Project health and choice of profession. Professional suitability and choice of profession. Explanation of the new topic

This event will help students to form a real idea of ​​the possibilities of applying their professional intentions, taking into account the state of health; will help to determine your professional orientation, to identify the requirements of professions for human health.
It will help to avoid mistakes in choosing a profession.




Purpose of the class:to promote the formation of students' knowledge about the impact of health on choice future profession.

Class tasks:

  • Raise the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  • To help students develop a mature, reasonable position regarding the use of: nicotine, alcohol; their impact on human health.
  • To teach students to correlate the requirements of professions with their interests, abilities and health status.

Leading: Hello, dear guests, dear guys. Today we have gathered to discuss a serious issue: “Your health is a choice of profession”; and should find out how a person's health can seriously influence the choice of profession.

We invited guests to our club meeting to help us with advice in choosing a profession. Our school doctor, who is responsible for the health of schoolchildren, a physical education teacher, and a labor teacher, is our guest today.

Our event will take place in an unusual form, and therefore I want to remind you of the rules of work:

  1. Confidential communication style;
  2. sincerity in communication;
  3. Active participation in what is happening;
  4. respect for the speaker;
  5. Do not interrupt the speaker;
  6. Don't shout from the spot.

Let's start with the game. ("Everyone has their own opinion")

A sheet of paper is taken. The students' eyes are closed. Task: divide a sheet of paper into two parts and tear off one part. We open our eyes. Raise the sheet up. Are your sheets the same?

(Student answers)

Output: each person has his own opinion, each of us is an individual. And you should express only your personal opinion.

Leading: Please tell me what 4 factors you need to know in order to choose the right profession?

(student answers) * interest; *aptitudes and abilities;

* the needs of society in personnel; * health.

Which of these conditions is the most important? Why?

Leading: Time will pass imperceptibly, and you will be graduates. In the future, you want to become chefs, hairdressers, drivers, seamstresses, etc. This people need professions.

And what do you think, what, first of all, should a person be in order to benefit both himself and those around him?(Healthy).

Let's talk about how a person's health affects the choice of his future profession. But in the beginning, we will choose the professions that we will talk about today. I propose to play"Know your profession"I will list the items, and you have to guess what profession we are talking about:

Needle, thread, sewing machine (seamstress)
- hammer, nails, shoes (shoemaker)
- hammer, planer, saw (carpenter)

So, professions are chosen. (Each group is given a piece of paper.

In 2-3 minutes you must decide what requirements these professions impose on human health and write it down on a sheet.

Let's spend "Auction of your opinions".

Think and say, how do you understand what it means to be a healthy person?

I believe that in order to be a healthy person, a person, first of all, must smile more, keep himself and those around him in a good mood.

What do you think? But first, let's remember the components of health. (proper nutrition, eating vitamins,…………and exercising) .

Well, tell me, how does physical education affect human health?

Will tell us about itphysical culture teacher:

Teacher: Physical culture has a healing and preventive effect, which is extremely important, since today the number of people with various diseases is constantly growing. Physical education must be practiced from childhood to old age. Thanks to physical education lessons, we can maintain and strengthen our health, which is an integral part of human life. At the same time, the moment of choosing the degree of stress on the body is very important; an individual approach is needed here. Through physical exercise, we can keep ourselves in good physical shape; immunity increases and a person is less prone to colds; increases the body's resistance to stress.

Leading: Guys, that's why you need to play sports and, first of all, always monitor your posture. What health problems can be at work if you have bad posture? (back, neck will hurt, it will be impossible for a seamstress to sit at a typewriter for a long time, for a hairdresser and a cook to stand).

Doctor: You also need to protect your eyesight. Indeed, the eyes must be treated with care, as they are very sensitive and poorly protected. What problems do you think can arise if you do not take care of your eyesight? (A seamstress cannot thread a needle; the hairdresser will make the wrong haircut, the cook will cut his hands, the florist will make the flower bed crooked).

Leading: Well done! Guys, think about what else can have a bad effect on human health?(bad habits(smoking, alcohol, drugs)

Doctor: The most toxic substance for the body is nicotine. It is nicotine that causes devastating blows to human health, especially young people. And first of all, the vessels of the brain suffer, less blood enters the brain, and with it oxygen. From smoking, alcohol, drugs suffer internal organs human: stomach, heart, liver. Students lose interest in learning, memory is lost. The person becomes angry, nervous, cruel.

Leading: Look, it turns out that in order for a person to maintain his health, not get sick, he must lead healthy lifestyle life, sports.

But what qualities, abilities, knowledge, state of health should be possessed when choosing a particular profession?

THE TASK: Now all classes will receive cards with five pairs of professions.

Your task: Determine what is common for these pairs of professions?


While the guys are getting ready, the teacher attaches to the board a sheet of paper with an unfinished phrase: "BE A PROFESSIONAL ..." and below is a blank sheet of paper where he will write down everything said by the children.

Leading: Look, it turns out that in order to be a professional in your field, you must have the following qualities: (reads from the board the entire phrase that was obtained after the classes expressed their opinions by comparing pairs of professions from the assignment).

If labor activity corresponds to the physical capabilities of a person, then it favorably affects the general state of health. And vice versa, an incorrectly chosen profession can lead to its sharp deterioration, reduced ability to work, and sometimes even to its complete loss.

And now let's give the floor to our guest, a graduate of our school, who has already made his choice in the world of professions, and I think he is satisfied with his choice - Sergey Grishaev. (Speech by guests 3 minutes). THE TASK: Each class is given a set of cards with the name of the profession, common characteristic, requirements for individual characteristics, medical contraindications, requirements vocational training. You need to choose one profession and draw up a project for this profession (on a landscape sheet), where you need to answer the following questions:

1. The name of the profession.

2. Characteristics of professions (what a person does, what he does). Draw objects of work.

3. List the qualities that a person of this profession should possess.

4. List medical contraindications.

5. An educational institution where you can get a profession.

(5 minutes are allotted for work. Then each class defends its project.)

Leading: Some professions and specialties are subject to the daily impact on the human body of the so-called occupational production factors . Question : List what professional production factors you know? (Student answers: temperature changes, high humidity, noise, vibration, exposure to toxic substances, dust).

Different professions make different demands on the state of human health. (Then the teacher proceeds to a story about groups of professions for medical contraindications).

According to their influence on the human body, all professions and specialties can be divided into six groups:

The first group includes professions that do not have adverse production factors.

This is a large group of professions such as:salesman industrial goods, computer's operator, manager, fashion designer.They can be recommended to almost all persons who have an inclination and ability for them.

Professions of the second group are distinguished by a non-constant or moderate impact of any unfavorable production factor., e.g. high or low air temperature, humidity. Professions in this groupcook, greengrocer, etc.) can be recommended only for those who have well-developed thermoregulation, no diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs and a tendency to colds.

The third group includes such professions and specialties, which are characterized by the impact of not one, but several unfavorable production factors.Therefore, even if the impact of each of the factors is insignificant, it is enhanced by their interaction. These professions include weaver (elevated air temperature, dustiness, intense constant noise), printer (dusty, intense constant noise). These professions cannot be recommended to persons with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, hearing organs. Permissible norms of deviations from the general normal physical state are much higher here than in the second group.

The fourth group includes professions and specialties with difficult and harmful working conditions., for example: steelmaker, miner, chemical production operator, diverand others. Only persons who have reached the age of 18 are allowed to work on them. These professions place high demands on the physical condition of the body.

The fifth group is professions and specialties, activities in which take place most often under normal conditions. But objects of labor require a particularly careful attitude on the part of the worker.So, in order to exclude the possibility of infection of children, food, etc., bacillus carriers or people with chronic infectious diseases are not allowed to contact them. This applies equally to professions such aseducator kindergarten, cook, confectioner, pharmacist, etc..

The sixth group is professions and specialties that require increased work intensity of certain organs.And if these organs are not strong enough and healthy in a person, then such production activity is contraindicated for him. For example, in case of visual impairment -draftsman, clock assembler, embroiderer, chip assembler; organs of hearingstenographer, car mechanic; olfactory organs - cook and others

Attention to your health when choosing a profession will be a guarantee that you will become a good specialist in the future.

Leading: Today we discussed such a serious issue as health affects the choice of profession. Today we found out that in order for a person to maintain his health and not get sick, he must lead a healthy lifestyle: go in for sports, forget about his bad habits, combine work and leisure, outdoor recreation, love people, not be nervous over trifles, to take life easier and calmer. Then you will be healthy.

Leading: In conclusion, I want to tell you guys the following. A true professional takes good care of his tool, whether it be a computer, a scalpel, a camera or lathe. Our body is more than a tool. And most importantly, it is given to us once and for life. Your health is one of the factors for a successful professional career. Everything is in your hands: your health and your future career. Remember: every achievement once seemed impossible!

And I want to end our meeting of the club with this poem.

Thousands of paths are preparing fate,
Hundreds of riddles in store keeps.
What will it be - your path
This is for you to prove.
Choose which path for yourself -
You won't know until the door opens.
Man, try to follow the path
Believe in your strength, believe in victory.

I wish you great success in your studies, I want your dreams to come true. Thank you for your work! All the best to you, until the next meeting in our club!


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One of the most common mistakes in choosing a profession is ignorance, overestimation or underestimation of one's physical data, health status. Right choice profession is primarily related to health status. If labor activity corresponds to the physical capabilities of a person, then it favorably affects his general condition. And vice versa, if the profession, specialty does not correspond to his physical data, this can lead to a sharp deterioration in health, a decrease in working capacity, and sometimes to its complete loss. Mistake in choosing a profession

sociological research 2012 showed that 75% of graduates of Moscow schools have chronic diseases, 20% of high school students were going to choose a profession, which, as it turned out, did not suit them at all for health reasons. Only 7% of respondents took into account the state of their health when choosing a profession. sociological research

1. Nervous tension, worries 2. Improper nutrition, eating disorders 3. Sedentary lifestyle 4. Increased load on the brain 5. Visual stress, prolonged work at the computer Which aggravates the health of students at school

Science has proven that only properly selected work, corresponding to the capabilities of the body, does not violate the normal development and health of a young person, while a profession that does not correspond to physical development and health can cause significant damage to a growing body. Proven!!!

Motor: coordination of movements, strength and muscle endurance; analyzer: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste; neuropsychic: strength, mobility, balance of the nervous system; intellectual: properties of thinking, attention and memory. Almost all professions have their own requirements for human health. Conventionally, all these requirements can be divided into four groups:

Living conditions; (manufacturer, manager, fashion designer) moderate or intermittent adverse impact; (cook, seller of vegetables and fruits) simultaneous exposure to several adverse factors; (weaver, printer) heavy and harmful conditions labor (steelworker, miner, diver) According to working conditions, significant in terms of maintaining health, professions can be divided into four groups:

Professions in which there are no adverse factors. Professions with the influence of any adverse factor. Professions with exposure to several adverse factors. Professions with difficult and harmful working conditions. Professions where the object of labor requires a particularly careful attitude on the part of the employee. Professions that require increased stress of certain organs. Groups of professions by medical indications

Lesson on technology for grade 8 "Health and choice of profession."

Target: to form students' knowledge about the impact of health on the choice of a profession and the limitations of professional suitability for various diseases.

Learning objectives:

    Define the term "health".

    To acquaint with the classification of professions according to the influence of adverse production factors on the human body.

    Familiarize yourself with the limitations of professional suitability for various diseases.

    To form the ability to choose a profession taking into account the state of health.

Development tasks:

    Develop skills of individual work and work in small groups.

    Develop discussion skills.

The tasks of education:

    To develop a sense of responsibility for making decisions and choosing one's own professional trajectory.

Formation of UUD:


Formation of educational and cognitive motivation.

Formation of readiness to choose the direction of vocational education.


Formation of goal-setting and reflection skills.


Formation of skills of analysis and introspection.

Formation of skills for classifying phenomena according to a certain attribute.


Formation of skills of educational cooperation.

Forms and methods of teaching: conversation, role-playing game, exercise, practical work.

Didactic support of the lesson: presentation, table "Restriction of professional suitability for various diseases" (Appendix 1), cards (Appendix 2), workbooks.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    Update of previous knowledge.

What is professional suitability?

What levels of aptitude do you know?

Can a person be completely professionally unfit?


Consider the following situation.

Two former classmates met: Alena and Irina. At school, both studied well, graduated from art school, participated and won in various creative competitions. After leaving school, Alina became a computer designer, and Irina became a hair stylist. High salary, successful career. But what worries the girls? Let's listen.

Alena, what pleasant meeting!

Hello Irina, it's great to see you!

I: How are you? How's your work? Your glasses are beautiful!

A: The work is very interesting, the salary was increased, the boss entrusts all important orders. But my eyes began to get very tired - the whole day at the computer, my eyesight fell. I didn’t wear glasses at school, I was shy, but now I don’t take them off. The doctor advised me to change jobs. I do not know what to do?

I: And I have problems with work.

A: Are customers capricious?

I: The clients are fine. Work is on your feet all day. During the day you run so much that by the evening your legs are buzzing, your lower back is cramping. That's children's scoliosis for you. I was treated, only the doctor says that you can’t help with medicines alone. He also recommended changing jobs. I thought, I searched and found something. I'll settle down - I'll tell you. And I advise you, think about another job! Bye.

A: Bye bye.

Why do girls have such problems?

What did they not take into account when choosing a profession?

Today we will try to figure it out. Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

Theme of the lesson: "Health and choice of profession."

    Goal setting.

Try to formulate your goals for the lesson. What can you learn, what can you learn?

    Formation of new knowledge and skills.

What is health? What kind of person can be called healthy?

The most widely accepted definition of health is found in the Constitution World Organization health care back in 1946: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

There are four components of health. To determine the content of each of the components, I suggest doing a matching exercise (Health Components card, Appendix 1).

Health components:

physical health - the functioning of organs and systems of the body: respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory, endocrine, etc.

physical health - the ability of a person to physical activity;

mental (mental) health – orientation in space and time; control of their behavior; frequency and intensity of general positive emotions;

social health - the frequency of communication with friends, loved ones, i.e. quantity and quality of social connections.

Concepts people, health, profession are closely interconnected. There are three options:

    Human health: the state of human health allows labor functions corresponding to a certain profession.

    Profession - health: unfavorable professional and production factors (NPPF) accompanying a certain profession can lead to a sharp deterioration in health, a decrease in working capacity, and sometimes to its complete loss.

    Man - profession: progress in labor activity are one of the sources of positive emotions and self-confidence, an important condition for mental health.

Let's consider each option. Write down the basic concepts in your notebook.

Man is health.

The right choice of profession is primarily related to the state of health. To prevent serious mistakes, you need to know contraindications for health reasons. You will find them in a special table in the folders on your desks (table "Restriction of professional suitability for various diseases", Appendix 2).

Let's consider several cases in detail.

For example, many teenagers have diseases of the digestive system. Determine from the table the factors that can lead to poor health in these diseases. What professions are suitable for people with such diseases?

What are the unfavorable occupational factors that must be taken into account in diseases of the organs of vision.

If you still choose a profession related to eye strain, then you need to perform visual gymnastics. For example, such.

Profession - health.

According to their influence on the human body, all professions and specialties can be divided into six groups.

First group includes professions in which working conditions are completely no NPPF. There are many such professions: a salesman of manufactured goods, a manager, a fashion designer, etc. These professions and specialties can be recommended to all persons who have an inclination and ability for them.

Professions second group(for example, a cook, a seller of vegetables and fruits) distinguishes intermittent or moderate exposure to any one NPPF. The work of such specialists is associated with temporary adverse effects on the human body, for example, high or low air temperature, humidity. Therefore, these professions can be recommended only to those who do not have diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, and also there is no tendency to colds.

Third group includes professions and specialties that are characterized by the impact of not one, but several NPPFs. Therefore, even if the impact of each of them is insignificant, it is enhanced by their interaction. These professions include a weaver (high air temperature, dustiness, intense constant noise), a printing house worker (dusty air, constant noise). This means that these professions cannot be recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, hearing organs.

TO fourth group include professions and specialties with difficult and harmful working conditions, for example, a steelmaker, a miner, a chemical production operator, a diver, etc. Only persons who have reached the age of 18 are allowed to such work.

Fifth group- these are professions and specialties associated with activities that take place most often under normal conditions, but the objects of labor require a particularly careful attitude on the part of workers, among whom there should be no bacillary carriers or persons with chronic infectious diseases. This applies equally to such professions as a kindergarten teacher, cook, confectioner, pharmacist, etc.

Sixth group are professions and specialties that require increased tension of certain organs. And if they are not strong enough and healthy in a person, then such types of production activities are contraindicated for him. For example, in violation of the organs of vision, the professions of a computer operator, an assembler of watches, microcircuits, and an embroiderer are contraindicated; organs of hearing - stenographers, sound engineer; olfactory organs - cooks, perfumers, etc.

This information must be followed in order to prevent a serious mistake in choosing a profession and reorient in time. It is best to seek medical advice in advance, as only a specialist doctor can give a qualified opinion on professional suitability.

Dynamic pause.

Many professions involve a sitting work posture. But even sitting at the table, you can perform some exercises that will help relieve stress and restore performance.

    Hands on the belt, shoulders turned, heels are raised without lifting the fingers from the floor.

    Through the side, raise your hand up, behind your head, reach the opposite ear. Then to the starting position. The same with the other hand.

    Sliding our hands along the back legs of the chair, we lean to one side, then to the other smoothly, not sharply, as far as possible.

    Body twists back. Grasp the back of the chair with both hands on one side, then hands on your knees. And on the other hand, as far as possible, we turn the body.

    Tilt your head to one shoulder and to the other. Smoothly, not sharply, we stretch the muscles of the neck.

    Spread your arms to the sides - inhale. As you exhale, hug yourself tightly.
    Brushes to the shoulders. Circular movements forward and backward.

    Brushes in the castle. Stretch forward from yourself, straightening your arms at the elbows. Then back to yourself, relax.

Man is a profession.

Health problems can complicate professional activity, but also unloved job can lead a person to a nervous breakdown, psychosomatic diseases, loss of interest in life, unless, of course, a person has other values ​​​​except career and material well-being. Therefore, work should bring joy, pleasure, positive emotions, which is an important condition for mental health.

The “Vegetative lability” technique will help you indirectly assess the state of your mental health. Vegetative lability is the body's ability to adequately respond to unusual environmental influences.

Read the statements and think about how similar they are to your own experience. Mark the matches with a + sign.

    In the morning it is difficult for me to get up on time, I do not feel cheerful.

    It's hard for me to concentrate when I'm at work.

    When something upsets me or when I am afraid of something, an unpleasant feeling arises in my stomach.

    In the morning I limit myself to just a cup of tea or coffee.

    I am often cold.

    When I have to stand for a long time, I want to lean on something.

    With a sharp tilt, I feel dizzy or dark in my eyes.

    I get uncomfortable if I am at high altitude or in a closed room.

    I often have headaches.

    When I need to concentrate, I can swing my leg, bite my nails, draw something, etc.

    I usually use the elevator because it's hard for me to go up the stairs.

    When I speak in public, my heartbeat quickens, my throat catches, my hands sweat.

    When sitting still in one place, sleep overcomes me.

    I know what it means to "blush to the roots of the hair."

    Some events made me feel nauseous or have no appetite.

The more "no" (0 - 6), the less reason you have to worry about your health. More than half of the positive answers (7 - 9) is a signal of trouble. Pay attention to your lifestyle, mode of work and rest.

If more than 10 statements refer to familiar sensations, you should pay attention to how you feel. If you intend to choose a job that involves chronic neuro-emotional and physical stress, you should consult your doctor.

Thus, we examined the relationship of such concepts as a person, health, profession, as well as all components of the choice of a profession, taking into account the state of health and possible medical contraindications.

    Primary consolidation of knowledge.

Card work. Let's check how well you understand the issue of choosing a profession, taking into account the state of health. I propose to complete the task of establishing the relationship of the concepts considered. Add your explanations on the cards (Appendix 3).


And what did our heroines decide?

A: Hello!

And hi! How are you? You promised to tell if you succeed with new job. Tell me!

A: Everything worked out! I changed my place of work, but I remained a designer. Only now I am a landscape designer. I sit at the computer less often, I often work outdoors - my eyes rest. And how are you? What changed?

Ilona: I thought about our conversation for a long time and decided to look for something too. And found! I had never even heard of such a profession before, but now I just can’t imagine life without it.

A: What is this profession?

I: The profession is called postigeur! I do wigs, mustaches, beards, haircuts, styling. Very interesting job! The same hairdresser, but I work sitting, my legs practically do not hurt, I have time to take care of my health.

A: I'm very happy for you! I think we did everything right.

I: I wish you success in your new place!

A: Bye!

Do you think the girls did the right thing? Did they take into account the state of their health this time? Will they be able to make a good career now?


    It was interesting…

    I found out…

    It was difficult…

    I was surprised...

    I found it important...

    Now I can...

    I understand that…

    I will try…


Determine possible contraindications for your profession. Write a message on the topic "Health and my future profession."

Optional: Write your reasoning about the following statements:

Don't hunch over, take care of your skeleton - that's all that's left of us.

You need to take care of yourself, otherwise others will take care of you.

Train your memory to remember what you have already forgotten.

If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick.

List of information sources:

    yours professional career: tutorial. Ed. S. N. Chistyakova. - M: Enlightenment, 2005.

Attachment 1.

Card "Components of health".

Connect concepts and definitions with arrows.

Somatic health

Orientation in space and time; control of their behavior; frequency and intensity of general positive emotions.

social health

A person's ability to exercise.

Mental (mental) health

The functioning of organs and systems of the body: respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory, endocrine, etc.

physical health

The frequency of communication with friends, loved ones, i.e. quantity and quality of social connections.

Appendix 2

Limitation of professional suitability for various diseases.


Unfavorable production factors

organs of vision

Work requiring particularly high precision, eye strain, wearing goggles, significant physical stress, body in an inclined position

Seller, bartender, poultry farm operator, gardener,

car repairman

hearing organs

Work that requires good hearing and communication with people, hearing strain, and also associated with significant noise and vibration

draftsman, embroiderer,


shoemaker, florist,

photographer, confectioner


Contact with toxic and skin irritating substances, dustiness; unfavorable microclimate; constant hydration and pollution, hand cooling

Computer's operator,

assembler of clocks, semiconductors,

design engineer

Musculoskeletal system

Prolonged standing, climbing and descending stairs, strenuous working posture, significant physical stress (lifting and carrying heavy loads), work at height, near moving mechanisms

Chip assembler, telegrapher,


Respiratory system

Unfavorable microclimate, gas contamination, dustiness; contact with toxic substances; significant physical stress, all types of radiation

cashier controller,


numerical control machine operator telecommunications operator,


Cardiovascular system

Significant physical stress; unfavorable microclimate; contact with toxic substances; working at height with moving machinery, noise, vibration

radio mechanic,


assistant secretary, beekeeper

Digestive organs

Contact with toxic substances; significant physical and nervous tension; work associated with a violation of the diet; forced working posture, prescribed pace of work and inability to follow a diet



Kidneys and urinary tract

Unfavorable microclimate; contact with toxic substances; forced working position; work associated with a violation of the diet, vibration


semiconductors, computer operator,

car mechanic,


Nervous system

Neuro-emotional stress; noise and vibration; unfavorable microclimate; contact with toxic substances, especially nerve agents; work associated with an increased risk of injury

woodcarver, cutter,


Appendix 3

Establish the relationship of concepts man - health - profession.

G.V. Rezapkina, Moscow, "Genesis", 2007, 140 pp.)

“In order for people to find happiness in their work, three conditions are necessary: ​​the work must be within their powers, it must not be exhausting, and it must be accompanied by success,” noted the English writer J. Ruskin.

The need for work for a normal person is as natural as the need for food and rest. Overwork or idleness is just as harmful to health as too much or too little sleep and food. An illness can also be provoked by an unloved job.

Despite all the achievements of civilization, doctors note the growth of neuropsychiatric diseases, the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract etc. Very often these diseases are professionally conditioned. Entrepreneurs, managers, administrators, leaders most often experience stressful situations caused by the need to make decisions and take responsibility, increased competition and fear of losing their status. A special risk group is made up of people with an overestimated level of claims - those who seek to take a place that does not correspond to their capabilities.

Almost all professions have their own requirements for human health. Conventionally, all these requirements can be divided into four groups:

  • motor : coordination of movements, strength and muscle endurance;
  • analyzer : sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste;
  • neuropsychiatric : strength, mobility, balance of the nervous system;
  • intellectual : properties of thinking, attention and memory.

Many professions make high demands on human health, because they can be associated with significant eye strain (operator, watchmaker, jeweler), standing for a long time (salesman, dentist, hairdresser), high neuropsychic stress (teacher, administrator). Some professions require special selection (vocational selection), which includes determining the candidate's suitability for health reasons, determining professional suitability based on a socio-psychological and psycho-physiological study of the candidate's personality. Professional selection of applicants is carried out by many military educational institutions, institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service and other federal services.

When choosing a profession, you need to think about how it will affect your health: will it cause an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones?

Detailed information about medical contraindications for work and industrial training of adolescents can be found in the reference books prepared by the Research Institute of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health, which contains more than 1,400 professions that can be obtained in professional educational institutions(vocational schools, technical schools, universities).

According to working conditions, significant in terms of maintaining health, professions can be divided into four groups:

  1. living conditions;
  2. moderate or intermittent adverse effects;
  3. simultaneous impact of several adverse factors;
  4. difficult and harmful working conditions.

Medical fitness restrictions

Diseases Contraindicated occupational factors
Respiratory organs Unfavorable microclimate, gas contamination, dustiness, contact with toxic substances, significant physical stress.
Of cardio-vascular system Significant physical stress, unfavorable microclimate, contact with toxic substances, work at height near moving mechanisms.
organs of vision Working with small parts, significant physical stress, dustiness.
nervous system Neuro-emotional stress, noise and vibration, unfavorable microclimate, contact with toxic substances.
Musculoskeletal system Static working posture, significant physical stress (lifting and carrying weights), work at height near moving mechanisms.
Digestive organs Contact with toxic substances, significant physical and nervous tension, working posture associated with tension in the abdominal muscles, with a violation of the diet.
Kidney and urinary tract Unfavorable microclimate, contact with toxic substances, forced working posture, work associated with a violation of the diet.

Health problems can complicate professional activities, but an unloved job can lead a person to a nervous breakdown, psychosomatic diseases, loss of interest in life, unless, of course, a person has other values ​​​​except career and material well-being.

    German doctors drew attention to a strange phenomenon: the influenza epidemic that covers the population in December does not affect postmen. Why? Yes, because they have no time to get sick: on the eve of Christmas and New Year, the mail can hardly cope with the flow of congratulatory letters and telegrams.

Human behavior can be directed either to self-destruction or self-preservation. Many scientists have noted the relationship between human health and his emotions and character. Envy, anger and irritation claim more lives than epidemics. The remnants of health are taken away by bad habits - alcoholism, smoking, laziness and gluttony, characteristic of people who are weak and weak-willed. Habits are formed in childhood, so at an older age, significant efforts are needed to get rid of those that will interfere with your whole life and form those that will help you stay healthy and achieve success.

The Vegetative Lability Questionnaire, compiled by Czech psychologists and tested at the Research Institute of Hygiene and Disease Prevention for Children, Adolescents and Youth of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, will help you indirectly assess your health status.

Vegetative lability is the body's ability to adequately respond to unusual environmental influences.

Read the statements and think about how similar they are to your own experience:

1. In the morning it is difficult for me to get up on time, I do not feel cheerful. 2. I find it difficult to concentrate when I get to work. 3. When something upsets me or when I am afraid of something, an unpleasant feeling arises in my stomach. 4. In the morning I limit myself to just a cup of tea or coffee. 5. I am often cold. 6. When I have to stand for a long time, I want to lean on something. 7. With a sharp tilt, I feel dizzy or dark in my eyes. 8. I get uncomfortable if I am at high altitude or in a closed room. 9. I often have headaches. 10. When I need to concentrate, I can swing my leg, bite my nails, draw something, etc. 11. I usually use the elevator because it is difficult for me to climb stairs. 12. When I speak in public, my heart rate increases, my throat catches, my hands sweat. 13. When sitting still in one place, sleep overcomes me. 14. I know what it means to "blush to the roots of the hair." 15. Some events made me feel nauseous or have no appetite.

The more no, the less reason you have to worry about your health. More than half of the positive answers are a signal of trouble. Pay attention to your lifestyle, mode of work and rest.

If more than ten statements refer to familiar sensations, you should pay attention to how you feel. If you intend to choose a job that involves chronic neuro-emotional and physical stress, you should consult your doctor.

Ten Steps to Self-Confidence

  1. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and accordingly formulate what you want from life.
  2. Never talk bad about yourself, others will do it for you.
  3. Allow yourself to relax, listen to your thoughts, do what you like.
  4. Your friends and family are also insecure. Try to help them.
  5. Set two or three main goals in life for yourself.
  6. Think about what intermediate goals you need to achieve in order to achieve the main goals.
  7. Decide what needs to be done to achieve them, and stick to your decision.
  8. Rejoice in each of your successes on the way to these goals, praise yourself.
  9. Remember that you are the embodiment of the hopes of your parents, you are the image and likeness of God, you are the creator of your life.
  10. If you are confident in yourself, then the obstacle will become a challenge for you, and the challenge will encourage you to take action.

A true professional treats his tool with care, whether it is a computer, a scalpel, a camera or a machine tool. Our body is more than a tool. And most importantly, it is given to us once in a lifetime. Your health is one of the factors of a successful professional career.

Even a cursory acquaintance with the world of professions convinces us that not only a person makes his own demands on future work, but the work dictates its conditions to that.

Galina Rezapkina

Requires better health than you have, in the future, work can provoke the onset of a disease or an exacerbation of an existing one.

Suppose a visually impaired person becomes accountant or corrector. In the future, a significant load on the eyes, the need to scrupulously read a huge amount of texts, look for errors or check balances and reports can lead to the progression of myopia. Also, such people should not plan to manage vehicles. After all, not a single medical examination of drivers will be passed if you have poor eyesight.

K near worthwhile professions there can be different contraindications, and to dissimilar - just general.

For example, among pharmacists there should be no bacillary carriers or persons with chronic infectious diseases. And people who have a tremor (hand trembling) should hardly become surgeons. AND - account managers too. By the way, the profession of a manager, popular today, is not suitable for everyone. The ability to convince others that you are right, to convey the ideas of the company to them directly depends on how well you have oratorical skills, including whether you have speech defects. Bad diction is also undesirable for humanitarians in general: they have to interact with people.

However, even if your health does not quite correspond to the chosen path, this does not mean that you should immediately give up on your dream. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, to think whether it is possible to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. Making an appointment with a speech therapist is real.

There are also a huge number of specialties where you can perfectly fit with a specific disadvantage of your health. One of the domestic animators, who drew many of the most beloved cartoon characters, suffers from color blindness (this is such a disease when a person sees colors incorrectly). In addition, there are health problems that are quite difficult to solve: chronic ailments are not quickly cured, and now there are almost no healthy school graduates left.

Many professions are characterized by periodic or constant impact on the human body of one or more adverse factors - high noise, voltage, extreme conditions, uncomfortable weather conditions, etc.

Some of you dream to be show directors, DJs- however, the music blaring from the speakers impairs hearing. Chemical reagents will provide Negative influence to health agronomist or zootechnics, medical contraindications to this type of activity are considered allergic reactions to pesticides and fertilizers, in particular eczema and other skin diseases - as well as chronic bronchitis. Unfavorable factor at work geologist- Uncomfortable weather conditions, so he needs resistance to colds. BUT office worker maybe not everyone. What is it like to endure a forced working position all day! If you sit at the computer all day, watch how it affects the state of your thyroid gland. When it is not ideal, it is better to abandon the specialty of a programmer and prefer some other one.

The alternative is to be in a lot of nervous tension every day while working. actor, director, doctor, teacher, investigator, manager. There is a high risk of psychosomatic disorders and subsequent neurosis, heart disease, and nervous exhaustion. If you want to acquire one of the above specialties, you should carefully consider whether any extreme situation can piss you off. Do you often worry or worry about trifles? And, if so, then perhaps you should try to realize yourself in another field.

It is practically harmless to health to be a fashion designer, a costume designer: there are almost no unfavorable production factors here.

And the manager, on the contrary, is obliged not only to solve the "minor" problems of the company every day, but also to be able to find a way out of crisis situation when the collapse of the firm is imminent. If deliveries are disrupted, the demand for some product has fallen, the task of a professional is to maximize short term overcome these difficulties. A busy schedule, an irregular working day dictates very high demands on the state of his health - he should not have neuropsychiatric or cardiovascular diseases.

Whom to turn to for advice? To the consultant in the employment center: he has descriptions of professions - professiograms, there are listed contraindications for specific specialties. You can study these documents yourself (printouts of them are usually freely available in such centers).

If you suffer from any serious illness, this factor should be one of the priorities when choosing a profession. A professional consultant will help you find the most suitable specialties for this indicator, from which you can then choose the one that interests you, matches your abilities, is in demand on the labor market, etc.

Your second ally is a doctor.

Which specialties are suitable and which are not suitable for specific diseases?

Children with epilepsy can become fashion designers, retouchers, draftsmen etc. However, they are contraindicated to work in adverse weather conditions or associated with toxic substances.

Unfortunately, a large number of high school students today suffer from gastritis and ulcers. If they are, it is better not to choose professions associated with frequent business trips, physical and nervous tension. Do not become reporters and correspondents, because in this case it will be difficult for you to keep a diet. The same remark applies to diabetics.

Adolescents with a violation of the thyroid gland - thyrotoxicosis, are not suitable for construction, shipbuilding, but professions will be a good choice for them doctor, economist, librarian, art critic

Perhaps, among those who read this article, there are patients with logoneurosis, or speech neurosis (manifested in stuttering). Nervous tension and production noise are contraindicated for you. In universities, one can master any specialty, except for pedagogy, law, some specialties in health care and art.

It is better for children with flat feet not to go to expedition conditions or to a trading or fishing shipping company.

Having chronic laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx - do not choose a specialty that requires voice tension (for example, a teacher or an announcer), as well as involving constant exposure to adverse meteorological conditions (cold, humid air, sudden changes in temperature).

With regard to skin diseases, it is highly undesirable for those suffering from psoriasis to specialize in the field of chemistry, mining, exploration and metallurgical business, technologies for the production of food products and most consumer goods. But you can easily learn instrument making, electrical instrumentation, economics.

With nephritis (kidney disease), work in contact with chemicals is contraindicated, as well as requiring a long stay on your feet, systematic use of public transport or long business trips. Other professions - please.



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