Download Audit Methods Sales Audit. Audit sales department in unprofitable business. The efficiency of the sales system is determined by three factors.

Audit sales is necessary for a number of reasons:

  • High risks due to the fact that the existing system of sales is unstable;
  • Unused potential of the sales system, which proper management will help the firm to enter a new level;
  • Incorrect approaches when building a sales department in the past;
  • Outdated methods of sales of the company and so on.

We take into account everything possible risksrelated to the functioning of the sales department, each recommendation of our specialists leads to the fact that the work in the enterprise becomes more efficient. Unstable sales system, incorrect management methods of the department can exercise their minuses even in the most unexpected situations. For example, the dismissal of an employee who has been a key figure in building a sales department and in the existing sales system, may entail a sharp decline in the efficiency of the sales department and the entire company as a whole. It is to avoid such situations that work on the audit of the sales department is carried out: our specialists will provide a report on the work done, the analysis of the situation will also be given a recommendation that will help you in improving the company's activities will ensure the development of the enterprise. It may be necessary to build a sales department anew, in this case you can also get the necessary recommendations from our professionals, to make a work plan. The sales system will become stable and effective, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the efficiency of the entire company.

Audit sales in our company

The company "Hold-Invest Audit" will help you organize effective work Your company sales department: will conduct an audit of the sales system and will consult on issues possible paths Her improvements. Our specialists have the necessary experience and knowledge, thanks to which the work on the audit of the sales department will be carried out qualitatively and quickly. If you need to build a sales department again because of a too unstable company's sales system, we are also ready to provide you with any help: the recommendation of our specialists will help to make a plan and fulfill work in the minimum time and as much as possible. You can order the service using the order form on our website, the cost of the audit may vary depending on the amount of work, the specifics of the work of the enterprise and other factors. You can calculate the price with the help of our specialist, ordering the callback in the appropriate site field. Contact our company: Allow the sales system to realize your potential completely, start developing business and increase sales to an unprecedented level!

Start any changes in the sales department makes sense with a small or advanced sales audit. At the same time, the majority of sales professionals were divided into two groups: some of them for an independent audit, the other for attracting independent specialists.

Tool number 1, or classic genre

About SWOT-analysis Many who knows, but few regularly allocates time to analyze the entire company or specifically the sales department for 4 grounds.

SWOT analysis - This is a method strategic planningwhich will help reveal strengths (Strengths), weaknesses (Weaknesses), Opportunities and Threats (Threats) in the development of the sales department and the company as a whole. The method can be used both for short-term and long-term planning. Gives an initial assessment of the current situation in the sales department, on the basis of which it is possible to make a strategy for further development.

For SWOT analysis, the following table is filled:





- Experienced sales managers;
- high-quality printing materials;
- recognizable brand.

Weak sides

- gaps in the system of learning new employees;
- Teaching sales managers.


- reduction of the sales department from competitors (the ability to attract new experienced employees);
- Increased demand for certain products.

- increase prices in the market of such services;
- opening competitors in the region of new branches.

Tool number 2. Model 7C McKinssey (7s mckynsey)

Model 7C McKinsi received such a name, because it is based on 7 basic elements, which begin with the letter "C": strategy, structure, management system, relationship style, staff composition, skill amount, system of values. All 7 elements are very closely related, so the change in one of them entails changes in all others.

Model 7C McKinsi is a tool that is well suited for analyzing the organizational structure and principles of the sales department. The model is also called a "happy atom" due to its visual display:

All 7 elements are divided into "hard" and "soft". "Hard" elements (strategy, structure, control system) reflect the formal side. "Soft" elements (style of relationships, the composition of the personnel, the sum of skills, the system of values) relate to corporate communications. "Soft" elements are often underestimated, although their role is equally important than the role of "hard" elements. In the center of the scheme is the system of values \u200b\u200b- this suggests how important the impact corporate values, Company mission to all other elements.

Usually, the 7C model is used to evaluate and planning in the company as a whole, but with some amendments it can be applied for sales.

To assess the sales department using the 7C McKinsi model, it is convenient to use the following table:


System of values

Describe the company's system values. How pronounced understanding and compliance with these values \u200b\u200bin the sales department?


Describe the sales strategy. What actions are being taken to implement this strategy to life? Givens the strategy competitive environment? How connected as a strategy with a change in demand and market trends?


Describe the structure of the sales department. How does the sales department interact with other departments of the company?

Control system

Describe the sales management system. What control methods are used in the sales department? How is the quality of sales department work?

They are important trivia

Sympathize with all weak.

The style of mutually relationship

Describe the management style of the company. Management style contributes to improving the efficiency of the sales department? What is the interaction of employees among themselves?

The composition of the personnel

Describe the composition of the sales department. What posts should be filled? Do all employees cope with their responsibilities or some of them should be replaced?

The sum of skills

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Sales Department. What skills need to develop employees to improve the efficiency of the sales department? How is the competence of employees?

Tool No. 3. Check List to Estimate Sales

In addition to the two tools described, I recommend using a check list that we have developed on the basis of work experience with a variety of companies. Filling check-sheet will help identify spaces and omissions in the work of the sales department.

When you appreciate your sales department using the tools proposed above - you will have a bunch of information from which you still have to work further. Let you not scare the results of the assessment, because each identified defects is a prospect, the opportunity to enter a new level of development.

Sales system is a complex organism that should work as a clock. Once a clearly built sales system gives a guaranteed result over time and requires significantly less effort at the maintenance phase. The latter is especially important, given the long-term (from 3 years) terms of any developer project.

Audit initiator:

  • representative of the developer of the active country complex, whether it is a cottage settlement or a low-storey residential building. The external assessment of the existing system is an inexpensive, but useful service that allows you to give an independent look at the project, see the pros and cons of the concept, and most importantly - the presentation of the project to the buyer, advertising campaign And every stage of working with the client.
  • an external investor who evaluates the project from the point of view of the entrance and must calculate the economic potential of the business project.

Important: The customer must be ready to hear any result.

The efficiency of the sales system is determined by three factors:

1. Product characteristics (whether it corresponds to the market for price-quality ratio, is in demand in this moment, in that segment is positioned, etc.)

3. Sales Department (whether the sales officer worked qualitatively the first contact with the client, whether a potential buyer received a qualified consultation when visiting the object, regularly and whether the seller is regularly and friendly leads to the time of the transaction, as the customer base is being done, etc.)

To assess the sales funnel to us, as a doctor, will require statistical information.

1. You do not keep recordings and do not know the customer's price. Having giving marketing budgets to the deposit of marketing and PR department, you cannot assess the effectiveness of a particular channel of promotion, the effect on it seasonality. Well, congratulations - you are on the needle.

2. You own statistics, but see risks in the transfer of such information Employees of a third-party campaign. Sorry, and we could be helpful to you. Confidentiality agreement prepared by your motivated lawyers will allow us to help you.

3. You boldly share the accumulated data. Excellent, after all, after 3 months, you will not recognize your indicators, forgetting the earlier "results".

Examination / Audit System Systems (Middle consulting service): 250 000 rubles, 20-25 business days

Technical task

Examination of the sales system of the current cottage settlement or low-rise residential complex

Are you not satisfied with the work of the department, which specializes in sales, or are aiming for the growth of those? Would you like to work in the company only well-trained personnel?

Do you strive to eliminate errors on the initial pores? Then it is necessary to conduct an audit of the sales department. Consider what order should be followed.

As statistics show, more than 90% of companies are closed on the initial pores of their existence. The reason is low product sales rates.

If you do not understand the difficulties in this industry, you will have to simply close the company. But is it worth a hurry with the adoption of such a decision. After all, you can sort out the shortcomings and fix them. And for this, you need an audit.

What you need to know

Audit is a check that many company executives are simply obliged to conduct if they wish to see their business successful.

And for this it is necessary to determine what is meant by the expression of the "Audit of the Sales Department" and what provisions under its organization and the conduct should be used.


Check sales of the company are carried out to establish the reasons why sales are not growing. Management is looking for a reason for such failures, and one of the tools used is an audit.

An audit of the sales department is called an examination with which you can install whether the work is effective. They also determine which option to use to improve it.

For what purpose is carried out

Such a process is aimed at identifying the causes of the absence of conversion from the calls of workers on the phone - to customers, and revenue audits from sales make it possible to determine whether production is profitable.

How to conduct an audit of the sales department?

There are several stages of sales check, which should be followed by persons who are responsible for the audit.

  1. First define the check positions.
  2. Collect the necessary data and analyze it from submitted documents.
  3. Conduct an interview with key employees.
  4. Chatting with key clients.
  5. Collect data on the activities of competitors and analyze them.
  6. Analyze general data and make up a report on checking sales departments.

Basic audit elements - Enterprise, employees, customers and competitors. During the inspection, find out whether organizational structure Sales department tasks that were delivered. Determine whether there is a client base and its compliance with the requirements.

Checking the sales system

Audit must be carried out regularly. Only in this case it is possible effective Promotion forward. Often, such an inspection trust a professional.

But it happens that the authorities of the sales department and the marketer decides to conduct an audit independently, without taking into account a number of important parameters, criteria and method of analysis.

The main object of the audit is the sales system. Experts must use analytical tools to determine strong and weaknesses, find what is the threat.

A SWOT analysis is conducted, which allows you to describe the activities of the company and determine the implementation of marketing policies and the sale of goods at the moment. Set which adjustments to make.

Determine what the size of orders, the firmness of the company among the clientele, is monitored among consumers to identify effective methods Product promotion and.

Consider how many employees work in shopping Hall And how much you need real. Reply to such questions:

  1. What do customers prefer?
  2. What is the motivational system?
  3. What kind motivational systems Have a competitor?
  4. How is the activities of employees organized?
  5. What sales models are used?

Be sure to analyze the reason for the care of the clientele, because without it it will not be possible to begin to eliminate the shortcomings. When analyzing the lost business, it is not necessary to rely only on the reports of the sales representative about the lost business.

Consumer complaints are analyzed, guarantee service applications, the role of auxiliary employees on sale, analysis of price education systems is carried out.

Check sales management is carried out:

Audit of the head

When performing an audit, you do not need to neglect or bypass the manual. When checking, it is necessary to determine how the founders participate in the activities of the company, what style and working methods with employees are adhered to.

The degree of control system is determined, the methods of received reports. Efficiency The activities of the management of sales departments are analyzed by these areas:

Experts are evaluated Whether the management of the sales department is able to develop, implement a key business process, which ensure the effectiveness of the department's activities
Assessed, what quality department management As a manager work is planned, tasks are set to managers, the quality and timely execution of the task is controlled, the regular use of sales technology is controlled, the maintenance of the information base from reports is controlled.
Evaluated how the manual monitors control How the monthly plan on the reference point is performed, is estimated, is it possible to fully implement the plan, analyzed, what is the reason that the plan is not performed at the next control points

According to the results of the verification, it is drawn up, in which the qualities of the head, its competence, the recommendations of how to develop the head of the department are prescribed.

Business process

How effective is the work of the sales department, will depend on whether business processes are organized correctly. And for this you need to register all the moves in a typical situation.

Such a sample can be obtained when contacting a specialist, which can create a business process. All processes create on algorithms of action.

Commissioner specialists adhere to certain technologies:

  • looking for the customer;
  • then send a commercial offer;
  • agreement is drawn up;
  • if the cooperation is long, the contracts extend;
  • orders handle and send account to customers;
  • control whether the terms and obligations of the contract are performed, accounts are controlled.

For coherence, employees should be organized by their jobs.

Check-sheet formation

Call key parameters And the requirements for assessing the state of the company and the quality of the activities of employees, which should be systematically checked by managers and internal regions of the quality control department.

It is a basic foundation and guidance to actions, which is based on the implementation of the Auditor's actions, inspection. There are paper and electronic checks. Taking into account the type of activity of the company, they can be various shapes and content.

Checking compliance with the Merchandising standard, such actions indicate in the check list:

  • monitoring the goods that is in stock;
  • the quality of work and compliance with the norms is evaluated;
  • the presence of POS materials;
  • checked whether price tags are consistent on products, the shelf life of the goods;
  • shares are checked;
  • prices, distribution, degree of availability of advertising material are controlled;
  • the work of the sales representative and promoter is estimated.

If the store is checked, the check list is divided into several categories of audit and verification criterion. The formation of a check-leaf is carried out in such a category:
adjacent territories and input zones;

  • trading halls;
  • cash registers and key zones;
  • cash discipline;
  • merchandising;
  • advertising campaigns, promotion;
  • square;
  • safety, security;
  • work staff.

Then the activities of the employee are assessed on the check sheets, determine which it has an appearance, whether corporate standards know whether to communicate with potential buyers.

An example of how the check list should look like a store audit:

In appearance the correspondence is determined external view approved standards;
Determine the cleanliness of clothes, whether it sits well;
Does the employee hold the subject in accordance with the regulations;
Determined compliance with hairstyles standards
When establishing contacts with buyers pay attention pose, facial expressions, gestures;
Whether the seller of the buyer meets;
whether the buyer is welcome;
on the use of background phrases, which opens communication;
whether the buyer is presented;
For the use of compliments
When identifying what needs is there any appeal by name;
whether questions are given;
Is an active listener;
whether data about buyers are collected;
Is the interim outcome of the conversation
At presentation and argument whether the priority is given to work with commodity arguments;
whether arguments are based on the needs and benefits of the client;
The seller with emotions is also talking;
whether demonstration rules are applied;
Is information about the advantages of firm and products;
whether the benefits of service are told
With any adjacent goods whether goods were offered;
whether the needs and benefits of buyers are revealed;
Is explained to what the goods are needed;
Is the interim outcome of the conversation
When working with objections does the answers on the established algorithms give;
Is the objection about high cost, think about the desire to think, etc.

More detailed rules, how to prepare a check list and how to conduct an audit of the sales department, tables are presented on different portals of the Internet.

Audit is not an end in itself. This is a tool used to detect problems and weak Parties, as well as to develop business development proposals.

And in some cases, the company can carry out a free audit of the sales department if it does not apply to specialized firms.

It is only worth studying the rules for conducting the inspection, to develop a plan and strictly follow it. After all, the above information does not disclose all the smallest nuances of analyzing the work of the sales department.

Usually at the enterprise, it is the sales department that becomes part of the company, where they are responsible for the sale of products. Compared to profitability of the enterprise, sales volumes should be higher by 20-30 percent if the work is adjusted competently. The preservation of such a mode of operation contributes to the fact that the company always receives profit from sales, even if force majeure is on the occurrence of force majeure. This promotes competent audit. Consider several examples of auditing sales department.

How to understand whether work is effective?

Before conducting an audit of the sales department, you need to ask yourself a few questions to try to give honest answers on them:

  1. How difficult is it to evaluate the work of a particular person in the sphere of sales? Is everything transparent in the department?
  2. Department managers prefer to work with existing customers? Because of what the flow of new is constantly interrupted?
  3. How often are transactions for sales? Often managers can leave a guide without margin, because they seek to sell the maximum batch of goods, but at minimal prices. In this case, the audit is obligatory.
  4. Does it often happen that the most successful employees of the department go to other employers, transferring clients?
  5. How high is the level of flow fluidity in the direction of sales?
  6. Does the very leader of the department meet with clients to make deals yourself?
  7. What frequency of the transaction from the department is broken?
  8. Warehouse for sales remains filled? And modern production facilities are not used as they should?
  9. Competitor products are best selling, although the company's own products have a great combination between a reasonable price and high level of quality? You need to identify the problem.

If the answer is at least part of the questions, it means that the sales department becomes a useless ballast for the enterprise, because it does not bring any results.

Check your sales department with our free online audit and get practical recommendations in its development in automatic mode:

Go to audit

Come online audit

Express audit

If you order from specialists to conduct an audit for the results of activity in the direction of sales, customers will be able to learn a lot of useful:

  • Ways to combat textured frames department that reveals audit.
  • Problems due to which plans do not become real. They are not always easy to reveal.
  • List of documents and standards, the introduction of which for the department leads to an increase in efficiency.
  • Existing tools that make it possible to efficiently organize work to increase sales.

Examples of sales audit in different companies


For the owner of the company from the very beginning there was a lot of incomprehensible things in this area. The head set itself a goal of increasing sales turnover in order to ten times, not only at the expense of the Russian, but also foreign market. Such goals were quite real, but, like many, the owner of the enterprise did not know about specific ways to achieve results. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out analysis.

It was then that the idea came to mind to use the services of specialists, to acquire books, visit trainings. And then make up the creation of a sales department with due level of efficiency. And immediately began real actions when the audit ended.

  1. During the first month, a new personnel was gained to form a full-fledged sales department.
  2. After that, the attraction of new customers began.
  3. With those that already existed, the contracts were renewed, after the audit was held. Business from this won more.

One partner agreed to increase the volume of procurement. One such contract was enough to get a serious additional profit. Of course, it was not possible to immediately achieve an initial goal in a tenfold increase in profit with the participation of the department. But sales rates have grown, and seriously - this is not necessary to doubt. Business has become more profitable.

About trade and manufacturing group

In this case, the need to attract the right number of highly qualified personnel has arisen in order to properly transfer a new product to the market. After all, competition in this segment was quite high. The sales department was before, but consisted of only five employees, and the work was not effective. Therefore, a thorough audit was required.

Books on the appropriate topic were studied, but it was still decided to attend trainings. This made it possible to better figure out how technology and the solutions used correspond to the conditions that pretended to russian market. The results did not make it wait. For employees, the results are also noticeable.


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