First confectionery. The development of the confectionery industry in Russia. Development of the Gas Industry of Russia

Roots of the history of the occurrence confectionery Go far into antiquity. Sweets first appeared in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and the Middle East, and then in Italy, quickly spreading throughout the world due to the unsurpassed taste.

In those distant times, confectionery was not so diverse as today, but they were only available to very rich people. Since sweet delicacies were made not everywhere, the navigators and merchants had to go for them to the dangerous and long journeys to the East.

It is Eastern confectionery products that are still famous for their originality, unusual and great variety. Today, all the most different sweets from any corner of the world can be bought even in a small provincial town.

The first who enjoyed the taste of candy were the ancient Greeks and the Egyptians. The first are considered candy Ancient Greecemanufactured from honey and a wide variety of fruits. In Egypt, the main component of these sweets were dates.

According to history, the Egyptians invented candy at all by chance, mixing nuts, honey and dates. Up until the twentieth century, candy, as a rule, was made at home, adding a sweet meal, maple syrup and honey to them, and to make lollipops, ginger glaze and iris root were used in the recipe.

Also one of the most ancient sweets is marmalade. For the first time, it began to be manufactured on the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East during the times of crusades. Ancient Greek recipes This delicacy suggests that during the preparation of marmalade, evaporated, and then condensed juice of fruit. Only in the XVI century, fruit sweets appeared in Europe, thanks to cheap American sugar.

But the most popular confectionery product is today chocolate. Chocolate appeared in Mexico, and the first European, who tried chocolate taste, became Christopher Columbus in the XVI century. When Columbus landed in America, the Indians first presented him with a dark bowl chocolate .

But he could not appreciate the drink on dignity, only Konkistador Cortes from Spain drew due attention to the wonderful taste of cocoa drink. Thanks to this, chocolate has spread over Europe and won it. But not only the unsurpassed taste is of sweet delicacies.

Sweets made from natural fruits and cocoa powder have many vitamins and microelements necessary for health. For example, first chocolate candies Invented the Belgian pharmacist, trying to get a cough medicine. Therefore, natural confectionery and tasty, and useful.

The history of flour confectionery, like supheric, goes into deep antiquity.

The main confectionery product of ancient Russia was honey gingerbread. The first gingerbreads in Russia were called "honeybee" and appeared about the IX century in Kievan Rus, they were a mixture of rye flour with honey and berry juice, and honey in them was almost half of all other ingredients. Later, the "honeybee" began to add forest herbs and roots, and in the XII - XIII centuries, when exotic spices were started to appear in Russia, brought from India and the Middle East, the gingerbread got its name and almost finally took shape to the delicacy that we know . The Russian gingerbread was the constant affiliation of all social layers - from the royal table to the poor peasant hut. He also existed in the landlord, bureauca, merchant. The taste diversity of Russian gingerbreads depended on the dough, and, of course, from the spices and additives, called the old spirits, among which were the most popular black pepper, Italian dill, orange crust (bitter orange), lemon, mint, vanilla, ginger , Anis, Tsmin, Muscat, Carnation.

In Russia, there were three types of gingerbread, which received their name but the technology of their production. It is a stucco gingerbread (they were sculpting from the dough, as well as toys from clay), printed gingerbread (they were made using a ginfledboard, or "spinning", in the form of embossed printing on the test) and the silhouette (cut-down or cut) gingerbread (for them The manufacture was used or a cardboard pattern, or a stamp of a tin strip, with which the silhouette of the future gingerbread was cut out of the rolled dough).

In XVII - XIX centuries The gingerbread business was common folk fishing. In each area, baked their gingerbreads but traditional recipes, and the secrets of manufacture were transmitted from generation to generation.

Masters who were engaged in gingerbread production were called spanking. Gingerbreads did for poor and rich, for gifts and name. They were brought to their relatives and sweethearts, baked for a complex wedding rite, festive meals, distribution by the poor, dihid. They were even attributed medical propertiesAnd then ginkers intended for the patients were preparing and decorated with special care, and letters came out on the backside, which corresponded to the initials of the guardian angel. And a small gingerbread gingerbread was used to play. He won in the competition not only a class, whose gingerbread flew further than others, but he, whose he remained unharmed, falling on Earth.

A wide variety of rituals of Russian life corresponds to a variety of ginfed products. On the occasion of large celebrations, special ginkers were joined, which were called "tray" or "rational". They not only hit their sizes (from 50 cm to 1 m or more) and weighing (from 5 to 15 pounds, and in some cases up to 1 pound), but also highlighted by the special sophistication and complexity of the figure, as well as the high style of donating inscriptions As, for example, "Og of all of my conscience to give your grace" or "Rejoice in the Russian eagle two-headed, you bless you are glorious all over the world." Double-headed eagle, tent termes, figures of lions, unicorns, sturgeon, birds Sirin are the most popular plots of "tray" gingerbread. Considering the weight and size of "customized" gingerbread, they were delivered on horseback with extreme caution, as they bring such a gingerbread, without breaking it on the road, it was not a task from the lungs.

No less interesting is the history of the origin of crackers. Cracker as the new kind Cookies appeared in North America Around the middle of the XVIII century (1792). Baker John Persons (Massachusetts) from flour and water created crispy loaves. They got the name "Galets" or "Marine Cookies". But a real cracker was born in 1801, when another baker Joseph Bent revealed a batch of cookies in the oven. Sounds that have published burnt cookies, and gave him a name. The name "Cracker" was formed from the English sound-resistant verb "to crack" - "crack up",

"Treate". For the army and travelers, dry cookies turned out to be indispensable: they were comfortable when

transportation and storage, had reduced humidity than flour. Crackers were especially loved by the sailors, using them with fish pussy. In the first carcakers, the holes were done by hand, using knives, forks and special "hole punchings" from cast iron for this. In the United States, there was even such an opinion that in the "correct" cracker holes should be exactly 13, which corresponded to the number of first to the state of the state. But this fact could not be proved, the gas is more correct to say that the number of holes and their location on the cracker depend only on the size of the cookies.

An incredibly popular confectionery product with various fillers is called Cupcake. The history of the occurrence of Keks leaves during the existence Ancient RomeDuring the development period of which it was customary to mix pomegranate, nuts, raisins and many other ingredients in a barley mashed potature.

The cupcake got its name in the Middle Ages due to the combination of Starofranzuz "Frui" - fruit and English "Kechel" - Pie. Today is modern english It has an analog word "Cakes", which means "cupcakes". According to the modern recipe for the preparation of the cupcake, it is usually baked from yeast or biscuit dough. The most common fillings are any nuts, dried fruits, jams, jams, fresh fruits and even vegetables.

Historians claim that special distribution this species Dessert received in the XVI century. Ego Phenomenon Specialists are associated with the advent sugar sandwhich was supplied from American colonies and contributed to long preservation of fruit. Thanks to this, the cupcakes have become a favorite dessert of many European countries, so the traditional ingredients of this dish shortly appeared. Over the centuries, the Keksa recipe changed in accordance with the Muffins, Svoles, Biscuits, etc. In general, it is believed that the best size for the cupcake is a small product of a round shape, designed for one cup of hot tea or fragrant coffee.

Waffle history began so long ago that no one can remember and call the exact date and the place of this grand entry of the delicious confectionery product. The real waffle boom began from the day when the real wafflenitsa appeared on the world, which was invented by the American named Cornellius Greghaut, a resident of New York.

Back in 1869 on August 24, this person presented his creation to the public - the pan for baking waffles. It was two parts that were connected to each other. They needed to warm on the corner and turn over. This date has become the beginning of the waffle era. And now the Americans have a real holiday in their calendar - Wafer Day.

It is assumed that the waffles were baked by residents of ancient Greece, as well as the Germans. Some sources indicate the origin of the waffle in the XIII century. And in the XV - XVI centuries, the waffles could afford only people of noble origin. Ego dearness was considered quite expensive, and his recipe was not disclosed.

As for America, then before the invention, the wafflells waffles were there in the XVII century, when the Dutch moved into this country.

The word "waffle" from the German "Waffel" occurred, which means "cell" or "honeycomb" in translating. Indeed, the waffles, especially cooked in the Waphelnica, are like bee honeycombs in their structure.

The word "waffles" was first written "wafles" with the use of one letter f. Then the popularity of this confectionery has grown, and the time came to appear the waffle recipe in the first culinary book. In 1735, the English word could be read on the pages of culinary publications as it was preserved to this day "Waffles". With those norms, English waffles are written this way.

How to celebrate Wafer Day in America.

Let's go back to the holiday Wafer, which is celebrated every year Americans. On August 24, everyone who considers themselves fans of waffles go to restaurants serving this delicacy. Waffles in restaurants are offered with various syrups and fillings. The most common syrup is the maple.

Those who wish to enjoy the waffles to fully and also treat close to the waffles at home, using electric waffles. Here already fantasy gourmets are unlimited. You can use this confectionery with any filler. Enjoy the Americans waffles throughout the day of the celebration.

Today, the waffles are traditional delicacy of many nations. They are made in a huge amount daily. Especially reveal the waffles in Holland. There they are called "STROOPWAFEL", or Stroupvafli, translated - "Syropic Wafers". Prepare them from two thin layers Tests that are baked with caramel stuffing.

In the XVIII century, "Baba Au Rhum) appeared," Baba Au Rhum), which we owe the famous French chef Bryya-Savaren. He came up with a special Roma syrup, which was impregnated by the "Baba", and called his treat Baba Au Savarin. Dessert acquired great popularity in France, however, the name was accustomed that we still know - "Roma Baba".

The inventor of this dessert is the Polish king Stanislav I Leshkinsky (1677-1766), the great-grandfather of the French kings of Louis XVI and Louis XVII.

In connection with the complex political situation of that time, Stanislav felt a lot of bitterness and sadness. To combat them, he needed to eat something sweet every day. Condimiers of Lorraine daily broke their heads to cook such a new one. But the fantasies still did not have enough and the guck often he was given popular at the time "kugelhupf" - a sweet dish, typical for the area made of wheat flour, oil, sugar, eggs and raisins. Also added to a mixture of yeast to make the dough soft and spongy. Stanislav could not withstand for a long time "kugelhupf". Not that it was tasteless, but, but the opinion of the king, "stupid, devoid of individuality. And besides dry. So dry that clung to the sky. "

The history of the origin of the cakes began about two thousand years ago. The exact date is unknown, because the question remains unresolved, what ingredients are included in the present cake. The recipe for some of the very first cakes was a combination of flour, honey, nuts, eggs, milk and other components. Only after their baking were added fruits. Flour - the ego of the main ingredient, which made baking cakes possible. Greeks first came to mind this idea. Archaeologists have found simple cakes in the Neolithic villages, which were made of crumpled grains. They first moistened, and then cooked. Starting from the 1900s, the recipes of cakes became much more complicated. A large number of types of flour and methods of its processing, methods for kneading the test - all this made cakes as they are today.

For some time, the words "bread" and "cake" in Europe were close, but significantly and easily replaced each other. To the dough approached, it, as well as, was kneaded on yeast. Then, for the same purpose, the eggs began to use as an initial starter. Early cake baking forms were ordinary round-shaped pots without the bottom. The bottom of the wax paper at that time. Later, the pot had the same round shape, but already with the bottom. That was how baking form was baked. The next major improvement in trading recipes was the invention of soda and baking powder.

Although today it is impossible to say with confidence where and who invented the cake, some historians in the field of cooking tend to the conclusion that the first prototype of the cake originated in Italy. Linguists believe that the word "bargain" itself translated from Italian means something vestive and intricate, and associate it with numerous cake decorations from places of different colors, inscriptions and ornaments.

What would not be an opinion on the origin of the first cakes, it is impossible to disagree with the statement that the fashion legislator in the world of dessert is France. It is there, in small coffee houses and a cafe, appearing once, the cake won the whole world. It is French cooks and confectioners for many centuries dictated trends in serving and decorating this sweet masterpiece. It is not surprising that in this country, love and romance appeared the most famous names of desserts, still caressing the rumor to us: meringue, cream, caramel, jelly and biscuit.

Nevertheless, regardless of who still invented the cake, each country had their own traditions and recipes for baking this dish.

Cakes are prepared according to special cases, with each of them differ in form and content. Many curiosities I. interesting facts associated with cakes. Some of them were even fixed and entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

In Russia, the concept of bargaining has not existed for a long time, but there were wedding caravas - the most festive and elegant pies. Such caravas were called "unbelieving pies." "Notin Pie" did only round shape. This is also connected with the fact that our ancestors inserted a certain meaning in this form. The circle symbolized the sun, and therefore well-being, health and fertility. Wedding loaf was richly decorated with various braids, braids and curls. Sometimes figurines were placed in his center, which denoted newlyweds: the bride and groom. The cake was made to serve at the very end of the celebration, he served as a kind of guests.

Currently, the assortment of flour confectionery products is diverse and satisfies the needs of different types, varieties and names. The consumer can choose products of a variety of brands and manufacturers.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, currently in Russia there are more than 800 manufacturers of flour confectionery products, not counting small private enterprises.

JSC "Bolshevik" (Moscow)

JSC Bolshevik is the largest manufacturer of flour confectionery products in Russia. Estimated " Business analytics"The company accounts for 13.5%

cookie production and 8.6% of Wafer production in Russia. The annual production volume is more than 60 thousand tons of products. The main trademarks are "Jubilee" cookies, cookies and Wafers "Prince", Waffle cakes "Foil". The company is controlled by KRAFT FOODS, about 70% of sales of products account for Moscow and the Moscow region, the remaining 30% - to other regions of Russia (Kaluga, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Saint Petersburg, Roshov-on-Don, Samara, Saratov, Tolyatti, Tula, as well as the Ural and Siberian regions). In addition, the Company develops a sales network in the CIS countries. The company's plans include the expansion of the range of products, first of all, chocolate-wafer cakes, waffle and jubilee cookies.

OJSC "Fazer", (Saint Petersburg)

OJSC "Fazer", - the largest bakery enterprise in St. Petersburg, which controls about 20% of the market of bakery products of the region. The largest shareholder "Fazer" - Company Fazer Bakers Ltd. (Finland), which owns 90% of the company's shares. The plant is a monopolist of the northwestern region but baking gingerbread. The main trademark is chocolate gingerbread. The company's immediate plans include an expansion of the range and improving the quality of products. To this end, in 2002, the company acquired stakes of shares of OJSC Vasileostrovsky Bakery, which allows producing products long lasting Storage, and OJSC "Barzovod Murrian, in 2005 the company bought out a controlling stake in Starny OJSC. In 2009, the controlling stake in the company BKK "NEVA" moved to OJSC "Bread House".

OJSC Pekara (St. Petersburg)

Pacar OJSC was formed in 1992 by privatizing the Red Baker's Boil and Confectionery Combine and is one of the largest producers of bakery, flour and sugar confectionery in St. Petersburg. The company employs 60-65 tons of bread and baons, 14 tons of east sweets, 7 tons of chocolate-wafer and 5 tons of biscuit and cream products. In 2009, the confectionery factory belonging to the Norwegian Orkla. N.K. Krupskaya acquired production facilities and rented the premises of the St. Petersburg plant "Baker". Earlier, ORKLA has already acquired the main trademarks of Pecary.

Orkla Bande Russia Russia was established in February 2011 as a result of the merger of JSC "Confectionery Factory named after N.K. Krupskaya "and OJSC" Confectionery Association "Sweet". In December 2011, the reorganization has been completed joint stock companies In the form of joining OJSC "Confectionery Association" Sweet "to OJSC" Confectionary Factory named after N.Krunskaya ", with renaming the latter at OJSC" Orkla Brand Russia ".

LLC "Chupa Chuna Rus" (St. Petersburg)

Spanish company Chupa Chaps works for russian market Since 1991. In 1997, the company acquired a confectionery factory in Sankra Petersburg, which was utanized by the production of Caramel Chupa Cups IOD of the Tornado brand.

CJSC "Russian Biscuit" (Cherepovets, Vologda region)

CJSC "Russian Biscuit" was established in January 1997 as a subsidiary of Cherepovets confectionery factory. Since January 2002, both Russian Biscuit and CCF enterprises moved under general management. The purpose of creating a company was to organize the production of import-substituting products. The company produces rolls, waffle cakes, cupcakes. For the production of biscuits, modern equipment was purchased and installed. Currently, the possibility of expanding the capacity and modernization of other manufacturing equipment is considered. A significant part of the company's products is exercised outside the city of Cherepovets and the Vologda region.

CJSC "Confectionery Factory them. K. Samoilova "(St. Petersburg)

The history of the factory began in 1862 from the opening of a confectionery store in Nevsky Avenue and a workshop with a manual machine to highlight chocolate. Currently, the production facilities of the factory allow to produce up to 14 thousand confectionery products per year, but the production volume is about 6 thousand tons per year, that is, the degree of capacity utilization is 43%. The company has five main manufacturing workshops: candy, biscuit, retail, marshmallow marmalade and waffle. Until 1998, the factory belonged to the company Kraft Foods., however, the production of biscuits, which the enterprise was engaged at that time, was not a profile business for Kraft Foods,therefore, at the end of 1998, the factory entered the Red October group of enterprises. Currently, the share of confectionery factory them. Samoylova in the market of confectionery products of St. Petersburg is 5.5%, currently the confectionery factory named after Samoilova ("Red October") is part of the United Confectioners Holding

KDV Group Combines 8 production plants and 16 divisions of the federal trading network with sales geography from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin. Enterprises are located in the cities: Tomsk, Kemerovo, Yashkino, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory (Minusinsk). The company is among the top five

confectionery manufacturers in the Russian Federation, currently developing successfully.

Enterprises of the company produce waffles, cookies, biscuits, rolls under trademarks "Yashkino", "Kreko", "Divo". A large proportion (about 50%) of the production of "KDV Group" is accounted for by Yashkinskiy. Ego The largest waffle manufacturer in Russia, although the product range is not limited to the waffles, the range has more than 100 items. The waffle accounts for more than 30 items (Zebra, Yuzhanka, Squirrel, Capuccino, "Walnut", "Dairy with Tasteless Milk" and others), also produced rolls, gingerbread products, biscuit products, cakes, Croacans.

Production capacity of enterprise 50 million tons of products per year. The number of employees employed at the enterprise is about 1,500 people. The plant is a leader food Industry Not only in Kuzbass, but also in the entire Siberian region. Products of the company are known not only at the regional consumer marketBut imported across Russia and abroad - to Kazakhstan, Mongolia, America, Germany.

Due to the special taste and high energy value, confectionery is alone among the most popular and sought-after food industry products around the world. The main confectionery includes candy (chocolate, marmalade and caramel), waffles, grazing, cookies and gingerbread, as well as biscuits, cakes and cakes. All these products have appeared many years before the development of the confectionery industry, each of them has its long-standing history. These enterprises produced chocolate, gingerbread, candy, cookies and marmalade. By 50-70, dozens of new confectionery factories were built, which were equipped with caramel vacuum apparatus, cookie stamping machines and chocolate equipment.

Up to 15th century, confectionery in Europe brought Arabs. And already in the 15th century, Europe itself began to intensively produce confectionery food. Italy turned out to be the leading in this. Moreover, not only confectionery products were in demand, and their masters are manufacturing. Since at that time the producers of sweets were to be able to not only be able to prepare them, but and draw, create various forms And sculpt.

But despite the fact that in Europe today the confectionery industry is at a high level, Arab sweets are still legendary and in demand. After all, they were the first to be the use of sugar cooking technology. But the achievement of Arabs is not only in this. They opened yeast dough and began the stove pies.

Also, the Arabs made the first marmalade. It was preparing it in the period of crusades (in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East) by evaporation and thickening of the fruit juice. For this, the shallow metal saucer was placed in the sun.

Also, candy existed in ancient times. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations in Egypt. They were manufactured by mixing dates, nuts and honey. They were also produced in ancient Greece. These were honey candies with fruit.

Until the 20th century, the manufacture of candies for the most part occurred at home. To do this, used meals, honey and maple sugar.

Chocolate is considered the most popular confectionery product. In the form of tiles, he began to be made in the 19th century. When in Holland invented hydraulic Press For its manufacture. And the first chocolate candies appeared in Belgium. The history of the creation of these is very funny: the pharmacist tried to invent a means from cough, and in the end created candy. His wife wrapped them into gold wrappers and began selling. By the way, Belgian candy is still popular all over the world. In Ukraine, they are also sold, but do not have a mass prevalence. Most often, they can be purchased in large trading networks as independently and making ordering products to the specified address.

In Russia, the first chocolate factories began to appear in the 19th century. The most famous factory was the "Babaev" factory. And by the beginning of the 20th century factories have already been read more than 140 pieces. The most famous of them are: "Eine", which was then renamed "Red October", as well as "SIU". They produced cookies, gingerbread, chocolate, marmalade.

Today, the demand for chocolate products and in confectionery products did not fall as a whole. This industry continues to develop and delight us with new enchanting tastes.

Today, the products of the Metropolitan Confectionery Combine "Rot-Front", Chocolate Factory "Red Oktyabr", Babayev Factory Candy, Babeva Wafer Cakes and Elite Chocolate Corkuny Cakes and Elite Chocolate Factory Cakes are enjoyed. Famous Western companies, such as Mars, Nestle, Stollwerck opened their confectionery factories in Russia.

confectionery market marketing segmentation

Among the products of the food industry, confectionery products are among the most popular and in demand all over the world, as they have special taste and high energy value. The main confectionery products include candy (chocolate, caramel and marmalade), cookies, grazing, waffles and gingerbread cookies, as well as cakes, biscuits and cakes. These products have appeared long before the confectionery industry has become developed, so each of them has its own long history. Before moving to the history of confectionery, I would like to note that the profession of the confectioner has always been on a special account. In some European countries, confectionery manufacturers had to have not only knowledge in their preparation, but also to draw the ability to draw, sculpt and create intricate geometric forms. The most active confectionery art began to develop in Italy in the 15th century, and until then in Europe, confectionery products have imported only Arabs. To this day, the Arab countries are famous for their unprecedented diversity of sweets, besides, it was the Arabs for the first time to use cooking sugar to obtain new types of confectionery products. However, the opening of the Okvaska is considered to be the main achievement in the manufacture of confectionery products of antiquity, thanks to which still in ancient Egypt began to bake yeast pie.7-\u003dcom_content&view\u003darticle&id\u003d22&itemid\u003d21

The first candy appeared in time immemorial times: in particular, with archaeological excavations in Egypt, records were discovered on the technology of manufacturing candy, the main component of which was dates. According to historians, the ancient Egyptians, accidentally mixing the dates, nuts and honey, invented the first candy in the world. Honey candies with fruits are considered the most ancient, which were made back in ancient Greece. Up until the 20th century, the manufacture of candies was very common at home, for which the maple sugar, a molasses and honey were used, and the root of the iris and the glaze of ginger were added to the sweet mass. One of the most popular confectionery products is chocolate, which for the first time appeared in Mexico - Christopher Columbus, landed on American Earth at the beginning of the 16th century, the Indians presented a bowl with chocolate. It must be said that Columbus did not appreciate the taste of a drink from cocoa, and only the Spanish Conquistador Cortes drew attention to this product and predicted him a great future in Europe. The tile chocolate appeared only in the middle of the 19th century, when a hydraulic press for its manufacture was patented in Holland. The first chocolate candies began to be made in Belgium: an ordinary pharmacist, trying to get a cough remedy, as a result made chocolate candies, and after his wife came up with gold wrappers for them, candy went straws. 8- http: //www.breadbranch. COM / HISTORY / VIEW / 29.HTML

The history of chocolate has more than three thousand years. The cocoa fruits were also known to the civilization of Olmekov - American Indians who lived over a thousand years before our era. It is noticed that the pagan peoples of worship is all unusual. For centuries, many Indian cultures were replaced, but the attitude towards cocoa in the ancient inhabitants of America has always been a reverent.

The Mayan tribes believed in the god cocoa, and drank chocolate during rituals like a holy drink. Aztecs called the fruits of cocoa of food gods, believed that they were given spiritual insight. Initially, chocolate was used only as a drink. From the language of Mexican Indians, the word "chocolate", or rather "Chococatle", translates as "bitter water" or "water and foam". The drink was rather viscous, bitter, was preparing with spices and fragile herbs. This was also recognized by the first European Christopher Columbus, who delivered cocoa fruits among other wanders to the Spanish monarch. However, the whole century was in oblivion. It is known that modern world Consumer demand largely forms advertising of certain confectionery products, to which manufacturers spend huge money. Naturally, if confectionery products do not meet the quality criteria and the level of their positioning, their actual consumption will decline. To date, Russia ranks fourth in the world for the production of confectionery products, and the manufacture of this product is estimated from us as one of the most promising economic directions.

The roots of the occurrence of confectionery products go far into antiquity. Sweets first appeared in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and the Middle East, and then in Italy, quickly spreading throughout the world due to the unsurpassed taste.

In those distant times, confectionery was not so diverse as today, but they were only available to very rich people. Since sweet delicacies were made not everywhere, the navigators and merchants had to go for them to the dangerous and long journeys to the East.

It is Eastern confectionery products that are still famous for their originality, unusual and great variety. Today, all the most different sweets from any corner of the world can be bought even in a small provincial town.

The first who enjoyed the taste of candy were the ancient Greeks and the Egyptians. The very first are Candy Ancient Greece, manufactured from honey and a wide variety of fruits. In Egypt, the main component of these sweets were dates.

According to history, the Egyptians invented candy at all by chance, mixing nuts, honey and dates. Up until the twentieth century, candy, as a rule, was made at home, adding a sweet meal, maple syrup and honey to them, and to make lollipops, ginger glaze and iris root were used in the recipe.

Also one of the most ancient sweets is marmalade. For the first time, it began to be manufactured on the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East during the times of crusades. The ancient Greek recipes of this delicacy suggest that during the preparation of marmalade, evaporated, and then condensed juice of fruit. Only in the XVI century, fruit sweets appeared in Europe, thanks to cheap American sugar.

But the most popular confectionery product is chocolate today. Chocolate appeared in Mexico, and the first European, who tried chocolate taste, became Christopher Columbus in the XVI century. When Columbus landed in America, the Indians first presented him with a dark chocolate bowl.

But he could not appreciate the drink on dignity, only Konkistador Cortes from Spain drew due attention to the wonderful taste of cocoa drink. Thanks to this, chocolate has spread over Europe and won it. But not only the unsurpassed taste is of sweet delicacies.

Sweets made from natural fruits and cocoa powder have many vitamins and microelements necessary for health. For example, the first chocolate candies invented the Belgian pharmacist, trying to get a medicine from cough. Therefore, natural confectionery and tasty, and useful.


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