Anna Winters interesting facts. Anna Wintures. The devil wears Prada. Huge ambitions and impeccable taste

British journalist Anna Winters began writing about fashion in 1970. In 1983, she came to the American version of Vogue magazine and since 1988 he heads one of the most popular US fashion magazines. Since 2013, it combines this post with the office of the artistic director in the Publishing House Condé Nast, and in July 2014 she also became the chief editor of the Holding. Winters occupies 39th place in the list of the most influential Forbes women. She became the prototype of the main character in the novel and the film "The Devil wears Prada". Winters - supporter of President Obama, she participated in the collection of funds on his election company. She put on the covers of Vogue photos Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.

It is very important to be able to risk. Of course, everyone is well investigated, but as a result, it will still have to rely on instincts and feelings and fearlessly risk. When I hear that the company is managed by the team, my heart is compressed, because the leader should stand with his vision and courage.

I need strong personality.

I do not like employees who will agree with everything that I will offer. I am looking for people who know how to argue and object, have their own point of view that is reflected in the journal. My father believed in person. He invited wonderful writers and columnists to write in the Evening Standard. And I try to do the same in my journal.

I am a very decisive person. I think, in fact, people with whom you work, helps a lot that you are able to make decisions.

We must love what you are doing. Do not just think that this is a class lesson, but really believe in it. I grew up with the absolute faith in the significance of journalism and communications, and I sincerely love the printed word. I very much respect the talented people with whom I work, because they are best in your field and work is not indifferent to them.

I worked in the American version of Harper "s bazaar ... they fired me. I advise everyone to be dismissed, it is a very instructive experience.

Mrs. Obama loves fashion. She is not afraid of her like some inhabitants of Washington. She believes, as we are in Vogue, that being an independent working woman does not mean walking with paper bag On the head. ... We always felt that Washington looks at us from top to bottom, does not understand us or not ready to accept us, and now we have the power that supports us.

I do not perceive myself as a powerful person. After all, what does this mean? You get best places In restaurants or tickets to premieres or something else. But the situation gives excellent opportunities to help others, and this is very nice.

I like when young assistants work in my office; They have a lot of energy, and I spend time with them so that they understand what we are doing. Invested in them, I put in magazine.

Let the last word be behind me, but I listened to all opinions. And it is very important for me. I do not like people who are not confident or afraid to speak. I think it's not interesting to anyone.

There is nothing special in strong women. Often there are stereotypes about women. I never heard men discussed in the same vein. It is rather a sexist stereotype than the attitude to the powerful people.

My job charges me. And I am very excite. I love people who personify the best in their field. And if it makes me a perfectionist, then I am a perfectionist.

Find a job. Do you work by designer clothes or work in a restaurant to do your business in your free time, these are household details. In any case, it is useful for you and for others.

It soothes and encourages employees when they see that the head knows what they do, know what they think about. And if he says yes, yes, and if he says no, it is not. I do not see the boss in myself. I believe that I am aiming subordinates, focusing them.

All day I make decisions. I do not believe in long notes and endless discussions. I believe if employees are all the time you have over your soul and cannot decide anything, it is very preventing work.

Even if I'm not quite sure, I pretend that I know for sure what I'm talking about, and I accept an unambiguous decision.



Anna Winters began to work as the chief editor of Vogue US in the distant 1988, since then the famous personality in the fashion world raised fashionable gloss to a new level, and herself became an icon of style for millions. Despite the many scandals and woven around her person, it is impossible to deny her huge contribution to the fashionable industry. It is difficult to believe that before the "Bible of Fashion" was more aimed at the description of the secular lifestyle and went to the background compared to the main competitor - the fashionable gloss of Elle. In the first years of the work, Anna Wintures was able to make a prestigious gloss from Vogue, which predicts fashion trends. She simply blew up the world of fashion when I published a photo of Michaela Berk on the cover in a sweater from Christian Lacroix and a thorough jeans for $ 50. It was the first appearance of Denim on the cover of Vogue. And even after decades, Anna Wintur continues to surprise the trendy public. In 2014, a room was released, on the cover of which the star of realistic show Kim Kardashian was conquered in a wedding dress, fashionable critics simply indignantly. You can still talk about the achievements of Anna Winters in fashionable business, but still I would like to pay more attention to the style of the chief editor of the American Vogue.

When it comes to fashionable gloss, Anna Winters moves only forward for the last trends, but if you look at her style, you can understand - in the first place of preference, and then the fashion. Anna Winur does not buy all the most trend things with the podium. On the contrary, this is a rare case when the fashion editor can be seen in the same and far from one time. The style of coarse can be attributed to the classic, she loves the fitted silhouettes, neutral colors and elegant ornaments. Your creative character, editor Vogue US expresses in a variety of prints.

There are features of the style that Anna Winters is simply unable to change. This is her graphic haircut-bean and sunglasses from Chanel. Often, in an interview with Wintur, advises to acquire expensive and really good things and do not litter his wardrobe. But still the chief editor has its own weakness. Most of the images of Anna Minuts complements massive necklaces, in its collections more than fifty models.

In terms of choosing trendy brands of coarse - a real conservative. In her wardrobe, outfits from the collections of legendary fashion houses Chanel. Prada, Louis Vuitton.

Anna Winur never hid his love for furs. Often it is condemned for this choice. But still, it makes no sense to deny that fur has become an integral element of the individual style of the editor-in-chief.

The style for Anna Wintur is a continuation of the person. Each of its image is concise, but at the same time thought out in detail. It advises its readers in the development of its own style in its opinion, this has a beneficial effect not only for self-esteem, but also for career growth.

Haircut Bob, Chanel black glasses in the floor face hide a tired look. Updobus. Palm compress the notebook and telephone. This Anna Wintures is a small woman, from the solutions of which the whole industry depends ...

Father Anna, chief Editor The famous English tabloid Evening Standard Charles Wintur, never doubted: his daughter will be able to achieve a lot in life. Once again, in the morning coffee, listening to Anna, who was almost 15 years old, tips on improving the magazine, he was internally smiling. But aloud, he answered with all seriousness that her comments seem to him very reasonable and at the meeting he would definitely discuss them with investors. And did not criminate the soul.

On the way to the office, sitting in the back seat of the car, he only attached to the finished shape of the daughter's ideas, quickly recording what was said in a notebook. And then, as promised, I expressed them from whose opinion and financial injections depended on the fate of his newspaper. Already a few weeks later, the circulation of the tabloid grew up: the publication was able to attract a young audience. It was as such was the goal set before him by the management of the publisher, and it was achieved.

"Yes, Anna will definitely make a career in media. "In this coat, who won a lot in this business, did not doubt. - But will she have a family? Can someone get along with a girl whose opinion is always the only right and not subject to discussion? With a girl whose smile is also rare as a birthday present? With a tough business that she seems to be from birth? It is strange that she was silent to choose the baby with a baby, "he pondered with a smile. "Today she does not allow for themselves no decisions." In 14 Anna, I chopped my wonderful hair, making trendy bob haircut. It also determined she rooted the hem of the skirt, which seemed too long. Her next act will be much more serious: Soon Anna announces his father that leaves school. She wants to act, and not wipe ugly school uniform In the lessons, the benefits of which does not see any. Let her stupid classmates engage in this, Anna has other plans. Since childhood, the Bentworked "gloss", she already knew what he wanted to do.

Anna on the neck

The appearance of young coarse in the editorial office of the British fellow Harper's Bazaar - Harpers & Queen journal did not alert anyone. But, starting from the position of the assistant to the editor of the fashion department, after a few years, Anna grew to the deputy editor-in-chief. The pawn went into the ladies, weak figures easily trapped on the way with a chessboard. The decent resistance of the coarse was able to provide only a new chief editor min Hogg. She decided immediately: Anna Wintures should leave, the two queens on one throne is not a place. Anna just laughed to herself. All this is by the way: she has long been time to approach its main goal, and for this you need to move to New York. There, in a high-rise building on Times Square, there is an office, one of whose covers she hoped to occupy. Conde Nast's powerful publishing house needed such as she did not doubt the coin. Anna was intended to become the chief editor of Vogue. A comfortable bridgehead for rapprochement was the American Harper's Bazaar. Here it was already heard about her, and nevertheless, the coat was hired as a junior fashion editor. And after 9 months ... dismissed because of the "creative disagreements" with the editor-in-chief of Tony Mazzol. Well, not trouble. Allowing a small vacation and a couple of Romans behind the back of the boyfriend, John Bredshow journalist (one of them with Bob Marley, if you believe the tabloids), Anna with his help settled as chief editor in Viva magazine. Is the magazine close due to unprofitability? Not a problem. A new dizzying novel with the French producer Michel Esteban for the next two years she took all her time. I had to fly from New York all the time to Paris and back ...

The New York magazine has become the most intriguing step towards Anna. Here, she unexpectedly found a like-minded person represented by the chief editor of this influential edition of Edward Coster. Ed was not afraid of Anna, he used it. Understanding her talent, he allowed the screws to act, guarding at each stage. Adopted on the position of the fashion editor, Anna could do everything that she would be pleased. To change the content of any of the headings, invade the discussion of each question, at its discretion to redo the cover ... One of these "rework" brought the magazine unheard of luck - then the face of the magazine for the first time became a celebrity, actress Rachel Ward. This solution of insane coat raised the edition of the publication twice. Success spoke Anna Head. After an interview with the post of chief editor of Vogue USA Grace Mirabella, she stated from the threshold that he wanted ... to take her place. The meeting was immediately finished. A few months later, the coarse was invited to the audience to Alex Lieberman, the Editorial Director of Conde Nast. So the era of Anna in Vogue began. And let a little later, she had to survive a two-year link to the British journal office, soon she took the same office that he dreamed of from childhood. No ... I did not dream, planned to occupy. So it will be more accurate.

Personal life of the queen

His fifteen-year-old marriage with the father of two of her children, a famous child psychiatrist David Sheffer, Anna destroyed himself. With the same composure and strength, with whom the bricks lined up by her "gloss". At least, the editors of all newspapers wrote about it so much - from boulevard tabloids to very respected publications, like The New York Times. Such news can not be ignored, even if you risk getting into the war with the most influential woman fashion industry. Dividends too large. "Attitis with a married texan millionaire!" "Winning and Shelby Brian Roman!". They wrote about their Parisian holidays presented to her emeralds, the details described the proposal of the hands and hearts made by Anna David ...

She tried to stop tsunami publications. Ordered to make calls necessary people. Without enduring objections to the tone ordered the assistants to convince, prohibit, not allow ... and, perhaps, first lost on all fronts. When in the early morning on the table in her office in Conde Nast, there was a heart of fresh newspapers, she already knew which headings would read there. And still hardly wept. What will her children say? The son of Charlie is only thirteen, the daughter of Catherine was hardly eleven. But ... Meghegers do not cry. They make decisions and act. On the eve of the coarse-handed hands, the documents on the divorce subscribed and did not regret it now. Her marriage that even yellow Press It was nothing to write, except, in essence, repeating each other, the words "longing" and "boredom", a long time has come to an end. It only elected the existing state of affairs into a documentary fact. "I did it right," she said to himself. And loud said: "Where is my Star / Backs? I'm waiting for it for 10 minutes! " And the tug also received a cup of cappuccino. Life goes on!

Suit from Prada.

Nothing else preferred in the evening of the premiere of the film "The Devil wears Prada" Anna could not. The call of her assistant warned about this office by Mucci Prada on the eve, and in the morning I was already waiting for the corne from a new dress. In the cinema of her and her ex-assistant Lauren Weisberg, the author of the book, which was filmed by a scandalous film promising, albeit, not directly, tell the whole truth about the "nuclear coin", there will be many people and rows of seats. They never look at each other, but each will feel the presence of the rival.

However, Loren is the past. She is no longer. And she, Anna Winur, was, there will be the chief editor of Vogue. True, she will now have to answer the question until the end of the life, is it true that millions of viewers around the world observed on the screen. Well, if you please: "This is a pure truth. I allow myself to my personal assistant to my personal assistants, and I also lock them in the office, I do not release on fresh air, I do not cry a salary. But I will tell you another: there is a family in my life and friends who mean a lot for me. For these people, I am ready for everything. And the work remains work. There are other tasks here, and the relationship is acquired by another shade. "

It was waiting for some other reaction from her. Demarche is addressed to someone - director, studios, actresses who played the main role in the picture, Meryl Streep and Ann Hathaway. Anna responded: Soon the beautiful smile of Hathaway appeared on the cover of Vogue USA.

But the thoughts of the almighty coat were occupied by completely different things. Of course, we were talking about the magazine and a worthy interlocutor for the coarses again, she once again performed. "The truth is that I can only do this magazine" - this idea of \u200b\u200bthe cinemas as if they were read in her head. Now she hardly thought about how to fit this thesis and on.

Connected by one chain

It is difficult to believe that there is another Anna, not the one that all calls "nuclear winter" - soft, touching, able to love. But it is. Houses, in the circle of your family

Stiffness and mind, limit columns, purposefulness and independence, often bordering with arrogance - all this she also inherited from his family: Prabaato-writer Lady Elizabeth Foster, Duchess of Devonshire, grandfather, Professor Harvard University of Thom Biker, Father, Commander Order of the British Empire Charles Winner.

Family Uzami Anna Winur was always valued. Therefore, the divorce with her husband and father of two of her children, the son of Charlie and the daughter of Catherine, David Sheffer, was heavier. But the desire to find personal happiness won. Anna went to Shelby Brian, Milliona from Texas. Next to him she began to smile again.

Her place still attracted competitors, to overthrow the almighty coat was a matter of principle for many of her colleagues. In 2008, the Sunday Times browser was posted to assume that 58-year-old Anna Wintins will soon have to give way to the "most influential figure in the fashion world". His, according to the journalist, should take Rachel Zoe - a brilliant stylist, whose services are hardly half the actress Hollywood on the set and outside it. Earlier in the press, another name was Karin Roitfeld, editor-in-chief of the French version of Vogue ...

Anna has repeatedly met Rachel on shows, but never honored her words. She knew how to appreciate the talent, God sees, but not only when the price of the question is her chair. We answered the questions of curious journalists with a smile and ... silence. Was the film did not give them all the answers? .. And soon all the newspapers and Internet portals are drumming in unison: the Maget agency collaborating with Rachel Zoe, refused to serve star stylist services. From "reliable sources" it became known that the management of the agency ceased cooperation with Zoe, "so as not to angry Anna." Daily Intelligence commented on the resulting so: "It happened not because the coarse asked Rachel. They just worried: suddenly Anna will think bad about them ... "

But not a rival occupied by Anna's thoughts. Online This is what made the coarse do not sleep at night, reflecting, what else to do to keep up with the World Wide Web, which offered the reader necessary information After a minute after her appearance. Fashionable blogs with hundred Let not such high-quality, but but "hot", just with the podium, photographs and caustic comments, were becoming increasingly popular. Street fashion Embedded to the heels of eminent designers. Cinema revealed the last secrets of fashionable clogging. The place in the first row of shows next to Anna, the young people were increasingly occupied, which only led online diaries, not spending a cent. But the budget of the photo shoot in her magazine sometimes reached $ 300 thousand and she did not agree to the smaller coin.

One day at dawn, ending the daily batch in tennis, Anna suddenly understood: to win this war, she should ... go to the other side! 1Im. On the same day, she ordered to attract to work on the official website of Vogue several of the already earned authority among Fashionistas Internet observers. She even honored the audience of one of them. What is the movie? Why not to stand for someone else's territory, since the crankshers allowed themselves to take a walk in her office, a diary, thoughts. What if you offer a real walk on Vogue? ..

Autumn in New York

2007. Spring. New York. The editorial office is ready to proceed with the production of the September issue of Vogue. 840 pages. Like the novel of Leo Tolstoy. "Why not?!" - asked the publisher coat and drove him, from which in the veins of her employees usually instantly cleaned blood. The publisher was not a timid, but he resisted Anna with difficulty. "Good ..." - Finally, he squeezed himself, and the coarse immediately scored the assistant number on his BlackBerry. "Meeting in half an hour, collect everyone!" They will make the largest number in history, and the process of its creation will be captured on a film ... The Premiere of the Documentary Film "September room" took place on August 28, 2009 in the New York Museum of Contemporary Art. In the style of Vogue.

2011. July. Paris. The courtyard in front of the magnificent building of the Elysee Palace flooded by a midday sun. But a small woman in Chanel costume, just released from a black lacquered car, without lingering, hurries to rise inside the front staircase. There, in the festive hall, light from thousands of lights of gilded chandeliers. They are lit on the occasion of the ceremony, the main heroine of which she should become, Anna Wintures. The President of France is waiting in the hall, in his hands, a small box, the Order of the Honorary Legion, whose cavaliers were previously becoming Brodsky, Gaben, Plisetskaya, Scorsese, Roerich ... Anna smiles.

I prefer when people speak the truth. You can always figure out the situation when you know exactly all the details.

  • Born on November 3, 1949 in London in the family of a famous journalist and a public activity;
  • At the age of 16, it was excluded from the school "for unacceptable behavior";
  • First place of work - London Department Store Harrods, position - intern;
  • In 1988 he headed Vogue USA;
  • In 2011, he received the Order of the Honorary Legion.
Anna Wintures is the Iron Lady of the World "Glossy" journalism. Strict Kare, unchanged sunglasses and a subtle ability to bring everything to genuine perfection - that's what the chief editor of Vogue magazine is distinguished from other bright personalities in the Fashion industry. Anna Wintures is a woman who has a continued authority in certain circles. It is cold, calculated and just super-success.

Thanks to her, such stars like Kate Bosworth, Christopher Kane, Jonathan Sanders and many others appeared a look at the world podiums. It is called "nuclear winter", but whether the rigor of character is distinguished by this bright and almost impeccable woman? Disassemble in all the subtleties of the life and career path of one of the most vivid women in world journalism we will try today.

Early years Anna Winters, childhood and family

The future famous journalist was born in a creative family, where practically every member can say something interesting. Her father, Charles Watri, was the editor of the popular English newspaper "The Evening Standard". Her mother - Eleonor of Thom Baker - was a daughter of Professor Harvard University and was engaged in active social activities. According to the maternal line, our today's heroine is in direct relationship with Lady Elizabeth Foster, the famous British writer of the eighteenth century, as well as many other noble individuals.

But we will not be distracted by the topic ...

Despite marriage, which lasted almost 50 (!) Years, in 1979, the parents of Anna died, and her father married the second time. A stepmother of the future journalist became Audrey Slater - a well-known founder of Youth magazines "Petticoat" and "Honey".

Thus, from the earliest years, Anna Winters was closely connected with the world of journalism. At a young age she began to attend the prestigious School of Northern London, where he was remembered for his active position and frequent protests against strict school dress-code rules. During this period, she began to diagnose the head of his school skirt and actively fond of fashion and style issues. Passion to everything that is connected with the world Fashion, manifested itself in the young British and after. At the age of 15, she settled by the seller in the London Biba Store, and also became special packages to order from the USA a fashion magazine "Seventeen", which subsequently kept the real relics. Soon, after deducting from school, she began to study journalism, as well as build professional career. Taking advantage of its sexuality and female charm, a sixteen-year-old girl begins a conscious search for wealthy and influential FRENDS, relationships with whom and laid her way into the world of "glossy" journalism. So, for some time she met with a secular observer and Columnist Nigel Dempster, but soon left him for a more successful party - the owner of the OZ magazine Richard Neville. Such a move was successful, and soon she went to work in a famous publishing house.

Further stage of career journalist Anna Winters

At the 21st age, Anna Wintur becomes an assistant of the fashion department in the glossy edition Harpers & Queen. From this point on, a rapid take-off career of a well-known journalist began. During this period, she presented such bright names as Annabel Khodin, Helmut Newton and many others. Considering a relatively low position in the editorial office of the British magazine, she became a real soul of the team and very soon began to change this publication in his understanding.

In 1973, after three years of work in the publishing house, Anna Wintures became the deputy editor. Two years later, the girl was named one of the two main applicants for the position of head of the journal, but lost the struggle of another career hogg min.

Understanding that in Harpers & Queen, she will no longer be able to stay anymore, Anna Winters takes the offer of the New York edition of Harper "S Bazaar and moves to the United States of America. This place begins a new chapter in her career. After working by the magazine Harper" s bazaar only nine months Anna leaves the editors due to management problems. A few months later, she, thanks to the help of his Frand-Friend Journalist John Bredshow, is arranged by the editor-in-chief in Viva magazine. During this period, the fame of a tough and demanding leader is fixed.

Despite the active participation of the coarse, Viva magazine remains unprofitable and very soon its existence becomes the property of history. After the closing of the tabloid, the journalist takes a temporary break, but already in 1980 the year it returns to his favorite case as a fashion editor in the Savvy magazine.

In this place, Anna Winuri was delayed only for a year. In 1981, a woman enters the New York magazine, in which two years running fashion editor. In 1983, she meets Alexander Lieberman, the head of the Condé Nast Publications, and a few weeks later, "with his filing" receives the believed post of the Creative Director of the American version of Vogue. In this place, she was remembered by a radical desire for change. She considered the magazine too boring, and very soon began to change it for himself.

Anna Winur now, magazine Vogue

In this period, the influence of Anna Winters in the American edition of Vogue began to grow rapidly. However, it was never able to replace Mirabella at the main post. As a result of what happened, Anna returned to London, where he took the post of chief editor of the British version of the magazine.

During his "reign", coarse turned into the English capital in the "cradle of fashion innovation". For its contribution to the development of the fashionable industry, the name of the British Empire officer of the Order of the British Empire received.

As it is believed, it was the famous careerist who became the main prototype of the heroine of Meryl Strip in the sensational blockbuster "The Devil wears Prada."

Personal life Anna Winters

As mentioned above, all his life Anna Winters virtuoso used its female charm, achieving certain goals. Therefore, today we will not mention numerous novels and starry ladies. Instead, we note only the fact that the official marriage in the life of Anna Winur was only one. Her spouse became Children's Psychiatrist David Sheffer. They got married in 1984 and lived in marriage for fifteen years. During this period, two children of Anna Winters appeared on the light - Charles and Catherine Bee Sheeffers.

As reportedly, the divorce has become frequent treason of journalist and its new novel with an unknown Texas millionaire.

Anna Vintur.

Journalist Date of Birthday November 3 (Scorpio) 1949 (70) Place of birth London Instagram @ AnnaWintour.official

Anna Wintour is known as the editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine Vogue. It takes his post since 1988, during this time the magazine circulation was significantly increased. It is one of the most influential figures of modernity in the fashion industry. After graduation, he worked in several fashionable magazines, gradually climbing career stairs. In 1983 It switched to work in Vogue, and over time completely changed its format. Anna is famous for its rigid and continued manual style.

Anna Winuri's biography

Anna began to be interested in fashion yet in school years. At the age of 15 for some time she worked as a seller. Later began to meet with one of his friends R. Neville, who took her to work in the OZ magazine. The girl came proposals to work the model, but Anna did not accept them.

In 21g. Locked on Harpers & Queen magazine to the post of assistant to the fashion department. In 1973 It was raised to deputy editor-in-chief.

In 1975 Anna moved to New York, where for about a year he worked as a junior editor in the magazine Haspers Bazaar, from where he was dismissed due to disagreements with the leadership.

After a few months, she was offered work in the journal VIVE. Anna first received a guide position and became the editor-in-chief. In 1978 The magazine was closed as an unprofitable enterprise, and the coin after that left a career for 2 years. At that time, she was passionate about the novel with M. Esteban.

In 1980, settled by the mode editor to Savvy magazine, and then in New York. She enjoyed great authority from the leadership and had a wide range of powers. In 1983 Anna took place a business meeting with A. Lieberman, who was at that time the editorial director of the publishing house, in whom the VOUGE magazine was located. He noted her career successes and suggested that the coat began to become a creative director in British Vouge.

Anna often entered conflicts with the editor-in-chief of Grace Milall, as the editor-in-chief of Grace Mirabella, since her decisions and orders were sometimes controversial with orders of Grace.

Later, Anna Winurus became the chief editor of VOG magazine, and there were big changes in the journal. Many employees were replaced, the magazine somewhat changed its format and became a sample of the glossy press.

Harper Beckham again fascinated everyone on a fashionable show

Harper Beckham again fascinated everyone on a fashionable show

Anna Wintens dreams of Kate Middleton on the Cover Vogue

Historic Frame - Anna Vinutuch lies with Kim Kardashian and Baby North West. It was after this meeting that it was decided that the American televishes would still hit the cover of Vogue US 10 of the facts about Anna Winters, which you did not know about

Personal life Anna Winters

Anna does not like to illuminate his personal life. For 15 years, she was married to David Schueffer. Her spouse had no relation to the world of fashion and was associated with medicine. During the years of marriage, Anna gave birth to two children, son and daughter.

Their official divorce took place in 1999. The reason for the press called the presence of another man in Winter, but Anna did not confirm this information and heavily moved parting. The journalist was concerned about the influence of the divorce on his children, although by the time they were already teenagers.

After divorce, the coarse did not start a serious relationship.


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