Funny toasts parables for the new year. New Year's greetings from Oleg Gadetsky (I liked the parables very much). New Year's parable about a white flower

Yes in but I did not replenish the heading "Common truths" and on the eve of the new year I decided to introduce you to the New Year them parables. On the eve of the new year, we not only preparing for the holiday, butstart to analyzethe past year - did everything go as planned, what could be realized and what was not and why.

You can, of course, dryly and point by point all your pluses and minuses, but our life, not protocol.

We had both sad and joyful moments, there were new meetings, new opportunities opened up,which we may or may not have used.So let's take a look at the past terms of lessonsthat life gave usand try not to past mistakes maybe...

You may have thought, where does the New Year's parables. I love parables, in these short stories ah so much wisdom is laid, they are capablesometimes unobtrusively open be us eyes on many important truths.

Have a nice time, read New Year's parables, think about changes, make wishes ... Last days December is an amazing timewhich is literally saturated with magic, dreams, hopes.

New Year's Eve by Paulo Coelho

The second parable about the rooster is not exactly New Year's, but since 2017 will be the year of the Rooster, it can be safely classified as New Year's, and it will fit well into the topic of our conversation.

(a parable from Viktor Likhachev's novel "Who will hear the linnet?")

How do you like New Year's stories? There is something to think about.

Agree, it happens that we get upset about certain events taking place in our lives, but time passes and we understand that everything is actually not so bad. Sometimes it's even the best way for us, and if not, then surely there have been and will definitely be other events that are more successful. Stop harshly assessing yourself and those around you, do not dwell on failures, do not watch the film called “The Past” for a long time and persistently, now is the time to create a new scenario for our life.

I wanted to finish on this, but I thought, how could it be without a miracle, they must definitely happen in our lives.

I really hope that you enjoyed these New Year's parables.

I sincerely congratulate you, my dear friends and blog readers, on the upcoming New Year!

There is very little time left until that magical night, when we will, being in the present, say goodbye to the past and meet the future. Embrace the present with joy, say thanks to the past, and open your arms wide for the year 2017.

May joy and happiness always be in your home, health to you and your loved ones, may all your plans come true in the best possible way and, of course, may there be miracles and fairy tales in your life.

Pleasant troubles to you in these last pre-holiday days of the outgoing year, happy New Year holidays to you.

See you by the fireplace in the new year. With love and good wishes, Elena Kasatova.

Cheerful dance of Santa Claus for the mood.

When the festive night finally comes, all business and worries remain in the past. Now you can relax, enjoy communicating with guests, from the feast and seeing off the old year. At the festive feast, everyone is waiting for toasts. In the New Year's time, wise toasts especially touch the soul.

Wise toasts to New Year 2020 is a kind of parable that psychologically sets you up for new stage life, for the new year. Therefore, we offer interesting wise toasts for the new year, which will surely please the guests at the festive table and fill their souls with peace and quivering tender feelings.

By the way, also do not forget to congratulate your friends and family. The selection can be found on our website.

Wise toasts for the Year of the Rat:

There is such a tradition in Italy - on New Year's Eve, throw old things out of the window. Of course, we are not in Italy, but anyway, let's throw away our old grievances, quarrels and bad deeds as unnecessary trash in these last hours of the outgoing year. Behind all this, one can also throw out envy, infidelity and ingratitude. It is quite simple to do this, and in our hearts we will have only pleasant memories of the outgoing 2016. Let's remember it this way and let's believe that 2020 will be many times better!

Once upon a time, there was a skilled craftsman who was once challenged to a duel by ten people at once. They shouted and boasted that I could defeat the master. But in the end, the master still won the duel. Then the next time he was called to a duel for twenty people. But the master was able to defeat them too. Next time myself the best master called for a duel already 50 people. But, the master of dreams won the duel and then everyone became quiet and no longer dared to new challenges. But one boy asked the master for the opportunity to compete with him. They entered into a duel, and the boy won it. Everyone was at a loss and asked the master what happened. He replied: “I don’t care, but the child is pleased.” Let's drink to "do not care", which is higher than anything in the world. May the New Year 2020 bring only worthy victories!

There is very little time left until the new year. The streets were practically empty. And along one of these streets, a couple with full bags is hurrying home. They meet a drunk who is on all fours. The wife reproaches her husband that everyone has already had time to drink and are having fun with might and main, and everything happens at the last minute with the husband. So let's drink to the fact that in the New Year 2020 everything always comes to us on time!

In the ancient Indian treatise "Peach Branches" it is said that the needs of the soul give rise to friendship. The needs of the mind give rise to respect, and the needs of the body give rise to desire. All three needs together give rise to true love. Let's drink to the fact that in the new year everyone present at this table will always have all three needs in abundance!

I don’t even know what to wish to everyone who gathered at this table ... Probably, all the girls should get married, and the guys should find worthy wives. And one more thing, probably, you have all heard the well-known wish of Russian cosmonauts: “To eat and drink. To want and be able to. So that next year you will be with someone and be where! It seems to me that this is a very wise wish for the New Year 2020, for which you should definitely drink!

God molded man out of clay, but he still had material left. Then God asked the man what to make of this clay for him. The man asked to make him happy. God knew everything and saw everything, but he did not know what happiness is. Then he gave the man a piece of clay and said that let him make his own happiness. Let's drink so that in the New Year we always know what our happiness is and how to blind it!

A man approaches the river, pushes one bush, a second, a third, a fourth, and so on twenty bushes. Then he looks - a woman is standing on the bank of the river. He takes off one dress from her, the second, the third, the fourth… Let's drink to our prospects in the New Year 2020!

At a young age, it seems that happiness is already ahead. In old age, it seems that happiness is behind us. But what to do in order not to miss the moment of happiness? The best thing to do is enjoy every day. This is what I wish for you next year. In the meantime, let's enjoy each other's company this wonderful New Year's holiday.

Short toasts for the New Year can be wise. Here is one of them. Somehow a physicist comes to Nilson Bohr and sees a horseshoe on his door. “Do you really believe that a horseshoe brings good luck,” the physicist asks. “I don’t believe,” Nelson replies, “but the horseshoe seems to believe.” Let's drink so that luck comes to our house more often in 2020 and she believes in us!

That's what they say in Georgia. If you want to be a happy day, then it's worth getting drunk. If you want to be happy for a week, then get sick. If you want happiness within a month, get married. If you want to be happy for a whole year, get a mistress. If you want to be happy all your life, then be healthy. Let's raise this glass so that in the future 2020 we will all be healthy, which means happy!

Two people are talking. One asks how the other lives. He replies that they say, in different ways. When it's bad, the ambulance comes, and when it's good, the police. Now we are all having fun and well, so what, wait for the arrival of the police? Be that as it may, but let's drink to the fact that in 2020 everything will be fine with us and without the police!

A toad was jumping along the rails, then a train drove by and tore off its legs. The sting crawled to the side and, looking at her legs, she thought: “What beautiful legs, I must return.” As soon as she was back on the rails, a train passed by and cut off her head. Let's drink to not lose our heads because of beautiful legs in 2020!

Happy New Year to all of us! May it bring peace and light, strength and inspiration to all of us so that we can bring peace and light to other people. And to relax after a no doubt busy New Year's Eve, what could be better than leisurely reflections on old parables?

One day a man found the truth.
Seeing this, the forces of Chaos went into a panic.
The sentinel imp ran to the main imp and shouted:
- Guard! Our business is gone.
The leader calmly said:
- Something happened?
The impressionable young demon continued to shout:
- You are sitting here, and there one person found the truth. Our very existence is at stake!
Senior said:
- Sit down and don't worry so much. My specialists are already working on it.
The young man did not understand
- I've just come from there, and there are no demons there.
Then the old Devil explained:
- We don't need it there. My people are there: scientists, philosophers, psychologists, priests. They organize everything properly, and once they do, the truth will be over. We have absolutely nothing to worry about. They will surround this person, they will not let anyone near him, they will begin to interpret his words, and in this interpretation the truth will be lost. It has always been so, it will always be so, and we have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Three moths, fluttering around a burning candle, talked about the nature of fire.
One of them said: “What are we all saying and saying? You have to learn about fire by experience."
He flew up to the flame, returned to his friends and said: "The fire is shining."
Another flew closer, scorched his wings and said, "Fire burns."
The third one flew very close to the fire and disappeared into it. He learned what he wanted to know, but was no longer able to tell about it.
The same thing happens with knowledge. The one who has acquired true knowledge is deprived of the opportunity to speak about it. That is why it is said: “He who knows does not speak. The speaker does not know.

In one village there lived a gloomy old man. Judging by his demeanor, he was one of the the most unfortunate people in the world. It was really difficult to endure him: everything was wrong for him, he always complained about everything, he was always in a bad mood. And the longer he lived, the more bilious he became, the more poisonous were his words. People shunned him because his misfortune was contagious. He was so unhappy that he created a feeling of unhappiness in others. But one day, when he was eighty years old, something happened to him. The news instantly spread around everyone: “The old man is happy today, he doesn’t complain, he smiles, his face has even changed.”
The whole village gathered. The old man was asked:
- What happened to you? What's the matter?
"Nothing," replied the old man. “For eighty years I tried my best to be happy, and nothing came of it. So I decided to do without happiness and became happy.

There was a mirror room in the palace of a rich man. All the walls, floor and ceiling in it were made of mirrors. Once a dog got into this hall and froze as if rooted to the spot. Dogs surrounded her on all sides. She grinned. The mirrors reflected her grin many times, and the dogs all around showed fangs too. The dog barked in horror, and the echo again reflected its barking repeatedly. All night the dog darted around the hall, barking and rushing at imaginary mirror enemies. In the morning she was found dead from fear.
If she were a little friendlier and stretch out her paw and wag her tail in a friendly way, things could have turned out differently.

One old Indian taught his grandson the basics of life:
- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf is evil: aggression, selfishness, envy, jealousy, regret, lies. The other wolf is good: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, fidelity. The boy thought for a moment and asked:
- And which wolf wins?
The old man smiled and replied:
- The wolf you feed always wins.

One old woman was walking along the river bank. And I saw a scorpion floundering in the water. The old woman held out her hand to the drowning scorpion, but as soon as she touched it, it stung her on the arm. Then the woman withdrew her hand, regained her balance and again tried to save the scorpion. But every time she tried, the scorpion stung her.
A passer-by was walking by. Seeing how the woman was trying to pull out the scorpion, he shouted:
- What are you doing, crazy? Do you really want to kill yourself to save this creature?
The woman replied:
- Scorpio tends to sting, and I - to save. Why should I, because of his nature, reject mine?

One teacher brought a student to a meadow and asked him to look around and remember all the flowers of a red hue.
The student began to look around diligently. Then the teacher asked:
- How many white flowers did you notice in the clearing?
- I do not know. I was only looking for red ones. I'm not even sure that there were white flowers at all.
"Here's a lesson for you," said the Teacher. What you are looking for in life is what you find. Your life is always filled with it. And you simply do not see anything else, even at your nose.

Good music and good parables have one thing in common - their very essence implies that there is true being, which we usually do not see because of the hustle and bustle of life, but it exists. And deep down, each of us knows this. And when we listen to good music or good parable, recognition arises inside us: “Yes, yes, yes, it’s exactly like that, we know it! No one has ever taught me this, but in my very being I know it is so.”

Thank you for listening!
Once again Happy New Year to you! Happiness, light and love in the coming year.

Somehow Santa Claus blinded himself a snowman assistant and left him with a small snowball. “What else do you have to make, my friend? Santa Claus asked. The snowman thought: there are arms, there are legs, there is a head, even a carrot nose is there. Then he said: “And blind me happiness!”.

But Santa Claus, who had seen a lot in his lifetime, knew that everyone had their own happiness and said: “There is snow on you, make your own happiness.” So, in the coming year, may we have the opportunity to mold our happiness the way each of us imagines it.”

New Year's parable about a melted heart.

There lived a man with a cold heart, but he was so proud that he tried not to notice his shortcoming.

As a child, he even boasted that he did not feel resentment, pity, sadness, affection ... He did not feel anything at all.

And now he was many years old. One evening a cold-hearted man saw a little boy dressed in rags.

The New Year was approaching, snow was falling outside, the wind was blowing, it seemed that even the trees were frozen.

But the boy walked with confident steps towards a large New Year tree, which was dressed up in the very center of the city. At the tree they both stopped.

A person with a cold heart - in order to examine the jewelry, and a boy - in order to ask the Heavenly Angels for something secret.

The boy waited until the man with a cold heart grinned indifferently and went about his business, he knelt by the tree, looked at the sky, and began to whisper:

- Dear Angels, when I was coming here - I wanted to ask you to take new clothes from God for me, mine are completely worn out, and I am very cold. But on the way, I saw a man who is much more unhappy than me, he has been freezing for a long time, and it seems that very soon it will turn into snow ...

Give him a warm heart, otherwise he will never be happy. I don't know how else to help him.

A few minutes later, a cold-hearted man returned to the tree. In his hands he had new clothes for the boy.

Most likely, the Heavenly Angels fulfilled the request. Of course, they did not replace the heart. They just left in him the two most precious gifts - love and compassion.

Why was Solomon wise? Because he had many wives with whom he consulted. Why are we unhappy? Because we have one wife, with whom we never consult. Let's not forget the wisdom of our ancestors in the New Year!

New Year's parable

Husband and wife decide New Year
celebrate cozy in the restaurant:
"Let's get out of trouble for once.
Especially if you have money in your pocket."
They were offered a table for two.
Magic twilight, candles flicker,
caresses the soul of an unearthly motive -
everything portends an unusual meeting.
Husband, discussing the outgoing year,
considered it not very successful -
one of his important works
he planned to end differently.
He complained and his wife
thought for a moment and paused.
Deciding that the topic is boring for her,
he turned his attention to the tree.
-Look how beautiful
how the light bulbs flicker enchantingly!
The wife replied: - Yes, beauty,
although there are some things you don't notice.
There are hundreds of lights on the tree.
One is off and the light is off.
But you managed to see the general view
And you can't see the lights going out.
Try looking at last year
in terms of successful accomplishments.
Let what did not happen, do not gnaw, -
then the mood of the soul will be spring.

Zinaida Polyakova Based on the parables of Paolo Coelho

Parable about goals.

- Hello, hello! Can I talk to God?
- Hello! I connect!
- Hello, my soul! I am listening to you carefully!
“God, the New Year is ahead! Please, fulfill my desires!
“Of course, dear, whatever you want!… But first, I will connect you with the Wish Fulfillment Department, try to understand what mistakes you made in the past!”
... a metallic voice on the phone: “Please wait, we will now connect with the operator of the desire department”
- Greetings! What do you want to know?
- Hello! The Lord redirected me to you, he said that before making new wishes, it would be good to listen to the old ones.
“Understood, wait a minute. … And here! All desires of the soul. A weighty tome! You listen? - Yes, carefully.
- Starting from the last year:
1) Tired of this work! (done work tired!).
2) The husband does not pay attention (done, does not pay!).
3) Oh, I would like some money (fulfilled, enough for bread, you can’t pull on boots!).
4) Girlfriends are fools (done).
5) I would like at least some apartment (done, on the 10th floor under the very roof, the roof is leaking, I asked for some!).
6) I would like at least some small car (get the “Zaporozhets” of a shaggy year).
7) Oh, well, at least on vacation, at least somewhere (performed, to the mother-in-law at the dacha, she just work force needed).
8) Well, what is it, no one will give flowers (done, they won’t give!).
Continue? Here for about a year of reading!
- No, no, I got it! Transfer my call to the Creator!
“God, I got it!” I will track every thought, even the smallest!!!
I ask you to always send me positive thoughts and goals!

May the Rooster be with you this year
It will bring a lot of happiness!
How much snow outside the window
So much warmth in your home!
How many light bulbs in a garland
So much joy in your eyes!
How many bubbles are in a glass
So much luck in business!
How many guests at the table
So much good news!
How many festive clothes
So many fulfilled hopes!

The parable of the old man and the fish.

The Old Man went, just before the New Year, to the blue sea. And it, to his delight, did not freeze this year - global warming, you see, has come after all. Well, he and let's spank with his seine on the water - the Old Woman ordered something to catch in her ear. Yes, but the fish does not fall into the net of the net, what a fool in shallow water, in the cold, will splash! And yet, for the nineteenth time, the Old Man managed to catch the Goldfish ... She, after corporate party near Neptune, swam near the shore in search of her golden crown - she dropped it in the evening when she was floundering in the surf foam with some Octopus ...

Seeing the old man gold fish completely discouraged.

“Listen, old man, if you start telling me, again, about the Old Woman’s trough…”

- No-no-no! - the Old Man waved his hands. - We know, we have already read this fairy tale, it did not lead to anything good. You tell me now, how many desires can I count on?

- One, of course. What is this to you, a fairy tale, or what? And then, if you didn’t change it for life, you wouldn’t have waited for anything! Come on, guess, otherwise I’m already sick of you ... or maybe I got a stale seaweed salad yesterday. In short, what do you need?

“I want it, today, on New Year’s Day,” the Old Man said solemnly.

“What, can’t you wait half a month?” It pissed him off...

- Well, it's over the top... I want to see how many rubles will be added to my pension in the future. And in general - will they add it? Promise something all the masters ...

- Just? The fish looked at him doubtfully. “Perhaps you can add some of my bounties and use it for the rest of your life.

“I don’t want fabulous money,” the Old Man insisted. “I want real ones, from the government. Was it for nothing that the Old Woman and I chose him?

- Well, be your way! Throw me in the water.

The Old Man threw a fish into the sea and immediately disappeared himself. The Old Woman was waiting for him, but she did not wait. The old man is gone, forever. Maybe, without waiting for the same increase, he died of hunger. Or maybe he died from old age there ...

Moral: Do you really need it - to climb into the Future? Deal first with your Present. And never turn down sponsorship.

I wish you so much money so that the chickens do not peck,
So that a downy feather bed and a comfortable bed,
So that problems and adversity do not poke your nose at you
And so that the Rooster carries golden eggs for a whole year!

New Year's parable-toast about three wanderers.

Once there were three strangers. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked:

– Health, Love and Wealth. Let us sleep over.

“Sorry, but we only have one free seat. I'm going to go talk to my family about which one of you to let in.

The sick mother said, "Let's let Health in."

The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth.

While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared.

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year in our house there will always be a place for Health, Love and Wealth!

New Year's parable about a white flower.

One people had a sign. Whoever picks a white flower on the mountain on New Year's Eve will be happy. The mountain on which the flower of happiness bloomed was enchanted. She was constantly shaking, and no one could hold on to her.

But every New Year there were daredevils who tried to climb the mountain.

One day, three friends also decided to try their luck. Before going to the mountain, friends came to the sage - to ask for advice:

“If you fall seven times, get up eight times,” the sage advised them.

Three friends went up the mountain, all from different directions. An hour later the first young man returned, covered in bruises.

“The wise man was wrong,” he said. I fell seven times, and when I got up for the eighth time, I saw that I had only gone a quarter of the mountain. Then I decided to return.

The second young man came two hours later, all beaten up, and said:

The sage has deceived us. I fell seven times, and when I got up for the eighth time, I saw that I had passed only a third of the mountain. Then I decided to return.

The third young man came a day later with a white flower in his hands.

- Didn't you fall? his friends asked.

“I fell, maybe a hundred times, maybe more. I didn’t count,” the young man replied.

Why didn't you quit everything? friends were surprised.

“Before going up the mountain, I learned to fall,” the young man laughed.

- Not. He learned not to fall, but to rise! – said the wise man, having heard this conversation.

Christmas story.

Once upon a time there lived a shoemaker. He was widowed and left behind a young son. And on the eve of the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the boy says to his father:

- Today the Savior will come to visit us.

“Yes, it’s enough for you,” the shoemaker did not believe.

- You'll see, it's coming. He himself told me about it in a dream.

The boy is waiting for his dear guest, looks out the window, but there is still no one there. And suddenly he sees - in the courtyard on the street, two guys are beating some boy, and he does not even resist. The shoemaker's son ran out into the street, dispersed the offenders, and brought the beaten boy into the house. They fed him with his father, washed him, combed his hair, and then the shoemaker's son says:

- Daddy, I have two boots, and my new friend's toes are falling out of his shoes. Let me give him my felt boots, otherwise it's cold outside. Yes, today is also a holiday!

“Well, let it be your will,” the father agreed.

They gave the boy boots, and the joyful, beaming boy went home.

Some time passed, but the shoemaker's son did not leave the window, waiting for the Savior to visit. A beggar passes by the house, asks:

- Kind people! Tomorrow is Christmas, and I haven’t had crumbs in my mouth for three days, feed me, for Christ’s sake!

- Come to us, grandfather! the boy called through the window. - God grant you health! They fed, watered the old man with his father, he left them joyful.

And the boy is still waiting for Christ, he has already begun to worry. Night has come, the street lamps are lit, a blizzard is sweeping. And suddenly the shoemaker's son shouts:

- Oh, folder! There is a woman standing by a pillar, with a small child. Look how cold they are, the poor!

The shoemaker's son ran out into the street, brought a woman with a child to the hut. They fed them, gave them a drink, and the boy said:

Where will they go in the cold? There, on the street, what a blizzard broke out. Let them, daddy, spend the night at our house.

- Where can we sleep? the shoemaker asks.

- And here is where: you are on the sofa, I am on the chest, and they are on our bed.

- Well, let it be.

Finally, everyone went to bed. And the boy dreams that he finally comes to him

The Savior says kindly:

- You are my dear child! Be happy for the rest of your life.

“Lord, I was waiting for you during the day,” the boy was surprised.

And the Lord says:

- So I came to you three times a day, my dear. And three times you received Me. So yes, you can't think of a better one.

“God, I didn’t know. But when?

I didn't know, but I accepted it anyway. The first time you didn't save a boy from the hands of hooligan kids, you saved Me. Just as I once received spitting and wounds from evil people, so this little boy... Thank you, my dear.

“Lord, when did You come to me for the second time?” I looked out the window all my eyes, - asks the shoemaker's son.

- And the second time - not a beggar at all, it was I who came to you for a meal. You and your father ate the crusts yourself, but you gave me the birthday cake.

- Well, and the third time, Lord? Maybe I would even know you for the third time?

– And the third time I even spent the night with My mother.

- How so?

– Once we had to flee to Egypt from Herod. So you found My mother at the pillar, as in the Egyptian desert, and let us under your roof. Be happy, my dear, forever!

The boy woke up in the morning and the first thing he asked was:

“Where is the woman with the child?” Looks - and there is no one at home. The felt boots that he gave the poor boy yesterday are again in the corner, on the table - the untouched holiday cake. And in the heart - such an inexpressible joy, which has never been.

New Year's story about love.

She didn't like New Years. I just didn't love it. However, like other holidays. But still, the New Year was a special holiday: on that night one could make wishes that would surely come true.

Of course, She made wishes on shooting stars, and on tram and even bus tickets, but all these were ordinary, not basic desires, from the non-fulfillment of which, in principle, nothing changed.

But once a year, during the chiming clock, along with everyday wishes for her family, She could think of her very best cherished desire. And this year she had it...

“Please, let him be happy, please, let him be happy, please...”, She repeated like a spell, fearing that the chimes would already be silent, and her desire would never reach Santa Claus.

The first sounds of the anthem rang out, and She sighed with joy - she had time, everything, now everything should be wonderful with Him for a whole year. "How I would like to make him happy... But even if not with me... The main thing is that He be happy..." She thought.

In the residence of Father Frost, the work usual for New Year's days was in full swing. A whole staff of employees was engaged in the fulfillment of desires that flocked here from all over the globe. Some were responsible for children's desires, others for material, spiritual, and a special department dealt with desires about Love. Before a desire got into the right department, it was sorted, where it was carefully checked for sincerity, for the need for fulfillment, for its consequences. For example, desires like “I want to have the coolest phone in the class” were forwarded to the department responsible for human relations. Because most likely, the coolest phone is needed in order to enjoy authority among classmates. But you don't need a phone for this... And the wish still came true, only in a slightly different form.

“Please, let Him be happy, please, let Him be happy, please...” - after reading another wish, Santa Claus’s assistant in charge of sorting opened a thick registration log and found the necessary entry: “May She be happy. Even if this happiness is not with me, then let She just be happy ... ".

Smiling contentedly, Father Frost's Assistant dialed the required number: “Is this the Love Department? Record..."

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy.
Santa Claus for the new year
Let him carry a bag of money.

May there be love and happiness
Let the bad weather go around.
Positive and good.
Happy New Year everyone, cheers!

New Year is always the expectation of some fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you that all these expectations come true. May all your dreams come true. May all good things multiply, and all bad things remain in the old year. May every day of the New Year bring you joy and happiness, turning every day into a holiday!

Let's drink to the New Year
He's already on his way
He brings love, kindness,
Miracles and magic!

We will drink with you for
For everyone to be lucky
To believe in miracles
Always be happy!

Let's drink to adversity
So that they pass by,
So that they do not come to us,
Let's not ruin our days!

So that the New Year is the brightest,
To make all dreams come true
To regret nothing
So that things go uphill!

Let's drink to luck
So that the New Year brings it,
So that he fulfills all desires,
And took trouble away from us!

Snow, frost and beauty,
Miracles come alive
The magic comes alive
And all will be well!

New Year's is on its way
There will be happy days
There will be happiness and good
It will be simple and easy!

To make my words come true
I'll drink a glass to the bottom,
I wish everyone love
So that all dreams come true!

I want each of us to acquire not the best, but our own in the new year. Because the best can not always become one's own, but one's own is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year!

So, friends, gathered together,
I will congratulate you
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Wish you all prosperity!

And also to you all - health.
Never get sick.
For success and luck
We need to drink to the bottom!

Last year there were many "leaps to the heights" and "precipits into the abyss", love and hatred, friendship and enmity.. But, during this year we have gained a lot of experience. They say that the one who learns only from the mistakes of others, not from his own will be smarter ... But, I will tell you this - there is nothing better than experience, we are becoming wiser, we are getting smarter and, it turns out, that it is faster ... faster on your mistakes! So toast! We have become wiser, wiser, and we can stop. I wish everyone in the coming year not to make tricky mistakes, not to “fall into the dirt on their faces”, but only enjoy life! Be happy, love! May this year be the happiest for everyone!

On New Year's Eve, everyone sums up, draws conclusions, makes plans for the next year. I want to wish you to spend this holiday with ease and ease. The easier and more comfortable it will be for you on New Year's Eve, the more successfully the next one will begin and continue. Therefore, I wish one thing: do not strain!

The new year is always better than the old one. We all know about it. But what exactly distinguishes it from the previous one? Perhaps unpredictability and endless possibilities. Not everyone uses them, but everyone expects them. So I want to wish all of us that in the new year we feel when opportunities are knocking at our doors, and always catch a chance!


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