Gallery of the 21st century Kremenchug. Gallery of the XXI century. Selected exhibitions and projects

Alena Borschagovskaya

Curator and head of the department "Gallery of the XXI century"

Gallery of the XXI century

In 1972 she graduated from the Moscow Polygraphic Institute (faculty of artistic and technical design of printed materials, specialty - graphic artist). From 1975 to 1992, as a freelance artist, she collaborated with the largest publishing houses in Moscow (Politizdat, Soviet Writer, etc.). In 1975-1990, she was a member of the Commission on the aesthetic education of children and youth of the Moscow branch of the Union of Artists of the USSR. In 2004 - 2009 - Member of the Artistic Expert Council of the New Names Foundation. From 2002 to the present, he has been the director and curator of the exhibition hall “Gallery of the XXI century”. Honorary Worker of Culture of the City of Moscow.

In 1972 she acted as a curator for the first time. Since then, she has held more than 400 exhibitions, competitions, promotions professional art and children's art.

A curator in the art world is a conductor of the project start. He is responsible not only for WHAT he exhibits, but also for HOW he does it, WHERE and WHY. All this together is called a concept. The curator is most often the author or co-author of the project. Curatorial activity is such a fundamentally different form of authorship in art. It is akin to directing.

The curator's battlefield at the exhibition is his ability, together with artists, to bring to life a common idea, to create harmony in the world. After all, an exhibition is a collective game in which the curator is looking for a connection between authors, types of art, genres. Stylistic. Coloristic. Substantial. Emotional. Textured. Anything. Or vice versa, opposing them to each other, emphasizes their dissimilarity and originality. As a result of all this, a new work of art is born - an exposition built according to all the laws of visual art. The main task, using color, light, the nature of objects, their location in space, to build a dialogue between them and, as a result, to create artistic image Exhibitions.

The exhibition is like a city. It is built according to the same laws. Wide avenues, small streets, squares and squares. Zakutochny and courtyards, vertical and horizontal. The task of the "architect" of this city is one - to make it convenient for movement, for viewing, diverse, rhythmically arranged so that both the viewer and the art at any point of it feel comfortable.

Selected exhibitions and projects

Exhibitions and master classes in the arts and crafts of children and youth in the cultural center of the USSR at the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. Organizer (1985)

“Masters of Culture for Peace”. Exhibition of Creative Unions in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh". Organizer of children's art action and master classes at the exhibition (1986)

"Colorful city". I Moscow Festival of legal graffiti on the territory of the Olympic Village. Curator (1998)

"Tales of the Ocean". Children's art project for painting the facade of the Russian pavilion at EXPO-98 in Portugal. One of the authors of the project and the leader of the children's group (1998)

“Man in the space of the city”. Professional sculptor competition. The result is the creation of a Park of Sculptures on Osenny Boulevard in Krylatskoye. Organizer and curator (2002)

"City for Children". A joint project of Moscow children's art studios and professional artists. Landscape architecture, art objects. Exhibition hall "Gallery of the XXI century". Organizer and curator (2003, 2006, 2013)

"Mail art is us." A joint project of Moscow children's art studios and professional mail-art artists at the Postcardexpo International Exhibitions. Central House of Artists. Leader and organizer of master classes (2007, 2008)

Artist`s Book. Accumulation 2008 ". International exhibition project, exhibition hall "Gallery of the XXI century". Organizer and project manager (2008)

“Alain and Thais. The space of clay ”. Exhibition of ceramics by Alain Chenno and Thais Nersesyan (France, Vendée province), included in the official program of the Year of France in Russia, exhibition hall "Gallery of the XXI century". Organizer and curator (2010)

Annual International Exhibition "Art of Dolls", Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh", "Crocus - Expo". Art director, curator of art projects (2010, 2011, 2012)

Annual International Exhibition "April Maxi Mines". Book illustrations for children and author's art toy, exhibition hall "Gallery of the XXI century". Organizer, project curator, exhibition designer (2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017)

“Passion for embroidery. From classics to postmodernism ”. The project is dedicated to the modern interpretation of traditional embroidery techniques, the exhibition hall "Gallery of the XXI century". Organizer, curator, exhibition designer (2013)

Illusion Makers. The project is dedicated to film artists, included in the program of the Year of Cinema in Russia, exhibition hall "Gallery of the XXI century". Organizer, curator (2016)

"Dreams of Petrovsky Boulevard". Stories from the life of the squat of Alexander Petliura. Exhibition hall "Gallery of the XXI century". Organizer, curator of the project (2017)

Gallery of the XXI century is one of the network of galleries, workshops and cultural centers of the Moscow Exhibition Halls association. The works of puppeteers from all over the world are exhibited here, the International Festival of the author's textile doll "Eve's Rib" is held annually.

Gallery of the XXI century is part of an association belonging to the Moscow Department of Culture.

Gallery of the XXI century is located near the metro station "Slavyansky Boulevard". It has been operating since 2002, and since its opening it has been guided by the high artistic level of the exhibited works, presents the viewer with original and thoughtful expositions, establishing a dialogue between the artist and the public.

There are art workshops in the gallery building, where both children and adults can realize their creative potential.

Traditionally, the Gallery of the XXI century hosts the Annual International Festival of the author's textile doll "Eve's Rib". Textile dolls are considered a special and very powerful trend in the doll genre. The festival presents dolls from the most different directions art from different countries the world. Architects, graphic artists, designers and painters turn their eyes to "puppet art", because the doll gives the opportunity to create a new creative language of the artist's self-expression.

The goal of the XXI Century Gallery is to create a center for art projects, a platform for communication between the artist and the viewer.

Gallery of the XXI century, which opened its doors in 2002, has acquired the status of a cult art space for children and youth. Each exhibition organized by the gallery has a high artistic and cultural value. The concept of the exhibition is consistent not only with the artist, but also with the curator of the exhibition, which allows each show to be carried out at a professional level.

The expositions held on the territory of the exhibition hall are designed to destroy the wall between the younger generation of authors and the established classics of artistic activity.

An interesting feature of the 21st century gallery is the presence of professionally equipped children's art workshops. The vocation of such workshops is to acquaint the younger generation with art through play. Children enjoy spending their free time learning the basics of artistic activity. Workshop workers often divide the children into groups, assigning each group to present a separate project. In addition to developing creativity, this practice allows children to become aware of responsibility and interact better in society.

In addition to high-quality exhibitions, the gallery of the XXI century has become famous for its annual festival - "Eve's Rib". The theme of the festival is dedicated to the author's textile doll. Authors from many countries arrive every year to take part in this event. In addition to the textiles themselves, the festival presents the works of masters of architecture, graphics, photography and design, who also paid attention to the concept of the doll. In these works, visitors can see a real synthesis different directions art. The festival is very popular with both adults and children.

Working hours:

  • Tuesday-Sunday - from 11:00 to 20:00;
  • Monday is a day off.

Ticket prices:

  • full - 100 rubles;
  • preferential - 50 rubles.

You can find out more on the official website.


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