Riddles about the police for children. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Profession “Policeman”. Riddles about people in construction professions

This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes,
Even if you see badly,
You can see everything with glasses.(Ophthalmologist)

Tell me who is so delicious
Everyone is glad to see him,
When there is a waterfall in the kitchen.( Plumber)

Jumped down -
Hanging on a flower
Touched the earth -
The flower curled up. (Skydiver)

I'll find them in the restaurant -
These people in caps
They cast magic over pots
With ladle in hands.(Cook)

Lunch in kindergarten
The cook takes samples from the dishes.
But my mother is not around,
Who sets the table there?(Nanny, assistant teacher)

He writes and draws with chalk,
And fights with mistakes,
Teaches you to think, reflect,
What's his name guys?(Teacher)

He worked in the sweet shop all day,
The result was dessert -
Eclairs, cupcake, Napoleon.
Now think about who he is?(Confectioner)

He will show us the whole city,
He will also tell you everything about him.
And he expects questions from us,
And he will find the answer to everything.(Guide)

In the company, he considers the profit
Pays everyone a salary.
And he’s not too lazy to count
All taxes all day long.(Accountant)

He sailed all the seas,
The ship sailed in calm and storm.
A courageous man
And the marine knows the deal.
Conquered many countries
Brave pilot... (Captain)

Our stove started smoking,
Doesn't want to bake pies.
A skilled master has come here,
He tied a white apron.
Corrected the bricks in the masonry
And he smeared clay on the crack....
Our oven is now in order,
It doesn’t smoke now. (Stove maker)

He will heave the log deftly,
Will make walls, a canopy.
He has resin overalls,
The forest smells like pine.
(A carpenter)

A swallow will fly into the sky,
He will dive into the lake like a fish.(Diver)

Where cement is transported by car,
Where they dig and knock,
Where they give it to everyone at the entrance
Hat against brick?(Construction)

A glass eye will point,
Click once - and we remember you.(Photographer)

What is it with Galochka? -
A thread on a stick.
Stick in hand
The thread is in the river.
Leaned over the river -
Their agreement is this:
The river will exchange for her
Perch on a worm.(Fisherman with a fishing rod)

Among the clouds, on high,
Together we are building a new house,
To be warm and beautiful
People lived happily in it..

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons curl behind your back,
Ribbons curl, and in the squad
There are no girls. (Sailors)

We dig deep into the earth
And in the depths of the earth
We mine coal for people,
So that they could heat the house. (Miners)

Who sits at the patient's bedside? -
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,
Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.(Doctor)

Calls goats, cows,
He plays his twisted horn.(Shepherd)

It will be necessary to guess here,
Who tends the sheep flock?(Shepherd)

He flies a great plane,
It's safe to fly with it,
A true ace….(Pilot)

White hair, eyebrows, eyelashes.
In the morning he gets up earlier than the birds. (Baker)

He pours grain into the mill.
Call him quickly. (Mukamol)

The ship is sailing in the yellow sea.
Who leads the ship across the sea? (Combine operator)

The two singers decided this:
You are a master, and I am a master.
We will be on stage together.
Singing in an ensemble is more interesting. (Duet)

Who lifts dumbbells
Does he throw the cannonball the furthest?
Runs fast, shoots accurately,
What are they all called in one word? (Athletes)

Who rushes quickly through the snow,
Aren't you afraid to fail? (Skier)

With a trunk, but not an elephant
With flippers, but not a frog(Vodalaz)

I am the most needed in the world,
I have a hundred babies.(Teacher)

Hiding my bangs under my cap,
My dad and I are plowing in the field.
I'm proud to work on the land
My shirt was soaked from sweat.
But your palms are on the steering wheel.(Tractor driver)

We build a house from bricks,
So that the sun laughs in it.
To be higher, to be wider
There were rooms in the apartment. (Masons)

At work all day long
He commands with his hand.
That hand raises
A hundred pounds under the clouds. (Crane operator)

His work is in depth,
At the very bottom.
Its work in the dark
And silence.
But who is he?
answer the question,
Not an astronaut
and walks among the stars?( Vodalaz)

In scuba gear, mask, fins
One who swims beautifully.
He is such a hero
In the silence of the depths of the sea.( Diver, submariner.)

He's sitting on the bus
And watches closely
So that everyone has tickets,
So that they don’t forget to buy them. (Conductor)

He's sitting somewhere in the studio
And he reads his text into the microphone.
And they hear what he says,
Only those who turn on the radio. (Announcer)

He is on duty at any hour:
In a mine, coal is mined underground,
Repairs cars in the car park,
He melts steel in hot workshops.
He stays at the printing press all night.
He is the most important and important, he is... (Worker)

He's not an artist, but he paints
Always smells
He is not a master of paintings -
He's a master of walls! (Painter)

He is busy with important work:
The harvest is his concern,
So that they can be born
Rye, oats or wheat. (Agronomist)

Doctor, but not for children,
And for birds and animals.
He has a special gift
This doctor is...! (Vet)

All roads are familiar to me,
I feel like I'm at home in the cabin.
The traffic light is flashing for me
He knows that I am...(Chauffeur)

Every day early in the morning
He takes the steering wheel in his hands.
Twists and turns this way and that,
But he won’t eat it!(Chauffeur)

Anyone at anyone's address
Will take you straight to your home
In a green-eyed car?
Answer, children, right away!(Taxi driver)

Children's riddles about professions will help your kids make an entertaining journey into the world of work. In a simple and interesting way, they will learn the difference between a doctor and a cook, a salesman and a teacher. Find out what tools people use in different professions. The process of solving riddles captivates the child so much that he will ask you to tell him more and more, so collect riddles in reserve.

We get up very early
After all, our concern is to take everyone to work in the morning.
Answer: ( Driver)

Last time I was a teacher,
The day after tomorrow - driver.
He must know a lot
Because he...
Answer: ( Artist)

Even on the set of a movie,
Even on stage here in the theater,
We are obedient to the director
Because we...
Answer: ( Actors)

I work in the theater.
I'm just an aunt during intermission.
And on the stage there is a queen,
Either granny or fox.
Knows Kolya and Larisa,
That in the theater I...
Answer: ( Actress)

A glass eye will point,
Click once - and we remember you.
Answer: ( Photographer)

This worker is amazing!
He accompanies trains.
Answer: ( Conductor, Railwayman)

He writes and draws with chalk,
And fights with mistakes,
Teaches you to think, reflect,
What's his name guys?
Answer: ( Teacher)

A swallow will fly into the sky,
He will dive into the lake like a fish.
Answer: ( Diver)

Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches?
Answer: ( Cook)

I'll find them in the restaurant -
These people in caps
They cast magic over pots
With ladle in hands.
Answer ( Cook)

This sorceress has
This artist
Not brushes and paints,
And a comb and scissors.
She has
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become beautiful.
Answer: ( Hairdresser)

We must fight fire with fire
We are partners with water.
People really need us,
Answer quickly, who are we?
Answer: ( Firemen)

Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint,
He has a bucket in his hand,
He himself is colorfully painted.
Answer: ( Painter)

I'll throw a stick, I'll kill a jackdaw,
I won’t pluck feathers, I won’t eat meat.
Answer: ( Fisherman)

We will wake up when you are sleeping,
And sift the flour in a sieve,
Let's heat the oven red hot
To bake bread in the morning.
Answer: ( Baker)

The horn sings, the horn sings!
We drive the herd to the meadow.
We herd cows all day long
As soon as it gets hot, we drive into the shade.
Answer: ( Shepherds)

Calls goats, cows,
He plays his twisted horn.
Answer: ( Shepherd)

Sharpening parts on a machine
This career worker...
Answer: ( Turner)

He's the funniest guy in the circus.
He is a great success.
All that remains is to remember
That's what he's called, the merry fellow.
Answer: ( Clown)

He protects nature
Drives away poachers
And in winter at the feeders
Forest animals are waiting for you to visit.
Answer: ( Forester)

He flies a great plane,
It's safe to fly with it,
A real ace...
Answer: ( Pilot)

The earth awaits his work,
The dawn will barely light its rays.
In the spring he will comb the fields,
When autumn comes, he will cut his hair.
Answer: ( Farmer)

He gives us the goods and a receipt
Not a philosopher, not a sage
And not a superman
And the usual...
Answer: ( Salesman)

They put dexterous two hands
Heels on shoes.
And heels -
Also the work of these hands.
Answer: ( Shoemaker)

He pours grain into the mill.
Call him quickly.
Answer: ( flour mill)

Who in days of illness
The most useful of all
And cures us of everything
Answer: ( Doctor)

He, getting ready for his rounds,
Puts on a doctor's robe,
He puts medicines in the bag,
Then he steps into the barnyard.
Answer: ( Vet)

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician,
Don't worry, calm down,
And, of course, don't cry,
It's just childish...
Answer: ( Doctor)

We are suffering from a cold again,
We call a doctor to your home.
He will give us a sick leave certificate.
Who is he as a specialist?
Answer: ( Therapist)

The question hidden here is:
Doctor with thread and needle
What's the name? Remember
And give me a quick answer.
Answer: ( Surgeon)

This doctor will remove
I have easy appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend,
Who is the doctor? ... !
Answer: ( Surgeon)

Tell me, how can you look through a wall?
With glasses and in the light, you won’t be able to do that.
Meanwhile, he saw through it
Not only me, but also my heart.
Answer: ( Radiologist)

This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes,
Even if you see badly,
You can see everything with glasses.
Answer: ( Oculist)

The ship is sailing in the yellow sea.
Who leads the ship on the sea?
Answer: ( Combiner)

In the sea of ​​books it is endless
A real captain.
Find any book
Helps us quickly!
Answer: ( Librarian)

Among the clouds, on high,
Together we are building a new house,
To be warm and beautiful
People lived happily in it.
Answer: ( Builders)

Silver needle
There was a thread in the sky.
Who's brave?
White thread
He sewed the sky, but hastened:
Has the thread's tail fluffed up?
Answer: ( Pilot)

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons curl behind your back,
Ribbons curl, and in the squad
There are no girls.
Answer: ( Sailors)

Fun job
Envy from the heart!
Whistle when you're hunting
Yes, wave your wand!
Answer: ( Policeman)

No one in the world can do that
With one movement of the hand
Stop the flow of passersby
And let the trucks pass.
Answer: ( Policeman-regulator)

We dig deep into the earth
And in the depths of the earth
We mine coal for people,
So that they could heat the house.
Answer: ( Miners)

He will walk along the carriage -
He will find stowaways.
His friend is sitting in the workshop -
He monitors quality.
Answer: ( Controller)

Who, tell me, is in the forests
Walks around bowing to mushrooms?
Answer: ( Mushroomer)

Everyone is glad to see him,
When there is a waterfall in the kitchen.
Answer: ( Plumber)

The pilot Borya has a friend
Paints everything around.
It's raining on the window,
So it will grow...
Answer: ( Artist)

Jumped down -
Hanging on a flower
Touched the earth -
The flower curled up.
Answer: ( Parachutist)

The artist has a sister
He can sing very loudly.
The birds sing along with Nastya,
So it will grow...
Answer: ( Singer)

Lunch in kindergarten
The cook takes samples from the dishes.
But my mother is not around,
Who sets the table there?
Answer: ( Nanny, teacher's assistant)

He worked in the sweet shop all day,
The result was dessert -
Eclairs, cupcake, Napoleon.
Now think about who he is?
Answer: ( Confectioner)

The cooks and Valera are in a quarrel,
He's arguing about tastes again.
He loves debates very much
So it will be...
Answer: ( Deputy)

He will show us the whole city,
He will also tell you everything about him.
And he expects questions from us,
And he will find the answer to everything.
Answer: ( Guide)

The deputy is friends with Marina.
The one who always dances around,
After all, beautiful Marina
Dreams of becoming...
Answer: ( Ballerina)

In the company, he considers the profit
Pays everyone a salary.
And he’s not too lazy to count
All taxes all day long.
Answer: ( Accountant)

By solving riddles about professions with your child, you can have an excellent role-playing game. This way the child will be able to guess what the person is doing based on their distinctive features. And then it would be nice to try to depict them in drawings or mold them from plasticine.

Riddles about teachers and educators

You can start with any profession. But these people accompany children from early childhood and pass on to them the knowledge accumulated by humanity. Therefore, first come the riddles about the teacher, as well as the nanny.

1. She meets us at school,

Everyone is certainly familiar with her.

Nobody gets bored talking to her.

2. Meets children in kindergarten in the morning,

He knows the answers to all their questions.

Teaches children to notice everything, everything,

Teaches to love and respect old people.

3. The cook will prepare food for the children in the kindergarten,

And she always puts everything on the table.

These are the simplest riddles about professions for children with answers. Every child or schoolchild will certainly solve them. Still, no one can do without these professions.

Riddles about doctors

They are also difficult to ignore. After all, no matter who gets sick, a child or an adult, we always turn to doctors. So, first there are children's riddles about professions in general about doctors and pediatricians.

1. Sitting in the clinic office

And he says to every patient,

What medicine should you take?

To be healthier sooner.

2. When children suffer from a cold,

They definitely call him home.

He will issue a sick leave certificate for mom,

He is a specialist in all diseases.

The following three riddles are about the professions of specific doctors: surgeon, radiologist, ophthalmologist.

1. He will remove it in the hospital

Everyone has easy appendicitis.

A sharp scalpel is his friend.

We all know he...

2. He knows how to look through the body.

He will see all the bones in the picture.

The doctor helps others see

Where exactly and what hurts.

3. This doctor is a magic doctor,

He heals people's eyes.

When someone sees poorly,

He will write out a prescription for glasses.

Such riddles about professions for children are not difficult to solve. But with those that are in demand in the village, difficulties may arise. Because not everyone visits this area or encounters the theme in the works. Therefore, additional preparation will be required: reading stories, getting acquainted with drawings.

in the countryside

Riddles about professions that are relevant only in the village may seem difficult for some modern children. But still, the guys are familiar with some of them from fairy tales or stories. So, the first of them are about a shepherd, a milkmaid and a farmer.

1. He is watching the cows in the field,

To return home happy.

He rides a horse

And he cracks his whip loudly.

2. When she enters the barn,

The cows begin to moo loudly.

She will feed them, clean them, give them something to drink,

So that the cows want to give the milk away.

3. His work in the village on earth:

He sows, plows and raises cows.

He buys seeds always and everywhere.

He is ready to grow a super crop.

The following four riddles about professions with answers: blacksmith, agronomist, forester and beekeeper.

1. He is very strong because the hammer is big

Lifts up so that after

Hit the iron so deftly

So that it becomes a new beautiful horseshoe.

2. He studied at the institute for a long time,

He studied plants and soil.

Now he understands well personally,

How to grow the biggest harvest.

3. He doesn’t just walk through the forest,

And he protects trees and animals.

He fills the feeders in winter,

For forest animals to survive.

4. He will set up many hives for the bees to collect honey.

Only the brave can remove honey from the honeycomb...

Two more riddles about professions that are in demand in the city. This is a veterinarian and dog handler.

1. He is also a doctor and treats diseases,

But he doesn’t expect people to visit.

It will be much more useful for the animals,

After all, he only treats different animals.

2. Who knows dogs better than anyone in the world?

Who will help train them?

Who will answer all questions about them?

And can he make any dog ​​obedient?

Most of the tasks presented require preliminary preparation. After all, children do not meet foresters and dog handlers every day. They may not even know anything about their existence. Although some people can easily call a veterinarian Aibolit.

Riddles about people in construction professions

Who will build a house for people? Of course, a builder. Therefore, the following riddles about professions for schoolchildren are about them. The first one is about builders in general, and then two more, about a crane operator and a painter.

1. From the earth itself to the clouds

We lay bricks or concrete slabs.

We will install all the doors and windows of the balconies.

And the high-rise building is almost ready.

2. He sits in a cabin high above the ground,

He commands with a long iron hand.

At a construction site, his work is visible to everyone:

He will lift tons of cement upward.

3. He, like an artist, works with paint.

He just doesn’t paint canvases at all.

At height in a cradle and a helmet

He will paint all the walls.

Many of them turn out to be dangerous. Because you need to work at high altitudes, where there is always a risk of falling. It is also prohibited to be on the construction site without one. Therefore, the profession of a builder can be considered extreme. But there are many others where people have to be on the verge of life and death.

Riddles about extreme professions

They descend underground, climb high into the mountains, jump with a parachute and plunge into the ocean. Their work always involves risks to life and health. The following riddles about professions for children with answers: climber, parachutist, diver and miner.

1. On the mountain it is barely noticeable

It makes its way to the very clouds.

Step by step, meter by meter,

The higher the mountain, the steeper it is.

2. He gets on the plane not to get off,

And he wants to go out during the flight.

A flower hangs above him in flight,

And when it touches the ground, it becomes a huge handkerchief.

3. He walks on the bottom of the sea,

Looking for problems in the bottom.

Silt will not hide the breakdown from him,

The leak will be detected and sealed tightly.

4. He is not a very simple worker,

They lower him deep down.

And there, in the darkness underground,

He mines coal for us.

The next two riddles are again about the professions of people who bravely perform their duties. This is a fireman and a stuntman. The following poems are about them.

1. He serves, but is not a soldier.

In his hands there is a hose with water.

He always fights with fire.

Saves the forest, barn and house.

2. He will perform all the stunts in the film,

He will enter the fire and stop the tram.

This is a specially trained actor -

Brave and dexterous...

Riddles about cooks

These people prepare food in canteens and restaurants. Children in schools and kindergartens often only guess about their existence. And the work of cooks, although invisible, is very important. Therefore, the following riddles about professions for schoolchildren are about them. The answers are: cook, pastry chef and baker.

1. Everyone knows who is so delicious

Bakes pies with cabbage

Fries potatoes with a cutlet,

He will feed us all with vinaigrette.

2. This cook works in the sweet shop,

Makes cakes and pastries for us.

Cupcakes and eclairs will soon be ready,

For guests to drink delicious tea.

3. The cook who doesn't sleep at night

Briskly sifts the flour and kneads

Dough that is in the hot oven

Then it will become a bun with a ring.

Riddles about transport-related professions

Tractors, cars, planes, ships, space rockets - we are surrounded by a huge amount of all kinds of transport. They need someone to manage them. These people are called, in particular, tractor drivers and pilots. Therefore, the following riddles are about them.

1. I plow the land, then sow grain.

A trailer is attached to my car.

I can mow grass in the summer,

And in the fall I help everyone dig potatoes.

2. A needle flew across the sky,

Leaving a transparent seam.

But he only sewed awkwardly,

That seam melted among the clouds.

It is clear that this is not a complete list of those who manage transport. There are also drivers, captains, and trams. You can talk about them too. You just have to remember the distinctive features of their work.

Riddles about people in creative professions

They are in plain sight. They say about such people that they are stars. Because they shine in the movies, on stage or in the arena. So, the following riddle poems are about professions: conductor, actor, director, clown, juggler.

1. He waves the stick in his hand smoothly,

Because he is the leader of the orchestra.

He hears and knows any instrument.

In the orchestra, he is like the president of the country.

2. On New Year- wolf or hare,

Then he suddenly becomes a teacher.

And before he was a driver and a clown.

He will read in the script who he will be later.

3. His task is to stage the play,

So that every actor plays the role correctly.

He is called to rule everyone on stage,

For everyone who is on it, he is like a king.

4. He looks so funny

Which is sure to make everyone laugh.

Performs in the circus arena

It prevents boredom and dispels melancholy.

5. He makes everything he takes fly.

Even plates fly in his hands.

These are not all professions. There are also janitors with hairdressers, tailors with shoemakers, postmen with sellers. There are good riddles about all of them that will be useful for children to get to know. Because schoolchildren should know as many professions as possible for self-determination in adult life.

Choosing the one and only one from the sea of ​​professions can be very difficult. It seems that you are interested in everything: historical excavations and space flights, scientific innovations, etc. And how much you love to fly in the clouds is difficult to describe!

I suggest you unwind a little and guess some children's riddles about professions. Perhaps one of them will inspire you to make a grand discovery in your chosen industry =)

Traffic rules
He knows without a doubt.
He instantly starts the engine,
The car is speeding... DRIVER.

Dark night, clear day
He fights fire.
In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,
A FIREMAN is rushing to the fire.

Teaches us politeness
Reads the story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
This is the nanny... TEACHER.

He puts the bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for the children
Not a miner or a driver,
The house will be built for us... THE BUILDER.

In reality, not in a dream
He flies on high.
Flying a plane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me? PILOT.

Who is sailing on the ship
To an uncharted land?
He is cheerful and kind.
What is his name?.. SAILOR.

You are probably familiar with him.
He knows about all the laws.
Not a judge, not a journalist.
He gives advice to everyone... LAWYER.

Stands at his post
He keeps order.
Strict, brave officer.
Who is he? POLICEMAN.

The cows have known her for a long time,
Always greeted with a moo
And for her hard work
All the milk is given to her. MILKMAID.

He is away from all his relatives
Drives ships to sea.
Seen a lot of countries
Our brave... CAPTAIN.

So that an ambulance rushes across the bridge,
He is repairing at the bottom of the support.
All day long over and over again
A DIVER dives deep into the depths.

Who will prescribe vitamins?
Who can cure a sore throat?
Don't cry during vaccinations -
The DOCTOR knows how to be treated.

He is on duty in the snow and heat,
Protects our peace.
A man who is faithful to his oath,
It's called... MILITARY.

Performs stunts in films
Dives from a height to the bottom
Trained actor.
Fast, brave... STUNCHER.

In this clean, bright room,
Always with a feeling of joy
The old walks and the little walks,
So I'll go there too.
If I'm too overgrown,
I will sit down in the chair boldly,
I need a haircut
The master will do it skillfully. HAIRDRESSER.

I hope you liked my riddles for children. You will find Pustunchik on the website.

Police - system public services and institutions involved in the fight against crime and delinquency, maintaining order, as well as the personal safety of citizens.

The police are police officers. They wear a special uniform.

Imagine you get out of the elevator and see that the door in the neighboring apartment has been broken into and wide open. Where should I go?

Right! Do not enter this apartment under any circumstances and call the police.

You need to call there by phone by dialing number 02. After a while, a police squad will arrive at the specified address.

The work of a police officer is extremely difficult and dangerous, you must always be on guard. Those who work in the police are, as a rule, young, strong, trained men. They play sports and know how to shoot well - after all, they have to deal with criminals! At the same time, police officers must be smart and fair so as not to punish the innocent.

In big cities there are a lot of cars on the streets, and pedestrians walk along the sidewalks. Traffic at intersections is usually controlled by traffic lights. If the red light is on, there is no passage; if the yellow light is on, then you need to prepare to cross; when the green light turns on, you can cross the street, but only at the pedestrian crossing and after making sure that all cars have stopped and are allowing you to pass.

If there is no traffic light at the intersection, or a difficult traffic situation arises in a certain area, a traffic policeman will come to the rescue. He stands at an intersection, attracting attention, blows a whistle and uses a baton to control the flow of traffic.

When detaining law enforcement violators, police officers are assisted by specially trained service dogs and various special equipment. Listen to the poem.

I serve in the police

I serve in the police

I keep order.

I catch thieves, hooligans,

Foul-mouthed and brawlers.

I break up fights

Dogs help me!

I need to be strong, brave,

Strong, dexterous and skillful!

Answer the questions

♦ Where should you go if you notice a violation?

♦ What qualities should a police officer have?

♦ Who are the police fighting with?

♦ Is this work dangerous?

♦ Would you like to become a police officer?

From the age of 4-5, children begin to show an active interest in the activities of adults. They begin to be interested in the professions of their parents and people around them. Games appear: to the store, to the kindergarten, to the hospital, etc. Children begin to try on this or that profession, showing observation and first preferences. To develop interest in different professions, it is useful to use riddles.

Traditional techniques

Top best riddles about professions for children of any age

Mom needs it for work

Place notes on the music stand.

Just ask mom -

And he will play: “Mi, salt, si!”

I will tell the guys proudly:

“Mom knows all the chords!”


Mom can put cans,

Apply to abrasions and wounds.

Mom gives injections

To all the children of our school.

Mom with affection and kind words

Helps you become healthy!


Mom - golden hands -

Sews shirts, dresses, trousers,

Dad, me, sister Sveta -

Everyone is dressed to the nines!


Kindness, warmth, soul

Mommy doesn't feel sorry.

The kids are waiting for mommy -

Vasya, Masha, Galka,

Pasha, Senya and Marat -

The whole kindergarten is waiting for her!


Mom will make soup

To the kids from different groups,

Deftly molds cutlets

And he will cut the vinaigrettes.

And with such a skillful mother

I am always the most well-fed!

At school I'm the most learned -

I was very lucky with my mother.

Children learn from her

Everything is out there in class.

They will become better and smarter,

Fairer and kinder.


Mom is more important than everyone, believe me!

Mom walks around with a thick bag.

He will bring a letter in an envelope,

Parcel and telegram.

People are really waiting for their mother,

Respect mom's work!


The cooks and Valera are in a quarrel,

He's arguing about tastes again.

He loves debates very much

So it will be...


The deputy is friends with Marina.

The one who always dances around,

After all, beautiful Marina

Dreams of becoming


The ballerina is friends with Dasha.

Dasha spoon feeds porridge

Capricious doll Katya -

Growing up...


The teacher goes to school

Together with a cheerful boy.

Yang juggles a ball

So it will be...

(Circus performer)

Yan the circus performer knows Ivan,

Distrustful and strange.

He's watching Uncle Drone

And dreams of becoming...


The spy has a brother.

Kolya is too curious,

He is passionate about science

So it will grow...

Fashion designers love Gosha,

Because he's good.

He composed a sonnet for them,

So it will grow...

The poet has a brother - Stepashka,

He taught the bug all year

Jump from a glass into a ladle.

Stepa - young...


Trainer with friend Dima

We spent the whole day looking for the mine.

Dima jar under the fence,

I buried it to become...


The sapper has an older brother,

He is always happy to help everyone.

Cat remover from tree,

Leva is the future...


Our rescuer walks in pairs

With a kind girl Tamara.

She treats animals with a decoction,

Wants to be …


At Tom's veterinarian

The mice have all left the house.

He will find them by interviewing everyone,

Tim, local...


Our detective on the couch

I found Anya's hairpin.

Anya learns the role of Alice,

To become big...


For actresses - applause

And flowers and compliments.

He shouted to Anechka: “Motor!”

Slava - cinema...


The director abandoned the theater

He and Danka were vacuuming the floor.

The world around us is expensive

Danka. Will he...

The ecologist has a neighbor

I put together a stool myself,

And also a house for birds.

So it will become...


There was a carpenter at a birthday party

At Volodya's on Sunday.

Vovka's dad is a machine gun

Gave it to grow...

All the soldiers walk in formation.

Orders distributed to heroes

And sent him back into battle

Roma is brave...


The general resigned

After all, he sold his shoulder straps

Tolya, little sly -

Growing up...


Seller in winter to Oleg

Sold three drifts of snow.

Fortresses Oleg the sculptor –

He is hereditary...


Everyone needs the work of a builder,

Everyone needs a delicious dinner,

Doctor to treat everyone

And a teacher to teach.

You need a pilot to fly...

Well, who do you want to become?

Seryozha coughs loudly.

He seems to have bronchitis.

They call the clinic

And they say to Seryozha:

Don't be afraid and don't cry -

A good one is coming to see you...

He drove around the Earth

And ships, and ships,

He saw many countries

My acquaintance…


He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who, tell me, is this?


The trains are noisy

And sometimes they honk

To us beeps or whistles,

And they are led...


Who herds sheep and goats

Where the meadow is overgrown with grass.

We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


That athlete will become -

We can all follow an example.

But he had to do a lot

Sweat within the walls of the gym.

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches?

This worker is amazing!

Accompanies trains.

(Railroad worker)

Drives out onto the road

He is usually early

Putting your foot on the pedal

And turning the steering wheel with my hand.

At night, at noon, at dawn

He carries out his service in secret,

On the path, on the shore,

Blocking the enemy's path.

(Border Guard)

Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases?

In the sea of ​​books it is endless

A real captain.

Find any book

Helps us quickly!


Lunch in kindergarten

The cook takes samples from the dishes.

But my mother is not around,

Who sets the table there?

(Nanny, assistant teacher.)

Love nature, respect the elderly.


Andryusha has an older brother -

Excellent bearing of the soldiers.

He is serving, but at the same time

Armed with water and a hook.

He is on duty in the cold and in the heat.

Tell me, who is he?


Didactic orientation

Any riddle makes children think, compare, analyze. She reveals those in a playful way key points, which you don’t immediately pay attention to.

So, in riddles about a clown there is always an emphasis on the joy and laughter that he brings to others. The clown is associated with the circus, holidays, friends, and birthdays. The external attributes of a clown are not forgotten either: a bright painted face, a cheerful laugh, a funny costume, balloons and a funny wig. It is not a problem for children to come up with riddles about their pet, without which the holidays are unthinkable. Riddles about a clown can prepare for his appearance, create a joyful and relaxed atmosphere of anticipation, and help introduce children.

Interesting riddles about the professions of a doctor, cook, driver, fireman. These professions are familiar to children; children can easily guess them in general. But it’s interesting in class and during role playing games expand ideas about specializations. And then the children, by solving riddles and using the answers to them, learn about a surgeon, a dentist, a pediatrician, an ophthalmologist and many others. Likewise, riddles about a cook - pastry chef, cook - baker will lift the veil of a complex system for preparing your favorite delicious dishes.

About the army

Boys are always interested in military topics. Military professions attract children with their manifestations of strength, responsibility, courage, independence and, of course, their adventure side. Among the most interesting riddles about a sailor, about a pilot, about a tanker, about an artilleryman, about a paratrooper, about a border guard, about a sapper and a paratrooper. Gradually, riddles with answers form in children ideas not only about military professions, but also about the qualities and character traits required in these professions, and expand knowledge about the world around them.

Often, riddles for children about the army mention military attributes and details of military uniforms. This is how children distinguish between a cap, a cap, a helmet, a helmet, a cap, and a beret. They learn to pay attention to insignia and stripes.

About kindergarten

Kids happily solve riddles about their favorite kindergarten. In a fun playful way they get to know complex system the work of your favorite kindergarten. A tour of the garden for children can be supplemented with riddles about the professions of those people who create comfort, educate and care. Riddles about the doctor, about the cook, about the janitor, about the teacher will come in handy. And then you can invite the children to come up with riddles about the professions that surround them.

In many groups kindergarten There are profession corners: a hairdresser's corner, a shop, a doctor's corner, a tailor's corner and others. Thematic activities and games in such corners are perfectly complemented by riddles about the profession and objects related to the profession.

Riddles will help you choose participants in the game among a large number of people interested. It will be a fair and entertaining choice. Children will try to remember riddles and answers, and will be more attentive to the teachers’ assignments.

Riddles about professions are an important section of children's creativity. By expanding their understanding of the world, they develop imagination, speech, increase vocabulary, and develop observation and resourcefulness. Children learn about different professions, gain initial ideas about the type of activity, the final product, and the qualities required in each profession. Riddles about professions are appropriate during play, relaxation and in class.

The page contains a large number of traffic rules riddles. By guessing them, children will consolidate their knowledge about road safety, and perhaps learn something new.

Going out on the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And the main thing is attention.

Riddles about traffic light

I have three different eyes.
I keep an eye on the street traffic.
Silent, but still not silent -
I talk to people through my eyes.
(traffic light)

Standing on the edge of the street
In a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal
On one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converge
Helps the street
People move on.
(traffic light)

Three colorful circles
They blink one after another.
They light up, blink -
They help people.
(traffic light)

Here's a three-eyed fellow.
How cunning he is!
Who will go from anywhere?
Winks at both this and that.
Knows how to settle a dispute
(traffic light)

Stop! The cars are moving!
Where the paths meet,
Who will help the street
Should people move on?
(traffic light)

There are no police caps,
And in the eyes there is a glassy light,
But any machine will say:
You can go or not.
(traffic light)

At the transition strip,
On the side of the road
The beast is three-eyed, one-legged,
Of a breed unknown to us,
With different colored eyes
Talking to us.
The red eye looks at us:
- Stop! - says his order.
The yellow eye looks at us:
- Carefully! Stop now!
And the green one: well, go ahead,
Pedestrian, cross!
This is how he conducts his conversation
(traffic light)

He has three eyes
Three on each side
And although never yet
He didn’t look at everyone at once -
He needs all the eyes.
It has been hanging here for a long time.
What is this? ...
(traffic light)

Three eyes - three orders,
Red is the most dangerous.
(traffic light)

The guard watches vigilantly
Behind the wide pavement.
How to look with a red eye -
They will all stop at once.
(traffic light)

Perched above the road
And he blinks a lot
Changing every time
The color of your round eyes.
(traffic light)

I blink my eyes
Relentlessly day and night.
And I help cars,
And I want to help you.
(traffic light)

Riddles about traffic light color (green, red, yellow) What light tells us:
“Come on, the way is open.”

It stood on guard for us
Bug-eyed...? Traffic light!
He blinks his yellow eye.
He strictly warns us:
To have a happy path.
Be more careful!
And don't run, don't play,
Where are the bus and tram!
Be, baby, always smart
And step into the light...?

What light tells us:
“Wait, the path is closed!”

But look who he is
He tells us: “Wait and walk!”?
And the signal: “The path is dangerous!”
Stop and wait while I...?

Riddles about road signs

He will tell the driver everything,
It will indicate the correct speed.
By the road, like a beacon,
Good friend -...
(road sign)

Tell me, buddy,
What is the name of the pointer?
What's standing by the road?
Tells me to slow down?
(road sign)
White triangle, red border.
Wonderful little train
With smoke at the window.
This locomotive is driven by an eccentric grandfather.
Which one of you can tell me
What is this sign?
(Railway crossing without barrier)

The train is moving fast and fast!
So that misfortune does not happen,
I am closing the move -
No cars allowed!
There is a move ahead -
Brake and wait:
It's down - slow down
If they pick it up, go ahead.

The sign was hung at dawn,
So that everyone knows about this:
The roads are being repaired here -
Take care of your feet!
(Men at work)

What is this dark hole?
There's probably a hole here?
A fox lives in that hole.
What miracles!
This is not a ravine or a forest,
There's a crossroads here!
There is a sign by the road
But what is he talking about?

What kind of miracle is this?
Two humps like a camel?
This sign is triangular
What is it called?
(Rough road)

This sign warns
That the road here has a zigzag,
And there's a car waiting ahead
(Dangerous bend)

I'm a connoisseur road rules,
I parked my car here
To the parking lot near the fence -
She also needs to rest.
(Parking location)

Red circle, and in it is my friend,
A fast friend is a bicycle.
The sign says: here and around
There is no access for bicycles.
(Riding bicycles is prohibited)

Riddles about the road

Close - wide
from afar it is narrow.

Not alive, but walking
Motionless - but leading.

Tall trees are longer,
Small blades of grass below.
With her the distances become closer
And we open the world with her.

A thread stretches, winding among the fields,
Forest, copses
Without end and edge.
Nor break it,
Not to wrap it in a ball.

You will find my first syllable among the notes,
The second and third moose will appear.
Wherever you go from home,
You will immediately notice the WHOLE thing.

Riddles about street

The houses stand in two rows -
10, 20, 100 in a row.
And square eyes
They all look at each other.

Riddles about sidewalk

The bus doesn't roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
It's peaceful here for pedestrians
They are walking along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another way.

Before bills and letters,
Drawing, reading,
All the kids need to know
ABC of movement!
What are the names of those paths?
On which the legs walk.
Learn to distinguish them accurately,
Don't fly like you're on fire.
Pedestrian paths –
It's just …?

Lyosha and Lyuba walk in pairs.
Where are they going? By …
(to the sidewalk)

Riddles about underground crossing

Where the steps lead down
Come down, don't be lazy.
Pedestrians must know:
Here …?
(Underground crossing)

Cars are rushing menacingly,
Like an iron river!
So that you don't get crushed,
Like a fragile bug -
Under the road, like a grotto,
(Underground crossing)

Riddles about crosswalk

There is a place to go
Pedestrians know this.
They lined it for us,
Everyone was shown where to go.

striped horse,
They call her “zebra”.
But not the one at the zoo,
People keep walking along it.

What is a zebra without hooves?
It’s not under her that the dust flies,
And above her there is a blizzard of dust
And cars fly.

Striped horses
They lay across the roads -
All cars stopped
If we pass here.

Well, what if a pedestrian
Is the sidewalk out of the way?
If possible for a pedestrian
Cross the pavement?
A pedestrian is immediately looking for
Road sign...?
(pedestrian crossing)

On road sign volume
A man walks.
Striped paths
They made a bed under our feet.
So that we don't have any worries
And they walked forward along them.

If you're in a hurry on your way
Walk across the street
Go there, where all the people are,
Where the sign is...

Riddles about zebra crossing (pedestrian)

What animal helps us
cross the street?

An animal came from Africa to the city.
The beast was completely stunned with fright.
She lies as if she fell asleep, wake her up, don’t wake her up,
Either drive on it or walk on it.

What kind of horse is it, all striped?
Sunbathing on the road?
People go and go
But she doesn’t run away.

Riddles about radar

This device reveals
Those who exceed the speed limit.
Strict locator says:
— Violator on the road!

Riddles about speedometer

My first syllable tells me to sleep,
Middle - sounds in music,
And the latter knows when to stop;
WHOLE speed is measured.

Riddles about speed bump

He has a stern temper -
Long, thick, like a hog,
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting the pedestrian.
(speed bump)

Riddles about traffic controller
Look, what a strong man:
On the go with one hand
I'm used to stopping
Five ton truck.

Where there is a difficult intersection,
He is a machine manager.
Where he is, it’s easy and simple,
He is a guide for everyone.

Commanding the rod, he guides everyone,
And one man controls the entire intersection.
He's like a magician, a machine trainer,
And his name is...

Riddles about rod

striped pointer,
Like a wand from a fairy tale.

Rules traffic it is necessary to explain to children almost from birth. And it is very important to adhere to the rules yourself and show children correct example. You should not run across the road with your child. He copies the behavior of adults and will soon run across inappropriate and dangerous places. Therefore, it is better to spend a few minutes reaching a traffic light or pedestrian crossing, but to protect the child from danger.

Much attention is paid to traffic rules in preschool and school institutions. In a playful way, children are introduced to the rules of the road - competitions, riddles, quizzes, initiation into other pedestrians. There are posters with traffic rules hanging in the corridors, in classrooms, and in groups.

Teach your child the rules of crossing streets as early as possible, and set the right example yourself. By forming the right habit, you will save a small life.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Profession “Policeman”


expanding children's understanding of the variety of specialties of this professions.



introduce children to the profession of a police officer;


form respectful attitude towards working people;


Develop intellectual and creative capabilities.

Equipment and methodological support: drawings, pictures, animated film "Uncle Styopa".

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: - Listen to the riddle, after guessing it you will find out the theme of our classes.

If you are in trouble,

Phone number 02 was dialed.

They will come to you now,

Everyone will be helped, everyone will be saved.

(police officer)

Educator: -Correct and the topic of today occupations profession« police officer» . It is no coincidence that today we will talk about this professions, today is November 10th - Internal Affairs Officer Day Russian Federation or day police.

1. History professions.

Policewoman the function arose simultaneously with the emergence of the state.

In 1715, Peter I created a public order service in Russia and called it « police» , which is translated from Greek meant"government".

2) Various directions this professions:

District, police officer, investigator, operational worker, forensic expert, dog handler, PPSP, traffic police, etc.

3) Riddles.

Educator: - Now you know that professions« police officer» , there are several directions. And now I will ask riddles, and you will have to find out what profession in question.

1) My dad is a hero!

Walks around in uniform with a holster!

In the middle of the night

Is there a theft or a fight somewhere?

Call immediately on “02”,

Call my dad! (Police officer)

2) Who controls the movement?

Who lets cars through?

On the wide pavement

He waves his staff. (guard)

3) He is four-legged friends

A universally recognized expert,

The teacher is very strict

Holds the leash tightly. (Canine handler)

4. No one in the world can do this -

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass. (Adjuster)

5. He goes to crime scenes

Examines objects and evidence from crime scenes.

(Expert criminalist)

Educator: - Guess what kind of work this is, and who wrote it:

He has a cockade on his cap, he is wearing an overcoat under his belt.

The country’s coat of arms shines on the buckle, the sun is reflected in it!” (Uncle Styopa) (Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov)

Educator: - Guys, let's watch this wonderful cartoon with you now.

Watching a cartoon.

Educator: - Although now the police called the police,

But the one who was a defender remains one!

They are laconic, do not like talking,

The baton is manipulated as if by jugglers!

2) And if there is a violation, the whistle will sound instantly!

Anyone who keeps order is ready for a forced march!

Defenders of the law, guardians of order!

Let everything in your life be peaceful and smooth!

Educator: - What new have we learned about professions Policeman? - What qualities should you have? policeman?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the lesson “Profession - librarian” for children of the preparatory group in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard TOPIC: “PROFESSION LIBRARIAN” (for children preparatory group) PURPOSE: to create interest in the book, to teach respect for it.

“River of Time” - as a form of cognitive and research activity of older preschoolers. Topic “Profession postman” The term “River of Time” was coined by Donald Bisset for the fairy tale “The Journey of Uncle Tick-Tock,” and Korotkova N. A borrowed this term.

Summary of a lesson on civic-patriotic education “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland” Educational goal: civic and patriotic education of children. Developmental goal: to develop children's creative abilities, their independence.

Lesson summary of the horizontal plastic ballet “Plastic Show” Lesson topic: “Water” Goal: Attracting healthy image life. To make children fall in love with water, the constituent and unifying element of the world and people. Objectives: Actualization.

Lesson notes Educational area « Speech development» Topic: “Heroic profession” Purpose: to strengthen children’s ability to write a story.

Lesson summary “Profession for Dunno” middle group. Program content: Expand and enrich children's ideas about professions, tools, and labor actions. Expand and clarify.

Lesson summary for the middle group “Profession - Miner” Goals: to introduce the miner profession. Material and equipment: coal, models of underground coal mining, visual didactic material.

Summary of the lesson “Profession - photographer” MKOU "Khorlov boarding school" Occupation: "Profession photographer"

Purpose: to introduce the profession of a military man. Objectives: 1. Develop vocabulary


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