegraph key (2), counterweights (11), (17), six sections of the whip antenna (9), portable lamp, insulating tape, small and large screwdrivers, microtelephone headset (12).

Rice. 112. Set R-107

3 - stowage box; 1- transceiver; 13 - rechargeable batteries; 14-pin antenna; 7 - shoulder straps; 8 - carrying strap; 11, 17 - counterweights; 18 - microtelephone tube; 16 - radio operator's bag; 2 - telegraph key; 9 - six sections of the whip antenna; 12 - microtelephone headset; 15 pallets for mounting a radio station; 16 - feeder RK-75-4-16 with lugs 10 m long (10); 4 - onboard antenna bracket; 5 - canvas cover with a stretch, with a corner, an upper stand, a lower stand and an antenna on the frame (6)

Ancillary property is located in a stowage box and contains:

Pallet (15) for fastening the radio station, technical description and operating instructions, form for the radio station, technical description and operating instructions for alkaline batteries, forms for rechargeable batteries, feeder RK-75-4-16 with 10 m long tips (10), an on-board antenna bracket (4), two sets of spare parts for batteries, a canvas cover (5) with an extension, with a corner, an upper stand, a lower stand and an antenna on the frame (6).

A single set of spare equipment is placed in a stowage box and contains six rechargeable batteries of the 2NKP-24 (2NKP24M) type, a whip antenna, an antenna on the frame, fourteen sections of a whip antenna, a cap, contacts, rings, gaskets, nuts, bulbs, jumpers, keys, etc. block with bulbs.

General device R-107

The transceiver (receiver and transmitter) is made separately according to the design and circuit solutions (see Fig. 113). Common blocks that perform joint work, both for reception and transmission, are: a matching antenna device, a local oscillator, and in the AT PR mode - the transmitter's UPCH.

Rice. 113. General view of the radio station:

1 - transceiver; 2 - telegraph key; 3 - whip antenna; 4 - knob for setting the frequency through 1 MHz; 5 - the handle of the switch of the type of work; 6 - battery voltage test button; 7 - knob for setting the frequency, through 1KHz; 8 - counterweight; 9 - scoreboard; 10 - button for checking and setting the frequency; 11 - adjustment knob in AT; 12 - microtelephone headset; 13 - battery compartment cover; 14 - SETUP button ANTENNAS; 15 - CALL button; 16 - switch POWER BIG; OFF, POWER LOW; 17 - indicator device

The frequency of the transceiver is set by two controls:

The mechanism for setting the frequency on a scale through 1 MHz;

The mechanism of smooth setting of the frequency within megahertz through 1 KHZ with reading on the scoreboard.

The radio station consists of the following blocks:



Combined stabilizer;


Antenna matching device;

Front panel;

Electron-counting frequency meter;


The main structural elements of the radio station are independent blocks. Each unit is a technically complete product, including its adjustment, technical control, tests.

The radio station panel is structurally and schematically the link between the radio station blocks.

The following controls are displayed on the front panel:

Two chips - connection of a microtelephone headset and a Ш7, Ш8 handset;

Indicator device;

AT SETTING knob-R27;

Work type switch B;

Button Kn1 7.2 V of the indicator device;

Button for switching on the electronic counting frequency meter and illumination

scales МГЦ, Кп2;

Sockets for connecting a telegraph key Гп1, Гн2;

Frequency view lens MHz;

Electronic counting frequency meter board;

Knob for smooth setting of the frequency of the UST. KHC;

Stopper of the knob for smooth setting of frequency;

Knob for coarse setting of the frequency of the UST. MGC;

Antenna socket;

Body terminal.

The front panel of the radio station provides inter-unit wiring, switching of power circuits and signal transmission, depending on the operating mode.

The front panel includes the following elements:

Low frequency amplifier;

Microphone amplifier;

Tone call generator;

Constant voltage limiter;

Switching elements.

Radio station R-147(157) is designed to provide search-free and tuningless telephone communication in a platoon and company.

Main characteristics of communication facilities - radio stations R-147 (R-157): frequency range from 44 to 52 (53.9) MHz;

type of radio station: portable, VHF, simplex, telephone; the number of fixed frequencies in the range 44.0 - 53.9 MHz 100 (4); transmitter output power in antenna equivalent, mW 150; range of two-way communication, not less, km: in the "standing" position - 1, in the "sitting" position - 0.75, in the "lying" position - 0.5.

Consists of a transceiver, a microtelephone headset, a power source (10TsNK-0.45-12.6V battery (backup - 9 elements A316 QUANT)), an antenna with an extension and a strap for attaching to a headdress, a device for fixing the station on a soldier's chest, bags ( cover) for carrying the station with a belt, spare, auxiliary equipment and documentation.

The station is located as follows: the transceiver is in a bag on the soldier's chest, the headset is on the right ear, the manipulator is on the chest. The antenna is attached with a clothespin to the phone bracket, the edge of a helmet or headgear; local objects (bush, branch, tree, etc.) can also be used.

A single set of spare parts and accessories (for four sets of radio stations) - 8 10TsNK batteries, a charger, a set of antennas (pin and shoulder).

The functional diagram of the radio station consists of:

receiver, transmitter, frequency synthesizer, headset, antenna, battery.

Reconstruction of the receiver after 100 kHz is carried out by changing the frequency of the first local oscillator of the receiver, the role of which is played by the VFD (smooth range generator) of the synthesizer.

Radio station R-148 is a portable radio transceiver station with frequency modulation. It operates in the VHF range and is intended for search-free and tuningless telephone communication in the radio network of a motorized rifle company.

The frequency range is from 37 to 52 MHz, in this range it has 299 operating frequencies, an equal number of frequencies through 25 KHZ. Consists of a transceiver, a microtelephone headset, a manipulator, a power source, a whip antenna with a counterweight and a case, a device for fixing the station on the back of a serviceman, a bag for carrying the station, spare, auxiliary equipment and documentation.

The station is fastened with straps on the back of the soldier, the microtelephone headset is placed on the right side of the head, the manipulator is on the chest.

Communication is carried out to an external whip antenna, which should be tilted to the side opposite to the correspondent. The weight of the radio station is 3 kg, the communication range with the Kulikov antenna is up to 6 km.

Radio station R-12ZM designed for radio communication between moving objects. Mobile control posts are equipped on special vehicles, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, on which various communication means are deployed and mounted. They must have high mobility in deployment and communication, maximum range, multichannel, transportability, high durability. throughput, the possibility of using any means of communication, both in combination with another, and autonomously, the stability of electrical parameters, the minimum possible weight and dimensions, to ensure ease of maintenance and repair (see Fig. 114).

The R-123M radio station provides round-the-clock reliable two-way radio communication in a parking lot and on the move of an object, both with a radio station of the same type and with other radio stations that have band compatibility and frequency modulation.

Rice. 114. General view and controls of the radio station R-123

1 - connector "P-124" ~ for connecting the cable from the intercom

P-124 or chest switch;

2 - "POWER" connector for connecting the cable from the power supply unit; 3 - plug of the hole for access to the "CALIBRATION" trimmer;

4 - toggle switch for turning on the power of the radio station "POWER ON-OFF." 5 - toggle switch for turning on the lamp of illumination of the scale "SCALE ON.-

OFF ";

6 - button "TONE-CALL" "

7 - switch "VOLTAGE CONTROL" of the dial gauge 22;

In the "RECEIVING 1.2 V; 6.3 V: 150 V" positions, the receiver supply voltages are monitored. In the positions "TRANSFER 1.2 V; 150 V; 250 V; 600 V" the transmitter supply voltages are monitored. In the "OPERATION 1 (2)" positions, the antenna circuit current is monitored.

The on-board voltage is monitored in the "BS" position. When the switch is set to the "OFF" position, the dial gauge is disabled;

8 - hole plug for adjusting the deviation value "DEVIATION REG."; 9 - knob of the noise control - "NOISES". When turned clockwise, NOISE is suppressed;


11 - switch for the type of work "SIMPLEX-D. RECEPTION";

12 - hole plug for access to the adjusting screw of the mechanical frequency corrector - "CORRECTOR", which is designed to adjust the position of the movable sight;

13 - scale window. Two rows of numbers are visible in the window: the top row refers to the first sub-range, the bottom row - to the second sub-range.

To set the frequency, there are two scopes: the short one is the center of the scale, the long one is the movable sight.

At the factory, as well as during the repair of a radio station in a radio workshop, the movable sight is combined with the sight of the center of the scale;

14 - plug of the hole for access to the optical adjustment screws


15 - plug, closing the hole to the lamp holder for the illumination of the scale;

16 - indicator of type MH-3 (neon lamp) for tuning the antenna circuit;

17 - key for fixing the frequency setting discs;


19 - handle lock "ANTENNA SETTING";

20 - four bulbs of the light board of fixed frequencies, each bulb corresponds to its fixed frequency;

21 - four toggle switches for switching subbands of fixed frequencies, each toggle switch corresponds to its own fixed frequency. The upper position of the toggle switch corresponds to I sub-range, to the lower position - II sub-range;

22 - pointer device - indicator of antenna circuit tuning and supply voltage control;

23 - connector for high-frequency cable;

24 - terminal "EARTH" for connecting the radio station with the mass of the object;

25 - two bulbs of the light display of the sub-bands; when the radio is turned on for 1 sub-band, the "G" lamp lights up, when the radio is turned on for the P sub-band - the "P" lamp;

26 - volume control knob - "VOLUME".

When you turn the knob clockwise, the volume increases, when you turn it counterclockwise, it decreases to some small level in the extreme position;

27 - switch "FIXED FREQUENCY-SMOOTH RANGE". The choice of a fixed frequency is made by setting the switch to one of the positions "FIXED FREQUENCY 1,2. 3 or 4". When the switch is set to the "FLOATING SUB-BAND 1 (P)" position, the frequency setting mechanism is unlocked;

28 - drum hatch cover. When the hatch cover is open, there is access to four latches 29;

29 - four latches of the frequency setting discs, which, with the help of the key 17, fix the frequencies set by the switch 27. The first fixed frequency corresponds to the latch "1", the second "2", etc.

In addition, on the left side of the transceiver casing there is a plug that closes access to the control point of the output voltage of the narrow-band AFC discriminator, and on the front panel below the drum hatch there is a plate for recording communication frequencies (not shown in Fig. 114)

The R-123M radio station is pre-tuned to any preset four COMMUNICATION frequencies. The setting of any of the fixed frequencies is made by one manipulation of the operator using automation.

On any previously prepared frequency, the radio station provides search-free entry into communication and tuningless communication.

The R-123M radio station is a transceiver, telephone, VHF with frequency modulation, made according to a transceiver scheme, provides the following operating modes:

duty reception;

simplex radiotelephone communication.

The radio station operates on a four-meter whip antenna. Communication can be carried out at a reduced antenna height, as well as to an emergency antenna (wire insulated with a cross-section of at least 0.5 mm 2 and a length of 3 meters), but at shorter communication ranges.

Through an additional block of antenna filters (BAF-M), with an appropriate choice of frequencies, simultaneous operation of two R-123M radio stations on one antenna is provided.

The radio station is designed to work with a laryngo-telephone headset with electromagnetic laryngophones of the LEM-3 type and low-impedance telephones TA-56M.

The radio station provides operation both through the intercom R-124, and without it.

Technical data of the radio station R-123M

The operating frequency range of the radio station from 20 to 51.5 MHz is divided into two sub-bands: - from 20 to 35.75 MHz and from 35.75 to 51.5 MHz.

The radio station has 1 261 operating frequencies, the interval between frequencies is 25 KHZ. Tuning from one frequency to another is carried out smoothly along the optical scale.

The transmitter power at any frequency of the range is not less than 20 W, which corresponds to a voltage of 39 V at an antenna equivalent impedance of 75 Ohm.

The communication range when working on a 4-meter antenna on medium-rugged terrain at a speed of tracked objects up to 40 km / h, and wheeled objects up to 100 km / h - at least 20 km with the noise suppressor turned off and at least 13 km with the noise suppressor turned on.

Approximate communication ranges between two radio stations, depending on the height of their antennas, are given in Table. twenty.

Table 20.

The communication range during the operation of the R-123M radio station with a radio station of another type is determined by the communication range of a less powerful radio station.

The radio station remains operational in the temperature range from -50 to +50 0 s. At the same time, the approximate communication range, depending on the ambient temperature and on the heating time of the radio station, is given in Table. 21.

Table 21.

R-12ZM radio set

Vthe radio set includes the following components:

transceiver with shock-absorbing frame in a case;

power supply unit with a shock-absorbing frame in a case;

antenna pins in a case (working and spare sets);

high-frequency cable;

power cable;

mounting kit for antenna device;

connector for intercom R-124;

spare property box;

operational documentation.

In special cases, additionally supplied:

antenna filter unit (BAF-M) for joint operation of two R-123M radio stations on one antenna with a high-frequency cable;

the equivalent of the EA-123 antenna;

adapter connector to an 11-meter antenna;

chest switch.

The power supply is connected to the transceiver using a shielded cable with connectors.

The antenna is connected to the transceiver by a high-frequency cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms.

The design of the radio station R-123M.

Structurally, the radio station is made in the form of three main parts (see Fig. 115):


power supply unit (PSU);

antenna device.

The power supply is connected to the transceiver using a shielded cable with connectors. The antenna is connected to the transceiver by a high-frequency cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms.

The design of the radio station has the following main features: the transceiver and the power supply unit are dust-and-splash-proof;

to protect against mechanical influences, the transceiver and the power supply have shock-absorbing frames;

the electrical installation of the main units is carried out on printed circuit boards from fiberglass and ceramics;

the transceiver is made on subminiature vacuum tubes and semiconductor diodes;

the power supply is made on semiconductor devices: the transceiver has a microphoto scale and an optical device for increasing the scale image and projecting this image onto a matte screen;

To reduce the effect of high humidity on the parameters of the radio station, the units and parts on which these parameters depend were sealed.

Power supplies and their connection, preparation of the radio station for operation and performance check

Power sources for radio stations are batteries. A battery is a chemical source of current, consisting of positive and negative electrodes and an electrolyte, the action of which is based on the use of reversible electrochemical systems. In batteries, the electrical energy of an external source is first converted into chemical energy (during charging), and then the accumulated chemical energy is converted into electrical energy (during discharge). The main electrical characteristics of a battery are electromotive force (EMF), voltage, internal resistance and capacity.

According to the composition of the electrolyte, batteries are divided into two groups: alkaline and acidic.

Batteries are used: nickel-cadmium and silver-zinc - for powering portable radio stations; high-capacity nickel-cadmium - for powering the onboard network of command and staff vehicles; lead - mainly as a starter for starting automobile engines and power supply units.

The group of alkaline batteries includes nickel-cadmium (NK), nickel-iron (NZh), nickel-zinc (NC), silver-zinc (SC) and silver-cadmium (SC), and the group of acidic - lead-acid batteries.

P-159 radio power set consists of two 10NKBN-3.5 rechargeable batteries or one 10NKGT-8 battery with a voltage of 12 V and ensures continuous operation of the radio station with a 5: 1 reception to transmission time ratio for 9 hours. The use of 10NKGT-8 batteries is possible only with IP6.112.139 housings (136 mm high), and 10NKBN-3.5 - with IP6.112.130 housings (107 mm high).

In the conventional designation of batteries, numbers and letters indicate:

10 - the number of batteries in the battery;

NK - electrochemical system: nickel-cadmium;

B - flameless, high capacity. In batteries of the NK lamellar type (NKB), the plates consist of a cermet base with an active mass applied to it. Due to the large number of plates, lamellar batteries have an electric capacity of 2 - 2.3 times more than lamellar batteries of the same size.

Г - sealed, do not have any holes, collected in batteries in a plastic case with two common current leads: "+" and "-"; 3.5;

8 - nominal capacity in ampere-hours;

T - terminals at the end of the battery;

The current consumed by the radio station from the rechargeable batteries:

at the reception - no more than 0.36 A;

in gear - no more than 3.5 A.

A radio station with a low frequency amplifier (ULF) is installed in the cab of a UAZ-469, GAZ-66, ZIL-V1, etc. vehicle and is powered by their storage batteries, with a voltage of 12V plus 20, minus 10% through a limiter filter located in the ULF.

The current consumed by the radio station with ULF from the car batteries:

at the reception - no more than 1.2 A;

pas transfer - no more than 4.5 A.

The radio stations provide operation for transmission in normal conditions around the clock, and at a temperature of 50 0 С - 1 hour.

Rules and procedure for installing rechargeable batteries of the R-159 radio station

Before installing rechargeable batteries in the battery compartment, the radio must be turned off (the micro toggle switch must be in the opposite direction of the ON inscription).

When replacing rechargeable batteries, unscrew the screws on the battery compartment until it stops, separate the case from the transmitter, remove the discharged batteries, check the serviceability and cleanliness of the contacts on the transceiver case and batteries, install the charged batteries into the case (the projections on the battery must go into the grooves of the case) and connect the housing of the compartment to the housing of the transceiver.

Power supply set for radio station R-107 consists of three series-connected rechargeable batteries 2NKP-24 (2NKP-24M, NKP-20U2) and ensures continuous operation of the radio station with the ratio of reception time to transmission time:

In radio mode, the power is low 5: 1 for 24 hours;

In radio mode, the power is large 5: 1 for 15 hours.

Alkaline nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries 2PKP-24M, 2NKP-20U2 and accumulator NKP-20U2 are designed to power communication equipment.

In the symbol of the battery and battery, numbers and letters mean:

2 - before the letters - the number of batteries connected in series;

NK - battery electrochemical system - (nickel-cadmium);

P - plate design (pressed);

24 or 20 - rated capacity in ampere-hours;

M - modernized;

У - climatic version;

In addition, it is possible to connect an external power supply with a voltage of 7.6-8.8 V to the BODY-POWER SUPPLY terminals.

Rules and procedure for installing rechargeable batteries of the R-107 radio station

Before installing rechargeable batteries in the battery compartment of the radio set the POWER toggle switch to the OFF position.

Open the battery compartment cover, check the serviceability and cleanliness of the battery connection block, prepare the batteries for operation, install them in the battery compartment, close the compartment cover and tighten the screws.

Power supply for the R-123 radio station, depending on the equipment with the power supply, it is carried out from the DC onboard network with a voltage of 26 V or 13 V. The radio station remains operational when the voltage of the on-board network changes from 22 to 30 V or from 11 to 15 V, as well as after exposure to +26 V voltage pulses with an amplitude up to 70 V for 3 ms.

The radio station allows continuous operation with the ratio of the reception time to the transmission time 3: 1. Continuous operation for transmission should not exceed 10 minutes, the time of operation in the standby reception mode is not limited.

The current consumption of the radio station from the onboard network with a voltage of 20 (13) V:

Not more than 9.6 (20.3) A during transmission;

Not more than 3 (10) A when operating in standby mode.

The polarity must be observed when connecting. The poles are marked on the battery terminals and radio terminals.

The power supply of the transceiver from the on-board network with a voltage of 26 V is carried out using three converters of the power supply unit BP-26. The power supply converters are made on transistors according to push-pull schemes of blocking generators. The rectifier circuits of the converters are made on semiconductor diodes and contain smoothing filters.

The transceiver is powered from the 13 V on-board network using three converters and a power amplifier (26 V voltage source) of the BP-13 power supply. Voltage converters BP -13 are made on transistors according to push-pull schemes of blocking generators, and the power amplifier - according to a scheme with independent excitation.

The supply voltages are monitored using the V4-8 switch and the IP4-1 dial gauge-indicator at the nominal values ​​of the supply voltages and when the voltage of the on-board network changes within the painted large sector of the scale when the V4-8 switch is set to the position corresponding to the voltage being tested.

In the "OPERATION 1 (2)" positions, the tuning of the antenna circuit is monitored. The voltages +250 V and +600 V are monitored when the antenna circuit is tuned.

Radio safety precautions

All persons serving radio stations are obliged to observe safety measures. The operation and maintenance of the radio station may be operated by personnel who have solid practical skills in its operation, maintenance, and who know the appropriate safety rules when working with instrumentation.

Rechargeable batteries and batteries should be handled with particular care. Before turning on the radio, the service personnel must check the reliability of fastening the batteries in the compartment. When replacing batteries, observe the rules for connecting them. Failure to do so may damage the radio. It is strictly forbidden to connect power sources while the radio is on! Eliminate equipment malfunctions only with the power supplies turned off. Unnecessarily, you cannot open the cans' caps, tear off the protective shell from the battery and break it, as well as disassemble and short-circuit the battery. It is forbidden to heat the battery over 50 0 С. It is strictly forbidden to connect the batteries in reverse polarity!

When performing maintenance on batteries, it is strictly prohibited to:

smoke and light a fire in the premises of the gas station (battery charging station);

prepare and fill electrolyte without goggles, protective clothing, rubber gloves;

short-circuit the battery poles and leave the tool, metal parts on batteries.

When operating radios, it is important to ensure that cables and hoses do not have exposed wires. Ribbon and whip antennas are very resilient, so care must be taken when deploying and folding them so as not to injure yourself and others.

When operating radio stations in winter, do not allow preliminary (before starting work) cooling of the battery. To increase the operating time of the radio at temperatures below -10 0 С, it is recommended to place the power supply unit under outer clothing, while the transceiver must be connected to the battery via an adapter cable, to protect the external parts and elements of the kit (switches, chips, headsets) and moisture and frost penetration, do not allow sharp bends of the power cable to the power supply unit and the headset, do not place the station directly on snow and ice, do not allow it to freeze in, use improvised means as a bedding. To preserve the radio stations and their operability, after the end of work, remove the battery from the station compartment and store it in accordance with the battery operating instructions. Keep the station clean, protecting it from sudden shocks, impacts and falls. Do not allow water to enter the housing. After working in wet weather, dry the radio in a dry, well-ventilated area. It is necessary to carry out a systematic external inspection, if a malfunction is detected, take the station for repair in a timely manner, periodically check the main technical characteristics.

General rules for preparing radio stations for operation and performance checks

Each radio station has its own characteristics when preparing it for work and checking its performance, but there are certain rules that apply to all radio stations:

1. Remove the radio station from the packing box and inspect from the outside for damage to the case and control handles (toggle switches);

2. Install power supply to the radio station, check first

toggle switch ON, OFF (stands in the OFF position);

3. Install the antenna;

4. Connect a microtelephone headset;

5. Switch on the radio station (the receiver noise must be heard in the head units);

6. Set the required frequency and adjust the current in the antenna;

7. Get in touch with the correspondent.

Radio discipline

Radio discipline is a strict adherence to rules and requirements hidden control troops.

In order to exclude or impede the enemy's ability to conduct reconnaissance and achieve secrecy of communication, the commander must:

when negotiating by means of communication, observe the established rules, use callsigns, coded cards, negotiation tables; prohibit open negotiations on the organization of hostilities.

Open negotiations and transmissions by means of communication are allowed when alerting troops, and during a battle - when controlling fire and transmitting commands without disclosing the concept of hostilities.

Commanders of all grades must take action to suppress communications discipline violations. Before each switching on of the radio station for transmission, it is necessary to make sure by listening to whether the exchange is taking place in the radio network.

Violation of the discipline of radio communication

Persons who violate the discipline of radio communications are brought to administrative responsibility.

Persons who have violated the rules of radio exchange and led to the disclosure of military secrets are prosecuted in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Classification of violations of the discipline of radio communications:

1. Violations of the 1st category:

a) open negotiations, from which it is possible to establish: the location, the actual name, purpose and nature of the tasks to be solved, the number and combat strength, data on the availability of the materiel and combat equipment of the unit;

the deployment of communication centers and control points in daily work and during exercises, on regrouping and raising by alarm or going to emergency areas;

routes and purpose of troop movements, railway loading and unloading stations;

the procedure for coding topographic maps, keys to coding machines and their validity period;

technical data of secret equipment and the principle of its operation;

b) untimely change of radio data when changing control points;

c) Application of the table of the radio operator on duty (TDR) when transmitting classified information;

2. Violations of the 2nd category:

a) open negotiations, from which it is possible to establish: numbers of military units and field posts;

generalized data and the state of communication of control points, the affiliation of the call signs of radio relay communication centers and the positions of persons, as well as the validity periods of callsigns, frequencies and keys, the affiliation of the radio station to the armed forces, branches of the armed forces;

the positions held of generals, officers, their ranks, surnames.

b) transmission of a masking radiogram distinguishing the operational one;

c) transmission of uncoded legend correspondents and officials;

d) negotiations of a private nature, regardless of whether they are conducted according to the table of the radio operator on duty (TRD) or openly;

e) the use of telephone and telegraph call signs of communication centers and work during the period of radio silence;

f) simultaneous operation of new and old callsigns;

g) regular numbering of radiograms outgoing from one communication center.

3. Violations of the 3rd category:

transmission of uncoded frequency ratings, numbers of radio networks and radio directions, series of radio messages and the time of regular sessions; untimely change of radio data;

application of special radiograms, plain text, instead of a service code;

failure to comply with the requirements of the main radio station on the issues of ensuring the established order;

work with a distorted call sign, a characteristic feature of the transmission on the key, systematic pressing on the key, blowing into the microphone before calling, abbreviated transmission of numbers;

operation of the transmitter at a frequency that differs from the specified nominal value in excess of the established stabilization standards;

distortion of the signal shape at the output of the transmitter;

coincidence or ahead of time in comparison with the time indicated in the title;

repeated repetition of code expressions and service characters, transmission of arbitrary characters, systematic pressing of the key, blowing into the microphone before calling;

use prohibited frequencies for communication;

poor transmission quality of the radiotelegraph operator causing delay

in radio exchange and a decrease in the efficiency of radio exchange; failure to comply with the standards for establishing radio communications; transmission of the time of the next radio communication sessions.

Commanders of all grades must take action to suppress communications discipline violations.

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(Name of the archival institution)

Main Directorate of the Ministry Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in the Stavropol Territory

(GU EMERCOM of Russia for the Stavropol Territory)

Federal State Treasury Institution "7th Detachment of the Federal Fire Service in the Stavropol Territory"

(FGKU "7th detachment of the FPS in the Stavropol Territory")

41 fire and rescue unit

CASE No. 6-64-2 VOLUME No. II

Repair and maintenance log of communications equipment


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Frequency and order of maintenance of communication means

148. The scope and frequency of maintenance activities are determined by special instructions for maintenance (operational and repair documentation).

149. Maintenance of communication facilities is carried out according to a planned preventive scheme, which provides for the following frequency of maintenance:

TO No. 1 (daily); EVERYDAY

TO # 2 (weekly) EVERY SATURDAY;


150. Maintenance No. 1 is carried out using communication facilities operating continuously or intermittently for no more than one day.

TO No. 1 is carried out by the personnel upon acceptance and delivery of duty and provides for the following main works:

Visual inspection;

Equipment cleaning without opening;

Checking the reliability of fasteners and all connections;

Checking the operability of equipment and equipment in a given mode.

151. Maintenance No. 2 is carried out using communication facilities operating continuously or intermittently for more than one day. It is allowed to turn off the equipment for the period of maintenance work.

TO No. 2 provides for the implementation of the following main works on communication facilities:

Work in the scope of TO No. 1;

Checking and, if necessary, cleaning the contacts of the connectors without opening the blocks and installing;

Lubrication of rotating elements without opening the blocks;

Checking the performance of the equipment in all modes using built-in devices.

152. TO No. 2 is carried out by personnel, who are assigned the means of communication.

153. Maintenance No. 3 is carried out on all communication facilities located in subdivisions, regardless of the intensity of their operation.

154. TO No. 3 provides for the implementation of the following main works on communication facilities:

Work in the scope of TO No. 2;

Detailed inspection and cleaning of the entire set;

Checking the condition of antenna mast devices and feeder lines;

Checking the operability of communication facilities using built-in devices and the necessary setting and adjustment;

Replacement of faulty items in the equipment;

Measurement of individual parameters and bringing them into line with technical specifications;

Checking the serviceability of auxiliary equipment.

155. TO No. 3 is carried out by employees of the communications service or the communications unit of the garrison

Item number Date of receipt

For repair Name of communication means Number and year of manufacture From whom the product was received

Time worked by a communication facility from a previous failure

Repair order number (whose order) External signs of malfunction

The cause of the malfunction and Taken measures for its elimination Type of repair Spare parts and materials Date, position, title, surname and signature of the person who performed the repair or maintenance Date, position, rank, surname and signature of the person who checked the repair or maintenance Date, position, title, surname and signature of the person, who accepted the communication device from repair

Maintenance is a set of works carried out in order to maintain communication technology and complexes of automation equipment (KSA) in good or efficient condition during storage, transportation, preparation for use and intended use.

1) prevention of premature wear of mechanical elements and departure of electrical parameters
equipment outside the established standards.
2) identification and elimination of malfunctions and the causes of their occurrence.
3) bringing parameters and characteristics and standards.
4) extension of overhaul resources and service life.

Maintenance types:
1) control examination (KO).
2) daily maintenance (ETO).
3) maintenance No. 1 (TO-1).
4) maintenance No. 2 (TO-2).
5) seasonal maintenance (STO).
6) regulated maintenance (RTO).

KO - is carried out before the march, classes, exercises, transportation, on halts, before overcoming a water barrier.

Purpose of KO:
checking the readiness of the components of the equipment for use as intended and includes:
1) checking the presence and condition of the main components of communication and automation equipment, the reliability of fastening nodes, blocks, devices, service and non-cable property.
2) the work provided for by the KO of the means of mobility.
3) checking the serviceability and readiness of electrical installations for use.
4) checking the availability of fire extinguishing means and ensuring the safety of personnel during the operation of communication equipment and KSA.

ETO is carried out on equipment and KSA, operating continuously (or with short interruptions) for more than one day, as well as after a march, training, transportation. Provides for the following works:
1) checking the external condition and cleaning the equipment without opening the blocks and installing.
2) checking the reliability and serviceability of interlocks and grounding, the reliability of connecting pins and connectors.
3) checking the condition of power supplies, AMU and feeder lines, serviceability of service communication lines, remote control and signaling, lead-in boards and lights.
4) checking the operability and carrying out the necessary adjustments of the apparatus and equipment using built-in devices and in the specified operating modes.
5) checking the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment and personnel protection.
6) cleaning of workplaces, rooms, compartments.
Supervised and organized by unit commanders, carried out by crews under the guidance of station chiefs. After the ETO, a note is made in the hardware log.

TO-1 is carried out once a month on all communications equipment and KSA current provision regardless of the intensity of its use on park days or after exercises. Main works:
1) ETO.
2) detailed inspection and cleaning of blocks of all equipment.
3) checking, cleaning, adjusting contacts, switches, connectors, etc.
4) checking the performance of components in all modes using the built-in control system and the measuring instruments included in the kit.
5) carrying out, if necessary, electrical and mechanical adjustments, cleaning and lubricating rubbing parts.
6) checking the condition of lighting, heating and ventilation systems.
7) completing a single set of spare parts and consumables.
Organized and controlled by the commander of the military unit. Conducted by personnel under the leadership of unit commanders. The personnel of the repair units are involved. The results of TO-1 are recorded in the hardware log.

TO-2 is held once a year on all communications equipment and KSA of current support and provides for:
1) TO-1.
2) measuring the parameters and characteristics of the equipment provided for by the operational documentation and bringing them to the established standards
3) checking and replacing electrical radioelements, seals and other materials with a limited service life (storage).
4) checking the correctness of maintaining the forms (passports) and other operational documentation.
It is organized, controlled, carried out in the same way as TO-1.
The results of TO-2 and the values ​​of the measured parameters are recorded in the forms.

Service station is carried out when preparing communication equipment and CSA for operation in the autumn-winter and spring-summer periods and is combined with TO-1 or TO-2. The list of works of the service station is indicated in the operational documentation.

RTO is carried out in order to ensure the operability of communication technology and CSA with limited operating time during a long period of operation.

The head of the stations (control room) is responsible for the serviceability and completeness of the station (control room).
He is obliged:
1) know the structure and rules of operation of the station.
2) keep the station serviceable, complete and in constant readiness for use.
3) know the scope and procedure for the maintenance of the station, ensure the quality and timeliness of its performance by the crew.
4) be able to find and eliminate faults and keep records of failures.
5) timely and correctly fill in the operational documentation.
6) monitor the crew's compliance with the rules and safety measures during the operation of the station.

Before carrying out maintenance of communication equipment and KSA in the amount of TO-1 and TO-2, preparatory measures are carried out, which include:
1) planning the performance of work of the corresponding type of maintenance.
2) the organization of interaction between departments and specialists of various services involved in the work.
3) conducting educational work aimed at increasing the responsibility of personnel for the quality of maintenance.
4) development of measures to ensure the continuity of communication during maintenance of specific samples of communication equipment that are continuously used for their intended purpose.
5) preparation of the material base for performing maintenance work.
6) conducting classes with personnel participating in the work.
7) preparation of specialized workplaces for servicing communications and automation equipment, mobility equipment, etc.
8) checking the readiness of units and equipment for maintenance.
MOT is carried out on park days. Each crew is given a task plan with an indication of the work and the time of their implementation.


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