Programs for the creation of unmanned aerial systems in the interests of the US armed forces. Marine unmanned aerial vehicles "strategic" marine uavs

Unmanned aerial systems RQ-21A "Blackjack" / Photo:

The new unmanned aerial system (UAS) RQ-21A Blackjack developed and manufactured by Insitu, a Boeing unit, is already deployed in Afghanistan, in service with the US Marine Corps. This is stated in the message of the US Navy.

Pictured: UAS RQ-21A in Afghanistan / Photo USMC

The RQ-21A, with five unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is deployed almost four years after Insitu won a contract to supply the Pentagon with small tactical UASs in August 2010 and more than two years after the first two systems were handed over to the ILC. One of the points of the contract provides for the receipt of prototypes of the RQ-21A for trial operation in the troops.

The next step in the UAS development program is to achieve initial combat readiness. On the website of the US Navy, the date of the initial introduction of systems into service is called "Spring 2014".

However, a spokesman for the Navy clarified that the achievement of initial combat readiness is planned at the end of this year. The RQ-21A is a development of the ScanEagle UAV weighing 22 kg.

The device is equipped with a payload, which is located in the inner compartment and includes electro-optical and infrared cameras and radio relay antennas. The KMP plans to purchase 32 RQ-21A systems, the Navy - 25 systems.

Technical reference

UAV "Blackjack", created by Insitu Incorporated, is a development of the ScanEagle UAV. The main external difference is the RQ-21A two-fin tail unit, which led to an increase in its size. The system includes:

  • five UAVs
  • two ground control stations
  • equipment needed for start-up and maintenance

Catapult to launch

For several months, land and sea tests will be conducted by the 1st Test Squadron (ATES VX, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron VX). Following the completion of the initial test and evaluation phase, government officials and Insitu will transfer these UAVs for further use by the USMC 2nd Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron located at Corps Air Base at Cherry Point, NC. Delivery of the second LRIP batch of RQ-21A is scheduled for spring 2014 and will include one system.

"Blackjack" will significantly improve control over the battlefield for the tactical grouping of ground forces and ILC aviation. As a result, he said, the Marines will receive a platform equipped with the appropriate equipment necessary to carry out the aforementioned task.

UAV RQ-21 / Photo:

UAV RQ-21 / Photo:

The RQ-21A provides a new level of flexibility and capability for the expeditionary force not currently found in any UAV. US ILC UAV squadrons using Blackjack will be able to confidently carry out missions as part of tactical groups.

The RQ-21 Integrator UAVs were ordered by the US Navy as part of the STUAS / Tier II small tactical unmanned systems program. An initial contract worth $ 43.7 million was signed on July 29, 2010.

It provides for the creation and delivery of two devices, as well as their testing. The STUAS / Tier II program assumes the initial deployment of 56 unmanned systems from 2013. The potential order value is estimated at $ 450 million.

UAV RQ-21 Integrator is designed for reconnaissance and has the ability to perform several tasks in one flight. On board are located:



On February 10, the US Navy launched the RQ-21A reconnaissance drone, also known as the Integrator, from the deck of the ship for the first time. This was reported in a press release from the Navy on February 12.
According to the Navy, the tests took place in the Gulf of Mexico on the deck of the landing ship dock Mesa Verde (LPD-19). Prior to this, the UAV was tested for three months on land in California. The device made its first flight in July 2012.
The RQ-21A UAV is being developed by Insitu (a subsidiary of Boeing). The device weighs 34 kilograms, reaches five meters wide and can carry up to 27 kilograms of payload. He develops a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour and can be in the air during the day. The combat radius of the RQ-21A is up to 1000 kilometers. The drone is equipped with a laser rangefinder, as well as a set of electro-optical and infrared sensors.


On February 10, the RQ-21A (Small Tactical Unmanned Air System - STUAS) small tactical drone performed the first takeoff from the deck of the San Antonio-class USS Mesa Verde (LPD 19) UDC, ASDNews reported on February 13. After the completion of the flight, the device was lifted aboard the landing craft.
The flight over the sea was preceded by three months of ground / flight tests at a Navy aircraft station in China Lake, California.


On Sunday, February 10, the U.S. Navy launched its first RQ-21A STUAS (Small Tactical Unmanned Air System) reconnaissance drone, also known as the Integrator, from the deck of the ship. This was reported in a press release from the Navy on February 12.
According to the Navy, the tests took place in the Gulf of Mexico on the deck of the Mesa Verde landing ship (LPD-19). Prior to this, the UAV was tested for three months on land in California. The device made its first flight in July 2012. The RQ-21A UAV is being developed by Insitu (a subsidiary of Boeing). The device weighs 34 kilograms, reaches five meters wide and can carry up to 27 kilograms of payload. He develops a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour and can be in the air during the day. The combat radius of the RQ-21A is up to 1000 kilometers.
The drone is equipped with a laser rangefinder, as well as a set of electro-optical and infrared sensors. As previously reported, the delivery of RQ-21A drones to the troops under the STUAS program is scheduled for 2017. In addition to the US Navy, RQ-21A drones are planned to be purchased for the Marines. The Marines, it was reported, will launch the vehicles primarily on land.


The US Navy gave permission to begin production of the lead batch of STUAS (Small Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System) RQ-21A small tactical unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for the Navy and the Marine Corps (ILC) as part of stage C. This was reported by ARMS-TASS.
This means that the RQ-21A program, led by the STUAS Program for the Navy and ILC in Patuxent River, Maryland, is entering the production and deployment phase.
The RQ-21A unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) included in the system will perform tasks of conducting tactical reconnaissance, surveillance and target designation at sea and on land in the interests of two branches of the US armed forces.


The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces intend to equip the ships with unmanned aerial vehicles, Jane’s reports, citing military sources. American unmanned vehicles RQ-21A Blackjack are considered as one of the main options. Japan will spend two million yen ($ 19.2 thousand) in 2014 for testing and selecting a shipborne drone.
According to the Japanese military, the new drones will be used to track the movement of Chinese ships in the East China Sea. The final decision on equipping Japanese ships with drones has not yet been made. In the case of the purchase of the RQ-21A or other similar devices, the Navy will become the first Japanese military service to use unmanned aircrafts...


The Marines and the US Navy have begun military tests of the promising RQ-21A Blackjack unmanned aerial vehicle, Defense News reports. Evaluation tests of the drone are currently being conducted at the 29th US Marine Corps Ground and Air Force Command Center in Palmse, California. After their completion, a decision can be made to accept the RQ-21A into service.
The drone will also be tested as part of the 1st Air Test and Evaluation Squadron of the US Navy. The military will test it both on land and at sea, launching it from the deck of the ship. Following these months of testing, the RQ-21A will be handed over for inspection to 2nd Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron located at Cherry Point Air Force Base in North Carolina.

The new unmanned aerial system (UAS) RQ-21A Blackjack developed and manufactured by Insitu, a Boeing division, is already deployed in Afghanistan, in service with the US Marine Corps. This is stated in the message of the US Navy. The RQ-21A, with five unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is deployed nearly four years after Insitu won a contract to supply the Pentagon with small tactical UASs in August 2010 and more than two years after the first two systems were handed over to the ILC.

The American company Logos Technologies has received a contract from the US Navy Research Directorate, under which it will develop a "supersensor" for the RQ-21 Blackjack reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle. According to Flightglobal, the deal was worth $ 18.2 million.
Logos Technologies will have to develop an electro-optical camera, a wide-angle camera, a shortwave infrared hyperspectral camera and a camera high resolution with control sensor. These devices should be compactly housed in a small enclosure. The mass of the finished "supersensor" should not exceed 17.8 kilograms.
All images obtained with new system will be transmitted to a computing system on board the drone capable of processing up to one gigabyte of data per second. "Supersensor" will allow the military to conduct detailed marking of the terrain and detect hidden enemy fighters and improvised explosive devices on it.
The development of the device is expected to be completed by the end of March 2020. The US Marine Corps will use the new reconnaissance system.
N + 1


The Dutch Ministry of Defense has signed a contract with American company Insitu ( structural subdivision Boeing) for the supply of three complexes with short-range unmanned aerial vehicles Integrator, according to the press service of Insitu.
“Deliveries should start in 2018. Integrator should replace the ScanEagle unmanned systems previously purchased by the Dutch Ministry of Defense, which have been used since 2012 to protect troops during hostilities, detect targets, and adjust fire, ”the statement said.
Integrator is a multifunctional unmanned system with long flight duration vehicles. The device with a takeoff weight of about 60 kg can carry a payload with a total weight of up to 18 kg, including various reconnaissance, observation and target designation equipment.
Integrator (another name for the RQ-21A Blackjack system) has been in serial production since 2016. They are used by the United States Navy and Marine Corps. In addition, these devices are used by the Canadian Armed Forces.


The RQ-21A UAV is being developed by Insitu (a subsidiary of Boeing). The Integrator UAV, developed by Insitu, is part of the RQ-21A STUAS (Small Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System) small tactical reconnaissance unmanned aircraft system, which has been assigned initial operational readiness status.
The first flight lasted two hours, the aircraft was operated by specialists from the 2nd and 3rd squadrons of unmanned aerial systems of the United States Marine Corps, together with representatives of Insitu.
The RQ-21A has the ability to perform several tasks in one flight, an electro-optical system is placed on board, infrared camera, infrared designator and laser rangefinder.
The device weighs 34 kilograms, reaches five meters in width and can carry up to 27 kilograms of payload. He develops a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour and can be in the air during the day. The combat radius of the RQ-21A is up to 1000 kilometers. The drone is equipped with a laser rangefinder, as well as a set of electro-optical and infrared sensors.
As previously reported, the delivery of RQ-21A vehicles for the US Navy is scheduled for 2017 as part of the STUAS (Small Tactical Unmanned Air System) program, which involves equipping troops with small tactical drones.
In addition to the US Navy, the US Marines have shown interest in the RQ-21A drones. The Marines, it was reported, will launch the vehicles primarily on land.


Maximum takeoff weight 61.2 kg
Empty weight 34 kg
Length: 2.5m
Wingspan: 4.8 m
Engine: JP-5, JP-8
Range up to 1000 km
Flight duration 24 h
Flight speed 100 km / h
Ceiling up to 6000 m
Payload weight 18 - 27 kg

Sources: et al.

For a long time, surface ships remained the only effective tool waging war at sea, and only in coastal areas, coastal artillery could provide a certain competition to them. The appearance of submarines and naval aviation (deck and coastal) radically changed the face of naval warfare and fleets. Now, with the beginning of the development and implementation of a significant number of a wide variety of unmanned underwater and aerial vehicles, one can observe the beginning of a new stage of cardinal changes in the structure of the fleets of the leading maritime powers.

MQ-4C Triton

Underwater drones are at the very beginning of their development, and it will be a long time before they can play a significant role in naval activities. In contrast, maritime unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are undergoing a period of rapid development. They already play a significant role in the structure of the US Navy, which should grow significantly over the next decade. Many maritime powers are following the path of catch-up development, but they are also paying quite serious attention to maritime unmanned systems.

It is especially worth noting that, as in the case of manned aircraft, the tasks and capabilities of different classes of UAVs differ significantly. One of the options for classifying UAVs, which is used by the UK Department of Defense, involves dividing all UAVs into three classes based on maximum take-off weight. The first class corresponds to drones up to 150 kg, the second - from 150 to 600 kg, and the third - over 600 kg. This classification is very conditional: for example, the third class includes samples so different in their capabilities as the MQ-4C Triton strategic reconnaissance UAV (maximum takeoff weight - about 15 tons) and the MQ-8B Fire Scout tactical helicopter-type drone (maximum takeoff weight - about 1400 kg).

The main advantages of drones are their significantly smaller size compared to manned aircraft, which makes it possible to increase naval air groups, as well as deploy air groups consisting of UAVs on ships that are little adapted to basing manned aircraft. Also, UAVs are usually less expensive. In addition, drones can stay in the air much longer than manned helicopters and airplanes. Finally, the use of UAVs in a combat situation avoids threats to the lives of pilots.

"Strategic" naval UAVs

In May 2013, we witnessed a number of significant successes of programs for the creation of "strategic" (given their size, cost and range of tasks; in the West, the term HALE is often used - High Altitude, Long Endurance) of the US Navy's unmanned maritime systems. On the morning of May 14, 2013, the Northrop Grumman Corporation X-47B UAV took off from the deck of the aircraft carrier "George Bush". This UAV is one of two prototypes created by Northrop Grumman as part of a 2007 contract with the Navy under the UCAS-D (Unmanned Combat Air System Carrier Demonstration) program. Within the framework of this program, it is planned to practice the take-off and landing of UAVs on an aircraft carrier, as well as refueling in the air. Air refueling tests are scheduled to take place before October 1, 2014.


UCAS-D precedes the beginning of the UCLASS (Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike) program, which involves the creation of an unobtrusive heavy deck drone. Such UAVs will have to carry out reconnaissance and strike at ground targets. In the context of the development of anti-ship missiles, non-nuclear submarines and other so-called. "Access Restriction Systems", high hopes are pinned on the UCLASS UAV. Among experts and representatives of the American leadership, there is an opinion that the future of carrier-based aviation and the aircraft carrier component of the US Navy depends on the creation of a strike drone with a large (about 1800 km) combat radius. Research and development work (R&D) under the UCLASS program should begin in 2013. It is planned to allocate $ 2.3 billion for them. The combat readiness of the UAVs developed under the UCLASS program should reach by 2020.

However, there are fears that the UCLASS program may degenerate into the creation of a deck drone that will be focused on performing reconnaissance missions, and strike functions will play a secondary role. In addition, the UCLASS UAV could eventually be built using significantly fewer stealth technologies than the existing X-47B. Brian McGrath, one of the leading US naval experts, voiced concerns that the UCLASS UAV could be created as a carrier-based analogue of the Predator family of combat UAVs. It is worth recalling that General Atomics Corporation, which is the creator of the Predator family, participates in the UCLASS program with the Sea Avenger UAV. Such a UAV will undoubtedly strengthen the US naval aviation, but it will not be able to operate effectively in conditions of the enemy's advanced "access control systems." Speaking about the reasons for opposition to the creation of a truly unobtrusive strike UAV, McGrath notes the competition from the program for creating carrier-based fighter the fifth generation F-35C, which is supposed to take over the functions of a "first day of war" strike aircraft, a reduction in military spending in the United States, and the conservatism of representatives of the naval aviation command.

Predator-C Sea Avenger

The second type of "strategic" UAV, which in the near future should become an important tool of the American Navy, is the long-range coastal reconnaissance UAV MQ-4C Triton manufactured by Northrop Grumman, which made its first flight on May 22, 2013. This UAV is being created as part of the BAMS program ( Broad Area Maritime Surveillance) based on the US Air Force RQ-4B Global Hawk drone.

Four MQ-4Cs will be able to provide constant patrolling of a given sector of the oceans. They will carry out long-term (up to 28 hours) patrolling of large areas (the radius of the patrol zone should be about 3700 km). Also, MQ-4C will be able to perform the functions of a repeater to maintain communication between dispersed forces in the theater of operations. The MQ-4C Triton is being developed to complement Boeing's P-8A Poseidon land-based patrol aircraft. The drones should remove most of the sea patrol and reconnaissance missions from the P-8A, which will allow the Poseidons to focus on other tasks, including the fight against surface ships and submarines.

In total, it is planned to purchase 70 MQ-4Cs, including two prototypes. The cost of the program should be $ 13.2 billion (including 3.3 billion for R&D), and the final cost of the serial drone - 189 million. Australia has officially confirmed its interest in purchasing the Triton UAV. In addition, there is a possibility that the MQ-4C will interest India, which purchases the P-8A. Triton should reach operational readiness in 2016. First of all, these UAVs will be deployed in the Middle East in the area of ​​responsibility of the Fifth Fleet, where the experienced UAV BAMS-D is now successfully operated, then on the island of Guam in the area of ​​responsibility of the Seventh Fleet, at the Sigonella base in Italy (Sixth Fleet) and finally in the continental United States.

Heavy tactical naval UAVs

Expensive "strategic" naval UAVs are complemented by significantly cheaper heavy tactical helicopter-type UAVs, which can become workhorses of naval aviation, complementing helicopters.

MQ-8B Fire Scout

The most striking example of such a UAV is the MQ-8B Fire Scout, which was developed by Northrop Grumman based on the Schweizer / Sikorsky S-333 light helicopter. This UAV takes up half the space of a standard US Navy MH-60R Seahawk carrier-based helicopter and can perform many of the tasks assigned to a helicopter. The dimensions of the UAV can significantly increase the number of aircraft on surface ships. On board LCS-class coastal combat ships, which are the main carriers of UAV data, one or two Fire Scout will almost always complement the manned Seahawk. And on board the frigate can be placed four MQ-8B. It is worth emphasizing that such UAVs are planned to be used primarily not as a replacement, but in addition to manned aircraft. Thus, the study showed that, in terms of the cost-effectiveness criterion, a mixed air group on coastal warships is preferable to an air group consisting only of UAVs or helicopters.


Using onboard equipment and electronic systems MQ-8B, Northrop Grumman has developed the larger MQ-8C drone based on the Bell 407 Jet Ranger helicopter. The corporation has been developing at the expense of own funds, but the US Navy liked the new model and they abandoned further purchases of the MQ-8B in favor of the MQ-8C. In 2012, the corporation was awarded a contract to build 30 MQ-8Cs. A new version The Fire Scout has a maximum take-off weight increased to 2 tons, almost twice the payload (about 500 kg), more high speed(about 260 km / h) and a longer flight duration (up to 11-14 hours). Test flights of the MQ-8C are due to begin in September this year, and they will reach combat readiness at the end of 2014. Due to the increased size and significantly improved performance characteristics, the Navy plans to make do with less UAV data on ships. So, instead of 4 MQ-8Bs, 3 MQ-8Cs will be based on frigates.

Similar work in the interests of the French Navy is currently being carried out by Boeing together with DCNS and Thales: in the fall of 2012, tests of the H-6U Unmanned Little Bird UAV based on the Boeing MD-530A helicopter were completed. The H-6U is a combined aircraft, that is, it can be used both as a UAV and as a manned helicopter.

H-6U Unmanned Little Bird

The main functions of the MQ-8 are reconnaissance and target designation, but the Navy also plans to arm data from the UAV - in particular, 70-mm high-precision APKWS missiles.

Helicopter-type UAVs have certain limitations on the duration and range of flight, which raises the question of developing fixed-wing marine UAVs (in the West, the term MALE is often used - Medium Altitude, High Endurance), which can be based on small ships. Agency for promising technologies The US Department of Defense (DARPA) has launched the TERN (Tactically Exploited Reconnaissance Node) program, which involves the development of a similar UAV, the payload of which should be about 300 kg, and the operational radius from 1100-1700 km, and the accompanying system that will ensure its takeoff and landing on BKPZ and other suitable ships. Drones under the TERN program will have to perform both reconnaissance and strike functions.

Light tactical UAVs

Along with heavier drones, light UAVs, like the ScanEagle fixed-wing reconnaissance drone produced by the Boeing Insitu subsidiary, which has been operating in the US fleet since 2005, and is also successfully used by the fleets of other states, take their place on the deck of ships.


In 2012, Singapore signed a contract for the supply of these UAVs for its fleet. By July 2011, ScanEagle made a total of 56 thousand sorties, their cumulative flight time exceeded 500 thousand hours, including about 250 thousand hours - in the interests of the Navy, and their total number as part of American Navy exceeded 120 units. It is noteworthy that the Navy does not purchase ScanEagle, but uses their services under contractual agreements with the manufacturer.

RQ-21A Integrator

These UAVs precede the implementation of the STUAS (Small Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System) program to create an unmanned reconnaissance system with the larger RQ-21A Integrator UAVs in the interests of the US Navy and the US Marine Corps, which is being implemented by Insitu under a 2010 contract. The maximum take-off weight of the drone will be about 60 kg. The RQ-21A made its first flight from the deck of the ship on April 9, 2013. In total, the Navy plans to purchase 36 STUAS systems, each of which will include five UAVs.


Unlike the United States, the development of maritime unmanned systems in Russia is just beginning. And although the adoption of "strategic" drones remains a long-term issue, the development of tactical UAVs of various ranges is already underway. Speaking directly about naval UAVs, it is worth mentioning the Horizont Air S-100 model based on the Camcopter S-100, which was demonstrated at the International Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg in 2011 by OJSC Gorizont (Rostov-on-Don) ... The company assembles UAVs under license from the Austrian Schiebel. These drones are already actively operated by the French Navy and the fleets of other states, including, according to some reports, the PRC.

Horizon Air is a helicopter-type UAV with a maximum take-off weight of 200 kg, which can be used for night and day patrols, surveillance and monitoring of ground and surface space, search and rescue operations, participation in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and man-made disasters. as well as border protection. Moreover, the S-100 can be armed: this UAV has successfully carried out the launch of the Thales LMM light multipurpose missile. The drone is now at the certification stage.

Horizon Eyre

In November 2012, for trial operation, the first complex with an S-100 UAV was delivered for the needs of the Coast Guard of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia. A preliminary decision on the purchase of one complex with the UAV "Horizon Air" for trial operation was also made by the Navy. The Ministry of Internal Affairs also expressed interest in these UAVs.

The development of unmanned systems is not a priority for naval development in Russia. This is connected both with the priority of the task of renewing the ship composition of the fleet, and with the technological lag in this area. Nevertheless, the development of unmanned systems can strengthen the aviation of the fleet, the coast guard and other departments. By performing patrol and reconnaissance functions, naval UAVs will help protect national interests Russia in the World Ocean.

Colonel A. Chekunov

In the United States, work is underway to create ship-based unmanned aircraft systems. One of the most ambitious is the UCLASS (Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike) program, which involves the development of a deck unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capable of conducting all-weather aerial reconnaissance, hitting time-critical targets at a distance of more than 1,100 km from the aircraft carrier, and also being used to maintain electronic warfare and solving other problems.

The activity of the Americans in this area is largely due to the fact that the use of manned carrier-based aircraft in the initial period of the conflict with countries with high military potential, before gaining air supremacy, will be limited due to the unacceptable level of losses from enemy air defenses.

In accordance with the requirements developed by the Ministry of the Navy, the maximum flight duration of unmanned vehicles will be at least 12 hours. air patrolling, to reduce the intensity of the use of takeoff and landing equipment, as well as the workload of the engineering and technical staff.

According to the assessment of the forecast conditions combat use and planned tasks, a promising device should have low visibility in the radar and infrared wavelength ranges. At the same time, its mass and dimensions should be large enough for reasons of ensuring the stability of the UAV during takeoff and landing in conditions of characteristic high turbulence of air flows above the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.

The UAV onboard equipment is planned to include a complex of optoelectronic and radar reconnaissance equipment, as well as equipment for transmitting data via secure radio communication channels.


During the preliminary stages of R&D, different concepts construction and use of an unmanned system, as well as specifying the tactical and technical requirements for its components. In order to ensure the competitiveness of research and expand the range of specialists participating in them, the US Department of the Navy has signed contracts for the work on this program with several leading national developers of unmanned aircraft.

Experimental combat UAVs X-47V and Phantom Ray of Northrop-Grumman and Boeing, respectively, are considered the most promising and meeting the requirements.

In turn, General Atomics (the developer of the Predator and Reaper multipurpose vehicles) proposed the Avenger, a long-duration UAV, created on its own initiative.

Lockheed-Martin is developing its own project of a multipurpose system based on the Sea Host apparatus. This machine is presumably a modification of the long-duration UAV RQ-170 Sentinel adapted for a ship-based version, which was used by the Americans to conduct reconnaissance in the Asian region.

All devices participating in the program are equipped with turbojet engines, in the design of which solutions are implemented to reduce the visibility in the radar and infrared ranges.

It should be noted that a number of key technologies that determine the feasibility of this concept have already been developed and have undergone practical demonstration in the framework of the UCAS-D program, in which two experimental apparatus of the X-47B type were involved.

Work at the preliminary stages of creating a new multipurpose unmanned system UCLASS is carried out largely at the expense of the developers' own funds. For their further financing, it is planned to allocate funds from the Pentagon budget.

Along with this, a special place is occupied by the program for the creation of shipborne helicopter-type UAVs. Such machines combine flexibility of use and minimum requirements for the basing conditions. The development of a multipurpose unmanned system based on the MQ-8B "Firescout" UAV is entrusted to the Northrop-Grumman company.

The air reconnaissance system based on the "Firescout" vehicles is supposed to be deployed on ships of different classes and used independently or in conjunction with deck helicopters to support the actions of individual ships, naval strike groups and marine units. When performing the most frequently solved carrier-based aircraft For reconnaissance missions for surface (ground) targets, MQ-8B unmanned aerial vehicles will have a flight duration 2-4 times longer than manned helicopters, while consuming 3-5 times less aviation fuel.

The basis of the reconnaissance onboard radio-electronic equipment of the apparatus is the "Bright Star-2" optoelectronic station (OES) with television and thermal imaging cameras and a laser rangefinder-designator. To ensure the conduct of reconnaissance in adverse weather conditions, the possibility of equipping the machine with a small-sized radar station is being considered.

The UAV is controlled by the commands of the operator of the ship's control center by radio channels at a line-of-sight distance, as well as autonomously according to the program entered into the on-board computer. System automatic control machines with electromechanical actuators in all channels use data from an inertial navigation system integrated with the Navstar spacecraft radar station.

The American company "Sierra Nevada" has developed a unified system UCARS (UAV Common Automatic Recovery System), which provides automatic UAV landing on a site of limited size, including the deck of a moving ship. One of the main elements of this system is a landing terminal with a tracking parabolic radar antenna and a video camera. After the completion of the flight mission, the aircraft, in automatic or manual mode, arrives at the designated air zone within 4.5 km from the landing site, in which the radio beacon installed on board the UAV is activated by the antenna radiation. Beacon signals are used to calculate the relative coordinates and speed of the UCARS, which are transmitted to the control room and used to perform automatic or automated landing maneuvers. The image from a digital video camera allows the operator to receive more accurate information about the spatial position of the vehicle at the final stage of landing.

Work is underway to equip the MQ-8B UAVs with guided weapons, which will allow them to be used to solve the problems of hitting identified surface or ground targets.

Due to their small dimensions, three such devices can be located on an area usually occupied by one helicopter. This number of vehicles makes it possible to organize their rotation to ensure a continuous presence in a given area or (with simultaneous use) to significantly expand the reconnaissance zone.

UCARS was quite successfully involved in the intelligence support of the coalition group in Afghanistan. The application of this system was provided by civilian specialists of the Northrop-Grumman firm, and the setting of tasks, monitoring of their implementation and analysis of the information received were by the military.

At the same time, based on the analysis of the results of the trial operation of the Firescout unmanned system, the US Navy decided to further increase its capabilities. It was deemed advisable to increase the duration of the patrol of the MQ-8B when used in conditions of elevated outdoor temperatures. Due to the significant increase in the payload mass of the vehicles, their use for the transfer of military cargo will be ensured. To this end, the US Department of the Navy signed a contract with Northrop-Grumman for the development of an MQ-8C UAV based on the Bell 407 helicopter.

In the course of R&D, components and software of automatic control systems, data transmission, other onboard and ground equipment created for the modification of the MQ-8B were used.

Glider and power point of the helicopter have been modified to ensure its operation in sea conditions. The vacated space of the cockpit, cargo-passenger compartment can be used to accommodate target equipment, additional fuel tanks and various cargoes. The latter can also be placed on an external sling (maximum weight 1200 kg).

In the future, it is planned to purchase up to 28 devices of this type. If the program for creating a new modification is successful, a decision may be made to adjust the number of purchased MQ-8B machines.

The development of a new aerial reconnaissance system based on a tactical UAV is at the final stage. It is believed that this technique most fully meets the requirements for the conduct of hostilities by subunits and units of the marines in the battalion-regiment link, as well as by surface ships of various classes in the near sea zone.

The main developer of the new system is Boeing Corporation with the RQ-21A Integrator UAV project. Its design is based on technological solutions implemented in the SiScan unmanned system (developed by Insitu, a Boeing company). This aircraft was used in Iraq in the interests of the US Marine Corps and has demonstrated its high efficiency, in particular, in ensuring the protection of theater-based areas.

The main reconnaissance equipment of the RQ-21A "Integrator" UAV is a gyro-stabilized optoelectronic station consisting of two infrared (medium and long wavelength ranges) and one digital daytime television camera, as well as a laser rangefinder and a target designator. A miniature radar and radio relay equipment can also be installed as an additional payload located in the fuselage compartment or on the wing nodes of the external suspension.

The transmission of the received video information to the control point (ground or ship) for further processing and analysis is carried out at a line-of-sight distance using digital radio channel equipment.

In accordance with the customer's requirements, the system can be operated from sites of limited dimensions, including from the decks of surface ships or protected positions, in the presence of wind speeds of up to 55 km / h. The launch of the UAV equipped with a piston engine (power about 8 hp) is carried out by a pneumatic catapult.

To carry out the landing, the "Sky Hook" device is used, which is a bar with a cable about 15 m long. The cable is captured by hooks mounted in the tips of the leading edge of the wing. All stages of approach and landing maneuvering are performed fully automatically using the differential mode of the satellite navigation system.

In accordance with the contract ($ 43.7 million), Boeing designed and manufactured two prototypes of the system for military tests, which began in 2012. Achieving the initial combat readiness of units equipped with new technology is expected this year. In total, it is planned to purchase 56 unmanned systems, each of which will include up to three aircraft, ground station controls, takeoff and landing equipment, a set of spare parts and tools.

In general, work on the creation of unmanned aircraft is one of the highest priority areas for increasing the combat capabilities of the US armed forces, which makes it possible to achieve significant advantages in solving various support and combat missions.

Basic performance characteristics of UAVs
X-47V UAV "Phantom Ray" (design) UAV "Avenger" MQ-8B "Firescout" (project) UAV MQ-8C UAV RQ-21A "Integrator"
Weight, kg:
maximum takeoff 19000 16500 4500 1430 2380 61
payload (including combat) 2 000(900) 2 000 1350 270 1360 22,7
fuel 360
Maximum flight speed, km / h 1000 1 000 740 230 250 170
cruising km / h: 170 220 100
Practical ceiling, m 10000 12 000 18000 6100 6000 6100
Maximum flight duration (without refueling), h 7 4 20 8 (with a payload mass of 77 kg), up to 15 24
Patrol time at a distance of up to 280 km from the ship (base) with the main payload (mass 135 kg), h 8
Maximum range (without refueling), km more than 2400 2400 4000 200 280 100
Geometric dimensions, m:
length 11,5 12 11,6 6,8 13 2,2
wingspan 18,8 15,2 19,5 4,8
height 3 3,3
main rotor diameter 8,4 10,7

The RQ-21 Blackjack remotely controlled aircraft, also known as the Integrator, was created by the American company Insitu Incorporated, which is now part of the Boeing Corporation. The machine is the upcoming development of the Scan Eagle apparatus. Between the cars there are external differences in plumage, this led to an increase in the size of the aircraft.

The RQ-21 totality consists of:

    Five aircraft.

    Two ground control points.

    A set of equipment for servicing and starting cars.

For the first time, the RQ-21 aircraft took off in the summer of 2012. During testing in the winter of 2013, a launch was made from the deck of the ship. These tests were carried out in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico aboard the Mesa Verde landing craft.

Before that, the UAV was tested at a military base in California.

At the end of the testing, the cars were transferred for operation to the US unmanned aerial vehicle squadron. The second batch of these cars was delivered in 2014. With the use of the RQ-21, it is possible to control the battlefield more properly and effectively build the tactics of ground forces.

The RQ-21 UAV offers new capabilities for the army forces, which no other unmanned vehicle has the ability to provide now. The vehicle can be used as an aid to tactical groups.

The first contract for the supply of RQ-21 aircraft was signed in the summer of 2010, along with this financial investment amounted to 43 million US dollars, and the client took two such vehicles. The upcoming development of the STUAS / Tier II program provides for the creation of another 56 cars from 2013, which will need to spend about $ 450 million.

RQ-21 equipment

    Optical set of electronic type.

    IR camera.

    IR designator.

    Rangefinder laser type.

The apparatus allows the creation of support and high-quality reconnaissance of the army's naval and land units. Due to the open architecture of cars, a rather rapid reconfiguration of equipment is likely, for which 10 kilograms are allocated. As standard, the car has day cameras and night cameras, and automatic systems and a communication recognition kit.

Start unmanned vehicle RQ-21 is carried out using a catapult.

RQ-21 Blackjack. Specifications:

Modification RQ-21A
Wingspan, m 3.11
Length, m 1.71
Height, m
Weight, kg
deserted 14
takeoff 22
engine's type 1 PD
Power, h.p. 1 x 1.5
High speed, km / h 148
Cruising speed, km / h 111
Practical range, km 1000
Flight duration, hours min 24
Practical ceiling, m 5950

Insitu RQ-21 Blackjack UAV Launch Recovery


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