An example of the best story about yourself for the competition. How to creatively present your project Original self-introduction

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Now let's imagine that this person, already a little familiar to us, has decided to join the ranks of the travel photographers club. The club is virtual, the main communication between its members takes place on its own forum on the Internet. And now our friend has to register and greet the old-timers of the club, at the same time explaining to them who he is, why and why he came to the forum. The text of the story about yourself in that case will differ significantly from the above. It can be, for example, like this: An example of an interesting autobiography: “Dear friends, let me introduce myself! My name may seem funny to you at first glance, but believe me: it's real. This is exactly what my parents called me, thanks to their sense of humor, and it is written in my passport - and this, by the way, is an official document! In general, my name is Vanya, my surname is Ivanov. You can start joking.

Not sure how to write a story about yourself for the competition? do you really need it? ..

Another option: Bright, beautiful, With a mischievous smile. Your meeting with me Will not be a mistake. Having made friends with such a lady, You will be like on a comet! I explode all the time, Burning everyone by accident.


Energy - more than enough, But life with me - just paradise! And here is an option for a boy: Strong and agile, Drives a car. Who am i? A real man! Well, for the smartest young know-it-alls: I know everything in class, I answer questions, I understand everything in the world, And I respect science! Show all your positive qualities Well, how to present your family at the competition? It's a whole team! Think carefully about everyone positive qualities each family member and show them on your business card.

The main thing is not to forget about artistic abilities, to reveal your talents, to create a friendly atmosphere. You can also indicate your desire to lead healthy image life - without bad habits.

Telling your loved one: honest answers to questions

For successful holding oral self-presentation is important to consider general rules... How beautiful to present yourself at the competition? In such a situation, you need:

  • Thoroughly think over the speech.

    The preliminary rehearsal of the performance makes the manner of self-presentation more confident and relaxed;

  • Do not forget about the smile that adorns the story about yourself, adds extra points.
  • Find out in advance about the time limits for the performance. You should try to present yourself without exceeding them.
  • Do not open up completely, leave something interesting for last.

    There will remain an opportunity to favorably distinguish oneself among other competitors closer to the end of the event.

Business card for a competition for children Any competition is a holiday for a child, be it a citywide competition or an event held by a school or kindergarten: Miss Autumn, Mister Spring, Miss Camp, Miss Thumbelina, etc.

How to introduce yourself in the competition

If there are too many sentences in this group, choose the most important ones. Rehearse your story well. Pay attention Every person has strengths and weak sides.


If you are prone to self-criticism, leave it to personal work above oneself. When preparing a story about yourself, focus on your strengths.

Useful advice Write the finished story in a notebook and set aside 2-3 weeks. During this time, you will forget it and then read it with a fresh eye.

Writing a story about yourself is easy enough, but making it attractive to the reader is a more difficult task. After all, your life is undoubtedly interesting for yourself, as well as for relatives and friends, but strangers must also be intrigued.
Instruction 1 Be sure to think over the plot, because without it your idea will be doomed to failure.

Participants of the "beauty of Russia" told about themselves

There are people for whom self-presentation is a familiar and even pleasant thing, they willingly share the facts of their biography and present them fascinatingly, like a literary work. But for the majority, the need to write about themselves, and even in a special, non-standard style, is a serious test of their natural shyness, creative imagination, and simply writing talent.
For such people, we have prepared a kind of "cheat sheet" with tips and small tips on how to start, build and design your work, so that readers would be interested in reading about you even if there were no outstanding events in your life, the description of which can become the basis of an adventure novel. In fact, everything is much simpler: even the biography of the average person who leads the most calm and peaceful life can be read avidly if it is written interestingly.

How to write interesting about yourself?

Imagine yourself as a superhero How to tell about yourself interesting? Take an example from the main characters of fairy tales and superheroes! The universal recipe for a great story is as follows: the main character (that is, you) sets out on a long and dangerous journey in order to achieve her goal despite obstacles. Only the essence is not in the path itself, but in how obstacles change you internally. Take a closer look at the beginning and end of your story and draw a conclusion about how you have changed along the way. 4. Your Story Can Help Others Try to tell about yourself in a way that makes your story useful to the listener. For someone who is struggling with difficulties, tell how you overcame them. For someone who is looking for love, tell us how you managed to find it. Just refrain from advice - let the listener find their own benefit in your story. 5.

How to introduce yourself in the competition: business card

How to present yourself in a competition Decent presentation yourself, corresponding to the style of the competition, is no less important than winning the event. Success depends on the choice of the image. It is important to be smart about appearance - to think over a dress, suit, hairstyle, makeup. An expressive presentation of oneself increases self-esteem, leaves an unforgettable impression on the jury and the audience. This is necessary in order to successfully continue the struggle in the future. In addition, a bright business card for the competition increases the likelihood of receiving such a pleasant "audience choice prize". For self-presentation, the use of photographic materials is good. How to present yourself in the competition? With the help of a projector, pictures are shown, accompanied by a story about life. A presentation on the topic about yourself begins at birth, affects key points life. Cool, interesting photos look advantageous.
It's a troublesome and ungrateful business, but someone has to do it. J But at home I have an almost adult first-grader son, a sweetheart daughter and, of course, my beloved and only wife Anya. All three of them, by the way, also know a lot about travel and beautiful pictures.

In general, if I have not tired you too much with my life story and I can be at least somewhat useful to the respected community, then I will be very glad to be accepted into its ranks. I promise to be disciplined, polite and obedient to follow all the rules of the club.

All Kievites - a special greeting and an invitation to Sunday bike rides. Everyone else is just my immense disposition and best wishes J »Do you feel the difference between the first and second text? It is fully justified and caused by the specifics of communication and the purpose of the story about yourself.

An example of the best story about yourself for the competition

Presentation of yourself at the competition consists of an introduction, main part, completion. Deciding to use technical supportit is best to seek professional help or advice. Any error in the handling of the equipment will turn against you. An originally invented business card about yourself for a competition in poetic design makes self-presentation a unique masterpiece. The ability to put words into rhymes is an obvious plus when preparing a performance. If you can't come up with a poem about yourself, you can order a text. Rhymed speech catches the attention of the audience, it is perceived better than ordinary speech. Using humor and artistry, you can effectively present yourself, your positive traits, individual personality traits. Funny moments that make you smile are better remembered by the audience.

Plus, not all creative people are the same in their desire to speak publicly. And for writers, unlike actors and musicians, this causes many internal barriers: embarrassment, fear of excessive frankness, etc.

In this case, you can advise to call on your sense of humor. A good joke can disguise unsightly facts and even turn them into advantages, or it can simply fill a pause or fill the content with unexpected meaning. These recommendations were not invented yesterday or even last week, according to similar canons, biographies were created at all times, starting with the most ancient events in the history of mankind. Depending on the incidents and cultural values \u200b\u200bof that time, not only and not so much the facts of personal life were documented, but socially significant achievements.
Find out where it will take place, what time, what is the specialization of casting, who selects models. For example, some models are needed for a catwalk show, and others for a photo shoot.

Besides? you need to find out the preferences of fashion designers, the features of the collection. 2 By preparing in this way, you can avoid unnecessary anxiety and be prepared for unexpected decisions by the judges. Knowledge will give you confidence, which is essential to a successful casting.

It is important to demonstrate balance here, and not the stiffness or shocking characteristic of beginners. 3 Come to the casting exactly at the appointed time or somewhat earlier to have time to prepare. Meet other girls, try to make friends.

Your kindness, but not obsession, can also be noted by the jury. Behave naturally. In this case, do not take liberties.

The ability to convince the interlocutor, be it a future colleague or a potential investor, of the value of your project is something like art. We will tell you how the representatives venture business advise you to structure your oral presentation and what tricky questions investors like to ask after the presentation.

How to tell about your project

One of the most important questions that haunts everyone who prepares an oral presentation: "Where to start?" When it comes to a startup presentation (or pitch), representatives of venture businesses, such as DocSend and Sequoia Capital, advise starting it with a story about the company's goals and values, and then smoothly move on to the problem that the project solves (this advice is valid for speeches and for structuring documents - for example, a business plan).

In terms of the structure of the entire speech, Andy Ruskin advising companies funded by Andreesen Horowitz, TrueVentures, FirstRound Capital on strategic planning and communications, advises adhering to the principles of storytelling. This means that the speaker (in this case, the founder of the project) should not “mechanically” jump from one section or idea to another - on the contrary, he should try to make a whole story out of his story.

As with any "classic" story, this one has a good guy (you and your project) and a villain — the problem you're trying to solve. Andy Raskin advises starting the story with the problem - and at the same time showing that the "villain" is not a figment of your imagination, but a real "pain", close and understandable to each of the listeners: “Never start your pitch by talking about yourself, your team, your product, or your target market. Instead, start with what gets in the way of your client's happiness. Paint an emotionally vivid picture of how imperfect the world around your customer is at the moment, what or who is to blame, and why. "

Sequoia Capital emphasizes that if you understand that the problem that your project solves may be unfamiliar to the audience, provide compelling facts showing the impact it has on those to whom your solution is addressed. Otherwise, the listeners will get the feeling that you are “fighting windmills”.

From the standpoint of storytelling, Andy Raskin suggests building the story as follows:

1. Designate the "enemy"

2. Give an answer to the question: "Why now?"

3. Show the promised land before explaining how you will get there

4. Identify obstacles. Then explain how you will overcome them.

5. Provide proof that you're not just shaking the air

This approach is quite consistent with the structure of the classic "pitch": the "enemy" will be the problem that your project solves. By “promised land” we can mean both a description of the final type of product and a story about its future on the market: what share the project intends to receive and what its size in monetary terms will be.

The obstacles are both competitors and what the project still has to do. To overcome them, you need a qualified team, a thoughtful and well-grounded business plan. The evidence that Andy Ruskin proposes to provide at the end of the story is real financial indicators company, what it has already achieved.

However, a compelling project story isn't everything. It is not enough just to talk about the business - you also need to thoroughly answer the tricky questions of investors. And it is always better to approach tricky questions prepared and think over the answers to them in advance.

What investors want to know

First of all, the founder needs to think through the answers to the obvious questions about “where is the money” (where and how exactly the company plans to make a profit), what is the company's profit from one transaction, how the most popular indicators are calculated (CAC, LTV, etc.).

Dmitry Kalaev, Deputy Director for Educational and Acceleration Programs, IIDF

“In my opinion, at different stages of investment, different issues are priority. For example, at the stage when there is no turnover and the product is in the process of development, the following questions are important: who is in the team, what motivates them, why this particular team will "break" the market. At all stages, the question "how big is the market" is important.

In fact, if the market is small, then there is no chance of building big company... For example, for IIDF, the minimum acceptable level is a company with an income of 300 million rubles, which means that the market must be more than 1 billion rubles.

According to the IIDF Accelerator's experience after the first sales, the real market size, which is calculated not on the basis of the size estimate from Gartner, but on the basis of the ratio of the average check to the number of available customers, decreases in 99% of cases - it is important to constantly update this size! "

In addition, investors may be interested in the following:

What is the reason the graph / metric looks like this? Investors are interested not only in absolute values \u200b\u200b- they want to understand why the company is in reporting period showed just such an increase, what is the reason that this or that indicator looks a certain way. This approach allows investors to feel that the founder really understands how his business works, and helps the project team better understand what is really hidden behind numbers and abbreviations.

Why can't you grow faster? This question flows smoothly from the previous one. It is important for the team not only to analyze the reasons underlying its current state, but also to understand the factors limiting the company's growth. There is nothing wrong with that - growth can indeed be limited in some way, and a company that invests money and energy to circumvent these restrictions will inspire more confidence in investors.

This will help them make sure that their investment will not go to waste and will be spent wisely. And the project team, on the other hand, will realize that its task is to work on problems that are relevant specifically to their business, and not try to achieve some "average indicators" that characterize a successful startup.

Dmitry Kalaev

“At the stage of scaling the company, the question“ why can't you develop faster ”really becomes relevant - it is very important to find limitations to rapid growth and come up with tools for multiple growth”

What factors will help the project accelerate progress? This question can be answered with a standard phrase that the project team will work 24 hours a day and will try to make every client happy, but it is important to understand that in this case investors need an analysis of the real situation. Even if later your point of view on "accelerating factors" changes, and you realize that the source of your growth lies in another area, thoughtfully and thoroughly answering this question, you will give the audience a sign that you are not only well versed in the current situation, but and think about the future of your business.

We live in amazing times. The world is changing rapidly, and by 2020 the digital universe will grow tenfold. There will be even more diverse content, it will be more difficult for our overloaded brain to perceive it.

To cope with such an influx of information, you need to learn how to properly structure and present it.

How to create an effective presentation and what mistakes to avoid in the process?

Rule 1. Engage with content

At one of the lectures I was asked: "Alexander, how do you see a successful presentation?"... I thought for a long time, looked for arguments, because success in this matter consists of many factors.

First of all - interesting, structured and well-presented content.

Such that during the presentation, the listener looked into the phone with only one purpose - to photograph the slides, and not to check the Facebook feed.

So that his eyes shine and the desire to create appears.

But how do you know if the audience is ready, is it interested in how involved it is?

First you need to come to terms with an important fact: people do not go to think and strain. And, most likely, they don't give a damn about your presentation. However, how you present and what they see can change their mind.

Dave Paradis, Presentation Specialist, did some research on his site.

He asked people a question: what do they dislike about presentations? Based on thousands of responses from people, he formed two important notes for any speaker.

Rule 2. Don't read text from slides

69% of respondents said they hate it when a speaker repeats the text placed on the slides of his presentation... You must explain the information on each slide in your own words. Otherwise, you risk your audience falling asleep.

Rule 3. Don't be too small :)

48% of people cannot stand too small print in the presentation.You can come up with ingenious text for each slide, but all your creativity will go to waste if the text is impossible to read.

Rule 4. Joke and be sincere

Will Stefan at TED-x knows how to laugh at himself, even during important presentations.

Take a look. Make a conclusion. Smile. The audience will appreciate your ease of communication and ease of speech.

Rule 5. Use the correct fonts

In 2012, The New York Times ran an experiment called "Are you an optimist or a pessimist?"

Participants had to read an excerpt from the book and answer “yes” or “no” to several questions.

The purpose of the experiment: to determine if the font affects the reader's trust in the text.

Forty thousand people participated, who were shown the same paragraph, typed in different fonts: Comic Sans, Computer Modern, Georgia, Trebuchet, Baskerville, Helvetica.

The result is this: the text written in Comic Sans and Helvetica fonts did not inspire confidence among readers, but the Baskerville font, on the contrary, received agreement and approval. According to psychologists, this is due to its formal appearance.

Rule 6. Visualize

We all perceive information differently. You tell the person: make a beautiful presentation. In your head you draw a concrete example.

And you can't even guess that in his thoughts a beautiful presentation looks completely different.

Therefore, it is better to show five pictures than to explain everything in words once.

Before you speak, you need to have clear illustrations of your key message. It doesn't matter what you sell - lunch boxes, your consultations or life insurance.

Show your audience five pictures


Your product

Benefits of your product

Happy buyers

Indicators of your success

Rule 7. Simplify

Most people think that making a presentation with a white background is boring and unprofessional. They are convinced that it is worth changing the color - “magic” will happen and the client will immediately accept the order. But this is a delusion.

We try to "embellish" the slide with a large number of objects, although we can explain its essence in one word or picture.

Your goal is not to reach Rembrandt's skill level. An overly detailed and elaborate drawing only distracts the audience from the idea that you intend to convey. (Dan Roehm, author of Visual Thinking)

Using illustrations and a minimum of text, we help convey our thoughts to the audience and grab their attention.

Less doesn't mean boring. The design of the one dollar bill is over 150 years old, and it only gets better from year to year.

It is constantly visually changed, leaving only the most important on the bill. Today the banknote is beautiful in its simplicity.

Rule 8. Rehearse Your Performance

If you don't have the time to prepare the presentation, why should the client spend time on it? How will you enter the hall? What do you say first? Your laptop will have ten percent charge, and where do you expect to find a power outlet? Do you rehearse several scripts and your speech?

The answer to all questions is the same: to important meetings and presentations need to be prepared. It's not enough to create a presentation with cool content and pictures, you need to be able to present it. At the speech, you must be understood, heard and accepted.

Creature effective presentation - it's not just about adding cool content and pictures to your slides, it's the ability to present them. You must be understood, heard, and accepted in your speech.)

Imagine: a person comes into the hall and begins to rush - then the 1st slide, then the 7th, then back to the 3rd. He worries, worries, forgets. Will you understand anything? I don’t think so.

People are very good at feeling other people. When you are not ready, not sure, it can be seen from a distance. So my advice is to rehearse your presentation in front of the mirror at least three times.

Meet on the cover

Imagine you came to a meeting, hit everyone great presentation, added as friends on Facebook the one to whom they were "sold", and you have a flower or a skull on your avatar.

First, it's weird. Secondly, after two weeks, when you write to a person in the messenger, he will not remember your face.

Open the messenger. If you see letters or a person with his back to you on the profile picture, do you remember the face of the interlocutor without his name?

Presentations are transformative. This does not necessarily mean that they are changing the audience. This can also happen, but I'm not talking about that now. Presentations transform you and yours own ideas... It's not about making you rich and famous with them. It's about becoming different, the best people... You will become more knowledgeable, more understanding, more sincere and more passionate. (Alexey Kapterev, presentation expert)

No matter how cool your PowerPoint presentation is, if your avatar has a picture in poor resolution, the presentation will be forgotten.

Remember that your Facebook profile is selling while you sleep. People visit it, read it, look for something interesting. The visual design of your page is very important.

May I ask you to do one thing? Upload your avatar on a white background to facebook and make a cover with your photo and short description, What do you do.

Over time, you will realize that you are being greeted by the cover, and you will get a concrete result from the communication.

Presentation by mail: 5 life hacks

A presentation to an audience is significantly different from the one you need to send by mail.

What I advise you to pay attention to before sending a presentation to a client:

The title slide always sells. Your first picture should be provocative, unusual. Looking at her, a person should want to know more.

I want to disappoint you, but PowerPoint has no design templates. Often these templates are no longer in vogue and will immediately be perceived by your audience as a "low quality product".

I suggest 2 solutions:

1. Don't use templates at all. Combine your slides with a single color scheme and make the format and position of the headings the same on all slides except the first and last.

2. Make your own templates if you plan to use and edit this presentation in future. To do this, we need to go to the View -\u003e Slide Master tab. This is a secret room, which not everyone knows about, as practice shows :)

In this section, we can create our own template!

I usually delete all the default master slides in the left tab and build my own from scratch. All you need to do here is add fillers and style them.

You now have your own template. Bonus: As a reward for reading this section, I want to give you my secret weapon for creating presentations - a free template of 800 animated slides with infographics, icons and maps that helps a lot to get creative. Believe me, it's worth it :) (on our page you can subscribe and get 800 cherished templates)

2 Use 3-5 basic colors when creating presentations.

Please do not use more than 5 different colors when creating your presentation. Moreover, use only 3 base colors, as the other 2 are usually shades of the primary colors. How to choose a color palette.

⁃ One of the three shades should be highlighted for the background. Decide right away - it will be a presentation with a light or dark background. If you're an advanced designer you can try alternating, but I'm skipping those experiments in this article.

⁃ Next, choose a color for the text. It should be as contrasting as possible in relation to the background color. Ideal and common option: white background - black text. But this option is inferior in terms of creativity :) So let's take a look at a few examples. Maybe I can give you some ideas:Gray background, light blue body text, and dark gray accent. White background, black text, blue accent. 3 Colors. It alternates with dark backgrounds and white text. Dark background, white text, lime accent. It also uses shades of light green and alternates between a dark and light background.

If you still could not decide on the color palette or you do not have a brand book of the company / project, then I suggest you the following resource

Here you can choose a color palette based on the image, as well as in the "Explore" tab, see the decisions of other users and even find out the number of views and likes :)

3 Get rid of 3D icons from search engines - go for linear and flat icons.

Unfortunately, I still often see slides that use bulky, low-quality icons. Now this is an outdated topic and looks very ugly. And some do not use icons at all, which is also bad, because visualization is important in the presentation, and not just solid text. Purpose of icons: replace unnecessary text and speed up the memorization and assimilation of information. My advice to you: when creating your presentation, use the icons from this resource -

Icons from flaticon will make your presentation more modern and concise.

There is a section " Packs", where you can find icons of the same style on a specific topic from one designer. I advise you to select icons in a complex way so that everyone is in the same style.

Subconsciously, we feel every detail in the presentation, down to the thickness of the line for the icons, and if this thickness is different between the icons, then the presentation immediately ceases to be in harmony, and subconsciously we no longer perceive it as quality.

Also, when working with icons, I want to note such a tendency among people as "blindness syndrome"... This is when everything in the presentation is done in large sizes - "so that everyone can see." If you make everything huge, it will significantly lower the quality of your presentations, and after all icons look good only at small sizes. Let's take an example:

4 Each slide is a picture and needs a frame. Or not needed?

When creating your presentation, keep the box out of the slide. Moreover, large frames are in fashion now. Important: the distance from the borders to the contents of the slide must be the same on all sides. Example:
What can happen? It may turn out that the content you were planning to post does not fit on one slide, and that's good! You don't have to try to squeeze everything into one page. Better split into two slides with one heading.

One slide, one message.

Why make everything large - the slide needs air.

5 Give up bad habits. Knotted with serif fonts.

If you are not an avid designer and are not experimenting with fonts, then I advise against using serif fonts.

I suggest you the following list of fonts: System fonts:

Arial Black (titles only)

Calibri Third party fonts:

Bebas (titles only)

Gotham pro How to combine fonts when creating a presentation?

If you have never touched on the topic of font combinations before, then I advise you to use only one font group when creating a presentation and change only its type. For example, make the heading Arial Black, and for regular text Arial, or another option from third-party fonts - the heading Raleway Bold, and the body text Raleway Regular.

If you still decide experiment, then you can try the following combinations:

Bebas Bold - title

Raleway Regular - Plain Text

For the rest of the combinations, I prefer to select one font and change only its type. This is more correct.

And here is a couple linkswhich I personally use to download fonts:

6 When creating your presentation, use only high quality images.

This is generally a sore subject. Especially here in Russia. If anyone has read Artemy Lebedev's book "Manhood", then there he clearly notes how, due to the fall of design culture after the collapse of the USSR, our population's taste for high-quality design has been distorted in parallel. Perhaps you are reading now and will never appreciate the works that I glorify here. And this is not because you are a bad person, but because our environment did not allow you to develop good design taste.

I can only give advice something that has worked perfectly in our studio for several years and is appreciated internationally (tested on all continents of the planet Earth):

⁃ Do not use images from search engines as background images, if it is not necessary

⁃ Download images only from specialized sites where photographers publish their work

⁃ Use images as background high resolution - for me it is at least 1000 pixels in height and width

⁃ Do not use stock images with forced smiles and white backgrounds. It looks unnatural.

⁃ You can use the following resources as sources: flickr, unsplash, everypixel

7 Do not use outlines. Either thick or nothing.

Now let's dive into the design a bit.

You may notice that when you draw a shape in PowerPoint, it may turn out blue and with a light blue outline. Important: remove these outlines immediately. They will only emphasize that you are not in trend and did not want to bother with the presentation design.

This begs the question: are contours out of fashion now?

Answer: no, they just mutated into large frames :). Here are some of the paths you can still use:

Otherwise, yes, the contours have gone out of fashion like the once white wigs.

8 Don't use shadows. Either big and blurry, or none.

Shadows certainly haven't gone out of style, but contours have. But they turned into something exclusive and expensive. Like a Patek Philippe watch. You either buy an original or a Chinese counterfeit and everyone understands that it is a Chinese counterfeit.

The moral of the story is this: if you know how to create trending shadows - great! If not, then please cancel them everywhere in the " Format".

Shadows come standard in PowerPoint (especially in earlier versions). And I can tell you for sure that such shadows need to be removed immediately from the template. Let's take a look at examples: Bad shadows from PowerPoint

Nice shadow from Dribbble
Nice shadow from PowerPoint I attach you even the settingsif you still want to use shadows. But use this power wisely ☝and do not put such a shadow on all the shapes in a row, so that they do not fill the entire background.

9 How to make tables and charts beautiful? Remove all unnecessary.

Here, in fact, the rules overlap, but I noticed that for some, when it comes to tables and charts, they seem to forget everything: about the rule of colors, outlines, shadows, frames, and the like.

However, I have already described all the mistakes to you. It remains only not to commit them. :) Let's see in practice:

Here is a smoker table:

What is the difference? One is heavy and cumbersome, the other is clean and concise. Note:

⁃ There is free space between the cell border and the content.

⁃ Of course there are no outlines

⁃ No extra shadows

⁃ Some fields are not filled at all

10 The slide is your canvas. Be creative. Imagine you have a brush in your hand.

If presentations were created in Paint, then the slides would look much more creative. I say this to the fact that often we ourselves drive ourselves into the PowerPoint template frames, although there, too, you can create unique works of art. Let's look at some examples of slides created in PowerPoint:

I wish you to create only high-quality presentations for your projects!


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