Commercial activity for the wholesale of goods. Commercial work of a wholesale company for the sale of goods Organization of work for the wholesale sale of goods

Wholesale of goods is one of the main commercial functions wholesale enterprises. All others in relation to it have a subordinate meaning and, as it were, serve the wholesale of goods.

Finding wholesale buyers of goods and establishing a market for goods;

Establishing economic ties with buyers of goods;

Selection of forms and methods of wholesale of goods;

Organization of the provision of services by wholesale enterprises to customers;

Organization of accounting for the fulfillment of contracts with buyers of goods;

Commercial work on wholesale goods begins with defining your target market and finding wholesale buyers for the goods. Marketing research of the region is carried out by studying the supply and demand for this product, the competitive environment and the degree of competitiveness of the product. Determining the competitiveness of a product, they take into account the trademark or trademark, the prestige of the products, the price, the quality of after-sales service, etc. After determining the region (districts, zones) of sales, the market is segmented. When segmenting the market, the preferred segment is identified. It is advisable to first master only one market segment. In this case, the wholesale company has the greatest chances. After choosing a segment, you need to make a clear positioning of your product in this target market. The intended positioning of goods can be carried out in two ways. The first way - the wholesale company positions its goods next to a competitor and enters the fight for market share. The second way is that the wholesale company finds a “gap” left by a competitor in the market and creates a product that can satisfy still unmet needs. The second path seems tempting, since a product that competitors do not have can bring considerable benefits, especially at first. But foreign firms are very cautious about this path. They carefully weigh their technical and economic possibilities of creating a new product, the presence of a sufficient volume of consumer demand, etc. Positioning their products on the market allows the supplier company to obtain sufficient profit and the desired sales volume.

After finding their niche in the sales market, wholesale enterprises carry out systematic work related to the formation of an assortment and management of commodity stocks, with advertising of goods and services. Then, operations are performed to organize economic relations with wholesale buyers. With stable relations between suppliers of goods with their customers, the most convenient form of organizing business relations is a wholesale contract for the sale of goods.

In addition to the conditions discussed above, it is important in contracts to provide for the procedure for submitting applications for the current import of goods and the responsibility of wholesale enterprises for each case of failure to fulfill an application for the delivery of goods to stores, provided for by the assortment list. Also, the responsibility of retail trade enterprises for each case of submission of an application for delivery (importation) of goods to stores should be provided. In addition, the following should be stipulated in contracts for the wholesale sale of goods:

Possibility of centralized delivery of goods in sub-sorted form directly to retail outlets;

The procedure for personal selection of goods from the supplier;

Settlement procedure;

The procedure for the provision of wholesale trade services and their cost, and other conditions.

The main stages of price justification

One of the important elements commercial activities for the wholesale of goods is a clear control over the implementation of the contract for the wholesale sale of goods. The main task of monitoring the implementation of deliveries is the daily monitoring of the progress of goods receipt. If necessary, operational measures are taken to influence suppliers in order to fulfill their contractual obligations. Operational control contributes to the timely arrival of goods and the accumulation of the necessary stocks for the uninterrupted supply of the retail trade network. Well-established control over the implementation of wholesale purchase and sale agreements allows a trading company to fulfill its obligations in a timely manner, which in turn is very important for maintaining long-term commercial relations with its customers.

Organization of control over the receipt and quality of goods provides for:

Accounting and control over the timing of goods receipt from suppliers in the reserve assortment for each product group;

Control over the quality of shipped or received goods.

Based on the control materials, penalties are imposed for violation of contractual obligations. Proposals are being developed to improve the supply and improve the quality of goods. As in the case of bulk purchases, it is important to organize regular accounting of the wholesale of goods using a computer and modern computer technology... modern office equipment of merchants provides a continuous constant accounting of the sale of goods in the assortment section for each buyer.

Operational accounting of deliveries by quantity is carried out on the basis of invoices, which are issued for each shipped consignment of goods.

Control over the receipt of goods is carried out with control cards, which are drawn up for each contract or for each supplier. The cards record the progress of shipment or receipt of individual goods in accordance with the specialization attached to the contract.

Quality control shipped or received goods are carried out according to certificates, conformity, seal cards, container certifications, packing labels. The commodity brokers selectively check the compliance of the goods received with the current standards. Re-grading, increased grade, incorrect labeling of products, non-conformity of product quality for certain indicators with the requirements of the standard, etc. may be revealed. Violations may lead to the establishment of a special regime for the acceptance of goods or to its complete termination.

For operational accounting and control, operational accounting data, all types of reporting, including statistical and accounting, are used. The commercial apparatus of a wholesale trade enterprise must have indicators that characterize the volume and structure of goods received from suppliers. Great help in this is provided cards, start-up, per supplier. The cards record:

Number and date of the contract;

The plan for the supply of goods in the amount, quantity and range;

Deadlines for submitting orders and orders to suppliers.

Operational accounting and control of bulk purchases involves systematic monitoring of the movement of inventories, their size in the warehouses of wholesale enterprises and on the way. The formation of inventories for current use, seasonal accumulation and special purpose should be carried out in accordance with the plan wholesale turnover and its commodity structure. The organization of control over the state of commodity stocks is the main condition for their regulation in accordance with the requirements of uninterrupted supply of the retail trade network.

The organization of operational accounting and control over wholesale purchases and wholesale is entrusted to the heads of wholesale trade enterprises and chief accountants.

Wholesale of goods is one of the main commercial functions of wholesale enterprises. All others in relation to it have a subordinate meaning and, as it were, serve the wholesale of goods.

  • - finding wholesale buyers of goods and establishing a market for goods;
  • - establishment of economic relations with buyers of goods;
  • - choice of forms and methods of wholesale of goods;
  • --organization of the provision of services by wholesale enterprises to customers;
  • --organization of accounting for the fulfillment of contracts with buyers of goods;
  • - advertising and information activities of wholesale enterprises.

Commercial work for the wholesale of goods begins with defining your target market and finding wholesale buyers for the goods.

After finding their niche in the sales market, wholesale enterprises carry out systematic work related to the formation of an assortment and management of commodity stocks, with advertising of goods and services. Then, operations are performed to organize economic relations with wholesale buyers. With stable relations between suppliers of goods with their customers, the most convenient form of organizing business relations is a wholesale contract for the sale of goods.

The choice of forms and methods of selling goods.

One of the new methods that has emerged in recent years is the wholesale food markets. They became a place for the sale and purchase of competitive goods (food and agricultural products) by independent operators (sellers and buyers) according to established rules.

Wholesale markets are independent economic structures that organize the sale and purchase of small consignments of goods in a certain place and according to certain rules. The purpose of their creation is to increase the efficiency of supplying consumers with mainly food products. Wholesale markets are located most often in large cities and industrial centers.

Wholesale food markets are a place for the sale and purchase of competitive agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs by wholesale and retail trade enterprises and private traders. Wholesale markets occupy a middle position between the wholesale fair and the commodity exchange. They have their own storage facilities... The network of wholesale markets is expanding every year.

Wholesale market sellers are:

  • - commodity producers (food and processing industry enterprises, agricultural enterprises, etc.);
  • - wholesale intermediary enterprises.

Buyers can be:

  • - retail trade enterprises;
  • - catering establishments;
  • - enterprises of the processing industry;
  • - small wholesale commercial structures;
  • - buyers purchasing small consignments of goods for their own consumption.

Wholesale markets will allow you to solve the following tasks:

  • - acceleration and simplification of the process of promoting goods to consumers by concentrating goods in one place;
  • - Granting the right of equal and free access to all commodity owners and wholesale buyers to the competitive market;
  • --implementation of examination and certification of products in order to improve the safety and quality of agricultural raw materials sold and food products;
  • - placement, on a competitive basis, of orders for the purchase and supply of food among business entities for the formation of food stocks;
  • - development of a support system for producers in the sale of goods through the use of guaranteed minimum prices.

The correct organization of the activities of wholesale markets allows you to ensure communication between manufacturers, wholesale and retail trade enterprises, to provide support for domestic producers, to simplify and accelerate the movement of goods to end consumer... In addition, retail prices for food products are reduced by reducing the difference between the selling price of producers and the price set retailers... The range of goods is expanding and their quality is increasing.

They are an important element of the market infrastructure.

The main task is to create conditions for organizing wholesale trade.

Wholesale fairs, exhibitions, auctions

The organizers of the wholesale turnover include wholesale fairs, commodity exchanges, wholesale food markets, trade and industrial exhibitions, commodity auctions, trading.

Wholesale fairs are a progressive form of wholesale purchasing of goods. There are wholesale fairs of international and national scale, and regional (local) wholesale fairs. They are not independent subjects of the wholesale trading activities... At wholesale fairs, transactions are made for the sale and purchase of goods of a complex assortment. Wholesale buyers make purchases for a retail network on an individual selection basis. Fairs are a periodically operating market that meets regularly in the same place, at a certain time of the year, for a certain period.

Commodity exchanges are a special type of permanently operating markets where transactions of purchase and sale for bulk commodities and foodstuffs are carried out. Moreover, these goods are qualitatively homogeneous and interchangeable. Products are sold according to samples, without presentation and inspection.

Wholesale food markets occupy an intermediate position between the wholesale fair and the commodity exchange. These are commercial economic structures that organize the sale and purchase of agricultural raw materials and food products in certain places and according to established rules. The system of wholesale food markets is designed to ensure a year-round uninterrupted supply of quality food to the population and to form specific economic structures. The markets provide standardization, certification, sanitary and veterinary control over the quality of agricultural products and livestock sold.

Trade and industrial exhibitions are a periodically operating market aimed at showing scientific and technical achievements. Here it is allowed to make commercial transactions according to the exhibited samples. Types of trade and industrial exhibitions:

  • - short-term;
  • -mobile;
  • - permanent exhibitions of samples.

Products must have individual properties.

Buyers can preview them. The sale of goods can be carried out either by the owner or by an intermediary. Auction trade can be wholesale and retail.

Types of trades:

  • -open -- all interested firms participate in the auction;
  • -closed -- only

certain firms.

Wholesale intermediaries structure

  • 1. Wholesale and intermediary firms: wholesale and wholesale and retail trade chains; independent distributors; agent firms; brokerage houses; trading houses; dealer firms; commission houses; purchasing cooperatives.
  • 2. Organizational commodity markets: trade fairs; commodity exchanges; auctions; bargaining; wholesale markets for agricultural products.
  • 3. Trade and service firms: public warehouses; firms providing transport and forwarding services.
  • 4. Leasing companies.
  • 5. Information and reference organizations: centers marketing research; advertising agencies; information and commercial telecommunication networks; credit reference firms.
  • 6. Organizations providing the purchase and storage of goods for state needs: state reserve warehouses; government contract corporations. The production of goods and the restoration of the entire variety of economic ties in the country depend on how the wholesale trade will develop.

So, in the country's market, wholesale is an intermediary between industry and retail... Wholesale trade enterprises determine the structure and directions of commodity flows, and contribute to the harmonization of a single consumer market country.

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Commercial activity in trade is a set of sequentially performed trade and organizational operations that are carried out in the process of buying and selling goods and providing services in order to make a profit.

Act as subjects of commercial activity, i.e. its implementation can be both trade organizations and enterprises, and individual entrepreneurs... Goods and services should be considered as objects of such activity.

Business success trade organizations and enterprises depends largely on the level of qualifications of commercial workers, the state of the material and technical base of trade enterprises, the range of goods sold and the list of services provided, the level of competition in the market and other factors.

Commercial activity in wholesale enterprises contains the following stages as stages:

product assortment management;

commercial activity in the wholesale of goods;

provision of services to wholesale buyers.

Commercial work on the wholesale of goods involves the implementation of various operations, the main of which are:

· Choice of wholesale buyers;

· Take off the establishment of economic ties;

· Negotiation of conditions and conclusion of contracts;

· Control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

Wholesale buyers can be both retail trade enterprises and wholesalers. The choice of buyers is influenced by the following factors:

1- location (the closer the buyer is to the wholesale enterprise, the lower the transportation costs for the delivery of goods);

2- the range of goods sold and the number of the population served (the size of the optimal consignments of goods depends on this);

3- the prevailing market opinion about the buyer, that is, his reputation.

In the process of searching for buyers, wholesale enterprises should proceed from the possibility of establishing long-term economic ties with them, since it is beneficial to both parties.

The regulation of such relations occurs with the help of sales contracts... The obligation of the seller under such an agreement is to transfer the goods into the ownership of the buyer, and the obligation of the buyer is to accept this product and pay a certain amount of money for it.

An agreement can be concluded for the sale and purchase of goods that are already available from the wholesale company or will be purchased by them in the future.

An essential condition for this type of contract is the name and quantity of the goods. In this case, the contract may agree on the assortment, price, terms of transfer and payment of goods, as well as other conditions at the discretion of the parties.

The next after the conclusion of the contract is organization of control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations... It allows the wholesale company to send goods to customers in a timely manner, fulfilling the conditions for their range and quality. This helps to strengthen the company's position in the market, increase the number of buyers.

It is also necessary to monitor the fulfillment of obligations by the buyer to identify cases of late payment for goods. Such control allows you to take measures to compensate for losses and collect interest, provided for by the current legislation.

As a rule, at modern wholesale enterprises, control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations is carried out using special computer programs.

The role of information in commercial activities.

V broad sense information is understood as information about persons, facts, objects, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation. Therefore, information characterizing the situation on the market for goods and services should be classified as commercial information.

The collection of commercial information is associated with the study of:

1- demand of the population and factors that determine it;

2- product offer;

3- wholesale buyers;

4- potential opportunities and competitiveness of the proposal.

Information about the demand of the population and the factors that determine it is the basis for making commercial decisions. The study of demand helps to identify its current changes, the motives for making purchases, the degree of compliance consumer properties and the prices of the offered goods to the requests of buyers.

Information on product offer allows you to determine how the demand for goods matches the supply. If demand outstrips supply, then unsatisfactory demand is formed.

Information about wholesale buyers includes information about the location, specialization and other indicators of the activities of enterprises that are potential consumers of goods and services. Analysis of this information allows wholesalers to choose the best partners for establishing business relations with them.

Information about the potential of the enterprise is obtained from internal sources. This is information about the volume of purchases and sales of goods, commodity stocks etc.

Analyzing this information, as well as information about the activities of competitors, commercial services draw conclusions about the competitiveness of a trading enterprise, which allows timely changes in the activities of the relevant divisions, strengthening their position in the market.

Thus, the analysis of the information received not only gives an idea of ​​the existing situation on the market, but also allows us to make a forecast for the future.


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