Vocational guidance course for schoolchildren. What is career guidance. Events for career guidance of schoolchildren

The training helped a lot, got help. We applied in time, thanks to the training, the child has the opportunity to hope for something, find direction, get support. I myself began to understand some points in the upbringing and direction of my son. Sergey himself cannot answer (he does not live with his mother), but on the whole we liked it. Learned everything that interested. Helped me find a direction. Good support for behavior modification. Support was also provided by those who were then at the training. Enthusiasm appeared, he cheered up, it helped to pass the exams.

During the training, I tried myself in professions and understood what to prepare for, what not. I began to feel more confident in everything, got a part-time job. I met with those who were then training. Received support from leaders. Now I know which direction to go next.

Sergey, 16 years old

In general, I already knew about the area in which I wanted to work - this is digital. But I had big doubts - to go to the office and then which company and direction to choose, or immediately open my own business. Thanks to Ekaterina, we did a great job and found out that after all, a small business is not suitable for my personal characteristics. Set a professional direction. Now I'm building a portfolio and going through interviews. I am very pleased with the conclusion and the professionalism of the staff!

In general, I will say that it would probably be much more effective for me to continue communicating with a career consultant, but due to the fact that my time did not allow me to do this yet, I limited myself to career guidance. In terms of personality research, I partially heard what I already knew about myself, in this respect I was not surprised. Although the layout according to the type of thinking and reaction was an insight for me and the conclusions will be very useful. Because we formulated and structured some of my thoughts and valuable experience as a specialist, now I know exactly what kind of career I will build and how to start it.

I decided on career guidance at PROFChoice because I wanted to radically change my profession. I don't like the banking job I'm doing at all and I'm interested in finding out what kind of job is right for me. It turned out - a marketer, I agree, this is mine. Now I am already looking for a suitable internship and I am trying to establish contacts in this area. I plan to continue working with a career consultant in order to move faster and more successfully in the chosen direction.

I am a student, but despite the fact that I am already studying to be a microbiologist, I decided to decide on a profession and was even ready to change if necessary educational institution. I did a career guidance at PROFChoice and worked with a career consultant - it was very productive and inspiring! Thank you very much! Now I’m thinking about going to a master’s program after my diploma in the specialty that interests me now, which we picked up at career guidance sessions. My dream is to live and work in Italy and I will definitely make it come true!

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication! After the sent final document, I had a rethinking. I didn’t even think about the Faculty of Philology before, of course I was interested in this area, but I didn’t realize it, now I won’t be able to enter this faculty, because I don’t pass the exams. I chose the best option, also a humanitarian area - the Faculty of Psychology (motivation and stimulation of staff)! And so, in principle, in the future I plan to somehow connect my fate with the type of activity that you advised me! The information that I received helped me decide what I personally did not succeed! I wish you good luck in professional growth, all the best, and thanks again for helping to recognize "my self-interest"! This was very important for me! Thank you

Thanks to career guidance, my strengths were identified, qualities worth working on, psychotype, type of thinking. We also found out what working conditions are most suitable and compared the specialties I was interested in in terms of transferable skills, personal qualities, emotional response and negative signs of specialties. I learned a lot of interesting things about myself and got useful information for my career. Career guidance left a positive impression.

Vocational guidance for high school students is an important and necessary event. What it is? Can you go through it yourself? What are the steps in the process? What should teenagers pay attention to when choosing a profession? You will get answers to these and many other questions by reading the relevant section.

Many methods and techniques have been developed to help a person with a choice. But even after passing even a hundred tests, the selection process may not begin. After all, this is internal process. High school students sometimes imagine career guidance, and indeed any other work with a psychologist, as a kind of miracle: a magician will come, ask a couple of questions - and he will tell me everything about who I am and what I should do. This, of course, is not true. Psychological and career guidance tests are just a tool to help you understand yourself. However, without desire inner work of the person himself, passing any tests is a waste of time.

So, let's look at the career guidance scheme, stage by stage.

Stage one: Outline your “want” (desires, inclinations, preferences) in relation to future profession(and life in general: after all, the profession largely determines its entire way of life). To start remember professions, which you liked as a child, which for some reason attract now. Try to just jot down a list, regardless of the prestige of the profession, or how realistic it is to get it.

Try to understand What do all these professions have in common?. Maybe the fact that they are all creative? Maybe they all give a certain degree of freedom? Maybe they are all aimed at helping people? Cling to any resemblance. So you can understand what is important to you in the profession. And you can find the same in other specialties (if suddenly those that first came to mind are for some reason inaccessible to you).

Work with what objects of labor you are most interested and enjoy? With people or with documents, with animals or with technology? Maybe work related to any kind of information? or activities related to artistic images(dance, acting, painting, etc.)? Even if you have not worked a day in your life in the usual sense of the word, then experience Everyday life, study, preference for a particular hobby will tell you the answer. Just don't confuse it: if you like to sit at the computer for hours on the Internet, this does not mean that you are inclined to work with technology: maybe the computer for you in this case is just a way to communicate with people?

Make up a list of their requirements for working conditions. Would you like to work outdoors or in an office? Sedentary or constantly moving? What about business trips? Do you want to work closely with colleagues - or completely on your own? Is a fixed, clear schedule important to you, or do you prefer a flexible one that you can manage yourself? The second stage: analyze your capabilities and abilities (“I can”).

Remember subjects that you were best given or are given at school; what type of tasks are always easy for you to solve; you have more abilities for the exact sciences or the humanities; what tasks do you prefer, on a clear algorithm of actions - or creative.

Rate your level intellectual abilities, communicative (the ability to communicate effectively, convince others, resolve conflicts, make contact with strangers) and organizational skills. Draw on your experience, and also ask your loved ones how they see you.

Describe your personal qualities- what kind of person are you? Responsible or not, neat or sloppy, individualist or collectivist? You can write down 10 basic qualities that you have.

Third stage: learn different professions.

Each of them requires from a person certain abilities, skills, personal qualities. All these are called professionally important qualities. It is very important to understand if you have them.

A profession can provide an opportunity to realize certain values, provide certain working conditions ... Even if it seems to you that you know everything about the desired profession, find it full professiogram(this is a description of the profession, they can be found in the section "") and read it. For those who have access to the Internet, it will not be difficult to find professional databases there. There are quite a few of them. You can simply set the appropriate query in any search engine.

I assure you: you will learn a lot of new things. In addition to professionally important qualities, each professiogram contains a description of the types of activities that this specialist performs, education requirements, information about related specialties, etc. Within the same profession, different specialties may involve several different requirements to those who perform them, pay attention to this.

When reading information about a profession, immediately correlate its requirements for a person and the opportunities that it gives, with those of your own characteristics, which were discussed above.

The question arises: what professions to study? Of course, first you will read the descriptions of those professions that attract you in some way. However, it is important not to stop there - and to get acquainted with a large number of professions - related to those that you chose in the first place, and not even related: be open to new things, do not avoid options that seem completely unsuitable to you at first glance. Unfortunately, it often happens that a student focuses on one profession, without even considering alternatives, and even more so without seeing the existing huge variety of interesting professions.

Suppose a high school student decided for himself that he would be a psychologist, because he likes to analyze people's behavior. Why not consider becoming a marketer in this case? After all, this specialist also studies people's behavior and models it - only in a different area. A marketer needs more mathematical knowledge, but otherwise everything is very similar. And now imagine that our high school student has just good mathematical ability. Having chosen the profession of a psychologist, he, most likely, will not be able to realize them, but having chosen the profession of a marketer - completely. Therefore, it is so important at the stage of selection to avoid narrowing the circle of considered professions. Ideally, you should read the descriptions of all professions, especially unfamiliar ones: what if among them there is something that seems to be created for you?

There is another way to get acquainted with professions. If you have such an opportunity, look at them "from the inside" and talk with working specialists. A high school student can get a job as an intern or assistant in many specialties - there would be a desire.

Stage four: analyze the situation in the training and labor markets

It is very important to find information about what professions are now most and least in demand in the country and in your region. Keep in mind: if the market is oversaturated with specialists this profile then you need to be much more qualified to find a job.

Pay attention to the level of salaries in the industries you are interested in. Even in the definition of a profession it is said that this is a “kind of labor activity which is the source of existence.

Where to find this information? Again, if the Internet is at hand, go to any job site and go through the database of job offers in your area. This is the most objective data. Similar information can be obtained at the employment center of your city or at youth exchange labor, which is also available in many cities.

Pay attention to educational opportunities in the professions you are considering. Is this profession taught in your area - or will you have to move? Is it possible to get such an education for free - and if not, how much will you have to pay for education? Fifth step: make a choice!

This is, of course, the most difficult. You like one profession, it allows you to realize your inclinations and interests - but it lacks one or another ability. The other will be easy for you, but will not give you the opportunity to realize yourself. And the third one is completely suitable for you in terms of capabilities and interests, but it is completely unclaimed in your region. Or the salaries of specialists in this industry are very low. One way or another, it is impossible for all factors to converge at one point, making the choice unambiguous.

Decide what is less costly for you. Move to another region to study and work? Give up your interests, leaving them as a hobby, choosing a profession that brings, above all, a good income? Doing what you love despite low pay? Undertake to develop the necessary abilities, if only to engage in a profession that will allow you to realize yourself to the fullest? It's up to you to decide!

However, you can always contact a specialist professional consultant or a psychologist, for example, a school psychologist. These people will not make decisions for you, but will help you understand yourself.

The final decision will be yours alone. It needs to be taken seriously, of course. But it does not hurt to remember that the choice is still not final. Later, you can change your profession if it turns out that the chosen one is not for you. So there is no need to escalate the situation if there is no feeling of “your profession” yet. For many people, this understanding comes already in enough adulthood. In case of uncertainty, choose the best option at the moment, weighing all the pros and cons. And experience will tell you which way to go.

Action "Multidimensional choice of profession"

Theoretical justification:
The choice of a profession is influenced by numerous factors that determine a person's choice of a particular profession. According to the method of E.A. Klimov, 8 positions of choosing a profession are defined: the position of senior family members, the position of comrades, the position of teachers, personal professional plan, abilities, level of claims, awareness, inclinations. This classification served as the basis for the transformation of the positions of choice of professions into aspects of the choice of professions.
Aspect (from lat. aspectus - appearance, appearance, sight, point of view) - one of the sides of the object in question, the way it is seen from a certain point of view.
Career guidance is a multifaceted system that includes education, upbringing, the study of psychophysiological characteristics, psychodiagnostics, and the organization of elective courses.
A multidimensional choice of a profession is the numerous aspects of a professional choice that must and is extremely important to take into account when choosing a profession, since taking into account these aspects: health status, awareness, abilities, inclinations, opinions of teachers and older family members, as well as a personal professional plan, diagnostics and consultation with a career counselor depends on a successful choice.
Thus, choosing a profession is an important step in the life of a parent and his child, at the same time a complex but interesting process that includes various aspects that need to be taken into account. It must be remembered that the choice of a profession often causes serious doubts and difficulties among adolescents, since they are not yet psychologically ready to make a choice on their own. Therefore, they need the help of adults. Therefore, it is important: without completely removing the responsibility for the choice made from the child, make sure that he gets the feeling that he decided so.
Goals: encouragement of parents to further joint (together with the child) consideration of the multidimensionality of the choice of profession.
- informing the participants of the action about the versatility and multidimensionality of professional choice;
- motivating parents of students to develop a flexible system of interaction between parent and child in the matter of a successful choice of profession;
- formation of an attitude towards a conscious choice of profession, through an explanation of the influence of aspects on the choice of profession;
- visualization, fixing opinions and positive aspects of each aspect of choosing a profession.
Terms and conditions:
Venue: classroom equipped in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological and fire safety equipped with multimedia equipment.
Target group: parents of students in grades 8-11.
Quantity: 15-25 people.
Action duration: 45 minutes.
Material and didactic equipment:
- sample answers (Appendix No. 1);
- a map of professional aspects (Appendix No. 2).
Material and technical equipment:
- multimedia complex - 1 piece;
- board, marker or chalk;
- stationery (pens, pencils, markers).
Stages of implementation:
Stage 1 - organizational. On the this stage the announcement of the name, purpose of the action and stages of work is carried out. Explanation of tasks, conditions for their implementation by participants. Activation of participants by conducting a dialogue with them on the topic of the action. Motivation of parents for cognitive and emotional activity.
Stage 2 is the main one. Show multimedia presentation actions "Multidimensional choice of profession", discussion of the questions that have arisen, completion of the task.
Stage 3 is the final one. At this stage, summarizing, reflection is carried out.
Efficiency: the influence of logically and systematically selected material on the cognitive, emotional and behavioral level of the action participants, carried out in the form of reflections and visualization throughout the action, will encourage parents to further jointly (together with the child) take into account the multidimensional choice of profession. And also to gain experience in analyzing and systematizing knowledge about aspects of choosing a profession.
Organizational stage
Hello, my name is ..., I am a teacher-psychologist at the Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and social assistance» Department of professional self-determination of schoolchildren, which prepares children from grades 1 to 11 for conscious, right choice their future profession.
Today we invited you to the action "Multidimensional choice of profession" in order for you to acquire competencies in the issue of a successful choice of profession, as a further basis for a joint (together with a child) analysis of a successful choice of profession.
Choosing a profession is the first step in an independent life, on which the future fate of your child largely depends. Choosing the right profession means finding your place in life and being confident in the future. Making this choice is not easy, you must be internally prepared and confident that the step is being taken in the right direction. And of course, the support and advice of parents in this difficult matter is very significant for your children.
? What do you think is the basis for choosing a future professional activity (You need to be based on the opinion of older family members, comrades, teachers of your child, drawing up a professional plan, taking into account abilities, health status, awareness, inclinations).
So, our goal is to help you learn about the versatility and multidimensionality of choosing a profession, and you, in turn, will be able to pass on the information received to your children, thereby ensuring a successful professional choice and actively exercising their role in preparing for work and choosing a profession.
main stage
And now let's focus on the main thing - what should be taken into account in choosing a future professional activity in order for it to be successful.
Position of senior family members (PS)
Most parents these days either give their children free rein or wisely limit themselves to advice. Only a few impose their opinion, dictate their will to children. One way or another, children need to know and think about the opinion of older family members, because often parents, like no one else, see strong and weak sides child, parents know the interests and inclinations, abilities and opportunities.
The next aspect of the choice is the position of the comrades (PT)
The friendships of children are strong and can greatly influence the choice of profession. Therefore, this choice sometimes turns into a choice between friends and interests. But the child needs to focus on the second, that is, on his professional interests. This is preferable, since the risk of losing friends is almost eliminated if they are really friends. There is a much greater risk of losing friends by losing yourself. You should not lose sight of this aspect, since friends are also able to give good advice that they might not have taken into account in other aspects. So, for example, a friend of your child can point him to new and promising specialties, the existence of which he did not know, and even you did not know.
The next thing to consider is the position of the teachers (PT)
Children sometimes do not know how adults see them, how they regard their opportunities to become a highly qualified specialist in their chosen field of professional activity. The most knowledgeable and impartial in this respect are the teachers. Observing studies and extracurricular activities, the teacher makes some kind of forecasts regarding the interests, inclinations, abilities, character, readiness for taking professional and life heights of your child. He knows about many things that are hidden from unprofessional eyes and even from themselves. It is imperative to conduct reconnaissance of the position of teachers, to ask their opinion on the appropriateness of the choice.
The next thing to consider is a personal professional plan (PEP)
The absence or blurring of such a plan dooms one to "blind" swimming in the ocean of professions. A personal professional plan will help answer the following questions:
what and where to study, where and by whom to go to work after school, prospects for improving professional and general education;
ways and means to achieve the goal (self-education, attending an elective course, a circle, preparatory courses, choosing a specific place of study or work);
an idea of ​​their own shortcomings (and advantages), which may affect the achievement of the intended goals.
an idea of ​​possible external (objective) obstacles on the way to goals (who and what can interfere).
knowledge of ways to overcome external obstacles.
knowledge of backup options in case of failure on the main option.
Roughly speaking, a personal professional plan is the tasks that must be completed on the way to achieving the goal.
Health status (SH) is the next aspect
When choosing a profession and planning your life path, it is very important to take care of the realistic assessment of your health status. Well, and of course, it is important to know whether the intended profession has a harmful effect on the state of the physical and mental health of the employee.
The next thing to consider is ability (SP)
Abilities are understood as the individual characteristics of a person that help to achieve success in any activity and are not limited to knowledge and skills. Any traits of a person, from the peculiarities of moral character to the tactile sensitivity of the fingertips, can act as abilities. Abilities are not interests, these are some talents given by nature, from birth. For example, a high level of memory development and attentiveness; a high level of development of fine motor skills and dexterity; well-developed analytical skills (ability to receive and process necessary information); developed communication skills; technical ability; ability to analyze, compare facts; organizational skills; ability to self-control; good visual memory...
And it is important to remember that only a qualified specialist - an educational psychologist will be able to reliably identify the strengths and weaknesses of your child.
The next aspect of choosing a profession is inclinations (SK)
Addiction is more than just interest. It's one thing to want to know, it's another thing to want to do. Inclinations are manifested in favorite activities, on which most of the time is spent, including free time. You can do something not necessarily with your hands, but also in your mind. For example, the sphere of inclinations may be the sphere of communication. When there is an inclination, then the presence of interest is assumed. When evaluating your personal qualities, it is important to pay attention to inclinations - not just a desire to learn, but a desire to do business, from which it is then difficult to break away. Inclinations are not only manifested, but also formed in activity. Until they are formed, there is nothing to manifest. Children need to consciously engage in a wide variety of activities, not be afraid of hobbies. It is better to try, how to play different options at the level of hobbies, than to change places of study and work unreasonably often. We focus on the fact that inclinations, roughly speaking, are our interests, and abilities are talents given to us from childhood. If inclinations are formed, then we already have abilities. For example: I can sing, I have good voice data - this is my ability, and I also like to embroider - this is my inclination, a tendency to painstaking manual labor.
Another important aspect is awareness (IN)
The need to have a lot of information for professional self-determination is obvious. But it is also important to consider its quality. To do this, you should pay attention to the fact that the acquired information does not turn out to be distorted, which can be when using outdated or unreliable sources, as well as due to a biased attitude towards certain areas of work.
Aspect of diagnosis by a career psychologist (DP)
The task of psychodiagnostics is to identify and provide information about the individual psychological characteristics of students, which would be useful to them and those who work with them - teachers, educators, parents. Funds psychological diagnostics used in MUK: observation, conversation, psychological testing.
Aspect of consultation with a career counselor (CP)
The task of psychological counseling is to help the participants in the pedagogical process to solve emerging problems themselves. Consultations are held for teachers, students, parents, administration educational institution. They can be individual or group.
Current instruction:
Today you will work in groups. Each group will be given two profile cards. Within five minutes, each group in their two professional aspect cards fixes only two positive sides of these aspects. By discussing the main positive aspects in your opinion, you will have to come to a consensus and in each profile card you fix your answer, your opinion.
It is necessary to observe the principle of "non-repeatability" both for each aspect and for the opinions of each group.
To structure the material in each profile card, the beginning of the sentence is indicated as one of the main members of the sentence - the verb. The beginning of this sentence needs to be continued. The sentence you continued will help you see the real significance of this aspect for you and your child.
At the end of five minutes, I will ask the groups to switch places (clockwise) and proceed to discuss the next two career cards, and also point out two positive aspects in each of them.
Good luck! We look forward to productive, active and proactive work. Begin.
The final stage
And now let's summarize: each group names four positive aspects in each of the cards of the professional aspect; and at the same time your answers will be recorded on the board.
After the work done, the results are discussed, the participants share their impressions and voice their wishes.
Questions for reflection:
1. What do you remember most about your work?
2. What value did you learn today?
3. How will you use the information you receive?
4. How would you rate your contribution to common work(rate on a scale of 1 to 5)?
5. What helped you in your work today, and what hindered you?
6. Will you share the acquired information with your children?
7. What would your child say about this action?

frequently asked Questions

There are many career guidance centers in Moscow. How are you different from others?

Our main difference is a deep and comprehensive approach. Through the use of more than 15 psychodiagnostic methods, career guidance tests and individual work highly qualified psychologists-professional orientologists, you get a complete picture professional interests, abilities and opportunities of your child. We also explore his personal, psycho-physiological characteristics and emotional sphere. And only after that we select professional areas and specialties.
As far as we know, no career guidance center approaches the issue of choosing a profession so seriously.

How many professions do you offer? After all, we need to find one single, ours!

We usually offer 10-15 professions to choose from. These are professions in which the student has an interest, and in which he can succeed. There are several reasons for this:

  • We believe that a teenager himself must make a choice, because this is his life! And our task is to show him possible directions.
  • A person is rarely predisposed to only one type of activity, to one profession. Accordingly, we consider all options professional development based on the abilities, capabilities and desires of a teenager.
  • Many promising professions lie at the intersection of different disciplines, so we do not exclude the possibility of obtaining several specialties (for example, a bachelor's degree in philology and a master's degree in psychology). Multi-professional can get serious competitive advantage young professional!

At the final meeting, the teenager himself chooses the desired professional path.

What is Career Guidance for School Students?

Vocational guidance for schoolchildren is the process of finding an answer to the question "whom a schoolboy should be." In order to find this answer, it is necessary to examine this student for his abilities, needs, values, skills and knowledge.

This is done in the presence of the parents and with the participation of the parents. It's deep teamwork. Of course, the student will be given tasks to determine the properties of his intellect and personality.

At our ProfGuide center, all this is done not by a computer program, but by a living person. We believe that this is fundamentally valuable for making an accurate decision about the fate of the child.

At what age can you choose a profession?

At the age of 14-15, a person can determine the profession quite accurately. But let's make a reservation: if he is ready to work on choosing a profession. This means that if he has enough experience of interacting with different aspects of reality, if he is ready to disagree with the statement of an adult, if he has a habit of mental and physical labor, and if he is mentally healthy.

Is vocational guidance possible until the age of 12?

Until the age of 12, not everyone can choose a profession, and very approximately. There are two reasons. Firstly, the child has not yet studied chemistry, physics, biology at school. Secondly, he has little social experience. Therefore, at this age, the child should not be limited by driving into certain areas. Let him develop comprehensively, studying himself and the world around him.

And yet, by the age of 12, the main directions of possible development and the main limitations in abilities are already visible. It is important to carefully identify these limitations, the properties of the child - both personal and intellectual. It is possible and necessary to develop a plan for intellectual and personal development up to the age of 15, determine the specialization of the class, school, send the child to circles and sections, give a list of books to be read and a list of skills that he must master by the age of 14-15.

This is done by neuropsychologist Anna Andreeva, identifying the abilities of children under 12 years old and analyzing the most difficult cases.

When do consultations take place?

We can take you on any day convenient for you. Career guidance starts at 10, 13, 16 and 19 hours Moscow time.
Career guidance is possible both in the office in Moscow and online (skype, viber).

And on the Internet consultation is not worse?

Skype or viber consultation is no worse if the connection is good and we can see and hear each other. Usually the connection is good.

Of course! This is a very important part of career guidance. We try to find universities and colleges that suit you by location (city, country), by price, by USE scores, by a set of subjects, by whether there is a military department, a hostel, and by other parameters.

What if my child doesn't know what he wants?

It does not happen that a teenager does not want anything. He does not want only what you offer him. But for him there are very pleasant gifts of fate. You just don't know about it yet. We always find activities that are enjoyable for the child. Is always.

Usually high school students come to career guidance with complete confusion in their smart heads. Why the confusion? But from what. It is not known what to be guided by when choosing a profession. The most obvious: school subjects.

From them, perhaps, to dance? Social studies are going well - I'll go where they take it. And these are economic universities. Do you want to work as an economist? Not? And by whom? Here we understand. Or: physics and mathematics are going well - I will go to an engineering university. Do you want to work with it later? With drawings, calculations? In the design office? Or at a factory or a construction site? Not? So, we need to figure it out.

Lay out the entire "card of the child" on the table and see the strengths and inclinations (interests). Tendencies can be so strange and different that, well, it's just not understandable. neither the high school student nor his parents. Everything the child wants. And here we sit and figure it out. It has to be done, it has to be done. Consider everything from all sides, see everything and make an informed decision. There are no people unsuitable for anything. No. And in your child - a treasure. Let's look for treasure together.


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